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ID help requested 2/19/11
I didn't realize it would be so difficult to identify a
turtle (image enclosed) and am requesting your
help. The turtle carcass was observed at Lovers Key State Park,
Fort Myers Beach, Florida yesterday. The shell is
approximately 10X7 inches.
Thank you,
<Hello Bob. This appears to be a sea turtle of some sort.
Presumably a Green, Ridley, or Loggerhead given its overall
shape, but without a photo of the turtle from above it's hard
to say. Quite how it end up in the forest is a mystery, but
artificial lights can cause problems for turtles because they
resemble the dappling moonlight on the sea at night, so when
females try to head back to sea after laying their eggs, then end
up going in the wrong direction. Sadly one of the many reasons
why sea turtles might not be around for very much longer. So
given the good condition of the shell, if this sea turtle
wasn't dumped here by someone, I'd assume she died from
dehydration after being on land when the sun came up. Cheers,
Re: ID help requested, dead
turtle 2/22/11
Hi Neale,
Much thanks for the information on my turtle sighting and your
time devoted in replying to me.
<Glad to help.>
As I wrote my initial question to you, I was thinking how helpful
it might have been to turn the carcass over to get a look at its
underside. The discovery was made at a remote place, more
specifically at Inner Key, within the park. I've investigated
the Wikipedia information available for all the possible species
of turtle you speculate I encountered with it still a mystery as
to the species seen.
When I visit the park again later this week, I will ask the
officials there if they can be more definitive. I will also
revisit the shell which I speculate was "fresh" at the
time of its initial observation as black ants were crawling on
it. Loggerhead is a species of great concern at the park, long
overdue for beach renourishment which would improve the success
rate of the turtles, which interestingly favor Florida I
discovered doing research. There is no unnatural lighting at the
park that would entice a turtle to leave the beach and travel
further inland. I'm going to speculate that an approaching
full moon that has been rising to the East this past week perhaps
in part led to the turtles demise.
<Possibly, but my understanding was that turtles use moonlight
anyway, so shouldn't be confused by it. Of course not all
turtles get things right, and natural selection may well
"weed out" those who aren't very good at nighttime
It's particular interesting to note that at nearly the same
exact location, when I passed through for the first time a couple
of years ago, I thought I was looking at concrete debris from an
early construction effort. It turned out that the sun bleached
debris is actually the remains of what was perhaps a nearly full
grown Loggerhead from decades earlier.
<Wow! Does perhaps remind us that much beachside property was
originally turtle nesting grounds. I'm a big fan of
carnivorous plants -- of which the United States is
extraordinarily well blessed -- but so many of the bogs these
plants favour are vanishing under urban sprawl.>
I reported in my wildlife blog that the turtle most recently seen
was consumed by a Black Vulture which was observed in a tree
directly above the carcass. I would like to reference you in my
blog . . .
. . .
<Very impressive. Florida is a very nice birding site -- seen
my only Osprey there. We have them here in the UK, but only in
the wilderness parts. The Osprey I saw was fishing in a marina on
Hutchinson Island!>
if I may in the future.
<By all means.>
What's your full name and capacity with WWM?
<Dr. Neale Monks, and I'm just one of the crew members
here, helping Bob Fenner keep the site ticking over.>
Thanks again,
<Cheers, Neale.>
Re: ID confirmed, dead SW chelonian
Hi Neale,
I got confirmation on the identity of the turtle carcass from
Peggy at the park. The very rare Green Turtle it is (park people
retrieved the carcass before I could take additional photographs
of it). Its identity was
confirmed by the scaling on the turtle's head. I was also
informed that Ridley has never been observed at the park. Your
feedback has been greatly appreciated.
<Good to know you had confirmation, and also good to know that
my guess wasn't far off. Best wishes, Neale.>
Re: ID confirmed
Hi Neale,
Are you OK with this commentary? . . . http://www.pbase.com/image/132775641
<Hello Bob. Hmm'¦ not really sure my quote makes
sense! Perhaps better to say that the turtle's shell was
penetrated by what you suspect to have been a Black Vulture. But
for my part, "why the turtle was observed so far from the
shore is unknown; often sea turtles get confused by artificial
lights after they lay their eggs, confusing the lights for
moonlight on the sea. When that happens they can't get back
to the sea. But in this case, the forest was dark and that
particular hazard isn't likely. The immediate cause of the
death was probably dehydration, sea turtles not doing well on
land once the Sun rises and it gets too hot for them."
Cheers, Neale.>
Re: ID confirmed, Chelonia mydas
Hi Neale,
I revised the commentary. I hope it makes more sense. I'll be
sure to ask for any additional details about the turtle known
(such as if carrying eggs) when I visit the park again. This has
been very insightful for me
where I frown upon my not immediately reporting the sighting to
the park officials while not realizing the importance of it at
the time.
<Bob, honestly, I really don't like this: "but
possibly due to natural selection weeding out this individual
from the gene pool as its sense of direction was so poor with no
artificial lighting involved in the location of its ultimate
fate." It's bad science. It's impossible to know why
this turtle got lost, and even if this turtle didn't get to
breed (and likely it had come ashore to lay eggs, so likely had
bred) it isn't natural selection
that *causes* animals to die. Natural selection is the cumulative
effect of animals successfully breeding (or not, as the case may
be) and over time the genetics within a population changing
because the fittest specimens produce the most offspring. Does
that make sense? Cheers, Neale.>
Re: ID confirmed 2/26/11
Hi Neale,
That makes a lot of sense.
<Cool. Good luck with your birding! Cheers, Neale.>
Turtle question. SW avail.... Oh, and shark sel. f' as
well 2/28/10
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I just bought a new tank for my living room/game room (pool table, bar,
darts, etc.). The tank is 8'x3'x3', 538 gal.
<VERY cool '¦ and a lot of us here are now officially
jealous of you>
I have a 100 gal. sump, and I am currently in the process of replumbing
it. I need a new, bigger pump than the one that came with it. It's
gonna be a saltwater tank, FOWLR. I already have a 90 gal reef tank, a
45 gal. FOWLR, and a 35 gal tank that I will probably turn into a
quarantine tank (all saltwater of course).
<At that size, please also give serious consideration to water
changes. Permanent plumbing to a drain, a safe, warm place to have a
minimum of 75 gallons of new water ready for changing (538 gal +
100 gal sump plus 35 gal quarantine tank) plus a method to get to the
various tanks. It seems obvious but you'd be surprised how many
people don't think of that until after '¦ those 5 gallon
jugs from the local fish store just don't cut it when you need 15
of them per week><<Excellent. B>>
My question is this. I am very interested in getting a turtle for it.
Is there anywhere that I can buy one?
Is it even legal?
I've been looking over the internet, and I can't find anything
so far. I am trying to make a list of what I can stock this tank with,
and I think a turtle, among other rare exotic fish would be so
<A turtle would be cool. So would a Marine Iguana from the
Galapagos. So would a dinosaur '¦ but the first two are
illegal and the last one is impossible><<But, I seen it on
<Seriously '¦ even if virtually every species of sea turtle
in the world was not listed as CITES protected species '¦ it
simply isn't possible to provide a health environment for them --
and even if you could (which you can't) you can't provide the
proper diet.>
I am open to any suggestions if you have any.
<On the off chance that I haven't made myself crystal clear --
there is no legal way to acquire one and even if you could, the cost of
care would be astronomical and the end result would be a dead sea
turtle. You'd be better off AND happier to amass a laundry basket
full of $20 bills and toss them down a storm sewer. The net effect will
be the same and it would be over sooner.><<& less
frustrating and time-consuming>>
I am looking into a couple of sharks as well, if it is legal.
<Certain sharks are legal, yes.>
I'm not sure.
<For many years, not more than 45 miles from where you live, I
raised and housed 4 alligators. When friends and neighbors would look
at me and ask "why Alligators???" I' reply, perfectly
honestly '¦ "because sharks are too darned
<The problem, as I see it, is that the thing that comes to mind when
someone wants to keep a shark is Bruce (the shark from
"Jaws") also known as Carcharodon carcharias, The Great White
Shark - right? Or a Bull shark or at least even a Hammer Head? All the
really GOOD sharks are the pelagics - the open-ocean types or else
their in-shore cousins the White Tip, Gray Reef, etc. '¦ but
without exception those can't be kept in a closed system, even as
sophisticated as yours. They need, at best - tens of thousands of
gallons per foot of shark, constant keeper and veterinarian attention
and all the attendant expense that go with that. So what we're left
with are Bamboo sharks, Horned Sharks and a few other members of the
family I call "The Boring, lazy, non-menacing Sharks">
<Please read: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharks.htm>
[Editors Note: On behalf of WWM we would like to apologize to any and
all Bamboo sharks, Horned sharks, their families, relatives and
dependents as well as their faithful fans, keepers, breeders, resellers
and importers for that unwarranted insult. Moreover, having met Mr.
Barton on several occasions '¦ he has no room to be calling
anyone else Boring, Lazy or Non-menacing '¦ that was the
quintessential case of the pot calling the kettle.]
As you can imagine, with a tank of this size, I want to have some of
the best
livestock in it.
<I have an opinion that my colleagues may not share, so take it with
a grain of salt (that may be been a pun - grain of salt!): Consider
resisting the urge to put as many different species in that tank as
possible and instead see how many of the SAME species you can
accommodate. What I mean is this, the behavior and appearance of the
Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) is absolutely AWESOME in large
groups/schools to the point of almost taking your breath away.
Unfortunately, most of us mortals simply don't have enough
"tank" to be able to house more than one or two. You do. If
you apply some different logic (think outside the tank, to make a pun)
you could end up with something unique. "The most impressive
collection of {something} west of the Mississippi" or something
like that.>
I plan on documenting the whole process, and as I go I will send pics
if your interested.
<We are very interested -- along with a narrative of the process and
the decisions that went into it!>
Right now its empty. but just the size of it alone sitting in my room
is pretty awesome. I always come to WWM, and you guys have really
helped me over the years.
<Yeah, but that was before *I* joined the staff. I've brought
the team average down a few points since then>
This is the first time I've actually asked a question,
<And maybe learned your lesson?>
and I am sure you can give me some great advice like always.
<A lot of the team give good advice. Most give GREAT advice.
Unfortunately, this time '¦ you got ME!>
Thank you in advance.
Rudy, Chino Ca.
<Seriously Rudy -- take lots and lots of pictures and send them to
us periodically.>
Sea Turtle System Filtration Dear Mr. Fenner, <Hi
there> I found your article about establishing biological cycling on
the web and was just wondering whether you could give me some advice as
I have never had an aquarium in my life before, but am currently in the
process of setting up a marine aquarium system here at the University
of North Carolina. <Okay> I will be having eight 50-Gallon tanks
with 80oF saltwater containing each a loggerhead sea turtle hatchling.
These individual tanks will be connected to and supplied by a
500-Gallon sump tank containing 400 Gallons of water and various
filtration systems. Besides using a filter bag for mechanical
filtration, a protein skimmer, and a UV sterilizer, I realize that I
will need some sort of biological filtration in the sump tank. So I had
the following questions: 1) What medium for biological filtration would
you recommend for such a large system, how would I set it up, and how
much volume-wise would I need of the medium? <I would utilize a
fluidized bed filter in this setting... due to the high and variable
production of nitrogenous wastes by these turtles... The arrangement of
plumbing, sumps to accommodate this filter can and should still
incorporate your transit volume sump.> 2) As I am pressed for time
to get the system up and running and thus ready for the turtles, do you
think the method for fish-less cycling would work for such a large
system, and if not, what other method of spiking would you best
recommend for my situation? <I would avail yourself of
"some" (a few tens of pounds) of "fresh" live
rock... and not resort to inorganic sources of ammonia to stir on
establishment of nitrification).> If you could give me some advice
on these issues and/or could recommend someone who is experienced with
the startup and running of such large systems, I would be extremely
grateful. <I am referring you to the folks at RK2 Systems, Sven
Fossa (fabricators, consultants in aquaculture) for more input. Please
feel free to re-contact me if there are other issues, any of this is
unclear. Bob Fenner> Many thanks in advance and kind regards,
STI News: 39 rare turtles hatch from eggs found This message
was forwarded to you from Straits Times Interactive
(http://straitstimes.asia1.com.sg) The turtle lost its way 39 rare
turtles hatch from eggs found THIRTY-NINE Hawksbill turtles, which
hatched from a clutch of eggs found in Jurong Island two weeks ago,
have been handed over to Underwater World. The discovery of the eggs on
Aug 7 created quite a stir, as the turtles, a highly-endangered
species, are rare and hardly ever lay their eggs in Singapore. The
hatchlings are the only ones to survive from the hundreds of eggs that
were unearthed by workers. Associate Professor Diong Cheong Hoong, the
head of the Natural Science Academic Group at National Institute of
Education, Nanyang Technological University, cared for the turtles for
10 days before handing them over to Underwater World. Half of the
hatchlings will be released at Jurong Island in a month's time; the
other half in a year. IP Address: