FAQs about Sea Fan Reproduction,
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Fragging Blue Gorgonian 4/6/09
Dear Crew,
<Good evening, Adam Jenkins with you today>
A while back I fell in love with a sea fan at my favorite LFS that was
described as blue tree gorgonian. Resisted temptation and came home to
do some research first
<The actions of a successful aquarist>
mostly thanks to yourselves it was identified as an Acalycigorgia sea
<A lovely animal. I assume because of your research that you realize
that these are one of the more difficult of the gorgonians to
Given my love of the non-photosynthetic coral and the fact that I have
several thriving in the tank (lots of plankton feeding, lots and lots
of water changes, skimming like a demon to keep water quality in
check!) I
figured I'd get it, especially as it is actually two fans growing
next to each other on the same piece of rock!
My problem is this - it is growing like something possessed. It appears
to be enjoying the tank environment so much that it is growing very
well and looks amazing, however it is only a matter of time before it
will need
pruning. Is it possible to frag this particular coral as for other
<Yes, the same steps will apply>
I frag a lot of my corals and pass them on to other reefers and would
love to do with this animal, especially as they don't have a great
survival record.
<6 to 12 months if lucky>
Any help or directions as to where to look would be gratefully
<As stated above, the same steps will apply. I myself like to keep a
copy of Calfo's "Book of Coral Propagation" around for
reference. Good Luck!>
Gorgonian Propagation Question - 2/21/2006 Hello
again. I am hoping you will be able to provide a quick answer to my
questions. I have what I think is a Eunicea succinea - Candelabrum
Gorgonian as it looks like the photos on a few web pages I have
explored. I have attached a photo I have taken of my specimen and
ask if you can confirm it's type and advise me on taking
cuttings for propagation. The specimen has grown to the point that
it now floats at the top of my 120G reef/fish tank when I do 15G
water changes. I want to take a few cuttings to reduce it's
height and propagate to other areas of the reef. It is approx.
7" tall and has three branches off the main trunk. The first
is approx. 1.5" from the base, the second at 3.5" and the
third at 5" or 2.5" from the top. Can I take cutting from
the specimen while it is in the tank as compared to removing it
from the tank prior to cutting. The specimen has begun to grow off
the plug and onto the base rock and I would rather not disturb it
if not necessary. Also can you advise me on the best points to make
my cuts. I was intending to make my cuts approx. .5" above
each of the two lowest branches and then cut the main trunk just
below the third branch. The result would yield three sections to be
located in new areas of the reef and leave the base trunk with
three stubs at a height of approx. 4". Thank you for your time
and assistance. PS. The specimen in question is the tall brown one
in the center of the photo. <Mmm, have not done this myself...
would like to refer you to Anthony Calfo's "Book of Coral
Propagation", and to Fossa and Nilsen V. 2 of MCRA (Modern
Coral Reef Aquarium)... as well as the few specialized BB's
(Reefs.org, Reef Frontiers...) for more input from folks with
first-hand experience. Bob Fenner> |

Propagating Gorgonian corals Thanks for your
help! Now to the next issue. It has been growing
at a (recently) phenomenal rate, and I am going to either have to prune
it or change tanks. The new tank thing is probably not going to happen
soon, so how would you suggest that I cut back the gorgonian
octocoral? <easy and hardy... read on> Should I cut
it at a bifurcation? <yes, but for aesthetics only. This
coral will tolerate cutting most anywhere> After cutting it, should
I treat it in any way? <little handling is needed or recommended.
Cut clean through a branch with sturdy scissors or chicken scissors
(cutting poultry in the kitchen). The parent is to be left in place and
will heal over shortly with continued good maintenance and a clean cut.
Take the cutting(s) and strip the lower 1/4 to 1/2 inch of tissue off
of the woody gorgonin stem. This woody stem can then be epoxied or
glued into place on another rock or piece of rubble. If you like, you
can simply stick it in a matching sized hole in rock (drill one in
rubble if you want). If you feel really frisky about propagating coral,
I know of a good book on the subject <G>.> thanks, Tom
<best regards, Anthony Calfo>
Re: Propagating Gorgonian you guys are great -- I'll
probably give a cutting to my LFS so there will be one less piece of
coral plucked from the ocean... thanks again, Tom <and you are a
fine aquarist to know my friend. Admirable sensibilities like that have
helped you get to where you are with a reef over 10 years old and
healthy. Kudos again. Anthony>