FAQs on the Hydrozoan Identification
Related Articles: Hydrozoans, Cnidarians, Fire Corals, Stylasterines, Hydrozoan Jellies,
Related FAQs: Hydrozoan ID 1, Hydrozoan ID 2, Hydrozoan ID 4, Hydrozoan ID 5, Hydrozoan ID 6, Hydrozoan ID 7, Hydrozoan ID 8, & Hydrozoans 1, Hydrozoans 2, Hydrozoan Behavior, Hydrozoan Compatibility, Hydrozoan Selection, Hydrozoan Systems, Hydrozoan Feeding, Hydrozoan Disease, Hydrozoan Reproduction,
Medusoids/Jellies (Ctenophores, some Hydrozoans,
Scyphozoans): Jelly Identification, Jelly Behavior, Jelly Compatibility, Jelly Selection, Jelly Systems, Jelly Feeding, Jelly Disease, Jelly Reproduction, Fire Corals,
Corals, Stinging-celled

Tiny 9-point critter... Hydroid Jellyfish
(Staurocladia oahuensis) 11/9/07 Hello WWM, <Hi Jesse, Mich
here.> I have a picture of an interesting critter that is eating
copepods. At least I think they are copepods. You can see them in
the picture being eaten. Maybe it's common but I'm still
new so could you tell me what it is <It is a Hydroid Jellyfish
(Staurocladia oahuensis) More here:
http://www.ronshimek.com/Animal%20Groups%203%20Cnidarians.htm >
and will it eat much of the fishes' copepods? <No.> We
just noticed them and there are about 5 we could find quick and
easy. <Their populations tend to wax and wane.> They do seem
to move when they feel like it. <Yes.>
<Welcome! Mich>
Jesse |

Unknown hydroid hitch hikers. 10/25/07 YupHello Mr.
Fenner, et al. <Hi Nate, I guess you would have et al with you
tonight.> I set up my 75g tank about 2 months ago and my live
rock was very much alive! <Great!> I bought it fully cured
locally from a good source. I have seen snails, protopalys,
feather dusters and lots of varied sponges. Along with the good
stuff, I have received some not so good stuff. I have killed a
few Aiptasia (w/ lemon juice), and stinging hydroids(with fire)
but now I have a few other questionable organisms growing. First,
I have these weird hydroid looking polyps growing on top of my
LR. they look different than anything I have seen on your site,
or any other site. They look like mini brownish white daisies
(pics attached). Are these harmless or bad? and if they are bad,
how should I go about removing them? <They do look like
hydroids as far as I can tell by the pictures. More pic here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hyzoanidfaq.htm > Also, I
am starting to notice more and more little digitate hydroids in
my tank. none seem to be in close proximity to anything
important, but I am starting to fear that I have another battle
to fight. <I would not let these get too far out of
control.> Any thoughts? <Manual removal with gloves being
an absolute necessity!> I skim pretty heavy and my
parameters are all 0 for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosph; dKH~
10; calc = 480. <A little high.> I am having large growths
of pineapple sponges, protopalys and feather dusters if that is
important. <Just means there are nutrients in you water that
are feeding these critters.> Keep up the good work, <Will
try! Mich> Nate
Re: Unknown Hydroid Hitchhikers... Yup
10/26/07 <Hi Nate, Mich with you again.> Should I try
to remove the hydroids on my rock? <I would.> You never
said if they were bad for the tank or not. <They can be
problematic, stinging other nearby life... why I said I
wouldn't let them get out of control.> I know some
hydroids can take over a tank like Aiptasia, but these don't
look like those type. <Perhaps not, but can pack a powerful
sting... If it was me I would remove, while wearing gloves!

Creature Identity... Jellyfish?
10/25/07 Hello! <Hi Renee, Mich with you tonight.>I hope
today finds you healthy and happy. <Yes, thank you and I hope it
finds you the same!>I am back with another interesting question.
<Good I like interesting questions... so much better than
uninteresting questions Heehee!> I cannot seem to find this
identity anywhere online and hope you can assist me. <Will
try!> In my refugium, I have some apple algae <Mmm apple
algae? I do see some grape Caulerpa, but never heard of apple
algae.. Heehee! Could have a tutti-frutti mix!> and toadstool
algae <Have not heard of this one either... do you have
scientific names for either of these?> as well as whatever will
grow, some hermits, a few snails, a coral banded shrimp and a
Stomatella and 2 lettuce nudi.s. It's a standing pond refugium,
without any circulating water, just the air stone. <Interesting,
not sure I understand the point. It is not connected to you main
system?> It's 20 gallons. <OK.> I have a lot of odd
things in there...lots of little red things stuck to the sides of
the tank <Could be a type of tiny spiral tube feather duster
(Spirorbis)> nd a lot of white and see through caterpillars on
the apple algae crawling around... <My guess is a scud, a
Gammarus shrimp.> an odd protozoan type thing every now and
then, but tonight something new happened. <OK.> I have been
privy to something odd hatching. <Neat!> 3 to 5 are in my
tank as of tonight, and they are small, crystalline creatures with
many arms. They swim just like jellyfish. They do adhere to the
algae on the front of the aquarium and often swim around and then
reposition themselves. Sometimes they go into the algae instead. I
do not know what these are. They are totally cool however. They
swim exactly like jellyfish and I have included some images. <I
see.> Can you identify these? <Is a hydroid Jelly
(Staurocladia oahuensis). Nothing to be concerned about. They
typically come and go. More here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/jellyidfaqs.htm http://www.ronshimek.com/Animal%20Groups%203%20Cnidarians.htm
> <Welcome! Mich>
Renee |

Aiptasia, or something else? Something else:
Hydroids! 10/11/07 Hi! <hi there!> I've been reading
your site for about 6 months now and it has been wonderfully
helpful in identifying and learning to care for all the creatures
in my aquarium. <Terrific!> There is one I haven't been
able to identify, however. They grow in clusters and have long,
skinny brown stalks (about ½ inch long). <Uh oh>
There are around 10 or 12 tentacles which are very fine and wave
constantly in the water. <Yep> I have seen Aiptasia in my
tank and have removed it, but these look different. Can you
identify these and please tell me if they are good or bad?
<I'm sorry to say that they're hydroids and they are
definitely bad.> I pulled about 50 of them off the rock
yesterday with tongs and then remembered your admonition about
pulling Aiptasias off of rock. I hope I haven't caused these to
multiply horribly! <Although such removal is a very bad thing to
do with Aiptasia, the same is not true with hydroids. The best
method is to manually remove them at the base with tweezers. Just
be sure not to touch them as you might get a nasty sting! Please
see these links (and related blue highlighted links at the top) for
more info re: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hyzoancompfaq.htm
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hyzoanidfaq2.htm Good luck. I wish I
could have given you better news! Take care --Lynn> |

Can you ID this? 9/27/07 Good
morning! <Good morning!> I hope this email finds the men and
women of WWM well. I had a quick ID question I'm hoping you can
help me out with. I have this stuff growing out of a patch of
zoanthids in my 12 gallon nano. It seems to have just shown up out
of nowhere. At first I thought it must be some kind of algae, but
when I poked at the zoanthids to get them to close so I could see
what kind of base they had, they balled up as well. In the second
picture you can see how they closed up, and also that they seem to
be growing from "runners" like crabgrass as opposed to
from a mat or encrustation like GSP or xenia (two possibilities
thrown at me on a reefing forum). I have looked at both algae and
coral pictures on WWM and Google trying to get an idea, but I'm
at a loss. Do you know what it is? <"Brown" or
"pom-pom" hydroids:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hyzoanidfaq.htm> Is it
good/bad/indifferent? Should I pull it out? <yes> Thanks for
any help you can give. <No problem, Sara M.> P.S. If you need
me to attach the actual pictures instead of links, please let me
http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1010/1447117139_4ed34bd05b_b.jpg |

Baby Mini Brittle Star? Nope, Hydroid Jellyfish!
8/19/07 I was wondering if this was a mini brittle star.
<Nope, it's a teeny tiny crawling hydromedusae (Staurocladia
oahuensis) and generally nothing to worry about. Please see these
links for photos and more information:
<Take care -Lynn> |

Hydroid(?) ID 8/10/07 <HI Jason, Mich
here.> I think I incorrectly linked the images. Sorry. <No
worries! I see them now.>
Hi Crew, <Jason> I hope you can help me identify these brown
hydroid-looking creatures. <I think you ID'd them yourself!
Can see similar on this page:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hydrozoanfaqs.htm > <Welcome!
Jason |

Mystery Algae or Invert, Hydroid ID
-- 07/14/07 Hello, my name is Michael. <Hi Michael,
Sara here.> I have recently found a large number of strange
little creatures in my tank that I was hoping you could identify.
<The pictures are a bit blurry, but they look like hydroids.>
Here is a little information about my tank in case it helps. I
recently upgraded from a 30gal to a 55gal tank (definitely worth
it). I had a slight algae bloom when I changed to a higher wattage
of lights about 2 weeks ago. I just got back from a 6 day vacation
and everything seemed OK. The algae had disappeared, all parameters
were normal, nice reddish/purple coralline was growing on my new
rocks, my corals seemed bigger and healthier, and I had some nifty
colonies of small yellow feather dusters. <Cool. Well done.>
Anyways, I then noticed some strange creatures on the shells of my
Cerith snails and in a few rock crevices. I apologize that I
couldn't get better pictures so ill try to describe them. These
things are very, very small with a tanish stalk, white center at
the top, and several small tentacles around the top. They seem too
small to be glass anemones and have no calcium tubes like feather
dusters. After a long search on your site I was unable to find any
information although I could swear I had seen a picture of these
things a couple months ago while skimming through your archives.
<Try here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hyzoanidfaq.htm I think at
least one of those pictures is one of hydroids similar to yours.
But they come in a lot of different shapes and sizes. Some look
like jellyfish while some look like hairy strings, algae or skinny
little aliens. See here too:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hydrozoans.htm> I only ask because my
experience with mystery creatures has been that they are either
beneficial or very bad. Are these creatures some sort of
invertebrate, algae, or something else? <If they're
hydroids, they're closer to jellyfish.> Also, are these
creatures harmful and if so, are there any ways to get rid of them?
<It just depends on the kind you have. A lot of hydroids never
become a problem or a nuisance. However, some other become quite a
pain to deal with. For right now, I'd just keep your water
quality good and wait and see if they go away on their own.>
Sorry if this has been answered before and thanks for your time.
<No Best,
Sara M.> |

Macroalgae ID 7/13/07
Greetings, Hey Crew! I have a couple of pictures of an unknown
Algae that I was hoping you might be able to ID. <Actually, I
think you have hydroids (most likely of the genus Myrionema). Not
all hydroids are bad, but these ones are. And believe it or not,
they're actually closer to jelly fish than algae.> This
stuff is incredibly prolific and comes right back after
harvesting from the rock. I'm afraid I would have to scrub
the rock to get it off and as almost every rock has some other
important denizen, I'd rather not. Harvesting is not a
problem but I was hoping with an ID, I might find a critter who
would benefit from harvesting it for it's own nutritional
needs. <I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but these things
get really annoying. You're not likely to find something that
eats them. They sting and kill things. Basically, they're
like Aiptasia. For more info, please see:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hyzoancompfaq.htm.> Thank you,
<De nada, Sara M.> EL
Re: Macroalgae ID, hydrozoan control
7/13/07 Sara, I looked through what available literature
there was on this species that I could readily find as well as
cruising through the WWW forums. From what I read, short of
removing the rocks and scrubbing them off, I am basically going
to be in a situation of just constantly harvesting them out and
trying to keep them from growing near any corals. <Pretty
much, yes. Controlling excess nutrients with protein skimming,
water changes, macro algae harvesting, etc. will also help.>
However, I noticed that in a previous post Anthony mentioned that
some limpets eat them. I was wondering if there was a way we
could get his attention and find out a suggested suitable species
that I could add to the system to enjoy a wonderful Hydroid
snack!?! <I'll cc dear Anthony here. He's extremely
busy so I don't know how long it might take him to respond.
Also keep in mind that knowing the kind of limpet that eats these
is one thing, finding them is quite another.> Again, thank you
so very much for all your wonderful help! <Happy to help. Good
Sara M.>
