FAQs on Fresh/Brackish/Marine Sleeper
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Just showing you: sleeper goby 2/1/19
Hello crew. I just wanted to show you today a local caught from a few
months ago.
I believe its a Dormitator maculatus right?
<Appears to be>
These are pretty common fish in estuaries, low land rivers and fishermen report
them even in the sea. They are called "sambo" in central America. Pretty hardy
fish, its incredible how well they adapt, readily taking food in its many forms.
Coloration varies a lot ( or maybe different species?) Some are dull and black
while others have striking red and white lining along with blue iridescent body.
<Yes! Found from Carolina to Brazil:
https://www.fishbase.de/summary/3827 >
Definitely an underappreciated fish. They are bred in the country as a way to
control mosquitoes, since they are so hardy.
Other species found in the same waters are Sicydium spp ( called "chuchas") and
Eleotris picta. I just felt like sharing, i feel kind of blessed that we can get
freshwater gobies rather easily, they dont seem to be too common worldwide.
<Indeed; a huge assemblage of fishes, most common freshwater fishes found on
oceanic islands. Bob Fenner>
Peacock Gudgeon Constipation? 10/10/18
Hello, my peacock gudgeon has some sort of parasite I think. He eats everything,
but he has some sort of translucent bubble sticking out of the anus (looks like
a fish egg, but it’s a male). He has had it for the past few days. What could
that be? Thank you.
<Do start by reading here:
You might also have a peruse here:
Without a photo hard to be sure what the issue is here. I'd certainly offer a
high fibre diet (Daphnia probably most likely to be eaten) but treating for
worms with Flubendazole or similar won't be a bad idea at all. Tateurndina
ocellicauda are sensitive fish, so checking water chemistry as well as quality
are important. Hard, alkaline water causes health problems, as you probably know
-- they need neutral, reasonably soft water to thrive. Metronidazole is a useful
medication where unknown gut parasites are concerned, and can be used alongside
anti-worm medications if needed. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Peacock Gudgeon Constipation? 10/11/18
Turns out it was a prolapse and it got ruptured by another male, he
pretty much bit it off. Is it detrimental to the fish?
<Potentially; I would observe, ideally medicate as per Finrot. The issue
isn't so much digestion as secondary infection by bacteria. With luck
he'll recover, but losing part of your colon is pretty serious.>
He still seems to be fine.
<Fish are astonishingly resilient sometimes! Neale.>
Re: Peacock Gudgeon Constipation? 10/12/18
So far he is still fine. Still has a bit of prolapse, assuming it was a
messy bite. Hopefully it isn't as bad and it can heal naturally. I have
cherry shrimp in the tank so meds is off limits and catching him is
somehow a pain, others I can catch with my hands, but this guy is very
evasive. So QTing is pretty much impossible without destroying a bunch
of plants just to catch him. Thank you very much.
<Understood. Antibiotics should be safe, even with shrimps and snails,
though you could just watch and see what happens for now. Obviously yes,
organic dyes, formalin and copper compounds are not safe with
invertebrates. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Peacock Gudgeon Constipation? 10/13/18
Is there an antibiotic that you would recommend?
<Anything for Finrot worth a shot. Kanaplex is good, and the old Maracyn
1 and 2 combo is well regarded. Just avoid the "new age" medications
such as tea-tree oils that really aren't very effective. Salt isn't much
either. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Peacock Gudgeon Constipation? 10/13/18
Is there an antibiotic that you would recommend?
<PS. Outside of the US, it may difficult to get antibiotics without a
prescription from a vet. Here in the UK, I favour a European product
called eSHa 2000 that's effective and tolerated well by even sensitive
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Peacock Gudgeon Constipation? 10/13/18
Ok thank you very much
<Most welcome and good luck. Neale.>
Violet goby ideas 5/14/17
<Hello Meghan,>
I'm still playing around with different ideas of how to eventually house
my violet dragon goby. Currently it is alone in a 55 gallon brackish
tank, SG 1.005 (varies a little with water changes).
<All sounds fine. Precise specific gravity doesn't matter at all. The
main thing is that there's "some" salinity, and it's not kept in plain
freshwater indefinitely.>
I was thinking about an enormous tank, but I'm concerned with the
ongoing cost of marine salt - especially considering 10-20% weekly water
<Weekly water changes won't be necessary if you lightly stock the tank.
2-3 week gaps between water changes will be fine. Monitor nitrate (make
sure it doesn't go too high) and pH (make sure it doesn't drop too much)
and use these as a guide as to when to do water changes. Fundamentally,
water changes are about keeping nitrate low and preventing
acidification. We don't do massive weekly water changes to outdoor ponds
precisely because
they're modestly stocked and have "natural" ways of avoiding high
nitrate levels and fluctuating pH levels. Oh, and one tip -- if you can
get old water from a reef tank, that's usually easily good enough to use
in a brackish system! Mix with tap water, of course, to get the right
salinity, maybe one part reef tank water with three parts tank -- and
you'll get something around SG 1.005 that'll be fairly low in nitrate
without needing any expense on salt!>
So now I'm thinking about a much smaller tank. 55 gallons - 48" long is
the minimum size for the goby.
<Correct, though it's lookalike species, Gobioides peruanus, is
considerably smaller.>
I read that dwarf fuzzy lionfish can handle an SG of 1.015 and up. My
goby should be fine with that, too. I can even add a protein skimmer.
<While these lionfish (and other, Pterois spp.) do occur in below normal
marine salinities, I'm not convinced they inhabit such waters
SG 1.018 would be fine, and standard procedure for many (robust) marines
in the 60s and 70s, but SG 1.015? Seems a bit low to me, especially when
there *are* true brackish water fish of similar type out there, such as
Notesthes robusta and Neovespicula depressifrons, this latter being very
similar in size and appearance to Dendrochirus spp. That said, the Dwarf
Fuzzy is certainly easier to get, so I will let BobF chime in here
before I get too adamant about its suitability or otherwise!>
So I'm thinking about a 55 gallon tank with the goby and some dwarf
fuzzy lionfish. I'd love some little blue leg hermit crabs, too, but I'm
betting the lions would eat them, right?
<It isn't common, but it does happen, yes. A lot depends on the relative
sizes of the lionfish and the hermit crabs' shells.>
Would a 55 gallon be sufficient space for my goby plus 3 or more of the
little lions?
<I would think not; when keeping marines, more space is better,
especially if you're trying to reduce workload/expense.>
And would live rock work at that low SG? And would the rough surface of
the rocks be a danger to the goby?
<Live rock will in theory work, in the sense that once the bacteria
colonise the anaerobic crevices, you'll get denitrification alongside
nitrification on the aerobic parts of the rock. But the marine
invertebrates and algae? Nope, they'll die at reduced salinities, except
in a few cases which often end up as little more than green-brown algal
slimes. Might as well just get Tufa rock, lava rock or "dead" live rock.
Bacteria will colonise these just as well. Will they scratch the gobies?
Well, it's a risk, yes; given these gobies come from muddy rivers and
estuaries, abrasive rocks and reefs aren't something they're programmed
to deal with. So I'd be looking at bogwood, water worn cobbles, that
sort of thing.>
Maybe I should go full strength sea water so I can try corals or
something, too. Would the goby be happy & healthy long term at the
higher salinity?
<Gobioides broussonnetii can/does live in fully marine habitats. Not
coral reefs though, and it might well be stung/irritated by polyps and
the like.>
My goby isn't an aggressive feeder - it let Sailfin mollies & guppies
munch the food intended for it. That's why it is alone now. Would the
lions cause the same problem?
<Keeping them with livebearers is ideal, given that Gobioides are
primarily herbivores and detritus feeders in the wild, so they all eat
the same stuff. Algae flake, Plec wafers, and a few offerings of small
invertebrates such as brine shrimps ticks all the right boxes. Easy
peasey. Adding a nocturnal predator complicates things, and obviously
would view small livebearers as prey. But shouldn't be a threat to the
Gobioides, assuming the latter was much too big to be viewed as food.
But predators need meaty food, which means nitrate because a problem
more quickly, which would in turn mean more frequent water changes. So
do-able, yes, but optimal, probably not.>
Thank you for all the help with my questions!
- Meghan
<Most welcome. Neale.>
re: Violet goby ideas (Bob, Dwarf Lionfish at SG 1.015?)
"Dwarf Fuzzy is certainly easier to get, so I will let BobF chime in here before
I get too adamant about its suitability or otherwise!"
<As Neale hints; the genus Dendrochirus Lions can be kept at reduced spg, but
not this low permanently. Too damaging to their kidneys, other internal organs.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Violet goby ideas (Bob, Dwarf Lionfish at SG 1.015?)
Oh, and let me add Meghan, that you have another crepuscular predator
option in the US trade; namely Butis butis, and beautiful species
despite its “Crazyfish” moniker. Eminently suitable for life alongside
Gobioides and *adult* Sailfin Mollies; will view bite-sized companions
as prey. Please see attached for a photo of this underrated gem, a true
brackish water specialist adaptable to anything from hard freshwater to
full marine, but probably best in middling salinities. Adult length to
15 cm/6 inches; hardy, territorial but otherwise peaceful.
Bottom line, unnecessary to maintain (and possibly stress) a marine
predator at suboptimal salinities when there’s a good range of brackish
water predators out there to choose from!
Cheers, Neale
.jpeg) |
Epsom salts, peacock gudgeons and blockages 10/1/17
Hi Crew! Everything has been ticking along quite nicely in my aquariums, my
murderous penguin tetras have settled down into a much better behaved school and
the yoyo loaches I added to keep the tetras in line are
completely delightful. I have also added some peacock gudgeons to this tank,
although they are a smaller fish, they have no issues feeding at the surface
along side the rambunctious loaches and they are ignored by the
tetras as they stay in the bottom half of the tank most of the time.
<Ah yes>
I previously have had a couple of gudgeons die to what appeared like being
egg-bound, swelling of the anus and a grapelike cluster of eggs protruding.
I had more females than males to start with and the males could not keep up with
the females. But now I have an issue with a male with a protrusion from the
<Does appear to be a prolapse>
I've attached a picture of the poor fellow in question. He is one of the fry
from my first batch of gudgeons, grown into a nice looking young fish.
However he seems to have a prolapse, it is a clear fluid filled globe where his
anus should be. I noticed it a couple of weeks ago and left him alone since it
wasn't very big and it didn't seem to be bothering him. However
it is now at least twice the size that it was before and I don't think it is
doing him any good. I'm worried that if he gets into a scuffle with one of his
fellow gudgeon tankmates he might rupture it or something.
I feed these fish grindal worms, fruit fly larvae, crushed flake and crushed
pellets, and sometimes peas. The gudgeons don't like dried brine shrimp or dried
Tubifex. I wonder if this fish has eaten a non-food item
(a piece of substrate maybe) and gotten a blockage?
I wonder if these fish have a narrow passage and are prone to blockages (or
maybe the 2 females I lost were simply egg-bound and this is unrelated). They
are pretty fussy eaters though so I'm not sure that they'd swallow non-food
items. Is it possible that this could be caused by an internal infection?
<This is also a possibility>
I wormed this tank after I'd had the yoyos for a while so I don't suspect worms.
In any case I remembered Epsom salts as the treatment to reduce swelling and
came across 1 tbs per 5 gallons - this is a 40 gallon tank.
I didn't have a tablespoon measure at hand so I decided to start adding a
smaller amount and monitor how the fish handle it, and increase it over time. I
decided to treat the whole tank rather than the impossibility of singling
out and catching this one fish. Anyway I started with 4 dessertspoons dissolved
in water, slowly added it to the tank, waited a while and everyone was fine, so
added 4 more dessertspoons. As far as my reckoning goes 1 tablespoon = 2 dessert
spoons = 4 teaspoons (Also I was using Australian measurements which go tbs =
20ml, tsp = 5ml). However I've been reading a bit more trying to find how slowly
I should be adding this and came across the dosage to be 1 TEASPOON per 5
gallons. So I've now added about 16 teaspoons to this 40 gallon tank. None of
the fish seem particularly worried by the extra GH so I thought I'd write in and
check which dosage is right! Have I added too much?
<I wouldn't add any more than this here>
Is it worth trying to isolate this one fish - and does anyone know if this fish
is prone to blockages?
<Have sent your message to Neale Monks here who knows much more than I on the
subject. I would drop the dried foods for now, and offer live or
frozen/defrosted Brine Shrimp or Daphnia if you can find these; or other
small crustacean fare... for laxative effect>
Thanks again for all that you do!
Bronwen Nottle
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Epsom salts, peacock gudgeons and blockages /Neale 10/1/17
Hi Crew! Everything has been ticking along quite nicely in my aquariums, my
murderous penguin tetras have settled down into a much better behaved school and
the yoyo loaches I added to keep the tetras in line are
completely delightful.
<Sounds good.>
I have also added some peacock gudgeons to this tank, although they are a
smaller fish, they have no issues feeding at the surface along side the
rambunctious loaches and they are ignored by the tetras as they stay in the
bottom half of the tank most of the time.
<Good. These are nice fish, but touchy about water chemistry.>
I previously have had a couple of gudgeons die to what appeared like being
egg-bound, swelling of the anus and a grapelike cluster of eggs protruding.
I had more females than males to start with and the males could not keep up with
the females. But now I have an issue with a male with a protrusion from the
<I can see this. Not uncommon to see the genital papilla somewhat extended.
Whether it's a dietary issue, an infection such as Hexamita, related to water
chemistry, or something else entirely is hard to say.>
I've attached a picture of the poor fellow in question. He is one of the fry
from my first batch of gudgeons, grown into a nice looking young fish.
However he seems to have a prolapse, it is a clear fluid filled globe where his
anus should be. I noticed it a couple of weeks ago and left him alone since it
wasn't very big and it didn't seem to be bothering him. However it
is now at least twice the size that it was before and I don't think it is doing
him any good. I'm worried that if he gets into a scuffle with one of his fellow
gudgeon tankmates he might rupture it or something.
<A risk, but more often than not these things fix themselves with a high-fibre,
low-protein diet and the use of Epsom salt to act as a laxative.>
I feed these fish grindal worms, fruit fly larvae, crushed flake and crushed
pellets, and sometimes peas. The gudgeons don't like dried brine shrimp or dried
Tubifex. I wonder if this fish has eaten a non-food item (a piece of substrate
maybe) and gotten a blockage?
<Possibly, but seems unlikely. For a start, a blockage would quickly cause the
death of the fish. Also, fish don't have throats as simple as ours, and while
they do shovel in sand and stuff, by the time it gets to the gill chamber and
pharyngeal teeth, the fish has plenty of time to sift out such inedible
particles and pass them out.>
I wonder if these fish have a narrow passage and are prone to blockages (or
maybe the 2 females I lost were simply egg-bound and this is unrelated).
They are pretty fussy eaters though so I'm not sure that they'd swallow non-food
items. Is it possible that this could be caused by an internal infection? I
wormed this tank after I'd had the yoyos for a while so I don't suspect worms.
<An Hexamita infection is certainly a possibility, or some other type of
intestinal parasite. Metronidazole is probably the drug of choice here.>
In any case I remembered Epsom salts as the treatment to reduce swelling and
came across 1 tbs per 5 gallons - this is a 40 gallon tank. I didn't have a
tablespoon measure at hand so I decided to start adding a smaller amount and
monitor how the fish handle it, and increase it over time. I decided to treat
the whole tank rather than the impossibility of singling out and catching this
one fish.
<A fine approach. Epsom salt has very low toxicity, and makes a useful
short-term medication because of this.>
Anyway I started with 4 dessertspoons dissolved in water, slowly added it to the
tank, waited a while and everyone was fine, so added 4 more dessertspoons. As
far as my reckoning goes 1 tablespoon = 2 dessert spoons
= 4 teaspoons (Also I was using Australian measurements which go tbs = 20ml, tsp
= 5ml).
<In any event, 1 Imperial teaspoon is about 6 gram Epsom salt, and you're aiming
for a dosage of 1-3 teaspoons per 5 gallons/20 litres.>
However I've been reading a bit more trying to find how slowly I should be
adding this and came across the dosage to be 1 TEASPOON per 5 gallons. So I've
now added about 16 teaspoons to this 40 gallon tank.
<So about 180 litres? That's 9 x 1-3 teaspoons, i.e., 9-27 teaspoons.>
None of the fish seem particularly worried by the extra GH so I thought I'd
write in and check which dosage is right! Have I added too much?
<See above.>
Is it worth trying to isolate this one fish - and does anyone know if this fish
is prone to blockages?
<Sleeper Gobies are somewhat prone to mild prolapses, yes. Yours is a bit more
severe than usual though.>
Thanks again for all that you do!
<Most welcome. Neale.>

New Pandas also Re: Epsom salts, peacock gudgeons and blockages
Thanks Neale and Bob for your replies. And Hi Crew! Thought you would like an
update on how my poor gudgeon is doing, and I have some extra troubles which I
will get to later in this email.
<Oh dear.>
I kept watching the display tank after it was treated with Epsom salts and could
see the prolapsed portion of the affected gudgeon had shrunk by half overnight
and looked much better.
However after a full day many of the other peacock gudgeons were showing some
stress colouration and hiding, so I performed the scheduled water change. By the
following morning the gudgeons were back to normal, but
prolapse was back to its original size. I took the plunge and managed to catch
the affected gudgeon by tricking him with food. If they get the idea they are in
trouble they can dart and jump surprisingly quickly but I was
very lucky to catch him off guard. Anyway after 3 or 4 days in his own tank, and
after treatment with what I hope is Metronidazole (bought off the internet due
to not being readily available in Australia, the packaging is slightly
unconvincing), the prolapse had reduced down again but did not yet resolve.
<The Metronidazole is a good thought here, as prolapses of this type are
sometimes a reaction to parasites inside the gut.>
The gudgeon was becoming very stressed so I put him back into the display tank.
It's been over a week and he is back to his normal self behaviourally. The
prolapse has still not resolved but it is not as big as it was, or at least, it
looks fleshier and a lot less likely to burst than it used to so I will keep my
eye on him and continue to be mindful of what I feed that tank. No one died so I
am counting that as a win for now!
<Indeed. Such things do take weeks to resolve. So like Dropsy, if the fish is
getting incrementally better, and still eating, that's good!>
I'm writing now about an old familiar problem - trying to keep some new panda
Corydoras alive. My existing school of 6 panda Corys is quite happy and doing
well (thanks for your help in getting them to that point!) and I
had the idea that the tank they are in has room for a bigger school.
Originally I wanted to try some pygmy Corydoras in a separate species tank but I
saw pandas had become available again for quite a cheap price. I ordered 15
expecting to lose a few but hoping to keep enough alive to
eventually expand the existing crew and I'm using the unused pygmy Cory tank for
the quarantine tank. The store sent me 16 pandas (and also 2 sterbai Corys by
mistake instead of trilineatus), but unfortunately put all
the pandas in the same bag. 4 died in transit, but the rest seemed mostly quite
lively and feisty after getting into some fresh water. I lost 1 more from
quarantine in the first few hours, one overnight, and then one more on
the following day. This last one had his barbels curled under him and his gill
covers looked like they were stuck open. I suspect it was just residual damage
from being in poor water conditions during shipping.
<Agreed, but the "cheap price" might also suggest less than perfect breeding
conditions. Sometimes fish are maintained poorly, but "juiced" on antibiotics,
which keeps them alive on the fish farm. Once shipped, the
drugs where off, and you're stuck with sickly fish. Careful quarantining, good
food, and judicious medical treatment as needed can help though, so all is not
The remaining 8 pandas are still lively and have good appetites, and the 2
sterbai seem much the same although definitely more nervous due to their small
school size. The zoomy pandas seem to terrify them even though the
sterbai are three times the size.
<Corydoras sterbai do need warmish water to stay healthy, 25-28 C, so they're
not quite as adaptable to lower-end tropical conditions as other members of the
genus. On the other hand, they're good choices for Angelfish, Discus and Gourami
set-ups where high temperatures are needed.>
I am using the refund from the dead fish/wrong fish to buy a few more sterbai so
eventually they will be in a comfortable school size - they definitely behave
differently than the pandas and trilineatus that I already have so I am looking
forward to setting them up in their own tank.
The current quarantine tank is 65lt with a fine sandy bottom and I have been
doing daily 20lt water changes and vacuuming out uneaten food trying to give
these guys as clean an environment as possible to recover. They
have been getting live grindal worms and some small pellet food and none of the
survivors seem skinny like a few were when they first arrived. I am mixing up
their water to be the same as the water my existing panda Corys
live in as that's where I want to move them to after quarantine is over, so
medium softness and temp is 24C.
Anyway now to the problems. After the quarantine population stabilized I noticed
2 of the pandas had thickened white patches on their fins, faces, and one had a
coated barbel on one side which was twice as thick as it
should be. Very difficult to see what's going on with white on white but I
thought it looked like fungus so began treatment with a Multicure product
(malachite green, Methylene blue, Acriflavine, supposed to be good vs.
fungus and some external parasites).
<Sounds about right; Methylene Blue is a good first choice for fungus
infections. Low toxicity, even with baby fish and eggs.>
After 2 days of this treatment there was no improvement and the patches were
thicker so I began to worry that it was actually the dreaded Columnaris instead.
I couldn't actually see any fibrous or fuzzy growths, the white patches seem
more flattened and blobby than anything. All I had at hand was some tri-sulfa
(which does say it can treat Columnaris on the label) and I remember reading
somewhere that Columnaris will not tolerate salt.
<Possibly true, but can't imagine the salt level needed would be tolerated by
Corydoras for long. I'd be using a plain vanilla antibacterial treatment here
instead. Salt is almost never useful against fungus or bacterial infections at
"safe" freshwater levels.>
I also checked to make sure I could mix tri-sulfa and the other product and as
far as I could tell all would be well. I have had tri-sulfa and salt in the tank
for 2 days now (this is the third day) and re-dosed as required, accounting for
the water changes I did (additional to the existing course of Multicure). I
added equivalent of 5 tsp of salt on the first day, and another 5 on the second
day, dripped it in slowly via airline. The fish are all tolerating this well. I
know Corydoras can handle more salt than this after having success treating Ich
this way, but I don't know if that level of salt is required to treat Columnaris
(or even if that's what I'm fighting here).
<I do suspect you are right: the 2 gram/litre level used for Whitespot is easily
tolerated by freshwater fish, but for bacterial and fungal infections you'd
surely need a lot more -- bear in mind marine fish can get both!>
I am holding off on adding more salt for now pending further advice.
<See above.>
I'm a bit worried that my water conditioner has reacted with the Multicure as it
seems like a lot of it has come out of solution and settled on the sand (or
perhaps just the top layer of sand is now dyed green).
<One risk with organic dyes like Malachite Green and Methylene Blue is precisely
this. Tends to fade away in time, but not always. The blue is generally
overlooked, looking watery I suppose, but the green is more annoying, it is
The first dosage I put in stained the water quite dark for a couple of days but
the second dose looks to be almost gone overnight, even though I followed the
instructions and didn't use it immediately after the water change. Anyway there
is still no improvement and the white patches are spreading to the other Corys.
Yesterday one of the sterbai had a patch on his forehead although that is gone
today, but a lighter patch of skin is visible in that place. I now realise
tri-sulfa is bacteriostatic rather than bacteriocidal and probably won't get rid
of Columnaris by itself, but I thought if I kept the Corys eating well they
might be able to fight it off. The package for this medication says I can double
the dosage for severe cases and I am considering doing this as I only used the
single dose to start with.
<Follow the instructions, and remember to remove carbon from the filter, if
Since I've had no success so far and it is spreading, today I had the idea that
maybe this is slime coat disease (Costia?) and not a fungus or bacteria. The
most notable thing is that it seems the extremities of the fish (fins, barbels)
are affected much moreso than their bodies. Where it is on their faces, it's
mostly around their nostrils, and it is on the fins that are closest to the
<This is not uncommon. It's usually explained in terms of a scratchy substrate,
or a dirty substrate, or both. The belly and barbels are scratched, bacteria
infect the wounds, and something similar to Finrot sets in. Indeed, it probably
is the same Aeromonas and Pseudomonas bacteria at work. That said, there are
mystery plagues or red-blotch diseases associated with Corydoras that don't have
any definite aetiology. A broad spectrum antibiotic is helpful, but with the
Corydoras moved to a substrate-free aquarium for the process, so that the skin
has time to heal over properly as well.>
The one with a patch on his body seems like it spread there from his fin.
The Cory with one affected barbel now has both barbels coated. It seems like it
covers the entire surface of some of their fins. I have not seen any redness
anywhere on the Corys but maybe that symptom would not show up
on fins (or can't be seen under the thick coating).
I would have thought Costia would be affected by the ingredients in Multicure,
if that's what this disease is, however if the Multicure is being cancelled by
the water conditioner it would explain why the disease is spreading. If the
disease is Columnaris it also explains why it is spreading quickly, although I
would have hoped triple sulfa would have slowed it down. I do have some eSHa
Exit available which I didn't use yet, as I am not keen on mixing up my
medications. I had assumed it had similar ingredients to Multicure however I
found a webpage stating it contains Acridine, Malachite Green, Meth.Violet,
Meth. Blue so not quite the same.
So it might work differently I guess?
At this point I am wondering what your opinion is of this disease and how I
should be treating it. I am fairly sure by now that this is not fungus as the
water has been kept quite clean, I haven't seen any obvious hairy fuzz,
and it has not responded to that treatment. I hope it's not Columnaris, but if
it is, it's taking its time on killing off all my fish and they aren't really
acting unwell. I've had advice that Kanaplex will work on Columnaris but at this
point I don't have access to any (although I could ask my vet when I take my
cats in tomorrow) however, obviously antibiotics are pointless if this is
Costia. But if it's Costia, why didn't the first treatment get rid of it (maybe
because it's not as good as eSHa Exit)? I'm hoping you have some ideas or tips
as to what to do next.
<Costia is frustrating because it can't be easily diagnosed without a
microscope. While some fish are prone to it, others aren't, and to some degree
it's "the thing you suspect next" if fungal and Finrot bacterial infections have
been dismissed. It's all very annoying.>
I'll attach some pictures but its quite hard to see since everything is kind of
green, I have a terrible camera, and the Corys are tiny and won't sit still.
They are still very white, reflective and you can see some of their internal
structures and iridescent bits showing through which looks like white patches on
their bodies but isn't.
<Indeed, I can see what you're talking about clearly. I'd be assuming the
substrate and bacteria are somehow the issue, and treating as described above.
I'd also double check the tank is Corydoras-safe, e.g., you used smooth silver
sand rather than sharp sand.>
When the extra sterbai Cory arrive they are going to have their own separate
quarantine well away from this tank since it is a bit of a disaster area. I'm
lucky to have a very understanding spouse who has let me set up many tanks
around the house!
Thanks as always for your help, your experience and advice is invaluable.
<Hope this helps. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: New Pandas also Re: Epsom salts, peacock gudgeons and blockages
Thanks Neale for your quick reply.
Regarding the sand, it is an extremely fine river sand which I had left over
from my other Corydoras tank which has been running for over a year now, no
issues with the sand. It's very smooth and inert and I've put a thin layer for
comfort more than anything. Fresh from the bag and rinsed before using here.
Only one of the Corys has anything on his barbels but I can see the sense of
sucking out the sand for now so that it doesn't provide a hiding place for the
bacteria. I can do that during the next water change and it also gives me a
chance to see if the green will rinse off.
No carbon in the filter at the moment but I have some fresh stuff at hand in
case I needed to remove medication from the water.
<Understood, though rarely necessary; most organic medications will decompose
rapidly in mature tanks.>
I do have a microscope but I understand Costia are small and hard to identify
and my scope only goes to 100x - useful for larger parasites but not so much the
tiny stuff. It might be worth a try, if I see anything at all zooming around it
is indicative that something is going on at that scale as well as anything at a
bacterial level. I'll report back if I find anything.
<Cool. Images of Costia aka Ichthyobodo can be found online.>
I'm going to the vet for my cats yearly check up tomorrow so I will ask if he
can prescribe me anything to help. I don't think he is a fishy vet but he does
have a huge tank with a turtle in it at his surgery so he might know something
about aquarium medications. I found some tetracycline at the back of my supplies
cabinet but I'm wary of using it on new fish weakened by shipping. Other
medications I've heard could be useful are Kanamycin,
neomycin, Nitrofurazone but I guess I have to wait and see what the vet says.
<Indeed; the old Metronidazole and Nitrofurazone combo is a good one, if you can
use it.>
Thanks again, at least I feel like I have a battle plan now.
<Good luck! Neale.>
Re: New Pandas also Re: Epsom salts, peacock gudgeons and blockages
Hi Crew! I'm still battling the white blobby patches on my new panda Corydoras
so here is an update of what's going on.
The visit to the vet on Wednesday wasn't much use, he was reluctant to supply
any medications without a diagnosis, and was unable to provide a diagnosis
himself even if he had a fresh sample - he's more of a
cat/dog/horse vet, despite keeping a turtle.
<Often the case. Medicating fish with help from a vet is the ideal, but rarely
practical. It can also get expensive given the low cost of fish, though it has
to be said there are fish vets out there, usually specialising in Koi, the best
of which reach prices comparable with pedigree dogs and horses! My point being
if you have a local or national
Koi club, they might be able to point you in the direction of a fish-friendly
He did suggest some places that might be able to give me a diagnosis and
prescription, but they are all quite far away and mostly oriented towards trout
farming so it didn't really help. I don't think I'm getting a prescription any
time soon, and not soon enough to help my fish anyway.
Once again I'm thwarted by living in the middle of nowhere!
I did manage to get a better scraping from one of my Corydoras and some of a
white patch came off so I had a look at it under my own microscope. I didn't see
any movement at all in any of the sample, and I also didn't see
any fibrous structures so I am much more confident now that it is bacterial and
not Costia or fungus.
The white stuff was fairly sticky so I am guessing it is either fish slime or a
bacterial film. Zoomed in, it looked a lot like the chunks you get when you stir
up gelatin jelly. Not much else to see at x100, my entry level microscope is not
so useful this time.
<Certainly fungus should be obvious as x40, let alone x100; Protozoans a bit
variable in this regard, but at x100 I'd expect to see something moving about or
waving their cilia! As you say though, bacteria are elusive at x100.>
I stopped using Multicure (M. blue, M. green & Acriflavine) in the tank as it
was not really working and was making it too hard to see what was going on, and
continued with the course of triple sulfa. I found on day 3, the
day before the second dose was due, the patches seemed thicker and were
spreading. But the morning after the water change and second dose of triple
sulfa, it looked like the start of recovery. Some of the Corys looked
completely clear while the other affected ones seemed slightly better.
However by the following day it was obvious that triple sulfa really was not
working - maybe it was just the water change that made them look temporarily
The white patches are spreading again and some patches were visible on fish that
were previously completely clear. The sterbai Corys also are starting to have
light markings on their faces which look like they could be ulcers.
I completed the course of triple sulfa but I think at best it merely slowed the
spread of the disease.
<Triple-Sulfa contains sulfamethazine, sulfacetamide, sulfathiazole, only one of
which, sulfacetamide, is an antibiotic; the other two are antimicrobials. Taken
together they're a bit hit-and-miss as an aquarium medication, and not really
anyone's first choice. While useful enough as preventatives, for example once a
fish is injured and you're concerned it might get infected with Finrot, I'd not
recommend Triple-Sulfa for dealing with an established infection.>
In any case, behaviourally the fish are still all eating, acting like they are
well and so on so I decided to switch to tetracycline as I think they are well
enough to handle the side effects for now. I keep finding conflicting
information regarding whether tetracycline will treat Columnaris but I think its
worth a try since I don't have anything else at hand right now, and I don't know
for sure that I'm dealing with Columnaris anyway - if it is, it must be the
slow-acting strain. I have ordered some Kanaplex and furan 2 from the internet
and if the tetracycline doesn't work I'll switch to whichever one gets here
first - although is it true that they have a synergy effect when dosed together?
I will wait and see how dire the situation is and if its not so bad maybe I'll
wait for both before
<Using two antibiotics can have mileage. Being very specific, if you choose one
for gram-positive and one for gram-negative, they can provide a two-pronged
approach without a risk of poisoning your fish.>
I'm also considering the possibility of using the Multicure product as a bath
since the Methylene blue and Acriflavine ingredients might still help and that
way I'm not mixing my medications "in tank".
<Agreed; I'd tend to back off the organic dyes (Methylene blue, etc.) while
using antibiotics. Whereas antibiotics are focused and have low toxicity, the
dyes and antimicrobials are much more akin to poisons, intended to kill
'germs' before they kill the fish. So overuse, or combining them, can pose a
risk. Do a water change, stop using the dyes, and then begin the antibiotics --
removing carbon from the filter, if used.>
I hope the tetracycline will work but it wouldn't surprise me at all if this
bacteria is also resistant to tetracycline as we don't really have access to
much else in Australia. So at this point I'm just planning ways to keep the fish
alive until the big guns get here. The bath instructions I've read are to use
water from the current tank to fill the "bath", then use the medication at
double the strength intended for in-tank use. Bathe fish for 30 min.s, watching
and removing back to the main tank if signs of distress are noted.
<Viable, if used carefully alongside the antibiotic.>
Multicure has 0.4% malachite green, 4% Methylene blue and 2% Acriflavine which
previously the fish have tolerated fine at the recommended half strength for
scaleless fish. Do you think Corydoras would handle a double
dose of this medication (which would actually be a regular dose)? How often is
it necessary to bathe, once a day? Uh, don't take that last one out of context,
<In other words bathe them at full dose? Personally, I would try this, but
carefully watching for signs of distress.>
These little guys have lasted almost 2 weeks since arrival, and despite their
external condition they still seem vigorous and I haven't lost hope that I will
be able to get them to be well again, that is, as well as possible after nuking
them with so much medication. What do you think of my treatment plan?
<Worth a shot!>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: New Pandas also Re: Epsom salts, peacock gudgeons and blockages
Hi Crew!
<Hello Bronwen,>
Further update on the Corydoras white blobby patch disease saga. Somehow,
despite the disease failing to respond to anything I've thrown at it so far, the
only loss I've had has been from someone jumping out of the tank.
I do think despite not being curative, the treatments and baths did stop things
from getting worse, temporarily at least. The ulcerations I noticed on the
sterbai Corydoras faces actually cleared up during the tetracycline treatment,
however nothing has shaken the white blobby patches.
<Oh dear. Presumably indicates not a bacterial infection. Next most common
causes are either fungal or protozoan; the former is relatively easy to
identify, if not by eye, then with even a low power microscope because of the
hyphae. Protozoans difficult to see directly, so mucous and cysts will be what
you can see with the naked eye. I'd be choosing medications accordingly, perhaps
going with the protozoan option first, as this would
tend to be a bit more blobby than the usually fluffy appearance you get with
fungi. That said, if you're dealing with an effectively untreatable bacterial
infection, like a Mycobacteriosis, or a viral infection, then nothing much will
help. Viral infections (look up Fish Pox and Lymphocystis for examples) do
produce blister-looking things, but otherwise don't normally cause actual
physical harm, and may clear up in time -- though usually across months if not
years in some cases. Viruses in fishes do seem to be stress related as often as
not, contact with heavy metals in the water or substrate being one example known
in the wild.>
I still have 4 mostly okay panda Corydoras with either just fins or no obvious
infection, and 4 severely affected ones. Of the rasboras that were also
quarantining in that tank, 8 are fine, one jumped out, and one has a small white
patch on his lower lip. One of the sterbai Corydoras has an extremely small
white patch at the tip of one fin. I would say the tetracycline was pretty harsh
and the fish are not as well or perky in attitude as they were at the start but
they are still eating. A quick recap for any crew who haven't seen this case so
far: New panda Corydoras started showing white patches on day 2 in quarantine.
Treated with Multicure (malachite green, Acriflavine, Methylene blue) in case of
fungus or Costia, no effect noted after a few days. Treated with triple sulfa,
full course as per label, slight improvement then worsening. Treated with
tetracycline for 5 days, once again slight improvement then worsening. Treated
with aminacrine (desperate measures while waiting for more medication to arrive)
and once again slight improvement followed by worsening symptoms. I have pretty
much exhausted every medication available to me over the counter and a trip to
the vet for help resulted in an unwilling shrug as he was not willing to
prescribe anything due to being unable to diagnose anything. Due to my location
that exhausted my local options.
<Understood; see above.>
A couple of weeks ago I ordered both Furan 2 and Kanaplex online (I am in a
country where these aren't available) hoping for at least some of the fish to
survive long enough to be treated with either of these, and aiming to use both
to achieve as broad a coverage as possible and get the reputed synergistic
effect of these medications used together. However the Furan 2 arrived first and
I am not sure how much longer I can wait before the worst
affected fish start dying. I have enough medication to do 2 full 4-day
treatments with Furan 2 and I don't know when the Kanaplex will arrive. It could
be another 2 weeks according to the worst case scenario shipping
estimate and I don't think anything will last that long. Even if it comes Monday
that might not be soon enough for some of these fish.
<I would medicate with what you have rather than waiting for something else.
Synergies between medications do exist, of course, but are vague, at best, in
standard issue aquarium fish drugs.>
I am considering doing one four day course of Furan 2 to at least see if it is
effective, and if not, save the remainder for when the Kanaplex arrives.
However it occurred to me that perhaps this would merely strengthen the bacteria
further if it is not sufficient to kill it off. Do you think this is possible?
<Nope. Not the way antibiotic resistance works.>
I think if I treat with Furan 2 and it does not cure or reduce the symptoms in
the 4 worst panda corys, I will have to euthanize them to remove them as a
bacteria source in the tank and hopefully ensure the survival of everyone
else. I do have a hope that since this medication is not readily available
around here, the bacteria should not be resistant to it but I can't help but
think ahead.
<I would only euthanise if the fish are actually distressed -- but isolating
them does make sense. As stated above, viral infections for example are
environmental issues and as such not usually catchy (some exceptions of course,
like Dwarf Gourami Iridovirus) and the dratted Mycobacteria problem is also more
environmental than anything else, the bacteria being latent in many aquaria and
fish farms, but only a problem when the fish are otherwise weakened.>
Tough times! I was not expecting this to last so long, particularly due to panda
Corydoras' reputation for being less hardy. I thought the medication would kill
them even if the disease did not and yet they are stubbornly holding on. I am
almost certain the medication I have put them through hasn't done them much good
in the long term, the tetracycline in particular seemed to shake them up a fair
Anyway what are your thoughts regarding starting to treat with Furan 2? I do not
plan to start anything until tomorrow at earliest as I would like to do a water
change and run carbon in the tank for a bit beforehand to remove any traces of
previous medication.
<Makes sense. But do remove after use; before adding new medications.>
Cheers, Bronwen @ South Australia, amateur fish nurse
<Good luck! Neale.>
Peacock Gudgeon Tateurndina ocellicauda tank combos?
Hi Neale,
I have been doing a lot of reading and considering what to put in my 29
gallon tank next. I read your article on 8 Fun Gobies and when I saw the
Peacock gudgeon, saw him on YouTube and he is totally gorgeous and
friendly too. However, I'm not turning up so much about their habitat--
what would be a good biotope. I've read they can be found in rivers
though. I also read it should be housed with higher level fish so they
don't compete with food... but this little guy eats bloodworms, so I
wonder, could they be kept with algae eating bottom feeder like a Blue
Neon Goby (Microsicydium atropurpureum, Microsicydium formosum)? And
since they both occur in rivers, would the habitat of the Blue Neon be
compatible with the Peacock or would they dislike the turbulence?
<The latter; the Neon-type gobies (there are many) alongside the widely
traded Stiphodon species are Sicydiinae, a subfamily of goby adapted to
hillstream environments. Coolish water, lots of oxygen, and a diet based
around aufwuchs is what they need. Quite adaptable in the short term,
but long term, they probably do need quite specific conditions to
I'd read the Hillstream Loach works well with blue neon goby. I'm sure
he'd be fine with both.
<Correct; the hillstream biotope is what the Neon Gobies need. Unlike
the Peacock Gudgeons that are classic sleeper gobies (Eleotridae) that
favour sluggish if not still water habitats.>
My water is VERY hard, and it is high PH of 7.8. Can these species
tolerate that?
<Hillstream gobies will probably be fine with it, since they're oceanic
gobies with a marine larval stage. But the Peacock Gudgeons really do
look better in soft water with a neutral pH.>
This tank would be a lot of work to set up... I want to add more plant
life and have large stones and get the algae growing on them. I am
talented at growing algae, lol. I could do stones in a small tank then
move them to the large one. I just wanted to check with you if my
parameters are good, combination of those fish are good, and if the
environment is nice for all of them if I create a biotope for Blue Neon
Goby and add Peacock Gudgeon to the mix.
<I don't see the two species overlapping. On the other hand Neons might
work okay with Rhinogobius species, despite their much different
For another totally different option if the above isn't the best idea,
I'm thought maybe Norman's Lampeyes and Peacock Gudgeon. I read they
tolerate a higher PH, but do you think my water is far less than ideal
for them? I also read they were a good tankmate for Peacock Gudgeon? If
i did heavily planted tank with both of those would that be more or less
a good idea than the Blue Neon Goby with Peacock Goby??
<Lampeyes and Peacock Gudgeons should work, though not in very hard
water; 2-12 degrees dH, pH 6-7.5 would be my suggestion. In very hard
water, better options would be things like Chlamydogobius eremius, which
are hardy and easy to breed.>
Anyway, below are the links but I'm sure you already know all these
species since you specialize in interesting types of aquarium fish.
<Well, have kept them, at least, and spawned some of these gobies
(including Peacocks) but not raised their fry.>
Thanks Neale, being new to this hobby it helps to look before I leap
when making a major change to a tank. And since it's only 29 gallons,
there are only so many smaller fish that like my water and I think I've
covered them all now in reading and near ready to decide and move
<Hope this helps! Neale.>
Re: Peacock Gudgeon Tateurndina ocellicauda tank combos?
Thanks Neale.
<Welcome, Jill.>
I am sad about the peacock goby, but there are many fish I shouldn't
keep here. Great about the cool neon blue gobies which I was afraid I
couldn't keep!!! I am leaning towards this hillstream theme now. I like
the idea of a river biotope. I would like to stock 5 neon blue gobies, 1
river loach, then is there a small schooling fish, 1- 1.5" range, that
likes the
current and water type?
<Pretty much any streamlined barb, Danio or Rasbora will thrive in this.
White Cloud Mountain Minnows and their Vietnamese relatives, Tanichthys
micagemmae, are also good choices with the smaller gobies and loaches.>
I have a few lime green Endler's in there now but afraid current will
not be good so am planning to move them to another tank.
<Correct; Guppies are adapted to still or sluggish water, such as canals
and ponds. Swordtails are more streamlined and inhabit streams, and can
work nicely with gobies and hillstream loaches of similar size, though
they will be competing for algae, so wouldn't be my first choice of
I looked at white clouds since they're common for this theme but they're
to 2 inches and I want a large school so I should probably go smaller,
maybe to 1.5" max. I am hoping to find a brightly colored smaller fish
to add for lots of interest and activity without overstocking. I only
have 29 gallons so I'm limited.
<Tanichthys of either species would be ideal for this system, and a
dozen or two wouldn't overstock a 29-gallon system with decent
Indeed, getting 18-20 minnows, plus half a dozen gobies sounds fine to
None of these fish are messy or big.>
Would either of the other 2 fish we discussed earlier, Dusty Millions or
Swamp Guppies enjoy this tank with high current? They are both
attractive enough I might even do a smaller school with them if they get
<Micropoecilia parae and Micropoecilia picta are both adapted to
relatively weak water currents, as the "swamp" part of Micropoecilia
picta's name suggests. Micropoecilia parae is a little more streamlined
and a better swimmer, but neither is an obvious choice for a hillstream
I am wanting a fish for midlevel tank activity with nice color and
playfulness in the current since the other fish, while beautiful, mostly
congregate around sucking on algae all day! However, I have never seen
either of these 2 fish Dusty Millions or Swamp Guppies locally and so I
would like to know several more common varieties that I could use, or
ordering...which I will probably need to do anyway for the neon gobies.
<You might look at Alfaro cultratus, Xiphophorus multilineatus and many
of the Goodeidae as possible options for tanks with brisk currents.>
How sensitive are these neon goby and hillstream loach fish to water
temps too? It is unheated and at 77 degrees right now at 6:30am during
August, our hottest month. That could possibly rise to 78 during day.
Outside temps are hitting 100 degrees. General the thermostat is set for
78 except when I am doing a lot of busy work or cooking sometimes I
crank it to 75-77 range, but the majority or time it is set at 78. The
tanks are in a west facing room. I guess I could purchase blackout
curtains, but I have a lot of plants in there too...I would need to
rearrange everything.
<Seasonal high temperatures are rarely a big deal, especially if you can
kick up the aeration a bit. It's the (lack of) oxygen that kills rather
than temperature per se. But 365-days of high temperatures are a no-no.>
I guess I could buy ice cube trays on Amazon and freeze prepared fish
tank water and drop some in each morning and evening? How many trays
would you suggest for a 29 gallon if this is a good idea? I would
probably only need to do this in summer, and empty corresponding amounts
of water too maybe at the time of adding the cubes.
<People certain do employ systems like this. I'd suggest a 1-litre or
similar plastic container (like the sort used to hold ice cream), fill
it with water, freeze, and then simply float as-is in the water. But
this is really only on extreme days. A few days or even a couple weeks
in the high 70s/low 80s isn't going to kill hillstream fish provided
water current and
oxygenation are sufficient.>
Thanks again.
Have a nice weekend.
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Never heard of it 11/12/11
So I couldn't resist the fish when I saw it. I am fairly
confident that it is Giuris margaritacea based
on FishBase photos.
<Nice fish!>
Great colors, active "swim and sink" lurker style of
<Sleeper Gobies do seem to be more forward
than the average "true" Goby.
Partly it's because they tend to be bigger and more
predatory, I'm sure.
But if you can work around that, they're often very rewarding
I'm thinking I want to keep him alone until I figure out what
he eats and if he is aggressive.
<Virtually all Sleeper Gobies are opportunistic predators, and
while green foods will be a significant part of their diet, very
few Sleepers will pass up the opportunity to eat small fish and
invertebrates. Under aquarium conditions they're often
omnivores, happily taking white fish fillet, chopped seafood,
frozen bloodworms, and pellet foods (my Sleeper Goby, a Mogurnda
species, enjoys Hikari Cichlid Gold). As for aggression, Sleepers
tend to be territorial and predatory rather than aggressive. If
kept with dissimilar fish of suitable size, they're good
choices for mixed species set-ups.>
At first glance he really does not seem the type for a community
<Community tank, no. But similar-sized catfish, loaches,
perhaps even South American cichlids, yes.>
Great colors a handsome fish. And can find pellets by smell!
Ominously there does not seem to be much discussion in the forums
about this fish.
<Partly because it's rare in the trade. But you may also
be having problems because another name, Eleotris margaritacea,
has been used in the past. Do also try searching for "Irian
Golden Nugget Gudgeon", another trade-name for this
I'm wondering if you guys know of the fish in the hobby and
might be able to shed some light beyond the FishBase entry.
<Gets to about 20 cm; colours vary with mood; males exhibit
stronger colours, often golden-green, hence the alternative
common name; does well in freshwater provided extremes are
avoided. A second species, Ophieleotris aporos, is sometimes
called the Snakehead Gudgeon. It is very similar in size and
shape, but colours somewhat different, more bluey than golden,
and occurs in both fresh and brackish water habitats. This
species is said to be quite aggressive, but I've never seen
it myself.>
In particular, does he need brackish water?
<Adults don't, no. Larvae develop in the sea
What is an ideal temp range? Fish base says 20-30C which seems
rather wide.
<Actually pretty typical for Australasian gudgeons, which tend
to be really rather tolerant animals. A middling value, 25 C/77
F, would be about right, perhaps a trifle cooler in
<I'm attaching a photo of this species that Bob may want
to use alongside this rely. The photograph shows a mature male;
note the golden cast. Cheers, Neale.>

Re: Never heard of it 11/12/11
Should I give him algae wafers from time to time?
<I doubt he'll eat them, but you can try, perhaps by
starving him for a few days beforehand. If he takes floating
pellets and flake, you could certainly try Spirulina-enriched
brands designed for Mbuna, livebearers and the like. Otherwise,
focus on Spirulina fortified brine shrimp and gut-loaded
earthworms or river shrimps as the best way to get greens into
this fish.>
Thanks for all the info Neale.
<Most welcome, Neale.>
Re: Never heard of it,
Eleotrid 11/26/11
Neale I have attached a pic of the probable Giuris
margaritacea. Have I identified it correctly?
<I think so.>
Please excuse the messy tank... Really need to clean the
back of that tank.
<Nice fish; good luck with it! These Sleepers tend to be
tough fish, but there's little known about this
particular species, so do look out for problems, and avoid
the obvious risks like "feeder" fish and
excessive Thiaminase. Cheers, Neale.>

Re: Never heard of it
Thanks. He's easy to keep, turned him on to pellets very
quickly. He greedily takes every type of sinking or floating
pellet I have. Enjoys the only live food I feed,
<An excellent live food. Very safe, nutritious, and
apparently delicious!>
Greedy and will boldly steal food from other fish. However
like you said territorial and predatory vice aggressive.
<Absolutely. These big Sleepers have a bad name as being
"aggressive" but they're really not. Given
space and the right tankmates, they're superb additions
to mixed-species set-ups. Full of character and quick to
learn. One of the few fish that seem to demand
"pet" names -- within minutes of getting my Purple
Spotted Gudgeon home, my girlfriend had already decided he
looked like an "Earl".>
Great colors and showing better by the day.
Thanks again for your insight.
<Cheers, Neale.> |
Hi, would Sleepy Cod be
compatible with Silver Perch 1/11/10
if not can you suggest other tankmates for Sleepy Cod. Thanks
<Oxyeleotris lineolatus are large (to 45 cm) sleeper gobies that
like other sleeper gobies eat anything they can catch. But while
territorial they aren't aggressive, and can make excellent aquarium
fish given sufficient space. Provided their tankmates are too big to
swallow whole, feel free to try them out with any non-aggressive
midwater fish. Silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus) are fairly aggressive
and wouldn't be my first choice. Cheers, Neale.>
Keeping peacock gudgeons
11/20/2008 Hello to everyone in the Crew. I hope you are all
doing well and keeping warm! I was at PetSmart this weekend getting cat
food, so I thought I would stroll by their row of tanks. This store
perpetually struggles with water quality, and it seems their latest
plan of attack is to remove the gravel (seems to me, a much more
sensible idea would be to stop feeding their tanks those chalky
vacation wafers, but that's another story). Apparently they are
trying new kinds of fish every few months. They got "Venus
cichlids" Nimbochromis venustus, and now they have Tropheus
duboisi, sigh. At least they are $30, so probably won't be going
home to uncycled 10 gallon tanks. Now, here's my point, finally!
They have peacock gudgeons for $10 - one of my dream fish, a fish I
have never seen in town before. They certainly did look tiny in person!
I am going to be sure to quarantine any new arrivals, and it'll be
another week or so before I actually make a purchase because I have
lots of research to do. I have three tanks that I believe might work -
a 10 gallon tank with Glowlight tetras and harlequin Rasboras, a 20
gallon empty tank, and 29 gallon tank with three Curviceps cichlids and
some little tetras. I am working on getting the enormous Synodontis
eupterus out of there (unfortunately he fared poorly in the 55 gallon
because the Kribs kept nipping at him). I would love to have an opinion
on which tank would be the best. They seem small enough to house in a
10 gallon - the water quality stays very consistent there, nitrates
very rarely get 20 ppm, 10 ppm is the norm. I have very hard Florida
well water, so the water chemistry doesn't budge. I also have an
empty 10 gallon tank that I could set up expressly for a few peacock
gudgeons, if it turns out they fare better alone. (Can you tell that I
am recovering from multiple tank syndrome?) Any tips on what's best
to feed them? They don't seem like eager eaters, probably frozen
bloodworms and tiny bits of frozen seafood would be the staples, but
perhaps some Nori? They seem very delicate, sort of along the lines of
threadfin rainbows, and I would be happy to provide a bigger tank than
10 gallons, although they seem like they would get lost in anything
over 20 gallons. Do they like to be in pairs, or in an even/odd group?
Sorry for the barrage of questions! I am just so excited to have an
opportunity to keep this fish, and am trying my best to do everything I
can to make them happy. I know they will need to be rehabbed when I
bring them in, as they probably have eaten very little if anything -
hence the quarantine period...or maybe the 10 gallon tank will be their
permanent home... Thanks so much for your help, Nicole <Hello
Nicole! Synodontis eupterus is one of my favourite catfish, and as you
probably know, it's a true gentle giant. They work great in tanks
upwards of, say, 40 gallons when combined with non-aggressive fish of
appropriate size. Things like Senegal bichirs for example, or African
Butterflyfish. Congo tetras would be good too, as they're usually
very well behaved and non-nippy. The Peacock Gudgeon Tateurndina
ocellicauda is one of the fish I keep at home. It's surprisingly
hardy and quite easy to maintain, despite its delicate appearance.
They're naturally from quite soft water habitats, so if you can
dilute your rock hard tap water 50/50 with rainwater or RI water,
that'll help (mine live in a 50/50 tap water/rainwater mix). But
unless you're breeding them, I doubt water chemistry is critical.
They mix well with small, non-aggressive tankmates. I keep mine with a
small whiptail catfish, a lone bumblebee goby, and a school of
Aspidoras pauciradiatus catfish. There are also various snails and
shrimps. http://homepage.mac.com/nmonks/Projects/freshwaterreef.html
Mine like frozen bloodworms plenty, and also live daphnia and live
mosquito larvae. They aren't huge feeders, and if I skip feeding
them a day that doesn't seem to cause any problems (though like the
bumblebee goby, I suspect they're eating juvenile cherry shrimps).
The tank is not even 10 gallons in size. There are four, two boys and
two girls. The girls are constantly on display, while the males are
usually guarding eggs. Wild fish supposedly form schools, but I
haven't seen much evidence of that; in fact they are slightly
territorial if anything. I haven't bothered to rear the fry (no
room!) but they seem to spawn constantly. They do enjoy having lots of
plants and hollow ornaments to hide in, and also like to dig burrows
between the plant roots and the back of the tank. So I'd recommend
using smooth silica sand rather than gravel. Generally pretty easy
animals. Gudgeons are popular aquarium fish in Australia,; it's a
shame we don't see them in Europe or the US all that often. Cheers,
Eels and Puffers (Sounds like a Political
Convention) Hi Anthony! Just to keep you updated... In one of my
last emails, I mentioned that my grouper ate one of my dwarf puffers.
You replied that they are toxic and I said I'd let you know if my
grouper made it through the night. First off, I want to make a
correction. My 'grouper' is actually a Marbled Sleeper Goby!
And he really eats a lot. Good news is that it didn't die after
eating the puffer! =) He's eating Neons now. Are all puffers toxic?
Someone told me that my dwarf puffer isn't. Any idea? <yes... it
is my understanding that all Tetraodontidae have some degree of
toxicity to the flesh. With such poor swimming skills and soft pliable
flesh (read: little other defense short of inflation) it stands to
reason that this is so. Its just that not all predators are affected by
this... some surely have evolved to tolerate it...perhaps your goby.
Its like some people that can eat spicy food and others who need a fire
extinguisher and a good magazine after a spicy meal>> I came home
today to find my moray lying on its side gasping for dear life. This is
the second day after I purchased it. After reading all your FAQs I
decided to put 5 gm.s of salt for my 15 gallon tank. <Well,
Hallelujah and pass the ammunition!> I don't have a hydrometer
but what do you estimate the salinity to be now? <couldn't say
without a hydrometer <wink>. Dissolved solids (including salts)
in tap water...previous salt? It would be more responsible to get the
hydrometer> I decided to stop at 5 gm.s 'cos I also have a
Caecilian in the tank. I read that Caecilians get blisters if there is
salt but the lady that wrote into the forum said that she put 5 gm.s
for every gallon of water! I think that's REALLY too much. And so
she concludes that salt does not suit caecilians. Anyway I decided to
stay at 5 gm.s 'cos I'm confident the caecilian can take it.
Will keep you posted if it develops blisters. <and please understand
the real problem here is inappropriate/incompatible tankmates. We are
asking fishes to live together from very different environments> The
salt seemed to have a magical effect on the moray. After less than an
hour it was very obvious that he had recovered from the brink of death.
It was really remarkable to see it recover so fast. <my point about
many of the freshwater morays not being so freshwater, my friend>
Anyway I hope he eats soon. Do they always open and close their mouth
as if they are panting? <I would say that they seem to naturally
have a deliberate breath (not quite labored)> Is squid a fave food
of theirs? <big-time> I heard that there is a neurotoxin in the
eel's skin. <hmmm... I haven't licked one yet... I'll
get back to you on this one <wink>> Is this true and will it
affect my other fish? I read someone's experience in a forum and he
said that his fish died after he introduced an eel into the tank! Not
eaten up but they just died... <seems very unlikely> Look forward
to your humorous replies Anthony! Thanks again! =) <thank you for
saying so, my friend. Anthony>
Frightful Purple-spotted Gudgeon Bob I love your
site! <<Not mine, my friend, all of ours>> <glad to be
of service> I have had my brackish tank established now for 5
months. It contains a purple-spotted gudgeon and a knight goby, 4
mollies and 2 silver scats. Everything is perfect in the tank except
for one problem. My purple-spotted gudgeon has always acted very
strange. Whenever a water change is made, or at any point at which I
have to put my hand in the tank he flips out slamming into the rock and
glass, finally turning dark and floating by the heater. All of the
other fish just hide out. He will eventually returns to normal but this
behavior seems odd. Just thought you may have an answer. Thanks Jason
<it is unfortunately a prolonged source of stress/duress for some
wild-caught fishes... the whole captivity thing. Most fish adapt...
some never do. Your gudgeon has been required to live in the small
confines of an aquarium in close proximity to unnatural tankmates that
it would never see in the wild (or at least not so close for so long
<G>) and under bright light likely (more than used to). It may
simply be that this specimen is not going to adapt quickly, if at all.
Sounds like a good excuse to set up another aquarium to me <VBG>.
Best regards, Anthony>
Raising gudgeon fry... Hi guys! I've
decided to try to raise the purple-spotted gudgeon fry. <Neat...
a gorgeous fish when spawning> On Thursday night, when the eggs
were three days old (our of their four-day gestation period), I
took the rock the eggs were on and put it in a 5.5g tank. The tank
has a 50w Tronic heater and an air tube connected to the weakest
air pump I have. (Earlier experiments with knight goby fry showed
the problem with too much water circulation: the fry get blown
around and presumably can't get to the food.) <Yes... I like
a barely going line attached to an old sponge filter... helps by
culturing food, aerating, circulating water... w/o blasting all
about, sucking up the fry.> The fry hatched between Thursday
night and Friday afternoon. Many of them are sitting on the bottom,
twitching occasionally; a few are twitching while either swimming
or being blown around the tank. I added one drop of Liqui-fresh 1
egg-layer fry food on Friday afternoon, and another one on Friday
night. Now, in the wee hours of Saturday morning, the tank water is
cloudy. <Typical... the yolk part of the Liqui-fry...>
I'd like to do a water change, but how do you keep fry that are
maybe 2mm long and half that in width and height from getting in
the water you want to throw out? <Drape a small piece of panty
hose, cheese cloth or filter Dacron over a length of air-line
tubing, and (this will take a while), siphon the water out
slowly... replace with water a bit warmer, but of the same/similar
make-up (best from an established tank> I did add a sponge
filter to the end of the air line -- it was in use on the fry tanks
before the move, and has been sitting in the molly tank since the
move. I am hoping there will be sufficient bacteria left in the
filter to deal with some of the cloudiness in the fry tank. <And
more> While a fair number of the eggs have hatched, a larger
portion of them have not. Some of them seem to be turning a bit
whitish. Is this what I've heard referred to as
"fungussing"? And should I add anything (Methylene blue?)
to the water to deal with it? <I would siphon out the
"bad" eggs, and add the Methylene blue ASAP>
Meanwhile, back in the adult gudgeons' tank, the male gudgeon
was confused when his rock full of eggs suddenly disappeared. I put
a slightly-similarly shaped rock where the egg rock had been, and
he's perching on it. <Good idea. Bob Fenner> |


Re: raising gudgeon fry... >I've
decided to try to raise the purple-spotted gudgeon fry.
><Neat... a gorgeous fish when spawning> Did you get the
photos? I took a lot of photos this time around for the eventual
article... These have become some of my favorite fish. <<Yes,
thank you... will be posting along with your notes... on dailies
later, then on to brackish gobies FAQs on WWM>> >I'd
like to do a water change, but how do you keep fry that are
>maybe 2mm long and half that in width and height from getting
in the >water you want to throw out? ><Drape a small piece
of panty hose, cheese cloth or filter Dacron >over a length of
air-line tubing, and (this will take a while), >siphon the water
out slowly... replace with water a bit warmer, but >of the
same/similar make-up (best from an established tank> None of the
tanks have been here for more than two weeks, since we've just
moved, but the filtration is well-established from the old place. I
could take "new" water out of the 55g and heat it a bit
more before I add it to the fry tank. <<This is what I would
do>> >I did add a sponge filter to the end of the air line
-- it was in >use on the fry tanks before the move, and has been
sitting in the >molly tank since the move. I am hoping there
will be sufficient >bacteria left in the filter to deal with
some of the cloudiness in >the fry tank. ><And more>
The water quality has improved already. <<Cycling of
sorts>> >While a fair number of the eggs have hatched, a
larger portion of >them have not. Some of them seem to be
turning a bit whitish. Is >this what I've heard referred to
as "fungussing"? And should I add >anything (Methylene
blue?) to the water to deal with it? ><I would siphon out the
"bad" eggs, and add the Methylene blue ASAP> Aaargh.
Too late. When we got here today, all of the eggs still on the rock
had fungused. I removed most of the bad eggs with a net, and
siphoned out most of the rest with a pipette. The sponge filter
seems to be pulling them in, so cleaning that later should take
care of the remainder. Next time I'll add the m. blue to the
fry tank when I put the eggs in there. <<Don't be too
discouraged... this is very common on "first spawns"...
should improve on succeeding events percentage wise> I do still
have a fair number of live fry. They are starting to swim around
for themselves. They still look like two black dots on a
transparent body. <<Neat>> I'm not really keeping
track of tank parameters this time, aside from temperature... the
test kits are scattered/packed and the thermometers are on the
tank. Fortunately, the gudgeons spawn fairly frequently. Lack of
air conditioning and a warm day triggered it this time. For the
eventual article, what tank parameters should I record?
<Temperature, pH, hardness... what they're doing in a
time-frame, your speculations>> I know I should include
everything that I put into the tank, but what other
items/readings/etc.? <<Feeding, spawning, hatching
behavior... Bob Fenner> Thanks, Ananda |
Gudgeon fry... take 2. Hi Bob, Bad news: I lost
the rest of the gudgeon eggs and fry to the fungus. I did, however,
have some that had become free-swimming before they succumbed. I
returned the gudgeons' rock to the same location and orientation in
the tank. <There will be other times> Good news: the gudgeons
just spawned again (i.e., within the last hour!). I saw the last few
minutes of it. They used the same rock. Previously, they had used a
larger "carved" rock, or the side of the tank. I think they
prefer the current rock because the side they use is at an angle,
rather than vertical like their previous spawning sites. Interestingly,
the female turns dark a few hours before spawning, while the male turns
dark later to guard the eggs. I hadn't seen the female turn dark
before. <This happens> I didn't really expect them to spawn
right away, as I recently salted the tank because of a spot on one of
the rainbow's fins. <Good idea> No need to post this one on
the dailies; just thought you might be interested in their behavior in
using the same rock to spawn again. --Ananda <Always. Be chatting,
and writing. Bob Fenner>
Uh oh!! gobies! Oh no! I didn't do my
homework! <<Ah... now you know, research before you buy.>>
I have been checking up on the versatility (in relation to salinity) on
the fish I would like to include in my 55 gallon setup and I put
marbled gobies in as something I would like, but I didn't realize
they got so massive! I can't possibly accommodate something that
gets upwards of 2 feet! can you maybe suggest a goby or two that are
smaller(!), and hardy in a 55 gallon heavy-brackish setup? <<I
did just reply to your earlier email with some links, but here is the
Brackish Goby link again:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/bracgobioids.htm This
should give you a good start. Cheers, J -- >>
Brackish Goby Here is a picture of a goby I
have In my tank. He has more than doubled in size since I purchased
him. I have done some research and he appears to be a sleeper
goby?? Could you tell me if this is true and about how large he
will get. Thanks Jason <A very nice Fat Sleeper Goby, you can
see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/FWSubWebIndex/gobioids.htm
In the wild can attain two feet in length, but about the biggest
I've seen in captivity is half this. Bob Fenner> |

"Sleeper goby" I have a "sleeper
goby" this is the only name I have . I would like to find the
scientific name. It is bluish gray on the body , top fin is edged in
red , lower fins are edged in white and behind the gill fins , his eyes
are a very cloudy blue , he can be hand fed but at times has to make 2
or 3 tries to get the food into his mouth ( I think he has very poor
vision) his tank has a pot large enough for him to hide in but he
prefers to hide behind it vertically , he is very peaceful . he will
eat "anything" but favors frozen blood worms , frozen brine
shrimp and dried Tubifex worms. I have had him for about four years and
he is thriving and seems content But I don't know for sure if I am
doing everything right or is he just adapted to what I'm doing. any
help would be appreciated ! Thank you for your time George Boud
<Please see here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/BrackishSubWebIndex/bracgobioids.htm
and the Related FAQs (linked, in blue, at top). Bob Fenner>
Re: "sleeper goby" Thank You I now know
it is a Dormitator maculatus <Ah, good. Bob Fenner>
Marble Goby in Thailand? 2/23/04 Do you know where
to sell the Marbled Goby size between 3"-5" to be aquarium
fish. We live in Thailand. <Gosh, I live in Chicago. Do you have a
phone book? Call around to the fish stores & check the open markets
that sell fish. Are you aware of how large they get? A goby will eat
any fish it can fit into it's very large mouth!. Good luck!
Mogurnda mogurnda 11/11/04 Hi, Pufferpunk here>
Hi- I have this fish at home now and I don't have a lot of
information on it. They told me at the pet shop to add salt to the tank
daily. Is this correct? <Nope this is a FW goby. I have one I raised
from an egg. Males are thinner & smaller than females. My female
grew to around 7" & the male around 5". The female was
almost 2x as wide as the male. She spawned on the glass & the male
fanned the eggs. Very cute! He would try to attack me if I went near
his nursery. They will eat their young, so I had to scrape the eggs off
the glass & move to hatch them. I put the parents in a 15g breeder
tank, so I wouldn't have to move the eggs anymore. They got boiled
by a defective heater. =o{ It was a very sad sight!> They also told
me to feed regular fish food and I do know they eat other live insects,
fish, worms, etc. What do you recommend and could you recommend a good
reference book for me to have?? Here's a good page: http://www.nativefish.asn.au/northernpsgudgeon.html
All those foods sound good. They will eat any fish they can fit in
their mouth. Mine ate 18 1" algae eaters in 3 days!> Thank you,
again. Lisa Griffin <Very pretty fish, enjoy! ~PP>
Breeding The Marbled Goby Dear Bob,
<Edgar> I have tons of questions about marbled goby since it
caught my attention that seems nobody can breed them in captivity. Can
they be breed in aquarium ? <As far as I know, Oxyeleotris marmorata
has been in captivity:
This is an important food/aquaculture species in S.E. Asia>
what's the different between male and female ? <Perhaps a
difference in girth during gonad maturation?> do they breed like
gudgeon ? <I suspect you are correct here> how come I
couldn't find this information on the net? <It may be
"proprietary"... a business secret... or likely, a matter of
scientific, rather than hobbyist interest... You might try a
large/college library search: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/litsrchart.htm>
I've search all over the place and now I plea for your help. Edgar
Tjai. <Perhaps you will be the one to do this, write it up... Bob
Fenner> Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby 10/26/06 Hi,
<Hello Sam> I have a 29 gallon tank with 40lbs live sand and
15-20lbs live rock. My tank has been running for about 2 months. This
past weekend I purchased a Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby and a Yellow
Mimic Tang. I didn't read up on the sleeper goby until after I
bought him and found out that they usually starve to death. <Should
have read up on the Mimic Tang also. Do not know which type you have,
either the Eibli or the Pyroferus, but both require moderate care and
would prefer a 70 gallon tank. The sleeper goby you have is difficult
to keep, especially if you are a newbie. They would prefer a 50 gallon
tank with a live sand bed, (you do meet that requirement) and an
attached populated refugium.> I was wondering if you think he will
survive long in my tank and what I need to do to help him survive.
<I'd see if you can return both of these fish. Your tank and
experience level (assuming you are a newbie) will need improving to
successfully keep these fish.> He has made a home for himself under
one of my rocks too, I'm not sure if that is a good sign or if it
is relevant at all. I've read that the sleeper goby will eat small
crustaceans and live fauna in the live sand, what exactly if fauna?
<fauna> <Fauna are animals of a given region considered as a
group of animal life, living organism characterized by voluntary
movement. Check your dictionary.> Also, what about copepods, I know
that I can buy them at my LFS, will the goby eat them. <Should, you
will need plenty of them to keep an ongoing population.> Any
information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. <You're
welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Samantha S.
Re: Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby -
10/28/06 Hi, <Hi Sam> I've been in this hobby for about a
year and a half now so I have a little bit of knowledge. I realize that
I will need a bigger tank in the near future, but for the mean time, my
Yellow Mimic Tang seems to be very happy. I have determined that she is
a Pyroferus. She is quite small, only about 2 1/2 to 3 inches. She is
eating a ton which is great but I know I'll need to do more
frequent water changes. The Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby has been very
active and sifting through the sand bed. His stomach looks small and I
tried to get him to eat some Cyclop-eeze and freeze dried brine shrimp
last night but he wasn't interested. Are there any supplements or
anything that might get him to start eating? <Nothing out there that
I know of. These fish do best in a seasoned tank with a populated live
sand bed. Your best bet would be to get some copepods, and plenty of
them.> Could he still getting used to the tank, he's only been
in there for a little less than a week. <Unlikely. Do read FAQ's
here on this subject, see what others have been experiencing and the
crew's suggestions to such. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/eleotridfaqs.htm> Any info would
be greatly appreciated. Thank you. <You're welcome. James (Salty
Dog)> Samantha S.
Sleeper Goby/Systems/Feeding 6/5/06 Hi, <Hello
Carrie.> Quick question. I have a 150 gallon tank with 1 to 4"
of sand depending on how the powerheads blow the sand at the bottom. I
purchased a gold head sleeper goby back in Oct. of 2005 and it has been
fine, even eats pieces of raw shrimp from on top of the sand. I read
that they like to be in pairs, or they will not live as long.
<Generally, the Gold Head Sleeper Gobies are aggressive toward one
another unless a mated pair.> That said I felt I should buy a 2nd,
then I wondered if the tank would sustain 2, or if the reason my
nitrates are about 30 to 40 (though my phosphates are usually close to
"0" and my sps pls and anemones grow great), may be because
the goby is eating the beneficial stuff out of the sand? <Very
possible. With sand beds that deep, the sand should be teeming with
beneficial organisms to aid in nutrient control.> Would that
contribute to higher nitrates? <Yes> Yes, I have a refugium,
though I need a larger one for my 150. I have read that a lot of people
are noticing that the nitrates being 30 to 40 are not a big deal, as
long as the phosphates are low. <Corals/anemones do not well long
term with high nitrates.> I have seen my Montipora digitata grew
twice as big in 4 months, as well as the other corals under these
conditions, and any added corals are fine, so there must be some
validity to that. Back to the goby. That being the "scenario"
would a 2nd be okay, just keep the one (who will be lonely per web
sites I have read) or should I eliminate (return) the first goby?
<Since the Gold Head Sleeper Gobies are a little difficult to keep,
and yours seems to be doing great, I'd hang on to him.> My ph is
8.1 Alk 2.5 to 3.5, am. 0, nitrites 0 (always 0) cal 400 to 450.
Carrie, do read the links I've pasted and related links above.
Thanks! <You're welcome. Please, in future queries, no more
abbreviations. Thank you. James (Salty Dog)> Carrie ;) Keeping
Sleeper Gobies-Food Is Everything! 8/26/05 Hi, <Hi there! Scott
F. with you today!> I've had a Yellow Headed Sleeper Goby and a
Brown-Barred Goby. I enjoyed both fish, but they died fairly quickly.
