FAQs about Naso lituratus
Related Articles: Lipstick Tangs, Naso
Tangs, Surgeonfishes/Tangs/Doctorfishes and Marine
Related FAQs: Lipstick Tangs 1, Lipstick Tangs 2, Lipstick Tang Identification, Lipstick Tang Behavior, Lipstick Tang Compatibility, Lipstick Tang Systems, Lipstick Tang Feeding, Lipstick Tang Disease, Lipstick Tang Reproduction, & &
Naso Tangs 1, Naso Tangs 2, Naso
Tangs 3, Naso ID, Naso Behavior, Naso Compatibility, Naso Selection, Naso Systems, Naso Feeding, Naso Disease, Naso Reproduction, Surgeons In General, Tang
ID, Selection,
Behavior, Compatibility, Systems, Feeding, Disease,

Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Juvenile Naso tang - hiding and not eating
Hi! I need your advice (tank size 120g including sump, 5ft long,
<See WWM re Naso lituratus... needs more room than this>
ammonia 0, nitrate 7, phosphate 0-ish) (fish : 3 small Bartlett Anthias, 4 small
Chromis, 4 inch blue tang, 4 inch yellow tang, 5 inch blue throat trigger, midas
blenny) I just received a juvenile Naso Tang from DD two days ago. Upon arrival
(day one) he was swimming about and even ate couple of NPS <NLS likely> pellets
- he was chased a few time by the yellow tang and but he seemed OK. Day 2 - was
spent hiding in a cave and not accepting any food. Day 3 he was swimming about
in morning low lights and there was no fighting but as the lights increase he
retreated back to the cave - again accepted no food. I tried NPS 1mm and larger,
Nori dipped in garlic, mysis shrimp, lettuce all target fed. Finally tried to
some arctic pods (target feeding with turkey baster) - I think he ate some as
much as I could see in the cave. I still think he is scared of the yellow tang.
I decided to try to put him in a social acclimation box to decrease aggression
<Mmm; no. Put the Yellow tang in there instead... to give the Naso time to get
and also try to feeding him something!
<See WWM re... Phaeophytes are preferred>
I have successfully got him in social acclimation, the yellow tang still charges
but stops half way. Do you think I am on the right track with isolation in
acclimation box?
<No; I know you're not>
How many days can they go without food?
<Several; depending on how well-fleshed to start>
I like the nano tang a lot - do you think I would have to get rid of the yellow
<Not likely; no>
I am afraid even if I can get the Naso Tang to eat once he goes back in the tank
he would be harassed and stressed out again. Thank you advance for your
<The reading for now... Bob Fenner>
stocking question; Naso lituratus losses
Hello Crew,
I am almost done stocking my aquarium and I have a problem needing an unbiased
opinion. First the setup - 180 FOWLR and live sand. It has been
up and running for two years; I have been patient stocking. Two internal
overflows going into a 40 gallon sump with two Tunze pumps each pushing about
450 GPH, a Tunze protein skimmer rated for a 250 gallon tank, and
three internal circulation pumps in the main display pushing about 1800 GPH
between them.
The tank is stocked with two zebra barred gobies (had three but one jumped out
when they were in my 55 gallon two years ago), one male melanurus wrasse,
one male solar fairy wrasse,
<Cirrhilabrus are social... would be better w/ a few females>
one auriga butterfly, one yellow eyed Kole tang, a six inch magnificent foxface,
and a four inch juvenile emperor angel. There are also hermit crabs, a cleaner
shrimp and some snails.
All of the fish except for the angel have been in the tank from 2 years to four
months. I wanted to finish off the stocking the tank a few months ago with the
angel and a blonde Naso tang. I saw a healthy Naso at a LFS that had been there
for four weeks and was eating. I acclimated him to my tank. She ate Mysis
shrimp, algae strips and new era discs for the 1st couple of days, stopped
eating on the 4th day, hid on the 5th day and perished on day 6. I saw no
bullying. My water parameters are 74.5 degrees,
PH 8.3, salinity 1.022,
<I'd raise this>
ammonia zero, nitrites zero and nitrates 5PPM. This LFS is known to keep
small traces of copper in their tanks to ward off ich
<Most do>
and I am not sure if some damage had been done previously in the store.
After a couple of weeks I decided to try my luck with a mail order store, Blue
Zoo Aquatics. I had purchased one of my wrasses with them and was happy with the
results. I ordered a 4 inch blonde Naso and the emperor angel. Both came in
fine, drip acclimated with no problems and went in the tank fine. Both were
eating by the end of the 1st day. The Naso stopped
eating on day 2and was dead by the 3rd morning. The emperor has been fine for a
week and a half.
I am devastated seeing two beautiful fish perish like this. I have a store
credit from Blue Zoo, but I do not want to be responsible for aiding in the
early demise of another Naso. Is there something I am doing or failing to do
resulting in the losses?
<Naso lituratus just "is" that touchy in being moved, placed in captive
Is my tank maybe not suitable for a Naso?
<Marginally; being a stock 180 I take it, in terms of being six feet wide...>
I could always buy a couple of medium sized Heniochus and consider my stocking
complete, or do you think I would be able to add a Naso in one last time? thank
you for your help
<I'd opt for another, hardier Tang here. Bob Fenner>
R3: Blonde Naso Tang Will Not Eat, But Is Not Losing Weight
-- 10/28/10
Taking your advice and will not be putting such a large specimen
<<Is for the best>>
I spoke with guys who will be doing the 15,000 gallon this morning and
will be waiting for that for the bigger fish.
<<Do keep in mind, much of the trauma (physical AND
psychological) occurs before you ever see the fish. Just placing a
large specimen in a large system does not ensure its
adaptability/survival. Sure, many large public aquariums acquire
large/mature specimens successfully (though not always even for them),
but they likely contract; even send their own people to oversee the
collection/holding/transfer process. But even so, it's best to
consider many (most?) species travel and adapt better as larger
juveniles or smaller sub-adults>>
Thanks again.
<<Always welcome>>
Cheers, Alex
<<Cheers mate'¦ Good luck with your next Naso -- and
I/we would love to see pics of your 15,000g system when it's ready.
Eric Russell>>
Blonde Naso, hlth., sel.
I've had my Naso for one week. She was beautiful. I have a 150
gallon tank and have a Snowflake Eel, Banana Wrasse, Fox Face, and 4
Damsels. My husband forgot to turn the lights on yesterday and when I
got home, she was dead laying on the sand and had a marble sized bulge
coming from her stomach. Do you know what this could be?
<This soon from acquisition... Most likely damage from
"needling" from collection (a practice to "let out"
air for more rapid ascent... rather than waiting, hauling up collection
buckets...) Had your store had this animal on hand for a period of time
before your acquisition? Better to wait, a good week... Bob
Thank you!
Alison Aquino-Sanchez
Naso lituratus? Nah, and MAC -- 1/26/08 Hello guys, I
have a 120 gallon wave front reef tank with five green Chromis and one
purple tang. It used to have a yellow tang as well but the purple
slowly killed the yellow over time (stress I assume). <In a word>
Any way I have read through all the FAQ's on the Naso and it seems
that the aggression can very <vary> from one to the other.
<Mmm, yes> I have found a wonderful "blonde" Naso that
is double or more in size than the purple so I am wondering with the
size difference will he be OK in the tank? <Perhaps... but this tank
will be too small for this species> There is a good amount of live
rock and caves in there and the tank is very deep. Also the Naso is MAC
certified. <Meaning? They collected/stole some money "through
the system", ultimately from you... only> Thanks so much for
your input. Chris Abegglen <Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Captive Raised Nasos? Hi Bob, Could you tell me if there are
any captive raised Naso lituratus in Canada? If so where could I order
one from. Thank you so very much. Lynn <I know of efforts by folks
to breed, rear this species, and think possibly the folks in Polynesia
do catch this fish as post larvae at times, but as far as I'm
aware, all Surgeonfishes are wild-collected (at this time). Bob
Sourcing a blonde Naso Do you know where a good place to
purchase a healthy blonde Naso tang? <Likely the big etailers of
marine livestock... Drs. Foster & Smith, Marine Center...> I
thought Hawaii would be the best place if I could order direct.
