FAQs about Bristletooth Tangs,
Genus Ctenochaetus Compatibility
Related Articles: Ctenochaetus, Naso,
Related FAQs: Ctenochaetus Tangs 1, Ctenochaetus Tangs 2, Ctenochaetus Identification, Ctenochaetus Behavior, Ctenochaetus Selection, Ctenochaetus Systems, Ctenochaetus Feeding, Ctenochaetus Disease, Ctenochaetus Reproduction, Surgeons In General, Tang
ID, Tang
Behavior, Compatibility, Systems, Feeding, Disease,

Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Bristletooth Tangs 5/1/15
<Hey Brent>
Asking the experts here...
Would it be possible to house two white tail Bristletooth tangs in one
aquarium? The tank is a pretty large 220 gallon.
<Mmm; I give you good odds here. There may be a bit of "jousting" from time to
time when the two cross paths ("En garde!"), but not likely any real damage>
I've never kept this species of tang before so don't know if they are compatible
even though they are peaceful in temperament. These will be the only tangs in
the tank, there is a few other types of fish also.
Thank You,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Bristletooth Tangs 5/1/15
Would they be ok housed in a 150 gallon long tank? That is my
upstairs aquarium and prefer to house them there instead of the basement 220.
<Less so the smaller the system. BobF>
Re: Bristletooth Tangs 5/1/15
Sorry I don't understand? Is that a no?
<The smaller the system the less likely two Tangs of any species will get along.
Ctenochaetus tangs in a 168 gallon, stkg./sel. & comp.
Thanks for all you guys do for our hobby. I have a very
quick question. I will soon have a 168 gallon tank (60Lx26Wx25H).
I plan on making it a reek tank. I love the Ctenochaetus tangs.
I really like the Ctenochaetus strigosus (Koli's Tang)<Kole> and the
Ctenochaetus flavicaude <a>
(Whitetail Tang). If I would add both of these at the same time ,
would they get along?
<Likely so if started small... three or so inches total length>
I would be sure both were small in size when added.
If these two Ctenochaetus would not get along are there any two
Ctenochaetus that my 168 gallon tank could accommodate?
<To my experience, the members of the genus are all about the same
temperament wise>
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Maroon Clownfish injured after being stuck in
rocks 3/7/12
Hello All,
First, a little background on my system: I have a 8 year
old female Maroon Clownfish in an established 55 gallon SPS/LPS
reef with a 30 gallon sump/refugium.
<La Regina... the Queen>
My parameters are as follows:
Temp: 78
Ph: 8.3
SG: 1.026
NO2: 0.0 ppm
NO3: 0.0 ppm
NH3: 0.0 ppm
PO4: 0.0 ppm
<How are these last two rendered thus?>
Alk: 10 dKH
Ca: 440 ppm
Mag: 1300 ppm
Other occupants in the tank as follows:
2 - 3 year old male Maroon Clownfish
Midas Blenny
Six-Line Wrasse
Kole Tang
Mandarin Dragonet
2 Cleaner Shrimp, 2 Peppermint Shrimp
Long Tentacle Anemone (Hosting both Clownfish)
Multiple snails and Red Tip Hermits
With the exception of the Tang, all have been living together for
months and getting along fine. I introduced the Tang about
two weeks ago. At the time I placed the Tang in the tank,
I had a Jewel Damsel that harassed the Tang
<As they will>
That same day, I removed the Damsel and, in the process,
rearranged the rockwork. Thereafter, the Tang found a nice
niche between two rocks where he could hide. It's big
enough for him to turn around in, but not really big enough for
the large female Maroon to squeeze into. Since the Tang was
added to the tank and the Damsel removed, there has been no
aggression between the remaining occupants.
Last night, the female Maroon managed to follow the Tang into his
rock cave. I saw her in there with the Tang, and they
seemed to be getting along fine.
<Ah, no>
I'm fairly certain she could not figure out how to get
out of the tight spot she was in, as she did not come out to
sleep with the male Maroon in their anemone where she normally
When I looked in on them this morning, the female Maroon was
ragged looking, and scraped up, with scales missing on her side,
rough patches of skin, and ragged fins. I'm guessing
she probably wound up scraping against the rocks last night
trying to get out, although I suppose it's possible the Tang
may have acted aggressively over her occupying his space.
<Oh yes. Have been spiked by this Ctenochaetus (a fave food
fish item of spearfishers in its range)... Very painful>
In any case, is there anything I can do to help her heal?
<Just the usual good care... water quality, nutrition>
She refused to eat this morning, but was still swimming
around. She was hanging out on the opposite side of the
tank from her anemone, which is also slightly unusual.
Obviously, maintaining water quality is important, but is there
anything else I can do?
Thank you very much for your time and assistance,
<IF you have another established system of size... and great
skill w/ nets (plural), I'd move the Kole. Bob
Re: Maroon Clownfish injured after being stuck in
rocks –
I just ran home from work to check on her. I wanted to make
sure she wasn't being harassed or further injured by
anything. The Kole Tang has left her alone as far as I can
tell. She has settled near her anemone and her mate
again. The Tang seems to understand her territory, and
avoids the area.
Based on her injuries, it seems as though she was scraping
against the rocks quite a bit, as there are significant abrasions
on her right side. Her left side is less affected.
I test using Elos test kits, although my phosphate kit is
API. I doubt the 0 level of phosphate simply because I do
have some amount of algae growth off and on, but that was the
reading I got from the kit.
I know that the Tangs can be aggressive at times, but this Kole
Tang appears fairly mild-mannered. Even when the Damsel was
attacking him (at less than half his size), he never did fight
back, just tried to get away. I have not yet seen either
the Tang or Maroon chasing each other or anyone else in the
<... really not enough room for both of these fishes
I doubt I could get at the Kole to remove him as he stays hidden
much of the time. There is substantial rockwork in my
tank. I'm fairly certain moving rock around to get him
out would just cause more stress to everyone. Since
he's not actively pursuing the Maroon, I'm not certain
he's a serious threat at the moment, but I will definitely
keep an eye on him.
I'm planning a water change once I get home from work.
I'm sad to see one of my critters injured and just wanted to
be sure I was doing all I can. I do appreciate your
I've attached a photo of my Maroon's worst
injuries. There are some algae marks and scratches on the
tank glass, but I think you can get the general idea.
Thank you again,
<Welcome. BobF>

Tomini Tang Aggressive Toward Tribal
Blenny/Compatibility 11/29/11
<Hello Larry>
My Tomini Tang is aggressively chasing and fighting with the
tribal blenny but not the other tankmates! What can be done?
I have a 65g with 20g sump/refugium. Fish stock list as follows:
two Ocellaris Clownfish approx. 1.5" each; one Royal Gramma
(Gramma loreto) ; Spotted Cardinalfish (Sphaeramia nematoptera);
Watchman Goby (Cryptocentrus cinctus) with pistol shrimp;
Bristletooth Tomini Tang (Ctenochaetus tominiensis) approx.
3" tip of nose to tail; and, 2.5"-3" Tribal Blenny
(Ecsenius spp.)
The tribal blenny was added last - 7-days today. The Tomini Tang
is not accepting the Tribal Blenny. He has been aggressive and
has chased him away from all from all the prime feeding areas of
the tank
(there is 2"+ around the sides and back of the live rock)
and has picked fights with him. There's plenty of macro and
microalgae sources including my ample feeding of prepared dry and
frozen products so that food is plentiful during this acclimation
period. There have not been any other obvious aggression issues
nor fighting among the fish.
The tribal seems sociable enough but is obviously stressed and
unable to graze around the tank. He is also showing signs of some
injury as the entire rear of his tail is now colorless. Otherwise
has a strong
appetite. I'm told that he will heal but am very concerned.
(Please see photo.) That said, he has ample hiding places among
the large and small pieces of Pukani rock (which is exceptionally
well suited
for filtration and hideouts of all sorts).
I made a sincere effort to remove the Tomini yesterday, but have
not found a solution for getting him out.
<Mmm, after seven days things should have calmed down. I'm
afraid all you can do is remove one or the other. Using two nets
might make the job a little easier but in a rocks caped tank it
can be difficult if not
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>

Re Tomini Tang Aggressive Toward Tribal
Blenny/Compatibility 11/29/11
Thanks for your prompt response.
<You're welcome.>
A follow-up please... I've read on a forum, with a claimed
but not a cited reference back to WetWebMedia, that the Tomini
and tribal are 'natural' enemies because they are both
algae eaters.
<Can be. Is possible the tang sees the tribal as a threat to
it's food source.>
Is that valid? Or, can I assume that my experience is an
aberration and not the norm?
<Every fish will/can have it's own personality. I have a
Tomini Tang that's been around several years and it seems to
get along well with any new introduction.>
Can I expect the same problem if I manage to
capture the Tomini and replace him with a Kole Tang?
<Likely not as the Kole Tang will be the new kid on the block,
but no guarantees. The Kole Tang is actually more aggressive than
the Tomini Tang but generally only to
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Tomini Tang Aggressive Toward Tribal
Blenny/Compatibility 12/5/11
Very helpful. Thank you!
<You're welcome.>
The aggression problem has been mitigated by the
introduction of my last fish, a Kole Tang that is larger
than the Tomini. The Kole actually places himself between the
Tribal Blenny and the Tomini. The Kole was purchased still in the
bag having arrived at the lfs only an hour before my arrival 4.5
days ago. That's the good news.
But the Kole is now showing signs of what might be marine
Ich...the blenny has from time-to-time shown 1-3 large
white 'stress' spots the size of a table salt crystal.
The spots on the Kole can out 2-days after placing him in 65g
reef display tank but are much smaller and although more in
number covering a wider area of his body they seem lessened each
day after initial 'outbreak'. Blenny has been seen
scratching himself on rock and substrate.
Since seems improbable that I can remove all the fish, do you
know if an in display tank treatment like Aquarium Products
Quick-Cure Aquarium Treatment will work? And reef
<Is not reef safe.>
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Tomini Tang Aggressive Toward Tribal Blenny/Compatibility/Now
Ich Treatment 12/5/11
What can you recommend for treating fish in a reef tank?
<Unfortunately, there aren't any effective reef safe
medications despite manufacturers claims....may work, but usually
not. There are other alternatives to try and quickly. I would try
adding a vitamin mix (Selcon) to the water and the fishes foods,
feed foods containing garlic, and adding a couple of types of
purposeful cleaners such as Lysmata Shrimp, Gobiosoma gobies,
etc. Strongly suggest you read here and related
articles/FAQ's found in the header.
James (Salty Dog)>
Fish Mix Question. Purple and
Tomini Tangs 5/4/2011
Good Morning and thank you for your help in the past. Love the site as
I am sure you hear often!
I have a 150 gallon FOWLR tank with about 100 pounds of rock. The tank
is well established. It is not overstocked and can accommodate 1 more
I have a 4 inch Purple Tang in the tank now and wondering your thoughts
on it being compatible with a Tomini Tang in a tank of the size of
<IF there is sufficient "physical break-up" of the
environment (let's say, your rock arranged in bommies where the two
can get out of visual contact), these two will likely get along. A size
differential will help, as well as the newbie being introduced under
cover of darkness. If might be helpful to float the Ctenochaetus in a
large plastic colander in the tank for a day or two>
There are no other Tangs in the tank with the Purple Tang now and he
does not appear to be aggressive to any of the other fish in the tank.
Thanks for your input.
<Welcome! Bob Fenner>
blue eyed Cole tang... Singing? 6/6/09
Hi guys and girls
Just a quickly. I have had a gander through the tang compatibility
pages on the site but still could do with a little advice. I have a
blue eye Cole
>As in Nat King? Ctenochaetus strigosus is the Kole Tang<
tang in my main tank that I would like to introduce another surgeon
fish in with, I have seen a lovely convict <Mmm, no... Acanthurus
triostegus is a social species... very so>
at the LFS that's been in a few weeks and is feeding really well, I
have done my reading up on them and found they are quite placid fish,
do you think this would be a suitable contender?
Also can you let me know of some other surgeons that would suitable to
mix as other options?
Many thanks in advance
<Posted on WWM... go read there. Bob Fenner>
Re: blue eyed Cole tang... Not Yellow Eyed!
Hi again crew
Whoops on the spelling of Kole/cole, witty humour though. Anyway after
a bit of research through WWM I found the tang I have is the two
spotted bristle-tooth (Ctenochaetus binotatus) and not the blue eyed
Kole I was told it was,
my fault though I guess should of done the research in advance, was a
bit of an impulse buy to be honest (slap on the wrist for me) I've
checked the links again and just wanted your opinion if I were to add a
yellow or hippo in with him as I've now reverted form the idea of
the convict.
Thanks again
<These might work out much better. BobF>
Tang vs. Angel Hi guys, <Hi David, PF here
tonight> Quick Question...(I think) <It's the quick ones that
turn into War and Peace... ; ) > I have a 800 litre tank with the
following fish: Yellow Tang Bristle Tooth Tang Coral Beauty Clown
Damsel Emperor Angel The Emperor is the latest addition and has only
been in my system for two days, the Tangs are giving him a hard time
particularly the bristle tooth. The Bristle tooth is a real menace and
I have taken many fish back to my LFS because of him. I have about 60
kg.s of live rock in the system and if anything I thought the Emperor
would put the Tang in his place. Emperor is about 18cm. This morning I
noticed a small hole in the side of the Emperor, funny enough just the
size of a Tang scalpel. The question is do I rush home and remove the
offending tang and in the process rip half of my tank apart or will
they sort themselves out. Thanks in advance. David Cape Town South
Africa. <Well David, I think the answer boils down to whether or not
you want to keep the tang or the angel, one of them needs to go. You
can let them sort it out, but the tang to me sounds like a trouble
maker. It could also be the presence of two tangs that is causing the
aggression, tangs generally don't get along with other tangs. Have
a good evening, PF>
Kole Tang I'm looking into purchasing a Kole Tang
that's about 3" long. At the present time, I've already
got a Hepatus Tang in the tank that's about the same size. I've
seen conflicting reports on how well these two fish will get along in a
75 gallon tank. Please give me your opinion. <Should be fine... both
not terribly aggressive species... good size difference... My opinions
on the family, genera, species are posted here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/tangs,.htm and the links beyond> It's
also possible that I could get a 2 1/2" Kole instead. <Go with
the larger one. Bob Fenner> Thanks, Larry Breit
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |