Related FAQs: Seamoths,
/The Conscientious Aquarist
Seamoths; Family

By Bob Fenner
Eurypegasus draconis
Mostly marine (sometimes can be found in brackish). Tropical,
sub-tropical Indo-West Pacific.
Distinctive hard-cased bodies and rostrums, large
pectoral fins with filamentous ray spines. Live on substrate, no
swim bladder. Two genera, five species. |

Eurypegasus draconis (Linnaeus 1766), the
Little Dragonfish. Indo-Pacific. To 8 cm. N. Sulawesi pix.

Pegasus volitans Linnaeus 1766, the
Longtail Seamoth Indo- W. Pacific; mud and sandy lagoon bottoms.
To 18 cm. Aquarium pix.
