Related FAQs: Shrimpfishes,
Articles: Tube-Mouthed Fishes,
/A Diversity of Aquatic Life
Centriscidae, Darlings of the Public
Aquarium Interest

By Bob Fenner
Aeoliscus punctulatus
Family Info: Indo-Pacific; all marine. Two genera comprising
four species. Thin, sharp bodied to the point of looking like shiny
razors. On close examination you can see the body is encased in bony
armor, sharp on the ventral side/edge (these fishes typically swim in
groups, head-down... "going horizontal" at times for bursts
of high-speed swimming. Toothless mouths.
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Aeoliscus punctulatus (Bianconi
1855-59), the Speckled Shrimpfish. Western Indian Ocean: Red Sea
and Kenya to Algoa Bay, South Africa. To 15 cm. in height/length,
longest dimension. Aquarium image. |

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Centriscus scutatus Linnaeus 1758, the Rigid
Shrimpfish. Indo-Pacific. To six inches in height. N. Sulawesi
picture. |
