FAQs about Sea Urchins, Sand Dollar
Identification 3
Related Articles: Sea
Related FAQs: Urchins 1,
Urchins 2 , Urchins 3,
Identification 1, Urchin ID 2,
Urchin ID 4,
Urchin Behavior, Urchin Compatibility, Urchin Selection, Urchin System, Urchin Feeding, Urchin Disease, Urchin Reproduction,

Unidentified urchin and brown bubble protruding from anus
Hi guys,
I bought an urchin yesterday as part of my clean up crew - read about their
appetite for algae. I acclimatised it for 1 hour and 30 minutes (drip method).
During my morning routine today, I noted that there was a brown bubble
protruding from its anus. On further inspection I noted that there was a bubble
protruding from its mouth too. Please see the attached photos. Also, I do not
know the specie. Can you identify it?
<Looks like a bleached out Mespilia globulus to me>
I tried to Google what I have noticed, but I could not find anything.
It is moving and the spines are not flat. I have noted some lost spines on the
I tested my water and noted the following:
pH: 8.3
KH: 7 dKH
Salinity: 1.022
<.... low. See WWM re Echinoids; their systems.... best kept (as most all
invert.s) at near seawater strength/concentration.... 1.025-6>
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5 ppm
Calcium: 400 ppm
Magnesium: 1360 ppm
Please let me know what is wrong and what I can do. I don't want the urchin to
<Likely just new.... I'd slowly raise spg; perhaps add a bit of iodide-ate>
Thank you in advance.
Kind regards,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
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Re: Unidentified urchin and brown bubble protruding from anus
Hi Bob,
Thank you so much for the prompt response. Really appreciate it.
This might be a stupid question: what is iodide-ate?
<Valence states of the element Iodine.... Simpler to have you search WWM, the
Net.... in a string including "marine aquariums">
Thanks again.
Kind regards,
<W. BobF>
GR Urchin ID/FB 2/25/15
Good morning from Greece I would like your help if you can to identify
something I found and I cannot really say what it is Thank you Leonidas
Stavrou |
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<Hi Leonidas. Well, this is an urchin, Echinoid of some sort/species...
Where was this pic taken? The geographical, depth data will help me find
more out easily. >
Echinoid ID/ GR 2/25/15
There were rocks at 20m and the max depth was Sandy at 30 m with lot of
Nudis and spirographs near a ship wreck at south evoikos of Greece
<Appears to be a juv. Stylocidaris affinis. Is this it?> |
Sea Urchins, ID 7/5/13
I Have some questions re Sea urchin identification that i was wondering
if you guys could help with.
The photo attached shows a blue spined urchin that i originally thought
was a Diadema species but I am not sure any more. Its spines are thicker
and shorter than that on the Diadema Savingyi. What do you think it is?
<Might be this species; perhaps D. mexicanum...>
Also i don't have a photo for this but i found a Diadema species, with
complete black and white spines (not banded, the whole spines) could not
get a look at the anal sack. Any ideas?
<Mmm, please see here:
and the linked files above. This is all we have>
Thanks so much for any info you have, just to let you know all
research I am doing is from Kenya so species are Indian ocean based.
<Oh! Then likely this is a D. savignyi... Can/do grow to look different
in captivity versus the wild. Bob Fenner>
Many thanks
Sarah Tyrrell

Re: Sea Urchins 7/6/13
Urchin ID question
Please help me identify these 2 urchin tests (in the
attached photo) with the Latin scientific names and common names (if
there are common names for them). They are both from Philippines.
Thank you!
<Mmm, can/could only guess... do you have pix of the species when
they're live? Bob Fenner>
Urchin ID - 12/28/2012
Hey there, Wanted to see if anyone could ID this little urchin. Never
seen one so pretty and can't find a similar one online anywhere. Saved
him off a LPS frag shipment as just a tiny spiky dot. About six months
later now his spines are almost 1 inch long. He's still as bright red as
when I found him, which is good because at first I thought he was a
pencil urchin and would maybe become more drab over time. His white
stripes and star pattern have actually become more pronounced. He's a
hardy little guy. Any help/info appreciated thanks!
<I think this is Eucidaris tribuloides... a beauty! Bob Fenner>