FAQs about the Galatheoids called Squat
Lobsters, Family Galatheidae
Related Articles: Squat Lobsters, Hermit
Crabs, Crabs
Related FAQs: Hermit Crabs
1, Micro-Crustaceans,
Amphipods, Copepods, Mysids, Hermit
Crabs, Shrimps,
Shrimps, Banded Coral
Shrimp, Mantis
Shrimp, Anemone
Eating Shrimp,
Crab identification
Hi Bob,
I know the quality of photos is not great, I found this crab under my
Tubastrea micanthra, it did have pincers but lost them whilst being
removed, they looked a bit sharp. Please can you identify what crab it
Is there likely more?
<The pix are too small, poorly resolved... B>
Re: Crab identification
I thought that would be the case, I have been looking through your crab
identifications and it looks identical to a squat lobster
which someone else also found on their sun coral, are they reef
<Very much so>
Do they live in sun corals and are they commensal? I don't trust crabs at
<Mmm; well; these aren't "true" crabs... BobF> |
Invert Inquiry... zapatas comp.
Hello all, I am interested in purchasing a Scllarides <You're
missing a 'y'> squammosus (pygmy slipper lobster), but have
been unable to find anything, but general information about the genus.
I know that they are nocturnal predators and like crabs, clams, etc.,
but are fish at risk? The lobster would be going into a 180g pseudo
reef - it started as a FOWLR, but I've been slowly adding soft
corals to the tank. Current fish inhabitants include a tassel filefish,
orange spot filefish, camel cowfish (Terasomas gibbosus), Copperband
butterfly, cherub pygmy angel, carberryi Anthias and a squamipinnis
Anthias. I'll be adding a black velvet angelfish soon - he's in
his 5th week of QT. Would the Scllarides squammosus be a threat to the
fish? Thank you for your help, Eric
<Might be to the angels and fancy basses. Bob Fenner>
There's a crab living in my brain!
11/26/08 Crew - In the picture below you will see my
green open brain (Trachyphyllia geoffroyi) coral that I've
had for about a year now. As will see there is a very dark, black
in fact, spot on the tissue of the brain. In the center, if you
look real close, you will see a raised almost circular disk. That
"disk" if you will is the shell of a very small what I
presume to be hermit crab (I can actually see tiny claws emerge
from behind the disk when I feed the brain!). <Mmm, not likely
a "Hermit", but other animal... perhaps a Squat
Lobster: http://wetwebmedia.com/galatheids.htm>
The crab has inhabited the brain since I purchased the coral but
at that point I had no clue that it'd be a crab actually
living within the tissue of the animal as I thought the disk to
be a natural part of the coral (it was not black when I bought
the animal). Ok, so where do go from here? <"Which is the
way to beer?"> I can tell you that the coral does not
appear to be stressed (but who really knows) about the ordeal but
I have to imagine that there could be a down side here at some
point. Or maybe I am wrong and there is a natural symbiotic
relationship between the two living beings and life goes on.
<This is the route I would go> So, there you have it; your
response much appreciated for sure. [IMG]
<There are many types and degrees of "living
together"... that can be more deleterious to the host than
what one might desire... But in this case... you've had both
of these animals for "about a year now"... I'd keep
both and enjoy them... Perhaps the Galatheid "does
things" for the Trachyphylliid... keeps out other, more
harmful predators perchance. Bob Fenner>
Squat lobster and pom pom crab
2/2/08 Would you like some photos for your website? The squat
lobster was labeled "Allogalathea elegans" when I bought
it, but I'm skeptical of that ID. The second image is a shot of
the underside of the squat lobster. <Good pix> The pom pom
crab's anemones are a little droopy in this photo, but he was
just out of the shipping bag. 6 months later, his anemones are
gorgeous. You don't have to reply, but feel free to use the
photos if you'd like. Just wanted to share. ~Felicia <Again,
thank you for your efforts. BobF> Felicia, might I ask... are
you a content provider in our interest? You seem to be more than a
casual hobbyist... Are you interested in writing articles, selling
image work in this field? Bob Fenner. |

Hitchhiker ID - 6/3/07 Hi all, <Hi there!> I was
looking over my new sun corals and saw tiny antennas and what
looked like a long arm. As it moved to the small rock supporting
the sun coral, I quickly got a cup, moved my sun corals and
scooped the rock into the cup. Drained the water and out it came.
< Nice work! Nice photos, by the way too, for such a small
subject!> Its arms are 1/4" and its body is 1/8"
(approximate) so it's a tiny critter. Any ideas what kind it
is? <HooWee, it's a tiny crustacean with an big attitude,
that's what! My first impression is that it reminds me of a
small/juvenile Galatheid, or squat lobster instead of a true
crab. Unfortunately, that's about as close as I can get.
Identifying adult crustaceans can be an extreme challenge in
itself, but when you're talking about juveniles, it's
even more difficult. Young crustaceans go through several stages
and molts, changing every time, so unfortunately identification
can be next to impossible.> After reading the statement on the
site (I don't trust any crabs) not sure what to do with it.
<Understandable. I don't trust crabs either. No matter how
small and innocent looking they start out, most grow up with the
potential to cause real problems. One thing going for your little
critter right now is that it's so small. Also, if (and
that's a big "if") it is a Galatheid, they tend to
stay small and some are even commensals. It's a gamble, but
if you like it and want to keep it, just keep an eye out and
remove if necessary. More re: Galatheids here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/galatheids.htm > Its arms are pink
and white. Its body is clear with a blue/green tinge on the left
and right and a yellow orange spot up near its head. It has one
very dark line running down the center of its back. It's legs
are pink and white stripped. Its beady little eyes are red.
<Heheeee, well whatever it is, it's pretty - despite the
beady little eyes! Good luck! -Lynn>
Re: Hitchhiker ID - 6/3/07 So sorry, accidentally sent
it before saying thank you... thanks again for a great site.
Regards, Debra
<Thank you! -Lynn>

That wasn't a rock, it was/is a squat lobstah! RMF
Squat lobsters repro. - 04/01/2006 HI Bob, <Am out
in HI... Hello there> I've been searching endlessly to try and
figure out how squat lobsters reproduce - SO. quick Question - how do
squat lobsters reproduce? Is it similar to how crabs reproduce?
<Yes... are anomurans, closer related to Hermits: http://wetwebmedia.com/hermitreprofaqs.htm
have variable (by species, conditions) pelagic larval stages... hard to
raise to size, stage in captivity w/o specialized culture set-up, food
culture... Bob Fenner> Thanks so much for your help Kerry
Google-eyed fairy crab... Galatheid
11/9/05 Hi I'm Joe. I came across this photo on the web and
I would like to have more info on this species. I know it comes
form Bali, Indonesia the description the site had is Google-eyed
fairy crab aka squat lobster (Galathea sp.). If you have the
scientific name or any other info on this I would love to have it.
I'm really trying to purchase this lobster for one of tank that
only I have crustaceans in. <Not often sold in the trade> And
when I call my local fish stores I go to the description I give
they don't know what I'm talking about. <Bingo> So if
you can help me that will be great. Tank for your time, Joe
<Mmm, is a Galatheid... what little info. we have re this group
is posted here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/galatheids.htm
and the Related FAQs linked above. Squat lobsters aren't hard
to keep if you can get them in initially good health, provide a
suitable environment sans predators... The few times I've seen
other than anemone crabs kept they've been
"incidentals" (e.g. LR hitchhikers)... Bob
Fenner> |

- ID this Thing! - WWM Crew, As many others
have said, THANK YOU for the fantastic web site! My wife and I are
new to the marine environment, and your website has been extremely
helpful. <I'm happy to know you find the information
useful.> It has been interesting to say the least to see what is
coming out of our LR. <What a great planet we live on...>
Some good things (feather dusters, Zoanthids, pods, etc..) and some
not so good things (Aiptasia anemones and Bristleworms to say the
least). Attached is the latest thing that came out of
our LR. Our guess is that this is a mantis shrimp.
<Nope - it's definitely not one of those.> What do you
think? <I think, after looking at it for a while, that you have
a Galatheid, a squat lobster - related to the hermit crabs - very
neat animals, and also an uncommon acquisition. More about these
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/galatheids.htm
> I had several snails die one night. Could this be
the culprit? <Doubtful... snails come and go like the wind,
sorry to say.> If this thing is bad, do you have an suggestions
on how to eliminate it from the tank? <Even if it were bad,
I'd keep it... it's a really neat find, but I'm kind of
silly that way. I'd keep an eye on it to make sure it's not
a predator. If it is, you'll likely need to trap it out, or
remove the rock it's living in and perhaps hose it out with
some seltzer water. I hope it doesn't come to that.> Thank
you in advance, John <Cheers, J -- > |
- But it Wasn't a Rock... it was a Squat
Lobster! - J -- Thank you for the quick response! <My
pleasure.> WWM Crew, Any comments on the husbandry of this
creature? <Not really - as I mentioned, these are very
uncommon in the trade so little is known about their captive
care.> I checked the url below and the FAQ on squat lobsters
and did not find much information. <Again, these are uncommon
enough that your questions will likely be the first posted
specifically about Galatheids. I think you'll have to let
this creature fend for itself - I would continue with typical
feeding, etc... if you're lucky, the Galatheid will scavenge
what it needs. You could try some direct feedings - either by
hand or with tongs... some flake food or meaty seafoods in small
pieces - if you're really lucky the Galatheid will be
outgoing enough to accept the offerings.> Thank you once
again! John <Cheers, J -- >
Crab picture Dear Mr. Fenner, when I was searching the web
for some pictures of porcelain crabs, I found two pictures of
"Calappidae" on the crustacean page of WetWebMedia. The crabs
on these pictures are porcelain crabs and look like an undescribed
species I only know from a small group of islands of the Caribbean
coast of Colombia. I would be very interested in more information about
the specimens. Do you know where these animals have been found. We are
at the moment writing on the description of this new species and I
would be very grateful for your help. <Unfortunately, these images
were made at a wholesale facility in Los Angeles: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/swcrabs.htm
thus I am unaware of anything of value in your query here. You are
welcome to utilize these images for your work. Bob Fenner> Holger
Dipl. Biol. Holger Kraus Institut f|r Allgemeine und Spezielle Zoologie
Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen