FAQs about Soft Corals of the Family
Nephtheidae Compatibility
Related Articles: Soft Corals of the Family Nephtheidae,
The Soft Corals of the genus
Dendronephthya, Soft Corals,
Order Alcyonacea, 'Coral'
Compatibility: On Reducing Captive Negative Interactions
Cnidarians by Bob Fenner,
ppt. vers: Cnidarian Compatibility: On
Reducing Negative Cnidarian Interaction Parts: 1, 2,
3, 4, 5,
by Bob Fenner
Related FAQs: Nephtheids 1, Nephtheids 2, Neptheid Identification, Nephtheid Behavior, Nephtheid Selection, Nephtheid Systems, Nephtheid Feeding, Nephtheid Disease, Nephtheid Reproduction/Propagation,
Soft Coral Propagation,
Alcyoniids, Dendronephthya, Paralcyoniids, Nidaliids, Xeniids, Soft Corals/Order Alcyonacea,
Most fishes leave these soft corals
alone. Hemitaurichthys polylepis
clownfish and Kenyan coral
Good Evening! First, let me thank you for all your help years ago (circa
2003) when I initially set up my little marine tank. I still have my 2
ocellaris clowns, going on 14 years now. They have moved across state
with me 4 times. I think I'm on my fourth cleaner shrimp. In 2011 I
upgraded from my 20 gallon tank to a 36 gallon bow-front. That's all I
have in the tank except for about 30 lbs of rock, sand substrate, and
a couple of tiny red-legged hermit crabs. I can't seem to keep any
snails alive.
<The Hermits may be working them woe; or perhaps there's an
alkalinity/Ca issue, BGA?>
I have a Fluval canister filter and a reef-octopus hotb skimmer. My
question, which I attempted to research but couldn't find anything
specific: I just visited my cousin and he gave me a small piece of a
"Kenyan tree coral". In his words, it is easy to keep and doesn't need
pristine water conditions, which is good because mine are not. I have to
admit that over the years as my fish appear to have done well, I have
slacked off on taking regular water quality checks. I do use R/O water
from a filter I installed and Instant Ocean sea salt for water changes.
thought the coral looked cool and would like some things in my tank to
make it look a bit more natural than just rocks. I did research on the
coral today and have found out that it grows fast and needs to be cut
back often.
I cannot find anything that says whether or not it will harm my clowns.
<As long as the colony is healthy and not too large... all should be
I currently have the little piece of coral in a hastily put together
'quarantine bucket' with a heater, a small rock from my tank, and a air
tube on a small pump. If there is a chance that it will harm my clowns,
I'm not going to put it in my tank. He had a couple of damsels in his
nano tank that he took it out of.
<Ahh; Clownfish are Damsels>
The other thing that kept me from just plopping it in my tank (aside
from not having had time to research it at
all be for he gave it to me) was that his large tank just got wiped out
by a case of Ich that he says came from his lfs. I'm not sure about his
tank hygiene practices, so I'm worried that even though the coral came
from his other tank, there's a possibility it could be in both & he just
doesn't know it yet.
<Better to quarantine it for a few weeks then>
If the Kenyan tree is compatible with my tank, how do I know when it is
safe to put it in there? Oh, and one more thing, how do I get it
attached to the rock I want it on? He said to just use super-glue?
<You can/could, or just let it set in a crevice; or pierce it with a
plastic tooth pic into the spot you want it>
That doesn't sound right to me. Thank you so much for your help in the
past and I look forward to your response.
Karen Garrett
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: I killed my fish... Soft Coral comp.
Hope your holiday was wonderful.... Happy New Year. I went on line this
weekend and Looked at some Taro Tree Corals that I really liked.
<Aka Kenya... Capnella sp.>
Since I have a fish only tank at this time can I add this coral and can
I just add it or is there a curing time??
<Mmm, best to wait until your system is well-established before
adding Cnidarian life>
I have a 100 gal tank with a wet/dry filter and have community fish -
damsels, Angel Eibli, Niger Trigger fish,
<This fish may chew your Soft Coral/s>
2 Clown fish and a Red Banded Coral shrimp. I don't not want to
introduce something that will not make my babies happy. Also, with the
Angel Eibli can I get a Beatty Angelfish (not sure on spelling)..
<... a Coral Beauty? Centropyge bispinosus?>
Or because they are both Angels I will have problems. The Beatty is not
a big fish - maybe 1-1 1/2 inches long and my Eibli is about 3 inches
or so.
Thanks for your help..
Cecilia Lester
Paris Texas
<Mmm... The two dwarf angels might chase each other about quite a
Please see WWM re compatibility w/in the genus. Bob Fenner>
Re: I killed my fish... soft coral addn.
Thanks for the info - I trust what you guys say - I read up on things
on the internet - but I'd rather get it from you all.... I will
just leave my tank as is. Like I said I want my babies happy.... My
trigger fish almost met his maker this weekend - I cleaned my tank and
did my water change - I decided to clean the castle we have for every
one to hang out in and I did not realize when I took this out my
Trigger was up in it.
I washed it in the bathtub - did my cleaning and went to put the castle
back in the tank and I saw a weird shape in my tub - it was my Trigger
fish - I screamed and my daughter came running in and we carefully put
him back
in the tank and he sank to the bottom - I cried and told my daughter to
get the net - MUCH to my surprise - he swam away and hid - after an
hour I decided to try and feed everyone and he came to eat and is just
fine - I
think the Fish Gods were with me this weekend. I don't know if I
could handle another fish death. Isn't it funny how attached we can
get to a fish?
<Life attracts, embellishes life eh Cecilia?>
Have a really great weekend
Cecilia Lester
Paris Texas
Kenya Tree Deforestation 4/25/09
Hello! I have a Kenya tree coral problem. I bought one, and now I have
about 40 of them. They drop off branches to form new Kenya trees at the
rate of a couple a day.
<A problem that many would like to have.>
They are attached to many big pieces of live rock which, if moved,
would result in the collapse of my aquascaping, so removing the rock is
something I can't really do.
I am assuming, since they are multiplying so quickly, cutting them off
with a razor blade won't do the trick, as they would just grow back
from the little bit left of the stump.
<Likely so.>
What is the best way to remove these corals from my tank without
pulling the rock out? And wouldn't cutting them in the tank risk
hurting my other corals due to the slime it would produce?
<Well, I would pull out/cut out what you can, then use the
outlined here: http://www.asira.org/killingaiptasiaxeniaetc>
As always, thank you for your advice.
Never thought I would have a problem with too much coral growth!
Anybody want some Kenya Trees? Ha!
<Welcome, Scott V.>
Nephtheidae compatibility... re the dangers of small
system-induced troubles 6/21/07 I have a 10g
softie tank with only Xenia and Briareum. <Trouble in such a small,
unstable volume...> I have space to add one, maybe two other
compatible <Not possible here> soft corals to the left side of
the tank. The Briareum is in the center on a rock, Xenia cover the
whole right side. Doctors Foster and Smith have under their
aquacultured section two different colors of Neospongodes sp. Both are
noted to rely on symbiotic zooxanthellae within and easy care; the
temperament is listed as "semi-aggressive". They also list a
Heliopora caerulea that I was looking at and although they are
currently out of stock it is listed as a 'peaceful' coral,
containing zooxanthellae as well. Whatever soft coral I add would be
closer to the Briareum but of course the concern is the unseen
allelopathy. Would either of these corals be okay? Thank you.
<I'd use the money saved up for new livestock to buy your time
back to investigate more... save up for a much larger system...
You're otherwise setting yourself up for failure here by jamming
too much incompatible life in too little space. Bob Fenner>