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Mixing Acanthurus Tangs in Large Tank
4/21/17 Tang vs. Mimic Tang – 12/09/14 Bariene Tang and Powder Blue Tang, comp.
8/9/12 Clown Tang Problem, Please Help (Attacking the hand that
cleans) 03/04/11 Vampire/tennenti tang - powder blue tang, comp.
12/24/10 Achilles and Powder Blue Tang Together? 06/30/08 Can an Achilles and a Powder Blue get along in a system of 800 gallons...if both the same size and added at the same time? <<I have mixed Acanthurus species, and seen others do so, in displays of some several hundred gallons so yes, in systems of size such as yours it is my estimation you could do this. In fact, in a tank this size I suspect you could even get away with pairs of the same species. And just a side note these fishes enjoy, even require, a LOT of water movement. Regards, EricR>>
Mixing A. lineatus and A. sohal....not gonna' have a good time - 4/8/07 Hi guys, <Hey Wes...> I really appreciate all the time you all put into answering people's questions. <Thank you!> WWM is probably my most trusted source of online info. <A very nice compliment...thanks again.> I've been thinking about adding some tangs to my aggressive FOWLR tank. <Okay.> It's a 55g but I'm planning (in about a year) of upgrading to a 180g. <I would probably wait until then to add any surgeons. I would especially not add more than one to a system of this size...wait for the upgrade.> I'm definitely planning on getting a sohal tang <Then wait for the 180...and even then I'd be very cautious in mixing an Acanthurus sohal with another surgeon. In fact odds would be against you on this one, even in the largest of tanks.> and have been batting around the idea of getting a clown tang as well. <Together with the A. Sohal. Not a good idea my friend, not in the least bit...not advisable at all.> After reading all the info on your site, I'm beginning to suspect there's a good chance these two wouldn't get along together. <More than a good chance!> Is this true, even in a 180g? <This would be true even in a tank of double this size. The boisterous personality of these two fish, not to mention they are con-geners would be a near disastrous mix.> Would I need to get an even bigger tank to house these guys for the long term? <Very big, one that exceeds the size of your average home aquarium, and even then my above comments would still hold true.> I really would like to have both, <It would have to be separate systems.> but if it's a flat out bad call, <These two animals have territorial issues with other tankmates, and especially other surgeons and mixing them is just not a good idea.> I'm content with sticking with just a sohal. <That would be best, but wait for the upgrade.> I'm also planning on getting an Atlantic Blue Tang (or possibly a sailfin tang) <Mmm...still not a good idea, at all...but better than the clown tang.> and a Porcupine puffer. <Too big.> Currently, my tank inhabitants are: Dogface puffer Blue-spotted grouper Snowflake Eel Bluejaw Trigger (Male) Banana Wrasse (which I'm thinking of giving back to the LFS) Two large hermit crabs <This is already far to much for a 55 gallon tank.> They're all small, about 3 to 4," except the eel of course. I realize that even in a 180g, all these fish together may be a bit of a crowd long term, <True.> but I figure I may lose one or two of them over the course of 5 or more years. If I have the good fortune of that not happening, I do realize I may need to give a couple away, which I'd be willing to do if need be. <Yes the tank is overcrowded as it is...> I'm considering returning the wrasse not for any major reason, but mainly because he's a bit too "hyper" of a fish for my tastes and also tends to hide a lot which doesn't seem normal to me for a wrasse. Maybe I'm wrong here? <Depends on the individual specimen and the personalities of those around him. He may be suffering from psychological/territorial crowding.> He also seems to pick at the hermits when he feels like. <Normal.> Thanks in advance for any advice! Wes Shive <Adam Jackson.> Powder Blue / Powder Brown Compatibility 3/8/07 Hello, <Hi there> I have an interesting situation on my hands. I ordered a Acanthurus japonicus and a Zebrasoma desjardinii for my 90 gallon aquarium. For the most part, my tank is an LPS specialty tank with an assortment of LPS corals and inverts shrimp, crabs, feather dusters, etc. The only other fish are a pair of Premnas biaculeatus. <Hopefully small... can be/come quite territorial> I didn't plan on stocking any more fish other than these two tangs. My problem is this I received a Zebrasoma desjardinii (3 inch) and a HYPERLINK " http://www.wetwebmedia.com/powdbluetg.htm"Acanthurus leucosternon (4 inch). I sent the company an email with pictures of the mistake and asked for a resolution. I would not have ordinarily ordered a HYPERLINK " http://www.wetwebmedia.com/powdbluetg.htm "Acanthurus leucosternon, due to their poor survivability in captivity. <I agree with you... Need much larger systems to do well... and are VERY prone to "coral reef disease"> I received an email back that I can keep the fish and that they would send me a Acanthurus japonicus and that it was in the mail already. My problem: there are no local LFSs that will buy my Acanthurus leucosternon. My local shop would be happy to take it, but not pay for it. <Mmm, Craig's list? A local marine/reef club?> Since I have this beautiful fish, I was wondering if there was any hope of survival in my aquarium. <Some... but not enough to interest me... Hopefully you have not placed this fish in your main/display tank> I consider a 90 a bit on the small size for 3 tangs, and never planned for it in the first place. I also am aware that I will now have two fish of the Acanthurus genus together and figured that could be a problem. Currently I have acclimated them all, freshwater dipped them, and they are split up in two separate quarantine tanks. <Thank goodness> If there was a good chance of survival, I would at least like to give it a try. I am also concerned that if the fish goes to my local LFS, it may not make it out alive. They have never kept any tangs other than the yellow tangs and usually have a few dead fish every time that I am there. This would be the reason why I mail order everything. Please advise, Brian <Well... I would be investigating (seriously) where you might move the PBT to... in case things don't "work out"... The much more important, real issue here is parasitic disease... and the concomitant stress that will VERY likely bring it on. Be ready to remove, treat all fishes. Bob Fenner> Sohal tang aggressive? 12/30/06 Hello Crew <Hi Wayne, Rick Oellers (via proxy of Graham T.)> Happy New Year to you all. <Thank you! And to you and yours!> I have a 210gal FOWLR with some softies, 100lbs of LR (will have another 100lbs in the next month),<Good Idea.> and just hooked up my AquaC EV240 w/Mag18 (wife got it for me for Christmas).<Wish my wife would do that...> I currently have a Volitans Lionfish 9", Harlequin Tuskfish 5", and a Yellowtail Damsel. Everybody gets along great. <Damsel... interesting. How big?> I've been thinking of adding a Sohal Tang to the tank. I've read they can be aggressive. What do you think about this choice? <(Rick) A Sohal tang (Acanthurus sohal) added *last* to your tank is a good addition to the community you have currently, with one condition. The specimen should be around 3" or so to avoid over-aggression. In addition to the referenced aggression, slightly less documented is this species' poisonous scalpel! I (Rick) found out the hard way when trying to revive a seemingly distressed specimen in a shipping container, when SMACK! he got me! I recoiled at first, then again, and again as the real pain set in. What a wallop!> Wayne <Rick Oellers & Graham Tasker> <<Thank you both! RMF>> Mimic eibli tang Acanthurus tristis 8/29/06 I am interested in purchasing a mimic eibli tang. <And I just saw one of these at Jenkinson's Aquarium here in NJ> As they get older do they change their coloration to more of brownish, yellowish color or do they keep their juvenile coloration which is that of the eibli angel? <Mostly the latter> If so, is it better to get a smaller one since it will probably take years to lose their juvenile coloration? <Have only seen ones of 3-4 inches ever offered in the trade.> Would they get along with other tangs of different shape and species? <Mmm, should if not "too crowded"> Thanks, Alan <Welcome. Bob Fenner> Clown Tang/Compatibility?
7/7/06 Hi guys (and gals), <Hello Edward> At the local fish
store there is an employee that I really trust I will go to him to
answer almost any question I have. And on multiple occasions I have
checked the accuracy of his statements with your website or others and
he is usually dead on. So I he has been helping me setup my new 100
gallon reef tank, including plans, stocking, setup, he has even gone as
far to come out and help me with my aquascape free of charge. I only
mention all of this to show the level of trust I have in him. Now today
I brought in a water sample to show him the progress of my new tank. My
cycle is complete and my water conditions are perfect. While I was
there I saw the most beautiful clown tang, he told me the tang came out
of one of his friends aquariums that was too small. It was in this
persons reef tank for almost a year and lived totally peacefully with
other tank mates. He also said it would do great in my tank. I bought
it and after reading some of the stuff I have seen on this great
website I got a little nervous. Do you think this beautiful fish is
going to be a nuisance in my tank? Has he let me down or is there a
possibility that this clown is an exception to the rule? Thanks again
for all your help! <Edward, there are a few items that I find
questionable. First, it is not advisable to put a tang in a
newly set up system. Second, this fish should not be kept in
anything much smaller than a 150. Third, this is a very
difficult fish to keep for any length of time. In this
regard, I am referring to the Acanthurus lineatus (Clown
Tang). There is a similar tang, Acanthurus sohal that is
much easier to keep. Sounds like his friend had very good
luck, which leads me to believe the tang is a sohal. As far as
compatibility, they are aggressive toward other tangs. This fish also
requires very clean, highly oxygenated water. Do read here
for more info on the genus Acanthurus. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/acanthurTngs.htm James
(Salty Dog)> Edward Atlantic Tang/Compatibility James, 6/15/06 <Carrie> (Hi, query is 2nd paragraph, sorry I forgot the question mark. I wanted to elaborate on the conduct of my Atlantic tang to give an interesting fact or two on this tang so others who have it do not wonder why this "peaceful tang" is so snippy. It sure was a shock to me! Alrighty then! I currently have a 2" Atlantic tang still in her "brat" stage. Research has proven as young juveniles they inhabit the reef with a damsel that they need to be "tough" to live around, yet outgrow their "brat" stage at 3 or 4" as they start to school with the larger fish. It is said they are one of the most peaceful Acanthurus. <Peaceful with other fish, not with tangs.> So, my question is this, after the "brat" stage, could I add a true powder brown (Acan. jap.)? <By "after the brat stage", do you mean adult, when the tang gets its blue coloration? If so, you will probably have some fighting. Large tanks will lessen the issue. I KNOW they are of the same genus, but due to the docile nature of both of them, I wondered if it would be possible to mix these two Acanthurus in a 150 gallon reef or add a total of 3 Acanthurus. (that may only apply to the same KIND of fish, huh?) <Oh no, very territorial unless you have a huge tank, 200 gallons+, would have better luck with different species.> I have a tank growing Caulerpa, and use a clip for my baby brat now. Nice thing is it doesn't go "bad" if it doesn't get eaten like Nori and other seaweed sheets. She has fattened up too, so her health is quite good. Point is, I have plenty to feed them all. <If you do plan on getting a Powder Brown, be sure it is the A. jap and not the A. nigricans as they are difficult feeders. Read here, http://www.wetwebmedia.com/GoldRimSs.htm> Thanks again! <You're welcome.> Carrie :) Atlantic Tang vs. half
black angel 6/5/06 Why would a 2" Atlantic blue tang
(Acanthurus coeruleus) pick on a newly introduced Halfblack
angelfish (Centropyge vroliki) that is about 3"? <Not likely in
the size/shape system stated below> It darts after the angel and
darts away just as quick, but the angel doesn't move....kind of
funny. But, the angel is staying in the top right of my
6' 150 aquarium. Should I remove it? <... not quite
yet> Is it sick? (looks fine) Will this behavior
continue or is this just a peeing contest? Should I return
the 1/2 black? The angel is picking here and there, but not
eating a whole lot and was not interested in the razor Caulerpa and
"clipped to the side, but the tang loves it....the little
fatty! Ate a little this morning. I didn't think there
was a compatibility problem with the two, though I KNOW the baby
Atlantic tang can be a little spit fire when young, but mellow with
age. At the store, they had to take out a yellow tang
that was picking on it. (just FYI) Maybe put the angel in
my 29 gallon (has the Caulerpa) until the tang ages a little???
UGH! Just let me know your thoughts. Thanks!
Carrie :) <... I wouldn't move this/these fish/es. Bob
Fenner> Help with achilles
and Goldrim Hey, I have had an achilles tang and he did very well
but soon got tired of the 55 gallon aquarium in which he lived. <Too
small for this species...> I no longer have him. He was a medium
sized fish and now I have a 125 gallon aquarium with only the other
fish that get along very well with the achilles but they are not all in
the tank yet. <?> I am introducing everyone slowly to be safe.
They are all very small to medium sized fish. his buddy was a medium
coral beauty angel. When the tank is established pretty well, I want to
add a medium sized achilles tang and a medium sized Goldrim
tang. I plan on introducing them at the same time so as to
avoid territorial problems. <Not likely... not enough
room for these two here> I will get a much bigger system by the time
they get big enough to need it. My goal is to have about 600
gallons. My problem is that I cannot find GOOD or extensive
information on the achilles or the Goldrim. <What I know is posted
on WWM> I have been all over the internet and in some books. your
site was the most help but do you have any or know where to find
more plentiful information? <The references found
throughout the site, printed works... I'd learn to generate a
computer-based bibliography... Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/litsrchart.htm and the
linked files above> I don't feel comfortable housing anyone
without being able to keep them healthy. If I take it out of the ocean
I had better do the best I can to make it comfortable in its NEW
home. Well thanks for listening to my
rambling.. Anything you could offer would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks, James Gage. Batesville, AR.
<Do make a sojourn or two to a large college library... Bob
Fenner> Mimic Tang/Pygmy Angel
Compatibility - 05/13/06 Hi guys - <<Very astute gals here as
well>> Love your website and how informative it
is. Quick question: I have a Golden Pygmy Angel (have had
for over a year), and am thinking about getting a Yellow Mimic Tang,
and am wondering, if since the tang mimics another species of pygmy
angel, I will have problems with aggression between the two of them?
<<Hmm, I have kept different pygmy angel species together in
years past. Several factors to consider here size of the
system, size differential between the fish (if any), and of course,
individual personalities of the fish themselves. If these
are favorable then yes, there's is a good chance the two will learn
to get along>> Thanks advance. Best, Alex <<Regards,
EricR>> Clown Surgeon, other Tang... comp., macroalgae avail. 4/1/06 Thank you Bob, that cleared it up somewhat. Also just wanted to ask if you have received an email I sent a week ago. Not sure if it got lost or something? <Don't recall... anything that was missed... lost...> I know you're busy, so if the reason is due to the backlog of questions, I apologize for my impatience. I have included the email here: <Ah, good> "Hi Bob, I am considering purchasing a Clown Surgeon (Acanthurus lineatus) and have researched widely on this fish. I would like your opinion on whether it will be suited to my tank. I have a 900 Litre tank currently housing a blue-spotted ray, and 3 small snowflake eels. I plan to complete the tank with 2 blue-lined snappers and 2 H. acuminatus. Do you see any possible problem if I were to introduce a Clown Surgeon? <Mmm, not with what you list. This may become a/the alpha fish here> I understand they are aggressive and require a higher level of care. And I am concerned it might cause trouble with the snappers. If I don't get the Clown surgeon my other option is an Acanthurus Sohal or a Naso Lituratus. <These can also be "bold", particularly the Sohal> I know that this is involves a high degree of speculation, but I am trying to avoid possible personal disappointment and stress for my tank inhabitants. Have you had any experience with this (these) fish? <Oh yes> Also, I am having trouble finding any retailer in Australia which sells Chaetomorpha...Can you suggest any way in which I can get my hands on some? <Perhaps some other hobbyist... are there BB's for the marine aquarium hobby? I would query otherwise re on Reefs.org, Aquarium Frontiers, ReefCentral re...> (Am also not sure on the current legality of importing/retailing this type of macroalgae.. I have emailed Aust. Quarantine but so far no reply) <Do take care to not break the law> I do have access to red macroalgae however, and I was wondering if red algae is suitable for consumption by any of the above mentioned surgeons. <Many species of Reds, yes> Will (can) it also serve as a denitrifying component in my refugium? <Definitely> Thanks in advance, Joe. <BobF> Torn Up Mimic Tang - 11/24/2005 Evening gentlemen, <Sabrina
with you today - not exactly a gentleman, though.> Advice please..
90 gallon tank live sand 90lbs live rock 2 Percula Clowns (2" and
3") 2.5" Royal Dottyback 2" Regal Tang 3.5" Yellow
Watchman Goby Two stars CB Shrimp The above critters are
stable. Anything else that's been added to my tank has
not made it. Algae Blenny died of starvation.
<Should only be added to a well-established aquarium with plenty to
eat - and should very quickly be trained onto prepared foods.>
Yellow headed Jawfish was killed by larger of Percula Clowns (about
3" clown). <Uncommon....> Fire Shrimp was
entangled by large red brittle star and Dottyback tore a chunk out of
the shrimp's midsection. Camel Shrimp was entangled and
eaten by large red brittle star literally within 10 minutes of
introduction. <Not terribly surprising, actually.>
Even if the star didn't catch the camel shrimp, the Dottyback was
certainly checking him out. So, I wanted a new fish that
could hold his own. I purchase a yellow tang (Acanthurus
pyroferus ~ the one that looks like a lemon peel
angel). The sales guy at Big Al's recommended this fish
because of a tang's weaponry, he'd be able to take care of
himself. <But, you already have a tang in this
tank.... which has had time to become established - bad
news, for the new tang.> As well, this fish would be about 4".
my largest fish. <As they say, size isn't always
what matters.> The tang was very outgoing, never hid and feeds on
flake, frozen brine, and seaweed. The first day I noticed
the Dottyback checking him out. I witnessed a quick nip and
the tang turned on the Dottyback chasing him away. For the
next 3 days, I watched all the fish getting along. This new
tang would be swimming alongside with my Regal Tang <Entirely
possible these two were "sizing each other up"....> and my
clownfish playing in the water flow. Day 7, I notice two small flesh
wounds (which seem to have healed now) on the body towards the tailfin
and I realize that there may be an issue, so I've been
watching. <It's my opinion that these wounds were
likely put there by the other tang.> Day 8, no new wounds. but the
Tang seems to be fighting my Goby for territory. the larger cave in my
live rock. The Watchman Goby comes at the yellow tang with
open mouth and the Tang holds his ground simply flaring
up. Day 9 and 10. the Yellow Tang is swimming near the top
of the tank, still actively feeding but his fins look like they've
been picked at/chewed. <The other tang, the aggressive
Dottyback.... I find it highly unlikely that the watchman
had anything to do with damaging this fish.> Day 11 and 12, the
yellow tang stays hidden in the rock work only coming out for perhaps a
minute over the 4 hours that I was in view of the tank. When
he was swimming around, nobody bothered him. I also notice
through the rockwork that his tailfins look like they're in a
little worse shape then what they have been. One other
observation: the front face area near the eyes of the tang are grayish.
I believe he was totally a healthy yellow looking when I got
him. a) is the grayish color due to stress? Or due to him
hiding and not getting light?
<Stress/damage.... perhaps disease.> For example, my
Regal Tang almost looks pale blue when he's been hiding or when the
lights have been off. <That's a different matter
entirely. Most fish will get paler at night.> b) Do fins
grown back? <Can, yes, if the fish is given the ability to do so -
meaning, no aggressive fish to keep damaging him, good food, etc.>
c) Given that there's no new flesh wounds, and the two small wounds
that he had have almost fully healed, should he be okay?
<If the other, established animals continue to "pick" on
him, no.> Can this fish defend himself given the critters in the
tank? <Possibly - if you do some SERIOUS rearrangement
of the rockwork, make it look like a completely different
"place" to the fish.... but two tangs in this tank
will always spell trouble.> The tang does not back down from the
Dottyback or any other fish. I'm wondering if the
Dottyback is doing some ambushing from behind picking at his tailfin.
Does this tang, or do all tangs have the barbs???
<All.> Any recommendations? <As above - and omit
one of the tangs. Oh, and a VERY serious recommendation,
here: USE A QUARANTINE SYSTEM. Much is archived
on our site regarding this.... please read, and start using
a quarantine tank for new fish.> I don't want to lose this
fish. Any tips or suggestions would be
appreciated. I like my Dottyback and my Clowns, but it seems
like the larger Clown and Dottyback won't allow any new critters in
the tank peacefully, although the clowns have left this tang alone from
what I've seen. <Aggression from Perculas is a
little uncommon, unless among con- or near-specifics, but I would be a
touch worried about this Dottyback. Some do tend to be
overly aggressive.> Oh one other question, how are tangs resistance
to itch? <"Ich", actually
Cryptocaryon.... Again, much is archived on our site; please
start reading. Some tangs seem more "sensitive" to
it than others, but all are susceptible.> Is it common? Uncommon?
<Again, read.... as with most other marine fishes, it is
entirely possible that one could bring ich (or other, worse diseases)
with it to your established system - which is why (or part of the
reason why, anyhow) you should employ a quarantine system, here.>
Thanks!! -Dave <Wishing you
well, -Sabrina> Orange Shoulder Tang 8/28/05 Hi Bob, I've been receiving mixed signals about the Orange Shoulder Tang. Your site says that it is extremely aggressive, comparable to the clown tang. But FFX and the Marine Fishes book says that it is fairly peaceful. If you could help me sort this out I would be very grateful. <Brian, from info that I can find, it is a peaceful fish. If keeping more than one, it is advisable to put both in at the same time, or if keeping with other tangs, put the Orange in first. They do require a large tank, 135 gallon minimum.> Also I have an orange skunk clown that has a case of ich that is puzzling me. I mean that it isn't acting the way ich normally does. Some days he is covered in spots, others he is ich free. I guess this is stress related so I've been soaking his food in garlic drops. I am going to give him a freshwater dip to rid him of the bulk and then put him in a hospital tank and medicate him. I f there is anything else I can do, could you please tell me. <Do just as you say. Might want to add some Selcon to his food. James (Salty Dog)> Thanks in advance <You're welcome> <<RMF still stands by the opinion that this is one of the more aggressive Surgeonfishes... best to have it be the purposeful "king of the tank"...>> Brian Mimic Tang 5/6/05 Hello Crew, <Cheers> It has been awhile since I have had to email for help, But I do have a newly acquired mimic tang that will not eat. <Hmmm... is this fish in a QT tank? If not, please understand/learn the critical need for QT. It saves many fishes lives. And in cases like this... it gives the creature a chance to settle into captivity with minimal stress (and eat/heal sooner!) rather than being thrown into a competitive or stressful display tank. We have a lot of info (FAQs and article(s)) on Quarantine in our archives if you'll take the time to browse> I talked to the LFS where I purchased the fish and was told it was net caught not Cyano, <Agreed... they are commonly imported from areas like Fiji where collection techniques are rather proper> and the ones in his store are eating brine now and picking at flake. I have tried Cyclop-eeze, red, and green algae, Spirulina flake, Mysis, OSI flake, Vibra pellets, brine shrimp and the fish will eat nothing, it is slowly wasting away and fear it will pass on shortly. I have placed it in my refugium where I have sever types of macro growing in the hope it will pick at the algae at least and it does not appear any better. <actually... diatom (brown) algae is a natural staple> I have tried soaking several foods in garlic and offering this as well and even went as far as placing the fish in a clean pail with water from the tank and adding food so it was right in its face and will not bother with it. <Please consider adding b12 to the tank (one crushed pill per day) as well as soaking foods in B12. It cannot be overdosed easily at all... no worries (its water soluble). A B12 injection might actually save its life (consult a local vet... its not that expensive to get a B12 shot)> My tank is fine in all other aspects, I have a powder blue and regal that both eat and are in great health (other then a little ick from time to time which I have never bothered treating and they seem to get rid of it on there own). <Yikes!!!!!!!!!!! This IS the problem, my friend. Even if the other tangs did not actually nip, chase or harass the mimic... their presence was unnatural and very stressful for a newly imported fish that missed a fair chance to stabilize in QT. The lack of isolation may end up contributing to this fishes death. Please do (again) consider it for the future> Any more advice I can try or is this poor fish doomed already? Thanks, Drew <best of luck and life... Anthony> Tang Compatibility I have had a Yellow Tang in a 20 gallon
quarantine for 9 weeks while the main 200 gallon tank was fallow. The
only addition to the main tank during that time has been some cured
live rock 5 weeks ago (Marshall base from MC). I am planning to add a
second tang because we sadly lost our Hippo in the quarantine process
(a new one will probably will be smaller than the Yellow, she is about
4") . I realize we will have to quarantine a new tang for 6
weeks to be absolutely sure we introduce no ich into the system. Even
with some macro algae and live rock additions, my Yellow is not very
happy in the quarantine tank (skittish, hides quickly.. not like she
was in the big tank, but otherwise very healthy and eats well). Yet, I
know another tang should be added to the main tank before her. Would
this work to add the new addition? 1) Separate the main tank into 2
sections with eggcrate (there is space between the live rock). 2)
Add the Yellow to the big tank now. 3) Add another Tang to the opposite
side after the 6 week quarantine. 4) Wait x days and then remove the
eggcrate? The only other fish that would be added first are some
Chromis (who could probably go through the eggcrate). <Debbie,
being that the yellow and the hippo are from different genera, you
probably won't see much aggression at all, especially in a 200
gallon aquarium. I'd go ahead and add the yellow tang when ready,
then add the hippo when it is ready.> It is hard to have a
peaceful ich-free tank! <It will be easier as time goes by.
James (Salty Dog)> Thanks in advance!!! <You're
welcome> Mixing Tangs: The tangs I listed were: Naso Tang Clown Tang Blue Hippo Tang Yellow Tang I have no problem scaling down. I was told by the local pet shop that this number of fish would be fine. <The number is okay... it's the habits, temperaments of mixing these sorts of territorial fishes of the Tang family that presents potential problems> How many pounds of live rock would you suggest? I wouldn't want more than a 1/5 of the tank with live rock in it, and with that little in the tank, would it really be of any benefit? Should I cycle the tank with the live rock, or with the Damsels? <A pound to a pound and a half per gallon's about right... you can add more later... but do look for "full box" deals (FFExpress does these deals... and has some great rock). Cure the whole system and the rock at the same time... no damsels need apply. Very great and real benefits of using live rock... maybe read up on this issue at the pieces stored at www.wetwebmedia.com> PS Is there anything wrong with building an aquarium stand higher than 30"? We want to make it about 10" higher so that it is more "eye level" and not so much stooping to see the fish is required. <Nope. Do make sure it's wedged in, otherwise anchored so it can't be "rocked" or tipped over... taller stands are better for larger settings, places where tanks are situated to be viewed by folks standing rather than sitting> Thanks bunches for all of your advise!!! Kim <You're welcome, Bob Fenner> Fish community In a 55 fish only tank how would a powder blue tang, Niger trigger, flame angel, true Perc clown do?. I really like the powder blue tang, if the rest won't get along >> Powder Blues (Acanthurus leucosternon), are not easy to keep... especially in a non-reef setting... Please do read over the materials stored on the www.wetwebmedia.com site re this species... I can't discourage you enough in pursuing this species for a FO set-up... Very prone to ich/Cryptocaryon... need to be thoroughly dipped/quarantined... placed in LARGE, ESTABLISHED reef settings.... then, still half die within a month, ninety percent plus within three.... Bob Fenner, who says, the other livestock sounds okay... maybe look into another tang species? Pajama/Clown tang with an Achilles Tang Hi Bob, Are you in the Cook islands yet?, <Nope. Out tomorrow, 9/26...> This time I want to ask you about this two fishes... Since the reef compatible fishes are somewhat limited, I'm thinking on adding this two to my 120 Gal Reef tank. Do you think it's possible?, or I'm only looking for trouble here?... <Yes... Achilles, like their name implies, die very easily... and these two can/will tussle big time if both in good shape...> If not possible what other Tang do you think I might be able to keep together with the A. lineatus? Norberto. >> <Take a look on the site: Home Page , and choose one of the Ctenochaetus, Zebrasoma, a Paracanthurus, or one of the dissimilar looking Acanthurus that is top-rated by me... Bob Fenner> Achilles tang I was hoping you could answer a couple question for me. I have a 75 gal reef tank with about 80lbs of LR. I have a Tomatoe clown, 3 shrimp and lots snails/hermits. I have a purple tang (3 inches) in quarantine. My local fish store told me I could add an Achilles tang. I have them both in quarantine with a tank divider. Is this going to work? <IMO, no. Your tank is too small for these two to peacefully coexist.> I thought tangs were good together as long as they were the same species (Zebrasoma). I read something on your web page about the Achilles make your other tank mates die- Could you explain further?- Thanks Anjanette <Have a nice evening. -Steven Pro> Compatibility Hallo again, <cheers> I have had the
clown tang for 6 months now...actually that is how long I have had the
tank (plus cycle time) the tang is a bit over 1 1/2" long, and
seems okay...I do try to feed a variety of food. but will consider the
refugium option... <yes, my friend... please read more about this
fish on the Wet Web Media archives. And in the Conscientious Marine
Aquarist book too. The prognosis for this fish and its size are not
good in the long run> though it is hard without an overflow set up.
(no?) <not at all. You will want an Upstream refugium: a small
tank above your display with an overflow hole... water is pumped up and
flows back down.> Anyhow, Thanks for all your advice, I have a 33gal
quarantine tank at the moment...so perhaps I will try it out...
<excellent! It will be fine for this tiny trigger for many
months> cheers again Bob
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