FAQs on Anemones of the
Caribbean/West Atlantic: Stichodactyla
Related Articles: Anemones of
the Tropical West Atlantic, Condylactis Anemones, Anemones,
LTAs, Colored/Dyed Anemones,
Related FAQs: Atlantic Anemones 2, Condylactis, Tropical West
Atlantic (TWA) Anemone Identification, TWA Anemone
Behavior, TWA Anemone
Compatibility, TWA Anemone
Selection, TWA Anemone
Systems, TWA Anemone
Feeding, TWA Anemone
Disease, TWA Anemone
FAQs by Genus: Actinoporus, Arachnanthus, Bartholomea, Condylactis
(see below), Epicystis, Lebrunia, Viatrix,
Anemones, Anemones 2,
Clownfishes & Anemones,
Anemone Systems, Anemone
Lighting, Anemone
Reproduction, Anemone
Identification, Anemone
Compatibility, Anemone
Selection, Anemone Behavior,
Health, Anemone
Placement, Anemone
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Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Anemone ID 2/7/10
<Hi there Zoe>
I bought some live rock yesterday - had quite a deep hollow in
one side - I thought there were some mushrooms in there but
couldn't really see as they were all shriveled when out of
the water. I put the lr into a holding tank and this morning have
found 4 anemones?
<Mmm, yes... appear to be Stichodactyla helianthus, the Sun
have moved out of the hollow onto the front. They are all at
least 1inch x 1 inch - the tentacles extend less than 1cm - they
are quite flat, almost like a mushroom. I have had a look at the
ID pages and couldn't see much resembling them. I wondered
whether you could ID them for me and suggest whether its a good
idea to keep them or not. I have a 500l tank with a 100l sump, 3
x 54w T5s with reflectors (soon to be 4). Lots of soft
<These are very "sting-y"...>
I have attached a picture and hope I have given you enough
Thanks for your time
<Please see here on WWM:
and on the Net re their husbandry. Bob Fenner>
Re: Anemone ID, Helianthus
Thank you for time and your reply. I have tried to do some
research about the Sun Anemone and can't find too much.
<Not much about as far as I'm aware. This is not a
"traded species" of any volume, and is entirely
"too stingy" for common use>
Am a little concerned as the information I found states that they
will eat small fish (I have a couple of very small fish such as a
yellow goby, neon goby, clowns) - does this mean they aren't
safe to keep in the tank?
Also some of the other information says that they have a very
powerful sting - this has confused me a little because my shrimps
often walk over them / stand on them and don't react as if
they have been stung.
<These animals are indeed almost immune>
I suppose I just really want some reassurance that my fish will
be safe with them rather than me needing to give them away - what
are your thoughts?
<I would trade them to someone with a biotopic TWA shallow
water habitat.
Thanks again for your time
Can you ID this anemone (Found in the Florida Keys)
10/21/05 Hi, I found this anemone in the Florida Keys about six
months ago. I brought it with a tiny that inhabited in it. The
shrimp has disappeared and I was wondering if any clown would go
into an Atlantic anemone <Some learn to get along with
Condylactis species... but not likely this one... appears to be a
Stichodactyla helianthus... Please see here:
anyway I would still like to know what I have. It is about 8"
in dia. yellow in color 1/2" tentacles that are very sticky.
Please help. I have attached a picture. <Bob Fenner> |

Atlantic Carpet Anemone Possibly? Hello Robert, I purchased
what I thought was a Stichodactyla gigantea. I now believe it is a
Stichodactyla helianthus. <Mmm, an Atlantic Carpet
Anemone...> It is yellow in color and the ?base? is very light
yellowish tan to white... a real pretty specimen. If I did purchase the
helianthus variety, how should I care for it? Placement? Lighting
requirements? How can I know for sure it is a helianthus and not a
gigantea. <These are very different animals... S. helianthus is
pictured, described here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/twaanemones.htm
Their tentacles are green, brown... never seen one with a yellow/white
base... and this species is much smaller... 4-6 inches in diameter
max.> I've read a lot about the care of the carpet anemones but
I have never seen any info. about this particular anemone. Any response
would be great. <S. gigantea is found here on our site: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anemones.htm
Its "face is deeply folded, tentacles much longer... Care for both
about the same. Bob Fenner> Terry Teutsch
Stichodactyla helianthus I have read your book "The
Conscientious Marine Aquarist". I have posted to WetWeb, Reef
Central and Saltwaterfish.com. I need information specific to this type
of carpet anemone so that I can create a microhabitat in which it will
thrive AND figure out what to feed it. I got it as a gift and really
want to do it justice. <I understand, and agree> Do you know
anything about this species? Can you point me in a direction where I
can find the info I need? Thanks - Jeanne <You can find what little
we have posted on the species by going here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ and posting the scientific name in the
search tool at the bottom... This is a shallow (a meter or two
generally) tropical West Atlantic species. Easy to care for (relatively
for Actinarians). Bob Fenner>