FAQs about Zoanthid
Related Articles: Zoanthids, Sea Mat: An
Ocean Of Color For The Aquarium by Blane Perun,
Related FAQs: Zoanthid ID
1, Zoanthid ID 2, Zoanthid ID 3, Zoanthid
ID 5, & Zoanthids, Zoanthids 2, Zoanthids 3, Zoanthid Behavior, Zoanthid Compatibility, Zoanthid Selection, Zoanthid System, Zoanthid Lighting, Zoanthid Feeding, Zoanthid Health, Zoanthid Reproduction,

Possible SPS Hitchhiker/Coral ID 11/05/09
I bought a small rock with some yellow polyps on it and after a
week I noticed two encrusting colonies growing on it. I can't
seem to find out what these are. They are two different types of,
what I am hoping are corals, and even the colours are
The diameter of the larger heads are about 1mm, and the smaller
ones, on the lower colony, are about .5mm in diameter.
I'm hoping to find out what they are so that I can place them
properly in the tank. I want to see what these guys will look
like when they continue to grow out. Since I don't know if
they are coral that
relies on photosynthesis or not I don't know if they will
need supplemental feedings.
A little on the tank: it's a 90G reef setup with a 30G sump
and a separate 10G refuge. I have about 110lbs of live rock and a
good sandbed. There are some other corals (mostly Zoas and LPS,
but one
<What you have are Zoanthid colonies, commonly called Sea
Mats, Button Polyps or False Corals. See here.
Thanks in advance,
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)><<Good eye
James. B>>
Identification, Zoanthid 06/02/09
I'd like to thank you folks for the use of your great
I usually use the information on your site to answer all of my
questions. Unfortunately I am stumped about this identification.
I attached a photo of the unknown. I have read up about the
majano anemone and it seems that they have rounded tips and there
mature size is not to large and coloring varies from brown to
greenish depending on antics used.
<Mmm, yes... Note the absence of tentacles about the mouth...
the squat body...>
Let me describe to you what mine look like. Yes coloring varies
brownish-green pending on antics, tips are pointed, approximate
size of some of the largest 1"-2" (in the photo there
is a Mexican turbo snail next to it), the base of mature ones
when fully extended (1"-2") and is brownish with green
polka-dots and they do have a visible mouth. I believe I acquired
4-6 of them on a frag 3 years ago and I now have about 24 of
them, most of them live in clusters and a few that sit alone.
Lastly the reason for my concern now is that I am changing over
to a reef system and would like to know if these guys are a
problem to other corals.
<Am pretty sure this is a Zoanthid... see a/the chart
Can be problematical in proximity (and not) to other Cnidarian
life. (see the linked FAQs file re Compatibility) Bob
Critter ID 4/19/09
Good day,
I come to you once again looking for help in identifying a marine
This individual was a freebie from someone that I purchased a
number of frags from. The gent told me that he thought it was
some kind of sponge, but he didn't know what genus nor did he
know anything about its care.
It's been in his tank for about 6 months with no special
handling or feeding.
<You likely have "good reef conditions", as this
looks to be either a sponge or Ascidian growing over/on another
sponge... both of which are filter feeders>
I've scoured the web and your site, but can't seem to
find anything that even remotely resembles this beast.
<Two species here>
The piece that I have is a frag from a much larger organism that
resembled fingers. My section is about 4 inches long. Any help
would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks and cheers.
<Maybe a read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/spongeidfaqs.htm
the linked files above, and Sea Squirts coverage.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Critter ID 4/19/09
Thanks for the quick reply.
<Thank you for this follow-up Jerry>
I did some more digging, and it seems as though this beast is
described in the UK as a Candy Cane Sponge (Axinella damicornis)
with encrusting Parazoanthus axinellae. In Canada it's known
as White Line Sponge,
(Trikentrion flabelliforme).
<I see>
In case you're interested here's a link to a discussion
on the organisms.
As always, thank you so much for your assistance and dedication
to the hobby.
<Thank you again. Will append our prev. corr.. Cheers,
New Life'¦The Wonder of Discovery --
03/17/09 Good morning,
<<Good afternoon>>
I have been a fan of the site since my first freshwater aquarium.
Thank you for all that you do!
<<We are happy to share>>
Six weeks into my first marine tank (92 gallon, pH 8.25, KH 12,
50 lb LR, 3 inches LS) and I have an arrival that I did not
<<Hitchhikers are common'¦some are good, even
great'¦some, not so much>>
I can only assume that because of your site I have not made any
grievous errors.
<<Keep reading, researching, learning>>
I have looked through the site and no pictures convince me one
way or the other if this is a worm or a polyp. Can you help me
<<Hmm'¦ Is a Cnidarian for sure'¦
Looks to be of the order Zoanthidea, and based on the tentacle
size and spacing, I would place this animal from the genus
Protopalythoa'¦perhaps P. mutaki. Do see WWM/the NET
in general re and see what you think>>
Many thanks,
Nathan in SC
<<Happy to assist'¦ EricR'¦also in
Creature ID 3/5/09 Folks, <Jerry> Let
me begin by congratulating you on a phenomenal website. <Thank
you.> I'm just starting off in the world of marine fish
keeping and your resources and advice are peerless. Thank you.
<Welcome.> I have a hitchhiker on one of my pieces of Live
Rock and I've searched your site and most other places on the
web, but can't find anything that resembles it. The organism
doesn't look anything like the images of Aiptasia or Anemonia
majano that I could find, nor does it look like anything else
that I've seen. Any help in IDing the creature would be
greatly appreciated. The centres of the organisms are a much
brighter green that what shows up in the images. The tentacles
retract very quickly into the body when disturbed and the
organism seems to be flourishing and growing rather quickly in my
otherwise barren tank (It's still just cycling with LS and
LR) <What you have is a small Zoanthid colony. Read here and
related articles/FAQ's
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/zoanthid.htm> Thank you again for
your tireless efforts. <Again, you're welcome. James
(Salty Dog)> Jerry
Anemonia? 1/14/09 Bob, Thanks for all your
work to help reefs around the world (both in nature and in our
homes) thrive. I have two anemone that I believe to be majano. A
picture is attached and I was hoping that you might verify my
suspicion. <Might be this Anemone... but due to the lack of
tentacles nearer the mouth, arrangement on the periphery of the
crown... these could be Zoanthids...> They are on a clam away
from everything else in my tank. If they are Majano sp. I have a
few questions. First, do they simply divide by fission in the
tank and therefore will only reproduce in the area that they are
in and spread from there or can they find there way across the
tank without my noticing some how? <Both these groups of
stinging-celled life principally spread through asexual
fission... pedal laceration and such... about the area where
they're located... though in the wild, sexual reproduction,
very wide spreading does occur> Can they kill the Maxima clam
that they are on now? <Either could be a negative influence,
yes> Should I remove them and place them in my trigger tank?
<Yes I would... and carefully... outside the main system...
with a sharp implement... scrubbing the remaining area with an
old toothbrush... rinsing the clam a few times in new water...
carefully disposing of the "cut process" water... Do
wear gloves and eye protection> Should I be upset at my LFS
who told me that the one that was there when I bought the clam
was a small flower anemone? <Mmm, is a/nother common name for
this (A. cf. majano) and other life...> (I realize you likely
will not advocate harboring enmity toward others but I thought I
would ask anyway). Thanks for all your help Joe Marchetti
Anchorage, AK <A pleasure to meet, share with you Joe. Bob
Re: Anemonia? 1/14/09 Thanks Bob. Will proceed
as suggested. Joe Marchetti <Ah, good Joe... I really should
have, and now will urge you to read this area re some further
(reinforcing) cautions concerning Zoanthid contact:
http://wetwebmedia.com/zoanthidcompfaqs.htm Cheers, BobF> |
Anemone cluster identification 1/1/09 Hi
crew, <Michael> WWM is an awesome website. I've had a
120 gallon SW tank with ~175lbs live rock, peaceful fish, some
invert cleaners, a few corals for almost 3 years now. The
information on your website has helped me through many trials and
tribulations. The scariest event was a plague of BGA that spread
like wildfire in my tank, covered almost everything, starved my
algae blenny...then rapidly lifted after I vacuumed a half inch
of detritus that collected in my sump over a 1 year period! It
was an amazing feeling to see it all disappear! If I tried
vacuuming the BGA, it just reappeared within a day. <Ahh!>
I finally write to you now for the first time with an attached
picture (sorry if the pic is of poor quality). Can you help me
identify this cluster of what looks like tiny anemones. <Mmm,
yes, I think so> They are very small, somewhat brownish in
color. All of my live rock were purchased through
liveaquaria.com, except for this piece, which I bought at a local
pet store (maybe 1.5 years ago). One day, I noticed a few of this
cute little guys, then they've slowly reproduced over the
last year. I'm curious if they're considered a pest and
could eventually cover the whole piece of rock. I could remove
the rock and chisel them off. :) <Do so carefully, outside the
system... they're quite toxic... to you, your livestock>
As far as invert cleaners, I have assorted hermit crabs, snails,
a pistol shrimp and serpent sea star. All of my emerald crabs and
peppermint shrimps seem to have perished. I plan to get more. My
setup has an outer orbit light fixture with 2-130W CF's and
2-150W MH's, moonlights. I have more live rock rubble in the
sump. Any ideas on the cluster? Thanks again for maintaining such
a resourceful website!!! Michael <You're welcome. This
appears to be a group of Zoanthids... Please see the chart here
re discerning various Cnidarian groups:
http://wetwebmedia.com/zoanthid.htm and the linked file re
Zoanthid Compatibility above. Cheers, Bob Fenner>