FAQs about Abalone
Related Articles: Abalones, Gastropods, Mollusks,
Related FAQs: Abalones, Abalone Identification, Abalone Behavior, Abalone Selection, Abalone Systems, Abalone Feeding, Abalone Disease, Abalone Reproduction, Gastropods in
General: Gastropods/Snails,
Snail ID 1, Snail ID 2, Snail Behavior, Snail Selection, Snail Compatibility, Snail Systems, Snail Feeding, Snail Disease, Snail Reproduction, Mollusks, Sea
Most all macro and micro-algae are likely
food. Caulerpa racemosa, Green
Grape Algae.

Question for the experts. Hermit, snail
in/comp. 11/3/09
Thank you so much for your informative website, and generous dealings
with newbies to the saltwater/reef hobby. About 3-4 weeks ago, I went
to PetCo (I prefer my LFS but they are the only place open after
6pm...) and bought two pieces of live rock, transferring them to my 20g
aquarium. I didn't notice anything until about 2 weeks after I had
the rocks, when I turned the lights off. There were several tiny, maybe
half to 3/4 the size of a dime snails that didn't look anything
like the other snails Petco had advertised! I had a suspicion that they
were something unusual, and did some research.
Although so tiny that one would need a good magnifying glass to see
details, the shape of the shell is pretty textbook. So I really enjoyed
having these little guys, as they were the only moving thing in the
aquarium big enough to watch! I went out of town for 5 days over
thanksgiving, and forgot to tell my boyfriend (who was taking care of
my freshwater thank) to watch the water level on the saltwater. When I
got back, I thought the evaporation might have caused high of salinity
levels, and wasn't sure what would have become of the abalone. A
day or so later I saw one empty shell on the sand, and sadly thought
all of them must have died. Then in a couple days I decided that since
the aquarium levels were all good (0's on phosphate, nitrites/ates,
ammonia) I would get some hermit or Mithrax crabs as
"janitors". I purchased two "red legged" hermit
crabs yesterday. Then yesterday night after turning off the lights,
what do I see but the two little abalone I had thought were dead! So my
big question is this (and I'm sorry if this was too long-winded of
a message but I wanted to be clear):
Do the abalone have any chance of escaping the hermit crabs?
<Mmm, some, yes. If the Hermits are well fed...>
I have found on your website and others that hermits are voracious and
not to be trusted with smaller snails, but pointedly because the crabs
wanted the shell.
<Mmm, no, not just the shells... but for food as well>
Your website definitely mentioned that one should stay away from
housing hermits together with any similar sized snails, with
attractively shaped shells, but that if kept well fed and given extra
shells the crabs probably would not bother snails, especially those
much bigger or smaller than themselves.
<Size bears little relation to predation here... the Hermits will
eat the largest of Gastropods if hungry>
I want to keep the abalone, but would rather not keep them as the only
thing in the tank, I really want some crabs or shrimp for interest.
Would another
type of sand-sifter/algae eater be a less predatory tank mate for the
<Mmm, yes... but really better to counter algae here in other
Competition, nutrient limitation, removal...>
Do the abalone have the possibility of growing to near-full-size?
<If conditions are propitious, yes>
I read elsewhere that they are very sensitive to changes in salinity,
and usually don't last long in captivity. But if they would
continue to grow, and the hermits are a real threat, I will gladly take
back the hermits to keep the abalone. Please let me know what you
think, and thank you SO much for the great resources and info you
Katie P.
P.S. you can, of course, edit this email to a reasonable length if you
wish to post it!
<No worries. Katie, if you're very interested in these snails, I
would return the Hermits. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Abalones... predaceous? 3/19/08 Hello, I recently
bought an abalone (ORA aquacultured), it seems to have acclimated to my
tank just fine. However, today while sitting on my couch I saw a hermit
crab walk by the abalone and as it went past, the abalone reached out
and grabbed the crab by its shell. I was freaked out so I coaxed the
crab away from the abalone. A few minutes later I saw the abalone reach
for my mandarin as it went past. These actions don't match anything
that I have read? Is this odd behavior? In your opinion is it possible
the abalone will eat my other critters? Thanks for your time, Matt
<Is very odd... All Haliotids are macrophagous herbivores when
they're of any size (an inch or more)... I did a stint working in
the same area as David Leighton of much Abalone research/publishing
note, and have visited facilities that raise Abs... never heard of
this. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Wrasse eating an abalone? 4/1/07 Just a short
question today guys. I have recently purchased a lone 3 cm 6-lined
wrasse for my 10 gallon tank. I was wondering if this fish would pose a
problem to my hitch-hiking abalone (1cm Radius). Thanks <With this
size ratio of the wrasse to abalone, it unlikely he will be able to
consume the animal right "now." However as he matures and
grows, and he will grow quickly at this size...the abalone will be fair
game as will any other smaller invertebrate life like
amphipods...it's only a matter of time. **AJ**>
Abalone, Haliotis, BTA, Entacmaea quadricolor Compatibility --
3/7/07 Hi, <Hi Brian, Brenda here tonight> Love the website
& thanks for the help!! <Thank you Brian and you're
welcome!> I received an abalone today from
LiveAquaria.com. After acclimating and placing it in my
tank, I noticed two small anemones on the abalone's shell. <No
doubt a pest anemone of some sort.> I also have in the tank a rose
colored bulb tip anemone. Will there be any compatibility
problems? <You will not have any compatibility problems with the BTA
and Abalone. However, do get rid of the pest anemones that
arrived with your order before they take over your
tank. More information here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i3/aiptasia_impressions/aiptaisia_impressions.htm>
Thanks, Brian <You're welcome! Brenda>