FAQs on Tuskfishes, Genus
Related Articles: Tuskfishes, Genus
Choerodon, Harlequin
Related FAQs: Harlequin
Tuskfish 1, Harlequin Tuskfish
2, Tuskfish Identification,
Tuskfish Selection, Tuskfish Behavior, Tuskfish Compatibility, Tuskfish Systems, Tuskfish Feeding, Tuskfish Disease, Tuskfish Reproduction, Wrasses, Wrasse Selection, Wrasse Compatibility, Wrasse Feeding, Wrasse Diseases,
Orange Spotted Tusk Fish 6/24/18
Hi Bob -
I have a 220 gallon reef tank (only leather and mushroom corals) that includes,
among other fish, a 5 inch Harlequin Tusk. I've come across a close to 4 inch
Orange Spotted Tusk Fish in a local fish store.
<Choerodon anchorago? From the Indian Ocean? Not often seen in the trade>
They've had him for several months. He's quite active and healthy behaving. I've
read just about everything I can find about this species of fish, yet there's
not much out there as they're pretty rare in the industry I've learned. Do you
believe it would get along with the Harlequin Tusk?
<Mmm; have my concerns; the genus is not social>
I read on Wet Web Media that they get to about 15 inches in the wild. Do they
get that big in captivity?
<Most fishes attain about half of maximum Fishbase.org, fisheries max. lengths>
If not, what size is likely in a 220 gallon?
<Again; maybe 8-10 inches overall length>
I wouldn't want an eventual 15 inch fish(too big) in my 220 gallon. He seems to
have such an active personality that it would be an interesting specimen to add,
but only if it would fit into his possible new quarters.
Thank you,
<I'd look for another genus, species... Too much chance of conflict here IMO.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Orange Spotted Tusk Fish 6/25/18
Thank you Bob!
<Welcome John>
Purple Eyebrow Tuskfish 4/3/17
> Hello Mr. Fenner,
> Your website has helped me in the past so I figured you would be the best
resource regarding my new acquisition. I picked up a Purple Eyebrow Tuskfish
from my LFS a couple of days ago.
> I had a Harlequin Tuskfish in my tank for a little over 12 years until he
finally expired a couple of months ago, so I do have some experience with
the Tuskfish family.
<Genus; Choerodon... Labrid/wrasse family>
> My question: I really can't find any info on this species. According to
Scott W. Michael's book on Wrasses & Parrotfishes, this is a rare fish in
the trade.
<Tis so. All other than Harlequins are rare>
The fish is gorgeous and he is eating Rod's brand of frozen food along with
Ocean Nutrition flake and Tetra Jumbo Krill.
> I am just curious if you could add any other info on this fish? From what
I am witnessing he acts very similar to a Harlequin Tuskfish, I.e. Eats
everything, burrows at night, swims all over the tank during the day, pretty
passive with the other inhabitants; a Blue Face Angel, Purple Tang, Emperor
Angel and a Diadem Dottyback.
<Yes; my input would be, is as yours above. Treat, care for as C. fasciata>
> Please see attached photo of the fish in my FOWLR tank. Feel free to
include this picture on your WetWeb Media website if you like.
<I thank you>
> If you would like, I keep a detailed log on my fish from purchase to
expiry or trade. I would be more than happy to keep your group up to date on
the behavior of this fish to better help and understand the husbandry of
this species.
> Thanks, Gary Lewandowski
<Thank you for sharing. I do encourage you to develop the log you mention;
perhaps document the husbandry of this fish; generate an article re. Bob