FAQs about Purple
Tangs 1
Related Articles: Purple Tangs, Zebrasoma Tangs, Yellow Tangs
Related FAQs: Purple
Tangs 2, Purple Tangs 3,
Identification, Behavior, Compatibility, Selection, Systems, Feeding, Disease, Reproduction, Yellow Tangs, Striped Sailfin Tangs, Zebrasoma Tangs, Zebrasoma Identification, Zebrasoma Behavior, Zebrasoma Compatibility, Zebrasoma Selection, Zebrasoma Systems, Zebrasoma Feeding, Zebrasoma Disease, Zebrasoma Reproduction, Surgeons In General, Tang
ID, Selection,
Behavior, Compatibility, Systems, Feeding, Disease,
A healthy Purple Tang in captivity.

Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Diet Recently, I started feeding my marine fish Mysis shrimp
together with Spirulina soaked in Zoe. Soon thereafter, having switched
from Formula One & Two to this, the Purple Tang developed Lateral
Line or Hole In the Head Disease. <Probably not the cause, but not
helping matters either.> Though the Mysis has lots of protein, might
this be the cause of this affliction and should I cease using it in
deference to a greater mixture of frozen food along with lettuce
occasionally? <Lettuce is terrible. Keep feeding what you are, plus
add the Formula II back and get some Nori and vitamins to soak your
food in addition to the Selcon.> THANKS, Stephen Pace <You are
welcome. -Steven Pro>
Purple tang Hello- I was wondering if would answer a couple
of questions. I have a purple tang who seems to be doing fine. I feed
him seaweed select twice a day < a fine food but do consider
sushi Nori (the same thing) from an Asian grocery store in your area...
it is dramatically less expensive> along with frozen kelp, formula
two, algae plus & Spirulina. I have noticed the purple tends to
bump when he swims . I don't mean he bumps into objects but when he
swims - he bumps or jerks forward (like an old car). <very
unusual and not symptomatic of a disease necessarily> I have also
read about tangs looking like they have velvet on them. Also. my tang
looks fine when you look at him close but if he turns & you view
him at a certain angle- For a second he does appear to have a velvet
look to him but you have to look at him from the right angle and of
course he is constantly moving so I cant pinpoint what it is? What do
you think? <if the velvet symptom was evidence of a parasitic
infection you would also see rapid gilling, favored gilling (one gill
closed) and/or scratching off rocks> I also I have a piece of LR is
developing a brownish/orangish color to it in 2 different spots in very
small areas(1/2 inch by 1/2 inch)- these areas are surrounded by
coralline algae but the coralline never covers it - and after three
months it seems like these brownish/orangish areas are getting a little
larger but very slowly. They do seem to receded in the rock or at least
below the level at which my coralline algae sits. What do you think it
is and should I be concerned? <hard to say without an image, may be
a nuisance algae. Does your skimmer produce skimmate daily?> One
last question, I have read about so many people experimenting with a
purple tang and a yellow tang in the same setup. I realize the
Zebrasomas have anal spikes that they use for protection. I recently
witnessed a tank with a purple and yellow in the same system (maybe 75
gal) Everything seemed peaceful (no chasing or biting) <even a
blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes as they say> but occasionally
backing up into each other. Is this type of aggression you would expect
to have with such a mixed or would they chase each and attack with
their mouths? <when there are so many other beautiful fishes
to have, why subject them to undue and unnecessary stress? My strong
advice would be not attempt to mix the two species> -Thanks
for your time- Ronald <best regards, Anthony Calfo>
Purple tang How often a day should I be feeding my purple
tang? <depends on the amount if any of other algae naturally
in the tank with live rock and beyond (Caulerpa farmed from refugiums,
diatoms on glass, natural turf algae, etc). If your tank has little of
the above, then 2-3 small feedings daily will be necessary. Else, as
little as several feedings weekly with a lot of natural greenstuffs in
the tank> I feed him about 1inch by 1 inch piece of seaweed selects
each plus I feed him a 1/2 a cube of either Formula 2 Spirulina or
frozen Kelp which I rotate. <all very nice> He always seems
hungry. <they graze naturally all the time> I have about 90
lbs of LR in a 75 gal tank- He doesn't really pick at the LR at
all- The LR has of coralline algae but I think my cleanup
crew(45hermits 55 snails) didn't leave anything for him-
<correct> Should I remove some of these hermits? <that
could afford more greens for the tangs and also help any live sand
(hermits are rough on the microfauna)> Do I need to feed him more
Greens/ more often? <perhaps more often daily tiny feedings to
maintain weight and growth> Everything I put in he consumes fast and
seem to always be looking for more. I am just concerned about over
feeding him or possibly under feeding him. Please let me know- Ron
<without any significant nuisance algae growth, it seems unlikely
that you are overfeeding. Best regards, Anthony>
Purple Tang Hi I have a question about a purple tang I
purchased about 2 months ago. The fish is in my 150 gallon fish only
tank with a maroon clown and a small harlequin tusk wrasse. The tang is
active and eats anything but is experiencing fin decaying along with
head/lateral line problems. I have been adding Zoe to its food and Fish
Solution (eco-systems) to the tank. The fins are showing some signs of
regeneration but the head and Lateral Line are not improving. I feed
the fish dried seaweed (Sea Veggies/Seaweed Selects) everyday and it
devours the Mysis, Clams, and Squid meant for its tank mates. The owner
of the store where I purchased the fish told me that purple tangs
(actually all tangs except yellow) have a problem when there is too
much protein in their diet. He said they do better on an almost
exclusively vegetable diet. <I would say all Tangs need a diet
consisting primarily of vegetable matter of marine origin (Yellows
included).> I had never heard this before and was actually happy
that this fish took all sorts of foods. Does this information sound
accurate and could this be the source of my problem. <HLLE is linked
primarily to diet, but also other husbandry issues such as water
quality. You can read more here
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hllefaqs.htm> Thank you, A.J. <You are
welcome. -Steven Pro>
Pearlscale Butterfly & Purple Tang Compatibility What are
the changes of a Pearlscale butterfly and a purple tang getting along.
The purple tang has been in the tank for about 6 months. They are both
approximately the same size.. <Assuming the tank is large enough to
house these fish, They should do fine. They are significantly different
colors and eat different foods.> Thanks! ~Bill <You are welcome.
-Steven Pro>
Purple Tang Good evening to you, <and kindly to you in
return> A follow-up on a past question. <OK> I have a recently
introduced Purple tang in my 120 gal reef tank. <after a 4
week quarantine I hope... as with all fish but particularly for these
Ich prone surgeonfish> Water parameters are PH 8.23, Ammonia
<0.1, Nitrate and Nitrite are 0, temp. 25.0 centigrade, salinity
1.025. I had noticed six/seven white dots/marks on one fin of this
Purple tang, Zebrasoma xanthurum, and wrote to you with concerns of
parasitic infection. I'm not out of the woods yet, but the marks
have been static (and perhaps even faded a little) in the past week and
at this point, I am tending to feel they are just white marks. <slow
healing wounds from a/the previous infection perhaps but should regain
color... else suspect nutritional deficiency or some other cause> I
did look as closely as possible at him at him in the LFS but they
don't have bright lights and I was not able to really examine him
thoroughly. I have a pair of 150w metal halides, which makes a visual
far more fruitful. I also note that this fish looks underfed/skinny
(lumpy gut area) with some signs of HLLD. I would tend to say he is
just skinny, but wanted your suggestion as to what this might be.
<indeed... such tangs need very many small feedings/grazing
opportunities daily to thrive and maintain weight. Do offer Nori
(seaweed) and turf algae on live rock whenever possible. Spirulina in
prepared foods, etc. There is a lot of good content in our archives
here at WWM if you care to learn more about nutrition and more> He
is eating aggressively and very well (live rock, algae, Mysis, brine,
prawn....) <the brine is a complete waste of time/money and is
a contributing factor in this fishes poor weight if it makes up even
20% of his diet. The Mysis and prawn are good but do mostly offer
greenstuffs for this herbivore> and I also note that his fins heal
in a day or so (if they get slightly damaged from time-to-time in
scuffles with my Kole tang). He is looking much better than when I
first put him in with better colour and a fatter stomach! I am also
pleased to tell you that I am about to buy a quarantine tank...
<excellent! One of the very best investments in a marine
aquarium.> Many thanks, JP <kindly, Anthony>
Purple Tang (is in my eyes!) I am thinking of a purple tang,
since ff has them on sale, are they a "hardy" fish? How
big would it get in my 50 gal.? Look forward to your fast reply
as always! <<This is a very hardy species... It will get
about five inches long in your 50... Include some greens in its diet
daily... Bob Fenner>>
Problem with purple tang Dear Bob, I read many of your
articles, q/a and they are very helpful. <Ah, good to read> I
started a 90g saltwater tank last November. Equipped with a 20g sump,
wet/dry trickle filter, 120V heater. Cycled the tank with 100 lb live
rock. Added 3 damsels after the tank cycled with snails and hermit
crabs. Added three more damsels and a cleaner shrimp the week after.
Acclimated and added a Sailfin and Purple tank together about 10 days
ago. Both tangs are doing fine, show no aggression towards each other.
Last night I noticed a tiny white dot on the purple tang's body,
where the right pectoral fin meets the body. This morning, notice a
faint and fine white line on its body, starting from the white dot,
parallel to the gill on the body not on the gill. It is not distinctive
or separate spot but a line. It is difficult to tell if the Sailfin has
similar problem due to its color. I immediately tested the water.
Everything is fine - zero ammonia, nitrite; under 10 ppm nitrate, 1.022
sg, temperature 78F. I've been doing weekly 5g water change. I
observe the purple tang for a period of time. It is not rubbing on rock
or substrate. However, it seems jumpy and shy, especially during
feeding. <This is natural, normal for your new fish, system> It
used to chase after food. It still does but as soon as it gets
something, it ducks down and hides between rock until it sees another
flake near. I have been feeding them combination of formula two, prime
reef, brine shrimp and algae green (Nori) twice daily. Every other day,
I soak the flake with a few drops of Selcon. Not sure if it has ich. I
have a 10g quarantine tank stand by and wonder if I should give him a
FW bath and treat it with copper. The first challenge is getting it out
without dismantle the live rock structure. Any idea how I can do this
without putting more stress to the animal? Secondly, is it bacteria
infection or ich that I am dealing with? <Well-stated. I would just
wait, observe at this point> I watch my fish every day and they have
been my joy and happiness. In case this is ich, I hope I could do
something soon enough before an outbreak. Please advise. Many thanks,
Carmen <You are a keen observer, and a caring keeper... Do just keep
doing what you're doing. If you run new fishes through dips,
quarantine, there is little likelihood that you are experiencing a
parasitic disease here... more like the fishes just "settling
in". Bob Fenner>
Purple Tang Bob, <Ola! Anthony Calfo here for Bob who just
ran out the door chasing a flock of pigeons that landed in the front
yard, screaming "Yee-ha, we're gonna be eatin' good
tonight!"> Love your website. I had lost quite a bit of fish
starting out <wish we had talked to you first> and then had a
bout with an Ich infestation. It got to the point I was getting
discouraged about having started a marine system, <good advice from
the start to have a quarantine tank almost certainly would have
prevented this> but I was determined. <good to hear it!> My
only survivors we two green Chromis and later moved them back into the
main tank after leaving it fallow. <O-tay> In my 50 gallon tank I
added 3 more Chromis, a 1 1/2 inch maroon clown, 2 cleaner shrimp (both
have molted once), 2 small neon gobies, a sand shifting starfish, two
red foot moon snails and about two weeks ago added a 3 1/2 inch flame
angel and 4 inch purple tang. The flame and the tang went at it for the
first couple of days and settled down. Not problems between them.
<indeed... establishing the pecking order> My problem is that the
tang started to hover and corner the small maroon, and nothing more,
more of a face-off. About a week later I saw my maroon hiding in the
live rock and would could out and then retreat. He had a "u"
shaped bit on his dorsal fin and his side fins showed some significant
damage. So I moved the maroon into a floating breeder to protect him
and let him heal in the main tank without having to stress him by
moving him. <cool> Would the purple tang be aggressive towards a
small maroon? <easily and likely. Zebrasoma tang species are
feisty> Even if the clown was in the tank first? <has absolutely
nothing to do with the price of tea in China> I just recently added
two Firefish and the next day I could not find them or see them.
<ouch...too peaceful/passive for the tank. Unlikely to work out
long-term if they are still alive. They are too gentle and will be out
competed for food at the very least. Please extract them> Later that
night the tang was trashing and eating what was a Firefish. Common?
<you have an aggressive tang...and yes it is common. The maroon
clown and Flame angel are also feisty as a rule and not a bad mix at
all in a big enough tank> I am now afraid to release my maroon back
or buy new fish. <that particular maroon maybe.... but fish in
general no. You simply have an active community tank. Fast and feisty
is on the menu... and I don't mean Rosie Perez. Pick fish that are
aggressive feeders like some wrasses, Pseudochromis, some hawkfish,
etc.> I don't plan or adding any more fish other than a Firefish
or Banggai cardinal and that's it for stocking my tank.
<aieee! Lambs to the slaughter even without the tang. Maroons are
nasty and could easily target the above species. You need to decide if
you want an ultra peaceful tank (shy fish) or an active community
tank> Would keeping any last minute additions in the breeder so the
tang gets accustomed to them? <more harm (stress) than good.
After getting burned (Ich), you are running all fish through a two to
four week quarantine, right buddy?> Any suggestions? Would
appreciate it. <yep...don't bet on the Patriots to win>
Javier <kindly, Anthony>
Re: problem with purple tang Hello Anthony, <Steven Pro
this morning.> I finally moved my purple tang to a quarantine tank
today as the Sailfin is really suffering. The Sailfins "sail"
is torn! In the effort of catching the purple tang I have to remove
most of the live rock. I am lucky that I don't have any coral yet.
I am afraid that I may have to give up one of them. I am planning is to
leave the Sailfin in the main tank and let it heal. Then, I'll put
the purple tank back in with a partition for another couple of weeks.
With the live rock topology changed hopefully the purple tang will not
be as aggressive. I'll give it one more chance. Do you think it
worth a try before considering giving it up? <Very slim chance the
two will coexist peacefully in this size tank.> Any other way I
could keep both? <You could get another tank for one each or one
much larger tank, 180 or bigger.> Also, I saw a mandarin goby at the
LFS and almost brought it home by impulse. Before I make another
mistake, I would like to do more research before doing so. <Good
idea.> Again, my intention is to get a flame angel and a long nose
hawkfish eventually. Will the Mandarin fit in? I understand that it may
have feeding problem. <Not "may", it WILL have a feeding
problem. They only eat live food.> I have a 90g tank, 100 lb live
rock with good quality of color coralline algae on it. The existing
live stock is 4 yellow tail damsels, a 3-stripe damsels, a Sailfin, a
purple tang (hopefully), cleaner shrimp, snails and crabs. Will these
little guys do well together if I add a Mandarin? <Sorry, but no.
Your tank is too small and filled with aggressive feeders to allow for
an ample supply of live food.> Thank you, Carmen <Glad to be of
assistance. -Steven Pro>
City of Angels Hey Bob, <Rick... Anthony Calfo here in
Bob's stead while he's preoccupied with braiding the hair under
his arms...although I must say that his choice of beads is quite
striking> I have a purple and a yellow tang in my 75 gall.
They've been together for about 3 months. <who the heck
told you that would be a good mix?> The yellow is a little bigger
and the two of them are ALWAYS squaring off. <ahhh, yes... I
should have read further along> The purple usually backs down and
rarely takes a nick in his fins. So it's not like they are tearing
one another apart, but my question is: Is this constant battling going
to take it's toll on them? <absolutely... extended aggression,
heightened state of stress, yadda yadda yadda... translates to higher
incidence of disease and the like. Any chance of them settling in o a
pecking order is long gone by the three month point> Should I remove
one (yellow)? <yes, please remove one> Maybe the reason
that I'm thinking of moving one is more selfish. I'm growing to
not like tangs that much at all! All they do is fight and eat!!
<whoa, buddy... don't shoot the tangs. Smack the guy that told
you they would work together. The tangs are only doing what comes
naturally for them...defending their feeding/breeding territory.
Otherwise, it's like resenting birds for flight...hehe> Maybe if
I just had one it could relax a bit. <agreed> Angels are so
much more fun to watch. <I don't know... I've never seen
one. Although I loved that movie with Meg Ryan and Nicholas Cage>
Thanks AGAIN my friend. Keep up the good work. Rick <Thank you, sir
for putting up with my humor (or lack thereof) while sharing advice.
Best regards, my friend. Anthony>
Purple tang sick? Dear Anthony, Things have been going
rather well on my conversion. My computer is in its death throes
however and this is why I haven't updated you lately. <no
worries... we all keep busy <wink>> (I will send a detailed
description soon) I saw you're in Pittsburgh. Do you live here year
round? I live less then 30 min.s down town so perhaps you
frequent the same LFS's. <yes... also about 30 minutes from the
'burg. Perhaps we can get you to visit PMASI meeting... always
great speakers, Bob Fenner, Eric Borneman and Ron Shimek are annual...
Paletta is also local. Our next meeting is this coming Saturday at the
Palace Inn Monroeville at 6pm. We go out for food and drinks
afterwards. A wonderful time to be had. Check us out at www.pmas.org
> Alright... here is the current issue. I have a new healthy purple
tang, three inches, fat and eating well. He seems to have developed
very faint hardly there markings around one of his eyes. Slightly
raised a little paler then the rest of him. I treated the 50 gallon
tank with enough Melafix for 40 gallons of water tonight in a small fit
of panic .... In retrospect I now worry that I may have killed my live
rock. <I doubt that it had much of an impact on the rock or
the parasites. Although I do like the product for some applications>
I only treated it once with 4 teaspoons. Tomorrow it recommends I
redose. I wont do so unless you get back to me about the status of my
(very very hopefully still) live rock. I do not have a quarantine tank,
and perhaps the tang isn't even ill.. it is very subtle. Thank you
Anthony my friend. Brian <you could purchase a small QT tank (sponge
filter, ten gall, heater, glass cover and not much else) for the price
of just five or six bottles of medication. However the tank would serve
you better and for years. Do get a QT setup ASAP. Otherwise, it is a
roulette game with living creatures every time a new fish or coral is
added. Don't be a stranger... stop by at the marine society meeting
and we'll chat it up! kindly, Anthony>
Sick Purple Tang I have a purple tang that has
developed, for lack of a better description, white snail like trails
around his face and eyes. Nobody else in the tank has it and I have
been ich free for over a year (it doesn't look ich ish to start
with). His appetite is good, he is active and doesn't seem to be
suffering in any way (at least so far). Can you tell me what this might
be. Bob <This is a good description of the "beginnings" of
a condition called HLLE, Head and Lateral Line Erosion... Please read
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/hllefaqs.htm Purple Tangs are one of
the more susceptible species... you will want to augment this
fish's diet, improve water quality... perhaps with the growth of
live macro-algae. Bob Fenner>
Re: tang Thanks for the reply. My water quality is very
good. I have 125 lbs of live rock and add calcium, iodine, nag,
Strontium and a few others every week. I do not however feed other than
prime reef, marine food and clams and shrimp. Every time I try to add
frozen veggie type products no one eats. Can you make some suggestions
for food. Also let me be blonde for a moment. Live micro algae?