<Can't as far as I know... and I am there very often> To
spare the fish from being transported to more than one place. <Good
thought> We also have a 10 gal QT tank and wanted to place him in
it. We would cover the side of the tank to reduce stress. Is this a big
enough tank? and how long should he be in it? Thank you for any help.
<Only if this is a very small specimen... Naso species should be
quarantined in no smaller than a two foot by one foot long/wide tank...
and kept in no smaller than twice this. Bob Fenner>
Naso Tang Good day Gents, <I hope> First off,
must say 'Love the website', helped me out on many occasions.
(Long time reader) <Thank you> I have setup a new tank and
am moving all the contents from 4 tanks to go into the new reef tank.
New tank is 160G with a 30-40g sump. 1-2 Inch live sand bed with 110
Live rock. Aqua-C EV-240 Skimmer. Tank has been cycling and preparing
for 2-3 Months. Have not started moving many corals to the new tank as
yet but that will commence this coming weekend. Not sure of all the
inhabitants at present but have the following livestock to possible put
in. Comet grouper <Will eat smaller fish/shrimp> 3 Banggai
Cardinals Purple Tang Long Nose Hawk Fish Scooter blenny Pair of green
mandarins <Tank will be too new for these guys, and then I
would only go with one unless you are lucky enough to find one that
eats Mysis or frozen food.> Visited a LFS and they had a pair of
NASO tangs (Male/Female). The male has its streamer and they seem to be
inseparable. They look like a mated pair. <tangs do not
mate> Would it be okay to have this pair of Naso Tangs in this
size tank, <Again, I'd go with one. Your observance of these two
tangs being inseparable is a false observance. In small dealer tanks,
tangs are thinking more about escape than being compatible. In a larger
system such as yours, aggression between the two will more than likely
take place.> preferable with the Comet (My favorite fish). They are
some of the nicest Nasos I have seen and are plump and eating like
champions. They have been at the LFS for 3 weeks. Thanks <You're
welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
55g Stocking I have a 55 gal. reef tank with various hard and
soft corals. I currently have in the tank a 2" maroon and gold
clown, a 3" yellow tang, a few damsels (black neon, domino,
orange-tailed blue), a 2" coral beauty angel, a 1" six-line
wrasse and several sally lightfoot crabs and snails. Experienced
hobbyists keep telling me about the only "reef safe" fish I
could now add are gobies and the like. Aren't there any more
magnificent fish (i.e., Naso Tang, Butterflies, Wrasses, Anthias) I can
add at this point that won't eat my reef? <<Are there? You
bet! About thirty eight fish families that contain of outstanding
choices... Not the Naso, but many other tangs, dozens of
Butterflyfishes, ditto with the wrasses, several Anthias. Am writing a
tome about this topic, much of which you can find sans images (thus
far) at wetwebmedia.com. Tell me what you think. Bob Fenner>>
Re: 55g stocking Out of curiosity, why not a Naso? How about
a large red Coris wrasse? There is a beautiful one at a local store but
I'm worried he'll (she'll) eat my corals. Please advise.
Thanks. <<The Naso gets too big and is too rambunctious and
waste-producing for your 55, the Coris will bother, even eat/chew on
many of your reef animals. Bob Fenner>>
Removing the tangs from a Tang I've heard that this is
sometimes done by collectors seeking to make the Tangs easier to
handle. <Yes, especially larger specimens... on collecting are
"clipped" to reduce/eliminate chance of injury to diver,
other specimens> I just received a Naso from Saltwaterfish.com whose
tangs are not there. What is the long-term impact of
this? I'm really disappointed! It seems wrong
to take away their primary form of defense. It's akin to
declawing a cat and then expecting it to acclimate well to an
environment in which it will have to engage in the process of
establishing a pecking order. <No long-term problem should arise
from this practice. The "tangs" do grow back... in a few
months time> This fish does not seem terribly healthy,
either. He's not eating at all despite being offered
many tempting treats. (Lettuce, Nori, brine shrimp, formula
one) Any recommendations? <To refer to the family coverage on WWM re
the feeding of Acanthurids, the genus Naso in general. Bob Fenner>
Ana M. Saavedra
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |