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lonely pajama cardinal fish??
Miracle Mud Refugium with a long term fish resident?? PJ
Cardinal comp.
5/11/14 Pajama Card. comp. 10/6/13 Compatibility - 10/13/06 Do you think two Nemateleotris magnifica and one Sphaeramia nematoptera can be kept together? <<Indeed...should not be a problem>> Thank you so much for your advice. <<Quite welcome, EricR>> Seahorses and Cardinals 9/22/06 Hi, (to whom gets to answer my questions today:) <That would be me, Leslie> I have a 30 gallon hex tank with 2 captive bred seahorses (I'm not sure what kind they are, but they are about 4" long) a yellow Watchman Goby and a Cleaner Shrimp. For filtration I have a Rena 3 canister filter with the flow turned down so the seahorses don't go flying around the tank. The whole setup has been running and happy for over a year now and the question that I have is.....would it be okay to add 2 or 3 PJ Cardinals to this system? Some websites say yes others say no and on WWM I have not been able to find an answer. <Well they would do fine with seahorses and do well in small groups. They do however get to be close to 4 inches long and are wide dorso-ventrally. IMO a 30g hex is to small and does not have enough horizontal swimming space. Instead you might want to consider a captive bred Pseudochromis fridmani (Orchid Dottyback); an Assessor either the A. flavissimus (Yellow Assessor) or the A. macneilli (Blue Assessor); a Firefish either the N. decora (Purple Firefish) or the N. magnifica (Fire Goby); or a Ecsenius midas (Midas Blenny)> Thank you for your time and expertise, Diana <You’re most welcome, Leslie> Pajama Cardinal Fish Disease 7/28/06 Dear Crew, <Paul> One of my Pajama Cardinals developed a white fuzzy growth along its mouth and stopped eating. <Mmm, likely "banged" into something> A portion of the filamentous growth was about a quarter inch long and dangled from its lower jaw. After a week the fuzz disappeared and the fish is starting to eat a bit, but there appears to be a small hole in its lower jaw. The growth did not appear to be an isopod or parasitic invertebrate. It does not seem to be affecting the other cardinals, blue damsels, clown fish or hawk fish that share the 75-gallon reef aquarium. What could the disease have been? <A physical trauma> Is any treatment required at this point? <No, not likely of benefit. Too likely too stressful to all.> Thanks very much! <Welcome. Bob Fenner> Cardinal swallows shrimp, Legs still sticking out. 12-06-05
Hello Crew, <Hello> A pajama cardinal ate our skunk cleaner
shrimp last night after it molted. The shrimp doesn't fit in the
cardinal's stomach as legs and antenna are sticking out of the
mouth. <I must say this is a first.> My wife called me with this
info at work, so I haven't seen it yet. Will the fish die, too?
<The fish should be able to evacuate the shrimp on its own. If it
does not do so, or looks to be laboring then you may need to help it
out.> Anything that can be done to save it? My wife saw the empty
molt, so she's sure it's the actual shrimp that got eaten after
it molted. The shrimp is full grown and almost as long as the cardinal
and I never thought it would try to eat it. <They will try anything
that will try to eat anything that will fit in their mouth.
Travis> Mixing Cardinals As always you guys rule. <Thank you> I have 3 PJs whom I love, living in my 75. One has been with me for years and years, she's my "other woman." It's her eyes :). (I know its a she because one of the new guys had to carry her eggs quite a few times). Anyways, I have some space for a few more fish, not many but like maybe 2. I always wanted Banggais, and I am trying to find out if 3 PJs and 2 Banggais would be happy in my tank. My utmost concern is for the PJs with the usual irrational exuberance for new fish that is shared by most people with my affliction as a secondary issue. The only other top fish is a royal Gramma and a tomato clown that has a anemone. Lots of rockwork. Thanks again and again for all the information over the years. <James, definitely go with the Banggais. The tomato is not a good choice to mix with cardinals. James (Salty Dog)> Pajama cardinal/elegance coral Hello again Bob, I hope you can save the day again… The little pajama cardinal seems to have taken a liking to my elegance coral Always hovering.. picking at it, yet I do not see damage and the coral does not recoil.. Is the coral safe?, should I be concerned? <These associate in the wild... no problems... the cardinals likely receive some protection from predation... Catalaphyllia sting like no tomorrow...> The little sweetie would be impossible to catch and a shotgun to a 20g nano might prove destructive….don’t you agree? <A twenty gallon system is too dangerously small for this Euphylliid> Thanks for being there. Ellen <Bob Fenner> How to breed pajama Cardinalfish 3/28/04 hi, right now I have 3 pajama cardinal fish that I've had for about a year in a 75gal reef tank. a few months ago I moved the three of them into a 20 long because they seemed a bit stressed out by the other fish in the 75. so I set up the 20 gal just for these three fish and was wondering if anyone had any info on breeding this species of fish. I've looked all over the web and cannot find anything that's helpful in any way. thanks, Sara <these fish and several others in the family have been spawned in captivity... do look up spawning reports and information on the subject at the "Breeders Registry" online and be sure to look up reports for related species. Best of luck! Anthony> - Breeding cardinals of different species- Hi Bob, <Kevin here in his stead.> I was doing research on Pajama Cardinal fish since I just bought a new one to add to my 65 gallon that already had one male. I thought I was buying a female but after viewing the species photos on your web page: http://saltaquarium.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wetwebmedia.com%2Fmarine%2Ffishes%2Fpart2.htm I realize that I actually have two different species of Cardinal fish and perhaps the new one is a male, which would account for the aggressive behavior of the original Pajama Cardinal towards the new Pajama Cardinal. Will this be a continuous problem? <Likely, they usually will take to each other fairly quickly if it's going to happen.> The new fish is not shy about eating, though the bigger older fish will eventually chase it away. I was hoping to breed a pair but seeing that they are slightly different in species I realize that this will not happen. <Unfortunately, you're probably right. The best you can hope for is them to just get along, which may happen. Just keep an eye out for the new guy so it doesn't get beat up! Good luck! -Kevin> Mike Cloudy eye on PJ cardinal and quarantine practice. Hello, <Hi Laurie. Adam here today.> I have a 3 year old 46-gallon bow front reef tank with 1 Percula, 1 Bicolor Angel, 1 Neon Dottyback, and 4 Bar Gobies.....all healthy. I also have many mushrooms and polyps and a couple leathers. I recently added 3 small Pajama Cardinals. I am 50/50 about quarantining. If the fish is a strong one (like my Dottyback), I will quarantine. These guys are so delicate I chose not to. <I am befuddled by your logic. I am strongly in favor of quarantine for all subjects, particularly those that are "delicate" or disease prone. They are exactly those that are likely to carry or contract disease, not eat, etc. In other words, they are the fish that quarantine is designed for!> After 24-hours they are fine. Eating well and acting quite normal. Only an occasional curious peck from the Dottyback. No one is really bothering them too much at all. <Good to hear. Such docile fish are often the subjects of aggression. Beware also that with three, two are likely to pair off and shun the third.> One Cardinal, however, has a cloudy eye. I don't want to take him out into the quarantine tank and put him back into the reef only to stress him out even more. Will the cloudy eye go away by itself or do I need to treat it somehow? <Effective treatment in a tank containing inverts is not possible (another good reason for quarantine!). The cloudy eye could have many causes including Amyloodinium (velvet) which spreads and kills rapidly. I would absolutely remove this fish to a quarantine tank ASAP. One of the best ways to do this is with a tiny (#20 or so) barbless fish hook designed for fly fishing. Bait the hook and catch the fish. It may sound cruel, but it is quite effective and much less stressful than a chase with a net. If you have the containers to do so, you could also drain the tank to within a few inches of the bottom, net the fish and re-fill. Inverts should tolerate this for a few minutes to a half hour with no problem.> A challenge in a reef with live rock, etc. (I have a UV sterilizer with a brand new bulb.) <See above tips for removing fish from a reef tank. Also, you may want to move the UV to the quarantine tank if practical.> Thank you in advance for your help. <Good luck! Adam> Laurie Pajama cardinals I have one pajama cardinal fish. I want to buy another one so I can mate the two. The problem is I don't know the difference between a male and a female. Can you please help? The sexes are not much differentiated but may be distinguished by the males slightly larger size and the girth of gravid females. They are some of the few marine mouthbrooders with the males generally doing the incubating. Young are released after about a week, and develop as plankton for a couple of months in the upper water column., good luck, IanB> Thanks, Wendy PJ Cardinalfish >I did finally get to go back to that fish store and check out the eel gobies a little bit better and I have discovered that they were convict blennies/engineer gobies. I just wanted to thank you for all of your help and now I have a couple of new questions for you. >>You're very welcome, Sara. Shoot. >I have recently acquired a pajama Cardinalfish. I had been searching for this fish for over a month before I finally found it, but I'm now having a problem with it being very picky about what it eats. the PJ will take a bite of whatever I'm feeding and then just spit it out and ignore the rest of the food. >>The fish may not feel comfortable. For instance, it would probably be happier if you had two more in the tank. However, not knowing your tank's capacity (I skimmed the previous here, maybe I've missed it?) I can't say you must, or even should. If you can give me a rundown of the basis system (tank capacity, stock, filtration, water flow/pump ratings) that would be quite helpful. I'm going to link you to a good article, and suggest that you try some frozen Mysis shrimp, don't give up just yet. Also, try crushing a very few of the pellets, and keeping the lights a bit dimmer when feeding this fish. As I recollect, they're one of the more nocturnal, reclusive fishes. They appreciate having ledges and caves, as well, but make them very "open". >I've tried 3 or 4 different types of flake foods, 2 different types of pellets and so far only 2 types of frozen foods. the PJ did seem to like the squid that I threw into the tank but still didn't seem very interested in eating. >>Try chopping it very fine. I do feed my tank twice a day. once in the morning and once in the evening before the lights go out. do you have any suggestions on what may help my PJ to eat? also I was wondering if I should add another PJ to my tank (if I can find another one), and should I construct a few caves for it to hide out in? it just sits in the middle of my tank where I have no live rock. >>Ok, addressed above the lighting, add two (assuming generous tank dimensions and light stock load), caves/ledges, try the Mysis, and other meaty foods, and see this link--> http://www.wetwebmedia.com/cardinal.htm the right side of the tank has been taken over by my pair of coral banded shrimps (where no fish is brave enough to go) and the left side belongs to a Sailfin tang and an orange tail damsel. so do you think the PJ is ok where its at or should it have lots of places to hide during the day? well thanks for any info you can give. >>Some rearrangements (and additions of the darkening ledges and a couple more cards) would probably be in order. The other fish you've noted tend to be a bit aggressive, but I've never seen them go after cards. However, they're daytime fishes, the cards are night owls, so you've got to help it hide out during the day. Good luck! Marina |
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