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Equipment cleaning- reef tanks
10/15/19 Sterilizing a marine fish tank
Cleaning an olde tank; using WWM
7/15/15 Water mould on used tank 2/5/14 Sterilizing/Breaking Down Display Tank
1/15/14 Glass tank care, algae scrapers
White Calcium Deposits
5/1/12 Cleaning tank, 10/29/11 Old Coralline Algae (Removing from acrylic)
-- 08/18/11 Marine Algae on used tank - how to clean? --
10/11/10 Nasty glass- 5/10/10 vacuuming gravel, FW 2/17/10 White growth in freshwater aquarium
12/2/09 Fish tank, soap removal --
11/27/09 White Film on Glass 11/26/09 Used/Old 100 Gallon Acrylic Tank: DIY Cleaning\Maintenance
9/22/2009 Cleaning used equipment 8/27/09 Glass Coating 8/14/09 Early tank mineral buildup, 7/31/09 Streaks on the aquarium glass SW to FW system. FW
maintenance: Likely mineral buildup. 7/17/2009 Acrylic and vinegar 4/16/09 Acrylic Magnet Cleaners 1/15/09 <Hello Ryan, Minh at your service.> For my 180-gallon tank upgrade I went with acrylic since I live in CA and you guys seem to recommend acrylic. My question is, what brand magnet cleaner do you recommend for acrylic tanks? My tank has been up and running a few days now and I need to get one soon. <For larger and thicker acrylic aquariums, "Mighty Magnets" are considered the best. These are often used by professionals. More information can be found here: http://www.mightymagnets.com/.> Thanks you! Ryan <You're welcome. Cheers, Minh Huynh.> How to make sure container (i.e., big drum) is safe? Was wondering if there is any way of making sure a plastic container can be safe for, say, storing saltwater or RO/DI water? <Mmm, yes, there is/are> I mean, it's the regular blue PVC plastic drums, but it could have been used as a container for soap (I suppose easily cleaned), or maybe some chemicals (maybe even <gulp!> cyanide!) <Yikes!> While the answer is probably "don't use it unless sure", I just came across a sort of "junk shop" that has hundreds and hundreds of these "unknown" containers ranging from 15 gallons to VERY big ones (and cheap!) -- he says he cleans them all out, sometimes with chlorine. Anyway, just checking first if there's a sure way of really cleaning/disinfecting these containers (super chlorinate? Bleach? ozone?). Thanks! <All can/will work in terms of biological cleanliness... chemical not so. Some physical cleaning (with coarse salt, some water, a tough sponge) may be a good idea to scrub all the insides... I'd rinse, fill, let sit for a week or so... add some "test fish" (perhaps a few Comet goldfish, platies...) see how they do for a few days as a bioassay. Bob Fenner> Large Scale Cleaning 8/20/08 How is everyone today, While going over 08-18-08 FAQs, in particular the Brittle star making a home query, Bob mentioned re-laying the tank. I assume that this is being done after a complete tank cleaning. Removing fish, coral, rock and thoroughly cleaning the substrate, all surfaces and checking and cleaning all equipment. I searched your archives and could not find anything other than the daily and weekly maintenance already being done, water changes, vacuum substrate, cleaning algae off the glass and rock and checking the water parameters. Is this kind of complete cleaning necessary if you have no problems with the livestock and water chemistry is good. <Hello, the above is what a large scale cleaning consists of. If your fish have died of parasites or other diseases I would completely drain the tank and recycle your aquarium. Also for future notice setup a small aquarium to quarantine new additions to the aquarium for a minimum of 4-6 weeks. Good luck with your aquarium!, IanB> <<To answer the question, no to wholesale cleaning... not necessary, nor advised. Bob Fenner>> Thanks in advance, ShawnCloudy aquarium glass 6/25/08 Hi WWM crew <Hello Seth!>
My name is Seth and since you guys helped me out greatly the first time
I decided it would be a good idea to ask you another question. I have a
75 gallon tank which was once used as a salt water aquarium. The glass
though is very cloudy and has been since I first got it, I think its
hard water or calcium. I have checked your site for this but could only
find things that say it looks like it but is not it. I was wondering if
they're is any way to get rid of it other than using a razor blade.
<Seth, I assume this is a build up of salts or lime. If it is on the
outside of the tank a solution of half hot water and half white
distilled vinegar should clean it up- wipe it down, then buff it clean
with a soft clean cloth. If the tank is empty, this will also work on
the inside- just be sure to rinse well and make sure the pH of the
water is good when you fill it back up. If the tank is filled, I'm
afraid your best recourse will be a straight-edged razor.> Thanks a
lot for your help and patience. <No problem! Benjamin> Powerhead vs. coralline- Coralline Remover 4/29/08 Hello to the actual "lifesaver"! <Hi. Yunachin here.> Please tell me an accurate way how to clean coralline off of power heads and in-out takes. Does vinegar really works? Is that safe for reef? Your help is appreciated! <Yes, you can use vinegar to remove the excess coralline on your pumps. Remove them and give them a good soak for a couple of hours or even over night. Then give them a good rinsing with clean water to remove any vinegar before placing them back in your tank. An old credit card can also help scrape algae off of surfaces on your tank. -Yunachin> Sonny White film on inside walls of my aquarium 3/3/08 Last night I noticed my epaulette shark very active as if it were hungry, swimming all around the front wall of my tank and climbing/swimming on areas of the acrylic. I wasn't sure why since they were fed but decided it was no big deal. Then I woke up to white S shape lines all over the front inside of my tank as if someone finger painted....I tried to scrub it off and its hard like dried egg white. When I can get some area's off it finally will start coming off in a slim type film. My question is this, what could this hard substance be inside my 600 gallon aquarium and how can I get it off without draining this tank. <Mmm... need a bit more to go on... Perhaps scratches or slime from a fish... but may have been a spawning event of some sort... from life in your substrate, or live rock...> I have tried algae scrubbers and even fine fine 8000 sand paper but nothing seems to be getting through it very fast. Mostly, I am very curious as to why over night this can happen and what the heck it is? I also have some really large eels in the tank too, just figured it has something to do with that shark since he was the one *it was the one* in the area that the white film showed up in. Its not on the back wall, minimal on the sides, mostly concentrated in the front inside. Any ideas would be appreciated, Leann <If the area is high enough "up" from the bottom, I'd drain the tank down, try simple organic acids like dilute acetic/vinegar, on new/white-only paper towels. Bob Fenner> Re: White film on inside walls of my aquarium 3/3/08 Hi, Thanks for taking time to read this. With my tank, the S marks all over are literally from top to bottom of the inside front of the acrylic. My tank is a critter tank mostly, no live rock at all. <Is this a marine tank or a freshwater tank? I'm confused.> Just puffers, eels and a shark all of which are definitely older creatures. I was thinking like you, maybe this was a sexual maturity thing but I couldn't find anything online that talked about what I found on the acrylic. <Acrylic is easily scratched, and some catfish, notably Panaque spp., will turn it opaque in no time at all with their rasping teeth. I dare say in a marine aquarium the radulas of certain gastropods could do similar damage, too.> It is hard as a rock to scrub like a mineral deposit would be but once I start scrubbing and the muscles start screaming, then it will start to come off in a slime? Its wild, something I wouldn't expect being so hard on there. What ever it is should be collected and used as a new glue:) <Hmm... need a picture and some explanation of what sort of aquarium this is: saltwater, freshwater. A photo of the "damage" is essential, so we can determine if this is a chemical change to the plastic, abrasion, scratches caused by some animals, or whatever.> The only change my tank has had was just hard lining in my inlet and outlet, filters and everything are the same as they were. I can say though, today is day 3 since this started and there was nothing new today, yeah! So this thing, what ever it is or was seems to be past now. Now its just clean up and this is where I am having the trouble only because no regular algae scrappers or scrubbing pads will remove this at all. I only make headway with 8000 micro sand paper. <Scrubbing acrylic will surely only make things worse. I'd be very careful how I cleaned such a tank.> If something crosses your mind as far as ideas to what this was or a new idea to clean it I would love to hear more:) Thank you again! <Totally mystified. This is in the Freshwater in-box, so I'm having a stab here, but if this is really a marine question, please re-send! Cheers, Neale.> Cleaning a Hospital Tank - 1/04/08 Dear WWM, <Hello Jean,> Hello; first I wanted to let the entire crew at Wet Web Media know that you all are the greatest. <Thanks!> Can you please tell me how I can clean my hospital tank after treating fish with ick and dropsy? Should I just soak it in boiling hot water; it is an acrylic/plastic tank. Or should I clean it with a little vinegar, water and rinse thoroughly? Or do you have any other suggestions? Thanks again for your help - Jean <Boiling water isn't a good idea. It's easy to crack or warp tanks using water that is too hot. Cleaning a tank runs in two steps. Firstly you need to wash away debris. This is important because even if you use a sterilising agent like bleach, bacteria and other pathogens can survive if they are protected by a layer of dirt or limescale. So, clean the tank thoroughly, rinsing removable items (like gravel and nets) under running water. The second step is to use some sort of antiseptic. Bleach is often recommended for this. Dilute the bleach before use by at least ten parts water to each one part bleach. What you're after is a faint chlorine smell but not an overpowering one. This dilute bleach solution will kill most pathogens very effectively. Wipe the tank down with this solution and leave for at least 30 minutes. Do the same thing to the removable items. Because bleach is also incredibly toxic to aquatic life including fish, removing the bleach afterwards is critically important. After emptying and rinsing the tank, fill it up with water and leave to soak overnight. Remove the water, and the fill again with more fresh water. Do the same thing with the removable items by placing them in a bucket or whatever. The more you rinse, the safer the process. If this all sounds too risky, a strong brine solution will work almost as well but with no risks at all. Make up something 3-4 times stronger than seawater (say, 100 g salt per litre) and use this instead of the bleach solution. Salt is easy to rinse away, and any traces left behind will cause no problems, even to freshwater organisms. Do also remember that allowing the tank and equipment to dry out, especially under natural sunlight, will dramatically improve their cleanliness (dry air and UV light are lethal to most aquatic pathogens). This won't by itself sterilise a tank, but it is a reminder that hospital tanks are best stored dry in a clean, dust-free environment between uses. Cheers, Neale.> Filter Box Cleaning 8/28/07 Hi Guys! I've been searching the site for hours on this topic and can't seem to find the answer I need...hopefully I won't need 'the punishment' for asking a question that appears 10 times on the site. I was led to believe that you send out 2 tough guys who force the guilty aquarist to drink his skimmer cup. (And since I have the AquaC Remora that you often recommend, I can tell you that I definitely DON'T want to drink that much yuck.) <<Heeeee! Ewwwww! Heeeeee! RMF>> So I'm changing filter media the other day (on an Emperor 400) and I noticed all these whitish, worm-like things all over the walls of the filter box. They were stuck to the sides and filling every crevice top and bottom. When I pulled out the media, some of the stuff dislodged and went into the tank. Since the instructions for the unit say to clean it out regularly (and it seemed gross), I scrubbed out all of this gunk with a brush. I replaced only one of the filter pads (I alternate replacement of these); and put back the existing bio-wheels (which I left floating in the tank during cleaning). When I asked about this at my LFS, the guy said I messed up and should have left these 'critters' alone because they were beneficial. He warned me that I may have caused problems because I disturbed an important part of the filtration process. I have to add that this particular LFS seems to give me a lot of advice that conflicts with what I read here on WWM; but sometimes his advice seems good (and he takes my phone calls...). But I've taken to trusting WWM more than anyone else. So what's the answer? Do I scrub this thing out regularly or do I let the 'garden' grow in there? Thanks, Mike. <Hello Mike. Those little white worms, if small (a couple of mm across) and spiral shaped are Spirorbid tube worms (family Spirorbidae). They are harmless filter feeders, and very common in marine tanks, especially inside filters. If the worms are thread-like, and anything up to a few cm long, then they're most likely Serpulid worms (family Serpulidae). Again, harmless filter feeders, and also very common in marine tanks. Bob may correct me on this, but to the best of my knowledge they don't contribute anything to biological filtration as such. They certainly don't remove ammonia or nitrite. Indeed, they're "fouling" organisms, meaning they impede the flow of water, so potentially they can reduce the efficiency of the filter. (Certainly, Polychaete worms like these are notorious fouling organisms on water pipes around power stations and the like.) For what it's worth, when I help my marine-fishkeeping friends clear out their filters, I brush away those tubeworms without any sense of anxiety. Cheers, Neale> Watermarks! 8/6/07 Dear WWM Crew, <Hi Erin, Mich here.> I've recently acquired an older aquarium, and have scrubbed it spotless except for some pesky watermarks that start to appear about three-fourths of the way up the tank. It's a hexagonal 20-gallon, and right now is filled to the brim with water and I've been dropping in Alka-Seltzer tablets every few hours (eighteen so far) <Wow! That's a lot of plop, plop, fizz, fizz!> to try to get rid of them. (A remedy that has been used to remove similar marks from vases.) Are you aware of any sure-fire methods to clean the tank? <I would empty the tank and soak the area with some basic household white vinegar. Allow the vinegar to sit for while on the glass. You may need to turn the tank on its side and cover the area with paper towels to accomplish this. Hopefully this will remove the watermarks. If they persist you may need to prolong the vinegar soak and then gently take a straight edge razor to the area.> I've stayed away from harsh chemicals because I assumed that they wouldn't rinse away and make the tank safe for fish. <This is the conservative route.> I can't wait to start the cycle and put saltwater fish in it, I just want to make sure the watermarks can be cleaned first. <Yes, is much easier issue to address now, while the tank is empty.> Thanks! <Welcome! Mich> Erin K. Aquarium Cleaning Magnets...Which Ones Are Safe To Leave In The Tank? - 08/03/07 I have been looking into magnetic cleaners for cleaning everyday tank build up. <<Wonderful devices>> Of course I checked with/through your wonderful web pages first. <<And...?>> A little concern. <<Oh?>> You mentioned in one of the FAQ's that there are some magnets that shouldn't be taken out. ". . .Most aquarium magnets are safe for leaving in a system... but not all. I would pull these out when not in use... Please have your brother contact us re water chemistry checking, use of Polyfilter... as moves to correct the situation. Bob Fenner>" I have felt to use it every day or at least every other, it would be more convenient to leave it in. <<Indeed, and there are some brands that are very safe/designed for such use...is what I use. Please take a look at the "Algae Free" and "Magnavore" brands. I have a pair of Algae Free Tiger Shark Float magnets that have been in my tank for "years">> Somewhere else it was mentioned that not all magnets are made out of steel. <<Tis true>> So steel magnets are not good right? Or wrong? <<Steel magnets can be fine as long as they are "sealed" from exposure to the water. Keep in mind that virtually all "submersible" pumps contain metals>> Can you please tell me what to look for as far as what they are made of, or maybe even brands that you know of that are good or which are hazardous to the corals? <<Any of the cleaning magnets from the two brands mentioned will serve well. They are a little pricier than most others, but... There are other brands that are/can be safe as well, but these two brands are the best in all aspects, in my opinion>> Thank you as always for your never ending help. Trisha <<Always a pleasure to assist. EricR>> Salt Creep Stains on Nano Tank, cleaning 7/31/07 I have a small (24 Gal.) Acrylic Nano Tank which had persistent salt staining on the outside front. No glass cleaner I found could remove it to my satisfaction. Finally I tried good old household vinegar and it came off completely and has not returned. FYI. Bob <Thank you for this... On glass tanks I regularly use single-edged razor blades for such... And of course try to find, curtail sources of creep... Silicone tank frames, discount splash, spray... Bob Fenner> Removing soap from an aquarium 7/28/07 Hi crew <Hello.> I inherited a 10 gallon aquarium set-up and want to set it up for my granddaughter. However, the owner had cleaned it with soap and water after dissembling it and storing it. I understand soap is deadly to fish from the reading I have been doing. Is it possible to clean the soap residue out, or should I just buy a new tank setup?? <It's perfectly possible to use soap to clean an aquarium and then rinse it out safely. Rinsing the tank thoroughly with warm water (but not hot) water should do the trick. Be sure and wipe all the surfaces with a sponge or something under running water to remove soapy residues. On the other hand, do be careful not to twist the tank while you're cleaning it. This is easy to do if you're trying to wedge the thing into a sink, but the problem is you end up breaking the silicone seal. If all else fails, take it the garden and wash it there. The more you rinse it, the better. It's a good idea to test the tank outdoors overnight filled with water before using it inside the house. Sometimes, during storage, tanks can get damaged, and it'd be better to find out the thing is leaky with it outdoors, rather than once you bring the thing into your house and end up with homeless fish and soggy carpets.> Of course, I would prefer to reuse it. I searched for an hour on this site - and I have certainly learned a lot, thanks to all! - however, I didn't find this particular question answered. Thanks for your time, much appreciated - T <Since you have a 10 gallon tank to play with, please be sure and read over the amount of space fish need. 10 gallons isn't much. It's fine for perhaps a group of neon tetras plus some of the smaller Corydoras or a trio of Kuhli loaches, but it's totally unsuitable for goldfish, angelfish, swordtails, or Danios (the latter not for size but swimming space requirements). A 10 gallon tank can be a little jewel handled properly, or it can be an unstable, unhealthy nightmare. Cheers, Neale> Salt Creep and Repainting issues - 7/28/07 Good afternoon, crew. <Hi there, Tatyana!> I have a question about my marine tank. <Okay> My fish look happy and healthy, <Always good to hear!> but I am suffering from salt build-ups on the wall behind the tank. <Salt creep - Arghhh!!> First, I tried to clean it with a mild vinegar solution, but very soon paint started to chip away from the wall. <Yikes> I am about to re-paint the wall, but what can be done to prevent this from happening again? (Also very worried about mold growing on that wall, since it's always wet behind the tank from evaporation). <It sounds like an issue of the tank being too close to the wall. You'll have to move it out of the way to paint, so when you're through, just be sure to leave a couple extra inches of breathing space. I like about 4", but it all depends on how much/what type equipment you have behind the tank. If you have any hang-on refugiums, skimmers, filters, etc, you'll need to allow at least an inch of space behind those. One thing I can tell you from experience, is that before you paint, you'll need to be sure to clean away all salt residue. Salt acts as a resist for paint, so if you don't remove it, you'll end up with spots and streaks where the paint didn't take. Also, be sure to give that wall some time to dry out before painting, especially since it sounds like it stays pretty damp (fans might help here). When it's time to paint (and if you can't move the tank to another room), be sure to use a water based (not oil) paint, turn off all tank equipment that brings in air, such as venturi skimmers, wet dry filters, etc, and cover the tank with damp towels. Your best bet is to wait for a nice warm day, open all the windows for good ventilation, and start painting the tank wall first. That'll give you a chance to so some touching up if you see any paint voids where salt residue was left. After that, wait for the paint to dry, move the tank back in place, get everything going again, and proceed to relax in the beauty of your newly painted room!> Thank you, <You're very welcome and good luck to you! -Lynn> Tatyana Kucherenko Removing Lime-A-Way Residue...Not a Big Deal - 05/24/07 I made the mistake of using Lime-a way to remove the dried Coralline algae that covered the back of a used 55 gal. tank that I purchased. <<Not that serious really...though a little patience and some plain white vinegar would also do the job, and probably for less money>> Now to get the Lime-a-way out, my local Aquarium store said that I should circulate fresh water in the tank for 1 week with a bag of charcoal in the filtration chamber. And to change the water and charcoal ever day. <<Much overkill...no need to go to all this trouble/expense>> On the 8th day I am to fill the tank with saltwater and put a Damsel in the tank. <<Please don't do this...>> Does this sound right? <<Nope>> I hate to use a live fish as a test. <<Me too>> Does anyone have any other suggestions? <<I do... The Lime-A-Way; per the MSDS, is a combination of Citric Acid (likely from oranges), Acetic Acid (a component found in household Vinegar), and Sulfamic Acid (a component of Drip Coffee-Maker cleaners). I would simply give the tank a thorough rinsing (or you could just fill it up with tap water, let it set overnight, and then dump it out), and then set up/cycle as normal. Eric Russell>> How to clean a large second hand tank 5/11/07 Hi All - a very good morning to you <And you Glen> My recently acquired second hand 200g tank is a bit crusty and dusty. When I bring it home on the trailer (i.e. USA, pls don't read as mobile home :) tonight, I am trying to decide how to clean it well/properly/safely. In days past I cleaned smaller cichlid tanks by carrying it out onto my lawn and scrubbing away with a hose and a small amount of dishwashing detergent (because I read that it was designed to 100% completely rinse away - believable for obvious reasons - beer brewing folk are almost as picky about water quality and cleanliness as aquarists are!). <More so!> I don't like the thought of using any detergents on this big marine tank. <No, not a good idea> What do you guys use? <Is it glass?> I also don't fancy carrying it onto the lawn. Is a vigorous house-out with some decent water pressure while it is sitting on the trailer going to be good enough? <This and perhaps some single edge razor blades... a bit of dilute acid (Vinegar should do) to help loosen the "crusty" bits if mostly inorganic... A bit of bleach (sodium hypochlorite) if more organic...> Secondly, do you know how long it would be before 850 litres of tap water circulating in the tank is chlorine free, without the anti-chlorine drops treatment? <About a week if chloramine... a day or so if free chlorine...> Many thanks for any insight Glen Brisbane, Australia <And please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/clnaqfaqs.htm and the next FAQ file, linked above. Bob Fenner> Alkaline Deposits on Tank Glass...Not Always Easy To Remove - 04/13/07 Hi, <<Hello>> I recently decided to set up a saltwater tank. <<Neat!>> I've never done it before and am proceeding with fear and trepidation. <<Mmm, have you spent some time perusing our site and obtaining a good book or two for reference?>> I've already run into a problem and I don't even have anything in the tank yet! <<Definitely sounds like you may need to slow things down and spend some time on research/study. Do start here ( http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/volume_3/cav3i2/marine_planning/marine_planning.htm) and here ( http://www.wetwebmedia.com/bestfaqmarsetup.htm), and following the links at the top of the pages for much more information>> I purchased a filter by mail. It arrived. I purchased salt, mixed it and filled my 55 gallon tank, and attached the filter. It ran for one night and in the morning we awoke to a big crack down the side and water dripping out. I contacted the seller who sent me another, but not until it had been about 2 weeks. By the time it arrived the tank had developed a hard crust of salt attached to the top 4 inches of the tank. <<Not salt...likely alkaline material deposited/dried on the glass as the water evaporated>> I realize I should have emptied the tank back out when the problem first happened. <<Or at least add some water motion (powerhead) and keep the water level topped-up>> I ended up going in for an unexpected surgery which laid me up for another week and now I have run the new filter for about 2 weeks and it runs great, but I can't figure out how to get the salt off the side of the tank. I emptied the tank and tried scrubbing, but try as I might, it just won't budge. It's like it has become part of the glass! <<Indeed>> Any suggestions? <<Yes... As stated, this is not salt but rather is a deposit of earth elements...try soaking the affected areas with an organic acid (white vinegar should suffice). Since the deposits are at the top of the tank your best approach is to lay the tank on its side and place vinegar-soaked rags on the deposits turning the tank to treat each side as you progress. Keep the rags wet by periodically adding more vinegar to them or laying plastic wrap over the top of the rags. Let a side soak at least overnight and then try to scrub away the deposits, resoaking/waiting/scrubbing as needed. Work one side at a time until you have removed the deposits. Also, do be aware the possibility exists that despite your best efforts these deposits still may not come off completely>> Thanks! C.J. <<Hope this helps...and do let me know how it turns out. EricR>> Cleaning a Used Tank 2/20/07 Hi, <Ni, Pufferpunk here> I have a 125 gallon tank. I quit keeping large fish for a few years. I loaned it to my son who kept several lizards in it. I heard somewhere that you shouldn't put fish back in it after it's been used for lizards. I want to set it up again for my large goldfish that have outgrown their 46 gallon. Can I use my 125 gallon for them or this an old wives tale? Thanks. <You can disinfect the tank with OxyClean & rinse. Should be good to go. ~PP> Cleaning salt from the glass top, ...water, vinegar soak and scrape 1/8/07 Hello, and Happy New Year <Hi there Luis Miguel! Happy New Year to you also! Mich here today.> I want to know which the best way to clean a glass top is (Versa-Top Glass Cover). When salt accumulates on the glass cover, it reduces the amount of light penetrating into the tank. <Yes, it most certainly does!> I use regular tap water to clean it but there are always some salt spots that are almost impossible to remove. I tried vinegar without any success. Do you have a suggestion? <Yes, first rinse with tap water, then allow the vinegar to soak a while on the glass, like an hour or more. Then carefully use a straight edge razor blade scraper to remove the scale. Regards <Good luck! -Mich> Luis Miguel Thanks a lot! <Welcome!> You (and the crew) are doing a great job for the hobby! <Thank you for your most kind words! -Mich> Luis Miguel Ferrero Cleaning a Used Tank 12/10/06 <Hi Melissa, Pufferpunk here> I have acquired a used tank but I'm not sure how to clean it. I know that it has sat outside for about a year or so and that it once housed a catfish that someone caught but decided not to eat. It's still a bit green from algae and covered with general outdoor dirt. I've searched all over your site for advice on cleaning up an old tank but I found nothing, even though I'm sure you guys have the answer. Among other things, I want to avoid chemicals so as to not poison the fish or the environment. Would vinegar be appropriate? Baking soda? What would be strong enough to get the tank shiny-new safely? After cleaning and rinsing thoroughly, should I let the tank sit empty for a period to let it air out or something? Thanks for your help. <My suggestion to you would be to take newspaper & lay it on the sides of the tank that are stained. Then saturate the paper with vinegar. After a few hours, you should be able to scrape off the dried-on algae, etc. with a razorblade. The outside should wipe off quite easily with vinegar. For the final rinse, use OxyClean. It is totally non-toxic after it dissolves & can be rinsed out easily. Then just fill the tank with fresh water & start cycling the tank. You can either do a fishless cycle or instant cycle with Bio-Spira. ~PP> --Melissa P.S. You should consider posting your email address somewhere on the homepage of the website or on some "contact us" page. I had to search for about fifteen minutes before I could find this email address and it was the only way I could email you. This computer, among others that I use, isn't set up to use mail servers like Outlook, which work well with the type of "email us here" link that you have. I know this is common among others like myself who often use one of many computers on a large, shared network. <Thank you for this. RMF> Another Acrylic Woe 10/24 Hello crew, <Hi there Greg> I have a six gallon (eclipse six, acrylic) tank. I also have a lot of coralline algae on it. Now my question is, what's the ideal scraper (money no object) for the job? I've looked at a few from Kent and Aquarium Art. These seem good, but I really can't tell. I'd love to get your opinion on the matter. Thanks again for an incredible web site, Greg <Either is fine, but be aware that they still do scratch the surface. You must be very careful to not get any sand in between or so on. Unfortunately this is a big issue with acrylic tanks! Jen S.> Maintenance...Cleaning Coralline Deposits On Acrylic - 10/15/06 Hello Crew, <Hiya Dave> I have a 300g. 7/8" thick acrylic tank. I had to be gone awhile and my son took care of the tank. The fish and corals are just fine. The water parameters are OK. The equipment is working fine. But he didn't clean the algae, diatoms, etc. off the tank. Now there are fairly large areas of gorgeous purple coralline algae on the front panel of the tank. (The way the tank is placed, only the front panel is an issue). I have a Magnavore 8 cleaner, a long acrylic safe scraper, and a short hand scraper. Some of this stuff is tough, tough, tough. I work with my hands and they are quite strong, but this is ridiculous. Is there any other way to help remove this stuff short of a jack-hammer? <I do not believe you will find an easy way, Dave. The tools you are using are norm for the problem. Read FAQ's here re this subject for other suggestions. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/corlinecompfaqs.htm Thanks in advance. <You're welcome, James (Salty Dog)> Dave Harvey -Cleaning Acrylic- 8/28/06 Hello, <Hola> Read articles and FAQs, but couldn't find the answer... Is there any safe cleaner I can use to clean adhesive from acrylic pieces for a DIY fuge? I peeled an adhesive plastic lining of off them and want to get any residue off and make them safe for my marine system water. Is this possible? Rubbing alcohol/bleach? Thanks, Michael <Rubbing alcohol works well, vinegar diluted in water works if the acrylic is soaked in it, soap and water if you wash out the acrylic well afterward, quite a few choices. I would not use bleach though, may leave a residue if not cleaned off well, and a bit too strong for a first use.> <Justin> How do I de-contaminate my fish tank after my brother tried to clean the silicone off with petrol ? 8/24/06 Hello Bob ! Please help. I bought a second hand tank and had removed the inside panels as I wanted to install an external filter rather than using the overflow system. Problem is I removed the panels and cut off the excess silicone with a blade. My brother then decided to clean the silicone smudges with a cloth soaked in petrol ! He is not very bright ! Please advise how do I de-contaminate the tank before adding fish ? Please advise ! oh mighty wise one ! Thank you <Wipe with a solvent... Xylene, even Acetone, wash the tank in turn with plenty of water and coarse salt. Bob Fenner> From Denny Moodley, South Africa Maintenance/Operation...Chemical Cleaners 8/16/06 Dear crew, <Ariel> I moved about a week ago, and set up a new tank at the new house to receive my fish from the old tank. The fish are in the new tank and doing fine; I drove them 800 miles in a car. Well I scrubbed the tank briefly just before I left, and went to go get the sponges today to give it a better cleaning, but behold, right on the package I read "not for use in aquariums." Uh-Oh. There isn't a list of chemicals, which I was hoping for, but the package says Publix Easy Grip Sponge, naturally absorbent, resists bacterial odors. They smell a bit funny. What could I use to clean out/ sterilize any chemicals that could have been put in the tank? <More than likely tainted with a chlorine/bleach substance. I'd filter the water through a Poly-Filter or Chemi-Pure for a week, then discard the chemical media you end up using. Wouldn't be a bad idea to do a 50% water change also. Do this after the filtering is complete.> Thanks, Ariel. <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog) Maintenance/Substrate Cleaning 7/18/06 Your site is great & have used it for about 8 months now, learning so much. Thank you. <You're welcome.> Have done searches & FAQ's, but have these Q's: 1) When I vacuum <vacuum> my substrate (Caribbean product, I believe aragonite?), I think I may be sucking out too much of the substrate itself. How much, if any, of the substrate should actually be removed from the tank when siphon cleaning? <Very little, if any.> I started with about a 2" deep bed 5 months ago and am now down to about 1/4". <Ah, a substrate guzzling tank.> 2) I have not been regularly rinsing & reinserting the sand I've removed (too lazy after cleaning red slime off of live rock), <Can't be lazy in this hobby.> so now I have a bunch of sand that has been sitting in a bucket for weeks/months. I want to put that back in the tank (slowly, parts at a time) but think I should probably clean it since it's not completely dry. What is best way ? Should I use a bleach/water combo, rinse , and then let it dry in the sun ? <I'd put the substrate in a five gallon pail and just keep rinsing with water, no bleach or other chemicals. Fill the pail with about two inches of substrate at a time, much easier, quicker. I like doing this outside with a hose. Shouldn't say "I like", rather, "doing this outside".> Thanks, <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Paul Cleaning water marks - 6/20/6 Hi! Please help!! I have a strange problem! As evaporation takes place and water runs down the side of my tank, when I attempt to wipe the marks they don't fully come off! <<Why does water run down the sides of your tank? Evaporation does not do this. Could be from splashing. You should check for leaks. It seems as if it has eaten into the glass! What should I do? <<Lots of warm water or a warm water/vinegar solution.>> <Mmm, and to kibitz here, I'd consider a careful re-siliconing under the lip of this tank... and the occasional use of single-edge razor blades to remove this scale otherwise. RMF> Is my water the problem? <<You do not give any information on your water.>> The fish are happy and settled so I don't want to change too much. Tank you (no Pun intended) Thank you again for your wonderful assistance <<Glad to help.>> - Cleaning Mineral Deposits Off Of Aquarium Glass 6/15/06 - I have several used (I'm on a budget) aquariums with lots of mineral deposits on the inside of the glass. What's an easy way to clean this off? I've tried scraping with a razor blade (helps a lot, but doesn't get completely clean, and I'm afraid of scratching the glass), white vinegar (didn't budge), and Jungle brand "Lime Off". Suggestions? Much thanks in advance, Brian W. <Hmm... it's been my experience that when glass gets mineral deposits that are never cleaned it tends to etch or stain to the point that there are marks that will never clean off. You could try a different weak acid that isn't quite as weak as vinegar, perhaps Muriatic acid. You would still need to be careful using this material, ideally outside with good ventilation, have something to dilute with handy, and wear gloves. <<And eye protection. And if you dilute this 3 molar HCl solution, "do ass you oughta, add acid to water". RMF>> Cheers, J -- > Cleaning Tanks 5/12/06 Hi, <Hello again> Can you tell me how to get rid of those calcium deposits on my tank? Thank you very much. <A little elbow grease and white vinegar. Be careful not to get the vinegar in the tank, it can cause quick changes to PH> <Chris> Siphoning... TGIF once again Crew, Assuming maybe Jen S. is still answering since I just got an email back from you. <I'm still here... wish I was on a tropical island somewhere, but hey. I have fun w/ this too!> I just wanted to share something I do for siphoning water since reading that a lot of people use there mouths. <Ick, not me... use an automatic syphon here. I could never understand why people used to siphon gas tanks with their mouth either. ick.> I also use to do this but being paranoid I always thought "Hey is my mouth dry, arms a little shaky, little dizzy" so I decided to figure out another way. Many may use this same technique but from what I read a lot don't. Simply go to your local Wal-mart and buy a spare power head or use one if you have access to it in your Fishtank. Stick the hose right in front of it and pump enough water to start the flow take away and your siphon has started. <Very cool!> Figured I would share this with people that may need a solution to using there mouth. Since finding out about palytoxin today and realizing there is a lot of dangerous stuff in there I am sure to be A LOT more careful in future handling of my aquarium. <Hahaha, yes you should! Don't want to inhale something that might bite, right?> Thanks for the time, Homerj <No, thank you for sharing! Excellent. Have a great night! Jen S.> Marine Algae; Still Frustrating You After Death - 04/19/06 Hi <Hello Simon.> I have decided to retire from my salt water hobby and move into fresh water. <I'm sorry to hear that….I guess.> I have emptied/dismantled my old tank but am struggling to clean it. The main concern is what appears to be both green and purple (probably coralline algae) on the glass and plastic back divider - I have one of those JBJ Nanos. <Ahhh….you started your marine endeavor with a "ready-made" tank and a nano at that…..that is why you became frustrated with the hobby I surmise.> I have tried scrubbing at it using one of those algae removal pads, but that was unsuccessful. I am reluctant to use a razor because of scratching - particularly against the plastic. <I understand.> Do you have any suggested methods given that the tank is empty. <The tank is free of livestock and empty correct? If so do the following: Fill the tank with tap water and generous portion of distilled vinegar, let it sit for at least 24 hours, then attempt to use a credit card or straight edge (Kent pro-scrapers are great) to get it off.> The tank is stored in a dark place - would it be fair to say that the algae will die off ? <It is dead I surmise, just the calcified remains left over.> With regards to my next project, I would like to create a fresh water tank which is a microcosm of a particular environment - such as the Amazon or whatever may be suitable to my tank dimensions. So I would want it to contain the same livestock, landscape, parameters that you might find in such a setting. I was just wanting to know whether you have any resources that may describe those environments and their configurations so that I could plan. <Read through the WWM and net re: the bio-tope first then if you get any specific questions I would love to help.> Your response is appreciated. <Quite welcome.> Regards Simon <Adam J.> Metal Cleaning Tool in Marine Aquaria 12/5/05 Hello all, <Hello Jon.> I have a question regarding my algae brush. I have one that has the slip on metal (mesh) scrubber to use on glass aquariums, is that or is it not ok to use this in a saltwater tank? <Honestly I would prefer not to use this utensil. Especially without knowing what type of metal it is. I would much rather use something made up chemically inert material. If you are looking for a good tool for scraping coralline off of a glass tank I am fond of the Kent pro-scraper, old credit cards are also a good tool.> Thanks! <Welcome!> Jon <Adam J.> Reef Calcium conundrum, Captive-prop'ed BTA 12/9/05 I have a question for you...imagine that, I have a 55gal w/ 4" DSB that I've started with a few zoo's frags, some Kenya tree, and a Ricordea. I just got a wild hair and decided to test my alkalinity and calcium levels. My calcium came out to a whopping 560ppm and the alkalinity to about 180ppm. I've been using B-ionic 2 part calcium/Alk. supplement and Kent's SuperBuffer dKH weekly as my source water is extremely soft (about 10ppm). I am seriously considering putting in an anemone (BTA to go with ocellaris clown---I love anemone/clownfish systems!), but don't want to do so until I'm sure my water quality is just right...not to mention that I'm at a loss as to where to find a captive produced clone in my area (N. CO) I have about 60 lbs. LR and about 15 lbs. coral skeletons. I'm not sure if these levels are OK and if I should stop/scale down my dosing? Any help? Oh, also, what is your opinion on using bleach to clean out QT tanks/equipment?...I've always used vinegar, but was recommended to use bleach...Thanks, Branon. <If your levels and water quality are rock-solid and stable, you're probably fine, assuming other parameters are met (lighting in particular). Your LFS should be able to procure a captive-cloned BTA for you, or you may be able to find one via internet mail-order. Good on you for demanding captive prop'ed livestock. Bleach is definitely better than vinegar for sterilizing equipment. You can dilute it 1:2 or 1:3 bleach: water and spray it with a spray bottle (KEEP IT OUT OF YOUR EYES, OFF SKIN, FAVORITE BLUE JEANS, ETC) on large stuff like tanks. Just be sure to rinse everything very thoroughly. Lastly, try to buy the most basic bleach, without perfume, etc. Happy Holidays, Lorenzo> <<It helps to keep a bit of dry sodium thiosulfate on hand, can be found online through chemical supply houses at incredibly cheap prices! Marina>> Re: Reef Calcium conundrum... 12/13/05 Thanks for the advise re: the bleach, I'll definitely be making the switch. Thank you also for the encouragement to buy captive propagated specimens...sometimes it is so tempting to buy the WC stuff at the LFS, but I just keep telling myself I'll be happier in the long run. <And so will the rest of the hobby, and the livestock too!> However, I'm still not sure about the dosing ??? (I know, I asked way to many questions in that last e-mail...sorry.) Should I continue at current levels, stop, reduce, or what? <If you do make any changes, do so very gradually. Some folks say, when it comes to aquariums, anything that happens fast - is bound to be bad.> Also, will these softies, and maybe a GSP and/or xenia be alright with a BTA? LTA? <It is ALWAYS a risk, to mix corals with anemones, no matter the size of the aquarium. But stick to generally hardy species, keep fresh carbon in a power filter, and keep the whole environment stable, and it's certainly possible.> Thank you. Branon. <You're always welcome, Zo> Doorstop scraper - 11/29/05 Hi, <Hello Patty> I am trying to make a scraper attachment for my cleaning magnet. I need a "wedge" to attach. Part of a doorstop seems to fit the bill. It is made of galvanized rubber. Is that safe for a reef tank? <I don't see any problems with this, but do watch it and remove it if you see it start to break down significantly> Thanks! <You're welcome! John> To Bleach or Not To Bleach? 11/8/05 Bob, <Actually, Scott F. here for Bob today> I'm going to completely clean my tank. I have sometime {some kind of?} of a fungus disease that is just killing fish left and right. <A fungus? Or a parasitic disease, like Amyloodinium ("Velvet")? Either way, it does sound nasty.> I will be selling my live rock to some else and I heard to add bleach to the system and run the system for like 2 hours, remove the water and that fill again and add a dechlorinating agent. <I'd be very honest with the purchaser about the origin of this rock. If this turns out to be a parasitic disease, the purchaser can unknowingly introduce it into his/her tank. Best to have the purchaser let this rock sit without fishes for a month or two before use in a display. Yes, your "bleaching" technique sounds okay.> Would this work if I were to leave the gravel in the bottom and still effectively sterilize the tank, or should I just get all new gravel? <Personally, I'd start with new substrate material. If you're going to the effort to break the system down, you might as well clean everything and start with fresh sand.> Will the bleach hurt my UV sterilizer and protein skimmer or should I continue to system these while the bleach is in the system <Bleach may or may not damage the plastics used in their construction. Personally, I'd sterilize these items with lots of hot freshwater and a very quick (like a few minutes) dip in water with bleach, followed by a thorough rinsing. I would not run either while using bleach in the system.> Thank you Andrew Watson <Glad to help, Andrew. best of luck to you! Regards, Scott F.> Problems cleaning an aquarium 10/19/05 Hello, <Jason> My sister just moved and emptied and cleaned her 55 Gal tank. The process of moving took about a month, (active duty military). After arriving at her new assignment her tank was delivered and looks horrible. It's totally stained with what looks like calcium. just about every inch of the glass is covered with this white substance. I've tried filling the aquarium and allowing it to sit for a couple days and then I emptied it and took a razor blade to it with no luck. Then I soaked it with Windex and then I tried 409, both with no luck. Do you have any ideas of what I should try next? <Pure vinegar always worked well for removing calcium deposits etc. James (Salty Dog)> Patiently Awaiting Your Response, Jason <<Umm, make sure to totally remove (like scrubbing with rock salt and water if the tank is glass, these commercial cleaners. RMF>> White build-up on inside of Aquarium 9/7/05 Hello, I recently acquired a 29 gal aquarium from a neighbor. On the inside walls about 4-6 inches up there is a white build up that I cannot get off. <Ah, yes... often called "scale", this is an accumulation of dissolved solids from the water...> I've tried to scrape it off with razor blade and right now have about an inch of vinegar in it. My neighbor told me her father had used it as a terrarium before he gave it to her. There was about six inches of dirt and some plants growing in it. I was wondering if this might be something other than calcium, and maybe you guys might know what it could be and how to get it off. Thank you for your help. Regards, Christine Hinkle <Mmm, might be, but doubtful... if the vinegar (dilute acetic acid) and single edged razor blades don't "do it"... it might be worthwhile considering escalation... to a more concentrated, "faster" acid... like HCl (hydrochloric, aka Muriatic acid)... this must be done outside, away from children and pets... and still diluted... start with a mix of one part stock and five parts water (add the acid to the water), and pour on the scaled area... with the tank at an angle, some water in the bottom... if this does not "fume"... please write back... and we'll try something else. Beware of breathing the fumes, getting even the diluted acid on your skin. Bob Fenner> Cleaning off calcium deposits Hi. <How goes it?> I am getting large calcium deposits on the back glass of my fifty gallon saltwater tank. I can't get it off with elbow grease or razor blades, so is there any other way I can get it off without emptying the tank and temporarily moving the inhabitants elsewhere. Thank you. <Anything acidic should do the trick - try vinegar, or if not, a household cleaner such as phosphoric acid> <<I would not do this w/o draining the tank... too much likelihood of driving pH down too much, too quickly. RMF>> Joe <M. Maddox> Re: calcium deposits Sorry Mr. Maddox, I've confused myself. The tank is fully set up and running right now, so should I empty it out before I clean it with the vinegar etc. or could I just add a little to the water. Thank you, I shouldn't have to ask this. <I assumed from your first email that the deposits were on the outside of the tank - are they on the inside? If they're on the *inside* of the tank, DO NOT add vinegar! Instead, use a heavy duty algae scraper. If they're on the outside, sponge them with vinegar and let it soak\dissolve - but don't get any in the tank!> Joe. <M. Maddox> Tank Cleaning (2/14//05) Steve: <Hi again. Getting back to you from Dallas this time.> Mahalo for your concern & support, I received your response. <You're welcome.> I filled the tank with water and 1 cup of bleach and placed all the equipment in it to get sterilized. I let it sit for a day, rinsed well with water and let dry. <Drying in the sun (UV light) is particularly helpful.> I hope that's long enough? <That bleach should have been very effective.> I will be placing the sponge filter in my main tank to get colonized. <This works well. As I recall, you have been following wise quarantine practices, thus keeping your main free of pathogens.> How soon can I use the tank again? <I'd say any time now.> If I fill it with water from my main tank can I get another fish to quarantine now or should I wait and for how long? <I would do half main tank water and half new water to cut down on the waste content.> How long does the filter need to be in the tank to get colonized? <No specific data, I'd say that a week ought to be plenty of time.> I would like to try again. <Yes, do. You have the right attitude. Do remember my recommendation to do only one fish at a time. It is much easier to notice and treat problems this way.> Aloha, Les <To you as well. I'd love to be in Hawaii right now, but Dallas is certainly warmer than Madison and my home in Salt Lake.> Disinfecting tank supplies I am sorry if this is a repetitive question. I have been looking on your website for the information but I am a little confused. Recently I moved and somehow ended up killing my tank. I must have used a contaminated bucket or something. <Happens, often> Anyway I am now ready to disinfect my entire tank. I know to use chlorine bleach for the tank, and I read that I should not use bleach for my carbon filter. <Mmm, just rinse this in cool running tap water> But can I use bleach for my underground filter, the rocks, and aerating stones, and if so do I just follow the same procedure for them? <The same, bleach solution> As far as the carbon filter goes it says to use formalin. Exactly how much and how should it be done? <Mmm, I would NOT use formalin/formaldehyde period... not necessary, and quite toxic... many times more than the bleach, which is also toxic... just rinse the carbon as stated> And is it something that can be purchased in a pet store? Thanks, Ana Zelia <Please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/clnornart.htm Bob Fenner> Cleaning a salt water tank Once again, I thank you for your quick reply on my previous e-mail. I am beginning treatment for the potential ich spots (maybe even fungus???). Yet, I have another question. As I said before, I have converted my fish only saltwater and I am moving towards the more advanced art of fish/reef keeping. << Personally I think corals are much easier to keep than fish. >> For the first time, I cleaned my tank with reef in it. With live rock, I naturally do not have to clean the tank as much + with a large protein skimmer nitrates are practically always low. Nevertheless, in exchange for good water chemistry and longer periods between cleanings, I am left with a considerably large amount of debris from vacuuming my substrate. << I don't think I would vacuum the substrate. I'd leave the sand bed alone. >> In fact, when looking through the side of my tank after the cleaning, it was so cloudy from being stirred up that I could not see to the other side! I know debris and cloudiness are natural for up to several hours after a cleaning. Yet, can my inverts withstand this brief period of intense environment? << Yes the inverts can take the brief period of disorder, it is the long term affects that worry me. My advise is to stop all gravel cleaning. I wouldn't stir it up at all. If you do water changes, try to do them with the least amount of stress to the tank. >> If not, how should I change my method of cleaning to reduce stress on my corals? << For the most part, just leave it alone. Stop cleaning your tank and that will (in my opinion) really improve the health of your fish and corals. >> Thank you. << Blundell >> Stubborn Calcium
Deposits Hello Bob,<Sorry, MikeB here to help you today.>
Kudos on your site. It's awesome! I'm
getting ready to set up my first reef in about five years and your site
has been super beneficial in helping me gather my
plans.<Thanks.> I have compiled the hardware and am
almost ready to begin; however, my used glass tank has severe calcium
deposits on it. I found the answer on your site...or so I
thought. I first tried vinegar and let it soak in over
night. I even covered it with plastic wrap to make sure it
didn't evaporate. It made no perceivable
change. I then tried Lime Away at the advice of a friend;
however, I chickened out after letting it soak for only 5
minutes. I was afraid of poisoning my future
inhabitants. It didn't seem to produce any results in
that amount of time. Is it safe to let Lime Away?<I would
not use it.> Can I let it soak in over night without
worrying about the silicone?<Again, I would not use
it.> Is there anything else that I can
try?<Yes.> Please let me know your thoughts. THANKS
IN ADVANCE! Mike <Mike, here is what I advise. Take a
straight edge razor blade and scrape the calcium deposits off of the
glass. I would leave the silicone
alone. Sometimes, If you fill the tank with Deionized water
and then use several gallons of vinegar it will loosen the
deposits. You might have to let it sit for a day but it will
work. Otherwise elbow grease is the best
way. Good Luck. MikeB> Re-Starting a Tank - VroomVrrrooommm! Bob or the new guys at WWM, <Ryan Bowen helping today> I can't believe how much information is on your website. I remember when it was just a couple of questions on the Flying Fish Express website. Well I have a question about my old tank which I couldn't find and answer for. <Shoot!> I had FO tank before moving to Okinawa which I was unable to setup in Okinawa for a couple reasons. Well I am now back in the USA and looking to start up my tank. Its has been sitting either in a crate or in my living room with Finding Nemo toys on display for the last 4yrs. It has gotten a little dusty and I was wondering if there was anything special I should do to clean it before I fill it. (Bleach, Hot water) <I prefer half vinegar, half hot water...bleach can be used, but very carefully.> I'll probably be replacing the pump and heater. Do I need to replace the Bioballs in the wet dry. <Give them a good soaking, they'll be fine> Also once started do you think I will notice any strange readings when I cycle the tank. <Just the normal spikes, as long as everything is well cleaned of vinegar before put into use. I'd replace the impellers on your pumps if they're not clean after a good soaking. Good luck, Ryan> Vinegar to clean a skimmer? Hi! I read your sight's Q&A daily, seems like it should be my home page. << What a great idea, everyone should make this their home page. >> Thanks for all the wonderful insights and their postings. I was reading about cleaning your skimmer with vinegar. Could you elaborate? << I didn't see that topic, but I can give my input. I would take out the skimmer (when the wife isn't home) and wash it in the kitchen sink with vinegar. It is slightly acidic which helps to clean, and isn't toxic. However, I don't really see a reason to clean your skimmer. They run wonderfully well for years. >> Does the vinegar get rinsed out intensely or should a little linger in the plastic? << I would rinse it out with regular water, but not be too concerned about it. >> Should I soak the skimmer with a vinegar solution overnight for better benefits? << I don't think so, because I don't see what the benefits of that would be. >> Thanks, it seems as though this person also has the problem I seem to have once in a while. << Good luck. >> << Blundell >> Chlorinated Water For Cleaning? Greetings Crew! <Hi there! Scott F. with you today!> First of all, I LOVE the new edition of the Conscientious Aquarist Online Magazine!!! Five-Star Work all the way! <Thank you! You can't imagine happy Adam and I are to hear that! We're working very hard to keep making CA better and better with each issue!> I was cleaning out my tank the other day when this question hit me. I add nothing but RO/DI water to my tank since finding your site 8 months ago and my 55gal minireef is doing WONDERFULLY! <Glad to hear that! Use of high quality source water is truly one of the best steps that you can take to assure great results in any system!> When I clean out skimmers, buckets, intake tubes, pumps etc. (usually bi-weekly or monthly depending on what it is) I just bring them over to the sink and rinse with fresh water and scrub down using Lysol. (just kidding, I use nothing but water and dedicated scrub brushes) <Whew! Ya' had me there for a second!> My question is this. Is the minute amount of tap water that I am using add enough chlorine, minerals, copper, etc. to my tank that I should add a dechlorinator (Amquel+) to my tank at cleaning time? Will these traces of bad water components accumulate in my tank? <To be honest, I do the same type of rinsing of components with freshwater, and I've never had any sort of problems. Unless you are performing top-off's with significant amounts of tap water, then I wouldn't be concerned> I would rather not add anything to the tank that I do not have to (thus the RO/DI). I do have a Whisper filter with activated Carbon that I change bi-weekly. <Excellent procedure. Regularly replacing chemical filtration media is vital if it is to perform as intended> Thanks again for all your help and keep up the great work! Ray <Glad to be here for you, Ray! Keep up the good work! Regards, Scott F.> DUSTY TANK 30 Jun 2004 hi crew, <Hi Steve> I have 2 questions for ya folks... First, I bought a nice, used 70 gal tank + stand and canopy along with tons of live sand. <Wow nice> Fact is that there is too much silt/dust and I'm starting to regret that I did not take care of this problem initially, now that I have my rocks nicely aquascaped and fish in there. Is there anything I can do besides taking all that sand out? <Is the dust problem only from the sand? Or is part of it from the rock as well? Is it the creatures living in it stirring the sand? Is it the tanks current? I do know people who have put in some crushed coral on top of spots where current hit the water directly. Or added a touch of a larger grade of sand to try to "hold it down".> My LFS recommended fine filter media that is 50 microns or less, which is logical but that didn't do much yet. I have come across a product called "Particle Clear" from a freshwater site, that will clump silt together to be heavy enough to sink. <There are similar salt water products. Please don't ever put one for freshwater in a saltwater tank. Could be big big problems.> Has anyone heard of this and is it safe for saltwater use? <The micron filter is a good idea. Also something like a poly filter might work. I cleared mine out by adding Caulerpa to the tank. All of the sand seemed to be attracted to the Caulerpa. There are also products available called Diatom filters that are very useful for clearing out a tank. I just recently had to use one at a conference to keep a tank clear after using Southdown sand.> Secondly, in this tank I have a Copperband and a flame angel. I'm thinking of tearing down my other smaller coral display tank and move the inhabitants to this 70 gal. I have Shrooms, zoos, and other mostly soft corals. Will it be safe to place them with these 2 fishes? I hear that Copperband is the most reef safe of all butterflies and yet I think he ate 2 zoo polyps that I planted from the other tank <It is possible that either of them ate it.> (I was hoping they will propagate in the new tank). I assume he ate them since he is most prone to doing that. Besides these fishes I also have 3 clowns and a Mithrax emerald crab. Could they have been the culprit instead? <I think its very possible. Especially the crab who might just have moved or dropped them.> Your time and response is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.... <Good luck with this, MacL> Homemade glass cleaner Mr. Fenner, I'm recycling several old tanks and need to remove crusted-on dirt, etc. I've reviewed your site and Googled/Teoma'd looking for an inexpensive homemade glass cleaner rather than pay $7.00 for Oz commercial aquarium cleaners. Any suggestions? Many thanks Bill <I use water and a clean towel on clean tanks... dilute acetic (vinegar) to dilute Muriatic (hydrochloric, be careful here... outdoors) for calcium/scale... there are some commercial products... but am not a big fan of these. Bob Fenner> Rainex, Rainex, Go Away! Greetings crew! <Scott F. here today!> I had an idea and want your opinion on it. I have glass covers over my 55-gal minireef (put there after I lost a jumper, 1 of only 2 fish deaths I have had). Every 3 or 4 days, I remove them to clean the salt and water/salt spots off. <Not fun, but necessary> Here is my idea. What if I treated the glass with Rain-x? In case you don't know what that is it is like a wax for glass, water won't stick to it. The glass does not actually come in contact with the water and this may prevent condensation from accumulating and thus, keep my glass cleaner for longer. So, good or bad idea? Thanks Ray <Well, Ray- it's an interesting thought, but I really don't know about the potential dangers of this product, should it come into contact with tank water. It's an automotive product, not a fish product, after all! May be harmless to fish, or it could be deadly...I'd pass...You could always use egg crate, which has the added advantage of greater gas exchange (due to its structure) and decent light transmission...Hope this helps. Regards, Scott F.>
Tank Cleaning Thank you very much for all the advice, I'll give it a try and see what happens :) Is there any way to sterilize the tank as well or should the cleaning of it be good enough? <Cleaning it should be enough, you could use a diluted bleach solution if you are worried, just rinse well and let it dry in the sun. Best Regards, Gage> How often should I clean my tank - 3/24/04 Hello, I have a question regarding the normal (average) frequency of cleaning a reef tank. <As much as it is needed> I have a 50g reef tank with LR and DSB (about 3" deep) that I've been running for around 2.5 years. Additionally, I use a Bak Pak 2R skimmer, and 2x 96w power compact lights. The placement of my tank is near, but no directly in front of, a window that receives morning diffused light. <Some say that diffused sunlight somehow adds to the algae problem. Not sure of the scientific reasons (no research done on this I am sure)> My livestock includes: yellow tang, pygmy angelfish, percula clown, Banggai Cardinalfish, and a royal Gramma. Methods: I feed my fish once a day dried seaweed and mostly frozen brine shrimp, bloodworms, and Ocean Nutrition's Prime Reef. Add freshwater every couple days and 5% water change every 2 weeks using RO/DI water. <Increase water changes to 10-20% at least every two weeks. Start with 10% and see if this helps algae control issues> I was wondering about how often people need to clean their reef tank sides for algae? <Not just in personal tanks but also at the Monterey Bay Aquarium, tanks get cleaned almost everyday for algae> I seem to get a layer of algae on all sides of my tank in about a week. <Once a week??? Sounds like you are doing good> Am I having an algae problem or does this sound normal? <Normal> Also, I seem to get a layer of scum (protein?) on the surface of the water after a few days from water changes. Is this normal? <Normal is relative in this instance, people do have this problem as well, this sounds more diatom like. Read through our algae control FAQs and articles here on WetWebMedia> My tank doesn't have an overflow box. Increase flow at the surface if possible. Add more circulation if you can> Also, it seems like algae just grows on the sides of my tank and not on any rock. Is this true or is it just easier to see the algae on the side of the tank. <A little of both. Fo' sure algae is growing on your rockwork> thanks SO much, Jason Need help with salt in Pittsburgh 3/22/04 Hi there Bob and Tony, <Hi Amy! Adam jumping in here. You sure are in the right place! Three of the crew members (Anthony, MikeH and I) are all from Pittsburgh.> I am still learning about saltwater tanks and right now I have a small 30 gallon set up. My question is: Why do I get salt build up on my equipment and the tank? Do I need to have more air circulation around the tank and is moisture a factor? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank in advance. Sincerely, Amy Good New GPASI member <That salt build up, often referred to as "salt creep" comes from salt water spray, splashes or leaks settling and drying on equipment. Any kind of airstone or bubbler is notorious for causing this. It has nothing to do with the humidity or air circulation in the room. Also, please come out to Elmer's on this Saturday, March 27 from 2-4pm if you can. I will be there along with some other Pittsburgh Marine Aquarium Society members giving a beginners saltwater demo. Best Regards! Adam> Need help with salt creep 3/25/04 That would be great but
unfortunately I have WPKA Dog Show at the Convention center. Hopefully
we can hook up sometime. I do have an airstone in the tank. So should I
shut it off or is there something I can do about it. Thanks Amy G
<Hi Amy. Sorry you can't make it to the demo at
Elmer's. You can shut off the airstone if you have other
sources of water movement for gas exchange (powerheads, sump return,
skimmer, etc.). If the airstone is your only source of water
movement/gas exchange, you will have to add something before removing
the airstone. FWIW, airstones are rarely used in saltwater
tanks for that reason. Have fun at the Dog
Show! Adam> |
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