FAQs about Sea Cucumber
Identification 3
Related Articles: Sea
Cucumber, Marine
Scavengers, Sand Sifters
Related FAQs: Cuke
ID 1, Cuke ID 2, Cuke ID 4,
Cuke ID 5, Cuke ID 6,
Cuke ID 7, Cuke ID 8,
& Sea
Cucumbers 1, Sea Cucumbers
2, Cuke Behavior, Cuke Compatibility, Cuke Selection, Cuke Systems, Cuke Feeding, Cuke Disease, Cuke Reproduction,

Can any one tell me what kind of worm this is? --
03/07/09 It came in with the sea lettuce from the
Florida Keys. What do they eat? Is it possible they could eat
seahorse fry? Thank you. Glen <Mmm, yes... is not a worm...
but a sea cucumber... Euapta lappa... Not likely to eat fishes.
See the Net re. Bob Fenner>
Anemone ID 2/5/09 Hi WWM Crew! <Hello
Jessica> I've used your site many times to answer many of
my questions, but have stumbled across an ID I couldn't make
without writing in. I posted the pic on our reef club boards,
Googled, and asked a LFS. So, now I get to bother you guys! Yay!
This appears to be an anemone. It of course came in on live rock.
It's diameter is about the size of a quarter. I haven't
seen any pictures like it. It's tentacles actually look very
similar to my pink cucumber, but clear. It even feeds the same
way, inserting one tentacle at a time into it's mouth. It
doesn't move from it's spot. Any idea what particular
type this is? <Too small a pic to even see. Is only 4 to 5kb
in size. Resize to 200-300kb and resend.> Pictures attached!
Thanks for all that you do! <You're welcome. James (Salty
Dog)> Jessica
Re Anemone ID 2/5/09 I got overzealous in my
cropping. Perhaps this is better? <Is better size wise, but
too blurry for me to take a stab at identifying it. Bob may be
able to. If it's not posted on the daily FAQ's tomorrow,
then I'll get back with you. James (Salty Dog)>
<<Does appear to be an Actinarian... Please see/read here:
Re: Anemone ID 2/5/09 Query 2/6/09
Hi Bob and James,
I was just going over the dailies and noticed the "Anemone
ID 2/5/09"query. What's shown in the photo is the
feeding apparatus of a rock dwelling Cuke/Dendrochirote
Holothuroid. There's an excellent photo at the following link
and a corresponding query titled "Anemone-Like Creature ID:
Rock-Dwelling Cucumber -- 10/21/08" with other links
included: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/NonVertID41.htm .
Hope that helps. The first time I saw one of those in my tank, I
thought I had a tiny hitchhiking basket star! I didn't
realize there was a cucumber attached. What's really neat
though, is watching them feed. Each tentacle works independently.
Once a passing bit of food is caught, it curls in on itself,
brings the food into the mouth, then unfurls back into position.
Very neat indeed!
Take care and have a great weekend,
<Thank you "eagle eye Lynn". BobF>
Re: Anemone ID 2/5/09 Query 2/6/09
Heheee! If I really had a good eagle eye, I'd have figured
out what the thing was that looked like part anemone, part Cuke!
I looked at the photos yesterday when the query came in and
decided...yep, that one's for Bob! I'm so nice,
aren't I! To me, it looked like a Cuke and an anemone got
together and had one heck of an ugly kid!
<A ha!>
Take care and have a great weekend,
<I'm leaving for Lost Wages, uhhhhuuuuhhhh uhhuh.... To
give a pitch. BobF>
Lucky you! It should be nice there this time of year - have
<Thanks hon. Take care! B>
Re: More: re: Anemone ID 2/6/09
Thank you Bob, and I understand you are a celebrity now from what
I've been reading.
How is your singing talent? May be much more money to be
<Both about zip! BobF>
Anemone-Like Creature ID: Rock-Dwelling Cucumber --
10/21/08 Hello, <Hi John> I have a quick question
on a creature that I have residing in my tank. It looks like the
top of a cucumber but has no body that I can see. <You hit the
nail on the head! What you're seeing is the pretty little
feeding apparatus of a rock-dwelling Dendrochirote
Holothuroid/sea cucumber. The rest of the body is hidden within
the rockwork. By the way, nice photo!> It does not seem to
change positions in the tank, <Typical. They tend to find a
crevice or hole and stay there.> ..and doesn't seem to
have harmed anything so far. <Nope, they're harmless
suspension feeders.> It will spread out it's
"branches" and collect particulate out of the water
column, when it catches something it will put the
"branch" in its mouth and "lick" it clean.
<Terrific observations. That's exactly what it looks like.
When one of the tentacles captures a bit of food, it curls
inward, bringing the food to the mouth; when through, the
tentacle unfurls back into position.> I have tried to find
information on this, but have had little luck. <Try this link,
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/cukeidfaqs.htm - starting at the query
'Odd Invert With Eight Tree Branch Shaped Tentacles!
Holothuroid 8/21/07', and continue on to the one just below
it titled 'Anemone Id? Nope, It's A Cuke! 8/10/07'.
Be sure to also look through the related links at the top of the
page.> Thank you for your help and time. <My pleasure,
John.> Sincerely,
<Take care, -Lynn>
Re: Anemone-Like Creature ID:
Rock-Dwelling Cucumber -- 10/22/08 Hello again, <Hi
John!> I just wanted to say thank you very much to Lynn for
the quick response on the identification. <You're very
welcome. It's always a pleasure to share information
regarding such neat little creatures. It's especially nice to
share it with someone as observant as you are!> Also the links
you suggested were very informative and helpful.
<Excellent!> Sincerely, John <Take care, -Lynn>
New Accidental Familial
Addition 8/8/08 Hi, <PS> My partner and
I just ordered some macro algae for our aquarium and when we got it
we found the little guy in the attached picture (sorry for the
crappy quality) roaming through it. We think he's an impatiens
sea cucumber (Holothuria impatiens) but we're not sure which is
why we're writing; <Might be...> we don't want to
doom him/her to a life of hardship by turning him over to our LFS
but at the same time we also don't want him taking down our
whole aquarium as Sea Cucumbers are known to do. <Mmm, not this
one> Well some of them are known to do. Some of them, we've
read, can be quite beneficial and are nonpoisonous. If we got the
species right, we read that this little guy can be either poisonous
or not poisonous. <Generally not this one> Yeah we had the
same thought: which is and how do we tell? That's where your
knowledge; expertise and serious kindness come in. <Mmm, how do
you tell... from gross dissection of specimens, accumulated
anecdotal accounts... seeing a bunch in friends aquaculture
facilities out here in Hawaii...> Any ideas on what the species
is if it isn't an impatiens? <Not from this pic, no> If
we did get it right, is there a way we can tell if he's
poisonous? When we got the algae we noticed that right near him
there was a huge glob of yellow sticky mucous looking stuff (it
looked like some of it was still slightly coming out). We put two
and two together from our reading and determined that this mucky
looking stuff was probably the tubules that the species is known to
expel (this particular species, assuming we got it right,
doesn't eviscerate like regular sea apples and some other
species of cucumbers). We read that the tubules from the impatiens
can contain Holothurin (but not always) so we cleaned that out
before we put the macro algae in the aquarium because we didn't
want to lose any of our fish. <Mmm... I would not be overly
concerned... if this system is large, well-established, well
filtered... should be little actual potential poisoning from this
animal> Right now he's in our little refugium which is
isolated from the hermit crabs and fish that might pick on him and
cause him to hit critical mass and nuke our tank. If we can keep
him to give him a good life, we'd like to but again we
don't want him killing everything else (or even just our fish)
in the aquarium. If you think keepage is a possibility, we'll
research on food stuffs that he likes to eat and set him up with a
little sandy refuge permanently as our other inhabitants might not
be so keen on leaving him be (we've a couple of starfish, some
hermit crabs that are of particular worry and our two clown fish
tend to be masters of the tank and push the other inhabitants
around a little bit). Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. D
<Were it me, mine, I'd keep, enjoy this animal. Cheers! Bob
Fenner> |

Re: New Accidental Familial Addition
8/9/08 Hi Bob; <D> Thank you so much for your reply. I
apologize for the quality of the photograph; it was hard getting
the contrast right because h/s is dark and was sitting against a
dark backdrop of macro algae. I'll try to describe h/h in a
little more detail (for the readers h/s = he/she and h/h =
him/her): h/s is a dark molasses colour with largish white spots
that run along the length of his body. He speckled with tiny
white dots. When we first spotted h/h the spots were flat and he
was drawn up to about an inch in length. Once h/s was in the
water, turned out the spots were spiny protrusions (the speckles
I think were tube feet). He tapers at one end (I'm assuming
this is the anal end because it was the end that the ejection was
protruding from) and at the other end are his gill/feeding
apparatus which he opens and closes as described in much of our
reading by extending finger like protrusions and then curling
them back in towards him 'mouth'. Hopefully that will
give you a better picture. Again, we searched through hundreds of
pictures of cucumbers on the internet and the H. Impatiens is the
closest species we could find that looked like him. Hope this
helps. <A good description... and this species is a frequent
hitchhiker on algae culture purchases> Our aquarium is a two
year old 45 gallon bow front with about 40 pounds of live rock
and about a three inch sand bed. We've got two giant pieces
of dead coral that make up little hidey holes for our various
residents. We've a Fluval 405 filter <Do make sure the
intake screen is in place... and that rock is piled about this to
prevent this, other benthic invertebrates of size being sucked up
against> with two containers of ceramic pre-filter; two
containers of activated carbon, one container of contaminate
removal resin (bagged), two containers of poly fine filter media,
and two containers of porous bacteria filter media. We have an
Aqua-C remora protein skimmer <The intake to this too> and
an in-line heater. Our main power head is a magnetic driven type
power head that has the drive apparatus on the outside of the
tank with nothing but impeller on the inside attached
magnetically. <Ditto> The impeller intake is grated and
runs the entire length of the of the housing but it is not a fine
grating and the output is open, but it moves water all around the
entire tank so it's pretty powerful. We test PH and salinity
twice daily with the former sitting 8.2-8.3 and the salinity at
1.026. Temp stays at a balmy 78 degrees, <All good>
although here in San Francisco we do have a few hot days where it
gets harder to maintain the consistent temperature and it has at
times risen to 80 to 82. <No worries> Those days are rare
and we try to keep an eye on the weather and if it does feel like
it's getting warm we use a fan to evaporatively cool the
water. This usually works well and the temp usually only
fluctuates a degree or so. We do ten percent water changes twice
per week (we make our own salt and fresh water from deionized tap
water using an adjuster to set the PH for the fresh water and
aeration balancing for the saltwater). <Very good> The
Fluval is cleaned and thoroughly washed once per week (the bio
media is washed in fresh saltwater). We test all of our
parameters once a month and at the last testing about a week ago
Ammonia, nitrites and copper were at zero, phosphates were at 5
ppm (we've isolated the cause of this and have taken
corrective actions), nitrates were at 20 PPM, calcium was at 340
ppm and the GH is 7 degrees. Our inhabitants include two maroon
clown fish, about eight hermit crabs, three zebra turbo snails, a
cowry, a hatpin and pencil urchin, a chocolate chip starfish, a
strawberry and Mithrax crab, two cleaner shrimp, a blood shrimp
and two fighting conchs. All are happy healthy and living it up
at Chez Aquarium. <Heeee!> So do you think we'll be
able to keep him? Many thanks for your help and advice. D <I
do think... you are! Cheers, BobF>
Medusa? --nope, sea cucumber ID-05/14/08
Hello guys and gals, I have a quick question for
you. . . Is this a Medusa worm? <nope> I have two of them to
my knowledge. I have searched and this sure sounds like a medusa
from what I've read, but I haven't seen any pics that
actually look like this. These things came with a little substrate
I got from the LFS to seed my tank with. They can contract to about
.5" and they actually will look like a peanut when all
shriveled up, but they can get about 2-3 inches long when expanded.
There are little tentacle things that are radically oriented in the
mouth. The tentacles are constantly feeling around for food and
help the thing to move around. Each tentacle also has smaller
tentacles on it. <'Tis a sea cucumber. Please see here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/seacukes.htm> I found them when I
dumped the substrate in, but I have them isolated outside of the
tank right now. I've read bad things about medusa worms and sea
cucumbers in tanks etc, so I'm not sure if I should allow these
to be in the tank. I have a 90 gallon fish/reef tank with a 20
gallon sump and an AquaC urchin skimmer. (I know, the skimmer is
undersized, but the bigger one wouldn't fit in the sump under
the tank!) <Congrats... they are cool critters. Enjoy!> Great
site, and thanks for the help! Scott S. Heck <De nada, Sara
M.> |
Sea Cucumber--good
idea? bad idea? 05/14/08 Very cool, thanks for answering
what these things are! Can you tell me how large these particular
ones get? I assume there is still a decent amount of risk as far as
something making them mad and poisoning my tank? I'm a little
wary of putting them in after reading about them on your site!
<Oh, sorry about that. That article is more about the bigger
cucumbers that might be sold as pets. These little ones that come
in as hitch hikers aren't likely much of a threat. I
wouldn't worry about them. There are probably more in your tank
anyway (you might never even find them!). If you're really
worried, just run some extra activated carbon.> Thanks again!
Scott S. Heck <Best, Sara M.> Re: Sea Cucumber--good
idea? bad idea? 05/14/08 Sweet, in they go! Thanks again!
Scott S. Heck |
Hitchhiker ID - some kind of cucumber
2/27/08 WetWebMedia Crew- First off thanks for your work on the
site. It has been an invaluable resource to me for the past 5 years
and without it I would never have been able to start the successful
reef tank I have today. I also bought a copy of Bob Fenner's
book which I loan out regularly to potential new reefers.
<"They call him the pusher..." Heeeee!> I have
about 50 lbs of mixed South Pacific live rock in my 30 gallon tank
with a 1 inch layer of sand. My tank has been running for 1 year
and 8 months. While siphoning I accidentally discovered an
interesting hitchhiker which is undoubtedly a Cucumber of some
sort. I was hoping you might be able to help me identify it. The
picture is attached. <Mmm, is definitely a Cuke... Most reminds
me of a Holothuria edulis...> It's transparent with a
slightly iridescent purple hue. I've accidentally dug it up
twice while siphoning, but otherwise is never visible above the
sand. I've "found" it twice and it's definitely
grown a bit since I last saw it. WetWebMedia supporter, Wellington
Lee <I do think it's a "keeper"... and testimony
to your good care of the system. Cheers, Bob Fenner> |

Please ID this Slug... Cuke 01/18/2008
Dear Crew, <<Hello Andrew, Andrew here>> I've just
started curing live rock and this (see photo) crawled out, should I
be worried? <<That is a Stichopus chloronotus, or more
commonly known as a sea cucumber. More information can be found
here http://www.wetwebmedia.com/seacukes.htm >> I know that
there are slugs and worms that live exclusively on corals, and as I
plan on putting corals in this tank I am anxious. Also, I'm
using a Red Sea Prizm skimmer, and was wondering how I tune it.
<<These are a "VERY" temperamental skimmer indeed.
Its just a matter of adjusting the water value. Not the best of
skimmers really and I would look to consider an upgrade in the near
future>> I know there is valve on it that restricts water
flow, but I'm not sure what kind of skimmate (I think
that's what it's called) I should be aiming for. At the
moment, the skimmer is running on maximum flow rate, and is
churning out a foggy water-ish skimmate, should I be aiming for a
think sludge, or froth? <<Running correctly, you should end
up with dark brown/green sludge in the collection chamber>>
I've tried researching this, and all I've found was that
this skimmer requires daily attention. Please excuse my ignorance,
as this is my first attempt at a marine tank. I appreciate any help
you can give me, Andrew <<Thanks for the questions, A
Nixon>> |
