FAQs about Nudibranch Identification
Related Articles: Nudibranchs, Sea Slugs,
Related FAQs: Nudi ID
1, Nudi ID 3, Nudi ID 4, & Nudibranchs 1, Nudibranchs 2, Berghia Nudibranchs, Nudibranch Behavior, Nudibranch Compatibility, Nudibranch Selection, Nudibranch Systems, Nudibranch Feeding, Nudibranch Disease, Nudibranch Reproduction, & Sea Slugs, Marine
Snails 1, Marine Snails
2, Marine Snails

ID Please, Nudibranch, Tritoniopsis --
9/29/07 Hi all <Hello, Brenda here with you tonight.>
Please could you tell me what this is, it is very beautiful, it is
about an inch long, pale yellow and hangs along the water line at
the top of the tank, very interested to see what it is and if it is
reef safe. Please get back to me as soon as possible. I have
enclosed a photo hope you get it. <It looks to be a Nudibranch
that is known to eat soft coral. More information here:
http://www.seaslugforum.net/factsheet.cfm?base=triteleg Hope this
helps! Brenda> |

Nudibranch 8/16/07 Hi Crew, <T and
D> We recently started a 70-gallon reef tank and have
encountered a tiny slug-like creature climbing the sides. Obviously
it was a stow-away on some of our live rock or coral. It
doesn't have a shell, rather short protrusions out of the
length of its back. Our best guess is that it's some kind of
Nudibranch, but we were unable to find anything on the web that
resembles this particular animal. (See attached photos.) <Is a
Nudibranch of some sort...> If it's not reef safe, we'd
like to get it out, but if it is, we're not sure how to take
care of it. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Tisheena
and Danny <Due to its small size... and lack of any apparent
damage to your purposeful livestock, I would leave this wee-animal
be... it is very likely consuming some aspect of your live rock
fauna... And adding interest to your experience. Cheers, Bob
Fenner> |
Nudibranch? Good or Bad? Hard to tell from the
photo. -- 06/26/07 Hi Bob: <Hi Chris, You have Mich as your
crewmember tonight.> It's been a few years, but any clue to
what this is (see attached) and if it's going to cause some
issues in my Reef? <Appears to be a Nudibranch, but I can't
tell much beyond that from the photo. It is more helpful to have a
view of the dorsal side than the ventral side when looking at sea
slugs. Looks a little like an Arminid sea slug, but I wouldn't
put too much stock in this. You may want to check the sea slug
forum at http://www.seaslugforum.net/ > Some on ReefCentral seem
to think it is a soft coral eater and I should remove it (them).
<Is possible that this could be predacious on soft corals or
other creatures in your tank. Nudibranchs generally don't have
terribly long life spans.> Do these reproduce rapidly? <They
are generally hermaphroditic, and self-fertilization is rare. So
unless you have two or more in your tank reproduction is not
likely. If there are two or more about, there is more of a chance
of reproduction but captive rearing is generally quite difficult as
there are specific dietary requirements. I don't think you need
to worry about plague populations if this is your concern>
<Welcome! Mich>
Chris Goldenstein |
Side Gill Slug?
Re: Nudibranch? good or bad? -- 06/27/07 <Hi Chris,
Mich with you again.> Thanks! <Welcome!> I was able to
pull one out today, got some pics from the topside... <I see,
this is definitely a Nudibranch, and still looks consistent with
the Arminid sea slug (Arminia spp.) mentioned earlier. Arminids
are predatory on soft corals. Therefore, they are not considered
reef compatible. (Perhaps good for those out of control xenia
factories!) Bill Rudman's Sea Slug Forum will likely be you
best source of further information. You might try a search as
below on the Sea Slug Forum if you wish to further identify.
http://www.seaslugforum.net/search_species.cfm Order:
Nudibranchia Sub Order: Arminia Superfamily: Family: Armindae
Subfamily: Hope this helps, Mich> Chris
Re: Nudibranch? good or bad? You guys rock! Thanks!
<Welcome! Mich>

Nudibranch, Sea Cucumber or Sea Slug? Aeolid
Nudibranch 6/18/07 Dear WWM Crew, <Hi Matt, Mich
here.> Yesterday I noticed an unusual spot of bright green in my
120g reef tank. At first I believed it to be a Nudibranch due to
its body type, coloration and behavior, but would like your
opinion. <I think you are correct here. More here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nudispt3.htm > It has four or five
"tentacles" around a "mouth" which leads me to
believe it may be a sea cucumber, except that it is moving around
the tank and not hiding in a rock crevice like the other cucumbers
I've seen. <Not a cucumber.> I took a couple hundred
pictures trying to get a good shot, and have attached a couple of
the best images. <Heee! I know that feeling all too well!>
It's about a quarter of an inch in length and appears to have
the soft body of a mollusk. I'd appreciate your help with the
ID of this live rock hitchhiker. <Looks like an Aeolid
Nudibranch to me. These typically eat cnidarians and some resemble
their prey. This Nudibranch reminded me of Green Star Polyps
(Pachyclavularia violacea) or an encrusting gorgonian (Briareum
spp.) and there is an Aeolid Nudibranch called a Phyllodesmium
briareum but the Google images didn't so much look like your
photos. You might try http://www.seaslugforum.net/ if you want to
attempt to identify further.> Thanks,
<Welcome! Mich>
Matt |

Nudibranch ID - 6/7/07 Hi <Hi Ian> This
question is mainly about some form of identification for the
attached photo, tank details first. My tank is approximately 50
gallons with 45lbs live rock from Pacific area, 2 clown fish, 1
regal tang, <This fish needs to be in a much larger tank. These
guys grow to almost a foot and are active swimmers. Small tanks
stress this species, which can lead to aggression, disease, and an
early demise. Please read FAQ's re:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/paracsysfaqs.htm> ..and 2 blue
Chromis, 1 cleaner shrimp, and 8 snails: 4 turbo and 4 strawberry.
Filtration is through a V2 600 protein skimmer. Salinity is spot
on, nitrate, nitrite and ph are perfect. All levels are checked
religiously every 2 -3 days. The tank is about 2 months old now and
I am a complete novice with marine setups, but I do
quite a lot
of research on the internet about all of the new life that is
springing up on my live rock. <Good, lots of great information
out there!> So the main question is this, what is the slug in
the photo? <Appears to be a Dorid Nudibranch, possibly
Dendrodoris nigra or Dendrodoris fumata? D. nigra is one of the
more common hitchhikers that appear in people's tanks.> He,
she, it, has acquired the name Gary and seems to be very curious
about his surroundings <Undoubtedly searching for food.> and
seems to be causing no problems with anything in the tank.
<Hehee - with the exception of what's being eaten!> I
really need to know if it could cause a problem in the future.
<Yes, it could well do that. Nudibranchs, in general, are not
good choices for aquariums because of their specialized diets.
Because of this, they don't usually survive long term. Worse
yet, when these guys do die, they can release some nasty toxins.
Please see more information regarding this at WWM:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nudispt3.htm.> He is about 1 inch
long at the moment and is a very dark blue, purple colour. All of
the research I have done suggests that he is a naked gill Dorid?
But any pictures I have found show these slugs as various colours
whereas Gary is just one. Any suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. <Color varies greatly with these. Also, tank
lighting can be a factor as far as what color they appear to be.
For further ID information, I'd refer to the SeaSlug Forum.
Here are several links to get you started:
http://www.seaslugforum.net/display.cfm?id=1217 > Thank you in
<You're very welcome. -Lynn> |

Nudibranch ID - 6/1/07
<Hi Tom> I was hoping you could help me identify this
Nudibranch. It is all black with no other markings (that I could
make out). I found it in my tank and would like to know if it's
good or bad. <I'm sorry, but without a better photo, and a
little more information (size, where it came from, etc) the best I
can offer is a guess. It appears to be a species of Dorid
Nudibranch and if it was in my tank, I'd remove it. They
don't usually survive long term because of their specialized
diets. Worse, is that when they do die, they can release some nasty
toxins. Please see more information regarding this at WWM:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nudispt3.htm. You might also want to
check out the Sea Slug Forum, it's excellent. Here's a link
to a black Dorid (Dendrodoris nigra) there for comparison:
http://www.seaslugforum.net/display.cfm?id=4181 > Thanks
<You're very welcome! -Lynn> |

