FAQs about Marine Scavenger Selection: Sea
Related FAQs: Cuke Selection,
Marine Scavengers
1, Marine Scavengers 2,
Marine Scavengers 3, Sand Sifters, Sea
Cucumbers, Shrimp Gobies,
Gobies, Marine
Algae Eaters, Hermit
Crabs, & FAQs on Scavenger: Rationale, Compatibility, Specimen Selection, Clean Up "Crews", Worms As Scavengers, Snail Scavengers, Shrimp Scavengers, Hermit Scavengers, Crab Scavengers, Sea Urchin Scavengers, Serpent Star Scavengers, Seastar Scavengers, Fish/Groups as Scavengers, Losses/Troubleshooting,
Related Articles: Marine Scavengers, Genus Valenciennea
Gobies, Hermit

Re: Silicone Mistake; now: sand sifter choices
Not sure how I missed it but I now see the reply you put to that reply.
There have been 0 issues with the tank despite my mistake (at least
I can see). I'm currently working the nitrates in the tank (no ammonia
no nitrites) and watching golden brown algae bloom/assuring my family it
isn't poop.
<Aye ya; reads as all is progressing as it should>
I did have a question though (surprise surprise) about a possible
substrate cleaner in the form of a tiger tail sea cucumber.
<Mmm; not a fan of this Cuke... gets too big, and though apparently slow
metabolically; produces copious wastes. >
I need to get the nitrates under control first but I was considering one
as a sand sifter in my tank (150 gallons) to deal with algae on the sand
and detritus.
<Am a much bigger fan of other sand sifter groups... Please read here:
Sand sifting goby species, Goatfish if you want/need something bigger...
are really neat animals, and very productive. Some snails (Nassarius a
fave genus) are also useful>
However, I am very concerned about a "Cuke nuke" as it's apparently
called... I read on your site that you believed it was less threatening
with this species but that was years ago and my searches on your site
yielded little information on this subject.
<Mmm; well, the "Sea Apples", Australian and not, and other larger
species with a propensity to extend their Cuvierian Tubules are to be
avoided. Not so much for this reason the Tiger Tail>
What fish are actually a threat to these cucumbers?
<Well; the usual suspects: big wrasses, puffers, angels... Triggerfishes
and oblivious eels...>
Can the nuke a 150 gallon with a 55 gallon sump running 500 ml of
James Williams
<Bob Fenner>
Angler and Cuke 9/21/11
Hi all,
I was wondering if I would be able to keep a Cuke with an angler. I
read in a post that a sea star, snails, and urchins may be fine, but
I'm afraid if the angler gets froggy (pardon the pun) and attacks
the Cuke, it would wipe them both out, and everything else in the tank.
Please and thanks!
<Should be fine, GIVEN you choose a non-Cuvierian tubule species...
BobF, out in Labasa where the beche de mer biz has about wiped out all
Re: Angler and Cuke 9/21/11
Mr. Fenner, I appreciate the quick response on both accounts! My lfs
has many Cukes in the holding tank, how would I determine which would
expel its innards from sight alone?
<Ahh, need to identify to species...>
The one I have my eye on is black and spiky and is a substrate cleaning
type, rather than filterer. Once again, please and thanks!
<Do see/read on WWM re the group. BobF, out for deep
R3: Fish Compatibility Question Actually 'And Conch
Eggs Too? Plus 'Adding Detritivores (And overcoming The
'Creepiness' Factor) -- 04/19/10
Hmm wow. Yes, ha, (stammer, stutter) I have never handled one (or a sea
cucumber) in fact - my knees get a little wobbly when I see them.
<<LOL! Not an uncommon reaction really 'and they likely
don't enjoy it either 'but both are excellent detritivores
and amazing creatures that are a joy to observe>>
But I guess - for the sake of my most passionate hobby....
<<Time to 'buck up!'>>
but first I will be purchasing some heavy duty protective gloves
<<So much for a tactile experience, eh'¦
(and possibly smelling salts). Slow drip acclimation for the star
<<Indeed 'best for all mentioned previously>>
- I am not sure what kind of acclimation time for me.
<<Ah well 'perhaps an adult beverage or two will also be
in order 'or maybe just as 'post trauma'
Wish me luck!
I will keep you posted.
<<Very good'¦ EricR>>
Is My Purple LTA OK?/Macrodactyla
doreensis/Health/Systems 1/29/10
<Hello Dani>
So I need to ask for some help... I bought this purple LTA on
Saturday before doing any research (oops!). I have a 28gallon
Nano cube cfi that has only been set up for about a month.
