FAQs on Sebae Anemone
Related Articles: Heteractis
crispa/Sebae Anemones, Bubble
Tip Anemones, Anemones,
Cnidarians, Colored/Dyed Anemones,
Related FAQs: Sebae
Anemones 1, Sebae Anemones 2,
Sebae Anemones 3, Sebae Identification, Sebae Behavior, Sebae Compatibility, Sebae Selection, Sebae Feeding, Sebae Disease, Sebae Reproduction,
Anemones, Anemones 2,
Anemones, Condylactis,
Anemones, Anemones and
Clownfishes, Anemone
Reproduction, Anemone
Lighting, Anemone
Identification, Anemone
Compatibility, Anemone
Selection, Anemone Behavior,
Health, Anemone
Placement, Anemone
Feeding, Heteractis malu,

New Print and
eBook on Amazon:
Anemone Success
Doing what it takes to keep Anemones healthy long-term
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Is my system ready for a Sebae Anemone?
Hello WetWebMedia and thank you for taking the time to answer my
I was wondering whether or not you think my system is able to handle
Heteractis Crispa or not.
I'll start by listing my current water parameters and system
Current Parameters:
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 0ppm
Phosphate: 0ppm
<Mmm, photo/chemo-synthates need some measurable NO3 and HPO4>
pH: 8.3
kH: 8.0
Calcium: 470
<A bit high... would keep under 450 ppm, about 400 or so... and need to
see/determine that [Mg] is within proportion>
Salinity: 1.024
Temperature: 78°F
System information:
Aquarium: 56 gallon cube (30x18x24 inches)
Filtration: Marineland canister filter C-160, sump (unknown brand but
built in trickle filter with bioballs),
<Do make sure the intake is widely screened, lest the anemone drift
near, get sucked against>
Coralife 65g Super Skimmer and the all important 50lbs of live rock and
3 inch deep sand bed.
Lighting: Odyssea 396 watt 24" hqi combo fixture. Don't worry, I
replaced the metal halide ballast with a 250w icecap and the compact
fluorescent actinic bulbs with Coralife power compacts. I have a new 250
watt hqi bulb coming for Christmas as a gift for myself. The moonlight
LEDs I left alone.
Water flow:
2 Aqueon 700gph circulation pumps in opposite corners controlled by a
Hydor Koralia Smart wave controller creating back and forth flow.
1 power head unknown flow rate or brand constant flow
1 Hydor Koralia Nano circulation pump continuous flow.
Water changing:
Coralife Pure-Flo 2 four stage RO/DI unit 50gpd
Establishment: I personally have owned the tank for almost three years
now but I inherited it with all of its inhabitants, water, rock,
substrate etc. from an elementary school that had used it for 6 years.
Basically this tank is 9 years old.
Current inhabitants:
Fish and mobile inverts:
1 Snowflake Eel approx 14" 1 year
<Will need more room in time>
1 Six-line Wrasse approx 2" 6 months
1 Fu Manchu Lionfish approx 2" 2 months
<Might get stung, consumed by an anemone>
1 Sea Hare 4 months
<... DO check re the species. Many sold in the trade are
inappropriate... cool to cold water, get too big... when they die take
the rest of the tank w/ them>
1 Lettuce Sea Slug (hitchhiker on my Fu Manchu)
7 clean up crew hermit crabs 3 years
2 turbo snails 4 months
1 Acropora spp. 4 months
1 green LPS 5 months
1 green Zoanthid colony 6 months
<These other Cnidarians may take exception to the new anemone's
presence. I'd isolate the Heteractis in a separate system, mix water...
to alleviate allelopathy. As gone over here:
and see these species Compatibility FAQs files>
The only water quality fluctuations I have recently experienced involved
my phosphates when they rose to 1ppm very quickly over a period of 2
days. A quick water change helped fix that. I had a very long term
problem with Nitrates during my FOWLR years until I increased my water
change schedule from 20% once a month to 20% every two weeks. Now my
water qualities have remained stable at just about perfect for 4 months
(besides the phosphate increase a few weeks ago) and all my inhabitants
appear very healthy. I only recently (6 months ago) became a reef
aquarist but I have maintained a successful reef ecosystem since I
switched it from running as a FOWLR system for two and a half years (and
the 6 years before I owned it). Do you guys think my tank can handle a
sebae anemone?
<You're at a handicap w/ such a small/ish volume, and some of the other
livestock are problematical>
Perhaps more importantly is should I even attempt a species this
notoriously difficult?
<A clone/d BTA would be a better choice/gamble>
I also would be ordering from liveaquaria.com as my local pet store never
gets Sebaes from its distributor. Point being, I wouldn't be able to see
the anemone until it is on my doorstep. If there is something wrong with
the specimen I receive do you think it has a good chance of recovering
and surviving and thriving in my tank?
<I'd have another system in place for the slow meet and greet mentioned,
and in case you need/want to move it pronto>
Thank you,
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Saving a Sebae/Heteractis
crispa/Systems/Health 4/7/12
Dear WWM,
<Hello Eric>
I have used your site on a couple occasions and wanted to
say thanks for providing such in depth information for beginners such
as myself.
Unfortunately, I recently ended up with a white Sebae Anemone. I bought
it from my LFS who is usually a pretty reliable guy. It looks and
behaves in a healthy manner in all aspects except the color. Which I
have come to find indicates bleaching after researching the care. From
what I have been seeing feeding of fresh shrimp and other seafoods in a
necessity in its
current state. I am hoping that you can provide me with any other tips
on saving it. Is it possible to restore the Zooxanthellae in its system
or cause it to grow some more?
<A chance.>
Is there any hope of keeping it healthy even though its bleached? I
feel really bad about buying and therefore supporting the
trade of what appears to be a commonly mistreated anemone and, I would
very much like to save it. Any advice would be appreciated.
ammonia 0
nitrate less than 40
<Too high.>
phosphates unknown
lights ho full spectrum fluorescents
sg .025
temp 78
tank size 10 gallon
<Tank much too small to maintain health of the Sebae
clarkii clown, LTA anemone
<Is the LTA in addition to the Sebae (Heteractis crispa)?>
<Not a good move in the size of tank you have. If you are
referring to the Sebae as a LTA, they are not the same. A LTA or
Corkscrew Anemone is a Macrodactyla doreensis.>
( doing very well in current tank ) small scooter blenny.
I am currently halfway through cycling my 55 gallon tank which is where
everything will be going too which is outfitted with a four bulb T5 HO
system on a timer. 2 actinic bulbs and 2 full spectrums. 10000k's.
I do a weekly water change and monitor my levels constantly. I
know its a bit of a small tank. It was my first one and i fell in love
with it so now everyone in there will be getting a nice big new home
<Mmm, strongly suggest you read here and related articles found in
the header.
Thank You for any help you can offer.
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
> Re Saving a Sebae/Heteractis crispa/Systems/Health
> Dear WWM,
> <Hello Eric>
Thank you for the link James.
<You're welcome.>
The LTA I was referring to is a Long Tentacled or Corkscrew Anemone
which is doing well. The Sebae is a second anemone (which I impulse
purchased) shame on me I know. I however have read your article
and will be speaking with my local fish guy about taking it out and
having him hold it or take it back until my larger tank is ready
thus decreasing my bio load in my small tank. Thank you for the advice
and keep up the good work. I will certainly be more careful with my
livestock purchases in the future.
<Yes, best to read/learn before buying. James (Salty
Sebae Anemone/Health/Systems
Dear WWM,
Your posts and e-mails have always provided valuable advice.
<Thank you.>
I have read through many of the FAQ links concerning Sebae Anemones and
cannot seem to locate specific information regarding a few things.
Before I ask my questions, here is some information about my tanks (I
have one Sebae in each tank):
Tank One; 14 gallon (I will be moving the Anemone to tank two once I
know rather or not it is healthy) Oceanic Bio Cube (I do not know the
exact lighting these are sold with; it has not been upgraded from
factory lighting).
<Will not stay too healthy in this scenario, too small even if
I have a UV, skimmer, heater @ 80.5 degrees, 20 pounds live rock,
twenty - thirty pounds of live sand, one sexy shrimp (who loves the
anemone!), one Maroon clown,
<Too small a system for this fish.>
one damsel (white with a yellow tail; don't know the name), 3
Nerite Snails, 3 nessarius (spelling?) <Nassarius>, 4
hermit crabs, a serpent starfish, and a Nano power head. I have the
white and blue lights on for six hours, moon-light for 8 hours, and
just blue lights for the rest of the time.
<The lighting in this system is no where near adequate for this
I'm quite sure you haven't read here.
Tank Two; 75 gallons. This tank has a 120 gallon sump, a Red Sea
Venturi skimmer, UV, 80 pounds live sand, 55 pounds live rock, three
1050gph power heads, a 4 bulb (2 blue, 2 white) T5 light with 216 watts
total output (same
lighting hours as tank one), 1 False Percula Clown, 3 Damsels, 1 Turbo
Snail, 3 hermit crabs, 4 Nerite / nessarius <Nassarius> snails,
temp at 80 degrees.
Both tanks test 0-0.5 nitrates / nitrites, <?> 490 calcium, 8.5
PH, 15dkh (high), 0.5 phosphates (down from 2.0 last week). Water
changes bi-weekly of 25-45%.
So here are my questions (finally!). I have read a lot of posts on your
site about "bleached" anemones. How am I to know if it is
bleached or normal colored? What color are they when they are healthy
and if mine is not, how do I go about nursing it back to good health?
Both of my anemones are white(ish) yellow with purple tips.
<Sebae (Heteractis crispa) have a gray or violet-brown appearance
overall, depending on the concentration of its symbiotic algae, and
will have a centered pink tip at the end of the tentacles.>
The anemone in tank 1 has grown 1-2 inches in the past month or two. I
feed them phytoplankton and brine
shrimp; perhaps I should move up to something more substantial?
<Yes, found in the above link.>
As for my lighting (in each tank), is it sufficient?
<Tank 1 no, tank 2 may be borderline depending on the depth of the
My anemones rarely move around and seem to be content on their rocks at
the bottom of the tanks. In my 75 gallon, the anemone actually moved
into a cave I made for my fish; it could not get any further from the
lights unless it buried itself!
<Not a good sign. Do read the article I linked you to.>
Do Sebae Anemones like a lot of current? I wonder if my current in tank
2 is too much?
<If the three 1050gph power heads are always on, yes, it is too much
and may be why the anemone
settled in the cave which is not a good place to get the light it
Better to set these pumps up with a wavemaker device. The Aquarium
Systems model is very inexpensive and
works well.>
The fish do not seem to mind it. J
I know this is a very long post and I truly appreciate your help!!
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
HUGE Sebae Anemone! Sys. 6/11/10
Hey guys and gals at WWW.
<Hello Pam.>
I made the mistake that a lot of newbies make, and bought a very
bleached Sabae <Sebae> Anemone 2.5 years ago.
<Wow, great longevity!>
I had done some homework, and knew that I had to have strong
lighting and had to wait till my tank matured before adding the
Sabae <Sebae>, but I didn't realize that they
aren't supposed to be stark white. It was touch
and go for a while and several times I thought he was going to
die. It took a lot of patience because the Sabae <Sebae>
refused to eat, but after several months of patience and good
water quality, he started to recover and started gaining his
color back. He was about 3 1/2 inches in diameter when I bought
him, and now he's a whopping 13 inches across.
He's actually probably more like 14 or 15" because
he's draped over my rocks, so I can't get an accurate
Now I'm wondering what to do with him as I think he's
getting close to outgrowing my tank. I am afraid to try to get
him off the rock because I don't want to injure him. Do
Sabae's <Sebae's> ever split?
<Heteractis crispa typically do not breed in captivity but
anemones in general can multiply by sexual and asexual means. And
yes, one way is using fission, which is when they actually split
in half from the foot or mouth to form a clone. They will also
reproduce using male and female sex glands or find another
I've heard of people forcibly splitting Anemone's, but
I'd never risk that.
<I would not do so either. You have had great success with
this anemone, obviously due to your good care, so why risk the
possibility of losing it.>
How big is too big? My tank is 53 gallons -
<Generally, a minimum of 60 gallons is recommended. You are
close to that so....Keep an eye on nitrates as anemones this size
can produce waste equal to three or four fish.>
Check out the pictures I attached. I took the first two pictures
when I bought him 2.5 years ago, and I took the other two
pictures this week.
Check out the size of the clown in relation to the Sabae
<A beautiful specimen.>
Would you just leave him be in my setup, or sell him to someone
with a large tank?
<I would keep for sure.>
I guess my only option if I can't coax him to release his
grip from the rock, is to sell him attached to the rock, but the
rock he's attached to, is on the bottom of the rock structure
on the left side of the tank and I'd have to take apart that
rock structure, and I hate to give the rock away, as I love the
rock work in my tank. Just a FYI...I stopped hand-feeding him a
year ago due to how large he was growing. Now he just eats what
he catches as it floats by when I feed the tank, and he's
still growing so he's obviously getting what he needs. :)
He's one healthy specimen now and even made it through a 3
day power-outage with the water temp getting down to 58f
Lost all of my fish and all of my SPS frags, but the Sabae
<Sebae>, the Crocea Clam and the LPS and most of the CUC
<?> all survived.
<And thank you for sending your success story. I do enjoy
reading such emails and let's hope your anemone continues to
live a long life.
Congrats! James (Salty Dog)>
[1].JPG) |
Re HUGE Sebae Anemone! 6/11/10 - 6/14/10
Hi James.
<Hello Pam>
Thank you for your response, and also for correcting me on the
spelling of Sebae.
<No problem, is what we do before posting on the dailies.
Correct spelling does help us out time wise.>
You got that drilled into my head now ... LOL Glad to hear
you'd keep the Sebae if you had it in the set up I have.
<Oh yes, only a small percentage of folks are able to keep one
for that length of time.>
It has become the centerpiece of my tank and everyone that sees
my tank will say "WOW...what's THAT??!! .
<Can definitely be a centerpiece for sure.>
Check out the attached picture if you want to see how sick it was
a few days after I put it in my tank in January 2008. It was
touch and go like that for a few months.
<I see, and thanks for sending along.>
I never thought about the Sebae affecting my bi-load, but I guess
it obviously would. I have been battling GHA for a while, but
it's about 95% gone now.
I was keeping 7 fish, but lowered it to 5 by not replacing the
last two fish I lost.
<Good move with your size tank and the large anemone.>
The nitrates in my tank have never tested above 10, and I
don't test for phosphates since it's hard to get a true
<Understand, they are generally absorbed as fast as they are
produced/placed into the system.>
I do run Phosban in a TLF Reactor.
<I would not use this unless your phosphate level is readable.
Many animals require a very small amount of phosphate. As long as
an efficient protein skimmer is being used, you should not
require the use of Phosban>
I just had to move a Hammer Coral away from the Sebae, because
after probably two years of the Hammer doing beautifully, it
recently started declining, and was only opening maybe 50%. Now
that the Anemone grew so much, the Hammer was almost touching it,
so I thought that the Sebae might be the cause of the declining
health of the Hammer. I can't totally blame the Sebae though,
because some of the only GHA left in my tank, is on the Hammer
Coral, so I'm guessing it might be irritating the coral??
<On the tissue or on base itself?>
I also have a Sun Coral that stopped opening several months ago.
No GHA anywhere near the Sun Coral. I'm wondering if the
Sebae is causing some chemical warfare.
<Would be by stinging, but the Sun Coral is one of the few
corals that does not contain a symbiotic algae, and hence, does
not like bright light, in fact low to no light is required. Since
it contains no symbiotic algae, it must be fed vitamin enriched
brine shrimp or micro-plankton from an eye dropper directly to
each one of its polyps. Your problem may lie in the
aforementioned area.>
I will occasionally throw some carbon in a filter sock for a
week, but maybe I need to run it all the time ??
<Is fine with your stocking level.>
The Sun Coral has always been well out of reach of the Sebae. The
Sun Coral is miraculously still alive as I can see it's
polyps barely sticking out once in a while, but it's unhappy
about something and it hasn't opened in months so I
haven't been able to feed it for a long time. It was happy
and fully opening daily for at least a year.
<Might want to relocate this coral into a low light
Always something to figure out in this hobby!
<Oh yes, we are never finished learning about this hobby. I
guess that's why it is so interesting, it's never
Thanks again. Pam
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
(just a FYI... I do have a sump and Elos skimmer on this setup.
Display is 53g and sump holds about 7 gallons of water. Light is
an Elos Planet with one 150MH 12k bulb and four 24w T5's.
<Sounds good as long as the skimmer can handle your tank
Crispa/Systems/Health 5/13/10
<Hello Robert>
My 90 gallon aquarium is mixed corals and has been set up since
November 26 ,2009. I have a 10 gallon refugium with macro algae and
aragonite sand lit with a florescent full spectrum bulb in addition to
the sump and protein skimmer. The 90 gallon is lit with 2- 250 metal
hides and 2- 24inch actinic pc compact bulbs.
<Yowsie, you could grow sun with that.>
I have about 80 lbs of live rock that I received from a retiring
aquarist complete with all of the mixed corals and 1 Bubble Tipped
Anemone <on> December 10,2009.
January 15, 2010 I added 1 Yellow Tang 2 Perculas and a Six Line Wrasse
and some brittle stars. Everything is growing very well and I have
learned something new almost every day.
So here comes the most recent lesson. I added a piece of live rock with
some mushrooms on it and discovered a completely bleached Sebae
<Heteractis crispa>
as well. Before you say always check before you drive, sometimes things
happen. So here is my dilemma; I could bring the whole mess back to the
incompetent LFS that the incompetent reef keeper(me) purchased ( I had
store credit from freshwater plant sales.) it from so they could kill
it or sell it to someone else. Or I could set up a 10 gallon Quarantine
tank with metal halide lighting (light can be raised well above
aquarium). Or I could leave it in the 90 and pray that the two anemones
do not attack. Or I could just remove and destroy. The Sebae Crispa
looks very happy and healthy other than being snow white with purple
Your feedback would be greatly appreciated.
<A pic of the anemone in question would have been nice, but to
answer your question...Moving the Sebae Anemone to a small system will
be a big step backward and will result in almost certain failure as
this 10 gallon tank will not be aged enough and/or large enough to
satisfy it's needs. If the anemone appears
healthy, he can be in no better spot for recovery than in your 90 with
twin MH lamps. The risk you will take is the possibility of losing
fish/invertebrates to it's sting, the chance you would have to
If you decide to keep the anemone, twice daily inspections should be
carried out to ensure the anemone is healthy/improving, and not dying.
A dying anemone can poison the entire tank's
inhabitants. Do read here.
The LFS I purchased this rock from has about 10 salt and 300 freshwater
Aquariums and is not normally a go to source for me primarily because
of my 20 years of freshwater experience and feedback they have given
others conflicts with my experience.
<Happens all too often. James (Salty Dog)>
Heteractis crispa, sys.
Hi Bob,
I'm putting together a post on the new web page for Heteractis
crispa. I see in your article that you recommend a minimum of 60
uncrowded gallons.
Is this outdated info or a good number. I was thinking along the lines
of 100 gallons minimum. They are known to grow to 19 inches in diameter
<The bigger the better as usual... I'm still stuck with 60 gal.s
being an absolute minimum. BobF>
Re: Heteractis crispa
Thanks, didn't want to contradict what's stated in the
<Mmm, not a contradiction James... your valuable input may well vary
from mine, others. B>
Sebae, anemone gen., reading
Please help me. I have a very established salt water tank( 1 yr +), 20
<Too small a volume/world for anemones...>
and I just purchased a Sebae anemone, approx 1 wk ago.
<Return this animal>
Did not know that they are not supposed to white until I read your
articles. What I don't get, however, is how to make this animal
healthy? Can I get zooxanthellae(sp) to feed it?
<Not as such, no... can house with other animals that contain...
that may be incorporated in time... but not likely at all to live
It is small, 2-4 inches, and isn't really eating that I can tell.
Is it big enough for silversides?
<Return it>
I have brine shrimp, which I'm guessing from the articles is wrong,
sigh. I really don't want this to die. My Fiji Tomato Clown loves
<These also require a larger world>
BTW, the clown is only about 1
� 1
� so it's not
�loving it to death.
<Good, and good point>
It is currently starting to shrivel somewhat, not turning brown, which
I'm guessing is what they need to do, but is sticky and has not
moved in the last week from the live rock it has attached itself to. I
fed it some brine shrimp today, but can't tell whether it really
ate it or the clown ate it. He's really not good at feeding it.
What do I do?
<... return>
Yes, levels are fine, nitrates a little high, 30 ppm or so, calcium
perfect, ph a little low, still acceptable, but added a buffer to bring
it up some. Lighting is good, I have a Coralife t5 ho lighting system,
directly on the glass on the gtank, and there is moderate movement in
the tank. I have 2 damsels, 1 clown (already mentioned), a camel
shrimp, 2 hermit crabs, 1 emerald crab, 3 snails and a pajama cardinal.
Also, about 20 lbs of live rock. What do I do to save my little
<I want you to be successful, and not suffer the disenchantment of
losing life through your actions, inactions. Take this specimen back.
Bob Fenner>
Re Heteractis
Crispa/Systems/Care 11/10/09
Did you mean to write something here?
James (Salty Dog)>
Yes, actually I did, but it was all the way at the bottom, so
here's a fleshed out version:
Sorry, should have mentioned: the lighting is T5HO. I have swapped out
two of the actinics, so I now have four T5 HO 10,000 K lights directly
over the reef area with the anemone roughly eight inches below the
surface-- the lights are an inch from the surface-- and a couple
actinics in a second lighting unit at the front. I will replace one or
both of those with two more T5HO lights as soon as I can get to the
LFS, if you feel that would be good.
<Still looking for the wattage of the system.>
I have a protein skimmer and phosphate reactor in the 25 gallon sump,
both of which are properly and regularly maintained, and a refugium
filled with deep sandbed, live rock, Chaeto, and mangroves is located
in the centre section of the sump.
Checked my KH, which was low at 8.5, which explains the 7.7 Ph, <Not
low enough to cause a drop in pH, may be your test kit. Still looking
for your fish load.>
so am using a marine buffer to very slowly raise both. Otherwise,
are textbook.
<Do ensure the product you are using contains carbonate,
bicarbonate, and borate. In saltwater, bicarbonate drives the pH toward
7.8, carbonate drives pH toward 9.1, and borate toward 9.5 or more.
I'm partial to Seachem's Marine Buffer for safely raising the
I've read all the sebae articles and threads on the site, so I know
what I'm up against-- and I will do everything needed to bring this
lovely little guy back to health.
<I wish you luck here, you may be one of the few to succeed.>
Mostly, I wanted to know how quickly I should begin feeding him, the
one question I couldn't find an answer to.
<I stated this in the original query.>
Happily, I can see tan coloring on top of the foot, in between the
tentacles, so there are some Zooanthellae there. I will let him rest
for a few days, then embark on feeding.
Additional note: I did squirt some Cyclopeeze very gently into the
general vicinity of the anemone, and I can see the tentacles moving
about a bit as is searching for something to eat, a few hours
<Useless for feeding Heteractis.>
It seems to have firmly seated itself into a crevice (not the one
I'd picked for it, but an alternate just a couple inches away and a
wee bit lower from the lights) and may be settling in okay. His mouth
is still open, now less than a quarter-inch, so that's improved
very slightly. General tank feeding will be in a few hours, and if a
mysis shrimp happens to fall onto a tentacle and get eaten, I'll be
thrilled. I will stand by with my ten inch "scoot, pesky cleaner
shrimp!" wand.
Otherwise, in a day or two, depending on his staying open, staying put,
and waving tentacles, I will commence gently puffing chopped mysis or
regular shrimp mixed with a little Cyclopeeze over him and very gently
towards the mouth. If this does not result in eating, I will try the
force-feed described elsewhere in the threads and articles.
<Do not force feed this animal, akin to someone running a quarter
pounder down
your throat when you are laid up with the flu.>
Does that all sound OK?
<Let's hope for success, read all you can on this anemone. James
(Salty Dog)>
Re Crispa/Systems/Care
Hello, "Salty Dog!"--
<Hello Judy>
the last details you were looking for:
fish load: two cleaner shrimp, one Flame Angel, two Perculas, one
Lawnmower Blenny, one undetermined goby, one cleaner wrasse, one
Six-Line Wrasse. Cleaning crew (aside from blenny): eight blue-legged
crabs, one scarlet-legged crab, a couple turbo snails.
<A little high on fish load, I certainly would add no more. Are the
Perculas hosting the anemone? Just curious.>
Wattage on tank: 39 watts x 4 T5HOs: 156 watts (am not counting the
actinics). With two more 10,000K which I will get today, it will become
234 watts. If I can find 54 watt T5HOs, I'll get them, adding two
to swap out the actinics and replacing two of the others, which would
then give 294 watts. As the lower wattage ones wear out, I'll
replace them with 54 watts also, finally ending up with 324 watts.
Would that do?
<That should work just fine Judy.>
I'll get the Seachem Buffer recommended.
<Didn't mean for you to run out and buy it but to just ensure
your present buffer contains what I mentioned earlier.>
And I promise not to force feed the little guy. I did give him a couple
of very tiny slivers of silverside twice yesterday about six hours
apart, placing each gently on the inside side of the tentacles closest
to his mouth. Both bits were consumed, although very slowly. A few
mysis shrimp that landed on the tentacles during general tank feeding
were also slowly conveyed to his mouth and eaten.
His foot does not appear to have anchored yet in the sand crevice.
I thought it had and removed the bits of rockwork I had tucked around
him to keep him steady, and this morning he had slid down the rock. On
checking the crevice, I though perhaps there was not enough finer sand
for his foot to be comfy, so I filled it with more, put him back, and
tucked the rockwork carefully back around him, noting that while he had
not been at all sticky when he arrived on Sunday, he is now slightly
<Sounds good.>
If I am missing anything, please let me know.
James, thank you so much for your help on this. It's very
comforting to know you WetWebber experts are there to share your
knowledge and help make us doofuses better reefers. I think I'll
name this guy Jimmy...
<YIKES, no please, may give me bad luck for my longevity. Name it
Bob, Sue, anything but Jimmy :-) James (Salty Dog)><<Heeee!
Re Heteractis Crispa/Systems/Care 11/11/09
Interestingly, the Perculas are hosting my baseball-sized Galaxia
<Not unusual.>
(okay, I'll name the anemone Crispy.)
<Great. James (Salty Dog)>
Crispa/Systems/Care 11/9/09
I bought one today that has some color-- pink tips and tentacles, a
pale yellow, really, rather than tan, but with some hints of tan deeper
in the tentacles, which were short and fat in the store and which are
very slowly stretching now that it is placed in the tank, where it went
a couple of hours ago. It was hard to tell the colour in the store as
it was not in bright light (!!!) but fortunately has not been there
long. I visit that store frequently and it wasn't there a week ago.
Its mouth is open just under a quarter inch. Its foot is about an inch
and a half in diameter, and is white, so it has not been dyed. Clearly,
it will need good care as it's not hovering near death, but neither
is it fully healthy.
I built a location for it with plenty of (eight inches away from
everyone else on its very own little plateau) space between it and
other corals, mushrooms mostly-- which are on pieces of rock that can
be moved to provide more space should the anemone want it, and it is
sitting about six inches below the bank of 3 10,000K lights and three
actinic bulbs.
<I would swap two of the actinics for 10K lamps.>
I designed a live rock crack about an inch wide, filled with sand for
it, so I think it should be comfortable there. There are two alternate
cracks located nearby should it wish to move. There is moderate flow
going over but not right onto the anemone, but I can redirect the
return more directly on it if that would be advisable.
<Better to have alternating flow patterns, wavemaker style.>
Water parameters have been stable for over a year (the tank, which is
50 gallons with a 25 gallon sump/refugium where the protein skimmer and
phosphate reactor are located is about 18 months old now). Nitrates are
barely trace, phosphates zero. The pH stays steady at 7.7 and I
can't seem to get that up, but my calcium levels are over 500.
<Stocking level too high, low dKH? Is a skimmer used?>
Temperature is 78 degrees, specific gravity 1.024. I periodically
supplement with Reef
Complete and Kent Marine Coral-Vite. used distilled water in an
automatic drip system to replace evaporation. All other denizens are
healthy, happy and growing well. (If necessary as they grow, I will
sell other less-treasured corals to keep plenty of room for
My question: I have read a new anemone should be given a week of being
left alone to settle in. At the same time, though, I know this one will
definitely be needing consistent and regular supplemental feeding, to
keep it going until it's able to use light for nutrients more
effectively, and less feeding after that. But I wonder if I should not
begin feeding it sooner rather than waiting a week.
So, at what point should I begin hand-feeding it tiny delectable
morsels, and how often? I am thinking weenie bits of silverside, tiny
slivers of shrimp, a few mysis shrimp.
<I would let it settle in and expand before feeding it. At that
time, three feedings weekly should suffice. I would be more concerned
with your lighting. You didn't state what type system/wattage it
is, but I'm guessing you have power compact lighting, and if so,
this may not be intense enough for this difficult to keep anemone.
Do read here and related articles/FAQs.
James (Salty Dog)>
Judy Waytiuk
Newbie with a
Sebae/Anemones/Systems 9/14/09
<Hello Lauren>
I really like your site, and I appreciate the advice I've been able
to gather from reading other FAQs about anemones, but I'm still
unsure how to best handle my situation.
I'm very new to the marine aquarium world; my tank has been up and
running for about 2 months. I didn't know at the time that this was
too soon to add an anemone, and acquired a small sebae anemone because
I was told it would be adopted by my two False Percula Clownfish.
Unfortunately, I've had the anemone for a week now, and it's
not looking so great. There are several less-than-optimal conditions of
my set up, (that I'm working through subject to budget
constraints,) and I'm really only inquiring to see if it's even
possible to save my anemone. My biggest fear is that it will die and
the ammonia spike will kill my tank. So, here's what I've got-
Setup: 29 gallon tank,
<Tank too small for keeping this anemone.>
about 40lbs of live sand, about 30 lbs of live rock with moderate
coralline growth, Marine-Glo high output lights, (one the shop said
would be high output enough for corals, the other would give it the
"blue" color; they said it was standard reef lighting),
<Nonsense, no where near enough light for anemones. What are your
"high output" lamps, PC's, T5's?>
Aqueon filter currently using a carbon bag and a polishing pad, Prism
protein skimmer for up to 50 gallons. I do a partial twice a week, but
this week I've done a small one (about a gallon) every day. I use
conditioned tap water, which the local stores (not Petco) agree is as
good as distilled but not as good as R/O (I plan on a purification
system, but I'm waiting on the cash.) My pH is 8.3, ammonia 0,
nitrate 0, nitrite 0 (or at least undetectable.)
Livestock: the Sebae Anemone, two False Percula Clowns, a Yellow Tailed
Blue Damsel, a Dottyback, two Watchman Gobies (they seem to be a mated
<Too many fish for this size tank, a disaster in the making, four
small fish at most.>
a Peppermint Shrimp, a Sand-Sifting star, two Nassarius snails, a
hermit crab, a margarita snail, an Astrea snail, and a turbo snail. For
reference, the turbo snail is about 2.5 inches, and he's the
biggest thing in my tank.
I got the sebae from Petco. He was pale, but not white, and more lime
green under my lights with purple tips. When he's retracted,
he's 1.5 inches all the way around, and when opened he's about
4 inches across. He spends most of his time somewhere in between. When
I bought him, and questioned his unhappy look, they told me he just ate
(yeah, right.) I put him in an area of less flow in my tank, where he
should get great light, but he wouldn't stick. He fell over on his
side. So I put him back (like Petco told me to do...) and read online,
and tried to feed him (Formula One, mostly, and some mysis shrimp.) He
ate and his color improved to a dark tan. For about a day, he was fine.
Then he went whitish again, and I've noticed that he colors up when
I feed him. However, he falls on his side all the time. I tried
different spots in my tank, even moved a flatter rock under the sand
for him, but it doesn't matter where I put him; he won't stay.
He sticks to me when I position him, and he is sticky, but he won't
stay put, and hasn't fully opened since. The false Perculas
won't touch him, but they are tank raised and I hear that's
normal. His color is back and forth, but mostly he just won't
Is there anything else I can do? I don't know if I should let him
roam or if there's something else I can do for him. I feel really
bad about acquiring an animal I didn't know enough about. If my set
up is impossible for him, I'll try to get a local pet store to take
him in.
<Yes, is impossible, and do try and find a home for the anemone and
some of your fish before disaster
does strike. These anemones (Heteractis crispa) are difficult to keep
for any length of time, even under ideal conditions, and should not be
kept with fish other than clownfish, especially in such a small
Thank you so much for any help or advice, and forgive me for being so
<Have you also read here?
An index to our marine articles/FAQ's can be found here for your
future and needed use.
James (Salty Dog)>
Re Newbie with a
Sebae/Anemones/Systems 9/15/09
Thank you so much, James. I would like to a responsible pet owner; I
feel I was just mislead about the sebae. I'll find a home for him
<It sure sounded like it to me, most dealers I'm acquainted
with, won't even stock these types of anemones, special order only.
James (Salty Dog)>
Help with my anemone
Anemone ID/Health 2/18/09
Dear Crew,
First and foremost what a wonderful site (thank you, thank you,
thank you)!
There is tons of stuff here that has helped me in the past. Also
thank you for taking the time to read this and help me with my
<You're welcome.>
Let me start at the beginning, I have been wanting to put an
anemone in one of my tanks for some time. I started with a 29g
reef tank, and all the corals started to out grow it, so I needed
an upgrade. Well fortune smiled upon me when I had found a 125g
Marineland tank and stand for $500 brand new.
<Sounds good.>
I knew it wasn't drilled, but for the price tag I
couldn't let it slip by.
Anyway, after many dollars and many months later it is starting
to take shape. As always there is much more that I can do, but
for now everything is happy and growing. Now to get to my
This last Saturday my wife and I decided to go out for dinner for
Valentine's Day. Well I happened to convinced her to head to
a pet store near by, just to peruse the saltwater tanks to see if
anything new and interesting had happened to pop in (living in
Minnesota there are not to many places that one can acquire
saltwater livestock, let alone have a vast selection). Well as I
moved toward the end of the row, I happened to see this anemone
(labeled Sebae...though I can not 100% say, because I am an
anemone noob, and perhaps this particular one has suffered enough
degradation that, for a novice like me, I couldn't attach a
label to it with out help). It was all by itself in a tank with
other inverts like snails and cleaner shrimp, only dimly lit by a
full spectrum standard fluorescent light (yes I know, these
people have no idea what they are doing, and I promptly gave them
a crash course in proper anemone care...well as much as I have
learned thus far: proper tank stability and water quality,
lighting, water flow, etc. Though I feel it has fallen on deaf
ears...because what do I know? I don't have my own fish
store...some people's mentality). I know I should have
probably avoided this particular sale, as I am new to the anemone
trade, but in good conscience I could not leave it there to die
in those miserable conditions. So I decided to take it home and
try to make it as happy as I could in my 125g.
Before my decision to purchase, I did notice there was still
purple pigment in the tips of the tentacles, so I figured there
might be a chance for this lil guy, albeit slim. I was the one
who actually removed it from the tank in the store, and I noticed
right away it had a very strong grip to the bottom of the tank.
This led to a rather lengthy extraction process, as I didn't
want to tear any of the tissue and make things worse. I thought
perhaps that there might be more hope in this case, as most
animals (as I am not an expert by any means) become very weak if
they are about to die or are in the process of dying. As an
anemone tends to disintegrate, I figured a strong foot is a good
thing to start with.
<A good sign, yes.>
After a long acclimation period (about 3 hrs) I let him float to
the bottom and see what happened. Immediately he started to
cruise around the rocks and substrate, looking, for what I
imagine, would be a perfect perch. After he attached to a piece
of live rock at the bottom of the tank, I tried to target feed
him mysis shrimp (though I figured it would not be possible due
to his previous conditions and just being introduced to a new
system, stress and all that, but I though I would try) and of
course he didn't take anything. I gave him a couple days to
rest and make a new home before I tried to feed him, and see if
he still had the amount of strength he had in the store. I was
pleasantly surprised, he was quite fastened to the rock. I also
noticed he was rather quick to react to my movements near him,
snapping closed when I touched or got too close, much more so
than in the store, which I also took as a good sign. Now he is
readily eating when I target feed, so I am taking that as a good
sign as well.
