Frogfish and batfish
I have a 2.5 inch Painted Frogfish and a similar sized Walking Batfish
in a tank together, and although the LFS, and other sources, say they
should be compatible, they have regular stand-offs (as far as I know
,all puffery, no actual contact). Is this something I should worry
about, or will they likely settle down? They've been together only
four days.
<I would separate these two post haste. Trouble. Bob Fenner>
Walking Batfish, fdg., gen.
Hello Crew,
<Hello Eric,>
After reading your FAQs, Googling and reading what limited info I could
find I still have questions regarding my walking batfish. I'm
afraid I do not know the exact species except that it is definitely not
one of the
"pancake" or rostrum less varieties. Best guess is
Ogcocephalus nasutus.
<Haven't seen one of these in the UK trade for very many
Ogcocephalus aren't the easiest of fish to keep, as I'm sure
you know.>
Up till now I have been giving him vitamin soaked pieces of krill,
silverside and clam from a feeding stick. (Took about 4 weeks to get
him "trained.") From what I've read, in their natural
habitat, snails make up
20-30% of their diet depending on the season and fish species
(Reference: Should I
add some snails to his tank? I'm concerned with what may happen if
he swallows the shell since he tends to inhale his food like an angler
or lionfish.
<I wouldn't bother. Your prime goal is variety, plus
supplemental live foods such as copepods from the live rock in your
aquarium, or from the refugium. Actually trying to re-create a natural
diet in the aquarium will
be too difficult. By varying the diet as much as possible, you'll
try to get around the shortcomings of any one particular type of food.
Silversides are quite good in this regard, since they don't have
any thiaminase in
them, but I believe smelt do, and these latter are sometimes sold as
silversides, so be careful. The use of a vitamin supplement would be
The other question I have is how often should he be fed? Are they like
anglers that only need food 2-3 times per week or should they be fed
<The latter. These are more like Mandarinfish, and in fact your aim
is to ensure it can feed at liberty, whether from live foods in the
tank or the regular supply of meaty morsels you're
Now that he readily accepts food I've been feeding him daily to
assist him in recovering from various ailments. (The little fellow has
endured almost 4 weeks of antibiotics, 2 treatments of Prazipro and is
now undergoing hyposalinity for Ich.) He typically accepts 3 or 4
chunks of food and then spits out or loses interest in any further
offerings. Any suggestions or leads on additional information would be
greatly appreciated. (I am familiar with on-line articles by Sarah
Goodwin-Nguyen and Bronson Nagareda.)
Thank you for your time,
<Good luck with this very challenging fish. Back when I was a
teenager, I convinced my dad to buy one for his reef tank. It lasted a
few months if I recall, and lack of the right foods was very likely the
cause of its
demise. Haven't seen them in the trade much, and to be honest, I
don't recommend them except for the very patient and the very
expert. Having weaned yours onto frozen foods, you've overcome the
major hurdle, so well done! Cheers, Neale.>
Sick walking batfish 8-23-2009
Hello all,
<Mike here this evening>
Since you have gifted me useful information in the past I was hoping
you would have some more to give.
<I'll try!>
I recently purchased an O. cubrifrons from an LFS. The fish was in sad
shape. Normally I do not purchase sick fish (don't want to
encourage poor store practices, etc.) however, these fish are rare
where I live and I
wanted to try and save it as I might not see another for a year or
<Online retailers are much preferred, if your LFS is not 'up to
par' - don't encourage badly run LFS!>
The fish has an advanced case of "batfish rot," cloudy eyes
and a large white spot on his side (LL a bacterial infection). He is
currently in a quarantine tank and on his 3rd day with a Furan 2
treatment. I've been
using a double dose to equal the medication in Spectrogram which I have
not been able to find. On the bright side I have been able to get him
to eat frozen squid and silversides, but only 1 or 2 small pieces at a
<Eating is a good sign. Broad spectrum antibiotics, such as
Saltwater Maracyn and Maracyn II combination should do the
Now he appears to have Ich as well.
<See FAQs regarding>
Any recommendations would be appreciated.
<Be careful of the water quality in the QT tank, and read our FAQs
regarding marine disease(s)>
Thank you for you consideration,
<Mike Maddox>
Picture to share, Ogcocephalid
01/08/2008 We understand that we are very lucky to have these
guys - we have a pair.? I got this macro close-up the other day of
our polka-dotted batfish as he was looking for dinner! <Ahh... a
pug only a mother and petfish type/s could love. Thank you for
sharing. Bob Fenner> |

Walking Batfish/Care/Systems 4/15/06 I am
considering acquiring a walking batfish. Based on various
pictures I've seen I believe it to be an Ogcocephalus
nasutus. <Mmm, the one I'm aware of is a
corniger.><<a congener? RMF>> I wanted to know if this
fish has any special requirements (food preferences, tank size,
cohabitating species preferences, etc.) and how difficult it is to
keep. Any information you can give me will be greatly
appreciated. <The biggest challenge will be enticing it
to eat, as many will refuse food in a captive system. In
nature it feeds on crustaceans and polychaete worms. Live
feeder shrimp may be needed for enticement. The fish is much
like a frogfish where it has an antennae that it moves enticing its
dinner to come closer, then at lightning speed devours the
prey. This fish can grow to 1' 3" so at least a
100-gallon tank with a sand substrate is recommended. When
this fish gets alarmed it will bury itself in the sand. Dim
lighting is also suggested.> Thank you, <You're
welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Andrea
- Longnose Walking Batfish?! - Hi. I'm an avid marine
hobbyist. Just today I visited a marine fish store that usually carries
rare and exotic species of marine fishes. There I saw, what they called
a "longnose walking batfish", this is a very interesting
looking fish. I have been trying to do some research on this fish to
see if it would be a candidate for my 200gal reef aquarium. However
hard I try I cannot find anything on this species. If you could please
give me some info on what this species eats in the wild that could be
replicated in the home aquarium, as well as it's ability to
acclimate to the home aquarium, and if at all the lifespan of this
species. Any info that you could share with me would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you for your time and effort. Steve <Can
you get a picture? Find out where it's from, what your LFS guy
knows about it, and just because I'm nosy, how much it is and we
should be able to venture some sort of a guess as to what it is.
Re: Error on website (Ogcocephalids unknown) I really, really
doubt that it's O. darwini because of its localized range (as the
species name suggests, it's found close to Darwin's Galapagos
islands, and it is my understanding that this is not a prime site for
collection). <Mmm, as stated the site the specimen was seen,
photographed is Scripps Institute's S. Birch Aquarium here in San
Diego... but don't know> I've never seen O. darwini but I do
have 2 (dried) specimens of O. radiatus at home, which is the most
commonly collected species by far, and they look exactly like the photo
on your site. Every walking bat I've seen or heard of imported has
been Atlantic in origin; the Pacific ones are mostly the noseless
"pancake" walking batfish, Halieutaea and Halieutichthys spp.
But I'm no marine biologist, sir! I wrote an article back in
'94 or '95 on them for TFH. There was a photo of O. radiatus in
there, I'm pretty sure. I can't believe has not
photos of O. radiatus... <The pix of nasutus and radiatus on
Fishbase... have you seen them? Am going to agree with you after
looking at Randall's and Humann's ref.s here and go w/ the
Shortnose of the TWA id.> These species are not studied enough,
which is an absolute shame. Thanks for all your hard work on the site!
<And your input. The chance interaction with folks like yourself is
a huge plus to our involvement here. Thank you, Bob Fenner> Michael
Krechmer <Michael do you get out traveling, diving?>
Error on website The batfish photo you recently put up for
Ogcocephalidae is definitely not Zalieutes elater. The Zalieutes
species do not have the projecting "nose". It is either
Ogcocephalus nasutus (I'm pretty sure) or O. parvus. <Will
check, try to correct. Thank you Michael. Bob Fenner> -- Michael
Krechmer #1 Walking batfish fan Too bad they are so difficult to