<Unfortunately, this is not an uncommon occurrence with these
difficult-to-feed fishes. They often starve to death slowly in
aquariums. I'd place them right up there with Mandarins on the
"feeding-is-critical-to-success" scale.> If you could pass
on any feeding tips Id appreciate it. I've had my saltwater tank 6
months after having numerous fresh water tanks. Any tip or help would
be great. Thank you for your time, Bobby <Well, Bobby- you are
considering taking on a challenging fish. These gobies will generally
feed on small crustaceans and other substrate-based fauna. Your best
chance of success with these fish is to keep them in a very well
established system with a deep sand bed and/or refugium, which can help
produce sufficient quantities of natural foods for them to forage for.
Good prepared foods to feed the fish include items like frozen Mysis
shrimp, Cyclop-Eeze, and live black worms (yep- the freshwater kind,
believe it or not). I would not use the black worms as a mainstay of
their diet, but these can help get them eating and provide some
nutrition. regardless of what you feed, do plan on making food the
highest priority for keeping these guys. If your system is ready (i.e.;
biologically diverse and well established), and if your freezer is
well-stocked-then select healthy specimens, quarantine them, and feed
them like mad! Best of luck to you! Regards, Scott F.>
Sleeper Goby injury/disease? Mr. Fenner,
<John> I have had an orange spotted sleeper goby in my 30 gal.
Aquarium for about 9 months now. He is eating fine and
"sleeping" fine every night and comes out as soon as the
light comes on in the morning. I have a 9 watt U.V light as well as a
skimmer and 2 penguin filters. Ammonia-0, Nitrite-0, Nitrate -25 ,
ph-8.2, salinity is 1.022, temp is 79 F. In the last few days I have
noticed a raised bump in the "meat" part of his tail so I
don't think any internal organs are involved. it is about .5 cm
large and appears somewhat red (he has white skin so this is easy to
see). The only thing I can think of is some type of parasite, <Mmm,
not necessarily. Far more likely a "bump" from a physical
trauma> but it doesn't fit the description of anything in the
disease chart. I have a bottle of Green-X but don't want to dose my
main tank, <Don't> and he wouldn't like it very much in
the quarantine tank as there is not much substrate or rocks for him to
dig under. if this is a lymphocyte of some kind is there much chance of
it spreading to other fish in the tank? <Highly unlikely> It
could just be an injury of some kind <Bingo> but I'm not
completely sure. He doesn't even seem to notice that's it's
there. Is there any danger in leaving him alone for a week or so, or
will he infest my tank by then? (Assuming it's a parasite) the
cleaner shrimp (and I know Greenex is poison for them) may be able to
help him but I'm not sure of this either. can you leave an internal
parasite alone forever or will it keep getting larger? you can cut them
out right? Any suggestions? THANKS!!! John Fillier <I would leave
this fish where it is, not treat it, the tank... rely on good food,
time to self-heal this fish. Bob Fenner>
Sleeper Goby Hey Crew, <Mark> A few
questions regarding setting up a Q-tank if I may. <Go ahead>
Looking to pick up a Sleeper Gold Head Goby (Valenciennea strigata) in
a few days for my 75G (setup 2+ years, 40# LR, 4" oolite DSB, two
clowns, purple tang and a cleaner shrimp). Q-tank is 15G, have a
hang-on power filter that will take foam elements that have been in my
main tank for awhile. Questions: -Should I fill (or partly fill) the
Q-tank with water from the 75G? <Yes> -Considering is a sand
sifter, go a shallow sand bed or stay bare bottom? <Mmm, a
toss-up... if the animal looks fine otherwise, I'd add substrate...
but if you think you might want/have to add medicant/s, I'd omit
it... Actually... if the fish looks fine I'd probably skip
quarantine altogether... and just pH adjusted freshwater dip and place
it... More to be lost than gained with many such fishes (touchy, easily
starved varieties)> -Tank previously setup with eggcrate lid, okay
or should I be looking for a glass top? <All openings large enough
to exit up must be covered> -How to feed the goby while in QT? <A
"turkey" baster... meaty food items, frequently> -What
should be the minimum stay? <None to a few weeks> Lastly, when is
Part2 in the NMA series due out? <Heeeeee! Wish I could tell... a
few to several months likely> Thanks in advance, Mark <Be
chatting, Bob Fenner>
Looking for fish I've been trying to locate
info on the bony-snouted gudgeon, but haven't been able to find
much more than a summary at best. I'm not even sure they sell them
in the US. Any help would be great. <Not familiar with this common
name... is this an Eleotrid... a sleeper goby? Do you have a scientific
name you can send along? Bob Fenner>
Re: Looking for fish I found Butis humeralis
listed under one of the few pictures I found. There is also a Butis
butis, but the coloring looks different. I did find out it's some
kind of Eleotrid, but that's about it. I found a few different
names for them, (Duckbill sleeper, bony-snouted gudgeon, crazy fish)
but I'm not sure which one's are for what. (Conflicting info
and many different types.) <I looked on fishbase.org re these
species as I have never seen them in the trade... and know little more.
You may be the principal source of information if you try and keep this
fish in captivity. Bob Fenner>
Gobies/gudgeons (Mogurnda sp) Hi guys, <Ah,
there you are! Sorry to have missed you and Mark this wknd> In the
4/29/2 Daily Q&A page photos of the gobies, the center one is
Mogurnda adspera (Mogurnda mogurnda) -- aka the purple-spotted or
purple-striped gudgeon, though I've frequently seen it called a
goby. (I have three of them.) <Yes... Thank you for this. You can
right-click the images... see their labels/identifications as
properties. Bob Fenner> --Ananda
Re: gobies/gudgeons (sp) >Hi guys, ><Ah,
there you are! Sorry to have missed you and Mark this wknd> The
Saturday event went until after 10pm, rather than ending earlier as we
thought it would. Sunday we spent in the airport. The traffic and the
security lines at the airport had been horrendous when we arrived, so
we left 3.5 hours to get to the airport, drop off the car, and wait for
security. We could have done it in 90 minutes. And then the plane was
almost an hour late... some person at the previous stop had checked in
luggage but not boarded. They had to go through all the luggage to find
that one person's bag and get it off the plane. Next time we go
down to SD it'll be a longer trip. But we didn't choose the
flight, so not much we could do about it. <<What hassles... but
warranted... If it were up to me, I'd have folks board naked...
Would make the airports really fun places to visit>> >In the
4/29/2 Daily Q&A page photos of the gobies, the center one is
adspera (mogurnda) -- aka the purple-spotted or >purple-striped
gudgeon, though I've frequently seen it called a goby. (I have
three of them.) ><Yes... Thank you for this. You can right-click
the images... see their labels/identifications as properties. Bob
Fenner> Hmmm. That doesn't work on Internet Explorer on the
Mac... <<Oh... someday all functionalities will operate
cross-platform... or something like this. Be chatting, Bob Fenner>
Re: I need info on Jade goby This is as close as I
could get same body exactly. different color green with black
stripes <Have you looked thoroughly on fishbase.org under the
family Eleotridae? Perhaps check the "native" gobies,
Gobioids for where you're located under cross-referencing the
genera on the "country" listing. Bob Fenner>
Re: I need info on Jade goby Eleotridae under species
genre or common name? couldn't find, and where are pictures
you're talking about? thanks <Eleotridae... the images are
placed by species... Go to: fishbase.org and place either the
common name: Sleeper Goby, Gobies in the "common name"
find tray... or open up the family information below there... and
then search by genus in the "genus" search tray. Bob
View Pictures here it is thanks now I just
have to figure how to order more of these guys pet store warehouse
here in NY don't have. Julie <Ah... looks like a species...
know where, how to look further? Bob Fenner> |
Jade goby Was reading your daily Q and
A's again. "Jade goby" is the latest name dealers are
calling Dormitator maculatus. I guess they sell faster than
"Fat sleepers"?! <Yes my friend... the Eleotrid
(sleeper "goby") I suspected. Bob Fenner> Cheers,
Naomi Delventhal |
I need info on Jade goby hi, what is the
scientific name for the jade Gobi. Julie <Mmm, name not found on
fishbase.org, any of my printed reference works. Do you have a
photograph? Bob Fenner>
Re: I need info on Jade goby not a great picture
will try again <Oh my! Worse than mine! Bob Fenner>
Re: I need info on Jade goby <We're getting
closer... looks like an Eleotrid of some sort. Is this in brackish,
fresh or marine water? Bob Fenner>
Re: I need info on Jade goby I think its a goby
Killie fresh water <Hmm, interesting. Please go to www.fishbase.org
and place these common names in their search engine... And further
down, try out the family name Eleotridae... do any of the species
pictures that come up look familiar? Bob Fenner>
Sleeper Gobies and the Metric System
<<JasonC here giving Bob some time to prepare for his upcoming
dive trip.>> Hi I was just wondering if yellow headed sleeper
gobies needed a lot of sand, because I was thinking of getting a pair I
have an extremely thin layer of sand on the bottom of my tank,
<<how thin is thin?>> I currently have a pair of tomato
clowns, flame headed Dottyback, lunar wrasse, coral beauty and a green
lined wrasse I have no corals yet but I am getting some for Christmas.
And is the Sarcophyton species good for a beginner? <<most times,
yes>> Sorry I cant say how many gallons my tank is *because
I'm Australian and I don't know how to use gallons but its 180
litres Thanks <<No problem. A quick and dirty way to convert
liters to gallons is to divide by four - a liter is actually 0.26 US
Gallons, so you have a 46.8 gallon tank. Anyway, it sounds like your
tank in well stocked, and you may have some difficulties with the
Lunare wrasse and some of your coral choices, especially as the wrasse
grows. As far as the sand bed goes, you may want to consider carefully
whether or not you should be adding anything else to your system. More
sand would help, but you don't want to the tank. Good luck. J--
Sleeper Goby Bob, I was given a Lrg. Sleeper Goby
the other day. He/she is gulping and filtering the substrate
continuously as well as gulping frozen food. He/she is about 4 inches
long. My question(s) are as follow: Is he compatible with Angels, Tangs
and a small Lion? The substrate is not live, so is it a good
possibility that he will starve, even given the fact that he is eating
what the community eats? And finally, does he need a partner to
survive? Thanks for your help, Doug <Compatibility, ultimate size
depends on which species this is... Maybe take a long view on
www.FishBase.com under the common moniker... they also post some
nutrition/feeding notes... by species. No partner necessary. Bob