Hawkfishes, family Cirrhitidae. Seven
Hawks occur in the Cooks, three are too big. Forster's or the
Blackside Hawkfish, Paracirrhites forsteri tops out at nine
inches, and both the Whitespot Hawk (Paracirrhites hemistictus)
and Stocky Hawkfish (Cirrhitus pinnulatus) attain a foot in
length. Cute when small, predatory with size.
Amblycirrhitus bimacula
(Jenkins 1903), the Two Spot Hawkfish. Indo-Pacific: East Africa to
Hawai'i. To three or so inches in length. Found in shallow
turbulent water. |
Cirrhitus pinnulatus
(Forster 1801), the Stocky Hawkfish. Indo-Pacific, including the
Red Sea. To a foot in length. This four inch specimen in
Hawai'i. An occasional import that does well in captivity,
including reefs that don't house small motile invertebrates or
fishes. |

Of really saleable species though, the area
has good numbers of the spectacular Flame Hawk (Neocirrhites
armatus) and this is one of the few targeted species Chip Boyle
seeks out for collecting.
Neocirrhites armatus
Castelnau 1873, the Scarlet or Flame Hawkfish. Pacific Plate in
distribution. To three and a half inches in length. A tough beauty.
This one in captivity. |

The Arc-Eye hawkfish,
Paracirrhites arcatus (Cuvier 1829). With an interesting
U-shaped three color patch behind the eye. They grow to about 5
inches in length and come in two basic color varieties; one
flesh-toned, the other a darker brown based. Both of these in
Forster's or Freckled
Hawkfish, Paracirrhites forsteri (Schneider 1801). Full
length of almost nine inches, so be careful when purchasing a
larger one. Indo-Pacific. Juvenile and adult in the
Cooks |
Paracirrhites hemistictus
(Gunther 1874), the Whitespotted Hawkfish. Indo-Pacific on many
islands but continental shores. To almost a foot in length. The
first one in Moorea, French Polynesia, the second in the
Cooks. |
Paracirrhites nisus
Randall 1963. West Central Pacific; Cook Islands and Polynesia.
Looks like a cross between Forster's and the Arc-Eye
Hawk... |