<Oops again. Too small a system for keeping this animal and
much too new of a system.>
It looks like my lighting is 105w/8w cf quad;
<Borderline lighting at best for this anemone.>
115v-1ph-60hz and my pump is 16w/266gph.(this is off of the tank
specs) I have 20lbs of live sand and about 30lbs of live rock. My
friends living in the tank are 2 False Percula Clowns, 1
Peppermint Shrimp, 1 Fire Shrimp, 1 Serpent star, 1 sand sifting
<Tank too new, too small to sustain the cucumber, problems may
lie ahead.>
5 red leg and 5 blue leg hermits, 10 snails (2 kinds I can't
recall the names), 2 small Zoas and a hammer coral.
<Oops again, too small a system for keeping an anemone with
My specs are: ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 0, ph 7.4 (working to
raise by adding reef builder to bring up alkalinity) dKH 8 (on
Sunday before lights out and after adding a dose of reef builder
that day), sg 1.022, temp 81. I have been doing a 2 gallon water
change once a week and I test parameters about every other day.
(I am very paranoid about my water levels). Anyway, this anemone
just sits in this spot and won't attach to anything and seems
to have a gaping mouth.
<It will not attach to rocks, burrows into the sand in nature.
This anemone will be short lived, I'd return if possible or
risk poisoning your entire system.>
I tried to get the best pics I could and after I took them and
was typing my email it shriveled up on one side. I am very
worried that this fella is going to die and kill everyone in my
<It will.>
I just wanted to know if you thought it would be OK or if I
should pull it before he does too much damage?
<Will not be OK, I'd try and return.....good luck here.
Should have researched this animal before buying, as to it's
needs/system requirements.
A little late now, but do read here.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Re Is My Purple LTA OK?/Macrodactyla
doreensis/Health/Systems, now Cuke comp. 1/30/10
Well now I'm a bit worried about my cucumber... I will have
to do some research on them as this is what the guy at my LFS
said would be ok for cleaning my tank. He is a very little fella.
Maybe 3 inches long... Anyway thank you so much for your
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Sea apple poisoning 11/22/09
I read what articles I could find about sea apple problems, but my
question is different. Some time ago I started losing fish in my 120
gal tank. I checked for predator crabs, poor water parameters,
parasites, etc. What I and my mentor settled on is sea apple
My fish were dying, but everything else was fine, even my clam. I did a
complete water change, rinsed my rocks, and started over doing frequent
water changes.
<Mmm, might need to do more...>
Last week I started to restock after trying a couple new fish, bringing
my fish number up to 12, adding some new corals and an anemone.
<Anemones are problematic thus placed with other Cnidarians>
my tank looked as good as it ever had for a few days, and then one
morning I had 3 dead fish, and several more have died since in a 30
gal. tank. I had stirred a little sand the day before. Did I release
more toxin from my sand?
<Maybe... but in all likelihood your previous cleaning was
There may well be added complications of allelopathy twixt the new
anemone and "corals">
I am going remove all my sand, clean my tank, start over and re-season
my tank, but do you think that my rock is non-usable?
<Yes... with some chemical filtrant use...>
Perhaps I can soak my rock
separately and use later?
<Soak it in?>
Replacing 130 lbs of rock is not economically feasible at this
Thanks for your advice. Jeff G.
<Boyd's Chemipure, Poly-Bio-Marine's PolyFilter... See WWM
re these, and consider moving out the Actinarian. Bob Fenner>
Re sea apple poisoning 11/22/09
Sorry...I neglected to mention that I removed my Cuke and apple earlier
with no intentions of reintroducing them. Also, did you mean that with
proper chemical filtrant my rock would be usable?
I also meant to add that my tank redo includes all new sand just in
I realize my cycle time will be increased, but better safe than
<A useful and usually valid statement. You could thoroughly
freshwater rinse, air-dry the present sand, use at some later point.
Cheers, BobF>
Re: sea apple poisoning -- 11/22/09
Is it necessary to replace all my water, or just extensive cycling with
good carbon and poly filter....and if so, how long should I cycle at
1200 gph before adding fish?
Thanks very much for the help!
<... I would run the system a week with the filtrants, try a few
"test damsels" after for a week. RMF>
Re: Sea Cucumber Concerns
Sorry about that! Here's the photo from Saturday from before
he ejected it.
Try this...
<Nice pic>
Unfortunately the 50-gallon tank is my only saltwater at this
time, but I am going to move fourth with plans now to convert a
20 so the damsels will be getting evicted Very soon. I needed to
get those pests out anyway, even if they are cute.
I just hope they were his main source of issue.
Are these guys really that finicky to keep?
<... Please read here:
Thanks again for your helpful and non-judgmental help you always
offer. I know I should have done more research before buying him
(I'm no new fishkeeper), and some are quick to point out this
flaw... which
of course helps me avail the situation none! There is always much
to learn.
<Indeed... More for me every day. BobF>