FAQs about Banggai Cardinalfish Health/Disease
Related Articles: Cardinalfishes,
Related FAQs:
Cardinals, Banggai Cardinals, Banggai ID, Banggai
Behavior, Banggai
Compatibility, Banggai
Selection, Banggai Systems,
Banggai Feeding, Banggai
Banggai Cardinals; hlth. 2/7/16
Good Morning,
<And you Sarah>
Our Banggai has been in our salt water tank fine for a year now. We wanted to
get the tank a little cleaner than what we had been providing. We hired
a reef tank cleaner guy and now a week later our Banggai is swimming sideways
and upside down at times? Is he dying due to stress?
<Could be... though quite a few fish species, even families like Grammas do
orient themselves at odd angles, the Cardinalfishes (Apogonids) do not>
He is only moving his white translucent side fins only. He also seem to have a
few red lines in his tail (blood?).
<Possibly; and a bad sign>
Is there anything we can do to help him or will time take his life?
<I would cut back on the percentage of water changed here (no more than a
quarter, 25% or so at a time; once a week); and if possible, practical, store
the new water for a week or more ahead of use. I suspect the too-vigorous
cleaning is at fault here... that or an unfortunate physical accident twixt the
Banggai and a living or non-living component in the system>
Thank you so much for your time,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Banghai Cardinal Has Disease??
Hi! My <sic> Banghai Cardinal has these white bumps coming from under
its gills.
<I see something....>
I hadn’t noticed them till today. He’s still swimming ok and eating as
of now, but they are quite large. He’s been in the tank since it was put
up about a year ago. He lives with a pajama cardinal, 2 clown fish, a
watchman goby, and a scooter blenny. We have a few types of corals in
there as well as a black long spine urchin. I was pointed to you guys
for a possible idea on what it could be… I’ve attached a few photos to
help you understand what is going on.
Thank you so much!
- Lindsey
<Can't quite make this out... could be hyperplasia... from? A mechanical
injury (tussle w/ the pyjama?), but maybe Isopod/s... can you send along
a better resolved (more focused) image? Does this look like a crustacean
to you? If so, you might remove the fish and soak it in some system
water laced with a teaspoon per pint of Epsom/MgSO4... in the hope that
the rolly polly/ies will "let go" and the host fish not expire from
osmotic shock or fluid/plasma/blood/hemocyte loss.
Bob Fenner> |
Re: Banghai Cardinal Has Disease??
Thank you for the fast response! I took a new (hopefully better, lol)
image. It's larger so I hope it doesn't take too long to load for you.
Now that you mentioned it and after the new images, it's possible it's
some kind of animal in there... If you just look at the fish, they look
like squishy, little white sacs hanging out of the gills. It is on both
sides which makes me think maybe not an injury since that would be very
coincidental to happen to both sides.
<I'd try the aforementioned soaking... NOT pulling on this mass w/
tweezers. BobF> |
can anyone help my poor Banggai Cardinal??
I'm emailing to see if anyone out there can help my poor Banggai
I noticed maybe a week ago the he wasn't eating as aggressively as he
normally does with the other fish during feeding time, but I thought
nothing of it. He lives in a 55 gal tank and his tank mates are 2
clowns, a blue damsel and a very shy Firefish. We have had our cardinal
for 18 months and he was originally one of a pair but our other cardinal
died inexplicably many months ago while in my girlfriend's care.
Now my girlfriend is my wife and we noticed that our
poor cardinal was just skulking at the bottom of the tank contrary to
his normal behavior where he likes to hang out and swim all over with
our two clowns. This morning he was having the same behavior but worse.
His equilibrium seems to be out of whack and he's swimming really
drowsily often resting on rocks or the side of the tank to keep himself
upright. What little movement he does when I try to stimulate him is
short and sporadic.
I just quarantined him to get him out of the motion of the
tank, and he's even worse. He's either swimming upside down in the QT
bucket, or just laying on the bottom. It's horrible. He is still
breathing, and I can get him to swim for maybe a second, but I feel that
makes it even more stressful for him.
PLEASE HELP!!! I don't want to loose another one!!
<This reads like an animal that has encountered, likely consumed
something... problematic. Nothing much you can do than wait/hope for
spontaneous remission. Bob Fenner>
Banggai Female Thin
Good Evening Wet Web Crew,
<Good morrow to you Wendy>
Thank you for taking my question. I have a breeding pair of
Banggai Cardinal fish for 3 years now. They have raised eggs to
fry at least 6 times. I have cared for 2 of their "batches" of
fry. (Separated male, divided tank with Plexi glass, purchased
long tentacle urchin, male spits fry in urchin, move male out, feed fry
cultured rotifers 4 + times a day, wean fry to bigger food, and have
given the matured fry away)
Anyhow, the female is looking thinner and thinner, especially along her
spine. The male looks great, lots of meat on his bones. I
don't know why she seems to be wasting away.
<A few categories of possibilities... nutritional, social, water
She eats well. The female Banggai looks normal around her lower
body-tummy, but along her back bone and tail she looks thin.
I feed 2x a day a variety of different foods (Cyclop-eeze, brine shrimp,
Mysis shrimp soaked in Selcon , sinking pellets
<Spectrum? There are other worthy ones, and some not so much; I would
add/soak foods in a vitamin, HUFA mix like Selcon, and occasionally dose
the system w/ iodide-ate (yes, for the fishes as well as non-fishes)>
and flakes-sheet algae for the tang/bristle tooth ). Once a week I
feed tiny diced silversides, live minnows or small ghost shrimp.
She still eats very well. Lately, she hangs out in the upper level
of tank. This is unlike her normal middle of tank area.
1. Is she thin due to all the eggs she has made? How long do
breeding Banggais live?
<Likely egg-production is taking some toll; can/do live several years in
ideal circumstances>
2. Is she thin due to a parasite that may have been inside a
minnow? And if so, what do I do?
<Not inside the silversides; if they've been frozen...>
3. Is she thin due to a 3rd power head being on a little longer
each day
than normal? (only 15 minutes more)
<Possibly a contributor>
4. Should I move her to my refugium to feed her extra?
<A good idea>
5. Should I move male with her to refugium to decrease stress?
<I'd do 4. first; but 5 is a possibility as well>
I am leaning to moving her and mate to refugium to feed and dose with
anti-parasite meds. The current is slower there, much less action
and less competition for food.
<Ah, good>
Tank Mates: breeding pair pajama Cardinalfish, 4 golden belly damsels, 1
Bartlett Anthias male (the most aggressive fish in tank),
<Should have females present; for interaction...>
Desjardinii, orange line bristle tooth tang, skunk shrimp, peppermint
shrimp, emerald crab, various hermits, various snails, rose bubble tip
that split into 2, LPS, SPS and soft corals.
None of the fish are new. I have not noticed anyone chasing her or
bothering her.
165 gallon reef tank
1.025 specific gravity
420 calcium
11dkh alkalinity
pH 8.1
80 degrees (this is normal temp for my tank this time of year in
Florida, 78 in winter)
Orphek LEDs
AquaC EV 240 skimmer
LifeReef sump
LifeReef Calcium reactor
18 gallon refugium
3 power heads (1 on timer)
20% weekly water changes with Gulf of Mexico water taken 2 miles out
(mixed salt water when bad weather or red tide)
<Sounds very nice indeed>
I will send another attachment with smaller photo...
<Thank you; this one is/was fine. Bob Fenner>
Banggai Death 6/10/12
Good evening,
I just lost my first Banggai tonight after having him for only 15 days.
<Such "anomalous" losses are unfortunately all too common w/ this
I never saw him ever eat. In fact I even tried feeding after lights out so
the other fish would not be so aggressive at dinner time. The fish I
have in the tank are as follows, 2 Percula Clowns, 2 yellow tail
Damsels, and a Coral Beauty. I also have a Skunk shrimp, 2 Peppermint
Shrimp, 2 Emerald Crabs, Brittle Star, assortment of snails and hermit
crabs. I also have a BTA.,
<Mmm, the Anemone and Mithraculus might be involved, implicated somehow>
2 Zoanthid colonies, pompom xenia, and green star polyps. My tank is a
55 gal. been running for 2 months with live sand and about 60# of live
My parameters are:
Salinity 1.024
PH 8.2
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 0
Phos .25
Ammonia 0
Temp 80 deg.
KH 161.9/9deg.
Calcium 360
The Banggai seemed ok at first. He would be mid column and pecking at
particles in the evening when the lights were low. As the days went by I
saw no physical changes just that he was starting to spend more time in
the lower corner of the tank. Then eventually he would stay down there
all the time. One day he had a long white feces hanging out that dropped
off. He basically seem to decline as the days went. Again as I said I
never saw him eat. Other than the feces I never saw any other physical
signs of distress.
I also never saw any aggression from the other fish.
I guess my question is can I keep this species in my tank and do you
have any suggestions of how I can get one to live in the tank.
<Yes, and all is posted... Please read here:
and the linked files above>
I have read through all of your files on Banggais. I guess is it better
to get a tank raised?
Are my parameters ok?
<Yes; mostly as confirmed by the viability for the other life you list>
Are the other fish in the tank ok.
<Should be; though more room would be better for all>
Thanks for all your help.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Indirovirus & Cardinals
I was absent from the WetWebMedia for a while. Just went in to see if their
were more post on Indirovirus/Cardinals Banggai and saw your post.
I live in Mexico City so the fishes I bought could follow a different
distribution channel from the ones imported to US. If you need I could try
to find out from what country they are finally imported to Mexico.
<Let's see if it/this is pertinent>
The cases that I mentioned in the Wet web media are at least 3 attempts. In
total of 8 fishes.
Around July - August last year.
First try: I started with a adult pair. Had them quarantined with
copper at a intermediate distributor since I had my quarantine busy. After
the 21 days of treatment transferred them to my quarantine.
As received at home they ate perfectly ( a mixture that I make myself :
shrimp, clam, Spirulina, Selcon, frozen brine, Cyclops, Krill ), They ate
super for a week and then suddenly stop eating my mixture, the only thing
they ate for another 2 days was very few just hatched brine shrimp. After
that they start to loose wait and produce a white string feace and die 3
days later. ( the time periods are as I remember them, approx. ).
<Mmm, not copper toxicity, nor exposure to "capture" chemicals...>
Second try was about 2 weeks after the first failed attempt, In this
occasion I purchased 4 and when two died I replaced them with another 2.
At the end all die the same way.
In this last attempt 2 made it ( a couple ) to the display tank
( Sept 14 ), they ate perfectly (See picture bellow dated Sept 17,
they ate voraciously, full bellies!! ), then... suddenly nothing. They both
stop eating ( 5 days apart ), became lethargic, excrete a thin white string
and died after 4- 5 days.
<Perhaps a lumenal (internal, gut) parasitic issue...>
All these fishes were purchased from a local whole sale ( live fish market
), they all were fine very active and eating brine shrimp.
I always quarantine new fish in a 15 gal aquarium ( with hiding places / pvc
pipes, bare bottom, partial water changed ( 25 % ) form display tank every 3
days ) . My prophylactic procedure includes: acclimation, then
treatment with Metronidazole, then Kanaplex then Cupramine 21 days then one
to two weeks of observation.
<I like the (one time) treatment w/ Metronidazole... Would add an
anthelminthic... likely Prazi/quantel if you can get it/this>
If all goes well I introduce them in the display tank. In this case no FW ,
nor Formalin Dips were necessary.
Hope it helps.
I'll probably try some other time another Tank Bred couple imported from US.
They are no TB in Mexico.
<Mycobacteria are everywhere humans are found>
Feel free to contact me at XXXX
<Nos vemos. Bob Fenner>

Re: Indirovirus & Cardinals 4/29/12
Bob, thanks for your reply.
<Thank you for your query Eric>
A) Cardinals Kaudern:
Some important facts related to his case:
1. The dealers agree that there is something VERY wrong with this type of
fish. Some believe that the fish are damaged from capture chemical /
liver failure or they are by nature very delicate.
<At least quite delicate when caught/shipped too small... 1 cm. standard
length is way too small... this fish/species should only be captured and
transported when 2 cm. or larger>
I personally do not think that they are so delicate and that something else
is the problem. Maybe something related with a gut infection or parasite
with cyst/cycle of around a month as you mentioned.
In my experience other fishes ( of all kinds and family ) that share
the same aquarium at the local dealer do not show these symptoms. Why? maybe
the incubation period is longer that the other fish stock do not get the
disease because usually the Cardinals are sold the fist week they arrive.
Some last 2 weeks at the store before they are sold or start to die. OR the
Cardinals ( from their origin ) are susceptible to a virus that other
fish are resistant to.
Anyone has seen these symptoms in any other fish and diagnosed the illness?
<Not as yet w/ confidence, no>
2. Anyone has seen this illness in tank break Cardinals? anyone had this
symptoms with tank-breads?
B) Quarantine:
My prophylactic procedure, as described below, includes A 4 day formalin or
Dips and fresh water dips if appropriate. In the last phase at the end
of Cupramine treatment ( 21 days ), I change of quarantine tank (previously
washed and "Sun dried" ) so the observation period of two weeks is
done in a new environment without the possibility of any cysts survival in
the equipment ( bottom, pipes... ). So, besides the addition of the
Prazi Quantel that you recommend, what would you do differently ?
<Perhaps cut the copper exposure to one week>
And at last: has anybody already defined a Standard Robust best quarantine
protocol to avoid all of us: invent, learn from our errors ?
<Not for this species as far as I'm aware>
if so where can I find it if not I am sure that there are aquarist out
there that have the experience to define such methodic routine from scratch
assuming fish can be carrier of any of the most common contagious maladies.
In other words a wide range recipe.
Thanks for your help! Hasta luego!
<Folks need to work out Pterapogon's wild parasite fauna en toto. This has
been done for other fish species. Bob Fenner>
Banggai Cardinalfish Iridovirus
Dear WWM Crew,
I am a research student with an interest in iridoviruses, and recently
across a couple of postings from one of your members as follows (from
"FAQs about Banggai Cardinalfish health/disease"
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/banggaidis.htm ):
"Infected Banggai Cardinals 8/23/11
After a numerous attempts to introduce Banggais to my display they all
have died the same way. After a vigorous first week eating well ...
suddenly stop eating, become lethargic. Final phase is with stringy
feces and die one day after that. Tried every medication possible but
nothing has worked. Looking in the www I found the article that seems
to explain everything and it is getting very serious. They are infected
with a non reversible disease... a time bomb: Iridovirus.
It seems that the problem is a Iridovirus witch has no cure that has
infected the collection and distribution channels of this little
Please read the article posted bellow and help us all Fish lovers to
better understand this issue and try to reduce the wild caught doomed
Systemic Iridovirus infection in the Banggai Cardinalfish ...
<Thank you for sending this along. Hopefully folks will add this
knowledge to the weight of purchasing locally/regionally cultured
specimens of this species... and these will not in turn become like
tank-bred Colisa lalia.
Bob Fenner>
Cardinal Banggai 8/24/11
It is me again. troubling with the Banggai virus.
This time my question is related to the correct temperature for these
little ones.
Almost everyone mentions in the web mention a 75 F 82 F temp range BUT
reading from the Banggai islands and technical reports they mention
temps of 82 F to 89F ( 28 - 32 C )!
This is a huge difference... and let me tell you that the ones I had in
quarantine tried to be near the thermostat for a reason... could it
<Not likely temperature, but habitat... Juveniles "hang"
out amongst urchin spines, large anemones... Not in the open>
Is it possible that we all are very wrong about the temp they need to
be in??
<Don't think so... I've been diving in their islands... the
water is rarely more than 82 F.>
Thanks for your reply
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>"
Eric mentions "numerous attempts" but I was hoping to contact
him for some further details (how many attempts, over what sort of time
period, when (e.g.. month) fish were purchased, conditions under which
the fish were kept etc). Is there any way in which you would be
able to put me directly in contact with Eric?
<Unfortunately no. We don't retain or post others email
addresses w/o their express desire>
Many thanks in advance for any assistance that you may be able to
<If you'd like, do write back w/ contact info. on how Eric,
others might contact you and we'll post. Bob Fenner>
Re: Banggai Cardinalfish Iridovirus €“ 2/14/12
Dear WWM crew,
I am a research student with an interest in iridoviruses. I have
recently come across a number of posts on the internet by hobbyists
such as Eric's posting here at WWM "Infected Banggai
Cardinals 8/23/11"
(http://www.wetwebmedia.com/banggaidis.htm ) describing their
experiences with mortalities in Banggai Cardinalfish consistent with
Iridovirus infection (with signs including inappetance, lethargy and
particularly white stringy faeces).
I would be very interested in hearing from hobbyists such as Eric who
have experienced such mortalities, as I am interested in some further
details from these events (such as how many occasions this has occurred
on, over what sort of time period, when the fish were purchased,
conditions under which the fish were kept
etc). I can be contacted through iridovirus@hotmail.com
and would be most appreciative if you could post this on my behalf.
Many thanks for your assistance.
<And you Jeff. BobF>
Banggai Cardinal Fish Injury or Disease?
First of all, thank you for all of your great articles and
information you have shared over the years. This is my first time
writing you guys but I need some help.
<Please, just hundreds of Kbytes per image... the Net speed in
Fiji is painfully slow>
I have a 34 gal RSM. Running for 2 years now. two very healthy
clowns, two Banggai cardinal fish, a tiny yellow watchman goby,
blue fairy flasher wrasse (newest member) I have had the two
cardinal fish (they are a pair) for 7 months or so, with no
problems. Tank is packed with corals, a cleaner shrimp, and
pistol shrimp. I noticed their behavior of the cardinal fish was
weird today; one huddled towards the back wall the other lower in
the tank.. they normally stay together. Once the lights went out
tonight they were swimming together again but I noticed a big
puffy patch my the one cardinal's gills and by his eye.
I tried to take pictures,
<I see this clearly in your cropped image>
I attached the best shot I was able to get.
I am really looking for some advice here? QT him? Is there a
disease that looks like this? Could a wrasse that is smaller than
him have done this? It looks like an injury but I honestly am not
<This appears to be a tumorous growth of some sort... akin to
cancers of sorts... Not treatable, not
Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! - Dan
<I'd leave this fish where it is, hope for the best. Bob
Infected Banggai Cardinals
After a numerous attempts to introduce Banggais to my display they all
have died the same way. After a vigorous first week eating well ...
they suddenly stop eating, become lethargic. Final phase is with
stringy feces and dye one day after that. Tried every medication
possible but nothing has worked. Looking in the www I found the article
that seems to explain everything and it is getting very serious. They
are infected with a non reversible disease... a time bomb:
It seems that the problem is a Iridovirus witch has no
cure that has infected the collection and distribution channels of this
little fish.
Please read the article posted bellow and help us all Fish lovers to
better understand this issue and try to reduce the wild caught doomed
Systemic Iridovirus infection in the Banggai Cardinalfish
<Thank you for sending this along. Hopefully folks will add this
knowledge to the weight of purchasing locally/regionally cultured
specimens of this species... and these will not in turn become like
tank-bred Colisa lalia.
Bob Fenner>
Cardinal Banggai 8/24/11
It is me again. troubling with the Banggai virus.
This time my question is related to the correct temperature for these
little ones.
Almost everyone mentions in the web mention a 75 F 82 F temp range BUT
reading from the Banggai islands and technical reports they mention
temps of 82 F to 89F ( 28 - 32 C )!
This is a huge difference... and let me tell you that the ones I had in
quarantine tried to be near the thermostat for a reason... could it
<Not likely temperature, but habitat... Juveniles "hang"
out amongst urchin spines, large anemones... Not in the open>
Is it possible that we all are very wrong about the temp they need to
be in??
<Don't think so... I've been diving in their islands... the
water is rarely more than 82 F.>
Thanks for your reply
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Tiny whitish 'egg' on Banggai fin
Sigh. I quarantined my pair of Banggai Cardinalfish for a month, and
put them in my DT yesterday. Now today I noticed something weird on one
of them (but not the other).
I can't believe that I missed it during quarantine, but I might
On the fin over its left gill, there is attached to the fin a whitish
cylindrical thing about 1 mm long and 1/2 mm in diameter.
What is interesting is that it has a slightly smaller version of the
same thing attached to the exact same spot on the fin on the right
This is definitely not a 'white spot' as in the several
diseases. This is an actual object attached to the top end of the fin
about 2 mm from where the fin attaches to the body.
I looked through several references of external parasites, including
parasitic copepods, and I can't find anything that looks remotely
like this.
It is smooth, and I'd almost swear it's an egg, except that
it's clearly attached to the edge of the fin in some way.
I hate to stress the fish by netting it and giving it a freshwater
(I don't have any treatment chemicals here, and getting out to get
something in the next day or two would be difficult).
Should I try a bath? Or just wait it out? I sure hate to contaminate
the main tank, now that the fish is in it!!
Thanks for any advice!
<I've seen these unusual protuberances on different marine fish
before, particularly crepuscular or nocturnal species like Cardinalfish
and Soldierfish and they appear to be something like a copepod or
isopod. Copepods, in particular come in many forms. They may be similar
to the ones commonly found on shrimps of the genus Lysmata. They do not
seem to affect the animals in a way that hinders their normal behavior.
The other possibility is that they may be flukes. Both parasites are
rather unsightly, though and if large enough, may affect the
fishes' equilibrium.
It seems to me that some of these parasites are embedded in the skin
while others are loosely attached and might be easily
removed...although cautiously! This is merely an opinion based on your
description so,
honestly, a photo may be more useful for positive identification!
Good Luck! Send a pic if possible!
Sam Scalz>
Whitish egg on Banggai Cardinal (More information!)
Hi. Sorry for the repetition, but I just got more information. Here is
my prior email, with the new information added. Once again, I'm
sorry to trouble you with the repeated email.
<No worries. Sam appears to be "out", so I'm
Sigh. I quarantined my pair of Banggai Cardinalfish for a month, and
put them in my DT yesterday. Now today I noticed something weird on one
of them (but not the other).
I can't believe that I missed it during quarantine, but I might
On the fin over its left gill, there is attached to the fin a whitish
cylindrical thing about 1 mm long and 1/2 mm in diameter.
What is interesting is that it has a slightly smaller version of the
same thing attached to the exact same spot on the fin on the right
<More and more curious>
This is definitely not a 'white spot' as in the several
diseases. This is an actual object attached to the top end of the fin
about 2 mm from where the fin attaches to the body.
I looked through several references of external parasites, including
parasitic copepods, and I can't find anything that looks remotely
like this.
<Many parasitic ones look nothing like crustaceans>
It is smooth, and I'd almost swear it's an egg, except that
it's clearly attached to the edge of the fin in some way.
<Might actually be eggs... as you likely are aware, Apogonids are
mouthbrooders... these may be "escapees">
I hate to stress the fish by netting it and giving it a freshwater
(I don't have any treatment chemicals here, and getting out to get
something in the next day or two would be difficult).
Should I try a bath? Or just wait it out?
<This last is what I'd do>
I sure hate to contaminate the main tank, now that the fish is in
<Not to panic>
Thanks for any advice!
New info: I put a big magnifier on the tank wall and got a close look
at the thing. It is featureless. I looked at many pictures of parasitic
pods et cetera, and those pics always show 'creature features'
like legs, lobster tail, et cetera. This has no such thing. it is
perfectly smooth, featureless, and egg shaped.
In fact, I could almost believe that it is a tumor of some sort, a
bulbous thing attached to the fin.
<Not on both sides, no>
And I do find it an interesting coincidence (?) that it has a smaller
mate in exactly the same spot on the other side. (The other cardinal
has no such thing.)
<The female...>
<Do see the Net re Pterapogon reproduction. Bob Fenner>
Re: Whitish egg on Banggai Cardinal (More
information!) 4/30/11
Bob - Thank you for the extended response! An egg? Interesting
possibility. I never thought of that.
I am keeping a close eye on it. The fish seems perfectly healthy,
swimming happily with its friend and eating voraciously. So I'll
just wait and see.
Meanwhile, I'm keeping a close watch on the water. Ammonia,
nitrite, and even nitrate are all perfect zeros, so the fish is getting
all I can give right now.
I'm discovering something annoying about myself and this new hobby:
I may be too much of a worrier to keep fish.
<Mmm, well, on the other hand, It's my long opinion that the
hobby is good for "teaching patience" and much more>
Every time I see even the tiniest imperfection in one of them, I
imagine the worst and spend the next ten hours searching the web and
books for hints about what might be wrong. I'll have to either
toughen up or get a new hobby.
<Or more learning perhaps. IF you lived nearby I'd loan you a
copy of Ed Noga, "Fish Disease, Diagnosis & Treatment",
either edition... and have you read, go through the front section on
"trouble shooting". Again, not to worry. Worrying will
assuredly not change the future. BobF>
Hungry new Banggai Cardinal too buoyant?
Four days ago I bought a pair of Banggai Cardinalfish from my LFS and
put them in my 28 gallon NanoCube quarantine tank.
They have eaten very little because they hang out in their cave and
largely ignore the Selcon-soaked thawed Mysis that I drift in the water
for them.
They are eating a little, but not much.
<Familiarity w/ such new foods takes time... days, weeks>
This morning I thought one of them was very sick. Instead of hiding in
its cave as usual, it was floating an inch below the water surface,
extremely sedate.
It wasn't gasping or breaking the surface, just hanging there
almost motionless.
<A natural behavior>
I tested the water, and everything is great (NH3 and NO2 zero, NO3
about 0.2 ppm).
Now, hours later it is in about the middle depth, nose-down about 45
<Mmm, not natural>
It is rapidly bobbing up and down a fraction of an inch, as if
something is making it buoyant and it is weakly struggling to fight the
buoyancy. This is totally abnormal behavior for it, as until now
it's just hid in its cave.
Any thoughts on how to get them to eat more, and what this unusual
behavior means?
<Both, just waiting, being patient. The one fish may have suffered
some damage in shipping, handling. Small specimens of this Apogonid are
notorious for such. Will either "fix itself", or perish. Bob
Re: Hungry new Banggai Cardinal too buoyant?
Bob - Thanks for the reply. Today the fish is much better, and eating a
little. This new hobby of mine sure does teach patience!
<Ah yes... definitely a positive trait/characteristic. Oh, if only
we could bottle and sell such!>
The Banggais lack of eating was totally new to me.
<Happens. Not to worry>
I have a pair of false Percs, a trio of blue/green reef Chromis, and a
royal gramma. They all eat up a storm, right from day one. I think if I
tossed leftover spaghetti and meatballs in the tank they'd eat it.
So when these two Banggais went for three days without eating a thing,
just hiding, I was terrified. I'll learn. Thanks again.
<Welcome Tim. BobF>
Need help ID a Banggai Cardinal problem!
Hello all,
<Hi there Brian>
I have had this Banggai Cardinal for less than a week. He's
in a QT as follows:
10gallon (80% from DT, 20% new)
HOB filter with biomedia from DT
Temp: 80 F
pH 8.0-8.2
Salinity: 1.025
Ammonia, Nitrites, Nitrates = undetectable.
Airstone for movement / aeration
Ball of Chaetomorpha, 2 Peppermint shrimp (I know most say that
you don't really need to QT shrimp, but they are in there too
for now). I haven't seen any interaction between the shrimp
and fish. Fish hangs out like a Cardinal, and the shrimp pick
through the Chaeto
He looked fine from Sat when I purchased him to Wed, yesterday,
but today I noticed these pink spots near his gills, and also on
his back and tail.
There's a post on WWM which has a pic very like this and they
say it's probably damage from shipping / transport,
<I do agree. Have seen such "blems" before.
Generally self-healing in time... days, weeks.>
but I don't know anything that would damage him on both sides
(under gills is pretty much identical on both sides) and on back
that quickly, and he was fine previously.
WWM - http://www.wetwebmedia.com/banggaidis.htm - pic about half
way down
Any thoughts? What is this and what can I do to help him? He eats
fine and his fins are erect.
Thanks for your help!
<I would not despair, or treat this fish chemically. Just good
care and time going by. Bob Fenner>

Re: Need help ID a Banggai Cardinal problem!
Ok, thanks for your expert advice and comfort. I'll just keep
giving him TLC and let you know how it goes!
<Thank you>
Also sorry for the spelling error.
I think some LFS put Banggai on their tank and I've had a
problem spelling it ever since.
<Ahh, a note on the evolution of language eh? Cheers,
Swim Bladder Disease 11/1/10
Hello Bob, Its been quite awhile since I've emailed.
<James here today as Bob is likely 20 foot deep in one of the Fijian
Reefs. <<Much more than this>> I will try to help you as
best as I can.>
I'm having issues with my Banggai cardinal that I suspect is swim
bladder disease. For the last 2 days he was facing downward at an angle
and today...he is floating around the tank trying quite hard to
maintain balance and just can't do it. He flips upside down and
keeps floating toward the top. I looked on WetWebMedia...but didn't
find exact info on what to do? Should I move him to the hospital tank
and what should I attempt as far as trying to medicate him? I read on a
few sites something about feeding the fish peas as a cure for swim
bladder problems..but all those sites were on Koi and goldfish. I also
want to mention that this same Banggai around a month ago had what
looked like a small red cyst with white spots on his lower
belly....which cause concern...but within a few days was gone. At that
time..the Banggai was swimming, eating and acting normal. My tank is
4ft x 3 ft x 12" 110 gallon shallow reef.. Water quality is
excellent and all parameters are normal. I feed with New Spectrum
pellets and San Francisco frozen Marine Cuisine carnivore, omnivore,
and brine shrimp which I dissolve in a cup of tank water before
feeding. The other tank occupants are 4 Pajama Cardinals,1 Bristle
Tooth Tang,1 Pacific Sailfin Tang,1 female true Perc clown, and 1
blue/yellowtail damsel who are swimming and behaving normal.
<Lets first list probable causes. One is external factors such as
trauma which includes being beaten by another fish, rapid changes in
water parameters, and rapid changes in water temperature. There are
also genetic factors that can cause this as the fish grow older. Cancer
and tuberculosis can be another factor if the affected organs are close
to the swim bladder, or the swim bladder itself. Poor diet is another
cause as foods low in nutrition and roughage can cause constipation
which results in an enlarged abdomen which prevents the swim bladder
from working properly. And last, bacterial and parasitic diseases can
indirectly cause swim bladder problems. Since there is no known cure
for swim bladder disease itself, I suggest you place him in a
quarantine tank and treat with Metronidazole or Quinine. Although this
will not cure the swim bladder problem, it will help cure any, if
present, bacterial or parasitical problem that may be responsible. The
use of copper would be my last choice as this will further stress the
fish out. If I erred somewhere here, Bob will likely email me and I can
relay any information he may suggest to you.>
Any Help is greatly appreciated!!! Thanks!!!
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Swim Bladder Disease 11/1/10
Hey James (Salty Dog) thanks for responding and helping me out.
<You're welcome.>
First I've ruled out Trauma from being harassed by other fish. He
has no external wounds and these fish have all been together for years
and never bothered the Banggai. He pretty much stays to himself or
swims with the Pajama Cardinals that are all smaller them him.
<OK, trauma eliminated.>
Also like I mentioned before..my water parameters are near ideal and
haven't changed at all. I test regularly. I've fed the Banggai
the same diet for the last 4 years which is San Francisco frozen Marine
Cuisine carnivore, omnivore, and brine shrimp which I dissolve in a cup
of tank water before feeding. So I will follow your instructions and
quarantine him tonight. I've never heard of Metronidazole or
<Can be found here.
Would it be ok to use Seachem Paraguard and StressGuard? I've used
both these together before and had great results in fighting
<The Stress Guard isn't going to help you much. If you have
Paraguard on hand, give that a try.>
I had an issue with gill flukes with my clowns a year ago. I called
Seachem and they said it is ok and recommended to dose both of these
together. I had great results.
Please let me know...
Thanks James!!! I appreciate your help...I'm reefaquatics on
reefcentral.com if you are ever on there..
<Gotcha. James (Salty Dog)>
PS.. Tell Bob I said Hello! I'm a photographer and I'm planning
on, at some point doing an underwater photography book on Coral
Reefs..I was talking to him about this before...
<OK.> <<Hi there Gino! Hope we meet someday (soon!) above
and below water! BobF>>
Banggai Cardinalfishes, mortality
Hi Bob and Crew
I recently received a shipment of Banggai Cardinalfishes. I have always
done well with these fish when I had a retail store as well as now that
I concentrate on custom setups. Generally I order a dozen or so at
time and they are quarantined in 40gallon (long ) aquariums with
Liverock a power filter and UV. I quarantine all fish (where
appropriate), a practice I adopted since first doing systems back in
the 1980's, although I no longer use a prophylactic
"cleansing" treatment up front.
<Mmmm, maybe you should>
This last shipment contained three individuals with the following
symptoms within the first 48 hours:
One breathing heavily died during acclimation.
Second breathing normally was showing white stringy feces by the next
morning. Placed into a hospital tank (with water from the quarantine
system) it died about an hour later, before I could administer any
anything for internal parasites.
Third Heavy breathing and white stringy feces. I am assuming a
bacterial infection as well as intestinal parasite. Moved to hospital
tank (a cycled 14 gallon Biocube ). Water in the hospital tank is kept
to match the quarantine systems. I added Kanamycin and was planning on
administering Praziquantel in food. Died within two hours. First hour
it looked the same as when first introduced. During second hour the
cardinal hid under a piece of live rock and died with its mouth wide
open and pale gills with just ends of the gill filaments brown in
color. The DO level of the tank is good so I am assuming that the
whatever triggered the labored
breathing interfered with oxygen transport.
<Likely so>
At this point everyone else looks good and they are eating. Do you
suggest I wait and see what happens with the other fish or should I
prophylactic treat the remaining cardinals and if so what do you
<I would continue to preventatively treat all such fishes, esp.
Pterapogon if wild-collected (and not buy too small), with
Metronidazole and Praziquantel or other anthelminthic>
Thanks again for your continued help
<Welcome. Bob Fenner, who knows that Banggais "come in"
bad in batches quite often>
I've woken this morning and found my little
Emperor Cardinal dead under a rock. 9/28/08 Hi
Everyone , I'm calling from England UK , and am desperately needing
to find out why my little Emperor <aka Banggai> suddenly died
suddenly overnight. I have a 100 litre marine aquarium <A small
volume...> which is currently stocked with 2 clown fish, <Their
territory> 1 large Emperor cardinal , (the little Emperor who has
now perished) , 1 fire shrimp , 6 red legged hermit crabs , 6 blue
legged hermit crabs , and 1 coral introduced 1 week ago. <Mmm, what
species?> The aquarium is stocked well with live rock , and I have
stringently followed all recommendations since starting my hobby some 3
months ago. All the other fish appear well - and this little guy was
actually the more active of the two - and he also appeared to feed
better too. We couldn't find him this morning - and it took ages to
locate him - he didn't appear to be previously unwell - and he and
the others don't seem to look any different at all. Nothing appears
untoward and they were both purchased from a reputable stockist which
quarantines prior to sale and were sharing the same tank at the store.
We found him wedged under a rock and I can't understand how he
could have got himself there. I conduct weekly 10% water-changes , and
add 'Gamma NutraPlus' reef feed 3mls daily as recommended. The
fish are fed a varied diet of flake and frozen feed and I have had no
other concerns until this morning. He was such a character - and I
can't believe he just died like that with no apparent cause - as I
say - he looks just as he did when I bought him. The water is tested
weekly and has been excellent at last test 7 days ago: salt 1.022;
<Too low, esp. for the "coral"> PH 8.17 ; phosphate
0.14 ; KH 11; calcium 480. <Mmm, a bit high> I only started using
the reef feed 1 week ago - could this be linked??? <Doubtful>
Thank you for your time Grainne .Birmingham. UK <Likely just
"stress" from being in such a little world, with agonistic
fishes (the Clowns) it couldn't get away from... This is a social
species... that lives in small shoals... of spaces about the size of
your couch... I would not add any more fish here. Bob
Cardinal Fish with something stuck its
gill! 2/11/08 Help! My Banggai Cardinal has
something white stuck in its gill! <I see this> I turned
the lights on this morning and noticed it for the first time!
Photo attached, notice the white blob around his gill slit. What
should I do? <Be patient, perhaps add a purposeful cleaner,
read... here: http://wetwebmedia.com/lymphfaqs.htm and the linked
files above... on Viral Disease ID, etc... Bob Fenner>

Banggai cardinal with red at base of fins 12/3/07 Hi crew,
We recently (a little over a week ago) bought a juvenile Banggai
cardinal and two Firefish. The isolation tank we have them in is
a 20g with sand and live rock. While everyone seems to be eating
fine, yesterday we noticed the cardinal had a faint red streak at
the base of his clear side fins, and today the red was much more
pronounced. <I see the mark in your excellent photo> I
thought maybe it was worms <Mmm, doubtful... Looks like a bite
injury... likely from one of the Firefish... could be a mark from
getting whacked in the process of handling... But no use in
treating...> and moved him to the quarantine tank, but upon
doing some reading, now we think he might just be really
sensitive to water quality. We tested the water in the isolation
tank today and while ammonia and nitrite were at 0, the nitrate
was at 15. Could this just be an environmental case? <Yes...
but again, looks like an injury site to me> He's not
breathing hard and still eating well. <Good signs> (We also
tested the quarantine tank and the test read .25 ammonia, .25
nitrite, 5 nitrate. For whatever reason it's difficult for us
to keep the barren quarantine tank levels at 0. <A common
situation... might be better to either introduce some LR, other
means of nitrogen cycling, or summarily dip/bath and move this
specimen to the main display... This latter is what I'd do.
MUCH more likely to recover in that setting, and likely small
chance of passing along a problem in terms of infectious or
parasitic disease> If this is just an environmental issue, do
you think the cardinal should go back to the isolation tank that
has sand and rock, and we'll just do more water changes?)
<I'd just move some of the rock, sand to the QT or the
fish to the main tank period, as stated> I will enclose a
photo, hopefully you can see the red well. ~Ashlin <I hope
this is clear, complete... am not quite awake. Cheers, Bob
Re: Banggai cardinal with red at base of fins 12/4/07
Thanks for the stellar advice. We'll move him to the main
display tank. We have another Banggai, so we're hoping
they'll be opposite sexes and get along! Otherwise, we'll
need to figure out something else. Again, thanks. ~Ashlin
<Thank you my friend. Life to you. BobF>

Injured Banggai, I think... Expecting, Cigars...
12/3/07 Yesterday I did some very thorough tank cleaning that
included some removal of nuisance bubble algae. I have two
tank-bred Banggai Cardinals, one of which is very skittish.
Afterward I noticed that the two Cardinals were staying very
close--nearly touching--while the other fish had all relaxed after
the 'trauma'. The skittish (larger) Banggai looked off
somehow. I could not explain why at first, except that he looked
more bulldog-like. I decided to feed the tank and the Banggai in
question would rush up to food but not eat--not even open his
mouth. He is a very picky eater (disappointing for tank-bred) but
this was not his normal behavior; usually he spits food out but
always tries it out. It's been more than 24 hours and I have
yet to see him open his bulldog mouth. I am worried that in his
terror during the cleaning he snagged himself on some dead coral or
rock work. I took some pictures, so I was wondering if you could
offer your opinion on them. http://www.lancealan.com/banggais.html
Thanks. Lance <Oh! Nice pix... and pass out the cigars! Your
non-feeding individual is a male carrying young in its mouth...
Won't eat till they're released... No worries. Please read
here: http://wetwebmedia.com/banggairepro.htm and the linked files
above on the right. Bob Fenner... Mr. and Mrs. below> |

Sick Bengais 11/24/07 I hope you can
help me with this question. I have looked at all the articles on WWM
and have not been able to find a specific answer. I have a 6 x 1.5 x
1.5 foot tank that has been running uneventfully for 4 months after a 5
month quarantine (following a wipe out due to "ick"). I
purchased four Bengaii <... these are called Banggai... after the
Indo. island group where they were discovered.> cardinals about 3
weeks ago. They were eating well at the store, and were there for about
2 weeks...although wild caught (all are in Australia at present) I felt
they were a good risk. For the first 2 weeks they did great. Two paired
up and were courting, but then one of those became lethargic, increased
respiratory effort and stringy white feces. It also had reddening to
the skin below the dorsal and both pectoral fins. <Good
observations, description... bad signs> All other fish (Kole tang,
percula clown and a blue damsel) are fine, as are 2 bubble-tip
anemones, crabs and shrimp. I first tried a 60% water change, but to no
avail. Then I treated the Bengaii with antibiotics <Of no use
here> (after it had been sick for 2 days) but it died that day, and
I noticed that another one had reddening to the fins. I isolated this
one and treated it with antibiotics, but it also died in 2 days (eating
until the last day). The other 2 have been fine for the last week or so
but today the larger one has stringy white feces and some fin
reddening. I asked about the second fish on your chat room, but no-one
had any specific treatment advise <advice> other than it was
probably not water quality. I read on WWM about the fellow in New
Zealand who lost 100 (!) with similar symptoms, and from my reading I
also did a necropsy on the second fish. The intestines were dark
red...but maybe they are anyway? I am resigned to losing another one,
but is there any suggestion as to how to deal with the last survivor?
All the other residents of the tank are also fine. Thanks in
anticipation, Tony <If it were me/mine, I'd treat successively
for Protozoans and worms... (with Metronidazole and Prazi-)... all
covered (including treatment moda and importantly, cautionary
statements) on WWM. Bob Fenner>
Parasite or disease? Need Help! <Neoplasm
likely> 7/9/07 Hi First of all let me say that
wetwebmedia.com is a fantastic website. I learn a lot from your
site. Anyway, I try to find out what's wrong with my
cardinal. My Banggai cardinal develop some kind of yellow cyst on
his gill. I attach some picture with it. He still eats and swims
around OK. How can I get rid of this THING. By the way. He has
the same stuff on his tail (the yellow cyst) but it heal by it
seal but you still can see the scar. I do not want to dispose
him. Water Parameter: Temp: 79 PH: 8.3 SG: 1.023 30 Gallon Tank
Water change 5 gallons weekly Thank you Mak <Mmm... can't
tell much definitively though your pix are excellent... These
areas appear to be infectious (bacterial), purulent, diffuse... I
doubt a course of treatments with antimicrobials would be
efficacious (I.E.P), but would try an immersion bath in a Furan
compound nonetheless. Please see WWM re... the search tool... Bob
Injured Banggai Cardinal - 06/27/07 Dear WWM
Crew, <Hello> I bought two nice Banggai Cardinals a few days ago.
<Nice fish.> After drip acclimating for 2 ½ hours I
put the Cardinals in my tank. <No QT?> I noticed the next day
that one of the Cardinals had an injured fin. I didn't notice it at
the LFS or in the bag during transport so I don't know where it
came from. <From my QT soapbox I would say that if you had it in a
QT tank you would know.> His right fin is slightly red and fleshy at
the point it meets his body. His fin is not clamped against his body.
<Good sign.> It is out at his side, but I have not seen him use
it to swim, he's using his other fin exclusively. He's eating
well, appears normal in all other regards, and seems to be getting
around quite well... <Good> I'm planning on feeding him good
frozen foods and watching his progress. <Hope he excepts these, they
can be picky eaters.> I've had a few friends suggest MelaFix.
<Junk, Tea Tree oil.> Is this safe with inverts? <Probably in
low doses, but worthless.> Any other ideas? Thanks a million. <It
may just be a shipping injury, for the moment I would just monitor
closely, make sure nothing is picking on it and it continues to eat
well. Be ready to separate and treat with an antibiotic if symptoms
worsen.> Tank specs: 30 Gallons / 35 lbs live rock, pH 8.4, temp
78-83. Tank mates include: 1 Firefish, 2 Fire Shrimp, 1 Sun Coral,
Featherdusters, snails and hermits. <Sounds nice.> <Chris>
Re: Injured Banggai Cardinal 6/27/07 Thanks for the response. A
quick update for you. <Shoot> I have no QT tank at the moment
unfortunately or he'd surely be in there. Bummer I know.
<Definitely limits your options.> His right fin is basically
gone. He still has the outlining edges of the fin, but the inside part
of the fin is gone. What's left of the fin is still not clamped to
his side though. He's using the other fin to swim and stay stable.
He's mostly staying in one spot of the tank, but will swim to get
food. He eats the Vitamin Enriched Brine Shrimp and Mysis Shrimp
I've been feeding him so far. <Ditch the brine, the Mysid is
much better, try adding a vitamin supplement to it such as Selcon.>
I have to shoot it at him so he thinks it's alive otherwise he
watches it float by. <A common problem with this species.> Any
other food that might help? <Try some New Life Spectrum pellets,
these are often accepted by even very finicky eaters.> I do not have
another tank that I could put him in if his conditions worsen. I am not
sure what I would do! I will not bother with Melafix since you said
it's worthless. I have heard that water changes may help give him
some of the trace elements he needs to repair his wounds. <Improved
water quality is always helpful, but the replacement of trace elements
is really not a concern here. But keep up those water changes.> I
just want to help him in anyway I can. Any other additional advice???
Thanks Chris. <Without the ability to separate him and give him some
quiet to heal in best you can do is keep up the feeding and water
quality as you are doing. Try to get some Selcon to boost the food.>
Banggai Cardinal lip growth 5/7/07
Hello folks, I have 130gal FO tank a variety of compatible fish and
most all seem to be happy and healthy. I have wet/dry filtration and
skimmer and water quality is good. <Not useful... need real data>
One of my Banggai Cardinals has a couple of strange looking growths on
its lower lip. <Likely "Lymphocystis"... a semi-strange
environmental/nutritional/viral condition...> They look like warts
and are similar in color to the fish. They do not look like anything I
have been able to find on any site about fish diseases. The fish seems
to be fine, it eats well, hangs out with Banggai #2 and chances the
Banggai #3 off into hiding. None of the other 20 or so fish have any
sign of any such growth. Any ideas? Thanks, David Austin <Please
read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/lymphfaqs.htm and the linked FAQs
files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Banggai Cardinal lip growth -- 05/07/07 Bob
and Crew, Thanks very much for the response and the great job you are
doing. It is hard to imagine how you have the time and patience to deal
with all of us. I think your suggestion of Lymphocystis is correct
based on the articles and photos you referred me to. I tried removing
the growths from the fish with no luck. So if he is not too traumatized
by that effort perhaps the disease will run it's course and he will
be okay. Meanwhile, it is back to working on water quality and good
nutrition. Thanks again, David Austin <Thank you for your kind
words. If there is room (and likely no predator problems) I do
encourage you to add a purposeful cleaner organism as well... Perhaps a
Lysmata species... will help clean off... and greatly reduce the
element of stress... very important here. Bob Fenner>
Banggai Cardinal Fish Cyst, Lymphocystis
5/3/07 Hello Crew- <Hi> I love your website, as well as
Bob's 'Conscientious Marine Aquarist
Book'. <Thanks> I realize you folks are quite
busy, but I am concerned with one of my tank
inhabitants. (I tried to register on the 911 chat forum,
but registration seems to be offline.) <Hmmm, have
heard that a lot lately, will have to bug the folks over there.>
Attached are two photos of one of my Banggai Cardinals, as you can
see she has developed some sort of cyst at the center of her body
near her fin. She has lived in my 4 month old tank for
about 2 months. <Yep, see it there.> Based on Bob's book
and what I see in the web forums I am led to believe that this is a
case of Lymphocystis, but I would appreciate someone confirming my
diagnosis. The appearance of a faint pinkish color
around the cyst is concerning, perhaps it is just inflammation
related to the cyst? <I would agree, looks like
Lymphocystis, but hard to tell for sure from the
photo. The pink area is fairly normal here, result of
the swelling.> From my reading of Lymphocystis some make
reference to environmental issues in the tank. My
water quality is actually very good right now. I have a
protein skimmer and an UV sterilizer in my 29 gallon
BioCube. <Is a virus so not directly related to
environmental conditions, but poor conditions leads to stress,
which leads to lower immune system response, which leads to the
virus being able to take hold.> I added some "slime
coat" to the water to aid in healing, but I didn't realize
that it would take my sapphire aquatics skimmer offline by causing
it to foam like crazy. <Will do that, and no real
help in treating this condition.> The Cardinal's tank mates
don't show any troubles (assorted snails, hermits, cleaner
shrimp, fire shrimp, one other cardinal fish, a coral beauty, a
false percula clown, two fire fish, and three green
Chromis.) No other signs of stress or disease in any
other fish. <Wow, way to many fish here, that alone is a cause
of stress, especially in a secretive and passive fish like the
cardinal. Looking at most 4 fish in my opinion, and
definitely not the angel, needs a tank almost double in
size.> But I want to make sure I am not looking
at a contagious disease. <Not very contagious, little need to
worry here.> I should note a significant stress that hit the
tank about two weeks ago, when I first introduced the UV sterilizer
there was a near catastrophe that likely stressed these poor fish
severely. I plugged the UV sterilizer into my battery
backup system along with all of my other equipment... but
apparently that was too many things plugged into the
unit. A couple of hours after I had left for work the
battery backup decided it was overloaded and completely shut down,
including my circulation pump. Luckily my partner came home early
in the afternoon and noticed the fish were very unhappy, including
some floating up on the surface of the water. The power
was restored and amazingly everyone seemed fine within an
hour. Not sure exactly how long they were without
oxygen, but I wonder if this has any connection to the
Cardinal's issue. <Would guess this was the event
that tipped the scale in the virus' favor.> (I've since
removed everything from battery backup except for the critical
circulation pump and heater. I also put in a
backup-backup air supply consisting of a float switch in the sump
and a battery powered airstone. I don't want that to
happen again.) Any assistance you can provide in diagnosing and
treating my cardinal is greatly appreciated. Thank you, -Gregory
Twiss <No real treatment for virus' such as this
currently. Best bet is to provide a healthy, minimally
stressful environment to allow the fish's immune system to
recover. Usually this condition is not fatal, just
unsightly. See here for more http://www.wetwebmedia.com/lymphfaqs.htm .>
<Chris> |
Re: Banggai Cardinal Fish Cyst 5/4/07 Thank
you so much for your great advice and fast response. It
is greatly appreciated. <Welcome> I've been wanting to
get a 2nd larger tank, I suppose that would make a much better home
for the more active members of my tank.... leaving the cardinals in
peace. Thanks again! -GT <Now you have an excuse for another
tank, always a fun thing.> <Chris> |
Banggai Cardinal Mortality 7/04 Hi Bob. I
was wondering if you could help me out. <Hi Alois, Adam here and
glad to help.> I am a importer of marine fish in new
Zealand. I have been importing Banggai cardinals over the
last 2 months. So far out of 100 they have all died.
<This has been a sad but common experience here in the states
too.> They do well for 2 weeks, eating very well then they breath
heavy and have white faeces, then they die. Any
ides? Regards, Alois <Some folks have necropsied Banggais
that died soon after import and found large numbers of internal
parasites. If you have the equipment and someone with the
ability, I would strongly suggest doing the
same. Unfortunately, I can't find any of the sources
that discussed this, but I do believe that it was discussed at
www.reefcentral.com. Whoever did the necropsy seemed certain
of at least the major group that the parasite was is, so treatment may
be possible. In the mean time, do consider breeding these
guys! They eat Selco supplemented baby brine from day one
and are marketable in about 8-12 weeks. You should be able
to easily satisfy the New Zealand market. Best Regards,
Banged-Up Banggai! Guys, <Scott F. your guy
tonight> I know you are currently understaffed, so I'll make it
quick. My Banggai cardinal -the only fish in a 72G with 6 misc. Lysmata
shrimp and 2 Hermit Crabs, seems to have scratched himself last night
during a routine water change. Now there is a pin-head sized fuzzy
growth on his left eye. I was afraid this was going to happen some
time, with the way he'd dart around wildly whenever my hands enter
the tank. I'm currently feeding him Mysis or daphnia or minced
cocktail shrimp soaked in either Selcon or Vita-Chem. <Nice
supplementation...!> I want him to OD on food and let his own immune
system handle this, because the stress of capture and quarantine may
make matters worse. Beside, the QT has an ocellaris clown which has 3
weeks of QT left! My nitrates don't even register on test kits and
the tank has been set up for 8 months now with an Eheim wet/dry and a
Prizm skimmer and as of last night a Remora which is yet to produce
anything but noise... <Give it time!> Thank you!!! Narayan
<Well, Narayan, I think that you're doing the right thing here.
Just maintain the most pristine water conditions possible, and keep a
close eye on this fish to make sure that the condition doesn't
worsen. If you don't want to subject the fish to a quarantine
system, you could net him and give him a dip in tank water with some
Methylene blue, which has strong anti-bacterial properties. In the end,
though- you be the judge. Hopefully, with your continued dedicated care
and tank maintenance, the fish will make a full recovery with little
additional intervention on your part. Hang in there! Regards, Scott
Banggai Cardinal Hi Mr. Fenner <Hello Doris, MacL
here with you this fine and lovely night> I have a 46 gallon fish
only saltwater tank with a watchman goby and one yellow clown goby.
Today I bought 3 Banggai cardinal fish. The biggest one of them has
spots on his side fins which resemble ich. <Youch, did you see that
before you bought them?> My question is this: Is it possible to help
a fish over a mild ich infestation with the addition of vitamins
introduced into the tank and vitamin enriched food? <If its a mild
infestation and the tank is optimal and you include some cleaners like
cleaner shrimp you can sometimes and let me emphasis sometimes stop it
that way> I have a small saltwater tank with 2 tomatoes clowns and a
lawnmower blenny also. When the clown fish started showing signs of
cauliflower disease I introduced vitamins, minerals and vitamin
enriched food to them. Their small lesions are almost gone.
<Lymphocystis is often characterized by poor nutrition or bad tank
conditions, and your good tank conditions took care of that> I have
kept fish for quite a while and really do not want to introduce
chemicals into tanks right away. <Very understandable.> What
would you do? <I keep cleaner shrimp in my quarantine
tanks actually> P.S. I acquired a long slender blue goby today. He
is about 2 inches, slender eel like, and has some black on his tail. He
is complete sky blue. Is this indeed a goby that has been sold to me?
Do you know anything about this fish? <Bar goby maybe?> Thank you
very much for your time Mr. Fenner. It's great to be able to talk
"fish" with someone who really knows. <Good luck!>
An Assortment of Issues (5/1/04) Hi Steve
<Hello again.> I emailed you a little earlier, but I
have another question. This is about my Banggai cardinal
fish. As you know, I have a fish in QT with
Popeye. I am medicating him. It is hard to tell
if my cardinal fish has Popeye or not, since his eyes normally seem to
bulge out. <Yes, they have big eyes.> The odd thing is
that he has not been eating well. He does not seem to be
able to find the food when I put it in. I just tried feeding him some
live worms by hand, and he ate! As the uneaten worms fall,
he does not follow them. However, if he feels them touching
the sides of his body, he will whisk around and eat
them. This is the first time I have seen him
eat. My question is, does Popeye affect the fish's
eyesight? <Not sure.> Can he see? <Worrisome for blindness. I
can't remember--did you put any medication in your main tank?>
Should I also put him into QT? And with my clownfish. <If he does
not act normal soon, you may have to.> I only have one other fish
left in my display tank, a Dottyback, who seems to be fine (at least
for now). Also, if this is bacterial, I am not sure how they got
it. It must be my water. <Most bacterial infections in
aquariums are opportunistic pathogens that strike when something else
does the initial damage.> I have QT all new fish,
<good> and have had these in my tank for approximately 8-10
months. I do have well water. Who knows what
bacteria thrive in it. <I trust you treat it somehow.> I am sure
it changes with weather conditions. After reading your website, I also
retrieved information about the Kold Ster-il System, by
Poly-Bio-Marine. <A very popular and effective unit.> It is a
little more expensive, but it is less wasteful, and since I have a
well, I thought it might be better, especially when drought season
comes along, and we have to be careful with water usage. <Agreed. I
should have bought one too, rather than using RO here in
drought-stricken Utah.> PS. I am also
curious, you said that DI water is better, than why is Bob Fenner (I
have his book) so high on RO water. I don't get
it. If DI is better, and waste less, why does anyone prefer
RO. <Where water is abundant, RO is cheaper than DI. For many, it is
a good choice.> I must be missing something! <Check the
copyright. The book is six years old. Many things change. That's
why he created WWM. It's very hard to keep a book current. Being in
medicine myself, I am acutely aware of this. That's why the web is
so wonderful.>
Cyanided cardinal??? Bob, A quick question for you, and
a bit of a mystery to me. One week ago today, I purchased 4 Banggai
Cardinals. Unfortunately, they have not fared as well as my other
livestock, and from their behavior/mortality rate, I was wondering if
you feel there may be a possibility they were collected via cyanide
techniques, and if so, if there is a way of saving the remaining
specimen(s). Within 12 hours of placement, 1 perished. A couple of days
ago, a second one died mysteriously, and now a third is laying on the
bottom, leaning against a rock and "gasping"
(rapid/exaggerated mouth and gill movement). All four specimens have
been extremely lethargic during the time I've had them... even at
night. So much so that when showing the new acquisition to a family
member they thought there were plastic fish hanging in the tank. All
other livestock is doing well (fishwise: 3 damsels, 2 yellow tangs, 1
scooter blenny, 1 clown, 1 pink Pseudochromis) in a 90 Gallon reef. All
invertebrates/corals are fine as well. All tank measurements/parameters
are fine. I'm figuring the "gasper" is probably beyond
being saved and will die within the next few hours. Is there anything I
can do for him, or the only remaining "healthy"
specimen? <Unusual... I agree... considering the size of your
system, the other livestock... that they don't seem to be acting
strangely... I think there may well be "something" wrong with
these Cardinalfishes... in their transport, acclimation... But not
cyanided... almost all are captive produced... and the ones in the wild
are not hard to hand collect... no need for poisons in their
capture> In the 5 months the tank has been set up, outside of the
"starters" I've only lost 1 other fish, and I hate it
when it happens. My wife ends up naming all of the fish, and cries when
they die. Any thoughts to saving the remaining cardinal? Could these
have been collected via cyanide (suspicious after reading section in
TCMA)? <Again, not at all likely... have you talked with your
supplier? Others who bought fish from this "batch"?>
Thanks again for your help... past/present/future. <You are welcome
my friend. Bob Fenner> Matt
Banggai cardinal Dear Mr. Fenner, I'm still in a
state of total flabbergast! About a month ago I had a nice Banggai
cardinal (Big Daddy) that took a gulp of food, did three seconds of
somersaults and died!!!! I could think of no other reason except my
home made food (your recipe), which was a long shot. I threw the rest
of that batch out and started over. I reported this on a web forum and
nobody had a clue. Well, this morning about 30 seconds after I fed
(Brine shrimp plus and pellets), another Banggai did the same thing.
Only this time it recovered after a few minutes and seems fine now.
WHAT'S GOING ON? Thanks, Linda <Bizarre! Maybe they're
choking? Perhaps your tank has some other "eager eaters" that
are conditioning your Banggai Cardinals to gulp their rations? Try
smaller food items... less competitive tankmates? Bob
Banggai cardinals death Dear Mr. Fenner, I wrote to you
last week concerning my Banggais that would take a bite of food, then
apparently choke and spiral out of control to the bottom of the tank.
Here's my experience that I'd like to share with you. When this
occurred the first time a couple of months ago, it really looked like
the fish choked. It took a bite of food and spiraled out of control and
died. The second time (that I wrote you about), it happened shortly
after feeding and I assumed the same thing happened. Three days later I
find a dead cardinal in the tank--not the one that had previously
"choked". My husband and I had decided to buy another
cardinal since they look so pretty as a pair. But this morning when I
got up, I checked the hospital tank first, then turned around in time
to see the remaining cardinal spiraling to the bottom. I tried to
revive him without success. I had not fed any of the tanks yet. Since I
had planned to try raising these fish, I have a few web pages
bookmarked. A couple of articles on breeding mention this phenomenon
occurring in the fry, particularly after feeding. If the fish is
squirted with the turkey baster it will (usually) recover. If left
alone it will die. I have lost four adult Banggai cardinals in the past
3 months; one because it was "odd man out" and I didn't
remove it soon enough, and three from terminal seizures. These fish
have come from different sources, 2 locally, and 2 internet (Aquacon).
If others are having this experience, it might be a problem to address.
In the meantime, no more Banggais for us, even though they are really
cool fish. Sincerely, Linda Kuehn <Interesting, and still
frightening... I wonder if a lack of dissolved oxygen could be at play
here... since you mention the revival with a turkey baster... Do you
have sufficient aeration, circulation in this system. Anyone with a
D.O. meter, test kit you could use? Bob Fenner>
Re: Banggai cardinals death Dear Mr. Fenner, Thank you
for your quick reply. Oxygen saturation is something to consider. Using
the turkey baster, I mostly prodded the fish rather than blew water
onto it, however, even reviving it that way suggests it might not be
getting enough O2. <Agreed> Here's my set up in this tank.
It's a 40 gallon, 36 " long, 15 " tall. I have two
Penguin bio-wheel filters, one at each end, and a protein skimmer (not
great, but adequate). One medium size live rock and several not live,
and lots of Caulerpa. (I grow it for my tangs in the big tank).
Here's something I was wondering about. There are large bubbles on
one of the rocks on the left hand side. I can knock the bubbles off,
but more just form. Could this be an indication of lack of O2 due to
poor circulation? <Yes, perhaps... the available low oxygen and
possibly related higher carbon dioxide may be fostering enhanced
photosynthesis...> Can you suggest a remedy? Thanks, Linda Kuehn
<Yes, certainly. Do add a long airstone (with pump, tubing, check
valve) along the inside edge of the tank... and/or powerheads with
intake lines to blow air and water together... Mix your water up in all
directions... practically speaking, there cannot be too much water
circulation. Bob Fenner>
Missing Banggai Cardinalfish Hey there again, just
trying to keep my queries separated. <Appreciate this> OK, new
issue. My Banggai Cardinal simply vanished!! I've been looking all
over the tank for him and he is gone. He stopped eating for a while but
this was following what appeared to be a mating ritual with (what I
thought was) his partner. The larger one, I think to be the male, is
the one that is missing. Is this guy really missing, or just hiding out
before he "belches" out a bunch of fry from his mouth?
<Don't usually hide that much... Very likely either jumped out
(any smiling cat cats about?), or died and was quickly consumed or
decomposed...> I'm scared that he may be lost and can
potentially foul the tank. How long should I wait to not see him before
I panic? <No panic necessary, warranted. Look about the
outside of the tank, amongst the decor/rock... keep an eye on your
tests for ammonia...> And when I say panic, I'll take apart the
reef in an attempt to find him if it means keeping the rest of the
stock. In other strange disappearance news, my Scott's Wrasse that
I told you about earlier has been acting strange. Is it possible that
he is being bullied by my two tangs? (Kole and Indian Ocean
Hippo) <Maybe> Every time that he goes to settle to hide
out (if he is spooked) one of the tangs will rush to the area behind
the rock and flush him out. <You likely need more
"caves", nooks and crannies... some "blind" (with
no opening in their back> I like it because it keeps him into he
open. But now, after he's been in the tank for about a week, he is
GONE about 3 hours before the lights turn off. Also, Recently I caught
him belching out brown material, he looked not so good. . . Like the
Cardinal, we have searched everywhere and cannot find him every three
hours before the lights go off. . . What gives? <Hiding... probably
in the substrate/gravel... to avoid the Tangs, possibly you... No
worries though... will learn to come out in time> For your reference
our light cycle is as follows: ON --> Actinic 2:30 PM Daylight 3:30
PM Off --> Daylight 11:30 Actinic 12:30 AM Thanks so much, Separate
query on the way! <Can't wait. Bob Fenner>
Acclimating and Preventive Dip Procedures I have your
book, The Conscientious Marine Aquarist, and am enjoying all
the valuable information it has to offer. I'm expecting a
shipment of a school (5) of Banggai Cardinalfish next Tuesday. I
have a 20 gallon quarantine tank set up and understand the process
of acclimation. I was also considering doing a preventive dip
for the fish. I'm confused in wondering if I acclimate the
fish first and then do a preventive dip wouldn't this undo the
results of the acclimation process. Because I have a quarantine
tank maybe I don't need to do the dip? The Cardinalfish will be the
first fish placed in a 72 gallon tank with live substrate and 45
lbs. of liverock. Is it safe to place all five fish in at the same
time? I appreciate your advise in these matters. Thanks. >> Thank
you very much for contacting me re clarification on this matter.
I'd do the dip first and then quarantine your Banggais for two
weeks. And I would place them all at the same time. This Cardinalfish
(family Apogonidae) can be territorial amongst its kind, and putting
them in all at once will minimize chances for agonistic behavior. Bob
Banggai loss Bob, I had a Banggai Cardinalfish which
only lasted for 5 days. I could not identify any source of trauma
and the fish was eating up until the last day. The only changes I
could identify was that my salinity dropped to 16. I only had one
of these fish, and someone suggested that death could have been
caused by stress due to the fact that it was not introduced in a
school with others of its own kind. Any thoughts on this? If they
do need to be in a school, how many fish constitute this? >>
Hmmm, maybe this was an isolated circumstance... like an internal
parasite... or...? Have been in the diving and ornamental aquatics
interest a very long time (least it seems this way... check with me in
a few years, maybe it will seem shorter then), and off to the north of
Lombok in Indonesia even and seen Banggai's in the wild. They
don't really live as adults in groupings... and have witnessed MANY
folks keeping them in captivity solo... But they can be kept in a
school, better to have just one larger male (you know the spots on the
dorsal fin...), in a small, odd number of individuals (3,5,7).
Bob Fenner
Banggai cardinals I have them in a quarantine
tank the only other fish I have in the tank is a Sohal tang it eats all
the time the tank has been set up for 3 months no live rock do you
think I need to put them in my main tank I have live rock it is a FO
tank thanks >> Yes, definitely. Cardinalfishes are already very
shy. In a quarantine tank with a boisterous Sohal Tang they're
likely very intimidated. Do move them. Bob Fenner
Banggai Cardinals
28 Jan 2005 I'm having bad luck with Banggai cardinals. I
have a 16 gal. reef tank that has been running for more than four
years. It has a variety of SPS, LPS and
softies. It is equipped with a rear protein skimmer
and sump. I have a gold stripe maroon clown and a Firefish
along with a Fromia starfish, scarlet shrimp, and clean up
crew. Since owning the tank I have tried 3 different times to add
a Banggai (not with the same fish I currently have), with the same
unfortunate resulting death each time. After introducing them to
the tank they have either eaten little or none at all for a couple
of days (I have fed them frozen meaty foods). Just when
I decide it's time to try feeding them something live
they then start to breathe quickly for a couple of more days
until eventually dying. Prior to breathing quickly I
have watched at least one of them eating copepods and the others
seem to be looking for food in the water column. The most recent fish
I purchased a few days ago I selected only after visiting the LFS
several times over a 6 week period and each time when
the salesperson fed the cardinals they acted uninterested in any
food given to them. <I can frankly tell you that a healthy
Banggai will chow down on food and jump at both live brine and frozen
Mysis.> They have usually been there a week or more before I ask
them to try. The last one I bought did eat but not real
aggressively. <I've also seen that they need to have
frequent feedings, several times a day; at least as they are becoming
established. I asked the store if they were tank raised and was told
that unless the sign indicated they were tank raised they are
not. <Lots of Banggais are still being imported.> But I
thought wild Banggai populations were declining and therefore were
not allowed to be harvested anymore. <I have heard this as
well but I know for a fact that they are still being imported. Perhaps
the areas they are coming from have changed a bit?> I really like
this fish and would like to have one but I am reluctant to try
again. Is my experience very common? I am frustrated
because I have read several sites stating that they are a hardy fish
but I read in your description of this fish that the success rate
"is dismal". Do you have any suggestions I should
try in the future or should I look elsewhere? <In my experience,
they often do not ship very well and that's the problem that they
are having when settling into the store. They do need to be pretty much
babied when they arrive and fed quite often a day to get them settled
and doing well. I really think you need to only purchase a fish that is
going aggressively for the food, and if they are not do NOT purchase
it. A fish that doesn't eat for a week is starving to death. One
thing that concerns me with your current fish is that I believe if you
do find a healthy Banggai that you are going to have a problem with the
clownfish out competing the other fish for foods. Good luck,
Injured Banggai Died in Quarantine, Now What? >Hi,
>>Good morning Kim, Marina here. >I bought two Banggai
Cardinal fish last week, and the LFS injured one of the fishes'
front dorsal fin when netting. >>Poor, they should have
held the fish for you. >I placed both of them in my 12g QT. The fish
seemed okay, but then on Saturday I noticed that its tail fin was
rotting off. >>Mmm.. moved that quickly? >I started
treating the QT with Maracyn (sp)... >>Correct. >...on
Saturday (removing the activated carbon filters). >>Good, I
would have done the same, though probably would have chosen a different
antibiotic, but this is quibbling. >The parameters in the tank on
Saturday were: pH=8.2, temp 78F, 1.025 sg, ammonia=0, nitrite=0,
nitrate=2.5. >>Ooooh, high nitrate, very high. Water changes
are quite necessary in quarantine, copious, large, to keep such levels
down. This can and will depress immune systems, adds further stress.
>The fish died last night (Sunday). My question is should I continue
to treat the tank even if the other fish looks okay (had no injuries
during transfer)? >>If the other is apparently clear, I
would discontinue, perform some large water changes, add carbon (and
change out after about 24 hours). >Also, I will get another Banggai.
Should I wait until this one is done in the QT and transferred to the
display or can I add it to the QT after this treatment and partial
water change? >>Knowing that Banggais can be somewhat
aggressive with each other, and IF the next one is from the same batch,
I would probably place it in the quarantine with the surviving fish. I
would prefer to establish them in the display together. Be sure to have
plenty of chunks of PVC for hiding places, and do watch carefully for
the aforementioned aggression. >Thanks so much for your wonderful
site. Kim >>Most welcome, and give 'em hell for selling fish
THEY injured (if it were my shop you'd get a credit on that one).
Marina Banggai Problems 11/12/2005 Bob What is the problem
with Banggai cardinals? <Mostly handling...> They seem to do well
for the first week but very suddenly they all die! Perry <Too much
"stress" from the process of breeding, rearing, moving...
mostly. BobF>
Banggai Cardinal & Coral Beauty angel
questions 12/17/05 First let me tell you that I have a 60 gal
tank w/a protein skimmer, wet/dry filter, a UV sterilizer; and 32 lbs
of live rock. In the tank now are a bicolor blenny, two
Banggai cardinals and a coral beauty angel. I took a water
sample to a very reputable fish store a week ago, and everything tested
great. <Non-informational> Now, about my Banggai
cardinals. I feel pretty stupid asking this, but here
goes. I purchased two Banggai cardinals a week
ago. They have been doing great. They hid and
hardly came out for about 3 days (I didn't even see them
eat). But then they started to come out a little more each
day, and now they are out almost all the time and eating
well. Here's my question. I noticed tonight
that there a white spots on their fins. I didn't notice
these spots before, but then, I didn't really look. The
problem is, these fish have spots all over them. Do they
normally have spots on their fins, or could this be ich? <Do have
spots as coloration... Crypt looks different... smaller, more discrete,
raised> My next question is about my coral beauty angel. I have had
this fish since June of this year and it has done great. Two
weeks ago I got rid of my Picasso trigger because I kept hearing that
it would limit me on any more fish purchases and would eventually cause
a problem with the fish I currently had. In order to catch
the trigger, I had to rearrange all of the live rock. After
the trigger had been gone about 3 or 4 days, my coral beauty started
hiding more (I did create more hiding spots when I rearranged the
rock), and stopped eating. It stays near the bottom all of
the time (it is swimming upright, not on it's side). I
feed Spirulina, frozen brine shrimp, Prime Reef flakes and green marine
algae. At the recommendation of the fish store, for the past
two days I have fed the fish a frozen angel and butterfly
diet. Last night I saw the coral beauty take one bite of it.
When I fed the fish today, the coral beauty started moving around more,
but I never saw it eat. I know that it could be getting food
that goes down into it's hiding places and I not see it
eating. There are no spots on the fish, no torn fins, and
it's not looking thin. The only thing I really notice is
that the color on its head seems to be fading some. <The behavior of
this fish sounds about "normal", some loss of color can
occur...> Otherwise, it looks okay. Do you think the
hiding and not eating is because of the change in the fish and moving
the rocks around? <Likely this has had an effect, yes> Any
suggestions? Once again, thanks so much for your help.
LaVonda Black <You are quarantining new livestock before adding I
hope/trust. Do take a look on WWM re Banggai Cardinal appearance,
Centropyge behavior. Bob Fenner>
Banggai Cardinal -
03/09/2006 We have 2 Banggai Cardinals. The very tip of
their front dorsal fins (approx.1/16")has turned white and appears
to just wave around with movement. They have been
this way for about 3-4 weeks and the white area seems to be getting
larger, but very very slowly. Any idea what it is and what
we should do about it? Bob & Jinni Horn Tank info: Tank size in
Gallons?:...75................ Age of tank :..6 months.................
Total amount of liverock aprox..60 lbs............. Substrate 3"
of live sand............. Temp.....78 degrees Sump 12
gallon............ Prefilter Yes.............. Wooden hood over the
light........... Aprox amount of evaporation per day:.1
gallon............ Frequency of water changes &amount changed: 5
gallons Bi weekly Salt mix:.."Red Sea.".......... Additives
used:. Kent Marine Concentrated Iodine, Reef Success Coral
Grow............... test kit:. Saltwater Master Liquid Test
Kit................. adding calcium:. Manual as needed................
Aprox water turnover X times (filter) per hour:....7............
Lighting:. HO Fluorescent........... Bulbs:..2 white 2
blue............... Total watts of lighting (all
lamps):...440............ Timers ...Yes......on 12 hours per day
Water:.. RO/DI............. Protein skimmer .Venturi.......... Tank
parameters......... -Calcium...................320 mg/L
-Alkalinity........................12 dKH
-Ammonia..........................0 mg/L
-Nitrites..............................0 mg/L
-Nitrates.............................0 mg/L
-Phosphates..................... .5 PPM
-Specific Gravity.............1.023 -Water
Temp..........................78f Water Flow > 7
times tank volume per hour <I suspect there is nothing awry with
your cardinals here... "just" normal color/growth. Your
set-up and water quality looks to be acceptable to fine. Bob Fenner>
Livestock/Marine/Pterapogon kauderni 2/23/06 Hi,
<Hello Chelsea.> I work at a pet store, and we have had a lot of
trouble keeping Pterapogon Kaudern's alive to the point that we
don't even get them anymore. <Unusual.> These happen to be
one of my favorite saltwater fish! I would really like to
get a school of them, but I'm really worried they're all going
to die. Can you give me some specifics on keeping
them. Things like, what size tank do they need? I
want to keep enough to see them school, what is the smallest amount I
could keep to be able to see them school? What can I do
specifically to keep them alive? Are there any tricks to
it? Specific ways to decorate the tank so that they are more
hardy. And any other useful tips. <Read here
and the related FAQ link in the title box. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/cardinal.htm This
should give you all the info you need. Unusual that you are
having trouble keeping these as they are a hardy fish. Thanks!
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Chelsea
Tank-raised Banggai Cardinals 03-21-06 Good Day Crew,
<<Hello, Travis here with you today.>> I've been a
great admirer of Banggai cardinals since they first started appearing
in the market some years back. At that time they were rare
and very expensive. After doing some research, I've
found that they are on the brink of being added as an endangered
species in the wild. <<This is correct.>> <Actually...
not so... more abundant and transplanted than ever... RMF> At the
same time their price has continued to drop, currently $11.99 at one
LFS. Is the price drop just because of a greater number of
wild caught specimens on the market, or are tank-bred specimens
starting to make an impact? <<I have not witnessed a
price drop in my area, but it is most likely due to wild Banggai not
lasting more than a week in captivity. This is due to a nasty strain of
internal parasites that have not been responding well to typical
medications.>> I would love to add a pair, but I don't want
to contribute to a dwindling wild population. What's
your opinion? <<Captive bred Banggai may cost more
initially, but you will be much happier with your purchase in the long
run. Travis>> Thanks
Question on Banggai Cardinalfish - 04/22/2006
Greetings! I have a Banggai Cardinalfish who recently has
stopped eating (at least while I'm watching the tank). I
purchased the Banggai several months ago, after several failures
with them -- previous Banggais did not feed very well, then stopped
feeding, then started breathing heavily, and then died. The
current Banggai, though, has been doing great for months. Eats
regularly, remains active, and has grown quite large. But
this past week, he's stopped eating, and now his breathing appears
heavy -- behavior I'm familiar with, unfortunately.
<Disturbing...> The tank is a 30-gallon reef tank; the readings
on temperature, salinity, and so forth are all in the normal
range. The Banggai shares the tank with a yellowtail damsel,
two Firefish gobies, and a blenny, as well as a few invertebrates
(shrimps, crabs, snails). There doesn't seem to be
excessive competition among the fish -- I'm feeding them brine
shrimp (not live) <Mmm, hopefully not exclusively> , and up until
early last week the Banggai as well as the others have liked the food
and have seemingly been able to get enough of it. But now,
the shrimp float up in front of the Banggai, and he ignores it
completely. Not good. I've been reading readers
questions on the FAQ page about Banggai Cardinalfish, and it seems that
most of the problems that develop do so shortly after purchase -- not
several months down the road. Is my Banggai just old, or is
this normal, or ... what? <Don't know here... perhaps a crowding
component... definitely nutritional deficiency possibility...> I
think they're one of the most beautiful fish I've ever seen,
and I would love to continue to have one (or two, or three) in my tank
-- but not if something I'm doing or not doing is killing
them. Any thoughts? <A comment... am out at the Western
Marine Conference and some of the speakers and attendees have mentioned
the lesser hardiness of this aquarium species in recent years... Given
the size of your system, the presence of the damsel... I would hold off
on keeping Banggais here... and a last note... I would only feed
frozen/defrosted Artemia occasionally... perhaps every few days. Bob
Fenner> --Eric Scott
Banggai Cardinal Deaths...Very New System -
07/27/06 Hi there! <<Hello!>> I have a 72G reef ready
Oceanic tank being filtered by 110 pounds of cured live rock and a 20G
refugium w/protein skimmer. I only run the skimmer for about
a week in six. <<Mmm...am a firm believer in running skimmers
24/7>> I perform a 15% water change every 10
days. Water parameters are all spot on. Ammonia
& nitrite at zero. Nitrate never above 25ppm.
<<This is a reef tank? Nitrate should be below
5ppm. If this is a FOWLR/FO you should still strive to keep
nitrates below 20ppm>> The tank was started on May 6th of this
year, as defined by the placing of the rock in the tank. <<Ah, a
very "young" tank indeed>> To date, livestock consists
of 5 Blue/Green Chromis, 1 Six Line Wrasse, 1 Blood Shrimp, 2 Turbo
Snails and about 12 Blue Legged Hermit Crabs. All of these
animals have been doing great since their introduction into the
tank. The problem occurred when 4 Banggai Cardinals were
added. They all started out great. Eating
enthusiastically and swimming vigorously. After two weeks
they started (one by one) losing their appetites, becoming lethargic,
demonstrating labored breathing (some had stringy white feces) and
dying. Per fish this process took about 3 days from loss of
appetite to death. <<Possibly environmental, compounded with
stress from conspecific aggression>> All of the other fish are
still doing fine. Can any one tell me what is happening.
<<Banggai Cardinals are generally hardy once acclimated to a
"mature" system. They also can be quite intolerant
of conspecifics unless in mated pairs. The problem you
describe may be a combination of a "too new" system (for this
species) and aggression related stress>> I have a Purple Firefish
in the quarantine tank and I'm afraid to put it in the main tank
until I have some clue. Any help or advice would be greatly
appreciated as I'm new at this. I would give this system a couple
more months to mature/reach a balance before adding more cardinals...or
the Firefish for that matter. Letting your skimmer run
continuously will also be of great benefit, in my opinion>>
Thanks!! Jan Harrison <<Happy to
assist. EricR>> Re: Banggai Cardinal Deaths...Very
New System - 07/27/06 Dear Eric, <<Hello Jan>> Thanks
for the response. <<Is my pleasure>> I'll certainly
utilize your advice. <<Ah good, for the best overall
really>> Jan
<<Regards, Eric Russell>>