To: Pet-Fishing in Fiji Part 1, Part
Oh yes, plenty of the hydrozoan known as Fire Coral
in Fiji... do watch where you set your body. |

Soft Corals:
Dendronephthya sp. Indo-Pacific. Polyps in groups of
varying number on the distal branches of colonies. These are
supported by internal and surface (visible) sclerites. Feed on
very fine plankton and dissolved organic matter. Very difficult
to maintain in captivity. Some examples in Fiji.

Sarcophyton glaucum (Quoy & Gaimard 1833), Red
Sea, Indo-Pacific. Hardy, easily reproduced asexually. To one
foot in diameter. Feeds on plankton or similar material. A small
one fully open
Sarcophyton sp. (elegans?). These young colonies on the reef
flat in Fiji.

Lobophyton spp. Common throughout its range
in the Indo-Pacific. Feed via photosynthesis and plankton. Grow in
folds or finger-like projections by folding coenenchyme. |

Stony Corals:
Many beautiful Acroporids, Staghorn Corals are found in Fijian

Umm, a purple Acropora
monticulosa in Fiji... not air-brushed, I
swear! |

Two occluding Montipora colony plates... note
"the demilitarized zone" between them. |

Cat's Paw Corals, Family
Pocilloporidae |
