FAQs about Anglerfish, Frogfish
Related Articles: Anglerfishes,
Related FAQs: Anglers
1, Anglers 2, Angler ID, Angler Behavior, Angler Compatibility, Angler Selection, Angler Systems, Angler Feeding, Angler Reproduction,
Healthy Anglers are alert... Antennarius
commerson pair pic in N. Sulawesi by

Anglerfish Mystery
<And you>
I'm not sure if you guys still answer emails, but I'd figure I'd give it
a shot.
I currently have an anglerfish in a 29G tank.
<Hope it's a small specimen, species>
I've had this tank set up for about 4 months now, I used it as a QT tank
for two different fishes.. I picked up about a two months ago,
quarantined it and put it into my display tank.. I recently took the
angler out and put him back into the 29, as he was getting out competed
for food by the eels on the tank.. I kept him on a 1 damsel a week diet
for the two weeks it was in the tank, which it ate both times. I came
home today to find the angler dead. I've attached a picture of how I
found it, wondering if you guys could shed some light on the issue.
<The mouth is damaged... from? A heater? A trauma...
physical? What else is in this system?
Have you read on WWM re Anglers? Bob Fenner>
Commerson/s? |
Re: Anglerfish Mystery
Thanks for the reply.
They system does have a heater in it, although I'm not sure it was anywhere
near the fish itself. Not sure what else would cause physical trauma, as
it's the only fish in the tank, other then the damsels that were used as
<This will do it... Antennariiforms aren't graceful... will crash about in a
small system chasing prey>
Would a picture of the tank help?
<Maybe; yes>
Thanks again
<Welcome. BobF>
Re: Anglerfish Mystery.... Not really; poor env., no rdg.
Sorry it took me a minute to reply, school and work.. Here is a
picture of the tank..
It's a bare bottom tank, like I said before, it was used as a QT before
the angler was inside.. The heater wasn't used much, as the water temp
rarely drops below 76 out here..
<Still... did you, have you read where I previously referred you?>
On a side note, I've also included a picture of an eel I picked up from
a tide pool out here and was wondering if perhaps you could help with
identification.. He's currently in my display tank with four other eels,
my humuhumunukunukuapaa, and lunare wrasse..
<This puhi... Gymnothorax ... read here...
Thanks again for all your help, your site is a great resource..
<Wish you'd use it. B>

%20hi%20puhi.jpeg) |
Frogfish Floating 6/25/13
Hi crew. So about a month ago I picked up a 2.5" A. pictus,
He is in a 34g FOWLR with a surprisingly docile Toby
puffer and cryptic dwarf moray. So a
little over two weeks ago, after he took his first frozen
silverside (1/2 of one),
<A clue here>
he wasn't looking too good. He kept on pacing the surface of the water
and refused to eat. This was right before I went on vacation. I had my
LFS manager watch over him at the shop until I got back. When I got
back, he was all fine and eating again. He got two gut loaded
ghost shrimp, and five or so days later got two more, and then one more
the next day.
<... too much>
Well yesterday, about 3 days after his last feeding, he started to
I finally managed to get him upside under a ledge so he wasn't crashing
into walls. I woke up this morning and found him acting completely
normal and not floating. He was like this until about 30 min ago. I fed
the puffer (he was acting normal then), come back 5 minutes later, and
see him rising from the rocks. Again, I got him under a ledge. I
suspected overfeeding again, but it seemed strange that he would be
floating for a day, normal for a day, and then all of a sudden start to
float again. Any ideas? Thanks.
<Yes; this fish is being over-fed, the food being converted to gas
inside it. Anglers will eat and eat when food presents itself... Not
good for them though... And results in too-fast growth and shorter life
spans... feed just a bit (something in the size range of the eye of the
fish) twice a week maximum. Bob Fenner>
New frogfish and Ich? 2/23/13
Hi Bob - long time no "talk"...how're you these days? Any dives lately?
<Ah yes Jor. The Philippines last month, Cozumel before that...>
Hopefully you're enjoying warm weather somewhere pleasant...I finally
acquired my single fish for my 29 gal. SW setup - he was labeled as a
warty frogfish but I believe he's actually an A. Pictus, painted
<A good specimen for this size/shape tank>
He's adorable, just about the size of a quarter (maybe less). As stated
above he's living alone in a tank that's been established for around 6
mos...some corals (trumpet, Zoas, Acans, etc.) and some hermit crabs and
a lone coral banded shrimp.
<Keep that Stenopid fed well... it might go after your Frog... ahead of
it growing and inhaling it!>
I do realize when the froggie grows the shrimp may be history but for
now all's well. In any case after staring at my new friend Chris
announced that he thinks he may have Ich.
<Mmm... am doubtful. Antennariids are usually quite resistant... slimy>
I can't tell. He's got some very teeny tiny white spots on him (he's a
dark red color) but I've read this could be part of his camouflage or
possibly even sand sticking to him. He's quite active so far for a new
fish and I gave him three tiny ghost shrimp, gut-loaded, this afternoon.
He's happily stalking them around the tank. If this does indeed end up
being marine Ich, what's your recommendation for treatment?
<None; that is, I would not treat this fish, system. I suspect that this
fish is fine, due to your relating its behavior>
Majority of what I've read calls for hyposalinity for treating this
unique fish for Ich, but Chris insists this won't work.
<I agree w/ Chris>
I would love to know your thoughts on the situation...Many thanks and
Mahalo Jorie
<Cheers and a hu'i hou! BobF>
Thanks for the responses, Bob. Will keep my eye on him and
hopefully it's nothing. I'm sending you a picture of my cute
little friend.... Name suggestions welcome;)
<Wow! Is small. Thanks for sharing, and hello to ChrisP! BobF>
Small Orange Frogfish gasping and turning pale
<And you>
I have a small (less than 2 inch) frogfish (I believe Commerson's, but
I've included a photo)
<May be this species>
that is beginning to turn pale and exhibit very heavy breathing.
<Looks to be in a too-bright and plain setting... I'd tone down the
lighting and give it a habitat of rock and more to get out of the light>
"Cheeto" is bright orange and very small like his namesake, but I'm
worried he isn't doing so hot. His tank is mostly bleached coral
and "live" beach sand,
<Ah yes... typical "Hawaiian" due to laws>
so the color change may be natural, but it seems to change
inconsistently. From what I can see, no growths or fuzz, just
getting paler. And really rapid, visible gasping.
He is in a 10 gallon tank filled with sand and bleached coral/ Liverock
collected here in Hawaii. He has one tank mate - a small leaf
scorpion, and they don't really seem too concerned with each other.
The water is seawater collected from the shore, and filtered through a
Marineland C-220 canister. A chiller kept the water at 74F, but I
recently increased temp to 77F (what do you recommend?)
<I'd leave it lower>
Cheeto was collected locally in Hawaii, so I figured the local water was
the best bet for him. Nitrites are a little elevated, but not
alarmingly high.
<How high? Under 20 ppm I hope/trust>
I just changed 40% of the water, and will change out filter media in a
day or so.
Diet has been freshwater feeder shrimp, one or two about every two to
three days. So far, he won't take dead food, and the tidepool
minnows here are just too big and fast for him. From what I've
read, the big three things I should be concerned about are: 1.
Nutrition - How long can he eat just feeder shrimp, and what else do you
recommend for a frog so small?
<Small, just born livebearers... check out the fish stores, perhaps they
have some in w/ the adults they have up for sale>
What should I feed the feeder shrimp to cover his nutritional
<High grade flake and/or pellet food/s>
2. Water quality - how super sensitive are they to nitrites,
<All fishes are... should be 0.0>
and was 74 degrees too cold?
<Not too cold, no... better for DO and more>
What do you think
about using local water instead of mixing my own?
<Is fine>
3. Disease - I'm really not sure if the color change is natural, but if
it isn't, what do you think might bee ailing him?
<Color change is definitely natural... what is bugging this fish is in a
word "stress"... see above>
The main symptom I know for sure isn't normal is the full body gasping.
He hasn't started agitated movements, or uncontrolled blow ups. He
is spending more time peeking out of the caves in the dead coral, as
opposed to hiding in it. That is another change.
I've had this fish for about 3 weeks, and the symptoms are new.
Since it is time to change the filter media, I'm hoping that helps.
I hope I can keep Cheeto around much longer, so please let me know what
I can do to help the little nubbin out...
<Do (re)read through what is posted on WWM re Antennariids. A hu'i hou!
Bob Fenner>
Re: Small Orange Frogfish gasping and turning
pale 8/14/12
Thanks, Bob.
<Welcome Lee>
I'll lower the temp, continue to remove the nitrites, and ease back on
the light. Do you think the water flow from the filter may be too
<Not if there's decor to get out of the blast>
I know it is a pretty small aquarium for a C-220... I also have a
separate pump for the chiller (until my hose adapters come in the mail)
which adds another source of flow. Is it too much? Do you
think a bubbler may be counterproductive, or help with oxygenation?
<Not necessary; and likely more stress>
Also, with the color change, it looks like there may be faint bands on
the caudal and anal fins. Are Antennarius tuberosus commonly
caught in Hawaii? Could Cheeto be this species?
<Is found there, though I've never come across one (mainly dive on Kona,
some on Maui, O'ahu)... this is likely a Commerson's>
I am going to shade the light, add some dark colored rock,
<The washed up coral boulders would be ideal>
and place some red or orange poster or plastic boards on the outside of
the tank to add some more color.
I previously read from one of your other responses that you've spent
some time on the Big Island, and you seem to know the deal out here...
Are you local kine, or a frequent visitor?
<Was to be living there by now, building out our Kona Aquarium and
Education Center... instead, lost my properties through this current
"down turn"... now don't know when>
Thanks for the prompt reply.
<And you, BobF>
Re: Small Orange Frogfish gasping and turning pale
Aloha Bob,
Sorry to hear you won't be coming out to Kona anytime soon, but do let
me know when you make it out to Oahu next.
<Thank you... am hoping to haul out to the Big Island in May next if the
Aquarama run to Singapore doesn't happen, and the dive-travel before
and/or after... Depending on who is on the itinerary, we might haul over
to O'ahu for one, or both the hashes (Sat., Tues.)>
After taking your advice, "Cheeto" was doing fine for a while, but now
seems to be having intermittent buoyancy issues. Tank
environmental are about perfect, with no nitrates/ nitrites showing at
all. He also responded positively to the reduced water motion when
I shut the filter and chiller off, by coming out of the coral he likes
to hide in. I've been doing this nightly before feeding attempts
and leaving them off throughout the night. I managed to get him to
eat juvenile mollies off of a fishing line for a while, but he hasn't
taken one in over a week. He ate 2 freshwater feeder shrimp (gut
loaded) two days ago.
However, lately he has been hanging out just below the surface to the
water, on top of the filter discharge. His bright orange color has
returned, and he doesn't seem to be gasping, but I am concerned that
this is abnormal behavior for him. He is literally less than a
millimeter from the surface. The instances of buoyancy control
seem to occur a day or two after feeding, but I don't know if it is
related. I am worried about him. Is it common for these guys
to have recurring digestion issues affecting buoyancy, and do they
usually work them out themselves? What do you recommend?
<Really, just patience, monitoring and every other day efforts at
On a potentially related topic (although I hope not!) I have read
references to Sudden Angler Death (SAD) on this site and others, and I
was wondering if you had any thoughts or insight into this phenomenon.
<As good a descriptor as any for this "syndrome">
I have attached a primary lit research paper I found documenting
mycobacteriosis in six A. striatus at the Mote Marine Laboratory in
2003. There was significant histopathology work done on these
specimens, and no external indication of fungal infection. They
presented not-eating, buoyancy control problems, and spawning issues,
but no granulomas were present, as in common with this infection in
other types of fish. Could this be the "mysterious" SAD?
<I doubt it... but/then again Mycobacteria re literally most
everywhere... sort of what came first chicken/egg (eggs really)...>
Aloha, and Mahalo for your continued advice and insight.
-- Lee
<A hu'i hou! BobF>
Re: Small Orange Frogfish gasping and turning pale
OK Bob,
Cheeto has me stumped. I've attached a beauty shot of him
apparently doing what he is supposed to be doing, grounded on the
bottom, and "fishing." However, just a second before he was wedged
in between the filter intake pipe and the aquarium wall, right at the
surface like I described before.
<Not a big deal... Antennariids "do this">
I gave him a little nudge, and he shot right down to the bottom and
grounded himself. That's when I took the pic.
<I'd not nudge this fish, these fishes>
It seems he is (for lack of a better descriptor) inherently buoyant.
<Mmm, maybe... it, the fish may be being fed too much, and/or too much
of the wrong "stuff"... What are you feeding, how much, often... have
you read on WWM re Angler nutr.?>
Everytime he "lets go" of the bottom or isn't in a hole, he floats to
the surface. Notice in the second picture how he is braced against
the rock and the glass. What is weird is, he doesn't seem overly
stressed about not being able to stay down.
<Not a worry>
When he begins to float up, he gulps water and jets around the tank by
shooting it out his gill openings, and hardly ever breaks the surface by
jetting down when he gets to <too> close. It is obvious he has to
actively stay down. He will travel around the tank like this,
especially when I turn the lights off at night. When I shine a
flashlight on him, he jets down and takes cover - but can only stay down
if he braces himself. He is still eating, and his color is good.
I am convinced based on his shape, size, and fin banding that he is an
Antennatus tuberosus. Is this inherent buoyancy a characteristic
of this species?
<It is not>
It seems that if he had gas bubbles, they would have come out already, and
if he gulped air when originally put into the tank (which was possible)
that it would have re-absorbed by now. In any case, I have not
tried the "burping" procedure
<I would only attempt this as a last resort>
outlined on other threads due to his size, and that it doesn't seem he is
"in extremis" yet. Is it possible that this observed buoyancy is due to
the fact that he is in a shallow tank, and that if he were in deeper
water, the pressure would naturally keep him down? Or has he just
developed this anomaly, and is just trying his best to "deal with it?"
<See above>
He eats 1-2 shrimp or mollies every 3-4 days,
<Cut this amount of food in half>
and other than the
jetting behavior and buoyancy stuff, seems to be just a picky eater.
still won't take dead food.
What do you think? Would you try the "burping" procedure, or is
his behavior strange, but normal? Mahalo nui loa, Bob.
