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Marine Aquarium Algae Control
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
White stuff on aquarium glass
I am having a constant problem with a build up of white stuff on my
aquarium glass. It wipes off easily (more easily than the green algae on
my glass) and does not appear to be any high hiking critter that I know
Power heads do not blow it off. My tanks is a 75gal FOLWR and I'm
running an aqua c remora and a denitrator. I have a refugium with
lettuce leaf and Chaeto. I am dosing calcium and ph buffer to get my
ro/di water to the correct ph. Ph is currently 8.1. I have Phosban and
activated charcoal in media bags.
<I'd remove this... try Lanthanum on a punctuated basis if you have a
transient HPO4 issue>
A few thoughts I had are that it might be some kind of precipitate or
particles in the water are clinging to the algae on my glass. In tends
build up pretty fast and starts to come back about 3 days after
Thanks for your help.
Richard Hunt
<Could be biological or not... I'd scoop out some, concentrate it if
necessary and look under a scope... I'd also try not using one product,
mode to see if this eliminates the issue... And the usual GAC and
Polyfilter. Bob Fenner>
White film on glass / dusty water
Hi Wet web media
For the past month or so, I’ve been cleaning my aquarium glass daily due
to a pale whitish film that keeps appearing.
<These/this can be annoying for sure>
I tested for nitrates and phosphates and both came up as undetectable,
which is fluent with previous tests. Also; I don’t have any nuisance
algae on the glass or the rocks / substrate & have a very small bio
<Other life likely. MANY microscopic organisms in natural and captive
settings that make such films>
The tank is a 300 gallon reef ( large pieces of live rock ) and an 80
gallon sump which houses the skimmer / filtration / UV and two bio
pellet reactors. I went for two small reactors because I wasn’t able to
get the larger reactors in Thailand.
<Mmm, I'd try pulling the reactors... Are you sure your system is carbon
Do you think the film is being caused by the bio pellets?
<Could well be positively correlated>
I also have been suffering from dusty water for what seems an eternity -
could they both be linked?
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Acrylic cleaning 3/10/14
<Put the words "cleaning acrylic" in the WWM search tool... on every
page. B>
The exterior acrylic of my aquarium, which is pretty new, has a greasy
on it and I don't know how to get it off. Originally, I used just
water and an Ecoxotic chamois to clean the acrylic, but to cut down on
static buildup and to get a better clean, I started to use Drs. Foster
Smith acrylic and glass cleaner. I'm not sure if this film may be
layer left behind by the cleaner to deter static, or if it was there
I started to use the cleaner. It makes the aquarium look
realllly smudgy
and really adds to the glare on the tank. Any suggestions?
Glass tank care, algae scrapers
Hello crew,
I saved, and planned, and devoted countless ours to the set up of my 265
gallon glass tank. I thought buying the Mag Float was the answer to
keeping the glass looking pristine every day. Well, it only took a tiny
grain of sand (I was being so careful!!!) and I put scratches in a
section of it!
Oh, the devastation is without words. I decided to go back to the way I
clean my 50 gallon by using the scraper. Somehow the blade must have
gotten bent slightly and I noticed it scratching my 50 gallon. I can't
believe after all these years of tank maintenance I'm having so much
trouble now. I am now TERRIFIED to clean the glass for fear of
scratching it again. Now that the sides look awful from not being
cleaned, I must find a way. Is there any devise or technique you would
recommend to clean glass with no risk of scratches? I've read so much,
but in those readings the Mag Float was praised. Please help me. This is
making me crazy.
<Am a big fan of all-plastic scrapers; used by hand... or old "credit
cards"... Bob Fenner>