FAQs about Hawaiian
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Called a "Cat" Tang in Hawai'i, this is the
touchy Powder Brown to aquarists

Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Olivaceus Tang hlth 2/2/08Hi
guys <B and L> Your website is great and has provided us
with many helpful tips and suggestions. <Our hope> We are
located in Aus, and have a 10 x 2 x 2 tank, which we added a
large Olivaceus/Orange Shoulder tang to a week ago. <Am out in
some of this species prime territory (Hawai'i)
currently...> He seems to scratch and smack himself in the
head with his fin and has had these black marks appear recently
(see attached). <I see... typical "break down"
syndrome...> I lost a tang which had very similar marks on its
body a few years ago. He is swimming and eating well. Other tank
mates are Blue/Regal tang, Lipstick tang, Sailfin tang, Emperor
angel, Blue Face angel, Blue Spot Sting Ray and Zebra eel.
<Yikes... I do hope this system is huge> Testing all our
parameters I cant find anything out of the ordinary. Can you help
in any way, by letting us know what it could possibly be and how
to treat it? Thanks in advance for your time. Brett and Leanne
<As you state, this specimen is feeding well... I would
introduce and feed (likely exclusively) Spectrum pelleted foods
to all the stock you list... Please read here re:
http://wetwebmedia.com/foodsppt1.htm This food by itself will
greatly bolster the immune system of the Acanthurus, and help to
lessen aggressive behavior/stress amongst all... Bob

Hawaiian black tang (?) Hi BOB, yesterday my dealer had some
live stock from Hawaii, he show me a chevron tang and a black tang. The
chevron is abt 2inch and black tang abt 3inch and cost SIN $ 250.
<Curious/er... Ctenochaetus hawaiiensis, the Chevron sometimes are
called "Black" Tangs when they get bigger (and do turn
blacker)... but rarely at just three inches...> so I told him to
give me 2 days to consider and seek your advice before doing the
purchasing. It is black and only 10% resemble the Zebrasoma
scopas. <Not recorded from here/there... do have Z.
flavescens, Z. veliferum (Yellow and Convict...)> Is there such tang
call black tang, is it easy to keep, <Yes, both the Scopas and
Long-Nose (Z. rostratum) go by these common names in English-speaking
markets in various places... both are easy to keep with the latter
getting quite large...> I it worth buying and my purple tang is
2inch and is it ok to be together? looking forward for you guidance.
THANKS <In a large enough system, likely yes (like a hundred or more
gallons), both placed at same time, as small... Bob Fenner, who
suggests reading through the Surgeon pieces and FAQ files on the
www.wetwebmedia.com site>
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |