Palaemonid Shrimp FAQs 1
Related FAQs:
Shrimp, Marine Shrimps 2,
Shrimp Identification, Shrimp Selection, Shrimp Behavior, Shrimp Compatibility, Shrimp Systems, Shrimp Feeding, Shrimp Reproduction, Shrimp Disease, Cleaner
Shrimp, Banded Coral
Shrimp, Dancing Shrimp,
Harlequin Shrimp, Pistol Shrimp, Saron Shrimp, Mantis
Shrimp, Anemone
Eating Shrimp, Cleaner
Shrimp, Banded Coral
Shrimp, Mantis
Shrimp, Anemone
Eating Shrimp, Crustacean Identification, Crustacean Selection, Crustacean Behavior, Crustacean Compatibility, Crustacean Systems, Crustacean Feeding, Crustacean Disease, Crustacean Reproduction,
Related Articles: Anemone
Shrimp, Shrimp,
A Few Common Shrimps for the Marine Aquarium by James W.
Pontonides unciger in Sipadan, living at the
base of a sea whip.
Shrimp compatibility
Hi. I currently have 2 Fire Shrimp and am looking to get a Pederson
anemone shrimp and just wanted to know if they are compatible. I have a
200 gallon mixed reef with docile fish, no aggressive fish, and 2 bubble
tip anemones.
I'm not worried about any other tankmates except for the Fire Shrimp. I know the
sizes are significantly different so just wanted to know if it would be a
problem. Thank you.
<These all should be fine in such a large volume. Here's hoping you can find,
enjoy the Periclimenes.
Bob Fenner>
Sexy and Anemone Shrimp;
incomp. w/ clowns/anemone already established
Dear Wet Web Crew,
Hello again, many thanks for all that you do so generously. I have a
curious situation I would like to share with you all. Upon shopping at
my local fish store, I found two little critters that caught my
attention. A Sexy Shrimp, and an Anemone Shrimp. Now throwing caution to
the wind I immediately purchased them both. With jubilant excitement I
added both to my tank thinking this would be a great addition to my Rose
Bubble tip Anemone. How wrong I was. First was the Sexy Shrimp, upon
entering the Anemone he seemed to struggle against the tentacles,
eventually settling in between the tentacles on the flat part of the
skin. Well my two clowns (Ocellaris) did not take well to this intruder
and quickly chased the poor little guy to a crevice deep within the live
rock. The Anemone Shrimp was then added hoping it would go better since
he was bigger. This went horribly wrong as the poor shrimp got
immediately wrapped up by the Anemone to be consumed. Now I question if
he really was an Anemone Shrimp in the first place,
<Do you have images? A species name?>
but all my research shows that it was. I have no picture but I describe
him as being 3/4 inch long, almost all clear with 2 white spots on his
abdomen and 2 more on the tip of his tail. He also had slender pincers
with a purple hew to them.
<... could be one of many Periclimenes spp.>
I know this is vague as descriptions go, but why did he get gobbled up
so quickly. Is it possibly because of the type of Anemone (Rose Bubble
I can ad that it is in a 90 gallon tank, with the Anemone being 14-16
inches across hosted by 2 Ocellaris clowns. I assume to never see the
sexy shrimp again. Any insights, thoughts, or info to make sense of what
happened would be greatly appreciated. I was also hoping to ad a
porcelain crab to the Anemone, but now am second guessing.
<I wouldn't be adding any more symbionts for this BTA. Bob Fenner>
Thank you all.
Shrimp ID 12/12/13
Hello all,
<Kyle awhile>
So I have found four of these guys in a shipment of live rock we got at
work. I'm not too terribly familiar with most shrimp and was hoping
someone there could shed some light.
What I Know:
Came from the coast of Florida (Gulf side)
<Mmm, don't see in Humann & DeLoach>
Largest found was around 2"
Seem to be terrified of everything
Mostly clear with orange speckling/bands
Dark, almost black eyes
My first guess was some sort of anemone shrimp, though none were found
associated with anemones. They aren't inquisitive like cleaner shrimp
and bolt away from everything, including their own reflection. They
aren't pistol shrimp, unless these just happen to be pacifists that left
the pistols behind. The closest ID I could come up with is Brachycarpus
biunguiculatus, the Florida Two Claw Shrimp. Unfortunately those
pictures seem to show a striped eye (which these don't have) and far
more color...
Any thoughts?
<Might be Brachycarpus biunguiculatus; just juvenile, or
regional variation>
I know ID is tough without a good rostrum picture, but if they are a
glass or anemone shrimp, what are the chances its reef safe?
<... the long rostrum; serrated above and below... other char.s. My
guess is some species of Palaemonid...>
PS: Sorry if the picture isn't great - all I have at work is my cell.
Kyle Thaman
<Not likely "very problematical" in terms of chewing/eating other
desirable reef livestock. Bob Fenner>
/Shrimp3[1].jpg) |
Taxonomic info 12/11/12
Hi WWM crew,
I came across this page,, and
thought to send a few taxonomic corrections to you:
Condylactis passiflora is an unaccepted name; the accepted name
is Condylactis gigantea
Mithrax cinctimanus was moved into the genus, Mithraculus
by H. P. Wagner, 1990, Zool. Verh. (Leiden) 264:48-53. Accepted name:
Mithraculus cinctimanus.
Although not on that web page, the Pederson's cleaner shrimp,
also a symbiont found with C. gigantea and Bartholomea annulata (ringed
or corkscrew anemone) has moved from the genus Periclimenes to
the genus Ancylomenes by Okuno and Bruce (2010) Designation of
Ancylomenes gen. nov., for 'Periclimenes aesopius species group'
(Crustacea: Decapoda: Palaemonidae), with the description of a new
species and a checklist of congeneric species. Zootaxa 2372: 85-105.
Accepted name: Ancylomenes pedersoni.
Nancy Sheridan
Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
Fish and Wildlife Research Institute
100 8th Ave SE
St. Petersburg, FL 33701
<Thank you for these updates. As principally a hobbyist site, we do tend
to "lag" (e.g. not recognizing the addition, movement of genera, species
in Veron's recent Scleractinia works), be more of lumpers than splitters
taxonomically... but it is important to provide current systematics.
Will post your input here re these species. Bob Fenner>
Re: Taxonomic info, Condylactis conservation
Thanks for the reply and you're welcome for the info. Also, in case you
haven't heard, a three-year prohibition on the recreational and
commercial harvest of Condys in Florida state and federal waters went
into effect Nov. 1, 2012. For more info, please see -
<Ah, I thank you for this note as well. Have a long-standing disregard
for the use of Actinarians in the ornamental trade... not worth their
extraction in my view. Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Shrimp ID 8/27/11
I just got this guy off the WYSIWYG Live Aquaria Divers Den. It was
labeled as a Commensal Urchin shrimp, *Stegopontonia commensalis. *After
some research I do not believe this is the correct ID for this little
guy. Have any ideas?
<Mmm, the only thing really off here is the red colour in place of black
for most all specimens of this species that I've seen. Bob Fenner>
Jesse Rain
Shrimp ID: Likely Family: Palaemonidae -- 5/3/10
<Hello, Lynn here today.>
Found this shrimp is a tide pool of the Gulf of Mexico near Tampa. Looks
to be some type of coral or anemone shrimp it is female with eggs and it
also has two pincer-like arms kind of like a coral banded shrimp. Any
<It looks like something in the family Palaemonidae, a huge group of
shrimps that includes many transparent and near-transparent species.
Unfortunately, I'd need detailed photos showing the rostrum (the
beak-like projection at the head), as well as the legs and various
antennae/antennules in order to confirm the ID even to family level.
Identifying to genus level would require even more detail. Please see
the following links for more information and photos for comparison:
Grass shrimp in general:
Palaemonetes vulgaris (commonly sold as "Common Shore Shrimp" to marine
Palaemonetes pugio females with eggs:
Family Palaemonidae:
Take care, Lynn Z>
/2010-05-02_21.41.07[2]%20shrimp%20id.jpg) |
Anemone Shrimps Preferring Non-anemone Host!? - 04/17/2006 Hi guys!
<And Gals! Hello.> Quickly and firstly a massive thanks for all the info. on
this site, brilliant! <Glad you've enjoyed it and thank you.> Anyway, I have
recently acquired a pair of Periclimenes brevicarpalis (sorry for the lack of
italics) <No need to be.> Anemone shrimp. <Neat!> I have a Heteractis crispa
which currently hosts a pair of small Clarkii clowns, and a couple of 'vacant'
bubble tips yet my shrimpies seem to have taken more of a liking to a rather
large Catalaphyllia. <Different strokes as they say...> Can you see any problems
in this scenario re: either nutrition or some other symbiotic relationship that
may be missing? <I think you'll be just fine here. No worries.> Thanks so much!
<You're welcome. - Josh>
Anemone shrimp disturbing BTA? 1/27/06 Hi guys
Really hope you can shed some light on this. Tank is just under 2 years old, all
parameters stable. Have had a Bubble Tip Anemone for a few months now. It
settled in nicely, never moved much, feeds and looks healthy. We bought an
anemone shrimp this weekend. He went straight in the BTA and the nem hasn't
stopped moving since. I was just wondering if the shrimp could be disturbing or
annoying it in any way? The BTA is about 5" when fully open and the shrimp is
about 1" <Can, do at times> Any ideas would be appreciated. I am now considering
returning the shrimp to the shop if the men doesn't settle by the weekend Many
thanks Jo <Takes time... Bob Fenner>
Jawfish compatibility with sexy shrimp -
1/6/06 Hi! Happy New Year! A short one. I have sexy shrimps (Thor
Amboinensis) as well as other shrimps in my system (90 gal, LR and DSB) and am
thinking about adding a Jawfish. Would the Jawfish be a danger to the sexy
shrimps? <Shouldn't be a problem. James (Salty Dog)> Thanks! <You're welcome>
<<Mmm, what species of Opistognathidae...? W/o their Cnidarian host/s the Thor
shrimp at least will likely be consumed here. RMF>> Dominique
Pholodichthyid compatibility with sexy shrimp - 1/6/06 Thanks and Mmm...
while we are at it... same question (the last on that topic) for an engineer
goby with a sexy shrimp... no danger? Sorry for the paranoia, but they are so
small and these fishes have such large mouths. <These questions are easily found
on the Wet Web Media. Do search there before sending your query, please.
James (Salty Dog)>
Sexy Shrimp and Anemone Relation/Necessity 12/5/05 Hi All, <Hello.>
First off, I just want to thank you all for you time and dedication <You're
welcome. Can't speak for everyone but while this can be time consuming it is
very fun for me.> I just discovered your site a few days ago and have been
looking over it (and related links) with relish! <You just discovered us? Well
welcome, you have lots of reading to do.> It has answered many of my questions.
<Glad to hear it!> Though I've been keeping freshwater fish for over ten years,
I only recently turned to saltwater--about a year. Now all my freshwater tanks
are gone, replaced with two 55gal saltwater tanks and one 29 gallon (not
including hospital tanks). The 29gal (set up for about 6 months) currently has
two small (1.25 inch) CB Ocellaris clowns, a couple hermit crabs and assorted
snails, 30# live rock, some xenia and lots of seaweed. It has a skimmer and a
nice sand bed, with low to moderate water movement. This tank is destined for H.
kuda seahorses (captive bred, of course). I'll most likely be moving the clowns.
<Okay sounds good, be sure to read as much as you can before saddling up'¦pun
intended.> My question: I'd like to put some sexy anemone shrimps in the 29gal
tank (or possibly another) but I've read that they do very poorly without a host
anemone. <In my experience this is not true at all. I find their relationship to
anemones much like that of the clownfish/anemone relation. Amazing to observe
but not necessary for them to thrive at all. Provided a good diet (marine of a
marine origin) these animals are quite easy to care for in my experience. Also
they will adapt to other hosts (coral) and such as Euphyllia and Leathers.>
Would the shrimp adopt some other type of coral (such as xenia, or green star
polyps--both of which are spreading like wildfire in my reef system) that would
not be noxious to the seahorses? If so, do you have suggestions? <See above.>
Thank you for all your help. Blythe.
<Adam J.>