I have also noticed at night under the lunar lights he will fully
expand giving him a rough circumference of 5", and during
the day, it's more like 3" (4x 39w T5 lighting). Could
this be a response to feeding and that perhaps he was eating some
of the inverts in the tank, and they tend to move more at
<Once they find a spot to their liking, they will usually stay
put unless something changes in the system.>
If so I guess I will have to train him to feed during the day,
much like my brain coral, so I can enjoy seeing him fully
expanded when I am actually awake.
Any way, on to my most pressing questions:
1. Is this really a Sebae? The tentacles look a bit off from what
I have seen in a Sebae bleached or not. From what I have seen,
they are very similar to torch coral tentacles, though I am
thinking perhaps it could be a Sebae, and he is just deflated due
to his poor health at the moment.
Either way it would be nice to have a positive ID.
<Sure looks like a Sebae (Heteractis malu) to me.)
<<?! Is a Sebae, H. crispa... Badly bleached...
2. Given the attached images* and what I have observed so far (in
the 4 days I have had him) do you think he has a chance of
survival, or should I cut my losses now (which I would hate to
do, but who am I to question the gurus)?
<Your lighting is not intense enough for keeping a
3. Is there anything else I can do I am missing? I plan on
picking up some Selcon as I am going to start giving more vitamin
enriched food to my live stock anyway, since I will soon be
making my own food using Robert Fenner's formula from his
book: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist.
For the time being I am just going to leave him to his own vices,
and continue to target feed every other day, unless you think it
might be overkill, or unhealthy.
<Justin, these anemones are difficult to keep for any length
of time, even under ideal conditions. This animal will die in
your tank and will cause problems if gone unnoticed. Do read here
and related articles/FAQ's.
Sorry for this being long winded, I just wanted to give you as
many details as I can in the hopes it would help. I didn't
want to make this a "What is wrong with my anemone? Pic
included" mail where there no details, just a question.
Thanks all!
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
*Anemone 1.jpg is the full anemone, trying to capture the look of
the tentacles. Anemone 2.jpg you can see how translucent he
really is, since you can almost see the rock behind him.
Re: Help With My Anemone, ID f',
now sys. 2/19/09 James, Thanks for the information, and
the reply. <You're welcome, and I wish you would have
replied with the original thread. We answer several queries daily
and it can be difficult to remember who's who and who's
what.> I had one really quick question - no need to post on
the site...unless of course that is the protocol you follow =).
<Usually.> So even with individually reflected T5 lighting,
using an Icecap 660 ballast, and the Sebae situated right about
7" or so from the surface (he moved), am I still under
powered with lighting? <They do require a high lighting level,
and by high, I'm talking halides in the 250-400 watt
range.> I guess I should have went into more detail on my
lighting, sorry about that, I had just gotten home from a 12hr
shift, and forgot to add those details. <You should have did
that before you bought the anemone. Your anemone is badly
bleached and very likely won't be around for long.> As I
don't have a PAR meter, I can't give out any numbers, but
I was only thinking that in this situation, I may not need
MH/HQI. If I am still under I apologize, I guess I will admit my
wrong doing, and make sure to not over estimate my hardware
again. <Mmm, is always better to put the horse in front of the
cart.> Thank you =) On a side note, is it normal for them to
avoid flow? He seems to be positioning himself in a more stagnant
part of the tank, which I found odd, from what I have been
reading. <They prefer moderate water flow.> Thanks again!!
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Justin
New Sebae Anemone, Inadequate Environment, More Research
Needed 3/19/08 Dear WWM Crew, Good day to all. <Hello
Shanon, Brenda here!> I am in a bit of a dilemma. I set up my
system, through a local dealer, with the intentions of having a
bubble tip anemone, a clownfish and other soft (possibly hard)
corals. My system was set up with cured LR a 2 in. sand bed (some
live sand) and left to cycle, after 1 week 2 blue damsels were
placed in the system and my water tested regularly by the LFS.
<Get in the habit of testing water parameters yourself.>
After 6 weeks I began to add some mushrooms, zoo's and a
maroon gl clown. When the system was 4 months old the bubble tip
was added which continually wandered the tank. I discussed this
with the salesman and he said this is common, that it hasn't
found a spot where it is happy, but this should improve. <A 4
month old tank is much too young for an anemone.> It
didn't, and I lost the bubble tip after about a month. I had
been doing some research on the web, but I figured that it was a
problem with that particular specimen. <The E. quadricolor
(BTA), is the easiest to keep out of all the hosting anemones.
> Several days ago I purchased a Sebae anemone (which seemed,
to me, in excellent health), it also is faring poorly, shriveled
with mouth gaping open. <Based on the pictures, I do not
consider the mouth to be gaping open. Shriveling up is common
with acclimation and expelling waste. What are you feeding? >
I was told this was an African Sebae Anemone, does this exist?.
<No. However, I have seen this term used. It is best to use
the scientific name. > I began doing some intense research and
have quickly realized that a salt water system is MUCH more
complex than I realized. I have gone through each likely problem
with the Anemone (through research on your site) and have
corrected minor problems. The most significant problem I found is
the lighting (and possibly protein skimmer), which I think is
extremely low. This dealer is the only local dealer. I traveled
to Indianapolis and visited several dealers, <Have you visited
Premium Aquatics? See here: http://www.premiumaquatics.com >
only to be blessed with more confusion (I was told that actinic
lighting is the lighting source I need. <Actinic alone is not
adequate.> Another said that PC is the best lighting.
<Yikes! > All seemed confused when I mentioned metal
halides. <Metal Halide or T-5 with individual reflectors is
the best way to go with this anemone. However, a 16 gallon is
much too small for an anemone. It will not do well in its current
environment.> I have spent much time researching the lighting,
it is very complex and time consuming. <Yes. > I fear the
Sebae Anemone does not have the time. <I agree. > My
system, as I understand it. Please excuse my lack of proper
terminology and my ignorance of relevant information.....it is
rapidly improving. 16 gallon, <Much too small for an
anemone.> 7 months old 15 lb LR 2 in. sand bed Salinity 1.22
<Do you mean 1.022? It needs to be brought up slowly to 1.026.
How are you testing this?> Ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 Nitrates 0
Calcium 540 <High> pH ? <Knowing your pH is very
important. > alkalinity ? phosphates .7 <This is too high,
see here:
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/sept2002/chem.htm >
Temp 78 Lighting Current-USA model #1136-18" Nova Extreme 1
18watt T5 HO 10K/ 1 18 watt T5 HO 460nm actinic (no timer, not
sure of proper cycle) <This is not enough light for this
anemone. Typical light cycle is 10-12 hours (assuming you have
appropriate lighting).> Marineland Maxi-Jet 900 power head for
water flow <Powerheads do not belong in tanks with
anemones.> I have no protein skimmer, I was told with this
size tank I could use a standard, hang on filtration (came with
tank) .....(please advise if you differ in opinion and what
brand, model you recommend). <I personally do not recommend
any tank that is an all in one for anemones. A protein skimmer is
a very beneficial piece of equipment. > Stock: 1 maroon
clownfish, 1 Sebae anemone, 1 Ricordea mushroom, 1 pulsing xenia,
2 zoos, 1 flaming scallop (am now aware of the issues) and some
snails and crabs. <Crabs can be predators. If you must keep
them, keep no more than 1 per 10 gallons. > All is well
(though possibly not exceptional) except the anemone. Please
advise on crowding/incompatibility issues. I hope to establish
this tank and eventually upgrade to a larger system (possibly
turning this tank into a breed specific (seahorse) tank. I would
appreciate an answer as to how I can rectify the lighting issue
(including brand, model) (as well as other issues I may not be
aware of). Are larger wattage bulbs available for this model?
<No.> If not, what are my other alternatives? <Returning
the anemone until you can provide it with an adequate
environment, and lots of research.> Unfortunately, though I
absolutely love this hobby, money is an issue. <This is an
expensive hobby. > I have already invested much more than
originally anticipated, very possibly, on equipment useless to my
cause. <Research before you purchase.> I want to pursue
this hobby, but possibly with other alternatives. The beauty of
the symbiotic relationship between a clown and its host is
unsurpassable. <Yes. However, they are considered difficult to
keep. Many rush into keeping an anemone, resulting in the death
of the anemone. > My maroon clown is doing well. I have seen
clowns host in a (what I was told was) toad stool. Would the toad
stool flourish with my current lighting? <Yes.> Would my
maroon gl clown accept it as a host? <Possibly. There is never
a guarantee that a clownfish will host in captivity. > Thanks
in advance, Shanon <Youre Welcome! > p.s. I do believe the
information from the dealer was presented with the absolute best
of intentions. <Very possible! I have found that most sales
people are not knowledgeable enough in anemone care. > In
comparison to the other dealers I visited, I would rank my local
dealer the highest. I think this is an industry with less than
specific standards. I am still left, at this moment, with this
unsettling issue. <Return the anemone and continue
researching. Brenda>
Re: New Sebae Anemone, Inadequate Environment,
More Research Needed 3/20/08 Hi Brenda, <Hello Shanon!>
Thank you for your response! <Youre welcome!> I'm sad
to hear my tank is too small for the anemone. My LFS has a tank
that is yet smaller (maybe 10-12 gallon) which has a large bubble
tip and a maroon clown. <Minimum tank size recommendation for
this fish is 30 gallons.> The bubble tip appears healthy.
<It wont stay healthy long term and this is a poor
representation of how to care for these animals.> Will you
please tell me the reasons why the anemone requires a larger tank
(not to question your knowledge, but for my understanding) and
what size tank would be suitable? <Anemones need pristine
water conditions. The chances of this happening in a 16 gallon
tank are slim. With a larger volume of water, the water quality
decreases at a slower rate. Add the fact that you dont have a
protein skimmer, the chances of survival have decreased even
more. Ammonia is extremely toxic to anemones. When an anemone
dies in a tank, it pollutes the water quickly. A dead anemone can
wipe out even a much larger system. In a 16 gallon system, you
will likely end up with nothing. Anemones also grow quickly. They
can reach 18 or more. When they have outgrown their space, they
move to find a more suitable place. There isnt going to be any
space available to move to in your current system. This will
cause stress on the anemone. Stress causes death. I recommend 40
50 gallons of water volume, or more, for anyone new to keeping
anemones. I also recommend the tank be an established
environment.> I am feeding krill to the anemone twice weekly,
though he rejects it about an hour later. <Try smaller pieces
until you can find the anemone a new home (1/8 sized
portions).> I also feed Marine Snow twice weekly and Mysis
shrimp every other day for the clown fish. <Mysis shrimp is
also a good choice for the anemone. Marine Snow is useless for
anemones. Anemones need raw meaty foods, no exceptions here.>
I did mean salinity 1.022. <This is much too low for anemones;
1.026 is best.> I test it with a hydrometer (is this
adequate?). <I dont recommend using hydrometers. A
refractometer is more accurate.> The hydrometer says that
1.026 is out of the safe range. <1.026 is closer to normal
salinity of the ocean.> I guess I need a lot more information
to understand how the system works. <Keep researching. You
will find many answers to your questions here:
also read through all the Related FAQs at the top of the above
link.> If not power heads then what should be used for water
flow? <Pumps need to be outside of the main display. I
recommend a sump/refugium. Either will add more water volume. A
refugium will allow you to grow macro algae.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nutrientcontrol.htm > I thought I
needed the hermit crabs to clean the tank and keep nitrates down,
is that wrong? <It is not wrong. However it is not the best
option in such a small tank. I do keep hermit crabs. However mine
are kept in the refugium. crabs are opportunistic feeders. They
are known to kill small sleeping fish, eat polyps, snails, and
bother anemones. > I believe the toad stool is the way to go
for now. I would still like optimum lighting. I have not been
able to find better lighting to fit my 18 inch tank width. Do you
have a suggestion? <Check with the manufacturer or the place
you purchased the set up to see if they offer a lighting upgrade.
However, be careful that you dont add too much that you have heat
issues.> Thank you for the info on the chemistry. <Youre
welcome!> I will start doing my own tests immediately.
<Great!> I will be sad to see the anemone go but I think
the toad stool is a good solution until I get a better
understanding of my system and upgrade to a larger tank.
<Indeed.> Best regards, Shanon
<Good luck to you Shanon! Brenda>

Sebae Anemone, Lack of Lighting
3/5/08 Hi Crew, <Hi Ashley, Brenda here!> I recently
purchased a small Sebae anemone for my 55 gallon tank. In this tank I
have 2 false Percula clownfish, 2 Peppermint shrimp, 2 Scooter
blennies, and a number of snails and hermit crabs. <Crabs can become
predators to anemones.> I have 2 Emperor filters going and a 40 watt
48" light and a 65 watt 24" light. <I strongly recommend a
protein skimmer in place of the Emperor filters, especially when
keeping anemones.> The worker of the fish store said this should be
enough lighting for the anemone. <This is not even close to being
enough lighting for this anemone.> The clownfish are still very
timid and have only explored it a bit and nothing else in the tank gets
near it. The levels are as follows: specific gravity - 1.024, <Needs
to be 1.026> pH - 8.2, ammonia and nitrite - 0, KH - around 7,
nitrate - 20ppm, <Nitrates need to be zero.> and temp is
generally around 80 degrees. It has only been a couple of days and for
the most part it seems fine but a bunch of its tentacles shrink
sometimes during the day, although at night when the lights are off it
seems to extend more fully. It's nestled in the sand but I'm
not sure if it's fully rooted. It is the occasions when the
tentacles get small that worry me. Is this normal behavior or does it
need more lighting (is yes, how much). <Anemones do occasionally
shrink to exchange water and to expel waste. However, this animal does
need a lot more lighting. I recommend two 175 watt (minimum) metal
halide or as many 54 watt T-5 bulbs (with individual reflectors) that
you can get over the tank.> Thanks, Ashley
Sick Sebae Anemone, Not enough
lighting. 12/2/07 Dear Crew, <Hello Sami, Brenda here> I read
a lot of your answers regarding anemones and the Sebae anemone in
particular, but still have 2 questions regarding my Sebae that I got 2
days ago. It would be great if you could comment. The first is whether
or not I can touch the anemone and turn it around (it has been upside
down since noon today). I read somewhere that this was a very bad
position, as its tentacles cannot breathe this way. But I also read
that one should leave the anemone alone as much as possible. So, should
I turn it around (if so, with my hands and gloves??). By the way, it is
white (and I know I have to get it brown and healthy now). I fed it
mysis shrimp which were sticking on its tentacles and it did eat. I
intend to get Selcon also. <It sounds like you have a very sick
anemone. How was it acclimated? You can try turning it over, but it is
likely it will just turn it self over again. I would definitely wear
gloves.> The second question concerns my lights: I have a 40 gallon
breeder tank, so it's not too deep (< 18"). I have the
Coralife Lunar Aqualights (2x96 watts I think). I have the white ones
on from 12:00 to 6pm and the actinic on from 7AM to 8PM, the lunar
lights from 8PM to 7AM. Is this ok? <2x96 watts of PC lighting is
not enough for this creature.> FYI, I have 70lbs LR, a wet-dry
trickle filter, an Aqua C protein skimmer. I have two false clowns, a
royal Gramma, a lawnmower blenny and snails/hermit crabs/1 emerald
crab, 2 conch snails. I have 2 mushrooms. The tank is 4 months old.
<A 4 month old tank is not old enough. Anemones need established
environments, 6 months to one year.> Salinity: 1.025 <1.026 is
better.> temp: 78 Calcium: 420 Alkalinity: 4 <Im not sure what
method you are using for testing. See here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/alkalinity.htm > Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate:
0 Magnesium: 1200. <I would aim for the 1300 1500 range.> Thank
you guys so much! Regards, Sami <Youre welcome!
Re: Sick Sebae Anemone, Not
enough lighting. 12/4/07 Thank you for your comments below, Brenda.
<You're Welcome!> I turned the anemone around and fed it (it did
eat, at least)... I will try and nurture it back to health. Hopefully
it works.. How much lighting would be needed in your view? (I read that
4 watt per gallon, so in my case 160 watt should be sufficient, and
thus thought that 2x96 watt was all right)...? <This is only a rule
of thumb, and not a good one in my opinion. You also have to consider
that 96 of the watts that you have are actinic which are more cosmetic
than beneficial compared to the daylight bulb. See here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/setup/lighting/actinicfaqs.htm and
If it were me, I would go with a 2x175W watt metal halide or a 6x39W
T-5 setup with individual reflectors.> Kind regards, Samira <Good
luck to you! Brenda>
Light for Sebae 11/22/07 I
havent found anything in the FAQs specifically about a question I have.
Is 250 watt metal halide 14k too much for a 30 gallon? <Depends on
what you want to keep. There is a good chance you will need a
chiller.> Is it too much for a Sebae? <The light would be fine,
but these are difficult to keep. You will need a larger, well
established tank. Thirty gallons is just too small. For more
information please read
Best wishes, Scott V.>
Sebae Anemone in Very Poor Health, More
Information Needed REFER! 11/16/07 <Hello Bryan, Brenda
here> I recently added a Sebae anemone to my tank, I have had
them before. <What happened that you do not have them
anymore?><<Bingo>> Anyway since adding it, it keeps
flipping over upside down, I have gently replaced it right side up
and it opens nicely and then a few hours later it is upside down
again. When I turn it over the middle is got like a black bubbly
mass. <Yes, I see this, and it is not good news. Based on the
amount of algae you have on the rock, either the system is
relatively new, or your husbandry skills are poor. Either case is
not suitable for an anemone.> I should add that I have a tomato
clown that enjoys this guy and will pick out the black mass bit by
bit and the anemone opens nicely again. <At this time, a
clownfish should not be anywhere near this anemone. It will only
cause more stress. A tomato clown can be quite abusive. Yes the
clownfish loves it, but the anemone does not (at this time). As far
as it opening and closing, it is expelling waste, not a good sign
on a regular basis.> I have never seen this before I have
attached a picture. The water quality and temp. is perfect.
<Perfect means nothing to me. What is perfect for one marine
species is not always perfect for anemones. I need actual numbers
here. I also need to know your tank size, what test kits you are
using, size of tank, live stock list, when and how you received the
anemone, was it shipped, was it at a LFS, where did they get it,
etc.> and the lighting I use is Zoo Med. I have an Ocean sun
10,000k and a Coral Sun Actinic 420. I was hoping you could shed
some light on what is going on with it. <I am not familiar with
this lighting. A quick search on the net brings up many reptile
sites. Please provide a link to your exact lighting system with
your total watts.> Thanks
<Youre welcome! Brenda> |
torn foot, bleached...
Heteractis Crispa Anemone...
sel., comp., sys. Hi crew, <François-
tienne> I've read a lot of information on your site about the
Sebae anemone, Heteractis Crispa and I was considering buying one by
the end of this summer. Before I do so, I wanted to ask you some
questions. <Please do> I have a 110g aquarium. 4 foot long and 30
inches high. I started this tank in November 2005. I have 150 lbs of
live rock and a DSB made of aragonite on the bottom. I keep several
types of corals (mostly soft corals) but some LPS and a Montipora. I do
have a pretty high bioload (fish) but I have really good water quality
and I never had any problems with it. For the fish, I have a pair of
true percula clowns that could host the anemone. For the flow, I have 4
powerheads (each of them is safe for the anemone; they are well
protected). They are Hagen powerheads. I know these aren't really
great but they've done a good for me since now. <Actually, their
powerheads are one of Hagen's best product lines IMO> I'll
change for better powerheads in the future :) . For the light issue, I
have Geissmann MH lighting. I have two 150 watts bulbs + two 54 watts
actinics. The MH are placed at about 8 inches from the surface of the
water. I have a Deltec skimmer: mc 500. I don't have a sump. I
wanted to know: Do you think my lighting is sufficient for long term
survival of Heteractis Crispa? <Mmm, yes... IF the specimen can be
placed more or less directly under one of the MHs> Does this anemone
usually sits on the sand? Could it be on the rocks? <Is found buried
in sediment... not likely to be happy on rock...> I was planning to
place it in the upper part of the tank. On a rock where there would be
some indirect flow toward the anemone. If it only sits on the sand than
would it be ok even if the tank is 30 inches high ( btw, I'm
keeping a healthy Crocea clam on the bottom since one year) ? <Mmm,
this animal will find its own spot in time...> I was wondering about
the comparison between H. magnifica and H. crispa. Do these anemones
require the same amount of light? <No... the Magnificent requires
much more> Which of them fares best in captivity? <The Sebae by
far> Is there a major difference between H. magnifica and H. crispa?
<Huge differences... see WWM re... the former is the second largest
anemone (after Stichodactyla mertensii) used in the trade and by
Amphiprionines... up to a meter across...> Is the survivability rate
of Sebae anemone much higher of the one of the Magnificent sea anemone?
Just wondering... <Again, yes. The only superior aquarium species
IMO is the Bubbletip/Entacmaea... see WWM re...> I also wanted to
tell you about this: I have in my tank 3 little ( half an inch; really
little) bleached bubble anemone. Could there be a chemical war between
the H. crispa and the little bubble anemones? <Mmm, possibly, yes...
though in a system of this size, age... I give you good odds...> The
anemones bleached a month ago when I was not at home... Thanks for
reading me, Have a good day François- tienne
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Sebae Anemone Systems 2/8/07
Sorry, there were some grammatical errors in the last, this is an
edited one. Hello, <Hello Connor> I have had a Sebae anemone
<no caps?> for about 4 days now. He seems like he is doing great
sometimes, while others <?> he looks terrible. I started off by
feeding it a small hunk of shrimp and it was pleased with that. I tried
it again a different day and he didn't respond well, spitting it
out. His mouth is wide open now and is very loose and fleshy.
<Doesn't sound good.> The tentacles have become shorter and
more stringy. The tank is around 40 gallons and the surface is around
15" away from the live sand. For lighting I use two 96W compact
fluorescent bulbs, one is 10,000k and the other is actinic blue. I was
wondering if this is enough as the anemone is currently positioned
about 13 inches away from the surface and 17 inches away from the light
fixture. <Should have done some research before buying. Your
lighting isn't sufficient for the Heteractis malu. Problem also
lies in shipping/handling as most do not ship well. Very important to
be sure the anemone looks healthy before purchasing.> My conditions
seem well, they are: Nitrites: less than .05 Nitrates: Near 0 Ammonia:
around .1 <Shouldn't be able to read ammonia at all.> dKH: 11
pH: 8.1-.8.3 Temp: Currently at 79-80 degrees Phosphates: 0 Calcium:
300+ For water I use distilled water but I am contemplating switching
to RO water or an RO unit. Another possible solution I was think of was
changing the actinic bulb with another 10,000k 96W CF bulb. Of course,
I am no professional and could be very wrong. I am looking forward to a
response and thanks again. <Do read/learn from this link. Also read
linked files above. This will give you a very good idea of the
requirements/needs necessary for keeping anemones. Even under the best
conditions, most rarely survive more than a year under aquarium
conditions. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm
James (Salty Dog)> -Connor
Re: Sebae Anemone Systems 2/12/07 Dear
James, Thank you for the reply and I have been reading the articles on
your website trying to find what I needed. It seems to me that compact
fluorescent lighting can be good, but with enough. I have been trying
to find what would be enough and I just can't. I also understand
that what is enough completely depends on a number of different
factors. I would greatly appreciate if you could recommend and upgrade
and/or lighting increase from what I already have that would be
sufficient for a Sebae Anemone/corals and other anemones of similar
light requirements. My tank is around 16" deep, 36" long, and
my lighting fixture is around 6" from the surface. I have two 96w
compact fluorescent bulbs, one 10,000k and one actinic. In addition to
a possible addition of bulbs, would changing from 10,000k to 5,600k be
more beneficial? <No, actually worse.> I am very thankful for
your help already and I realize I am being somewhat of a pain =\.
<Connor, if you plan on adding PC lamps, you need to be around 5 to
6 watts per gallon for this type anemone. I personally believe anemones
do much better under MH/HQI lighting. If it were me, I'd go with a
twin 150 watt HQI system with 12-14K lamps.> Thanks again, Connor
P.S. sry for the few mix up emails, I was tired =] <Know the feeling
my friend. James (Salty Dog)>
Sebae Anemone, Research Idea "The Ripple
Effect" MH Shimmer 2/5/07 Hello guys, <Hi Brandon, Mich
again.> I know that this is the second time that I have written
today, but I was reading up on allelopathy at your site when I came
across an extensive amount of information on anemones. I have had a
very "happy" Sebae Anemone (Heteractis crispa) for quite a
while now. I read a reply that stated that MH lighting was preferred
for them. I would like to share a bit of information with you all. I
was running a 55 gallon tank with three four foot 110 watt 10k
daylight, and one four foot 100 watt actinic 03 on an Icecap 660
ballast. This translates to 440 watts of light or eight watts per
gallon. The H. crispa was meh ooookaaayy, but I could tell that he was
not going to make it past oh say a year at the very best. I bought a 75
gallon from a person that thought that caring for his fish was too much
work and not a labor of love. Oh well his loss right? <Right!> So
in the course of placing it I had a bright idea. Since the tank was
bigger, I would transfer my micro reef to it, and create a somewhat
bigger micro reef. I moved my lights, and all of my organisms. Here is
where it gets interesting. Somewhere in the course of all of this some
errant water escaped the tank. Anyone see where this is going? It
(un-beknownst to me) had dribbled down a cord. A cord that was
connected to the ballast. The ballast that was not waterproof. I
don't know if any of you believe in God, but I do now. I turned the
lights on, and they did not come on. So in one of my finest aquatic
genius moments, I touched the ballast. <Yikes!!!> I think that I
am lucky I am not dead. <Glad you're OK.> Excuse the French,
but there is really no other way to say it, I got the holy h-e-double
hockey sticks shocked out of me. <I'm envisioning your hair
going from straight to curly!> I am kind of glad that I did though.
<Really?> This was on a Monday (My Sunday), Tuesday morning I was
in the LFS buying a MH retrofit that I had seen for $899 USD with a 20%
discount. Like I said labor of love. <Cha-ching!> I set it up,
hooked up all the ballasts, and turned it on (electrocution free, I put
the ballasts on the outside this time and drilled some holes, it's
ugly but safer.) <Safety is the more important issue.> The MH
system has less light wattage, but there is a "ripple
effect". EVERYTHING, fish and all immediately responded. The H.
crispa stopped moving and perked up immediately. I think that I have a
pretty hardy one (it was "thriving", according to them, under
PC at the LFS), but I am willing to bet anyone a million dollars that
it is not really benefiting from the MH itself, and more from the
"ripple effect". I have been diving off of the coast of
Belize, and this looks more natural. Perhaps this is one of the keys?
<Perhaps.> Everything that I have read suggests that most Anemone
species thrive under appropriate MH and die off rather quickly under
anything else. Yes I think that a year is quickly for an immortal.
<?> I hope that this information is useful, and that it will
further someone's research. <Thank you for sharing! An
interesting observation.> Thank you all for the wonderful work that
you do, <Welcome! -Mich> Brandon R. Foster
Stocking Question, Sebae Anemone, Lighting
1/31/07 Hi crew, <Hello, Brenda here> Wonderful answers you
guys give. I have a 20g (24"Lx15"H) with 130W PC Odyssea
lighting, 10g DIY sump/refuge. My question is; I have two 1"
Ocellaris clowns, a 3" lawnmower blenny, a 2" watchman goby,
a pistol shrimp and a cleaner shrimp along with a Sebae anemone
(currently slowly regaining its brownish/tannish color). Would the tank
be overstocked? <Yes, even more so without a skimmer.> Secondly,
should I replace one of the bulbs with a 10K daylight bulb? <In my
opinion 130W PC lighting and a 20 gallon with sump is not enough for
this anemone. Changing the bulb to 10K will not be sufficient.>
Thank you so very much crew. <Your welcome. Brenda>
Sebae - caught in Power head... 10/6/06
This is my first time writing. I have looked on your site <Uhh,
obviously not enough... there are many such instances archived on
WWM> and read many areas... but I am hoping you can help reassure
me. My sebae loves to move around... <Mmm... is this a Heteractis
crispa anemone? I assure you it is not "love" that is driving
it about> I came home yesterday - one side of him....tentacles only
- were caught in the bottom of my power head. I unplugged the power
head and he slowly moved away from it. He is shrunk up from the
experience, but I had hopes he would make it. I moved the power head to
the front of the tank... away from all rocks etc. Plugged it back in
(like an idiot) and he was caught again.. <...> but this time it
was tentacles and part of his base. He fell into a crack with the
tomato clown and they stayed that way - until I moved him to a lower
rock face up. <... also covered... best to not move
actinarians...> He slid off to the bottom of the tank... and moved
to a dark area with the clown.. this morning.. he is on the side of a
rock, but still shrunken. Normally a brownish red color.. now with
white tips... What do I do? I hate to give up on him. <... read:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sebaedisfaqs.htm and the linked
files above. BobF, WWM progenitor>
Anemone . . . Outta Control!/Anemone Systems
- 08/26/2006 Hi Gang! <Hello Thomas> Thanks in advance for
answering my question. <You're welcome.> Stats first: 24 Aqua
Cube 16 lbs LR, 5 lbs LS, 10 lbs crushed substrate 79 degrees. Amon =
0, Nitrite = 0, Nitrates > 20. Calcium Ã'±
300. Weekly water changes of 4 gallons. 8 months established.
<Lighting?> 1 Yellow Tail Damsel, 1 Coral Banded Shrimp, 1 Sally
Footed <Foot> Crab, 1 tiny blue crab (I mean TINY) I had a large
blue crab, but he jumped ship last week. Contemplating his replacement.
2 Clarkii Clowns, mated pair (that took a long time - she chased him
for months, now he lives happily on the top edge of the Anemone
<Anemone>) with hosted Sebae Anemone. My problem: The Anemone has
gotten HUGE. It is gigantic - over 18 inches wide! It's in the back
of the tank, and it's taking over. It opens up fully during the day
and then shrinks at night. I feel as though it's too big for the
tank. Is there any thing I can do to it? Or should I just be happy
it's alive and thriving in an aqua cube and leave it alone?
<You're not going to be happy too much longer. The 24 gallon
cube is much too small for housing anemones, especially this species.
Sebaes can grow up to 1' 8" under ideal aquarium conditions,
and, the Sebae Anemone is one of the more difficult anemones to keep in
captivity for any length of time. I suggest you find a better home for
this anemone. Do read here and linked files above. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm>
Thanks! <You're welcome. In future queries, do cap letters that
need to be capped and do a spelling/grammar check. We do not have the
time to correct queries before posting. Thank you, James (Salty
Dog)> Thomas
Lighting For Anemone- One
Challenge Met! 8/19/06 I bought a Sebae Anemone and thought I had
strong enough lighting, but after reading on your site that people
often don't, I figured I should ask. I have is: 2-150 10,000k
Powerpaq Metal Halide Bulbs, 2-130 Dual Actinic 420nm & 460nm
Bulbs. My tank is 90 gallons, and I need to know if I have made a
mistake so I can do what is right for the little guy. Thank you so much
for all of your help.-Emily <Well, Emily, from the lighting
standpoint, I think that you're just fine. The lighting that you
are using will provide enough energy for the anemone to prosper in this
sized aquarium. Now, you need to address the other issues of water
quality, food, and flow, and you'll have a beautiful animal that
will thrive for years! Keep reading, and good luck with the challenge!
Regards, Scott F.>
Sebae Anemone/Health/Systems - 06/07/2006
Hi there, I'd just like to start by saying your site is very
useful, and has certainly saved me from inadvertently given LFS
misinformation. I have a question about what I believe may be an ailing
Sebae Anemone. I have a ten gallon nano with about 12lbs of live rock
and 20lbs of live sand, Nano-skimmer, carbon/bio filtration, and I
change the water 10% every other week. I monitor the levels very
closely, but only with test strips. According to the strips the levels
are all optimal. It's a fairly well established (4 months) system
with several blue hermit crabs and turbo snails, 2 Ocellaris clowns,
and a Royal Gramma. I got the Sebae about four days ago, and it
immediately moved to a part of the tank with pretty constant but light
water flow, and dug its foot in to the sand. Since I got it I have
realized (thanks to your site) that the white coloration of the anemone
is actually a sign of bleaching (doh!). But at the LFS it was all
inflated and actually had a clarkii nesting in it. I went on the fact
that the guy at the store said an Ocellaris would probably like a
Sebae. I since also found out that there are probably more suitable
choices of anemone. <Believe the LFS gave you more misinformation.
Your tank is too small just for the fish you have in there.> (lesson
learned. Always do research) however, I put the Sebae in. I invested in
some invert supplements for the water to give the thing better chances.
I have noticed over the last few days that the anemone has a habit of
inflating and deflating during the course of the day. It will plume out
for about an hour to two hours, then deflate for the same time. I
didn't really think much of this at first because I heard they do
this to get used to new water. However, I got up today, and its lying
sideways on the sand, deflated, with its foot exposed. There's no
sign of it breaking up at all, the foot looks like its not torn or
anything like that. There was a problem in the oral area, it looked
almost like it had hemorrhoids in its mouth. Today that's gone, and
the oral disk is rather smooth. Although on its side the disk is
opening and closing slowly, and the foot does seem to me moving
somewhat (but extremely slowly. Is this thing doing its swan song? Or
is there a way I can save it? <I'd see if you can take it back
to the store, won't live in your tank.> I couldn't really
find this specific situation in any of the articles. <You probably
won't. The situation shouldn't exist.> I appreciate your
help, and apologize for writing you a book here. Thanks in advance,
<Chris, you should have researched the Sebae before buying. You have
nowhere near the requirements for keeping one alive. You do not mention
lighting, so I'm assuming you do not meet the needs there either.
Enough light for this anemone would probably heat up that 10 gallon to
100 degrees. I will post a link for you, too much info on keeping
anemones to pen here. Do read along with related topics above and you
will see how far off you are. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/inverts/cnidaria/anthozoa/anemones.htm
James (Salty Dog)> Chris H.
Post-Purchase Sebae Anemone Lighting
Questions 2/8/06 I have a 46g tank that has been running for almost
a year. I recently bought a Sebae anemone. I currently have 220 watts
of lightning (PC, Dual actinic and actinic blue). Would that be enough?
<Ah, the classic "Buy first, ask questions later" method,
likely leading to more unintentional animal deaths than anything else.
Always, and I mean ALWAYS do your research prior to making ANY
purchase, lest you end up in a situation such as yours. Granted, the
jury is out on reef aquarium lighting (and likely will always be), but
220 watts of Power Compact lighting on a 46 really isn't sounding
good to me at all - *especially* for such a high-light creature as a
Sebae Anemone. Assuming the anemone has all of its Zooxanthellae,
thrice-weekly feeding of silversides would be recommended to keep the
anemone in good health, and, if at all possible, a lighting upgrade may
be in order. However, and rater unfortunately, most every sebae anemone
offered for retail sale these days is bleached or dyed - if yours is
yellow or white, it's going to need some extra TLC on top of all of
that - daily feeding would certainly not be out of the question, nor
would a lighting upgrade. I'd personally recommend nothing less
than Metal halide lighting for any anemone species, Aiptasia/Majanos
not included, of course.> Thanks for all your help. <Good luck
with your new acquisition! Mike G>
Sebae Anemone in Poland
1/18/06 Hello there salty freakzz ;) <Howdy... hey, aren't
you one of us?> according to my daddy's purchase I've got
some questions about it, i mean Heteractis crispa anemone :) <Okay,
a "Sebae" by any other name> well, the guy is in a great
condition (crispa, but daddy's too), whole dark brown with brighter
tips, (diameter = 3 in). looks like full of zooxanthellae (dunno how to
spell it) so we're both happy of that. Yesterday evening we've
introduced it to our tank (200Gal, 23in deep) and placed on the well
lighted area in the mid-shallow area. he was, of course, irritated and
quite small but i guess it was obvious. after an hour or two, he
decided to travel round the tank and jump here and there (looking for
shadowed places). unfortunately he felt down between some rocks and
stayed there. i thought there was no reason to worry, especially he
looked happy and was attached to the rock. the night had came and the
waiting till morning started... today, just after lighting up my
canopy, i was quite worried because the sebae moved a little, but
wasn't attached to the rock. he has been just laying down on the
bottom between those rocks. Didn't know what to do, I've took
it and placed on the rock above. he was sticky and pumped up. he still
looks healthy but ..... unable to find his home :( now he is laying
(staying) on the sandbed so I've decided not to touch him for a
long time and give him full access wherever he wants to. <This is
often best...> please tell me is it ok, that he prefers shadowed
places than fully light-exposed ? <Mmm, not likely... just very
tired... perhaps unable to "reach" a more ideal spot> will
it change? maybe he's just acclimatizing ? <Perhaps> what
should i do in order to help him (if he needs any help, of course)?
I've already switch off my powerheads :] <I would move this
animal to a "brighter" system (shallower, more light) if you
have one> do you think i should increase my lighting ? maybe adding
1xMarineWHite 54W and 1xMarineBlue 54W would improve things much more?
<Mmm, this is not enough for a 23" deep system> or maybe
adding 1x MH 250W 10'000K would be better option ? <Ahh! Much
better> does my sebae change color ? for example from deep brown
into light green or i don't know, deep brown with brither, pink
tips ? or any other variations ? <Does change... as you'll find
by reading on WWM... healthy ones are colored> my tank: 2x Lysmata
amboinensis 1x lo vulpinus 1x zebrasoma flavescens 1x leather coral 205
lbs of live rock (Indonesia) 2x MH 150W 10'000K 1x MH 70W
10'000K (on the other side of the tank, not above the main part of
live rock exposition) 1x MH 70W 20'000 (above the sand bed, on the
second end of the tank) 1x t5 Marine White 54W 1x t5 Marine Blue 54W
parameter ok: ca 400 kH 9 ph 8,10 no2/no3/nh4 0 thaaaaaaaaanks you
guys, Pete on the reef (forgive me some grammar mistakes, here in
Poland not many of us are even able to read
;)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) <I see, understand...
You are understood. Do add the extra lighting... and soon, or move this
animal. Bob Fenner>
My new sebae (anemone) I know that there
are many lighting questions already posted but I cannot be sure that I
am going to do the right thing and I want to take good care of my
animals. Tank details: 55 gallon, 80 pounds live sand, 80 lbs live
rock, sand-sifting goby, sand sifting star, peppermint shrimp,
coral-banded shrimp, 2 urchins, 8 hermit crabs, 12 snails, 2 domino
damsels. The urchins, hermits, snails, and damsels are left over from
the set-up stage and may be moved to other tanks soon. There are 2
Maxi-jet 600s and a Rio 600 (on timers), and a Remora C skimmer, run by
a Rio 1200; plan to start sump this summer. Lighting is 1-96 watt True
Actinic 03 and 1-96 watt 10,000KT Daylight Compact Fluorescent. My
question regards lighting but feel free too comment on any other
obvious issues. I gather from the FAQs that I need to have at least 220
watts. I am pretty sure the Sebae is going to settle near the bottom of
the tank so I am thinking of adding an additional 96 watt power
compact. Can you give me any advice about the lighting I should get?
<Posted on WWM> I am limited at this point to something that will
fit under my hood, although I may be able to switch to MH in about 6
months. <Then I would wait on the additional light and go with this
in half a year> The question is, I saw that you suggested this
Britelight to someone but I am thinking of adding a 50/50 bulb (half
10K and half actinic). Because of my set-up, my intention is to use
Current USA Orbit Compact Fluorescent so I have other bulb choices -
460nm Actinic, 420nm Actinic, 10,000K, 6,700K, etc. So, what will be
the best for me to love on my Sebae? <No need for actinic... go with
the higher/est Kelvin "white" lamp> Oh yeah, he is about 2
or 3 inches in diameter and yellow, with purple tips. <...
Heteractis crispa are not yellow... Please read here:
and here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/coloredanemones.htm
Bob Fenner>
Appropriate lighting for H. crispa
12/31/04 Hi, I think that the Heteractis crispa hosts the percula
clown, I was just wondering what sort of lightening does this anemone
need and is it a reasonable easy anemone to keep???? Thanks <If you
have not done so already, please do see the info that Bob linked in his
previous reply. I currently keep A. ocellaris with an E. quadricolor
(rose) anemone, and although the association is not natural, they will
accept each other in captivity and A. percula is know to as well.
Occasionally, clowns that have been kept for a long time without an
anemone are slow to accept an unnatural host or may not do so at all,
but this is rare (Mine took about a month). As for H. crispa, the are a
natural host for A. percula, but not A. ocellaris. They are often sold
as the "Sebae anemone" and are often bleached white with pink
tips. Occasionally, they are also dyed bright yellow or pink. Bleached
or dyes specimens are almost always doomed to die. If you find a
healthy specimen (should be tan/brown with an occasional pinkish tone),
they may be a good second choice to E. quadricolor for hardiness,
although they are at least as demanding of light. 175w MH would be a
minimum, with 250w recommended. Best Regards. AdamC.
Anemone part2 3/20/06 beh., dis. Hello Crew, Thanks for the quick
reply AdamC, just thought I would update you on day 2 of the anemone, I
took your advice and put it into a lower light area of the tank, I
placed it on a large smooth coral skeleton I had picked up from a
fellow reefer a while back for glue frags to. I placed this flat cup
like piece in between to rocks in a sorta crevice and placed the
anemone on it. This is protecting its foot nicely underneath. It has
not attached to the rock but seems to be cradled nicely in place and is
swaying from the gentle alternating current. <<Sounds very good.
Hopefully it will attach soon. It has been my experience that anemones
that have spent an extended amount of time tumbling in the water column
in a dealer's tank are often slow to attach when placed in an
aquarium.>> Its tentacles look thick and full but its mouth is
still open slightly. the foot looks to be pinched in to a ball shape
atm. Color wise its is more off white today, not yellow , not tan/brown
more tan white( good or bad?). I am hoping that the foot being pinched
in is a good sign as I can not see the damage as well as I could last
night. Thanks Again for your advice and help. Cheers, Drew <<All
sounds OK here as well. A slightly open mouth is OK... a seriously
everted one is bad. Based on the color, it sounds like your anemone has
some zooxanthellae left, so this is good. The "pinched in"
foot may be a reaction to protect the damaged area or just a result of
being unattached. The real hope is that the foot will extend naturally
and take hold of the substrate. Best Regards. AdamC.>>
questions? and other questions? Hello WWM crew, About a week ago I
bought a green tip sebae anemone for my 20 gallon reef. <and what of
the body color? brown/green? Hopefully not light in color or white>
It looks pretty good now but I was reading all the problems people have
with them on your site. <alas yes> Well is my lighting too much
for this anemone? I'm the one with the 175 watt metal halide on the
20 gallon? <most anemones need rather bright light. This may not in
fact be too much if the lamp is suspended appropriately between
9-18". Did you also acclimate it slowly?> Do you have to feed
them with this amount of light if so what should I feed and how many
times a week? <yes... they still must be fed. Even with reef quality
light, the animal is inherently not autotrophic. It must feed
organismally for growth and reproduction at the very least we believe.
I'd recommend 3-5 times weekly with very fine minced meats of
marine origin> My water is good nitrites and ammonia 0 my nitrates
go between 0 and 10 at the highest ph is 8.1-8.3. <a little higher
would be nice... do look closer at your alkalinity levels. You may need
to be using SeaBuffer more> My filtration is a Prizm skimmer a
Skilter 400 and 2 power heads. <no filtration here... you do have
live rock, live sand?> I have 3 little fish, 2 captive bred perculas
and an orange-spot prawn goby. I was wanting to know if I could add
another small fish or 2? <if small and peaceful yes, my friend>
Would I be able to add another anemone since I don't have the right
clowns for this one? <under no circumstance... the tank is
ultimately not even big enough for this one species. Two species in a
tank this small is a death wish. I'm quite sure of it. Mixing
anemone species in any sized aquarium is dangerous... I never recommend
it... it is one of the main reasons why many anemones rarely live past
2 years captive> For corals I have 2 colts, 1 medium leather and 2
small ones and some mushrooms. <wow... you will need to
propagate/thin or remove these soon due to fast growth> What other
water quality should I check because I'm adding calcium but
there's still a lot of red and brown algae? <you have the
nuisance algae because the skimmer you have unfortunately seems to have
a well deserved terrible reputation. I would suggest a better skimmer
like an Aqua C Remora. In the meantime... change water and
carbon/Polyfilters frequently to compensate for the lack of nutrient
export to starve out the bad algae. Also do test for Calcium and
Alkalinity to keep stable levels. best regards, Anthony>
Re: Anemone questions? and other questions? hello, Yes the
anemone is white with green on the tips. Is it going to die if it is
white but its been white since it came into the store. <no matter...
most are white because most are bleached on import and most will die
within the year if not months. There are no white Sebaes. Yellow at
best and rare at that. They are brown most commonly and sometimes
green/brown> So are Sebaes not supposed to be white or what because
every one they had was white? <none are ever supposed to be white...
see pics here:
and check out the FAQs on the top of that page link> My lights not
that high off the tank maybe 3 inches <very good... fluorescents
should not be any higher> but I have a big radio shack fan on top
making air flow threw the canopy I made but it doesn't heat up my
water no more than my 2 24 watt power compacts I used to have. When I
feed the anemone should I just put the food right in its mouth?
<actually... feeding is a little tricky. Its best to make a slurry
of minced food in seawater and gently baste/drift the food onto the
tentacles. An abrupt shove or blast of food will illicit a fright
response instead> Do you think this anemone will make it at all or
is it already going to die? <actually, many can recover if fed often
and well enough. 3-5 times weekly. Recovery will be evidenced by a less
than attractive blotchy "bruised" looking stage where patches
of brown color come back in. Read hear too my friend:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/fdreefinverts.htm best regards,
Help! Anemone Heteractis crispa - The Story Dear Sir, Thank
you for an excellent resource. I have attempted to educate myself as
much as I can but I'm having an anemone drama and I'm afraid
that time spent on my learning curve is, at the moment, my enemy.
<Ok> Tank start 09/05/02 - 75 gallon tank with 10 gallon sump
with water and filter and skimmer running but no lights and tank empty.
For circulation I have water comes out to tank from sump at 600 gph.
Also inside the tank are 1 Rio 200, 2 Rio 600's and 2 Rio 800's
that come on and off anywhere from 7 minutes to 20 minutes apart at
different times throughout the day (thanks to the Aquacontroller from
Neptune systems) to result in what I think is a different form of
current every 7 minutes in a pattern that repeats itself only once
every 24 hours. <Be sure your anemone is protected from all these
powerheads, so it cannot wander into/on one and become blenderized.>
I realize this is more detail than you need to answer the questions I
will ask but perhaps you will find some use in it, or in sharing it
with your comments, with others. If not I apologize that it is so
winded- skip to 10/04 for the start of the questions. 07/30/02 - This
nimrod (me) decided he was going to have a saltwater tank. I purchased
Marine Atlas 1,2,3 - Modern coral 1-4 and skimmed them several times
and read about the parts that were of interest and still refer to them.
Also - saltwater for dummies <Not a very good reference. Bob wrote a
review. You can see it here,
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/salth2odummies.htm> R.S.'s books on
DSB and several others as well as hours of reading online. The point of
including this is to basically indicate how I knew absolutely nothing 3
short months ago (and still don't really). <Ok, where is the
anemone part?> 09/22/02 - Installed 15 gallon H refugium next to
sump and added "miracle mud" as the substrate and some
Caulerpa. Went with high because I wanted to reserve the option to put
seahorses in it and they like high tanks. 09/24/02 Diatom bloom (yuck)
- not that I had a choice on tapwater but yuck! 09/27/02 - The genius
that I am so not decided I was going to grow sea lettuce and Ogo in the
refugium so I put some in it. Ugh. 09/30/02 Dummy me only wound up
feeding the brown algae more nutrients by adding that sea lettuce.
There was something in it that it just LOVED. The Ogo didn't like
the water flow - I was obvious to me that was the problem so I put it
in small CPR refugium inside the refugium and have it rolling in a
circle with 2 Rio 50 pumps - just loves it now. <Anemone, ohhhh here
anemone. Where is that anemone?> 10/03/02 Added 40ish lbs of
aquacultured live rock and 60lbs of live sand to tank from a Tampa
Florida company. Although its not cured and I have inherited some
unwanted guests this was important to me to buy aquacultured rock
because I knew I was not destroying a million year old reef so that I
could have a pretty tank of water in my house. <Please see here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sourcesmortworldreefs.htm> Also, I think
this rock was very fresh because each piece was loaded with thriving
living barnacles and I'm told even the expert can't keep these
alive. <Yes, it generally takes months for these to starve to death
in most aquaria.> I also think because of the refugium setup that I
cycled in a day with this rock because I measured for ammonia and
nitrites at least 3 times a day for the next 2 weeks and saw signs of
these only on the first day. <Perhaps it was already cured.> Also
- the refugium is now almost 2 weeks old and all the algae in it is
growing well (including the d!$! brown stuff that is now looking
reddish but it is not slimy so I don't think its slime). I go in
and shake it off the green stuff so it does not smother it out with a
pair of tongs on a daily/every other daily basis. <Far better to
physically remove the stuff versus merely liberating it (siphon it
out).> 10/04/02 Inherited guests include 1 mantis shrimp (I know
they are not shrimp at all but I see why people call them that) - one
very adult pistol shrimp (he is not wanted because he stirs the sand to
the bottom of the glass which would not be so bad but he does it under
rocks and cause them to topple). Also, there is no doubt in my mind
that I do not have the DSB to support him and he will destroy it in its
infancy. Also, 3 Aiptasia - not real concerned at these at the moment.
Figured I would handle them by keeping my ORP at between 450 and 500
and add some peppermint shrimp. <I like to use natural
predators.> Also - there is something else that clicks. I don't
know if its pistol or mantis. Have not seen it, only heard. 1ST
QUESTION: <Thank God!> Is there anything besides pistol shrimp or
mantis shrimp that will make that "clicking" noise? <Those
are the two likely suspects.> Are there "pistol crabs" for
example? <No pistol crabs, but many crabs that hitchhike. I once
witnessed a "Margarite" hermit crab kill a blue legged hermit
crab by bashing the shells together.> I still hear it but I see no
signs and its coming from a rock other than the one above. <More
pistols or mantis?> SIDE NOTE: I have since removed the mantis and
pistol described above and will share how here for those who are
interested. <Oh boy!> I tried the commercial traps, that
didn't work. I tried the coke bottle method, that fell apart. I
tried squirting hot saltwater at him - he just ran. I tried Kalkwasser
in a needle and he just snapped at it. Finally I called the people I
got the rock from and they told me to take the rock out - let it dry
and eventually they would come out. So I got a tub, made sure he was in
his home and took the rock out for 10 minutes. I decided that was long
enough and that the whole rock did not need to suffer, so I took 3 ml
of fresh water in a syringe and placed the rock so the water had the
shortest path to the bottom, squirted that water right at him in his
cave. He snapped at it twice and ran quickly with the water path to the
bottom of the tub where I had a small amount of saltwater. The pistol
shrimp by this time had come out of his cave looking for someplace else
to be and I picked him up with a pair of tongs and sent him on his way
to his new home at the LFS. The mantis did not survive the fresh water
battle and so he went to the water department. <Flush> I will say
here that I think those mantis shrimp are the "aliens" of the
ocean because he was way to smart. I say this because he lived in a
cave with a front and back entrance high up on a "ledge" of
the rock. When I started shining light into the cave he stuck a shell
up to "close" the door and then used this shell as just that
- a door - and opened and closed it as he came and went. That is how it
was easy for me to tell if his was "home". Several times he
would open his door come to the ledge while I was standing there. I
swear he would look right at me and snap his snappers and run back
inside and close the door. I think he viewed me as a predator and was
taunting me (a correct assumption on his part). And this is a
"shrimp"??? ha! <I have nothing to say, but I am still
here.> QUESTION 2 10/05/02 - Using actinic lighting on most of the
tank to encourage coralline algae growth and diminish the brown stuff,
I have several very nice sea squirt colonies growing on what I will
call ROCK A and I wonder if that is because they just "loved"
that actinic only lighting? <More likely that is the rock they came
in on. See here for more information,
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ascidians.htm> SKIPPING AHEAD -the next 2
weeks is just typical startup drama <I am starting to get a headache
from staring at this computer screen for so long.> 10/16/02 2nd part
of the rock arrives - added another 30lbs, 100 blue leg hermits, 2
tiger tail cucumbers and a sebae anemone <Holy cow, we reached the
anemone part. I feel like I just scaled Mount Everest.> of the
Heteractis crispa. When it arrived it was very full - very open and
wavy and its pure white with purple tips with a fluorescent green mouth
that stands out under the actinic. I have a 175 metal halide 10K bulb
with UV filter hanging 12-13 inches above the tank with the glass top
on. <I would lower the light or lose the glass cover. The distance
combined with the glass cover work to reduce light
intensity/penetration.> With this light on - he was stuck to the
plastic bag so I snipped around him and stuck him and the plastic he
was hanging on inside the tank and hung it from the back. I was afraid
of forcing him off because I didn't want to hurt him. <Good>
He hung there all day, all open and wavy, very beautiful creature. He
even ate the little piece of cocktail shrimp I gave him. Now that I
know he MUST have this halide light to survive I have increased its
burn time, however, since he has taken a liking to ROCK A I am
concerned that the life I have spawned over the last 2 weeks are going
to freak at the extended intense light. Is this going to kill my
squirts? <They are very difficult to keep alive anyway.> If so is
there anything I can do? <Not much> QUESTION 3 10/17/02 The
anemone moved down the side of the tank and fell off - I watched him
fall- all the while staying very open and lush. I moved him (with my
rubber Aquaglove on) to a piece of PVC pipe, a joiner piece, that I had
buried in the sand and emptied most of the sand out of it so that only
the top was sticking out of. I fed him again another little piece of
shrimp to encourage him to stay there. <Not likely to help. I would
let it choose where best to live. This will depend on lighting, water
flow, and substrate preferences.> He seemed to like this spot for
about 2 hours <Far to short to tell anything> and then slowly
moved around ROCK A to where the Tigertail cucumber had taken up
residence. Is he going to get along with that cucumber? <The
cucumber can move away.> Will the cucumber hurt him? <No>
DRAMA! 10/18/02 Turned light off to have a "dim" light day
and just had the actinic. <Strange, I just have mine set on timers
and encourage others to do the same.> The anemone shriveled up (only
been in tank 2 days) and started looking very sickly. Never seen him do
that. <It had only been two days. Did you expect to see all of its
behaviors by then?> Was this from the cucumber or my decision to
have a "dim" light day? <Who knows?> Does he require
that halide for 12 hours? <More likely 8-10. I would use the
actinics for one hour first, then the MH's, then just actinics
again.> I turned it back on and this seemed to help bring him back
to life but I really =wonder is all the stuff I started growing on ROCK
A going to die now from the increased light intensity? <It was
probably doomed to die anyhow.> Anyways, I hope this is not a silly
question but I feel pressed and I'm afraid to turn the halide light
off again lest he have a fit. <Just stick to a normal schedule.>
I really would like to keep him successfully and I have not yet added a
clownfish because I have read that it is best to let the anemone find a
home and get comfortable before having him play host. <Neither needs
the other in captivity to survive/thrive.> Please tell me what steps
I should take, can take, right now, to ensure the good health of my
anemone. <Educate yourself in their proper husbandry and more
importantly, do less.> I really hate thinking it is my ignorance
that is killing him and I don't know what else to do other than
give him bright light, excellent water quality, and good food. <That
is it.> I'm feeling pressed for time as parts of him are still
shriveled and the light is going off now via its timer. <It gets
dark in the ocean, too.> LAST QUESTIONS - FOR SPECIFICS. 1. Do I
remove the cucumber? <Not for the reason you mentioned.> 2. Do I
move the anemone back to the PVC pipe but in a different location?
<No> 3. Do I get a clownfish? <Up to you> Will that help
him? <No> 4. Do I stop feeding him cocktail shrimp and go with
just the fishes recommended? <Feed small, whole prey items.> 5.
He has moved next to a scallop will he sting it to death? <Maybe>
Do I move the scallop? <Sure> 6. If that clicking noise I still
hear is a mantis - will the mantis shrimp hurt him? This is all taking
place on, near, or next to ROCK A. <No> Thanks so much for taking
the time read. I hope my spelling wasn't too bad and this email is
useful. I wish I could proofread it more but this is such a primitive
machine and I can only see 7 short lines of text a time. <So, you
could not see how big this email was. For the future, please try to be
more concise. This novel was very long, but without a single bit of
water quality analysis in the whole thing. Please try to limit yourself
to the actual questions/problems and pertinent
observations/analysis.> Best Regards, James Pennington in Ohio
<You may want to consider joining an aquarium society for an
additional resource. Take a look here for leads
http://www.angelfire.com/oh3/aquariumclubs/ -Steven Pro>
Pro - Re: Help! Anemone Heteractis crispa - The Story Dear Steven
Pro, Thank you for taking the time to read my novel. I am at work now
on a real machine and I had no idea I wrote such a book! Kudos to you
for your patience and your comments! <And thanks for not taking any
of my jokes badly. I had to do something to entertain myself this
morning.> I was in a panic. I don't want the anemone to die
because I'm stupid and was not prepared for him. He was a bonus
that came with the "package". <I hate package deals of all
kinds. You always get something you do not want or later realize you do
not want or you are not prepared and educated for.> I had no idea I
was going to have him until I opened the box. A very welcome but
unexpected guest. I realize it might not matter now but just in case
the water conditions for the tank: pH fluctuates between 7.99 and 8.26
Still trying to find a balance between Kalkwasser and buffer <This
is a bit low. I would prefer to see something like 8.2-8.4> ORP
Ranges from 432 - 451 TEMP 77.6 night to 78.9 day Ammonia has never
read more than 0.25 ppm (testing daily watching for cycle) and is at 0
now Nitrites, and Nitrates are both immeasurable and have been since
day 2. ALK: "normal" Lastly, they way you phrase something
below makes me want to ask - should I get rid of the Tigertail cucumber
for other reasons? <I would not chose to have one.> The woman
gave him to me as part of her "package". I have mixed
feelings and wish an expert would share his advise. Is the benefit of
these creatures worth the risk in your opinion? <Their are other
creatures that can do the same job with no risk.> Kind Regards,
James Pennington in Ohio P.S. I realize I'm a just a stupid newbie
but those sea squirts came to me as group of 3 and grew to a group of
30 and were growing strong until the metal halide light "time
on" got longer. Once a week I would squirt about 2ml of plankton
at them through a plastic needle. They look just like the ones on the
cover of the Marine Atlas Volume 3. <They are beautiful! Clavelina
caerulea - Baensch's says they prefer shaded areas, so your lights
may have some effect.> Now they are starting to shrivel since the
halide light hours lengthened. I just wanted to say that I GOT THEM TO
GROW! ... or did I actually get them to "reproduce" ? :)
I'm going to go put a piece of wood between them and the light for
shade to see if that helps. <Good idea!> Kudos again for putting
up with us Newbies! <No sweat. -Steven Pro>
- Sebae Questions - Hello, I stumbled across your site, and
think it is great. I just recently purchased a rather large sebae
anemone, and I have a 55 gallon tank with about 50lbs of live rock in
it. There are some bare spots on the bottom that are just substrate,
but the live rock covers the majority of the tank. I have 2 false
perculas that have taken to the anemone, and really love it. My tank
has been set up for almost 5 years, so it is an established tank, and
my water parameters are good. I have 3 powerheads in the tank, along
with the return, and my lighting consists of 4 96w powercompacts 2 W/2
actinic blue. The anemone was doing fine the first day or two I put him
in, but there is not a huge amount of substrate for him to attach his
foot. I would say he's about 8-10 inches when fully stretched out,
but I haven't seen him that big since I purchased him. <Was this
anemone under similar lighting in the store? Chances are good that your
lighting just isn't quite as strong as this animal is used to.>
Does he need a good portion of substrate to stretch himself out fully,
or will he be able to stretch out over the live rock too? <It will
stretch out when and where it chooses - depth of substrate really
isn't a factor.> Also, he seemed to be moving around, and AFTER
reading your articles, I can tell that you recommend not moving them. I
did move him before I read the other articles, and he seems to be quite
healthy. I put him on a rather large flat piece of live rock, hoping he
would stretch himself out. Will his foot be happy on the live rock
without any sand, or would he prefer the sand to burrow his foot?
<Again... it will choose the place where it gets the best current
and best lighting, not necessarily where it thinks it has a good
footing.> I'm not sure if I should move some live rock around so
he can have some more sand or not. <Move it around so it can have
more light.> Please help! Also I have a small hippo tang that has
not been feeling well ever since the anemone was introduced. Is it
possible that it brushed against the anemone? <Always possible.>
He has been breathing heavily on the bottom of my tank now for a couple
of days, but does have the strength to swim away if I put something
near him. If he was stung, will he survive, and is there anything I can
do to help him? <If the fish was stung well enough, then there is
nothing you can do I'm sorry to say.> Thanks for all your help,
<Cheers, J -- >