Unidentified Nudibranch
5/11/07 Hello Bob, I was told by a member of
ReefCentral to email you with the link to this thread. I found this
Nudibranch in my aquarium apparently eating my coral. If you know
what it is, is there any chance you could let me know. I also have
numerous other photos. Thanks, Steve http://reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&postid=9922933#post9922933
<Well... is an Aeolid... maybe a Phyllodesmium species, perhaps
a Flabellinid species... predaceous on stony corals for sure. You
might want to send your query over to seaslugforum.com, a fab
resource re this group. Bob Fenner> |

Pics and ? Nudibranch and polyp/anemones
3/28/07 Hi there to all the crew. My name is Tracey. I have a
125 gallon reef tank and have for about 13 years now. I have two
things I would like to address here. First, I have a couple of colt
coral that started suddenly not doing well. Like they were being
stung, <Consumed, predated...> but nothing was near enough
even with current that would make that probable. I needed to top
off my water and added my upped the alkalinity just enough to
irritate the critter that was causing the problem to come into
view. I am attaching a pic of this beautiful guy which I think is
maybe a Nudibranch? <Yes... at least a
Opisthobranch/Seaslug...> I'm surprised to see this now as I
have not added anything new in months. I took him out and place him
in quarantine until I learn more. I have seen and removed these
before quite some time ago, and they had more of a pink color but
were smaller. This guy is about 1 1/2" long and 3/4"
wide. I removed him with tweezers and he had a sticky and slimy
substance left behind what ever he came into contact with. I have
found them near the base of the colt only. I'm not seeing flesh
decay of the colt, it looks more like it being stung though I'm
not certain. The base of the colt looks like it is separating some
from the rock. He looks better already after only an hour of
removing him. <Is/was being chewed... keep your eyes peeled for
others> Ok, my next issue is this. I have several different
polyps in my tank and have had a new species of some sort pop up
and they multiply quickly. They split in half and they just move
around and make more, even through the current. They grow on the
glass, in the sand, on the rocks like crazy, and I have seen them
grow attached to other coral. I'm wondering if this is some
type of anemone rather than polyps. <Mmm, some pix look like
Zoanthids... others summat like Anemonia species> I did have an
Aiptasia problem and got that problem under control, so I'm
pretty sure that's not what these are. I took out a few rocks
that are just covered in about a months time and quarantined them
also. I'm sending a few pics of these as well. Thanks in
advance for your time and help. I love this site. Tracey <Do
take a scan on/over WWM re these species... best to not let
proliferate/cover too much of your LR. Bob Fenner> |
Berghia verrucicornis ID 3/16/2007 Hi
Richard, Mich here today, not sure who helped you previously.>
Thanks for all your help. <On behalf of the crew, you're
welcome. I will order the book about Cnidarian, one more question
please: Is this Berghia verrucicornis (Aiptasia eater)? <Sure
does look like it!> <Welcome. Mich>
Richard |

Nudibranch pics from
India......... 2/9/07
Hi there, hope u are having great day!
This Sam here. I had recently visited my local beach where I found
this Nudibranch specimen. I have now, preserved the specimen in
glycerin for identification by our local Marine Biologist. But they
are in the field now Diving and Observing marine life at
Lakshadweep Islands! I live in the City of Bombay, India. I am
attaching a few pics, see if u can ID it for me! Thanks in advance,
cheers! Sam <Very nice... Please see the references and pages
posted on WWM re Nudibranchs. Bob Fenner> |

FAQs about Nudibranch Identification
Related Articles: Nudibranchs, Sea Slugs,
Related FAQs: Nudi ID
1, Nudi ID 3, Nudi ID 4, & Nudibranchs 1, Nudibranchs 2, Berghia Nudibranchs, Nudibranch Behavior, Nudibranch Compatibility, Nudibranch Selection, Nudibranch Systems, Nudibranch Feeding, Nudibranch Disease, Nudibranch Reproduction, & Sea Slugs, Marine
Snails 1, Marine Snails
2, Marine Snails
