FAQs about Corallimorph Disease Diagnosis
FAQs on Mushroom Disease:
Mushroom Health 1, Mushroom Disease 2,
FAQs on Mushroom Disease by Category:
Environmental, ,
Lighting...), Nutritional,
Social (Allelopathy),
Pathogenic (Infectious, Parasitic, Viral)
& Mushroom
Related Articles: Corallimorpharians, Cnidarians, Water Flow, How Much
is Enough,
Related FAQs: Cnidarian Disease, Corallimorphs, Mushrooms 2, Mushrooms 3, Mushrooms 4, Mushroom Identification, Mushroom Behavior, Mushroom Compatibility, Mushroom Selection, Mushroom Systems, Mushroom Feeding, Mushroom Reproduction,
Help! Something eating my corals in the middle of the night!
Hello! First I want to say thanks for all the information you guys provide, it's
helped me get through a lot of sticky situation. I need your help once again.
For the past several days I have looked all over your site and the rest of the
Internet for an answer and have not been able to find one. This started about a
week ago when I noticed my mushrooms that were close to the sand bed just
completely vanishing overnight. Mushrooms that were close to the sand bed were
BEAUTIFULLY opened all day and next day in the morning COMPLETELY gone and all I
saw was slime covering where the mushroom used to
be and some mushrooms just the outside ring was left but the entire center was
gone. First it happened to about 10 Ricordeas from literally one night to the
next, then it happened to a huge colony of red and blue mushrooms.
On the 3rd day I decided to remove all sand and investigate, found nothing.
I decided I would put the alarm clock about 2 hours after lights shut off to
investigate. I did this and the only thing I found was A TON of little round
white and brown snail.
<Mmm; don't think they're the immediate cause. What other Cnidarians are
Tried looking on internet but I believe may be some type of nerite snails, I
don't think they are the problem because they were EVERYWHERE and not on top of
any corals and I figured they can get to all corals not just the ones near the
sand. Next night (after removing all my remaining mushrooms) now it was
a few acan, chalice, and favia frags that were also on sand bed.
<Mmm; these too should not have out-warred Corallimorphs>
They are literally half eaten and all i see is a slimey residue and the skeleton
underneath. I have since moved these corals to a higher location and they are
doing fine now. I took another coral and put it on the sand bed right before I
turned off the lights and sure enough by morning it was covered in slime and
skeleton was all that was left. Please help! I don't know what else to do! There
is still some sand left and I really don't want to remove ALL my sand but I will
if I have to. Thanks.
<Well; such an overnight problem (vs. a little over weeks time) and w/ the
Shrooms presenting as you state... Am guessing this is/was some sort of "melt
down" prompted by a challenge to the Mushrooms... Did you do something the day
ahead of the event? Like add a supplement, medication, algicide or such? You may
gain solace and useful input from reading re other such events; here:
and the "same advice" listed there. Bob Fenner>
Re: Help! Something eating my corals in the middle of the night!
Thank you so much for the quick response! I also thought that maybe it was a
series of events from maybe the mushroom toxins but I'm starting to rule that
out because during the day all these corals that are waking up dead and covered
in slime are nice and opened during the day and at night they're gone..
<... more like a chemical battle... Allelopathy>
Plus the ones that were affected were moved up and are doing well and others
that were doing well up top, I moved down and were eaten that night.
I did see a couple of asterina stars which I forgot to mention. Can you please
clarify which is the bad asterina vs the good ones and do they eat all types of
<You can just look this up on WWM... the indices, search tool on every page>
So far it's been mushrooms, acans, chalices, favia, and all have been on the
sand bed. Wall hammers, wall frogspawn,
<...? You didn't mention these Euphylliids in your orig. email... Read about
these as well>
and Acroporas are unaffected. Any other ideas?
<Reading. BobF>
Thanks again
Mushroom Meltdown 7/6/07 I have had a 120 for 10
years, and during that time, had a mushroom rock (Green/blue striped)
that has literally become a massive colony. I'm talking on and
under every rock (200+ lbs of rock). Even many with no color since they
got no light (very cool), not to mention many over 6 inches across. The
tank has been very stable and the mushrooms open up beautifully. (I
have pretty low flow in that tank). Below are two links that show the
tank. (they don't do the mushrooms justice as they were taken just
after the lights came on before the mushrooms were open, but you get
the point) I say again that this tank has been stable for 10 years.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FvtAvnBbwWg So, I went away for a week,
had someone watch my tank for me (Who I trust). Fed the tank (Frozen- 1
cube Mysis and 1 cube Mix A - Also, very small amt of arctic pods) 2x
over the course of the week (I was feeding the day I got home). - In
the tank: Yellow Tang Purple Tang Unicorn Tank Flame Angel Brittle Star
4 Ricordea a million of the aforementioned mushrooms 1 yellow leather 3
frags of pumping leather yellow polyps red Blastomussa So, I walk in
and 75% of the mushrooms are gone. That's right. Vanished. (Melted
is more like). PH was 7.89 (Low). Temp was fine. Water was a little
cloudy. Fish and all other corals were fine. Temp was fine (77 as
always) I did a 35 gallon water change the next day. The Mushrooms were
90% gone and water was getting cloudier. Next day - shrooms were 100%
gone, water was cloudier and all else, again, fine. Skimmer going crazy
of course. I did another 35 gallon water change since I'm sure my
levels must be spiking like crazy. Today - all shrooms gone. I did a 45
gallon water change. Nitrates are 20 Bad but not terrible. Ammonia is
through the roof. I took the leather (Which was finally looking
stressed, as well as the Ricordea and a Blastomussa, and pumping
leather and am putting them into my 180 (40 G sump and 75 gallon fuge)
for safe keeping. <Good> I am thinking that the 120 has a serious
cycle to go through for the near future. <Perhaps...> Questions:
1)What could have happened to dissolve every single mushroom and not
the other corals??? (Did she pour a ton of arctic pods in ((Says she
didn't)) <Mmm, some sort of "cascade event"... One
thing leading quickly and deadly to another... Some sort of pathogen
perhaps... or other trigger causing one Corallimorph to poison the
system for its genetic likes> 2)Should I get all fish out (into the
180) as well and throw some damsels in there for the cycle?? (Buy some
liquid quick cycle (I forget the name) <Mmmm, perhaps... if they
appear stressed... too much... And BioSpira is likely the product you
refer to and want to use> It's just amazing to me that after 10
years, they could all vanish literally overnight! Could this have been
a spawning event of some kind? <Mmmm, not likely, no... This same
sort of triggered response can come from "something" lacking
in the environment, allelopathy with other Cnidarians... the
Clavulariid, or Sarcophyton most likely from what you list...> Thank
you very much! Mitch <These "things" do happen... even in
well-kept, long-term-stable settings... Periodically upsetting the
homeostasis (dynamic equilibrium... jumbo shrimp? Military
intelligence?) is suggested... Bob Fenner>
Mushroom Meltdown - one addition 7/6/07 I have to
add: I just realized that I forgot to mention something that could be
important. My protein skimmer had not been working for a few months
(with no detrimental effects) and I did take it apart and clean and fix
it about 3 weeks ago. I wonder if this could have started the shift in
water chemistry. (IE cleaning the water of excess nutrients that the
mushrooms were thriving on, leading to the great mushroom crash.)
<Yes... this definitely is a factor> Again, it was overnight and
only the mushrooms, so I would still love to hear your thoughts. Thanks
again, Mitch <Bob Fenner>
Re: Mushroom Meltdown 7/7/07 Thanks for the
response Bob! ok- so a follow up. I am now seeing a white fungus on
several rocks and on the bottom of the tank. Could this be related to
the cause of the mushroom loss, or a growth after the fact based on the
levels in the tank going so crazy in the past week? Also, of course-
what should I do about it? Thanks again, Mitch <Is very likely
related to the meltdown... are decomposition products... Need to
monitor water quality, utilize activated carbon in your filter flow
path, keep your skimmer cleaned (esp. the contact chamber), and
carefully watch your other livestock. BobF>

Ricordea Yuma Bleaching 10/18/05 Hello,
<Hey, Mike G here.> I have a brilliant, large rock covered
with Ricordea yuma and Discosoma. This piece has been in my tank
for about a year now. It has not been through any great changes to
it's habitat, water levels are perfect, salinity has not
changed, lighting has not changed and temperature has not changed.
<Okay.> My problem: For about a week now the Ricordea have
not opened to their full potential. <Always a cause for
concern.> They are still responsive as they close when the lunar
lights are on and open when the when the rest of the lights come
on. <Good.> They only open to about a 1/4 of their size
though. <Not so good.> They also seem to be changing color,
from a deep reddish brown to an almost white. <Ah, they are
bleaching. That is, all corals live endosymbiotically with a
photosynthetic dinoflagellate known as zooxanthellae. The
zooxanthellae thrive in the corals' tissues, and provide them
not only with their color, but also with their respiratory wastes.
The corals do the same, and, as each has different needs in terms
of respiration, both thrive. In fact, zooxanthellae are credited
with being the reason corals are able to build such massive reef
structures. In any case, under stress, corals will expel their
symbiotic zooxanthellae, and, in doing so, effectively destroy
their own ability to sustain themselves via photosynthesis. Any
coral turning white is a cause for alarm, as this (known as
bleaching) is the aforementioned expellation (expulsion) of
zooxanthellae. It is of paramount importance to figure out why the
Ricordea have decided to evict these (very valuable) tenants.>
They also seem to be partially releasing themselves from their host
rock. <Too weak to hold on? Trying to catch a wave to a better
place?> The Discosoma have begun shedding themselves from the
rock and transplanting on other rocks. This has only seemed to give
the other Discosoma more room to open larger. <Sounds like
everyone's trying to get away from that rock. Likely a bad spot
in regard to lighting, flow, etc.> The question: Are these
issues natural or is there a problem that I need to address?
<Natural? Yes, but not in the least a "good" kind of
natural.> I have attached a picture of the tank for your
viewing. You can find the Ricordea located in the middle right of
the picture. <Absolutely gorgeous system you have there!
Can't tell much from the pic in terms of the Ricordea, however.
Going by your description, I'm almost positive they're
bleaching. Do try moving them around a bit, try to get them to a
spot they like.> Thank you in advance for your help,
<You're very welcome.> Steve S
<Mike G> |
Mushroom problems 5/3/04 I have a big problem, my mushrooms
keep falling of the rocks (looks like their melting of the rock) and
some are dying- just becoming grey slime. Its mostly the red
and green mushrooms. All leather corals, polyps, fish and
hairy mushrooms are fine. But I am losing my green/red mushrooms more
and more each week. <Yikes! This definitely sounds like a
water quality issue.> Ever since this started about 4 weeks ago, I
also lost 5 shrimp and every time I add new shrimp they disappear??
<This could be an acclimation issue. Shrimp are very
sensitive to changes in salinity and pH and must be acclimates
slowly.> So I thought no iodine - So I bought a Salifert iodine test
kit - it shows zero. So I started supplementing with iodine. <Kudos
on testing before adding! Many disasters would be averted if
more folks followed this simple rule! I would advise that
you do not try to supplement all the way to normal levels, rather dose
very conservatively, testing shortly after doses to be sure that you
NEVER exceed natural sea water levels of iodine.> I have had this
tank for years and never supplemented with it before so why would they
need it now?? <Aha! Good question. Most tanks
get all of the iodine they need through fish food and water
changes. The exception (maybe) is tanks with algal
filters.> I noticed a few bristleworms and a lot of red thin tiny
worms in the gravel however never see them on a live mushroom. <No
worries, they are harmless. True predatory worms are very
rare, and the damage they inflict is distinctive and obvious.> I
change water and VHO lights all the time and ammo/trite/trate show
zero. salinity 1.023-4 and ph 8.4. <I am in favor of 1.025-1.026
salinity for inverts. Also, what about
alkalinity? Alk is very important to test for and
maintain.> All I add is stress coat during water changes and coral
vital 3x a week and occ. Coralife trace elements. Can you suggest
adding anything else that would help. <As a rule, adding things
(other than calcium and alkalinity supplements) often does more harm
than good. Slime coat should not be necessary, and any
product that does not indicate it's purpose and ingredients clearly
should be avoided.> Would a U.V. take any good stuff out of
water? I know the protein skimmer takes out the iodine. Need
advice. Thanks, Dirk <UV cannot remove anything, but it
can encourage chemical reactions that may change the form of some
things. Skimming will remove Iodine, but not
much. Best Regards. Adam>
-Melting Mushrooms: Part II- alk is fine but is it possible
to get high TDS levels in well water. <Absolutely, well water can be
full of all kinds of good and bad stuff. It's never a bad idea to
start with water that you KNOW is free of impurities, like water
filtered thru a reverse osmosis and/or deionization unit.> I never
had an ro/di unit on this tank and everything has thrived for 6 years.
maybe something is wrong with the well water now -is that possible?
<Absolutely, it's what some call 'old tank syndrome'. It
is possible that over the years, the consistent addition of your source
water has given rise to undesirable levels of unknown (or known!)
contaminates (heavy metals, pesticides, etc).> I know the ro/di cant
hurt and I have to do something and this is the only thing I can think
of. <It's a start. Since you have a well, you may want to go
with a DI unit since they do not waste any water (more expensive long
term though). I would begin by doing a few large water changes with
pure water (and salt of course!!!), and by running some fresh activated
carbon.> what about you. thanks dirk <I hope this is of some
assistance! -Kevin>
Mushroom Corals 3/13/04 Anthony, <Adam here
today.> Thanks for all the advice. One of my mushroom corals is not
doing well. How do you know when they have died or are beyond recovery?
What do they look like when they are sick, dying or dead? If they are
sick should you QT them? If so, how do you get them off the rock? They
are still stuck like glue. <If they die, they will "melt"
and disappear. When they are stressed, they either fail to
expand or they will expel mesenterial filaments (looks like tiny
spaghetti), and occasionally they will bleach (turn
white). If you choose to quarantine them (or other corals
attached to rock), you should do so with them attached to the
rock. Removing them will do far more harm than good.>
FYI. My Yellow Twinspot Hogfish had ick and I pulled him and treated
him for one month and he is back in the display tank. I thought I would
let you know that I conditioned a QT tank with him in it with ick and
he easily survived 2 weeks with very high nitrites until it cycled.
They are tough fish! Thanks. Mark <Congrats on the
survival of your fish. They are quite hardy
indeed. In the future, it is best to cycle the quarantine
tank in advance of needing it. Best
Regards. Adam>
Shroom Health I have just a quick question. About 4 months
ago I bought a rock with about 10 blue/purple frilly mushrooms on
it. They were doing fine up until about 2 weeks ago, now they are
just shriveled up and never spread out. I know they are getting
enough lite, there's plenty of calcium, and I always add
iodide to the tank. No nitrates/nitrites or any other pathogens are
present. Just wondering what you think may be the problem. Thanks
for the help. Corey Hamilton >> Something too much or too
little... maybe too much in the way of additives (stop pouring them
in... make a large water change to dilute what's there)... Not
enough circulation? Move a powerhead, other pumping mechanism to
provide more water flow their way... Patience otherwise. Bob Fenner
Mushrooms turning white - Graham's Opinion I have had
these mushrooms for about 5 years, growing so prolifically that thought
they might overtake the tank. They stopped reproducing as much, then
started turning white gradually over about 9 months, not overnight.
<They're definitely responding to some stress factor.>
Mushrooms at the top, middle, and bottom of the tank are affected,
while other mushrooms right next to them are not. <Very interesting.
What species of mushrooms have been effected? Has this been something
which has happened to one species/genus of mushroom, or has this
happened to various species?> It doesn't seem to matter what
other corals the affected mushrooms are next to in the tank. As far as
I know I did nothing unusual to the tank to cause the problem. As I
mentioned earlier, water quality is good for Nitrates, Nitrites,
Ammonia, Phosphates. PH and Alkalinity got very low at some
unknown point. Maybe that is the big swing you mentioned. The PH is
back up to normal. <This worries me. This may have been what
initially caused the problem, however, the mushrooms would have most
likely regained their coloration by now if that was indeed the
problem.> The Alkalinity is around 3.0, slowly working its way up.
Water temperature is 80. I change out about 8 gallons every 2 weeks
during my major cleaning. The lights are on about 11 hours a day.
<How long have you had these lights?> You mentioned that the
mushrooms were possibly losing their Zooxanthellae. <If they're
white, they have lost their Zooxanthellae.> I bought PhycoPure
microalgae which contains Zooxanthellae and have been adding a
tablespoon a day. Will that help? <I doubt it would make any
significant difference, if any.> Thanks, Russell <Russell, this
is a very mind boggling problem. I'm going to forward this message
to another WetWebMedia crew member for more suggestions. Take Care,
White Mushies - not the kind you grow in the dark Hi Graham,
<Hey Russell> Thanks for your reply. <No problem. I
apologize for the lateness.> I believe the affected corals are from
the Discosoma family, Actinodiscus species. Although, it appears that
the Ricordea are also losing some color. <This is interesting
to know. What other species have not been effected, or are nearby the
Discosoma spp. mushrooms?> It may be coincidental, but I have tried
a 3 bubble corals over the last 1-2 years and they did not survive.
<What symptoms did they show when they died? How long did it take
for them to die?> The lights were changed this past December. I
change them every 7-8 months. One thing I just discovered is the
salinity is off. Mycoral book recommends 34-36 ppt, but my tank is
only 31. Could this have anything to do with the problem? <I doubt
it.> Thanks again, <This is a very mind boggling issue.
Possibly other crew members will be able to chime in. Take Care!
Graham.> Russell
Bleaching Mushroom Corals? - Again I have had these mushrooms
for about 5 years, growing so prolifically that I thought they might
overtake the tank. They stopped reproducing as much, then started
turning white gradually over about 9 months, not overnight.
Mushrooms at the top, middle, and bottom of the tank are affected,
while other mushrooms right next to them are not. It doesn't seem
to matter what other corals the affected mushrooms are next to in the
tank. As far as I know I did nothing unusual to the tank to cause the
problem. As I mentioned earlier, water quality is good for Nitrates,
Nitrites, Ammonia, Phosphates. PH and Alkalinity got very low at
some unknown point. Maybe that is the big swing you mentioned. The PH
is back up to normal. The Alkalinity is around 3.0, slowly working its
way up. Water temperature is 80. I change out about 8 gallons every 2
weeks during my major cleaning. The lights are on about 11 hours a day.
You mentioned that the mushrooms were possibly losing their
Zooxanthellae. I bought PhycoPure microalgae which contains
Zooxanthellae and have been adding a tablespoon a day. Will that help?
Thanks, Russell <Well, Russell, I am also of the opinion that the
Corallimorphs are. expelling their Zooxanthellae in response to some
sort of stress. It could be due to the environmental fluctuation that
you mentioned, or it could have been caused by some allelopathic
competition between different species in close proximity. That's
probably my #1 guess. Other theories for this rather common occurrence:
Possible damage caused by excessive lighting, loss of UV reflecting
pigmentation caused by an untold number of possible factors, such as
lower pH, insufficient iodine or magnesium levels, etc.( I'd keep
up regular water changes rather then supplement, however). Lots of
possibilities, all of which are worth investigating...These are just a
few of the ideas that come to my mind, though. Hope this helps.
Regards, Scott F>
Red Mushroom corals Hi Bob, <Anthony Calfo in your
service while Bob travels Australia in search of a really good
steak> I have a 90 gal. running for 3yrs. with 100lbs live rock
lighting custom sea life 4 96 watt split actinic & 10000K mixed
with corals &fish, everything was running great then one day my red
mushrooms bleached out their color along with a red open brain coral,
couple other things I have noticed is that my 2 pagoda cups , green
button polyps just don't open up like they used to. is their
something I should test for that I'm lacking ,I do know calcium is
400 450 no ammonia very low nitrate salinity a little high 1.026 I add
trace elements iodine on a weekly basis, Thanks for any help, or if you
need more info I'll let you know Brian <sudden bleaching
often coincides with sudden increase in water clarity as with from the
following: changing of very aged bulbs (over 1 year old... while
fluorescents should be changed every 6-10 months when over coral),
addition of carbon or chemical media (PolyFilters and the like) after a
long period without (which suddenly takes light reducing yellowing
agents out of the water) or a good cleaning of a very dirty glass
canopy or lens. Basically, think of how it was possible that more light
could suddenly penetrate the water. Else look to water quality (what is
your alkalinity, for example...aim for close to 12 dKH. Best regards,