fish ID please
I saw this damsel at a local pet shop under mixed damsels.
I am having a very difficult time identifying the fish. During
the day it is the pale green/blue color almost like a Chromis
viridis except that you can almost see stripes at certain angels
<angles>. Also the shape is not the same.
<Ah yes>
As it swims it seems graceful then suddenly stops and flares out
it's fins as if posing. When I checked on my take at
night the fish is a different color and the stripes are
visible. Yes, this is the same exact fish in all three
photos. Can you please help me ID this guy. It is my
favorite fish in the whole tank and I will watch him swim for
hours. After several days of internet searching I can only
guess Sergeant Major Damselfish/Abudefduf saxatilis or Staghorn
Damselfish/Amblyglyphidodon curacao.
<I do agree at least w/ the genus>
Please help so I can research proper care and tank size to meet
its needs as it grows.
Thank You,
<My pix, coverage here:
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Damsel ID 6/13/2011
Hi guys. I recently purchased this fish from a local store. (pic
attached) they said it was a damsel from the great Barrier Reef
but didn't know what type. Can you help by telling me what
type it is? It's color is the same as a green Chromis and is
1 inch long. Seems very Peaceful. Sorry the pic isn't great.
He isn't shy just not photogenic. Thanks so much for all the
great work you guys do.
Mmm, no pic attached
Re: re:
Sorry here's the pic
This looks to be an Amblyglyphidodon sp., maybe an A. leucogaster
juv. Bob Fenner>

6 year bullies, Amblyglyphidodon aureus ! Need to trap some
fish - 1/22/07 Hello everyone!! <Hi Pam, Brenda here> I have
learned so much from you guys. Thank you for such a
wonderful site!! <You are welcome and thank you for the positive
feedback!> I hope you can now help me with the following problem. It
concerns this bully, Amblyglyphidodon aureus! I've had two of them
for about six years! They bullied a beautiful little pair of
tangs three years ago, and chewed them to the point of no
return. Through the years, I haven't been able to keep
any other fish in my 75gal reef tank. This week however, I
decided to give it another try, and purchased six Bicolor
Pseudochromis. So far, the bullies have chewed the fins on
two of them so badly; I fear they will not survive.
<Ouch!!> Along with the Chromis, I bought six very small Tomato
Clownfish - Tank-Bred. <Yikes! Twelve fish
all at once? Too many! Also that is too many
clownfish for your tank. I suggest no more than two
clownfish together. You will likely see aggression as they
mature.> Again, I was hoping for power in numbers, but that
doesn't seem to be the case here, with bullies like the
Amblyglyphidodon aureus. They are being harassed to no end! Now, for my
question: Is there any such thing as a "fish
trap"? <Yes> Yeah, funny question, but try catching these!
As soon as they see the net, they duck for cover with the speed of
lightening! I must get rid of these pests! <Try searching
the internet for fish traps there have been many who have made their
own. They are also available at,
and possibly at your LFS. I suggest separating as many as
you can from these damsels, ASAP. I wouldn't add more
than two fish at a time to your system, and this is after they have
been quarantined for 30 days. Fourteen fish for your system
is too many in my opinion.> I don't have a refugium set up at
the moment (that's another problem!) however I do own a new one.
<A refugium would be a nice place to house some fish until you can
find someone to take them.> Thank you for all your help!! Pam
<Your welcome and good luck! Brenda>

Spawning Amblyglyphidodon leucogaster
11/13/05 Hello again Thank you for the previous reply on
phoronids. This time my question involves spawning fish. I
have 3 yellow belly damsels (Amblyglyphidodon leucogaster) in my
tank with several other types of fish. <Fishes if more than one
species> The damsels starting spawning about 2 months after I
got them. The first 2 times they laid eggs on a powerhead and the
eggs got eaten within hours. Then 3 days later they laid eggs
again, this time on a seaweed clip. It's been almost 3 days and
the eggs have gotten bigger and darker. The first batch is darker
than the 2nd batch that they laid a day after the 1st ones.
<Exciting!> I assume it's the male damsel that keeps
guarding and fanning the eggs, I might be wrong though. He sure
keeps my Kole tang away from the eggs. <Good... could be
either sex> I'm not sure what to do. Should I move the clip
into a different tank and hope they'd hatch or just leave them
alone? <Mmm, depends... what do you want to do?> Here's a
pic of the first set of eggs. Sorry about the bad quality. My
digital camera isn't all that fancy. Thank you in advance again
for your help. -Cole <...? You could try raising the young...
need to culture food, keep isolated from predators... Bob
Fenner> |
Damsel ID Hello to whoever is on duty this
afternoon- I was just wondering if you could ID my little buddy in
the attached pic. I got two of these guys before finding your
website, and have been unable to find anything on
them. They were sold under the common name "Yellow
Chromis". <This is a juvenile Amblyglyphidodon aureus
(don't say this fast ten times with a mouthful of potato
chips!). Our coverage of the species, genus is here:
Bob Fenner>
Thank You-
Luke |

Avoiding A Damsel In Distress Dear Mr. Fenner,
<Scott F. here this morning!> >Found a number of your articles
on the Wet Web Media website when doing a web search for marine fish
info and thoroughly enjoyed them. Was very impressed by your
knowledge and obvious love of these fascinating and wonderful
creatures. <They are all priceless treasures!> We have a 38
gallon, fish-only aquarium with a large Maroon Clownfish, Purple
Pseudochromid and a Yellow-tailed Blue Damsel. We're
looking to add another fish, and are quite taken with the
Amblyglyphidodon Damselfishes, particularly Amblyglyphidodon aureus
(Golden Damselfish). <They have a classic damsel shape and some neat
behaviors-understandable that you like 'em!> Your WWM article
notes that this is an easy-going fish, but I know that having two or
more fish from the same family in a small community tank is generally
not a great idea (they fight). Would adding a Golden
Damselfish to our tank be advisable? <If for no other reason than
their ultimate potential size (5 inches or more), I'd pass on them
for your sized system. Perhaps in a much larger tank, you could try a
small group of them.> Thanks much for any assistance you can
provide. --Kevin M. <And thank you for stopping by! Keep reading and