FAQs on Chelmon Butterflyfishes
Related Articles: Chelmon Butterflyfishes, Foods/Feeding/Nutrition,
Related FAQs: Chelmon Butterflies 1, Chelmon Butterflies 2, Chelmon Identification, Chelmon Compatibility, Chelmon Selection, Chelmon Systems, Chelmon Feeding, Chelmon Disease, Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Using
Chelmons as Aiptasia Controls, Butterflyfish Identification, Butterflyfish
Foods/Feeding/Nutrition, Butterflyfish Compatibility, Butterflyfish Behavior, Butterflyfish Systems, Butterflyfish Selection, Butterflyfish
Butterflyfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
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New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Chelmon rostratus sleeping behaviour; and fdg. insights
Hello crew!
<Hey Jeff>
I’ve been the happy owner of a Chelmon rostratus for the last three
years or so now, and despite the initial headaches and concerns he gave
me when he would not eat the first week, it would seem he has now acclimated
well (I can share more details on my feeding menu and habits if you’re
<Please do>
I have noticed, for a while now, that at night he is the only one who does not
have a den to sleep in. looking over the internet I found one article that
mentions that they sleep "on spot", meaning they stay in a low flow area and
sleep while they swim. can you confirm this?
<Mmm; all the Chelmons I've come across during the night were sleeping, lying on
the bottom near habitat... an overhang, stony coral... apparently in low current
if so this means he must have slept badly for the past 3 years, since I don’t
have a special pump schedule at night.
Clearly if he is holding strong all this time it must mean that it's not much of
an issue, but being a sleep lover myself I was wondering if it would be worth
perhaps shutting down one of the two pumps during the night in order to give him
proper rest.
<Worth trying>
Pump and system details:
450l mixed reef
one Tunze 6500 L/h that turns on for 10 seconds and stays off for 10 seconds and
one Newave 9700 L/h that turns on for 35 seconds and stays off for 35 seconds.
I also have a 100l sump/refu with a return but the flow is minimal (its adjusted
with a ball valve, and i estimate the flow to be around 900 L/h… but I have no
numbers to back that up, the pump is a 950L/h) gut feeling would tell me to turn
off the larger Newave but your input is appreciated.
thank you in advance
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Re: Chelmon rostratus sleeping behaviour
Thank you Bob,
<Welcome Jeff>
I make my own fish food every other month. I mix a pack of Nori, a couple garlic
heads, 3 shrimps, 4 squid rings, varied clams and piece of cod together. i then
place the goo in an ice rack, freeze it and presto! fish food stock for the next
couple months. i feed one cube a day, half in the morning half mid afternoon.
<I see; thank you... No binder other than the ingredients above>
I was able to lure the rostratus to this mix by placing open clams in the tank,
in fact its because of him that i add clams to the recipe in the first
place.....now that i mention it i think it may have been you that suggested me
to try open clams tu lure him.
<Could be>
regards Jeff
<Thanks again. BobF>
A Couple Of Questions/Linckia Starfish Health/Copperband
Butterflyfish Behavior 4/7/10
Dear Crew,
<Hello Seth>
You have been really helpful in the past, I hope you can help me again
with two questions I have.
<Let us give it a shot.>
One regards the Blue Linkia <Linckia> starfish I have; it was
blocking the overflow with one arm the other day, and I wanted to get
it to move, so I gave a VERY gentle nudge on the arm. Immediately the
starfish dropped off;
apparently its' hold on the tank walls was very weak. I looked on
the underside, having remembered reading that there can be parasites
affecting the tube feet. I saw none, however, at 10X magnification. Now
it is under an overhang, and I notice one arm is not holding on (see
photo.) I see no other negative signs such as any deterioration on any
part of the body. Any ideas or suggestions as to something to feed or
do besides watch? It has been in the tank two months.
<Unfortunately, most true Linckias are short lived in captive
systems due mainly from having suffered too much damage and neglect in
the process of collection, holding, and shipping. You do not mention
the size of your tank, but this species has a much better chance of
survival when kept in large systems <100+ gallons> with plenty of
healthy live rock for which to graze on. You may want to read here and
related articles/FAQ's on the Blue Linckia Starfish. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/linckiastars.htm>
My second question relates to my Copperband; he has been in the tank
about six weeks, eats "people" shrimp from my fingers and
live brine eagerly, also Mysis though with less enthusiasm. The last
two days, he has been
getting jumpy for no apparent reason, dorsal spines raised, and showing
pale color all over. No one is bothering him, and oddly, he regained
his color when I offered him food by hand which one would think would
get the opposite reaction if anything. The only change is that I
started adding Selcon to the food four days ago. Could he be getting
too many vitamins?
Seems dubious, but there haven't been any other changes I'm
aware of, parameters are stable, all excellent, and the other fish are
behaving as per usual, corals and inverts fine, (except my worry above
about the Linkia).
<Mmm, my initial thought here is stress. The Copperband does best
with very peaceful tankmates, and any stress inducing fish in the
system may/can trigger this behavior. As far as the Selcon goes, a
couple of drops added to the food is all that's necessary. I'm
not aware if too much Selcon in the food would cause this.
Bob/Crew?><<Referral on WWM>>
Thank you in advance for all your help.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Regards, Seth
CBB and CBS, beh. 2/15/10
Hello WWM Crew,
<Ryan... let's skip the acronyms>
I have searched your site and the internet for hours and have not found
an answer to my question.
I purchased a Copper Banded Butterfly (CBB) from my Local Fish Store
(LFS) last night and after 2 hours of acclimation with the tank lights
off and only a floor lamp on to provide some nighttime light (as I do
not have my
lunar LED's set up yet), my CBB swam out of the bag and went
directly into a large cave on the bottom of my tank that my Coral
Banded Shrimp (CBS) inhabits.
<Mmm... better to quarantine or at least dip/bath new
The CBB swam up to the CBS "broad side" until he was almost
touched my CBS's head. The CBS gently pushed the CBB away from him
with his "boxer claws" and the CBB swam right back to him.
This went on for about 8-10
minutes then the CBB swam off to another cave. Was the CBB confusing my
CBS as a skunk cleaner, or was he trying to dominate the area?
<Stenopids are non-obligate cleaners>
The CBB found a nice big Aiptasia (one of many) and started rubbing on
it like a clown does to their anemone they are hosting.
After a couple of minutes of rubbing on it he took several bites of it
an swam off. The LFS said to expect it to take several days, if not a
week for the CBB to start feasting on all my annoying Aiptasia. Is this
the normal behavior the exhibit prior to eating the Aiptasia?
<Not as far as I'm aware, no>
My third and final question: Is it normal for a Yellow Tang and the CBB
to not get along?
<If there's room, yes>
My yellow tang nipped at the CBB's fins and tried chasing it to the
other side of the tank. The CBB responded by ramming my yellow tang
with it's beak. This morning when I woke up, my yellow tang was
"puffed" up swimming
around my 120 trying to chase the CBB around. The CBB was still ramming
my Yellow Tang every time he nipped at him. The yellow tang is about
4" long and the CBB is about 2.5" long. Should I be worried
that this is going to
continue forever, or will they calm down after the "pecking
order" is put in place?
<I would "float" the Zebrasoma in a plastic colander for a
few days here>
My Yellow Tang has been calling my 120 home for 3 days. He was
transferred from my 75 on Wed, so I would not think he has claimed his
"territory" yet.
The 120 was purchased used from someone else, tore down and set back up
at my house within the same day. I ran the 120 for 2 weeks with only
live rock in it to do it's mini cycle from the move. I had my LFS
do a water
test. Ammonia, Nitrates, and phosphates read undetectable. Nitrites
registered at 5.
<Mmm, no>
Calcium was at 380 and PH was at 8.4.
After I moved my livestock, 1 Yellow Tang, 1 Lawnmower Blenny, 1
Scooter Dragonet, 2 mated green Clown Gobies, 2 O. Clowns, a sand
sifting star, 1 Scarlet Skunk Cleaner, 1 Blood Red Shrimp, 4
Peppermints, and 4 blue/green Chromis, along with about 50 assorted
snails and about 50 assorted hermits I had my water tested again.
Nitrites were the only thing that registered, they we still at 5.
<... I suspect you mean NO3, Nitrates>
A 30 gallon water change is pending for tonight. I use IO Reef Crystals
at 1.024 with the water temperature at 72 degrees.
Thanks for the help,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Copperband Butterfly: Scarring Formative Moments - 6/30/08
Copperband Butterfly fish Behaviors Hey Crew I have recently
purchased a Copperband butterfly fish which was doing very well at my
LFS at purchase. (Eating, behaving well) I brought him home and he did
the exact same for a week, as he ate and got along well with my other
fish. <Okay...> I think I may have made the mistake when I
decided to get another Copperband, <...yes.> which the instant I
put it was picked on by the existing one. I immediately took him back
to the store and things calmed down in the tank. Since that day, the
existing Copperband slowly stopped eating, and began to shake him head
sideways as if trying to get something off of his head. I checked the
water quality and Nitrates, Nitrites, and ammonia were zero, and other
parameters seemed normal. To this day, it has been three days and I
haven't seen him eat like he did and today ignored anything I put
in the tank. Could this shaking of head suggest presence of parasites,
or even the flukes? Tank mates includes angels and tangs and it is a
180 gallon aquarium. <This is stress- it has only been three days
since a very traumatic experience for this fish. I would wait
patiently, and normal behavior will hopefully return> Thanks in
advance. <No problem. Benjamin>
Shy Copperband Hi Bob ! I was wondering if you
could shed some light on some trouble I am having with a
Copperband butterfly. He will only feed and "roam" the
aquarium when there are low light levels (i.e., dawn and dusk)
when he can be seen picking at the live rock. He hides all day
long deep inside the live rock the rest of the day. Is
this typical of this species? <Hmm, not really... that
is, in the wild I've seen them out and about most all the daylight
hours... always near reef-cover though.> He was around 5-6 inches
when I bought him and he was in really bad shape with open
wounds and ick. Thanks to my many cleaner shrimp he looks to be
parasite free (no more scratching and swift erratic swimming).
Also, due to the high water quality and many good hiding places,
the open wounds have healed and he looks generally healthy
other than the "daytime hiding". <Glad to hear
of the specimens recovery... maybe this at least partly explains its
"shyness"> I really would like him to "stretch
out" and enjoy the rest of the tank...Is he maybe just
getting used to his new home ? I have had him in my tank now
for about 6 weeks. <Oh! Yes... six weeks is very little
time for thorough acclimation... If this Chelmon is readily feeding it
will rally, even learn to eat from your fingers in time...> I have a
300 Gallon Reef aquarium with plenty of hiding places and water
quality as follows: Salinity: 1.025 Temp: 78 degrees
controlled via Aquadyne Octopus Nitrite: Never had a trace
Nitrate: Never had a trace Ammonia: Never had a trace
Calcium: 300 and increasing (using K2R Calcium Reactor)
Alkalinity: 10 to 12 dKH Filtration: ETSS 1400 Gemini Protein
skimmer, 550 lbs Live Rock, 6" Live Sand Bed
Fish<es>: 1 Yellow Tang 1 Longnose Butterfly 2
Ocellaris clowns 1 Clarkii living in a Haddoni Carpet 2
Banggai Cardinals 2 Fire Gobies 1 Sunrise Dottyback 1
Regal Tang 1 Copperband butterfly 2 Green Chromis
thanks, chuck Spyropulos <Sounds like a very nice
system. Be chatting. Bob Fenner>
Re: Shy Copperband Bob, Thank you for the prompt reply !
Pictures of my tank are at www.chuckspy.com if you are interested. (I
really need to update the pictures and the site) <An ongoing
adventure, for sure> Again, thanks for your words of wisdom...oh
yes...I really enjoyed reading "The Conscientious Marine
Aquarist" and refer to it quite often. Happy Holidays Chuck
Spyropulos <Ahh, glad to hear my efforts are useful. And good
holidays to you my friend. Bob Fenner>
- Fish Acting Oddly? - My son recently acquired a beautiful
healthy copper-band. To night he seemed to be staying near the surface
of the aquarium, swimming horizontally and then rapidly swimming around
in a circle and then back to the horizontal swim. Is this the behavior
of a dying fish or is he just showing off to the other fish in the
tank? <Hard to say - I have a butterfly fish that just recently
decided it like to swim upside down... I have no idea why.> The
yellow tang is not bothering with it, and the clowns, damsels and other
fish seem to be fine with it also. He has had the fish for one week now
and we are really hoping it struggles through the adjustment of a new
tank and not working on his last few moments of life. <Without more
information about the tank and system, it's hard for me to say much
more than this: fish do this sometimes, and it's very hard to know
the motivations of any fish. If the other fish are otherwise fine, this
fish could still be adjusting to its new environment - it often takes
up to a month, sometimes two before a fish feels comfortable, or
perhaps resigned to its new confines.> Any suggestions? <Give it
time.> Oksana <Cheers, J -- >
- Fish Acting Oddly? Follow-up - Thank you for the reply. Our
Copper-Band seems to be fine and doing well. We'll give him time
and see what happens. Happy New Year. <Sounds really good. Happy new
year to you as well.> Oksana <Cheers, J -- >
Copperband Butterfly Behavior Hello, My newly acquired
Copperband butterfly spends a large portion of his time swimming up and
down with his nose against the glass on the left side of my aquarium.
Otherwise he seems to be healthy. He looks good and spends some of the
day grazing. He also eats pretty well. Me eats Mysis shrimp since he
ran out of Aiptasia. Is he hungry? lonely? bored? itchy? Is there
anything I can do to make him happier? Right now he's in my 55g
reef, but I plan to move him to a 240g reef once its ready. Do
you think that will help? <Well Justin, its not normal
behavior for a fish to do that. As long as he is eating, you've won
half the battle. Butterflies do appreciate very clean water. For
starters (and in any marine system) do a 10% water change per month.
You may want to try using some Chemi- pure in your filter. Something
about this filter media that actually calms fish down. I've had a
watchman goby for two months. Rarely ever saw it. After about a week
with Chemi- pure he readily comes out at feeding time and noses around
more so than he did before. May be a coincidence, but I have seen this
trait before. James (Salty Dog)>
Copperband what? - 1/30/2006 Hello Folks,<Hello
Tom> Great site and thanks for the input. <Output, and thank
you!> For what it is worth, although you all never ask, I
do make small contributions via Amazon Honor System with each question,
it is the least I can do. <And is very much appreciated.> Anyway,
I have recently introduced a new addition to my tank. Current setup:
System one year old but recently (one-month) broken down and moved. 90
Gallon Rectangle Oceanic 100 lbs Live Rock give-or-take 100 lbs Deep
Sand Bed (sloped back 6" front 4") give-or-take 460 watts of
light VHO and PC (Actinics and White) A variety of Softies, Bubbles,
leathers, Devils Hand etc... Some Chaetomorpha for nutrient export An
ASM G2 Protein skimmer I also use a few tablespoons a week of Kent
Phosphate Sponge (phosphate levels are immeasurable) RO/DI water for
top-off <So far so good.> 1- Yellow Tang 4 Inches 1 - Damsel
(There were two but one didn't survive the move) 2 - Cleaner Shrimp
1 - Coral Beauty 2 - Ocellaris (sp?) Clown Fish 1 - Blenny After a near
three week Quarantine (yeah I know your gonna say should have been
another week or two) <Not bad, 28 days much better.> I decided to
move my newest addition a Copperband (CB) into the main tank. He was
eating and seemed happy, more-or-less but my QT does not have any live
rock to pick at and he started to just stay in the corner a lot. <A
very difficult fish to acclimate.> Soooooo, I moved him to the main
tank. One of the first things (within a couple of minutes) the CB did
was go up to one of the cleaner shrimp and got a complete detail,
amazing but I digress. His purpose is simple KILL AIPTASIA. After the
first 24 hours (which is at the time of this writing) the Copperband is
relegated to a corner of the tank by our friend the Yellow Tang who
summarily chases the CB off whenever he ventures out into the aquarium.
<Not unusual.> Drawing on your experience, what should I expect -
Will this lessen over time? <It should.> If so how long before
the Tang cuts the CB some slack or in other words socialized
themselves? <I'd say things should improve within a week.>
Should I be concerned for the CB? <I'd sure keep an eye on
things.> How can I help supplement feeding for him as he doesn't
come out when I feed the other inhabitants (usually Spirulina + Some
Cyclop-eeze or frozen treat like Brine, Mysis, Sea Algae etc...<If
he is eating the Cyclop-eeze this may work, if not you may try feeding
some live brine. Stocking order is the problem
here. Sensitive fish like the CB should really be
introduced first. It's tough enough
acclimating them without adding aggression to the
problem. May want to leave the lights off for a couple of
days. This may lower the aggression level of the tang.>
As always, thanks a bunch you guys are the best. <And thank
you. James (Salty Dog)> <<I'd remove the Tang
for a week or two... to elsewhere. RMF>> Tom
Butterflyfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |