Every day the WWM crew receives around 30 queries from
fishkeepers around the world, covering topics from every
conceivable branch of the hobby. A sizeable proportion of those
queries have one thing in common: too many fish in too small an
aquarium...Editorial by Neale Monks |
Betta Behavior and Husbandry: Linking Betta
splendens Aggression with Community Tank Preservation
Bright colors, elegant finnage, and a feisty attitude to
boot….these are the traits that have attracted young and old
alike to the remarkable world of the Betta fish. An article
by Lonnie Lindberg |
Crayfish Basics
Many people associate crayfish with their youth. Mention the
word “crayfish” and people respond with something like “oh ya, I
used to catch them down at the creek when I was a kid”...An
article by Justin Pierce |
First Steps in Marine Fishkeeping
I’ve been in the aquarium hobby off and on for more than
twenty-five years. During my twelve years in the military, I’d
stuck to small freshwater tanks due to frequent moves, growing
kids, etc. Now that my life has settled down somewhat I decided
it was time to get back into saltwater. An article by Michael
Van Bibber |
Phosphates in Marine Aquarium
When talking about phosphate in aquariums, usually so called
orthophosphates are referred to. These are (mostly) negatively
charged ions containing phosphorus, oxygen and at least some of
them hydrogen. An article by Marco Lichtenberger
Stocking 5, 10 and 20 gallon freshwater aquaria
“The bigger the aquarium, the easier maintaining it will be.”
This is probably the single most important rule in the hobby,
and for someone setting up their first aquarium, it is an
absolutely essential fact of life. An article by Neale Monks |
Surviving extended power outages: how to keep your
aquarium alive!
Recently, many citizens of the southern United States were
mildly to severely affected by the hurricane activity that took
place there this summer, including ourselves. An article by Mike
Maddox and Merritt Adkins |
A Selection of questions and Answers from the WetWebMedia
FAQ page's, selected by Andrew Nixon |
If you fancy writing for Conscientious Aquarist, then read
our instructions for authors. The aim of the
magazine is to publish articles that explain and extend the
hobby in a responsible, ethical manner. |