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Kyphosus? Dear Mr. Fenner, <Hello> I captured in Mediterranean 2 fishes of never seen species in this Sea. I think can be of family of Kyphosidae, but I'm not certain of it. Can you help me? Here the link to my website with images of this fishes: http://microavventure.it/kyphosus/kyphosus.html With best regards, <These do look like Kyphosids. Please go to fishbase.org on the Net and key in either the family Kyphosidae OR marine fishes under "Fishes by Region" under the area "Mediterranean", then either re-sort by family or look under the genus (alphabetically) "Kyphosus"... What do you find? Bob Fenner, who tried to do this just now, but fishbase seems to be "down".> Re: Kyphosus? Dear Mr. Fenner, in base of your instructions on FishBase, the only one "Kyphosus" resulting in Mediterranean Sea is "Kyphosus sectator". But my fishes seem unlike from these! http://fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?&genusname=Kyphosus&speciesname=sectator What do you think about, please? Thanks, Gennaro Di Bisceglie <Mmm, well, Helmut Debelius' "Mediterranean and Atlantic Fish Guide" lists only K. sectatrix and Girella stubeli from the area... and the last just from the Cape Verde Islands. I would post your question (identification) and link on a fishing/fisheries bulletin board in the region. Bob Fenner> Re: Kyphosus? I hope to arrive to an identification of these exemplars that, I'm sure, are not typical of our Sea. And I've uploaded on my site a page dedicated to these fishes (but in Italian, naturally!), with hope of somebody can give me some information. ( http://microavventure.it/kyphosus/kyphosus.html) Cheers, Gennaro Di Bisceglie <Good luck, hunting to you. Bob Fenner> Footballers... Microcanthus strigatus (Great Fish!) (Also a common name applied to Damsels of various species) Anthony, thanks for your reply. After your advice I won't be releasing the coronation trout (ill just have to eat him when he is to big-yum!! or try to sell him to someone with a huge tank.). <hehe...now you are talking <wink>!> you mentioned "footballers" in your reply. I did a search for them but to no avail. What is their scientific name so I can have a look at them. Thanks again. <yes...my apologies. We should always at least use scientific names. Also known as a stripey, Microcanthus strigatus hails from around Australia, I believe (!) and is a fantastic fish. Sturdy, shoaling and very good natured. Unique body and color two (striped like a referee). Best regards, Anthony> |
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