-- Lee
<Cheers, BobF>
Frogfish fungus 8/8/12
I bought a Hispid<us> frogfish last week. He was eating frozen foods and
looked and acted great. Yesterday I got back from a 3 day vacation and I
noticed that my frogfish had some white fungus-like stuff on the top of it's
<Mmm, may simply be camouflage "patching"...>
I am very concerned about this. What do you recommend for me to do? I'm
going to be putting him in a quarantine tank and treating him with fungal
medicines tomorrow.
<I wouldn't treat this>
Thanks for the help,
Jacob S.
Here is a picture:
<Looks like camouflage... Just pay attention to maintaining good water
quality and nutrition. Oh, and read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Striatus with spots 5/8/11
Can you help me understand what the spots near his tail and on
his foot are? He's in a dedicated tank that's part of a 3
year old system of 400g, eats both live and frozen, had the spots
prior to my purchase of him 3 days ago, they fed him freeze dried
krill and silversides. Oh, he's teeny tiny -- maybe 3 inches?
I thought he looked skinny so I have fed him 2 sw mollies (I
breed them for food). Thanks for any help!
<Am hoping these are part of the camouflage repertoire of
this, other Antennariids... Can/do change to make themselves less
obvious in the wild... to fool food organisms as well as
predators. A skin scraping, look under a microscope might reveal
this these areas are "fungused" (bacterial more likely)
infected. See a standard fish pathology tome re this last. Bob

Frogfish over one year old can't eat.
Thiaminase, avitaminosis/es issue? 12/6/10
Hey guys,
<And "gals" Ivan>
I have been looking all over the internet and can't find anything
to help me with my situation. Everything I have ever found on frogfish
not eating is in regards to a newly added fish that won't eat. We
have actually had ours for over a year now and he has been eating since
day one. However out of the blue he seems to be having trouble
<Not an uncommon event. Frogfishes do go on feeding strikes at
We used to feed him on frozen krill and silversides
<Need more than this... too fatty>
and he would strike at them without any enticement whatsoever. Now when
we try to feed him he will strike half heartedly at the food but not
actually open his mouth. Basically he just lunges at it. After making
that attempt he won't even try again. I used to be able to drop
large pellets in front of him which he would snap up with no
hesitation. However it's the same as with the frozen food now. He
just starts to strike but doesn't actually open his mouth. I
can't find anything anywhere online regarding anyone else having
this problem. I've found some people talking about a fungus that
can grow around their mouths and looks like white balls growing on the
fish. He doesn't have anything like that. I've even used my
telephoto zoom lens to look more closely. He still looks very healthy
and moves around fine but it's been a few weeks now and I'm
afraid he's going to starve himself. I see him hunting in the rocks
but I doubt there is anything in the rocks for him to actually eat.
<Try some live Palaemonetes/Grass-Glass Shrimp... can be purchased
at most LFSs>
Does anyone have any insight into this or has anyone heard of this
happening before?
<Oh yes... nutritional deficiency, toxicity... syndrome>
He's in an 80 gallon reef tank with two clowns, a mono, and a
<Very surprised this fish hasn't eaten at least the
They have all been in the tank together for over a year and the other
fish tend to ignore him and vice versa.
Water temp = 77 Â 78
Nitrates = 0
Nitrites = normal
Ammonia = 0
pH = 8.3
Healthy coral
Please help as we are probably running out of time.
Ivan N.
<Try the shrimp, and going forward, expand the menu. Read here:
Bob Fenner>
Frogfish sick? Stuck, stung 3/15/10
I have a 40 gallon tank with a frogfish, a Volitans lionfish,
<Ummm, this is too small a volume for a Pterois volitans...
and it's stung your Antennariid>
sea star, snails, longspine urchin, and a lobster.
<Also misplaced>
The frogfish is only about four inches in length. I have 25
pounds of live rock and all the levels are good... no ammonia, ph
is 8.2, no nitrite, the nitrates float from 20-40 at the
The tank has a protein skimmer and filter and everything. I just
recently purchased the orange painted Frogfish from a local fish
store. I bought him this past Wednesday 3/10, the fish store said
he had been eating (3 damsels in a day and a half) so we brought
him home and he ate a frozen eel on Thursday. He seems to be
healthy and swims around a lot. But since Thursday he hasn't
eaten. I bought him ghost shrimp but he didn't go for any,
there were even some crawling on him but he never ate any. He
also won't eat anymore frozen eels. I'm not quite sure
why he isn't eating, but I noticed a black spot that popped
up on his right arm/fin that wasn't there when we bought him
and I wonder if maybe this has something to do with him not
eating. It doesn't look like the other black spots on his
body, this is
much darker, almost looks like mold. Is this anything you've
heard of?
<Yes... poked by the Lion>
There is also white crusty looking stuff by his tail/back. It has
been there since we first saw him but it is getting bigger. I
think it might just be camouflage but I'm not sure. I
attached the pictures. Thanks
<I'd return this Frogfish, and/or get rid of the Lion,
pronto. Bob Fenner>
Re: Frogfish sick? 3/15/10
We are getting rid of the Lion Fish today. I also read on the
website that the urchin we have isn't good with Frogfish so
we are also getting rid of that and replacing it with a Tuxedo
Urchin, is that okay?
<Still too spiky really>
So will my Frogfish make a full recovery?
<These are very tough animals... I give you good odds here. IF
the animal had been sufficiently venomized, it would have been
dead w/in minutes to a few hours. BobF>
Re: Frogfish sick?
Thank you for your help. My boyfriend was sad to see his Lionfish
go. Is there any fish that is compatible with the Frogfish and
compatible with our tank size?
<Mmm, not likely in the long/er run. Please read here:
and the linked files above as well. BobF>
Re: Frogfish sick?
Would a dwarf Lionfish possibly be compatible with the
<No. B>
Frightened Antennarius Striatus
Hi Crew,
<Hello Jason and Sarah>
Saturday night I learned my local LFS had received a Fu Manchu
I've been wanting to get one of these so me and the wife stopped by
to have a look. While there my wife fell in love with a Striped Angler,
and I'd have to admit she was pretty cute (guessing she since she
doesn't have a lot of tufts or camouflage,
<Your wife or the angler?>
but she might just be a juvenile). Well I added her that night to my 55
gallon tank which is currently home to a Ghost Eel (Pseudechidna
brummeri) as well as a Lunare Wrasse who got banned from my 225 tank
for poor behavior. I realize this tank isn't a good home for him,
but I'm keeping him here until I finder a better place,
and I've been keeping an eye out for any picking by the wrasse, and
so far everyone is getting along well.
The first night while giving a silverside to the wrasse and eel (I have
to give one to the wrasse or he makes feeding the eel nearly
impossible) the angler showed a lot of interest so my wife gave him a
half a silverside and she ate it. I was so excited because she was
already taking frozen foods from a stick.
<Sounds good.>
Then last night (we always feed on Saturday and Wednesdays on our
predators) we were trying to feed her a piece of krill, and I made a
dreadful mistake. She turned her back on my wife, and I had a piece of
krill that was for the eel, but since she came my way I put it somewhat
near her in case she wanted it. Apparently this made her feel trapped
and she completely freaked out and tried to bury herself in the sand
face first. I'm now extremely worried as I know I triggered her
fight or flight response, and I know that the energy she expanded could
kill her. This morning she was breathing a bit heavy and was stuck to
the filter intake. I turned it off and there was no physical damage,
but I'm severely worried she's dying. Is there anything I can
do at this point that would help her chances at survival?
Thanks in advance for any advice you can give.
<Mmm, just keep up the water quality and observe. I'd get the
wrasse out of there, can be very intimidating to the angler. If the
angler is small enough to fit into the eels mouth, I'd find a home
for him also. Anglers are best kept by themselves. Do read here and
related articles/FAQ's shown in the header.
<Cheers. James (Salty Dog)>
Jason and Sarah
Re Frightened Antennarius Striatus
Thanks for the response James.
<You're welcome.>
Sadly we lost her last night.
<Sorry to hear.>
I did remove the Wrasse last night, and have given him away to a more
suitable home, and believe you are right about the angler being
intimidated by him. Although there was no physical nipping the wrasse
was constantly swimming by the angler, and kept her in an agitated
<Yes, and is one of the reasons anglers are best kept in a specie
I had seen something before hand that anglerfish were best kept by
themselves, but thought it had to do with their propensity to eat their
tank mates.
<If the fish can fit in the angler's mouth, they are on the
I considered moving the Wrasse before hand, but thought the angler
could hold her own, and now I wish I had. Anyway, thanks again for the
advice James, and at least next time I'll know better.
<Is why one should research beforehand. James (Salty Dog)>
Angler fish question,
swallowed air, hlth. 5/4/2009
Hi, I have emailed you before and I want to say, thank you for your
answers. I have another question though. I have an Angler fish and
I was feeding it the other day. It is fairly new and I have been
feeding him
tuffies to get it through the new stage. When it moved to the
surface of the tank to eat a tuffie, it gulped some air as well as
the tuffie and for the past couple of days, it was having trouble
staying right side up, it
was swimming on its side and at one point upside down. Could that
be from gulping the air, I believe that I read on your website that
it could be lethal for an angler fish to gulp air. Thanks for your
<Can be... if this problem persists more than a day or two, you
might want to try (carefully) "burping" this fish...
holding it gingerly in a soft net UNDERwater, head tilted upward,
moving your fingers from the abdomen toward the gill area with
slight pressure to the sides. Bob Fenner>
re: Angler fish question
<Welcome. Please do send a follow-up. BobF> Re: Angler fish question
Hi. You asked me to respond. The angler fish seems to have worked
out the floating issue on his own but now there is a different
issue. He seems to be slowly turning red.
<I see this>
I have included some pictures of him. He is a striated angler fish.
Is it possible that the air problem and the red are linked
<Mmm, perhaps. But Anglers do change their colour... often to
match major elements in their environment... Thought to have
survival value in camouflaging these stampede predators>
What should I do?
<Same as always... provide the best circumstances you
He also seems to be breathing heavy, I think. When I bought him,
the man in the store told me that I could set up a tank and then
come back and get him in a day or two if I used something called
Start Smart.
I used that in addition to 2/3 cycled water from another one of my
tanks, about 5 pounds of live rock and I seeded a crushed coral
gravel bed with live sand.
<Ah, good>
This is all in a 15 gallon aquarium. I know that he will eventually
need a bigger aquarium.
<Likely now>
I noticed the ammonia got high
so I put in Amquel plus to neutralize it
<Won't do so ongoing...>
and I am also using a product called cycle
<This Hagen product is inconsistent...>
which is supposed to help reduce ammonia spikes. Thanks for reading
this. Could you try to get back to me soon. I am worried about
<The coloring, change could be "natural", but the
system is too small, the ammonia toxic... and this animal's
world needs more suitable "decor"... What will you do
going forward? Bob Fenner> |
Re: Blue Niger Trigger glancing and rubbing
itself-white spot on eye - update! 4/6/09 -- 04/07/09
Well Scott, I got good news and bad news! My Blue Niger Trigger has
stopped glancing and become completely free of any problems, and has
stayed that way for almost a full week now.
<Ah, good.>
I found out I had high nitrate content on my last water check and got a
water change yesterday which proved to get the levels back down.
<Also good.>
All my fish look and act normal and well-no erratic movements, but my
adult Dragon Wrasse showed a pale spot on his side a few days before
the water change, and now today after the water change there is
5 pale spots on his other side. The first spot has diminished and the
color returned in that area decently. I can't tell if the spots are
scraps or if he buried against something while the tank was being
cleaned or if lucky
me, I got another parasite on my hands. Best way to describe the spots
is a loss of regular pigmentation, they are not raised, swollen or
fleshy-scales are still intact, they look blotchy. The wrasse's
eyes, fins, eating habits, and swimming are all clear and normal to his
regular behavior. Should I be worried or is it most likely a case of
getting roughed up in the tank?
<Roughed up and/or stressed by the water and changes most
I can't win, as soon as one fish is in the clear, the next one has
One last side note, I have a frog fish in that same tank as well, and I
noticed his bobber has no ball or fishing lure if you will on the end
of his line.
He use to have one with floating skin like attachment that looked like
his bait. Is this something the frog fish loses and grows back?
Maybe another fish bit the end off?
<A good possibility....I do not know if this will grow back or not,
I suspect it does. I am going to replace this query in the general
Marine folder for input from other crew.>
<<Do grow back... as you might imagine, quite common for the lure
to get bitten off through continuous "fishing".
He still gobbles anything in his path and all vitals are on point.
Man, it's tough loving fish-they become your family! Any advice
would be appreciated as always-thanks, Ole.
<Sure thing, lets see what others have to say.>
<<Patience, vigilance re water quality. RMF>>
Frogfish with white bumps in mouth
3/9/09 Hi, <Hello> I have a yellow frogfish that
hasn't been eating for a few days. We figured he'll get hungry
soon enough and we'll feed him. This morning I woke up and found
him upside down in a corner, <!> still alive. I tried flipping
him upright and noticed in his mouth has many white spots in it.
<?> Almost like a bad case of Ich in his mouth, but only in his
mouth. I'm about to do a water change and check the levels but does
anyone know what this is and how I need to treat it? Quite worried for
him =(..... Thanks, L <I too am concerned... but you've
presented no on info. on the system, foods/feeding, your history with
this animal, system... Please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/anglerdisfaqs.htm and the linked files above re
this group of fishes, and to give you an idea of the sorts of data
we're looking for to help you, others. Bob Fenner>
Angler Fish - Strange thing happening and Need
Advice Angler disease? 3-4-09 Hi
there WWM crew, <Hello, Mike here today> Sorry for emailing
on so many different things over the last couple of days. <No
problem, we're here to help> Need advice on an anglerfish
ailment. He's recently developed some kinda bumps on his
mouth area. Photo attached in email body. And the left part of
his lip has sort of discoloured. He's not eating, even live
shrimp and just stays in this spot all day, occasionally
switching positions. I am concerned as he used to be fairly
lively, always moving about on the prowl. <A better picture
would be helpful, although I know that can be difficult. Are the
"bumps" just that (solid in appearance, like nodules?)
or are they fuzzy, like mold growing on bread?> Is there any
information you'd like me to provide you with so you can
further diagnose? <Your water parameters, how long you've
had him, when the symptoms first appeared, and how quickly have
they progressed?> Barry
<Get back to me re the above - M. Maddox>
Angler fin regeneration? --
02/12/09 Dear Fabulous WWM, <Well... all right!> After
asking around various forums, and receiving only mixed opinions, I turn
to you all for your expertise. This may sound like a fundamental
question but I know your extensive knowledge will put me at ease.
<Will try> After only purchasing a red angler (Antennarius
pictus) from LA.com did I realize that the specimen I purchased has the
bottom left half of its fin deformed. The following link is the exact
WYSIWYG picture of it.
<I see it/this> I feel a little bit embarrassed asking this, but
will its fins regenerate to full size? Thank you for all you do, and
your kind consideration in answering this matter. Art F. <Is
possible... this specimen is "famished"... but the group are
good eaters... Have seen much "worse" regenerate. Bob
Anglerfish Problem (Sick?) 10/25/08 Hello WWM
Crew- <Matt> I have had an anglerfish for a little over a
month now (I bought it on 9/16). It has been fine up until now,
eating healthily (only live foods, though) and occasionally even
swimming about the tank. Two days ago I noticed what looked like
a blister on the top of its back. I was a little concerned, but
decided to wait it out, as it seemed like something I had read
about on your Angler health FAQ page. Today I looked at it again,
and the blister has gotten considerably bigger and there appear
to be a couple more forming. I'm starting to freak out a
little. I don't know what would cause this - the only water
problem has been high nitrates (I get it checked at least weekly,
most recently yesterday and followed by a large water change).
<... how high is high? I'd get/use your own test kits>
I also don't think it's a tankmate issue - tankmates are
a Blue Velvet Damsel <Named "lunch?"> that
occasionally tail-slaps the angler (I have never seen him bite,
and usually stays well away) and a Zebra Moray. There is also a
Longspine Urchin in there, <This should go> but it is
usually behind the rock, while the angler is always in the front
of the tank. <Mmm, no, not always... the urchin likely
"comes out" at night> I've included pictures of
the angler with his blisters. Apologies for the quality - I had
to use my laptop's camera. I noted that in one of the Angler
Disease FAQ entries, Bob Fenner had said that he had seen
"air-like tumors" on anglers before and that they
usually go away. However, the one mentioned there was the size of
a pea - this is more like the size of a grape. I am wondering
about "Gas Bubble Disease", but I have significant
water flow (overflow, protein skimmer, 2 powerheads in addition
to sump returns), which would appear to make that unlikely if I
understand what I have read on it so far. Please advise. I'm
hoping this is a "wait-it-out" condition, but it has
got me a little freaked out. Thanks, -Matt <Mmm... I'd
address the NO3, remove the urchin... If I had another system to
move this fish to, I would... this one is too bare for such a
fish. Bob Fenner>
Re: Anglerfish Problem (Sick?)
10/31/08 Hello again- <Hello.> First, my thanks to
Mr. Fenner for responding (I realize he is AFK for awhile right
now). <He is.> As he suggested, I removed the longspine
urchin and added a product called Chemi-Pure Elite to the sump,
which has dropped my nitrates to below 20ppm as of 2 days ago.
<A series of small water changes is more effective,
appropriate.> However, the frogfish's condition has not
significantly improved, and I am still worried. It still has the
large "blisters" and looks to be "breathing
heavily", i.e. it is pumping water with whole-body motions
at a rate of about 1 every 1-2 seconds. It did not previously
seem to exert so much effort into breathing, but that might be
something I missed when things seemed fine. The fish also looks
like it has a small blister in its mouth. I did notice that I had
a very low (7.9) pH at the last water test, so I have been adding
a lot of buffer. <A low PH does not necessarily mean a low KH.
Do you measure for this too? You do not want to change this too
fast. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marphalk.htm>
I'm afraid I don't have a filled reef system for this
fish to go into (I assume this is what was meant when Mr. Fenner
said my tank was "too bare"), but I have a tank that
just finished cycling that I can begin converting into a reef. Is
there anything I can do to get the angler to recover? <It does
sound environmental, keep testing and improving you water
quality.> Thanks, -Matt <Welcome, Scott V.>
Re: Anglerfish Problem (Sick?)
10/31/08 Update: I returned home about 4.5 hours after
sending this last email, and the anglerfish was dead. <Mmmm,
very sorry to hear this.> I really do not know what caused
this. Is it something I did? When I came back it looked normal
except I noticed that its fins were not quite in the right
orientation to support it, and then noticed it was bloated and
not breathing. I honestly don't know what I did wrong. The
tank conditions had been sub-par, but they have been worse (not
for long) during the angler's tenancy and it got through
fine. <The environment is a cumulative effect, takes its toll
over time.> There's no longer any emergency, but please
advise. <Do read and learn from this, you will have success
next time. A place to go from here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/toxictk.htm.> -Matt <Sorry for
your loss, Scott V.>
Sick Angler - 04/09/08 Good afternoon Crew.
<Hello Amanda.> We recently bought a Snowflake Eel, about 7 in.
long for our 125 gal. tank, which already contains 3 Damsels
<Depending on species possible eel and/or angler and/or grouper
food.> , Coral Banded shrimp, <See above> 1 Spotted Grouper,
an Orange Starfish, and an Angler fish. <Species? Lots of different
species are sold with dramatically different adult sizes.> I also
transferred our Urchin ( black, thin spikes) into the tank, from our 40
gal. about 2 days after buying the Eel. The water parameters in both
tanks are good, I had the LFS test for me. <Numbers are better than
just a good. What's fine for one fish might be deadly to
another.> The Angler ate our Mandarin Goby which was very large the
first day we had them ( about 2 weeks ago ), <'¦> but
I have not seen him eat since. <What is he being fed? Anglers,
especially new ones can be difficult to feed and may need live food
(stay away from gold fish).> This morning I noticed he was sitting
on the bottom of the tank, and his breathing seemed labored. <No
good sign. He must be very stressed in there.> It also looked like
there was a tear in his lip. Would the Eel have attacked him?
<Possible.> I was told in a tank that size, the two wouldn't
bother each other, just make sure the Angler gets to eat. Should I
separate them <Yes. Anglers do best in systems designed especially
for their needs and not mixed community tanks like your tank. Your mix
of fishes may not work long term.> , or is the Angler just stressed
from the new addition? <Yes, but probably not only by the new
addition.> I need some good advice please! <As indicated above
I'd remove the angler to possibly save him. Please see
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/anglersysfaqs.htm and the other linked
FAQs.> Thank you very much! Amanda <Hope that helps.
Angler fish/Antennariid 2/5/08 Greetings,
and thanks for the volumes your team provides. I've a new
angler suffering from right eye cloudy and bulging. I think I
stumbled introducing the creature to its new environs. <Very
common> Worry 'bout them gulping air' So I think she
got bashed by plastic {who knew}. So hospital with just Epsom
salt, or also meds? Thank you so much, dinner in Atlanta?
<Oooh! For sure this last... Unless this animal is very bad
off... i.e. not eating as a good measure for Antennariids... I
would just be patient here... Will self-cure highly likely. Bob
Re: angler fish/Antennariid 3/2/08 Thanks Bob and Crew,
patience prevailed over panic. <Ahhh!> The bulging
cloudiness is gone, it has a sparkle and searches about when food
arrives. Interestingly the lens has diminished or disappeared.
<Excellent> Attached is a photo of her lovely visage.
<Fishing no less!> The right eye was the object of my
frenzy. She is devouring ghost shrimp, guppies and frozen silver
sides, fed three times a week. Chromis are in the quarantine
tank. Suggestions? <Re?> About that dinner invite, are
ya'll fond of lobster? How many stomachs are in the Crew?
Thanks, Kevin Strandin <Mmm, for the Atlantic MACNA show...
likely at least a handful. No worries, WWM will pay. Cheers,

Frogfishes / anglerfishes... Sel., beh., hlth.
gen. -11/18/07 Hi people - <Rachel> I was reading over your
Q&A page for frogfishes (aka anglerfishes, but this common name is
usually reserved for the entire order, Lophiiformes). <Ahh! Yes>
I think your website is wonderful and a joy to read. If I may, I would
just like to comment a little on the Q&A for frogfishes. <Please
do> The inside of the mouth of a frogfish is quite varied; it can be
the normal pale color you might expect, or the tissue could be
differently colored and look like algae (many times black and white!) -
all part of the fish's camouflage <And lure strategy>
(can't have that prey item scared away at the gaping mouth of the
frogfish, since they rarely close it all the way in order to keep water
circulating over their gills). Lumpy frogfish - consider that A.
maculatus (the clown or Wartskin frogfish) is, well, many times warty.
So if your readers have purchased A. maculatus and are perplexed by its
cancerous tumors filled with skin parasites, please assure them that
this is perfectly natural. Another side note being that most frogfishes
have a small bump on their lower lip right smack dab in the center.
This shouldn't be abnormally huge (such as the size of a pea), but
it is noticeable. It can also get pink and inflamed if they're
constantly hitting up against the glass of the aquarium.
<Well-stated> Air bubbles beneath the surface - this does seem to
be a problem, albeit rare, in most frogfishes. I would venture to say
that it is more common in the pygmy frogfishes (Antennatus - note that
this is different from the genus Antennarius :) ) often collected from
Hawaii. Hearing about gas bubbles problems in fishes that have been
well-established in their tanks makes me wonder if they're more
prone to the 'gas bubble disease' as it is called in sea
horses. Most are rather shallow (<90m), but they aren't built to
go up and down in the water column, and their natural habitat is hidden
within the benthic fauna (exception being H. histrio...perhaps this is
the reason why H. histrio does exceptionally well in the aquarium
comparatively). <Interesting speculation. I agree> Air bladders -
most genera in Antennariidae have air bladders, but some do not. The
ones people are usually concerned with in the aquarium hobby do have
them. <Although diminished in relative size> Swallowing water/air
- I know it happens, but that fish has got to under quite a bit of
stress/sick/dying. I've pulled frogfishes out of the water, clipped
a tiny bit of one of their fins (DNA), and put them back in without
ever having a frogfish do this to me. Hardy fish - for up to a year,
generally (depending on the species...certainly not Antennatus, which
is lucky to make it past 30 days). Many people can't get them past
this point and there appears to be no apparent reason why currently.
They are not known to be Ich prone (except Antennatus), but if the tank
or tankmates are infected you can probably bet it'll become
infected as well. Frogfish 'yawn' from time to time - nobody
knows why. <I do think this is very much "stress
related"... see them "yawn" more the closer and longer
they're approached underwater> When purchasing a frogfish - if
your readers get anything from this message - avoid Antennatus at all
costs. It's probably the cutest little one of all the frogfishes,
but it has major issues with longevity in captivity, if it even makes
it that far. Unfortunately, I've never seen a frogfish labeled as
anything but Antennarius, since it's the most common, so if
you're going to purchase one try to identify it at least to genus.
Antennarius and Lophiocharon are pretty much the only genera you're
going to find in the U.S. that are suitable for aquariums. Cheers
<Thank you very much for this valuable input. Will post/share. Bob
Sick? angler, please help! 10/12/07 Hi-
<Hello> My b/f and I have had an angler fish for probably close
to a year now...I don't know his scientific name but he's
yellow and pretty small at this point (young). <Most species grow
quite quickly in aquarium conditions...> He was doing fine up until
a couple days ago when we noticed him floating about at the top of the
tank. We feared him dead, but he is not...he is simply floating around,
apparently unable to land on any of the rocks or control his movement
whatsoever. We haven't fed him lately (a little over a week), so I
thought maybe he was out of energy/dying. I know they can go long
periods of time w/o eating so now I don't think that's really
the case. Besides, we have tried to feed him in the past couple days
and he is not interested at all. He doesn't use his angler and wont
eat anything we dangle in front of his face (shrimp). We even put a
live fish in there for him to eat, but there's no way he'll be
able to get it since he cant control his swimming. So, do you have any
idea what could be wrong w/ him?? I was thinking maybe something's
up with his swim bladder, but I don't think anglers even have them.
<Do, but reduced> Could there be something else wrong that is
affecting his buoyancy issue? <Mmm, might have gulped a bunch of
air> There are no other fish in the tank (besides the one we just
put in for him to eat), but there is a small purple urchin and a fairly
large shrimp, and a few corals. Please help us and our angler! We
really thought he'd be dead by now b/c it's been several days
w/ him floating around the tank, but he is staying strong I guess.
<I would try massaging the air out of your Angler... hold it gently
underwater, move your fingers on either side, lower on the body... to
bring the air toward the mouth> Thanks! Carla <Welcome. Bob
Commerson's Frogfish with internal mouth
mass -- 10/04/07 Dear Wet Web Media, <Tina> I have just
purchased a Commerson's Frogfish that is about 5' in length. I
have noticed when he opens his mouth, that he seems to have small
raised white and black lumps or masses inside. Is this normal? <Mmm,
no... Quite often, when approached, or otherwise apparently
"over" stressed, Anglers, Scorpaeniform fishes and others
will "yawn"... so have looked into quite a fews' maws...
No such observation> If not, what could it be and what can be done
about it? <Don't know... good care in general...> Thanks for
your help. Best Regards, Tina <Bob Fenner>
Angler Ich, reading 8/26/07 Hi, I read your
angler disease section and saw a lot of people mixed up by the
camouflage/disease. I think my painted angler has marine Ich, white
chunky <Mmm, chunky? Not Crypt> spots have appeared all over him
in a few days time. I was wondering what type of dip or if theirs
anything else to do. Couldn't find Ich treatment info for anglers.
He eats fine just ate a Chromis a few hours ago. Any thing you can
recommend would be greatly appreciated. Thank You! bruse <... I
would try dilute formalin, FW, pH adjusted baths, moving to uninfested
(new) quarters, allowing the main system to go fallow... Please read
here: http://wetwebmedia.com/mardisindex.htm scroll down to the royal
blue tray... Bob Fenner>
Angler Fish/Health 3/13/07 Hi guys &
gals, <Hello Nicole> I'll keep this short, I have a 29 gallon
reef setup with an Orange Angler (2"), Snowflake Eel (6"), a
few xenia corals, some mushroom corals, and some red hermits, and some
snails. I've had the angler a few weeks now, and I noticed
yesterday the angler was puffed up and hiding in one of his favorite
overhangs. I didn't see any injuries on him, and it didn't look
like the eel or the snails were bothering him as they were not that
close to him. What else might be stressing him out? <The 29 gallon
tank he is sharing with the eel for one. Without seeing the fish,
I'm guessing that it is stressed. You didn't mention whether it
was eating and/or what it is eating. Diet is important here along with
good water quality. For now, I'd be moving the eel to larger
quarters. They do produce much waste for their size and belong in a
system that can handle this. Do read these links and related files
above. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/indoanglers.htm
And yes, I will be moving anyone who gets too big to one of my bigger
set-ups, the reef was the most stable for these little guys. Thanks for
all your help! <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Nicole
Angler with problems... 2/25/07 Hello, <Dale> I purchased
what I believe is a Commerson Frogfish 2 days ago. I am keeping him in
a 30 gallon with a skimmer rated for 65, until he can go into my 75
gallon... if he lives that long. <? Are usually very hardy
animals...> I saw him last weekend at the LFS and he appeared
healthy, no noticeable issues. After thinking about it for a few days,
I decided to see if he was still there, and he was so I had them hold
it for me. When I went to pick him up, he was hiding in some decor so I
couldn't get a good look at him. <Not atypical behavior> The
employee bagged him up for me, assured me he had been in the display
tank for several weeks and was being pampered by another employee that
loves Anglers. It was kept with a very small yellow-head moray and
larger Wrasse () All that sounded great, so without further delay I put
the bag in my cooler with just a quick glance at him and brought him
home. Much to my dismay, when I arrived home and placed the bag into
the tank to adjust the temperature, I noticed he is missing his right
eye, but it does look healed, no pink or raw looking flesh. Also, he
has a blister or ulcer on his bottom lip, square in the middle. I
haven't noticed it get any worse, but it isn't getting better
either. His left eye is fairly cloudy. <Bad signs... I would contact
the store re... perhaps the Wrasse, maybe even the eel have damaged
this specimen. NOT good tankmates for Antennariiform fishes> He
walks around and swims occasionally, never seemingly stressed or
struggling. I dangled a thawed raw shrimp in front of him with a skewer
just to see if he was interested and he did put his esca up, but only
once, and didn't take the shrimp. I am assuming he's just not
wanting to accept dead food, and hoping it's not loss of appetite
due to his problems. <Possibly a bit of both... and the stress of
the move> My question is: Is there anything I can do to help heal
the spot on his lip? <Mmm, really... optimizing water quality,
supplementing foods... time going by...> I would take a picture but
our digital camera is on the fritz. The spot is about as big around as
a pea, and protrudes about 2 mm from his lip. It is white and a tiny
bit pink. What exactly is this spot? <Likely a
"sore"...> Any idea as to what could cause it? <A bite,
a bump, getting whipped by a net...> If it was solid white, I would
think it may just be part of his disguise, but I'm sure it's an
injury of sorts. <Likely so> Considering all I've read about
Anglers, I don't have very high hopes for the longevity of his
company. Thanks for your time and your services! I appreciate all you
folks at WWM for what you do. Dale Tyler <I on the other hand have
high hopes for a recovery here... Have seen Commerson's in the wild
and captivity recover from horrendous circumstances. Think positively,
be positive. Bob Fenner>
Ailing Frogfish, poss. Lionfish
sting/envenomation 12/21/06 Hello, I'm in a bit of trouble
here, and am really concerned about my frogfish. I'll try to
assemble the following as effectively as possible. I have reviewed our
site as extensively as possible given my current time frames, however
to no avail I have not found the answer I need. I currently have a 60
gal tank with three fish, a Fu-Manchu Lion, a Volitans Flying Gurnard
(currently about 3 inches) <... Mmm... a Volitans and Flying Gurnard
are different species... and a sixty gallon volume is too small for
these...> and my newest acquisition a Sargassum Frogfish. I just
brought the frogfish home on Sunday, so he has been here for three
days. He has been accepting food. <This species is a voracious
feeder for sure> I came home to find him with one of his fins (the
one that appears to have something of an elbow) very much inflamed and
darkened in colour. <Mmm, may have gotten "poked" by one
of the Lions... might have gotten whacked via catching, shipping>
Since I found him he has been having trouble saying still and has been
gasping almost as though he was trying to eat the substrate. My concern
or speculation is that he may have been stung by the lionfish. <As
stated, a possibility> Shorty after the gasping he stopped moving
and is now lying twitching on the ground. <Yikes...> Please let
me know if there is anything I can do for him, this does not seem like
normal behaviour, and the swelling and now the twitching are worrying
me severely. Thanks very much for your time and help. <Really the
only "thing" to do is to move/separate these animals, try to
keep the systems optimized and stable. Bob Fenner> -Liz
Re: Ailing Frogfish 12/22/06 Bob,
<Liz> Thank you so much for your prompt response. <Welcome my
friend> Bad news. No more than an hour after I had written you my
frogfish passed. He was a beautiful little guy. I was hoping to watch
him grow and frolic in the current some more. <Intelligent beautiful
animals> Not that it's of any consequence now, but there may
have been some miscommunication about my stock of fish, I only have one
lion: the fu-Manchu. When I said Volitans, it applied to my gurnard, I
tried to identify the sub-species (maracantha/orientalis/volitains) in
the case that it may have impacted any response. (I also know he'll
end up huge and plan to accommodate him by increasing my tank size as
we go) <I see> Lessons learned at great expense. Happy holidays
to you, -Liz <And to you and yours. Bob Fenner>
Is my frogfish sick? 11/30/06 Hello! Thanks
you for your most helpful website. <Welcome> We have had a
painted frogfish (2.5-3inches) for almost 2 weeks now. We found him
while swimming around on the reef. <Neat animals. Just saw a
Commerson's out at Two-Step on HI's Big Island two days back.
Am going to make one of the pix the Pic of the Day> He's alone
(fish wise) in a 8 gallon nano tank with a nano skimmer. He shares the
tank with some coral and sponges. We've been feeding him twice a
week mostly on marine shrimp (2 per time) and he had one little reef
fish (Sergeant major) the other day. <This is a bunch of food for
such a small specimen... I'd cut this amount in half> When he
first came, he had a few white spots on his totally black body that
looked like it was part of the natural colouration. <Likely so>
Now he has irregular small bumps under almost all his skin and it looks
like there may be some in his mouth too. The only thing that is black
in the tank other than him is the tank background which has quite a few
copepods on it. I couldn't find any literature on what frogfishes
look like when they are changing colour, but is he trying to match
something in the tank or is he sick with saltwater Ich? <Mmm...
could be a parasitic infestation... but much more likely either a color
change/camouflage as you state, or environmental reaction> I'm
trying to decide if we should start some hyposaline treatment. <Mmm,
I would not> We just added a shrimp into the tank and he was using
his esca, so he is at least alert and still hungry. <A good sign>
I also turned the protein skimmer off, as it was putting a lot of fine
bubbles into the tank and I read that they are sensitive to water
supersaturated with oxygen. <Not so much... but do produce copious
amounts of ammonia, and this is very hard on Antennariids... I would
turn the protein skimmer back on> help! Do we have a cause for
concern? We don't want to lose him. Ling <Well... if you have
another tank where this Frogfish won't be bothered or inhale your
other livestock, I would move it to this... Otherwise, water changes,
cutting back on food, monitoring water quality (making sure spg. is
1.025, no ammonia, no nitrite...) is all I would do. Bob
Possibly sick Antennarius maculatus 12/15/05 Hi,
<Hello> I purchased my first Wartskin Frogfish (Antennarius
maculatus) about three weeks ago. He is in a 10 gallon tank with a 10
gallon sump - filtration is provided by live rock and an AquaMedic
skimmer. Water parameters are all good. The fish is feeding well on
frozen foods (cockles, mussels, lancefish) and does not seem to be in
any distress. However I have noticed a white, almost sponge-like
coating on the top of the head and back of the fish. It is only in this
area, but I am sure it is not part of the fish's markings.
<I'm not so sure... Antennariids do grow bits of such...
"for" camouflage> What diseases are these fish prone to
and what are the most effective remedies? <Not many on either> My
inclination is to do nothing but simply keep the fish well fed and keep
the water quality as good as I can. <This is what I would do as
well> However, if there is a potential problem I would like to know
about it as early as possible. Thanks in advance, Ian Jones - UK. <I
would observe the fish closely... Cheers, Bob Fenner> FW dips
I have an angler. Two weeks ago, I had a previous anglerfish that all
of a sudden went belly up :( He swan erratically for a while, then the
following day, he was dead. Since I really enjoy their cryptic habits,
I purchased another a few days later. The only thing is that I noticed
that he seems to be having respiratory problems. I heard copper is not
a good choice, especially for the fact that it's a reef tank and
copper is not good for anglers as well. I need to help him fast!
Freshwater dip is my only solution but the books I have don't say
how to set up a dip. Could you help me??? <Yes. Recipes for dips and
other treatments are archived at Wetwebmedia.com. Check under
"Marine Articles" then click on "diseases." David
Dowless> Thanks Jamie D
Re: Frogfish Question Thanks for a reply:) Just
want to know all the facts before I buy one...... <good plan, no
impulse buys.> You guys are the best! <No, you are.> Janey
Frogfish Question Dear Crew: I just read an online
post that said Frogfish do not tolerate copper for disease treatment.
Is this true? If it is, what can you use besides hypo salinity if they
get ick? TIA. Janey <Hello Janey, frogfish rarely get Ich, but if
you have a Frogfish with Ich you could use a combination of freshwater
dips and formalin. Is it possible that the fish just has small
particles trapped in the mucus of a stressed fish? -Gage>
Puffed up Anglerfish - 12/27/03 Hi a have a 72
gallon aquarium which has a large lionfish a large yellow tang and a
striated anglerfish. I have had the anglerfish for about 2 months and
feed him a cube of reef formula 2 every other day or so. I have seen
him puff up twice in the past just like a porcupine puffer would... but
today we came home and he was lying in the corner bottom upside down
puffed up. He is breathing but will not expel anything yet. he's
been like this at least 2 hours. Any idea what is going on? Anything I
can do to help him? Your help would be greatly appreciated. <Sorry
for the slow reply to this urgent question! Please do report back how
your fish is doing. Frogfishes and anglers do have a habit of gulping
air, but I don't know about water. It does seem intuitive that they
might, though. If it has gulped air, this can be lethal, but I suspect
that it will deal with water just fine. Adam> thanks, Mike
Re: puffed up anglerfish 12/30/03 well he died a
few hours later. <Sorry to hear.> he has puffed up before like
that but only for 30 seconds or so. i have read that anglers puff up
like that in a defense mechanism as puffers do. <The only reference
I could find to this was that they occasionally gulp air in shipping
and float to their death. It makes sense that they might also gulp
water. I suspect that the stress that led to the gulping had more to do
with the death than the gulping itself.> sometimes that anglerfish
would swim up and down the glass and earlier that day i noticed him
swimming up and down near my extremely large black Volitans lionfish. i
think since he did die that maybe he swam into the lionfish and got
stung...??? <Possible, but it sounds like your fish probably would
not have made it anyway.> i had a really hard time finding that fish
if i get another one i will keep it alone. <Probably a wise choice.
I also highly recommend obtaining it from a reputable dealer who will
allow you to place it on hold for several days. Adam> Mike
Frogfish malady I purchased a 3 inch hispid
frogfish a couple weeks ago and he was doing very well. He was eating
the very next day I brought him home and he really colored up. He is
the only fish in my 30 gallon. I went away on vacation last week and
got back last night. I fed him before I left and hoped he would be
fine. When I looked at him this morning I noticed what seems to be an
air bubble, the size of a pea, on his cheek. I know that if you expose
them to air that they can inflate possible die, but I never exposed him
to the air, nor is the bubble in his stomach. Any ideas as to what
caused it and if I can treat it? thanks, Ron <I don't know how
these anomalies occur either, but have seen such "air-like"
tumors on frogfishes as well. Almost always they "cure" (or
disappear) of their own accord in time. I would not medicate the system
for this. Bob Fenner>
Frogfish Malady II Thanks, that is comforting,
however I was by someone over at reefs.org that it is due to the
circulation in the tank. Any thoughts? http://reefs.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?p=470901#470901
thanks <Not likely... such gas anomalies are rare in Frogfishes
period... if you had many fine air bubbles leading to emphysematosis...
this would very likely show as embolisms in the eyes or outright death
of the specimen. Bob Fenner>
Frogfish parasite - need help :( Hi Bob / Anthony,
<< Adam B. here >> I'm very sorry to bother you with
this, but I would really appreciate your help if possible. I recently
purchased a really beautiful but sick black hairy angler and I'm
not sure the best option for treatment. << Well you could go with
a hospital tank, and try common aquarium meds. For me, I would first
start with a freshwater dip, and then keep it in hyposaline water
(~1.018 or so) for a few weeks. With parasites, I think freshwater is
the best quick kill. >> Today I posted this on ReefCentral and
Reef Cherie suggested that you or Anthony Calfo would be very
knowledgeable in this area.
I actually work at the Shedd aquarium in Chicago << Several of us
were there recently, during the IMAC conference. Loved visiting with
all of you. >>, but no one has an extensive knowledge of these
species. << Of course here is where I typically tell people to
make sure they have a very healthy system before returning the fish. If
this fish is at the aquarium, that shouldn't be a problem.
>>If you're able to help I would it be so great! Many thanks,
James << Adam B. >>
Struggling with Frogfishes 2/17/05 I've been
keeping frogfish unsuccessfully for past year. I've kept from warty
to giant frogfish but all died after a few weeks. <Hmmm... do
understand and apply proper quarantine procedure first... 4 weeks in QT
on are bottom and with medicated feed if needed. Preventative med.s as
well> In the 1st few weeks, they are fine, feeding on damsels or
gobies. After about 3-4 weeks, <do consider a non marine fish prey
instead to reduce the risk of commuting disease. Palaemonetes ghost
shrimp gut-loaded may be better feeder "fishes"> I noticed
rapid breathing and a few experienced cloudy eyes, and stop eating.
<could be water quality or disease... general symptoms> In 1
case, my black angler was fine the night before but died the next
morning without any cloudy eye symptom. Currently, I have a giant
angler which is 9 inches. I bought him 2 weeks ago. Last week, he ate 2
damsels. This week, it did not eat and did not even extend its lure
when the damsels swam past him. The tank it lives in is 4 ft and the
water is kept at 24 degrees with a chiller. The water is checked every
week and nitrate level is very low. Please help me. How long can it
stay without food? <many weeks> Is there any cure if I notice
it's rapid breathing? < do read the archives about parasites and
gill disease... you may need to medicate here... also QT your feeder
fishes for a minimum of 4 weeks before feeding as prey to insure they
are clean/disease free so to speak> Thanks Serene
<best regards! Anthony>