<Please go to WetWebMedia.com and peruse the Marine Index and/or use
the Search tool there to read about HLLE, Macro-Algae, Marine
Foods/Feeding/Nutrition... The site is logically arranged with many
links between related matters, tens of thousands of FAQs files... Bob
Is My Purple Tang too Purple? Hello Mr. Fenner,
<<Hello, JasonC here - Bob is away diving/taking
pictures.>> How are you? Thank you for your past advices, they
were extremely helpful. I have questions regarding the color of my
purple tang. <<ok>> First, let me preface that
I have a 90 gallon reef aquarium for the past 3 years. I recently added
a 4" yellow tang and 3" purple tang together 3 months ago.
Other inhabitants include: 1x -4" male flame wrasse, and 2x
-2" female flame wrasse. All the fishes are healthy, and behaving
harmoniously, absolutely no sparring or jousting. They are eating
extremely well, and are fed 3 times daily with your homemade recipe
(finely chopped shrimp, squid, clams, scallops, and oysters'?plus
soaked with Selcon) that was illustrated in your book. All the food is
eaten within one minute. I also feed fresh Caulerpa (from my refugium)
for the tangs on a daily basis. My water parameters are near perfect:
ammonia = 0ppm, nitrite = 0ppm, nitrate = 0 - 2ppm, temperature =
constant @ 78 degree, pH = 8.2 - 8.4, salinity = 1.025ppm, carbon
hardness = 10.5 dKH, and calcium = 420-440ppm. <<sounds
good.>> The purple tang has a very dark purple hue (almost black)
to him/her regardless the time of day. It does not have a vibrant
bluish purple coloration and I could barely see the black spots and
lines that mark his/her body. All other inhabitants (fish and corals)
have brilliant colorations. I am just wondering if it is a nutritional
or environmental disorder specific to the purple tang? <<I
highly doubt it.>> Can the color variation be regional (the
Red Sea vs. the Indiana Ocean)? <<more of a possibility,
methinks>> Can it be some type of diet deficiency (although
the purple tang has a wide variety foods available, especially with my
30 gallon hybrid ecosystem/liverock refugium)? <<I would
doubt it in this case.>> Gender differences, if so, how
could one differentiate? <<I don't think you can sex
these fish without a knife, but I could be wrong - wouldn't be the
first time.>> Is it a matter of maturity, the color will be
more vivid through age? Or is it just a natural variation?
<<both of these are also very distinct possibilities.>>
Should I add liquid vitamins into the tank to enhance the
color? <<you could just put them in the food you've
been making, will work as well.>> Thank you for taking the time
to read/reply to my questions. Your website provides extremely
informative and insightful information to help/educate hobbyists like
us. Keep up the great work! <<Bob I'm sure will appreciate
your kind words.>> <I am sure we all do. Bob F> Best, Dan
<<Cheers, J -- >>
Fwd: [SDMAS] Purple Tang loosing pigmentation Hi All;
Does anyone know what would cause a purple Tang to
loose pigmentation. <Mainly nutritional deficiency... but water
quality, physical damage, disease may play a role> My fish has lost
color on only one side and it looks like white blotches. He looks
healthy and has been eating. I am concerned because the blotches are
getting bigger. The only thing I have done differently has been
adding Lugol's one drop a day 5 days a week ( this is what the
directions say for a tank my size). Needless to say I have stopped
adding Lugol's. Any Ideas? Maurice B. <I would stop the
Lugol's... look into potassium iodide instead. And do utilize a
liquid vitamin prep. on sheets of algae in the daily diet. Bob Fenner,
Purple Tang and HLLE Please Help!!! Hello, Please
help!!! I am becoming very frustrated. I have a 150 gal reef tank
(mostly mushrooms. and polyps.) w/ a wet/dry-Prot. Skimmer, along w/
two Aquaclear 500's constantly running activated carbon, and 3
additional Power Heads for added H2O flow. I use Ro/DI H20. I have had
my purple Tang for only about 3 weeks and he seems perfectly healthy
(eats well, etc.), but just a few days ago I noticed what looked to be
the beginning of HLLE (white pocks above the eyes and along the lateral
line). Now, only a few days later, it seems to be getting worse.
<This species is particularly susceptible to this
environmental/nutritional disease/complaint> The strange thing is
that I have always kept plenty of Green, Red, and Brown Seaweed Selects
in the tank, and I feed Formula Two and MYSIS soaked in garlic, Selcon,
and Zoe and he (it) eats it all. I have done this long before I
introduced the purple Tang to the tank. The tank is grounded and water
chemistry checks out great (Alk., PH, Ammon., Nit. and Nit.). I am
absolutely out of ideas. I have heard that constant use of carbon can
cause this, but the owner of my local fish shop (Bruce from Sandy's
Pet Store in Louisville, KY, I think you know him) says that that has
never been proven and that he also runs carbon in all of his tanks.
<Agreed... I encourage folks to switch carbon out only once a month
in general, it gets "exhausted" (saturated) within minutes to
hours in most cases...> I had to almost totally break down the tank
just days before I noticed this to catch a few trouble makers,
something that I am sure stressed him out. Could stress suddenly bring
on HLLE? <Might be a contributing cause...> As far as
stopping it, I already use all of the suggested Vits. and foods. I have
heard that Iodine also might help with HLLE, but I already add it,
along w/ Str., Calc, and CoralVite to the tank. Should I try
soaking the MYSIS in that as well? I am not sure what else to do, as I
believed that what I was doing was the proper thing up until just a few
days ago. Any feedback at all would be much appreciated. Thanks, Scott
<Please read over the following area, FAQs on our site:
http://wetwebmedia.com/hllefaqs.htm There are many suspected factors,
co-factors to "bringing on" HLLE... your "cure" in
this setting is likely a combination of improved nutrition (simple
addition of vitamins and iodide to the foods directly, for fifteen
minutes or so ahead of feeding, weekly administration to the
tank/water) and water quality (growing macro-algae in the main tank,
better in a sump, possibly a refugium, maybe incorporating live rock,
mud... This condition can take a while to reverse (weeks, months), but
can be done. Please peruse our site (WetWebMedia.com) re "Algal
Filtration", "Environmental", "Nutritional
Diseases"... as the links lead you. You display diligence,
caring... show intelligence, compassion here. You will be successful.
Bob Fenner>
Sohal then Purple Tang Introduction Mr. Bob Fenner
(hero, sage and wise man), <Just a pet-fish type of guy, please>
After much reading (your book, Dakin's, Delbeek & Sprung's
FAQ's and articles at WWM and FFexpress and others), I still did
something (I think) might have been "dumb" in the stocking
order of my tank re: Sohal tang. <We can/could start a club... with
a very large potential membership> Seduced by its beauty, I put a
6" Sohal tang in my system on Friday. <Yikes... kind of
big... territorial for a 110...> The 110 tank currently has: 2 small
ocellaris clowns (<1.5"), a purple Firefish, a Banggai
cardinal, 2 Lysmata cleaner shrimp and a sally lightfoot crab (2"
wide from toe to toe). I was wanting to add a Purple Tang and, from
what I read, I better do it soon! <Yes> I will have to wait
'til Tuesday because, even though a LFS has lots of brownish ones
from the P.I., <Hmm, this species range doesn't extend this far
east... the Philippines have Zebrasoma veliferum and Z. scopas
Only found from the Red Sea over to the Maldives...> the Red Sea
ones (bright purplish blue) are in the LFS quarantine until then. Did I
blow it? Is that too long to wait? <Likely no problem... some
"jousting" to be expected....> Are they going to fight
like cats and dogs. From what I read, they do OK after some sparring,
if added at the same time. What are my chances after waiting a 4
days? <Still good> I will turn lights off for 24 hours and
maybe take out a chunk of lace rock and replace it with a big piece of
Live Rock at the same time (I think I'll have to replace at lease 2
pieces of the lace rock and get more LR in the system eventually). I
know I was to add this fish last in the system order but can I still
add smaller, non-tang, non-alpha fish like gobies and pygmy angels and
such in the future or an I in trouble there too? <As long as
they're subdominant, smart, fast, that there's plenty of hiding
spaces...> He doesn't bother the current small, sedentary fish
although his size and activity level scare the H out of them and they
keep their distance. Technical Details: Hardware Running for 6 months,
I have a 110 Ga, with Aqua Medic T1.000 skimmer, 40 W Lifegard UV,
Ocean Clear 340 Micron filter, Amiracle Maxi Reef Trickle Filter. In
the tank, I have 3 large (~16" dia), very holey pieces of lace
lock (no live rock), 60 lbs of aragonite (oolite) and 40 lbs of live
sand on top. Water Perimeters Temp 82 Deg F., SG 1.0225, pH 8.2, KH 10,
Ammonia 0, Nitrite, <0.3mg/l, Nitrate, 12.5 mg/l, Ca++ 380mg/,
Iodine <0.01ppm (dose 2 ml every day of Kent concentrated iodine
(for cleaner shrimp. Not much algae other than Diatom. Feeding: Greens:
Clip with Ocean Nutrition Seaweed Selects Macroalgae sheets Meats: 1/4
tablet of Pro Pops Marine Supreme frozen food-morning and evening. P.S.
The cleaner shrimp love climbing around and giving the Sohal a
"cleaning". Fun to watch. <Yes, and valuable activity>
Always amazed that a smart guy like you is available to guys who do
dumb things, <Umm, am actually one and the same... Must "look
better" on the net than reality... Really. Your live rock
addition, lace rock moving sounds good, your set-up and parameters as
well. I would go ahead with your current stocking plan... Should the
Sohal prove to be trouble later you can always trade it in. Such large
and larger specimens are almost always in demand for large
tanks/service accounts. Bob Fenner> John ILG
Cleaner Shrimp and a Purple Tang Bob, Thanks for all the
good advice you've given us in the past. We had a purple tang and a
fire shrimp in our 90-gallon reef. We purchased a number of mushrooms
from Flying Fish Express that came in a very poor condition. We had
asked for a lavender Bullseye mushroom but was sent what we believe is
a lavender-tipped mushroom. The lavender-tipped mushroom was in such
bad condition that it quickly began dying after a number of days.
<Yikes... maybe got overheated... if lives may turn more
lavender...> About 3 or 4 days after receiving the FFExpress order,
the fire shrimp was dead. We've thought of several reasons for this
death and wanted to get your opinion. 1. Our initial thought was that
the lavender-tipped mushroom had stung the fire shrimp and wounded it
beyond recovery. <What? These were NOT shipped in the same bag I
trust? In the tank it may have been poisoned, and yes, stung...> 2.
The purple tang never allowed the fire shrimp to clean him and so we
thought that he may have finally killed the fire shrimp after all of
the upset of the mushroom addition. <Not likely> Water parameters
are great. One other question... Our purple tang seems to be rather
aggressive. Can you recommend some other fish that we could add to the
tank in light of this tang's personality? <Look on the
www.WetWebMedia.com site for the Fishwatcher's Guide to... the Red
Sea: http://wetwebmedia.com/redseafwgv1.htm for input here... the
fishes listed or ones like them from elsewhere...> As always, thanks
for your help. Regards, Michael and Lynn Rivera <Be chatting my
friends. Bob Fenner>
Growth on Purple Tang Bob--My purple tang has a growth
on its left side, about 1 cm below its gill, and right in front
and a little below the pectoral fin. It looks like a
wart--Lymphocystis. I thought Lymphocystis typically only
affected the fins--at least that's what I've typically
seen. But in reading the FAQs I see that's not the case.
<Yes> I did notice a light spot a few weeks ago, where the growth
is now. It looked like the tang had probably been tussling with
one of the yellows and had gotten scraped. So I do have reason to
believe there was some damage to his or her scales at that spot.
It's a pretty good sized growth tonight--probably about 3-4mm
in diameter. <...> None of the other fish seem to be affected. I
also haven't added any livestock to the system for several
months. I've never had a sick fish--I guess there's a first
time for everything. <As the saying goes... I would rather
state that there is a first time for "many things"
as well as a last> One hint is that since I moved the tank,
I've been battling Cyano off and on pretty regularly.
I've tried just about everything--siphoning it out, cleaned the
lights of salt buildup (bulbs are only 5 months old), water
changes, with no luck. I never had a Cyano problem before moving
the tank to the other room. Now I can't seem to beat it. I'm
hoping the improvements on the new system will correct this
problem. <Have you seen the "BGA/Cyano" piece on the
www.WetWebMedia.com site? Or the similar article by me that ran
last Winter ish of SeaScope? A brief summation of what folks do
re...> I've tested water parameters regularly--I've got NH3,
NO2 at zero, and NO3 at about 2-3 ppm. pH has been running right
around 8.0. At any rate, my surmise is that a degradation in
water quality seems to have been triggered by moving the system (as
evidenced by the Cyano), which when combined with the small
injury to this fish, has caused enough stress to allow him (or
her) to develop Lymphocystis. <Likely all related.> Should I just
leave this alone, and hope it clears up on its own once everyone is
settled into the new system, or should I do something since
I'm going to have the opportunity when moving the livestock
on Saturday? In one of the FAQs, you recommend using a cotton swab
to daub the Lymphocystis with a mercuric compound. Should I try
this when I move the fish, since I'm going to be handling him
or her anyway, or just hope the larger system and Lysmata shrimp
will clear this up naturally? <I would likely leave this alone for
now... this problem develops slowly... and may resolve itself as
you hint with the growing improvement of your system. Bob Fenner>
Thanks for your insights. James D, concerned about his favorite fish. .
Clown Attack(ed by Zebrasoma, News at 11:00!) I
mentioned in a prior email that the maroon clown that went in last week
took up residence in the plate coral. During my hours of observing the
tank today, I noticed that the purple tang is picking on the clown a
lot. The tang (which seems to be becoming the dominant fish in the
system--even dominating the larger yellow tangs) will hover over the
plate coral and then nip at the clown. The clown will retreat farther
into the plate coral to avoid these attacks. It doesn't appear
serious at the moment, however, it also doesn't seem common that a
Zebrasoma will be that aggressive toward another fish not of its same
genus--and especially to another fish that is minding its own business
and not really moving around the system that much, like the clown. From
what I can tell, the clown is the only fish in the system that he picks
on (other than a few innocuous tail-offs with the yellows). Also, I
haven't observed this behavior until today--so it seems to have
started recently. Is this aggressive behavior between the tang and the
clown normal? At this point, should I just keep a watchful eye to make
sure it doesn't get out of hand between these two? <Any evidence
of physical damage? Probably not... and yes to all marine fishes being
"aggressive" to a degree... Likely no worries here.> Hope
you had a nice weekend. Chat soon. <Ah yes... finished the
pectiniids (a family of Stony Corals), and am doing my bit, editing
Scott Michael's upcoming re-do of "Sharks and Rays"...
and a friend helped with a PP mock-up that I'll be presenting next
month at the WMC... a fab pet-fish wknd for sure. Bob
Cooling and Purple Tang In response to your prior
message, about the fact that a wealth of information regarding
quarantine, etc. is available on your website (and I agree on
that--because I have now scoured it thoroughly), I wish I'd done a
little more research on every aspect of keeping a marine aquarium
before I got started. Unfortunately, most marine aquaria
retailers are not particularly concerned about the knowledge base of
new owners, and when an aspiring "fishkeeper" comes in to buy
a new setup and spend a bunch of money, they're thinking about the
buck and not about the health of the system or livestock! <And
doesn't this apparent attitude strike you as "odd"? I
mean, what better "advertising" (overall promotion) of
their/the business could there be than successful aquarist customers?
In what field of endeavor, vocation does it "pay" to have an
un- or mis- informed public?> It would be nice if LFS's offered
a "new aquarist" course--even 3 or 4 hours about the
basics--like the nitrogen cycle, stocking, livestock compatibility,
lighting, etc. I learned about the nitrogen cycle (and most everything
else) on my own--and I still am. <No books?> (Still waiting
on your book to arrive, too.) Not making excuses--just wishing I
hadn't been so naive in the beginning. <Ah, woulda,
coulda, shoulda... a common refrain> At any rate, I'm the type
of person that loves to learn new things and master new challenges--so
I'm not apt to throw my hands up and roll over. (And I otherwise
thoroughly enjoy gazing into the tank for 2 or 3 hours every evening!)
<Ahh, good outlook and preoccupation> I haven't set up a QT
tank yet--however, no more new fish until that's taken care of. The
white area on the underside of the purple tang was a little larger
yesterday. He otherwise appears normal, very active and feeding well. I
added two cleaner shrimp as you suggested. Within minutes of
introducing them to the tank, the two yellow tangs were letting the
shrimp crawl all over them and do their cleaning chores. <A
good, better sign... likely the Purple Zebrasoma will capitulate>
The purple hasn't taken to the cleaners as of yet--hopefully
he'll follow the lead of the yellows. (Question here--the purple
tang is the smallest of the three--and the least dominant. Should I
have added three cleaners so that the purple wouldn't have to
compete for their services?) Patience, patience. <No on the first,
definitely yes on the latter.> I also picked up some Selcon to soak
their food in--and some frozen brine and krill, to add some variety to
their diet. I'm also keeping sheet algae available for them to
graze on at all times--and the tangs all look much better. Any other
thoughts on the purple, other than watch and wait? <Yes my anxious
friend> I did add a ventilation system to the tank on Saturday. I
installed two 3" cooling fans from Radio Shack by attaching them
on the "ledge" at the top of the back of the tank with
silicon sealer. With the lids on the tank, they're not visible.
They draw room air through the gap at the top of the back of the tank.
The wiring goes to a little plastic box under the stand that has two
switches on it, and the fans can be independently controlled. The cord
from the switchbox plugs into the same timer as the lights--so the fan
(or fans) only come on when the lights are on. With one fan on, the
temp stays at about 79.5 to 80. If it gets hotter this summer, both
fans can be turned on, and the heater (set to 79) keeps the temp from
dropping too much from the fans (or at night after the lights go off).
The whole setup is keeping the temp within a 1 to 1 1/2 degree range.
<Very good> Also, I sent a message last week about red
"hair" looking stuff. That was waste from the bubble coral. I
fed it again this weekend--the next day, it started purging the
waste--and that's what it was. (I managed to scoop most of it up
with a net and remove it from the tank.) So no BGA. <Good> Hope
you had a nice weekend. Thanks for your patience and responsiveness.
James A. Deets <And you for your friendship and caring endeavors.
Kia orana. Bob Fenner>
Parasites? Fungus? OK--always something to learn,
sometimes the hard way. As I mentioned in my email earlier today, I
just scoured the WWM site today and read all about quarantining new
fish. Unfortunately, I didn't read enough a few weeks ago before I
started adding livestock, and added three tangs last weekend--two
medium yellow tangs and a small Red Sea purple tang. No freshwater dip
or QT time before putting them in the main tank. <How could I make
this information more accessible? What is it about human nature that
the industry waxes and wanes on providing these simple prophylactic
practices? Think of how many organisms unnecessarily lost... and the
turnover in hobbyist/customers... > The yellow tangs look fine.
I've increased their feeding to once per day, as their stomach
areas were looking a little thin. Other than that, they seem pretty
good. <Feed them more frequently still... in the wild are almost
constantly scavenging, searching for greens, aufwuchs...> The
purple, on the other hand, has a small white spot, about the size of a
pinhead, on the right side of his upper "lip". Also, when he
lowers the fins on his underside, his abdomen is white where his fins
lay against it. He also likes to rub against the rocks--he's been
"skipping" against the rocks since day one. I'm
relatively certain he's got something that needs to be dealt with,
but I'm not quite sure what it is or how to treat it. Kind of like
new parents with a sick child for the first time. <Doesn't sound
like a parasitic protozoan problem... not much at least, yet...>
What does this sound like, and how should I treat it? (Looks like my
fan/ventilation project might have just gotten supplanted with setting
up a QT tank this weekend. . .) <Good on the last count... on the
treatment front, add/soak their food (including some oriental food
store sheet algae) in Selcon (vitamin mix) for five ten minutes, and
consider adding Gobiosoma gobies or Cleaner Shrimp... you know where
the explanations, expansions on these ideas are to be found. Bob
Fenner> Thanks for your help. James Deets
Purple tang, ozone Q's Dear Bob, I have a few
question for you. first, why every time I purchase a purple tang they
will develop white spot for few days and then go off since I kept
marine for 16 years? <General stress> Now I have a purple tang
1.8 inch , Asfur angel 2 inch and 2 flame hawk in my 190g f/o tank
running with ozone with controller set at 350mv at 10mg/l and u/v only
on at 0100am to 6am daily. <I'd leave the UV on permanently...
much more effective> Will the purple tang pass those white spot to
the Asfur since I experience purple tang white spot only occur for 2 -
3 days and then goes off? <Too likely, yes. Do you have a dip,
quarantine procedure for new fish livestock? You should. Please read
over these topics on the marine index of the site:
www.wetwebmedia.com> will u/v burn off the slime on fishes? <Not
practically... some UV's are powerful enough to produce ozone in
sufficient quantity to raise Redox to this point... but rare... not in
your case> can I set my ozone to 25 or 40 mg/l base on the fishes I
indicated above and my tank is 72" x 24"x 30" and sump
at 36" x18" x 18" ? thank bob and wish you and all fish
lovers a HAPPY NEW YEAR <Hmmm, milligrams per liter? Per how much
time? If all your ozone source produces is a few hundred milligrams of
03 per hour total, no problems... Bob Fenner>
Purple Tangs I just purchased a Purple Tang (med) three
days ago. I have not seen him eat since the introduction to my
tank. I have tried frozen, and live Brine, as well as flake and
algae sheets....Should I be worried or what should I
try next....Thanks for your help. Jay Farley <<Do you have
live rock in this system? It's probably nibbling bits of life from
there... I wouldn't worry unless the animal was obviously getting
thinner. Bob Fenner>>
Tang Hi, I recently purchased a small Purple Tang to add
to my 46 gallon reef tank. The tank has a protein skimmer and
good water movement throughout the tank (powerheads). The fish
eats well, I feed a variety of foods formula 2,lifeline,reef
flakes, brine shrimp). The problem is that in the late evening
about 2 hours before the lights go out, it gets white dots on his body
and fins. It looks like marine ich when the lights come on in the
morning, the dots are gone, but he left with small blotches where
the dots were. Any ideas? The water quality is good. <<May
be stress coloration... or just natural markings... or a latent
infestation of ich... Do you have a biological cleaner, like a Lysmata
shrimp? You might consider one of these for your tank... Otherwise,
just keep your eyes on your Tang for signs the condition might be
worsening. Bob Fenner>>
Quarantine Tank After all this reading, I went out and
bought a 20 gallon quarantine tank with small power head, heater and
light (off most of the time) for my incoming Purple Tang, Kole Tang,
Lawnmower Blenny, and Banded Goby. I bought a piece of cured live rock
(been in the LFS store for weeks), and set it up in my garage with
water from my main tank(75). I dipped everything in buffered freshwater
with Methylene for 15 minutes. The Purple Tang came down with ich 2
days later, so I dipped him again, lowered salinity to 17 over two
days, and raised my temperature to 82. None of this seemed to help so I
removed the live rock, and put copper in the tank. This started to help
but then my big fear came to reality. My ammonia shot up, even though I
only fed a small pinch of flake food every other day. 25% water changes
didn't seem to help much. Not wanting to kill all these fish, I
figured my reef is in great shape and moved everything in there after a
buffered freshwater dip. All the fish but that Purple are doing good,
although the Kole spends all his time hiding. I've been lowering
the salinity of my reef from 26 to 17 and raised my temp to 84.
He doesn't show as much ich but now he shows more like powdery
splotches, and he has a kind of spastic behavior next to the glass on
one side of the tank. Now what do I do? How could I have kept the
ammonia from shooting up when I put in the copper and removed the live
rock? Thanks! Marty Wigder <<As far as I know, you did most
everything "right"... the ammonia spike might have been
skipped or reduced by having more cultured filter media... or dumping,
refilling the quarantine tank from your main tank... At this point, I
would add a Lysmata Cleaner shrimp... and hope for the best for the
Purple Tang...Much more handling/manipulation is probably going to be
more deleterious at this point than helpful. Bob Fenner, who might
actually "copper treat" all Purple Tangs on arrival from now
on... after hearing this account.>>
Purple tang I have a 55 gallon tank with live rock. I
have a majestic angel, potters angel Percula clown, purple Firefish and
a purple tang. The tang has just come down with little white spots. It
does not look like Ich, but the spots are kind of cottony looking
spots. I have had this fish for about 7 mths now. I have a wet dry
filter (sea life system) and a power head. We had just moved and the
tank has been set up for about 3 weeks now and everything was going
good. The tang is still very active and is eating good. Any thoughts on
this? Should I treat the tank? Thank You, Larry from Tampa
<<A few... this may well be some sort of latent external parasite
that has surfaced from the stress of the move... At this point I would:
Lower the specific gravity of the system to 1.018. Raise the
temperature to about 83F. And add a single or couple of Cleaner Shrimp
of the genus Lysmata... And hold off and see if this "does
it"... if not, ring me back. Bob Fenner>>
Purple Tang "Ich" I bought a small Purple Tang
through Flying Fish. When I received the Tang he was alive and
very alert, he altogether displayed no signs of illness. Upon
releasing him into the tank, he swam over to the algae covered rocks
and started to dine. I thought this was an excellent sign that he
was in great shape. However, after getting up the next morning
and turning on the aquarium light he was covered in white spots.
In reading our marine aquarist manual, we figured that he has
developed Ich as a stress reaction of some sort. Is there a way
to treat his Ich without removing him into a quarantine tank? We
have live rock, some corals and a few invertebrates and the
helper at the local fish store stated that anything he has to
treat the Ich would have effects on the reef and the
di-nitrifying bacteria. <<The fellow at the local shop is
right... you can't effectively treat the Tang in place... If you
are fortunate, and the infestation is not too virulent, you may have
success at doing the following: 1) Lower the specific gravity of
your water to 1.018 2) Raise the water temperature to 84F. (for this
species) 3) Add some biological cleaners... My fave are Shrimp (Lysmata
amboinensis) and/or Gobiosoma gobies. And if the spots don't go
away, or your other fish livestock take ill, you should move them to a
separate hospital/quarantine system... which you really should set up
and operate as standard operating procedure.... And if you want my
ideas on these topics in detail, please see the articles posted at
www.wetwebmedia.com Bob
Purple Tang with HLLE I purchased a purple tang about
three weeks ago that has some Head and Lateral Line Erosion. I am
feeding Ocean Nutrition Flakes, formula 1 & 2, Ocean Nutrition
frozen cubes (the meaty one, not the green one) and try to always have
a sheet of algae in there for the tangs to graze on. Is this diet good
enough to clear up the problem, and should I expect it to completely go
away? <<A bunch of factors need to be considered, optimized in
the animals favor to ward off, repair such a condition: If the animal
has a "good" genetic and developmental background (not
thrashed in collection, handling, shipping), and you can provide an
optimized and stable environment, and supply it with proper
nutrition.... The water quality question is probably number two in the
"hit parade" of failures with HLLE.... and is most easily
improved with the use live rock, macro-algae, and best: mud/muck and
Caulerpa algae with lighted sump/filter... The nutrition part of the
equation... I would augment what you're doing with application of
aqueous vitamins and iodine... just put this on the fishes food ahead
of offering it... There are advocates of "other" causes in
these matters, stray electrical potential, protozoan involvements
(Octamita necatrix, aka Hexamita)... and more... ignore these.... they
are not the root cause(s) of your fish's complaint. Bob
Purple & Yellow Tang Would a purple tang get along
with my yellow tang in a 75 gallon tank, or am I asking for
trouble? Thanks. <<I'd give you good odds they would learn to
get along... their might be some "jousting" from time to time
(especially initially), but your order of introduction is right... and
they should do fine. Bob Fenner>>
Purple Tang Bob, I recently purchased a purple tang. It
arrived healthy, however it died the next morning. I received a
replacement, which lived for a month. Both fish appeared healthy. The
second one was swimming great one minute, the next it was on the
bottom, one eye sunk into its head the other eye bulging out of its
socket. It couldn't swim, I froze it. All water levels were fine.
Is it possible these fish were caught using cyanide? None of my other
fish exhibited any signs of problems. Thanks, Jeff <<Yikes...
very frightening... And though I've heard of rumours
("Philippine divers collecting livestock in the Red Sea... usually
Saudi Arabia... using cyanide"... News at 11:00!), I really doubt
these... Know a bit of the areas involved and the hearts/minds of the
"powers that be" in the countries bordering this
Zebrasoma's distribution... and this practice would be dealt with
quickly... Suspect you're the victim of a tremendous bad
coincidence... most Purple tangs are great on arrival... very few
DOA's... but maybe you received two badly handled
specimens... Bob Fenner, still a big Purple Tang
Purple Tang Bob, I have a Purple Tang in my reef tank
that in the last couple of days has developed white lips. He has
been in my system for about three months with no apparent
problems. All critical water parameters seem to be correct. What
could this be? And what should I do if anything? <<Hmmm, well,
I'm inclined to accept that "it" may be nothing other
than normal color, or a rub-effect from the animal feeding on what you
have in the tank... or swiping one of your sugar donuts when you're
having your java in the AM (just joking to the last)... but I'd do
nothing if the Tang is fine otherwise... Bob Fenner who wishes we were
diving in the Red Sea right now, so I could point out some of these
Zebrasoma that show this "white lip" condition on the
Rule of thumb on tangs? Mr. Fenner: I went out on a limb
purchased a Purple Tang from the display tank of my dealer where it has
been kept with another yellow tang for nearly one year now. I have been
admiring this tang in the tank since I began researching the hobby and
the store owner agreed to sell it to me today. Unfortunately, to my
dismay, when I brought the tang home and placed the bag in the tank, my
yellow tang immediately began swiping the bag with its tail and acting
very aggressive towards the fish in the bag. Both fish are of nearly
equal size. I currently have the purple in a quarantine tank but am
afraid that when I add it to the display tank, my yellow will be
aggressive towards it. Do you think I should see if I can return the
tang to the dealer? Does this behavior sometimes subside? I would
certainly hate to endanger either one of these beautiful fish by
placing them in a situation where they will pester each other to death.
I truly appreciate your advice and the time you have spent responding
to my questions. I look forward to hearing your wisdom on this
situation. Thank you, Jason <<Hmmm, don't know about the
wisdom bit, but here's my take on the possibility. Try the Purple
one more time... after leaving the lights on your system for twenty
four hours straight (won't hurt anything) and moving a good deal of
the "decor", live rock about... this will disorient the
Yellow which may still "joust" then and occasionally (i.e.
ongoing), but unless you see real damage, don't be too concerned.
Similar sizes, shapes, resource utilization in tangs (and other fishes)
result in these agonistic displays... Bob Fenner>>
Purple Tang Night Coloring My new Purple Tang
adopts a different color at night.... pale, almost whitish with a even
lighter splotch in the middle of his stomach, I thought this was normal
but my Sailfin seems unaffected, is this normal
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |