FAQs about Shark and Ray Eggs, Juveniles,
Reproduction in General 2
Related Articles: Sharks In My Living Room?, Coldwater Sharks, Leopard Sharks, Port Jackson Sharks, Blacktip Reef Shark, Nurse Sharks, Cartilaginous Fishes, Moving Sharks,
Related FAQs: Shark Eggs, Young 1, Shark Identification, Shark Compatibility, Shark Behavior, Selection, Systems for Sharks, Feeding, Diseases, Coldwater
Sharks, Leopard Sharks,
Heterodontus, Moving Sharks,

Sharks and Rays in Aquariums
Gaining an understanding of how to keep these fishes in captive
saltwater systems
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eBook on Amazon
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Banded coral shark egg 8/31/17
Hi there my question is.....i have a shark egg was seeing lots of
movement and now it has stopped for a couple weeks now. as of today
every time i check on him its floating around the tank. does this mean
he died?
when i
held him up to light air bubbles came up when i tilted him.i can see he
is about a inch and a half long .but don't see any movement. feeling
Please give me ur input. Ty colleen
<... I would shy on the side of conservation here... Wait a week more.
Bob Fenner>
Banded cat shark 3 week old acting strange. Hlth.; nutr.
Hi WWM crew,
I have a banded cat shark (Chiloscyllium punctatum) that I had
hatched from an egg. I haven’t seen it totally eat yet but it
has snapped at my grabber when I put squid in front of its face a few
times and the squid seems to go missing so you’d assume it had eaten.
This only happened once or twice though and I have tried to feed
it prawns, scallop, squid, mussels and krill.
<Do please read on WWM re Thiaminase poisoning/B avitaminoses. The diet
needs to be enlarged, altered (whole non-fatty small fish esp. added)...
plus vitamin supplemented. Are you familiar w/ the Mazuri line? Search
on WWM Re>
It has never really shown any interest even if I put the food in its
face. It likes to hide in the caves and is quite inactive a lot of the
time. It breathes every second or so at a healthy rate, it has no cuts
or abrasions or redness and looks to be healthy. it is currently about 8
I have tried soaking the food in Selcon and garlic guard, the other fish
eat it with no problems. (other fish currently only a regal tang,
fireball angel and a leopard wrasse)
Tank is 200 gal, 25 degrees Celsius usually, no nitrates or
<How are these rendered zip? This could be an issue... chemical
or ammonia (obviously).
I found the shark upside down today and thought it was
dead, I flipped him over and he moved off a bit, was still breathing but
seemed sort of asleep. He has been acting sort of ‘asleep’ in the same
area of the tank at the same time of evening 2 or 3 days in a row now.
He hides in the cave during the day and every time I check back to the
tank he is in one of his 3 usual spots. He doesn’t exhibit this worrying
behaviour during the day, just for a few hours on an evening around
8-9pm for the last 2-3 days.
I am baffled by this behaviour. My priority concern is getting him to
eat now, my next concern is why would he be upside down and not wake up
or move even though he was breathing steadily whilst upside down! do
they sleep?
I read they are nocturnal.
I have tried fooding a plethora of foods at different times of day.
How would I test if this was a ‘grounding issue’?
<Gone over on WWM>
I live in England and don’t know if plugs are different in the US but
aren’t all plugs grounded? our plugs are all “earthed”
<Mmm; your other livestock has not been mal-affected; so I discount
induced current issues>
I have tried to include all the info you may need here to rule things
out so sorry for the length of this email.
<Let's review: You're to read re young shark nutrition,
Mazuri.com vitamins for sharks, the mis-use of HPO4 and NO3 removing
methods... on WWM. Write me back if you have further questions,
Bob Fenner>
Question (Reef compatibility). Baby sharks
First I just want to say thank you for all your education on your website per
the numerous issues that can occur while having a hobby such as a reef aquarist.
I have been in the saltwater reef hobby for almost 6 years and have been quite
successful for the most part (Except the first year). I will always go to your
website for any question I may have and normally will always get my answer but
every once in a while I don't get that exact answer I was looking for hence my
e-mail today. Here is some
background on my equipment and inhabitants I keep in my reef tank (Interested in
your opinion at that as well)
I have a 210 gallon reef aquarium with a 75 gallon sump w/refugium, Skimz SM203
protein skimmer, LifeReef calcium reactor, 200IBS LR, live sand, and MH/LED
lighting. Reef system has been running for about 4 years with very minor issues
in the past.
As for inhabitants, I have a Emperor angel, Blue angel, 3 Chromis, Yellow tang,
Blue tang, pygmy angel, bi-color angel, Flame angel, Rock Beauty angel, 2 clown
fish, six line wrasse, blue star leopard wrasse, neon Dottyback, numerous
Nassarius snails, and sand sifting/serpent sea starfish(s). I only am able to
keep a few corals (Some Stony corals, green star polyps, and birdsnest coral)
All fish & inverts have been in tank either a year to 4 years.
Somehow I have been successful with keeping all of them which I credit that to
the many caves and hiding spots I made an of course my disciplined water change
(10% twice a month). Now my question.
A friend of mine sold his house and needed to get rid of his tank, equipment,
inhabitants, etc. I did not take anything except 2 items (Or risk my wife
divorcing me;)).. He had 2 shark eggs that needed a home and I was the only
friend he knew that has a big enough tank to take them. As of now I have
recently put shark eggs in my refugium (Sand bottom). There are 3 baby clown
fish (Clown fish had baby's) and yellow wrasse in this refugium along with a lot
of micro algae (40 gallons-middle of 75 gallon sump). I will be upgrading to a
300 gallon tank however I will not be
purchasing/setting up until June of this year due to my renovations I'm doing on
my basement of house.
Once these shark eggs hatch (Assuming in a month), can I somehow get them to
survive 6 months in my main tank with all these inhabitants? Do I even have a
50% chance?
<I'd move the other fishes; lest you lose them to the sharks; but otherwise they
should be fine here.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Question (Reef compatibility) 1/7/16
Thank you Bob, I have been reading your comments about many other reef
aquarist's issue's for many years and I do appreciate your insight and time
reading these questions (Especially mine, lol)..
As for moving the fish, I couldn't do that until June this year however my plan
was to get the 300 gallon going and put the sharks in there with maybe the
Emperor and Blue angel, I would leave the rest in the 210. I was just hoping
with the sharks smaller size in the beginning that they might be ok for 6 months
in my main tank (210).
<They will/would be; just sans the clowns and wrasse (which they may eat). Sorry
for the confusion>
How fast do you think they could grow in 6 months if I'm feeding then 2-3 times
a week?
<A couple of inches likely>
I have a coral cat shark and a epaulette shark. Repro.
I just added the epaulette shark about 10 days ago because the original owner
couldn't take care of the shark. This morning the epaulette shark laid an egg.
Since they are different sharks I didn't know if the coral cat could
reproduce with the epaulette shark.
<Ah, no... the egg was developing months back>
Also if so when would I be able to determine if the egg is fertile and how.
Thank you
<Only time going by; your careful observation... see WWM re. Bob Fenner>
bamboo shark hatched
I have recently had a bamboo shark egg hatch and the baby looked ok upon
arrival. What I have concerns about is that the baby bamboo just lays in one
place for days and pants heavily and seems lethargic.
<This is what they do>
I have picked him up
<Don't do this>
in the tank and tried to gently coax him to get active or show signs other then
just laying there, I only did this a couple times as I didn't want to overly
stress the poor thing. He is in a 55 gallon for now, salt level at 1.022
<Too low... I'd keep the spg at near seawater strength/concentration (1.025-6)>
and temp at 76. I have a skimmer and a power-aerator with good circulation.
nitrates and nitrites are good.
<... see WWM re>
I don't know what I should do to help this baby shark and have found nothing on
the internet to pin-point this problem if it is one. The shark is now 5 days old
and it still hasn't changed in it's condition.....any help would be greatly
appreciated, thank you Michael
<Do review all we have archived re young sharks. Bob Fenner>
Bamboo shark egg 1/22/15
Hi, I've had a shark egg a while now, when I first got it it was a very
small shark inside and you could see the huge yolk. I got it around the
10th December 2014 and as I write this it is 22nd Jan. I know this isn't
long enough for it to be ready but the yolk was getting noticeably
smaller and recently the shark seems to be huge and the egg is a lot
However, in the past week the egg has started to get this white stringy
stuff on the outside of it as though it's deteriorating.
<Might be; might not... there's not much digestible in the egg case
I wiped a bit off with my finger and candled the egg and I can no longer
see a perfect shark and yolk shape. I can see the tail very well and the
tail fins, I definitely saw the tail fin move a bit but otherwise the
shark has been a bit lifeless for a long time (it can barely move in the
small egg because it is now big) I fear the shark is dead. The egg does
not float
<They don't... unless it is dead>
though and has always been attached to a veggie clip 2/3rds up the tank
in good flow as advised.
<I would not use a clip... better to just wedge the egg case somewhere
out in the open>
I have Googled this white stuff and not much comes up about it. The egg
sometimes appears to wiggle about but that could be down the flow
somehow. Any advice would be great but I do recognise that my
explanation is somewhat vague and erratic, it's a very hard thing to
I have attached a few pretty useless pictures too..
Here you can see the white stuff, it was very stringy before this.
This is the shark when I first received it in December, it was
incredibly active at this point.
This was the shark on 9th Jan
Few details: 6ft tank now, 200 gal system.
Perfect water quality, never had any issues.
Local aquarium (4 miles away) have a huge shark pool and hatch their own
eggs, they agreed to help me when the shark is too large or if it gets
sick. They readily accept donations.
<To their credit>
Thanks for any help you may be able to give, I am fully aware the shark
may be dead but need confirmation.
<I would not give up just yet... You will definitely be able to discern
if/when this egg is no longer viable. Bob Fenner>

Brownbanded bamboo shark sick
I got my bamboo shark when he was in a purse, watched him hatch
about 4 weeks ago,
<Ah, congrats>
and have taken care of hi m since. I had him in an 80 gallon
<Will need more room>
tank with healthy levels of pH, salinity, etc., he had healthy
eating patterns (three times a week- small pieces of shrimp),
<And more than this. See WWM re Thiaminase and feeding small sharks>
and he was very relaxed (pretty much stayed put during the day, moving
sometimes). Then, I brought him into another tank where I could take
care of him over break with healthy pH, salinity, etc. However, here
he got attacked by crabs overnight, and I took him out in the
morning when I saw, put him in a bucket with an aerator, and brought him
home to my new tank with nothing but a couple of large rocks to hide
under and a pipefish. He seemed healthy yesterday, but today he started
looking strange. I fed him some shrimp like usual, but he didn't eat,
which I just assumed was because he was acclimating to the new
environment, but he looks like his brown bands are discoloring a little
bit and he is breathing very deeply, very quickly. I know there is
enough oxygen because along with the filter, I put an aerator in
underneath a rock. His dorsal fin, anal fin, and tail are chewed up on
the back and I don't know if he is in pain or what to do.
<Just provide good care; stable and optimized water quality>
He also is swimming very erratically. He will start swimming back and
forth and sort of turn on his side briefly while swimming, then turn
back over still while swimming. I am very concerned also because my
pH dropped significantly over night from 8.4 to 8.0.
<Not good.. pH is a base 10 log... this is a huge swing>
Also today shortly after I put the food in the tank, he did this weird
thing where he lifted up his front and looked like he was throwing up
some clear fluid that looked like snot, and a lot of it came out. I
don't see any red spots on his stomach. Is it possible that he
has ich?
He looks like he has about 5 white spots on his nose that aren't sand. I
also don't have any sand in my tank as I had to set it up immediately
because of the situation with the crabs attacking him. If you have any
advice that would be so helpful because I am really scared that he could
be sick, and I don't want him to die.
<Reading for now. Bob Fenner>
Preserving a shark egg case?
I work at an aquarium and today I found a non-viable zebra shark egg
I would like to preserve it to use as an education prop. I've seen the
finished product before but I can't find any info on the process.
Do you have any info or links? I would really
appreciate your help!
Best to You,
Jodi :-)
<Mmm; I wish I had online access to some of the larger biological
journals (to look up); am guessing that either 40 plus percent (80
proof) alcohol or formalin (10%)... let me refer you here:
Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Bamboo Shark Egg's yolk looks runny
Hey guys,
I just bought a Bamboo Shark Egg earlier today and place it on a 30 gal
tank after 2 hours of acclimating. Since i am well aware off the max
size of this species, i have a 650 gal fowlr tank ready once it hatched
and fully weaned on prepared food.
The problem is that, when I flashed a light on the egg sack, I did not
see any round egg yolk nor any shark moving inside. It looked like the
yolk might've been 'burst' and also it looks 'runny'. Is this an early
stage of
the shark being develop? or it's a dead one?
<I wouldn't discard this egg just yet... it may be fertile, intact>
The pictures attached is the best shot i can show you.
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
White spotted Bamboo sharks fighting or mating?
Hope all is well. The tank is doing great and all the sharks
are as healthy as can be. Largely due to the info on your site. I have
two male white spotted bamboo sharks that are 26 and 27 inches. I
noticed a few months ago that they began what looked like fighting.
<Might be>
One would grab the others tail and drag it around the aquarium and latch
on the pectoral fin and stay locked for 5-10 minutes or so. I was very
concerned at first when I saw this but noticed neither of them have any
injuries from this at all. It was happening several times per week.
(This is where it gets weird). I also have a 26 inch short tailed nurse
shark female that I am taking care of for a few months and one of the
sharks starting doing the exact same thing with her. Again no injuries
and none of the sharks seem stressed out at all. The nurse shark was
dragged around the tank a little by her tail and he (white spotted
bamboo shark) held on to it for about 15 minutes. I have researched this
for months and can't figure what is happening.
<Reproductive behavior>
I am now contacting you because this is the first time it has happened
with a different species and sex housed with them. I also noticed my
brown banded bamboo male (19inches) was involved somewhat with what was
going. He was nosing the female nurse shark in the side while the other
male held on the tail but he never bit her at all. After reading
everything on the net I can find and the breeding section in Michael
Scott's book I am still lost and need your vast knowledge. Are they
fighting or is it possible that the two males are not sure of each
others sex and is it possible that one of the male white spotted bamboo
sharks is trying to breed with a female short tailed nurse shark?
<I think you are right/correct on both counts... playing leading up to
Thanks for the help.
Shea Bailey
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: White spotted Bamboo sharks fighting or mating?
Is it possible that a male white spotted bamboo shark can breed with a
female short tailed nurse shark?
<Can do the genetic intromission bit; but not produce young>
From what I have read the Short Tailed Nurse Shark is oviparous but I do
not know if it is possible for them to breed with one another and
deliver pups.
<Highly unlikely>
P.S. AquaC skimmers are awsome just as stated on your site. I have two
EV1000's on my tank and they are great.
<Ahh! BobF>
Banded Cat Shark Feeding 4/2/14
I’ve been reading some posts on your website and can’t really find the
answer to my question. We have a 75 gallon saltwater tank,
<Too small for a shark>
started out with live rock and live sand. Toxin levels were all perfect
when we got our first fish, 2 damsels and a shark egg (thinking it
wouldn’t hatch for another month or longer!) and some snails and hermit
The shark hatched (we were sad we didn't see it happen, he was just all
of a sudden there) after less than 2 weeks in, so we rushed to the store
and got some krill and squid
<See WWM re Thiaminase>
to try to start feeding him. The shark has been hungry and eating well
from day one. Until now we have given him a half krill or equivalent
small amount of squid every day. When we see the other fish stealing a
small piece we don't feed them to prevent an ammonia spike (we used to
feed the damsels a few flakes every other day before the shark hatch).
Now that the shark is a week old and eating well, we want to know if
we’re doing it right. We’re also wondering how often and what amount
we’re supposed to feed him. Many sources say ‘just a little bit’ and
‘not too often’, which is not very specific and not helpful at all. Not
that we didn't do research about feeding and raising a shark beforehand,
we would just appreciate your opinion on this topic.
<The amount and frequency... are best judged by the "fullness" of the
specimen. You want it "just full"; not concave nor convex>
Thanks in advance, Nicole
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: Banded Cat Shark Feeding 4/2/14
Hi Bob, thank you for your fast reply! Then I believe we're giving him
enough to eat, because it seems like he's still waiting to get
more when we're done feeding. We know our
banded cat shark will outgrow this tank, so we
are already planning to get a bigger tank in the future and turn this
one into a tank with coral. Kind regards, Nicole
<Do re-read the FAQs on WWM re shark feeding... read what is presented
on Mazuri.com; consider borrowing/reading my book on captive sharks on
Kindle if you're a member (for free). BobF>
banded shark egg. Need HELP ASAP
my husband bought a banded shark egg it was in the store for over a
Tonight the shark stopped moving inside and he asked me to open it,
<... Not generally a good idea...>
when I opened it the shark started to move around but still had yolk
attached to it, when it backed up into the egg sac he closed it to the
best of is ability and rehung it from the side of the tank as the store
owner told him. I don't want it to die should I just leave it hanging or
go ahead and let it out? Please respond ASAP as the life of a baby shark
is on the line.
<I would leave it, all as it is. Please read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Newly Hatched Marbled Cat Shark 9/7/12
My marbled cat shark hatched last night, and appeared to be doing great,
she even ate a few moments after emerging which I wasn't expecting her
to do so soon, but was pleasantly surprised. I went to check on her this
morning, and she didn't appear to be breathing, so I panicked and
positioned her in front of the power head, and she started to breath
Is this something I should worry about, or is this behavior normal for a
<Not unusual. "Don't panic!". Bob Fenner>
Re: Newly Hatched Marbled Cat Shark 9/7/12
Thank you so much, I have had sharks in the past, this is my first I
have hatched on my own, so I wanted to be sure.
<Welcome. You may well benefit from reading on WWM here:
and the linked files above. BobF>
baby Indonesia cat shark 8/1/12
Hi. I have read your EXCELLENT blog for 2 hours now and see that a
large portion of questions are repeated. I haven't seen any questions
related to my species and therefore had to send you this e-mail. Sorry
if I missed any answers and am wasting your time but, We just acquired a
baby Indonesian cat shark from a web site for aquatics in Yonkers N.Y. (
Never comfortable doing this! I know. Husbands choice.) And when we had
asked about the size given the picture on said site was extremely small,
We were told not in specifics of measured length but that the Pict. was
an older one and that this shark was a small but decent size larger than
that of the Pict. We have 3 others that range from 6 inches to 18 inches
all bamboo family types. Which was why we had asked. Well this one
arrived very well packaged and seems healthy, but, maybe 2 inches in
length! Uh a toothpick in comparison. No sack left and no swollen belly
so I want to make sure she eats. She is in a nurse tank inside our
regular tank so no one decides to have an extra meal, so feeding her
although will be a slight challenge, moving the nurse tank to reach it
each time, It will be done until she is large enough to be set free with
the others. We were told she was eating from the seller. (But we know
how that can go.) However I have never seen a cat hatch so small .
<Me neither>
Now I've never had this particular breed either so is this a
normal size?
<I'd guess so... as the fish appears healthy>
I know they reach about 2 feet at adulthood.(This egg must have been the
size of a walnut. Would have loved to have seen it.) How fast give or
take does this species grow?
<Can be quite quick if fed often/daily... an inch or so a month or so
for the first year>
Assuming that she is a normal size for this species, She is so small I
find it hard to believe that she can eat live shrimp as they seem to big
for her.
<Try live brine/Artemia, other small chopped up sea protein>
Im afraid to try. I don't want her to get discouraged from eating
altogether. It will also be a major pick to find them small enough. We
do have a recently found place were we can catch live shrimp fresh from
the ocean as often as needed due to a failure of 3 pet stores being
unable to receive them for purchase at this time. I have no problem
catching them right now but soon when the weather changes maybe not so
well Im not sure.
Any recommendations? We have Krill, Brine shrimp, Baby Brine(too small),
Clams, shark formula, squid, silver sides, (Which I can also catch
live), etc. You name it we got it!
<Chop up... small pieces, offered right in front... change water out
We have it all. Our fish and sharks eat better than we do. Variety is
the success in our home. but I want to know what live feeders are best
for something so small. Or suggestions on healthy frozen foods. Do bait
shops carry the same frozen quality of silver sides as pet stores?
<Often so; yes>
Lastly, Now maybe a stupid question but, asking you, I don't believe
this is true as I've seen male cats in eggs before ( gender noticed
easily) but, It was told to me by another aquatic seller that
male gender doesn't show until sexually mature.
<Not so>
Now, we have a 5 or so month old black banded and he's definatly a male.
And to young to be active which is why I don't necessarily believe that
but, the baby we received today seems to be a female. Is it possible
that isn't the case?
<Can be sexed by claspers, or lack thereof at a very small size.>
Not caring we love it anyway. But curious. Any and all incite will be
greatly appreciated. Sorry for the long E-mail. And all the questions.
Thank you,
<Welcome; and thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
.jpg) |
Re baby Indonesia cat shark
hey Bob
sad to say the baby Indonesia cat shark died today around
4:00 am total size was 4'' long female way smaller then my egg hatched
banded cat was
<Thank you for this follow-up. DO report back to whomever sold you this
animal, and urge them to in turn contact their supplier on back through
the line. Sharks this small should NOT be collected. Bob Fenner>
Parthenogenesis in Whitespotted Bamboo Sharks
I have a female White spotted Bamboo Shark in a 96"x30"x30
360 gallon aquarium. She has been in the tank since November 2010. The
only other shark in the system is a female Coral Catshark. She was
approximately 16" when purchased and is now around 20". About
6 weeks ago we started seeing
egg cases around the tank, so we gathered them up and hung them in
veggie clips on the front of the tank. The first case or purse was
empty. I believe they call this a wind egg. Of the three others we have
collected, all have yolk sacs. One egg today was found to have a live
My question is this. How common is this or do we know yet? How would
one go about trying to get this certified as a virgin birth? Is it
possible for the female to store milt a year or greater for use
<I do think the latter is the case here; i.e. this female copulated
w/ a male ahead of your acquiring her. However, there are believable
accounts of parthenogenesis in sharks, including this species:
and others. Thank you for your query. Bob Fenner>
Re: Parthenogenesis in Whitespotted Bamboo Sharks
Thanks for your reply. Since our last communication, we have collected
a total of 14 eggs. 9 of them seem to have healthy looking yolk sacs.
The original live embryo is about 1.5 inches long now and many features
such as eyes, gill slits, and fins can be seen. This particular egg
somehow has managed to get a bubble of air in it. Will this be a major
problem and if so is there something I can do to remedy it?
<Mmm, some folks advocate puncturing... making a stent of sorts... I
like to "anchor" these by just placing under a stable
nook/cave so they don't float out...>
As for the question of parthenogenesis, the plan is to hatch the
sharks and determine their sex. Right now there are four live embryos
at different stages of development. If just one turns out to be male
the question is answered. All females then I think I have institutions
that are interested in further investigation.
<Thank you for this update. Bob Fenner>
Bamboo Shark Baby, sys.
Hi guys,
This website has helped me over the past few months. I have a 400 gal
FOWLR Tank and we are currently building a house with a custom 1000 Gal
FOWLR Tank. I have to send you pictures when all is done. Earlier
tonight my baby bamboo shark hatched and to my surprise was very
active. I quickly noticed I had a question that I have yet to find an
answer to, can you have to much water flow "current" for a
baby bamboo.
<As long as it's not getting tossed around, no>
I noticed that he would get in the path of the circulation pumps and
would get tossed for a sec before he would move out of the way. I have
moved the direction of the water flow more to the surface so not to
bother him.
<The surface, producing a gyre, is best>
Is this normal and something that he will learn to deal with over the
next few days?
<Shouldn't be an issue>
thanks for any and all help. Wish me luck getting this little guy to
<See WWM re>
He has no yolk left but does have about 2 cm of cord left and his belly
is plump so I didn't even attempt that tonight. Sorry for the
rambling just very
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Re: Bamboo Shark Baby, sys. 11/1/11
thanks for your response. one last question for you I and ill leave you
<No need but please run your writing through spelling and grammar
He likes to kind of move sand around and make holes, which I've
heard is normal, my only concern is he always has sand on his face and
right by his eyes. So will the sand getting in his eyes have a negative
effect and if so how in the heck do you fix that? Thanks a lot
<Use suitable substrate mostly... and/or not worry re. Bob
Re: Bamboo Shark Baby 11/8/11
Thank you guys so much with everything that you guys do. After nearly 2
weeks of my baby not eating..I witnessed him put down two little ghost
shrimp tonight.
<Ah good>
the ghost shrimp were not intended for him but were more of a treat for
one of his tankmates but either way...I now know that he has had
something to eat. I am fully aware that this is not a everyday diet for
him and I am still going offering the shark diet, shrimp, scallops, and
squid that I purchased. But if he is at least eating the ghost shrimp
intermixed with my attempts with the other foods, will he be ok.
<Hopefully so>
Other than that everything is going great. He is extremely friendly and
has become friends with a tang that resides with him, you almost always
see them together. While I've got your attention. I love the way
trigger fish look, but know that they can NOT be in a tank with sharks,
but on a recent trip to my LFS I was told that blue throat
triggers are very passive and do well with sharks. Have you
ever heard of that???? Again thanks for the help.
<Of Balistids, the genus is about the best... but still no
guarantees. Bob Fenner>
Re: Bamboo Shark Baby -- 11/08/11
Thanks a lot. No guarantee is not enough for me.....I'll stick to
my Naso and scopas tang.
<Ahh, you show wisdom. BobF>
Re: Bamboo Shark Baby, fdg. 11/20/11
Just thought that you guys would like to know that Venom the bamboo
shark took some frozen foods today.
I've been hand feeding him ghost shrimp and he has got very
comfortable with me. Well today he was a lot more active than normal
and it looked as if he was searching for food, moving sand around a
lot...so I took a piece of shark food
<What is this?>
that I purchased cut a small piece off and went to stick it in the
tank.....before my hand was even fully in, he was swimming toward it
and took the food right out (I think he though he was getting some
since he just ate yesterday I only gave him 2 small pieces and he ate
both of them. So all in all a VERY good day. Next feeding I will try
some scallops. Thanks for the time
<Welcome. B>
Re: Bamboo Shark Baby 11/21/11
The shark food is made by ocean nutrition:
<Ahh, thank you. Am familiar>
krill, mackerel, salmon, squid, clams, shrimp, tuna, fish meal, vit. E
and C Vit b12 and D3. I also have Human Grade Shrimp and Scallops to
use as well. Any issues with the Ocean Nutrition Food?
<None whatsoever, but I would be using a good vitamin supplement. My
fave Mazuri(.com).>
The LFS that I use have 2 very beautiful Bamboos, right around 3 feet
long. They said they use that food as well as several other foods.
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Bamboo Shark Baby 11/21/11
Good to here <hear>. I will make sure I order some. Thanks for
any and all help. I have really enjoyed having him and he has become
more than just a fish in a tank.
<Ah yes. B>
Epaulette shark breeding and behavior
Hello all!
I am intent on breeding various sub-species of Epaulette sharks.
Currently I have 6. From largest to smallest : a 36" male
Hemiscyllium ocellatum, a 28" female H. halstromi, a 28" H.
ocellatum, a 26" make H. ocellatum, and two 14" female H.
halstromi. I have two 550s at 6x4x3 high and another 550 at 8x3x3 high
in addition to two 7'x2' H 400g agricultural tanks.
I have too many questions to ask in this format. I've read Scott
Michaels' text, obsessed over and contributed to these pages and
those at SharkRayCentral, MonsterFishKeepers, and others. I've
spoken with the gentlemen at Tropicorium at length (they have
successfully bred multiple species of benthic sharks.)
<Likely Dick Perrin... we're well-acquainted, have been to his
operation, seen the side business of shark breeding there>
I want to know who is the expert. I imagine someone at a public
aquarium in Australia would be a great source (as they are indigenous
to their seas.)
Maybe B-Fen (trademarked) has some insight... I understand that these
are likely friends, co-workers, and acquaintances or yours
<Mmm, unfortunately no>
and will provide them the greatest in respect. Essentially, I need to
know WHO I need to know to pester (used lightly) via email
occasionally. I sincerely appreciate the wealth of information here and
your time as well. Feel free to call me personally at 205-276-XXXX if
you like.
Happy Holidays!
<General husbandry questions, pathology, you're welcome to send
our way.
Commercial reproduction? I don't really know anyone else who is in
this field. You might want to run down the member list of the ASIH,
write them for further referral: http://www.asihcopeiaonline.org/
or the AES: http://elasmo.org/
Bob Fenner>
Need help with Shark care 10/28/10
Hello to the crew of WWM.
Let me start by saying I have always been a huge fan of ocean
life....and especially sharks....I have wanted a shark since I was
13....20 years later I couldn't resist. I have an 18 month old who
I took to a fish store with me one day and he decided
that he really wanted this bamboo shark they had and a snowflake eel by
continually saying...."I want dat" his words. So....we have
an eel, his name is Dah....yes dah. On with the reason for my
<Not good choices to house together>
I am new to shark keeping, not necessarily to saltwater. I have had
saltwater tanks for almost 3 years and in a rush purchased a Banded
Bamboo shark egg....then like the impatient person I am I ordered a
Marble Cat Shark. But now I am left with tons of questions. I have been
reading through this site for a few days now (I know....should have
done the research first) trying to obtain as much information as
possible. I found the links to Mazuri and ordered the 5M24. I am
curious if I need the gel too?
<Mmm, no; the tabs are fine alone>
The problems....when I ordered the egg and then the shark the guys told
me that they wouldn't ship for over a month which was ideal because
I am picking up a 240 (96x24x24). Problem is that they shipped the egg
within 2 days. I only have a 60g cube (24x24x24) so now I am in a
panic. I can see the shark in the egg and I can tell it's only
about 3 inches or so and the yoke is a bit smaller than a ping pong
<Plenty of time...>
I can see he is active, which is good, but I am concerned he is going
to hatch before I get the new tank set up. As stated my current reef is
almost 3 years old. Water parameters are in line (PH 8.0, Sal 1.025,
Calcium 600,
<Too high... way>
Nitrate 0, Nitrite 0, ammonia 0) I do know that even the 240 is small
and plan on building a larger tank in the next year. This is probably
impossible to answer but how long do I have before he hatches?
<More than a month, unless the temperature is also way high>
Are there any issues I should be aware of with the 2 different sharks
in the same tank?
<Mmm, not these two... if kept fed>
Big question is, I found out after the fact that I was mislead....the
guys told me the banded bamboo would only get 24 inches....now I am
reading 40.
<Likely yours will not/ever exceed two feet>
Then, I got an email saying that my "Marble Bamboo shark" is
being shipped. Well that makes me nervous too because I wanted a CAT
shark that only gets 24 to 27 inches....not another 40 incher.....is
there a difference between marble cat and marble bamboo?
<? Yes... one is Atelomycterus macleayi, the other Chiloscyllium
plagiosum... some places have the common names confused>
I would imagine for the time being, with it only being an egg the 60 is
ok for now. I just hope I can get the 240 up before it hatches.
On with the immediately relevant questions....first up....the egg. When
I purchased the egg the guy told me to just place it in my sand.
<What? No>
But after reading I am hearing, or reading, that suspending it is a
better idea. Do I suspend it close to the bottom or the surface?
<Nearer the surface is better... Use a "veggie" clip... a
foot or so down from the water surface>
I ask because I have a 250w DE HQI that only sits about 4 inches off
the water and I don't want to cook the baby. Also, I have a
Melanarus Wrasse, Snowflake eel, Hippo tang, Lawnmower blenny, Niger
trigger, serpent starfish, skunk cleaner shrimp, 2x tiger tail
cucumbers, and various snails and hermits in that tank, I know that I
need to pay close attention to the trigger when the shark is hatched
but do I need to worry about the egg?
<Hopefully not>
Are any of those other fish going to pose a threat or become food?
<... you don't want to have a baby shark in here>
I keep seeing these video's with people cutting their shark out of
the egg.....is this recommended?
<No... only if absolutely necessary>
Seems like a bad idea. How hard is it going to be to move them, I say
them assuming they are going to send the marble early too, into the new
tank? Do I acclimate the sharks just like fish?
<They are fishes>
Are there any corals I should avoid housing?
Why are lionfish discouraged with sharks?
<May eat them or get stung by them>
Thank you very much for your time and assistance. I have heard very
good things, and read very helpful information here so I look forward
to getting some guidance. I am an active member on several reef forums
like Reef Central, Reef Frontiers and others, but shark information is
kept to a minimum on those sites as they typically focus on corals.
P.S. Bob....from what I hear you are the MAN!
<We are the fish men! Bob F>
Re: Need help with Shark care Follow up Questions MikeV's go
Thank you guys for your input thus far. I do
have some more questions though....
<Hi Eric, MikeV here, Bob is in Fiji>
1. Why are the Bamboo Shark and the Snowflake eel not good choices for
tank mates?
<For the same reason most of your other fish are not going to be
compatible - eventually, one is going to injure or kill the other. In
this case, eventually, the shark will kill the eel.>
2. Was my Calcium too high at 600?
<That is extremely high. Anything above 500 is considered dangerous.
You run the risk of causing a 'snowstorm' and having all of the
calcium precipitate out of the water. This drops the alkalinity to
dangerously low levels, pH drops as a result, at best, it would stress
your fish, and likely kill the shark. Read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/alkalinity.htm I would suggest getting the
water tested using a different kit. If it is truly that high, you need
to bring it down slowly.>
3. Why would mine not exceed 2 feet?
<They rarely grow to their full size in captivity, unless of course,
you have thousands of gallons.>
4. I suspended the egg using one of my Mag float scrapers...is this
<Should be fine.>
5. When I listed the fish I have, Bob had commented that I
"don't want to have a baby shark in there" Can you please
explain this a bit more? Which fish are the issue or is it the
<It is very likely that the fish will pick on, and possibly kill the
shark when it is a baby>
6. I know that sharks are fish, what I was referring to was the
acclimation process....is it any different for sharks than your average
tang or wrasse for acclimation? Should I do a slower acclimation or the
typical process?
<Typical process, you just have to be VERY careful moving them. It
is easy to cause internal injury to the shark by moving it.>
7. Why should I avoid all corals in the tank with the sharks?
<A 1' shark is going to weigh more than all of the other fish in
your tank combined. Think 'Bulldozer' Sharp coral skeletons and
the like can easily injure your shark, which frequently causes
infection and ultimately death. Also, some corals and anemones are
pretty noxious and can sting\poison...>
8. Why are Lionfish discouraged as tank mates?
<Lionfish sting. The danger is the lionfish stinging the shark when
the shark is young, or the shark trying to eat the lionfish and getting
The reasons for all these questions is this. I planned on starting off
the new tank with just the sharks....
<A very good idea. Get it up and running ASAP.>
Let them get settled and let me figure out what all I am up against as
far as maintaining a healthy environment for them with water parameters
and so on.
<The water parameters should be kept at 'reef' quality.
Sharks do not tolerate nitrate. Keeping the water quality this high is
made more difficult because sharks are very messy eaters\defecators A
large sump or better yet, a refugium, a phosphate reactor, and a very
good skimmer should be considered an absolute necessity. As the sharks
get bigger, a nitrate reactor could be considered as well.
Additionally, there should be nothing electrical or metallic in the
tank. Sharks are very sensitive to stray voltage and will normally
cause them to go off feeding
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharkfeedingfaqs.htm. You also cannot
discount the possibility of them chewing through the electrical cords..
The Vortech powerheads work very well for sharks, as all of the
electrical components are kept out of the tank:
http://ecotechmarine.com/ With a large enough sump\pump setup, you can
dispense with powerheads completely>
After a few months I was going to start with adding a wall along the
back that provides over hangs and caves....the rock "wall"
would in no way reduce the amount of sand space available to the
sharks. But it would allow me to have some corals and such.
<You should have some live rock in there at the start, it will help
the tank cycle much quicker. Shark tanks are frequently done with an
'island' of live rock in the center. Sharks HATE square corners
Since round tanks are very expensive, you can block off the corners
with live rock to make caves and overhangs>
Is the potential chemicals released by the corals that is bad for the
<In a small tank yes. They are much more sensitive than
'normal' fish are. It can be done, but understand that the
shark can plow through them, destroying them, likely injuring itself in
the process (for stony corals). Soft corals would be a safer option,
provided you have a good amount of carbon in the filtration system to
soak up any toxins they release Most soft corals are less likely to
sting as well..>
I started having my "Shark tank" built but wanted to run the
dimensions by you guys to see what your thoughts are. I am thinking of
going with 6 feet x 6 feet x 24 inches high....is that sufficient for
happy, healthy sharks?
<That is a nice size to keep two sharks. If it isn't too late, I
would make the tank 30" deep rather than 24" This will give
you an additional 135 gallons of capacity, as well as a bit more
stability with your water parameters. You will also want to look into
some sort of covering. For a tank of this size, plastic screening works
well - sharks can jump. What is troubling to me is the fact that you
have made no mention of filtration. As I alluded to earlier in this
letter, you will need a large filtration system to successfully keep
these sharks long term You will want at least a 10x turnover in water,
a large sump\refugium and a very robust protein skimmer to keep these
sharks long term. If you need further help, write back, I have some
experience with 'home shark tanks'>
Banded Cat Shark Egg 9/3/10
Hi. Have been researching on the Internet for a couple days and cant
find the answer to this question. I am a preschool teacher with over 30
years experience in marine aquariums. An old fashioned 150 tank was
recently donated to me. I am setting it up to hatch a Banded Cat Shark
egg for my class. Here's my question.... I am wondering if anything
can harm the egg...
like some tiny brittle stars I have found in the live rock..
<Usually not...>
also, could I put a couple hermit crabs in there?
<Small ones will likely be fine>
Since I have your attention... any special way egg should be placed..
on side, near water flow, etc...? Thanks a bunch! Teacher Kim
<With some flow about/near it, but not especially vigorous. Bob
Re: Banded Cat Shark Egg
Thank you for your time and answer! The children are very excited as
our egg arrived yesterday afternoon! I currently have it attached to
the side of the tank with a power filter gently flowing on it.
<Ah, good>
Small, apparently white, baby about 2 inches is active inside! I
immediately noticed a small bubble inside the capsule.
<Not to worry>
I called to check on this and was told that it was normal and helped
egg to float around in the ocean to make sure the babies were dispersed
over a wide area. I started checking on the computer and have found
conflicting information regarding this. One site actually said I should
gently put pressure on the capsule to expel the air.
<Don't do this>
Sounds logical... but also dangerous.... I will use your advice...
Also, Id like you to know that this shark will hatch into it's own
tank, 6 ft. long. Tank has very fine sand with small amount of live
rock forming a cave for it and excellent protein skimmer plus other
filtration. I
decided on this project because all my children are sooo interested in
Forget my 55 gallon reef tank! Lol My goal with these tanks' is to
instill a love of the ocean and its creatures so that hopefully these
children grow up and help to protect it! Sorry for rambling! Thanks
<Please do peruse here: http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/FishInd1.htm
the second tray... Esp. re baby sharks/reproduction FAQs. BobF>
Re: Banded Cat Shark Egg 9/3/10
Thanks again! I'm so glad I found you! I checked the site you
referred me to and actually I had read much of it the other day before
I sent my first question! That's what made me feel like I could
actually trust your
answers. I think were set for now. THANK YOU!
<Ah, certainly welcome. BobF>
bamboo shark... no info.
I have an important question about bamboo shark eggs,
I currently have one . and he has a month before he is hatched ,
also there is a clear mucus forming at the bottom of the egg, please I
need to know if he's okay ,or I can do anything .
<Can't tell from this description, lack of data... What re water
quality? Any movement of the shark w/in? Have you read here:
and the linked files above? Do so. Bob Fenner>
Bamboo Shark Egg, using WWM, reading
Hello, I just purchased my first Bamboo Shark egg. I have browsed other
resources for information particularly on the basis of feeding and
providing the proper nutrition during and after hatching. I have read
that iodine should provided in their diet to minimize the chances of
gout...but, where can I get that and how should it be administered?
<Posted... Learn to use the search tool/indices. Am off visiting in
a place/country w/ too slow a Net connection to "hold your
I am currently only adding Zoe(vitamins,etc)to the Brine, Mysis and
Ghost Shrimp for the other critters in the tank. I have a few Lions,
Marine Betta, Indigo Snapper and an octopus(separated) that I feed as
well. What other supplements will this baby need?
<Also posted... See WWM re: http://wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
banded cat shark, juv., hlth... may be nutr. --
I have a banded cat shark that hatched in October. She has been very
active, night and day, and has always had a very good appetite. I
usually feed her shark formula by ocean nutrition, but sometimes mix it
up with frozen clams.
<Mmm... and vitamins, iodide/ate supplements?>
I have always fed her everyday; just half a cube of food. She stopped
eating almost 2 weeks ago. I have tried feeding her squid during the
night and the day to perk up her appetite, but there's been no
response. Her color hasn't changed, but her respiratory rate has
gone up. I checked my water and the only thing that tested positive was
nitrates at 10 ppm. My salt is at about 1.025, and I always top off
with fresh water. None of the other fish are having any symptoms like
these. My first theory for her loss of appetite was when I bought two
new fish for my tank, they were attacked by a territorial damsel and
killed. When I noticed that I had no ammonia count
<Mmm, this could be "it"...>
in my tank, I figured that she had been eating the remains of the fish
since I had never recovered any of the fishes bodies. I wonder if an
Anthias or a honey damsel could have given her a toxin to cause her
feel this way.
<Not likely, no>
I've also heard of force feeding which I might be willing to try
after two weeks of starvation,
<Best to avoid>
but my tank is a couple feet deep which makes it impossible to grab
her. I don't think I can persuade her to eat any kinds of
<Marine fishes "drink" their environment... so, adding to
the water will get a (diluted) amount into them>
Is there something else that I missed that might be worth trying?
I'll do anything for my Shelia. Thanks for reading!
<I suspect a nutritional deficiency syndrome here... Please put the
string (of words): <shark nutritional deficiency vitamins iodine
in the search tool on WWM here:
and read the cached views. Stat.
Bob Fenner>
please help with a shark egg... thanks
I have a bamboo shark or a banded brown shark and its still in the egg
but is fully grown and has no yolk sack or umbilical cord attached to
the belly.. Is it not eating anything anymore and should I cut the egg
open a help it out.
<Not advised>
The egg is still completely sealed with no signs of opening at all
please help I dont want it to starve...
Thanks TIM.
<Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Shark hatching with yolk still attached????
Hello, I am relatively new to marine aquarium shark keeping but we all
have to start somewhere. I have been doing lots of research on how to
keep The black banded bamboo shark and from what I can find on the net,
I couldn't know more about them (well that's what I think). So
I purchased a Bamboo shark egg from my LFS a couple of months ago and
low and behold, the little thing hatched. He will be joining my Regal
Tang, Maroon Clown and my Zebra Moray ell in my 300gl tank.
One thing surprised me when he hatched and I couldn't find ANYTHING
on the net which explained it. He hatched with a pea sized yolk still
This baffled me and I would like to know what's going on, will the
shark be OK?
<Yes, likely so>
For safe keeping, I have made a large egg capsule for him because I was
completely stumped on what to do. The shark itself seems fine, no sign
of stress or anything. Is this normal and am I just being overly
finicky, I hope so.
<Is normal>
Any help on the matter would be very much appreciated as I would love,
for mine and the animals sake, for my first shark hatching to be a
<Do give a read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaq2.htm
and the first linked FAQs file above in this series, for
Bob Fenner>
zebra shark, Juv. 1/23/10
My baby zebra shark hatched out of its pouch today how long will it
take for the "placenta" to come off of it?
<Days to a few weeks... mainly dependent on water temperature, how
far along it was developed when it left the capsule. Bob Fenner>
Re: zebra shark
Thank you
<Welcome... Do read here:
and the linked files above. BobF>
Need answer asapp. Selachian egg rescues
two days ago we found four shark eggs on the beach
<... return them>
two of them actually had the embryo in it with sharks attached we have
them in a bucket of seawater with an oxygen pump one of the sharks is a
pretty reasonable size and it has a crack at the bottom of the egg the
is still attached to its yolk sack should we open the egg and let him
out even though he is still connected?
<No. Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm
and the linked files above.
Bob Fenner>
Re: need answer asapp
so should we return them back to the ocean or take the to the Warner
sea center near by?
<Re-read the last msg. B>
Banded shark egg 1/10/10
I have had a banded shark egg for about 3 weeks now. I candled it
<Mmm, how? And why?>
the 2 days ago and I everything looked fine the shark was swimming and
moving around.
To day I went to candled it and I couldn't seem to find anything
inside and when I placed it back into the water it seemed to have some
white liquid dripping it. Is the egg dead?
<Likely so>
Anything I can do?
<Remove it if the casing is empty>
Thanks Nick
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Floating shark eggs -- 11/16/2009
Hello. Your site has been quite helpful to me over the years, and I
just spent the last few hours searching through it. I have a comment
rather than a question. I have hatched several bamboo shark eggs over
the years.
Actually have one now that I just got yesterday. On one of your posts
someone was questioning "burping" the eggs. And another was
about the egg floating. And the answer given is that the egg is empty
or the shark is dead. But occasionally when the LFS pulls the egg out
of the water, or the aquarist, it looses some of the water from inside
it. And then it will float because of the air in the case that was
replaced by the water. It
just happened to me yesterday at the store. But the case is not empty
and the shark is very much alive. All you have to do is GENTLY
"burp" the egg, so to speak, under water. Just slightly
squeeze it a few times. The air will be forced out and replaced by
water and it will no longer float. Just don't want people to think
because its floating it's dead and throw it away. Or for them to
just leave it floating around with all that air in it.
Keep up the good work...
<Thank you for this useful input. Will accrue/share. Bob
wow that was quick! i did not expect a reply that fast.
sorry about that.
<No worries>
I came across your site while doing research. It's a great site and
I learned a lot. My problem is my young son came home from the beach
with a jar full of shells and inside the jar were two black egg
casings. I recognized them, but I am no expert, I'm guessing that
they are either Skate or SAND SHARK/DOGFISH.
<Could well be>
He was on the Jersey shore at LONG BEACH ISLAND and I know these
species are in abundance there. The casings seem to be fully intact.
Fortunately the jar was full of water. My question is does it pay to go
through the time and expense of trying to save these animals?
<Mmm, up to you>
By what I read on your site it is quite a chore to care for them. I
would release them to the wild when they are strong enough.
<Uhh, please don't do this. Returning most anything to the wild
when raised under "captive conditions" can be a huge error...
introducing here mainly unwanted microbes into a novel
They have been in the jar for three days now as of this writing.
<W/o aeration, circulation, filtration?>
I do have a 20 gal. low wall tank that is not being used at this time.
My curiosity has the better of me now and as previous owner of many
fresh water tanks and ponds, and a marine life enthusiast since a very
young age ( big fan of Mr. Cousteau)
I would like to see the results. What is the first step that I should
take? Any other suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in
advance for your help in this matter.
<I'd set up the aquarium with a sponge filter... water from the
ocean likely... Please read here:
p.s. I have spoken to my son about not taking live animals from
they're habitat. In his defense he did not know what he was
<Lessons for all. Bob Fenner>
Black Banded Catshark egg
Hi guys. My boyfriend has been dying to buy a black banded Catshark egg
for months now so I have been doing some research, but have found some
conflicting information from different sources. Please help me
<Clarity is pleasurable>
Our tank is 125 gal. and contains a 12" Panther Grouper, 16"
Snowflake Eel, 5" Shortnose Boxfish, a 4" Lawnmower Blenny
and about 100 lbs. of live rock. I know this tank is too small for now
but if we upgraded to a 300 gal. or so in the next year would this work
and would the livestock be compatible?
<Likely so, though it may be hard to get food to the Eel and Shark.
They will have to be attended to; "stick fed"
Also is there some kind of sand sifter that you could recommend since
the hermits would likely be eaten?
<Best to just provide
I am also wondering if some rock would have to be removed to give more
open space. The tank is right next to a window and gets lots of natural
light, would this be a problem even if I constructed a good dark cave
for it?
<Not a problem>
Since the sharks produce more ammonia than other fish, aside from
skimming and good filtration what could I add to help keep the ammonia
levels under control?
<More and better filtration... fluidized beds are good in such high
density, variable settings... along with means of eliminating the
consequent excessive nitrates produced. See WWM re both>
And one last question, are there certain vitamins or nutritional
additions this shark might need?
<Yes. See WWM re Shark Nutrition, and look up Mazuri.com's
Sorry for such a long list of questions but like I said in the
beginning I was getting some drastically different "opinions"
and I value your knowledge and input over all others. Thanks for your
<A pleasure to share with you; aid you in your efforts. Bob
Bamboo shark twins!!! -- 4/30/09
Greetings all, long time reader, first time asking a question. I
ordered a bamboo shark egg a week ago, and it arrived today with a
little surprise... there are two embryos in it!
They both appear to be developing normally (although one is just a hair
smaller than the other, but not overly so), and are both moving. My
questions are; how often does this happen, what is the likelihood of
survival for both or at least one.
<Akin to our own species, "doubling" can take a few
forms... the twins can even be conjoined... Likely a non-disjunction
event during Anaphase...>
I am somewhat concerned about them getting enough nutrients because it
looks like they are sharing one yolk sac. If you know anything about
shark twins, please tell me, I can't find info anywhere.
Thank-you for your time,
Mark Patmore, Phoenix, AZ.
<Mmm, put the words "shark twins" in your search tools and
read on! Bob Fenner>
Shark Egg, reading -- 4/17/09
Hi, I emailed you about a panther grouper the other day and asked a
couple of questions. I got the levels in that tank checked and they are
<Oh, great>
That is besides the point though.
<Oh, fine>
What I am emailing about this time is I have a banded cat shark egg in
that same tank and I have had it for about 8 and a half weeks. The egg
seems to have a small hole in the side of it but I have candled the
egg, and the shark is alive. Could the shark be stuck inside the
<Not likely>
Have you ever heard of a shark egg that has taken that long to
Should I do something for it?
Thanks again.
<Sure. Read: http://wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaq2.htm
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Bamboo Shark Egg + Allergy??? 04/03/09
I am writing because my husband has a 200 gal saltwater tank. I know
nothing about it, other than it's big, takes up more space than I
like it to, and sometimes there are cool fish to look at in there. (I
stick to my 75 gal cichlid tank & my 29 gal saltwater BioCube).
He's had the tank for at least 5 years, and of course, have seen
different types come and go. For some reason, he does much better with
the aggressive species (Triggers, puffers, etc) than cute and sweet
guys like I have (clowns, gobies, etc).
Anyway, the last of his fish died off in there several months ago,
<Then why is he still getting more fish? I'm sorry, I don't
mean to sound discouraging or critical, but these animals are not
"cut flowers." I think your husband would be well advised to
learn why his fish are dying off before he attempts to keep any more
(especially a shark! which are very difficult to care for).>
and he had been debating taking down the tank for a while. Well,
instead, he did a full water change and re set everything about 2
months ago. Then, about 2 weeks ago, did a water change and went to a
our LFS and got a bamboo shark. (I'm kind of against this, as I
feel that sharks are just one of the many animals that do not belong in
captivity.) Well, I don't know how much research he did on them,
but I now will be looking into everything about them as I am really
against not caring for animals the right way.
Now, here's my questions. When he purchased the egg, it was that
dark brownish color and you could almost see through the egg and see
the shark on occasion. It's now looking kind of crystallized and
grayish? Is that normal? Two days ago I could see the shark moving in
the egg but now it looks like he's grown cotton puffs
<I suspect that the egg has died.>
Second, my husband moved the egg from one location to another in the
tank the second day the egg was in there. He decided that it would be a
better location for the shark to hatch. This is going to sound
ridiculous, but ever since then, my husband's hands are swollen and
red, and he's convinced that he got poisoned or is having a
reaction from touching the shark egg.
Is this possible? I looked everywhere online and can't find
anything about an allergic reaction.
<Yes, it's possible. People can be allergic to all kinds of
things. If he thinks he's allergic to this shark egg, the best I
can advice is that he be very careful with it and wear long gloves (or
better yet, not touch it at all).>
Thank you for your time.
Reva H.
Sara M.>
Re: Bamboo Shark Egg + Allergy??? 04/03/09
Thank you, Sara, for your advice.
I want you to know that I must have worded my inquiry wrong, though.
When I said the last of his fish died off, I didn't mean that they
just up and died randomly. When we had the community fish in there, one
of the fish we bought introduced parasites (we now have a quarantine
tank, too)
<Ah, good.>
and killed off everyone. We tried it again with community fish but our
hermit crab ate our tang and our angel,
<Hmm... what kind of hermit crab was this? I suspect that the hermit
crab was framed... caught with the dead bodies after the fish had died
from other causes. Most the hermits sold for marine aquariums are
scavengers, not such aggressive predators. However, there are
exceptions. Thus, I ask again, what kind of hermit crab was
even though research and our LFS assured all would be okay in the tank
together. Then, hubby switched to aggressive fish. Again, the little
bastard hermit crab (which we wound up giving back after this incident)
ate the porcupine puffer's spines off and who knows how long poor
Puff Daddy was blown up (we tried to save him after we found him like
that in the morning after waking up).
<Again... if this is any normal hermit crab, as are usually sold in
I doubt it's to blame for any of these fish deaths.>
The Humu Trigger did die randomly, but all fish tank levels were okay
and the Harlequin Tusk and Wrasse we had were fine. We had those two
without any new additions for several years. I'm not sure what
happened, but they did eventually die. Hubby's water levels were
okay both times, and everything was working correctly in the tank.
<Well, this is a difficult hobby and there is a lot to learn. It
does take time to come to understand these animals and their
Now, as far as the shark egg goes, is there a way to tell if it is
truly dead or no? I do not want to remove it from the tank and risk
killing it if it is not dead.
<I would hold it up to a light (briefly and not too close, don't
cook it) and look inside. If you don't see a wiggling shark (as you
did when you first got it), I would say it's safe to assume
it's dead. But even if it had lived and did hatch, these sharks can
be quite difficult to raise past the juvenile stages. I'd opt for a
better livestock choice... something easier and more hardy (and better
suited to aquarium life).>
Thank you again.
<De nada,
Sara M.>
Banded shark dying Please help!
I have just recently hatched a banded shark. It did hatch with sac and
cord still attached. I had another shark years back and it hatched
without this and was fine. I did a little research and confirmed that
the sac would shrink and the cord would eventually come off. I did feed
the shark a few squid drops
<Mmm, I would not feed a shark still digesting its yolk sac>
and could get it to take a single bite or two for the first 2-4
The shark is now 7 days old. The cord is just about gone, but I am now
very concerned. the sharks belly seems to be huge. It is sitting at the
bottom of the tank on its side with not much movement. Is it possible
that it never developed a complete digestive system?
<Mmm, not likely...>
Its breathing seems to be a little short. About every second. I am
fearing the worst. I do not know if it is possible to help this newborn
or if I am going to wake up in the morning and find it belly up. Could
you please offer any help?
<Best to just try to be patient at this point. Bob Fenner>
Shark hybrids? 11/17/08 Bob, I do not recall
dropping this in your box upon your return...my many apologies. I am
very interested in your input, as I am sure many other are too! Scott
V. <Thanks. Please see below> Subject: re: shark hybrids? Hi
Scott Thanks for your reply. Well so far I haven't been able to dig
up anything at all, which is remarkable since in almost all other
groups of animal a lot more (natural)hybridizing is occurring than
previously thought! Whales, dolphins, seals, lots of fish (teleosts),
lots of inverts, you name it- they all do it..Inter specific and inter
generic. Even marine turtle do it, despite some species being
genetically separated for 50-75 million years! And a lot of them
produce fertile off-springs! But, nothing on sharks or rays which I
find a bit odd. Anyway, I will eagerly wait to see if Bob can enlighten
us with some new information. Cheers Anneli <As far as I'm aware
there no authenticated crosses between shark species. Folks have done a
good bit of karyotyping, PCR investigation into Elasmobranchs... and
there are anecdotal accounts of "virgin" and hybrid births
amongst Selachians... but none authenticated scientifically as far as I
know. Bob Fenner>
Cross breeding... twixt families of sharks --
09/12/08 Hi Crew, <Howdy> It's Ben here with florida
tech. I was wondering what you all would say about a coral cat and
banded cat cross breeding? <Doubtful> Do you think it can be
done? <Mmm, no> We would like to discover what the F1 generation
will turn out to be then breed them... We are still gathering up topics
and ideas. Thanks, Ben <Be chatting, BobF>
Options... Shark... learning 8/23/08
I'm currently in high school and have been told that we have a set
up currently in one of the rooms that I can use to raise a baby shark
in. Apparently it has been done before so I know that it should work. I
do plan on getting information on the sixe of the aquarium and take a
look at the set up. Your sit is the only one that I have found that is
of any help to me so what I would like to know is if there is any
information out there on what I need to do to the tank water and if I
should start from an egg or not. <Mmm, what is your intent? That is,
what do you hope to accomplish, find out from this experience? Likely
starting from an egg is a good, the best idea here> I only have the
school year for this and plan on passing this project on if I can so
that the shark wont have to be moved. I have learned a lot from your
site and while I was wanting to get a bull <Carcharodon leucas?
REALLY would need a very large volume...> I decided on the bamboo
because of size. Can you recommend any other websites I should look at?
<Mmm, none off hand, however, I do recommend you get, read Scott
Michael's in-print volume on "Aquarium Sharks and Rays":;
http://www.directtextbook.com/prices/1890087572 and make a pilgrimage
to a large/r library (college) after reading... and compiling your
husbandry questions> Also I don't live anywhere near the ocean
so what foods would you recommend? <... posted> I really want to
try this because I love sharks and want to work with them in the future
so any information I can find is really helpful. Thank you, Crystal.
<See here re your lit. search: http://wetwebmedia.com/litsrchart.htm
and the linked files above. Do feel free to write us with specific
questions. Bob Fenner>
Hello, I have had a banded shark egg - 7/1/08 Hello, I
have had a banded shark egg for the past month and a half and he seems
to be in good health (continuously growing).? He looks like he is about
to hatch so I have a few questions. 1. The egg is clipped onto one of
those algae clips at the top part of the egg shell. When the shark
hatches, will this inhibit him from breaching out of his egg or will it
not be a problem. <Shouldn't be... if the egg is clipped by an
extreme end of the casing> 2. If the water quality is suitable for
him to grow well in the egg, will it be pristine enough once he is
hatched or will I have to make some changes. <If the volume is
sufficient, filtration adequate... all should be fine here. You have
read on WWM re juv. sharks? Bob Fenner> Thanks, Justin M.
Shark eggs debacle 6/26/08 Hello, I just got 2
banded shark eggs, both are the same age. (guessing) I candled them
both once a week just for good measures. the one egg died, there was
nothing in there. the second had a worm (assuming it was the shark or
is) on the yoke. <?> yesterday i candled them and there was mush
inside, and no signs of the shark. there was about a two week period
that i didn't look at them. also a white cream is seeping out of
the egg. Can you help with this issue or give me so advice? -jonny
<... You got/bought two bunk eggs... Read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm and the linked file in the
series above. Bob Fenner>
Re: banded shark... killing 7/11/08 hello, so I had
bought two banded eggs, <Tommy, are you a non-native speaker, writer
of English?> I wrote you and you said they might be duds. they were
so the pet store just gave a banded shark aprox. 8-9 inches long.
<...> the day I got it and put it in its new home it ate 4 ghost
shrimp, the second 3 ghost shrimp. yesterday 1 and today none. the
shrimp was live feed now they are starting to look dead. any
suggestions on what to do? "<Fix your English and send all
future corr. to Crew@WetWebMedia.com>" <... Read:
http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/index.htm the "Shark"
tray... Bob Fenner>
Baby bamboo shark. 6/12/08 I have a brown banded
bamboo shark that just hatched yesterday, with the yolk still
attached. I know not to mess with it because it will eventually
fall off. <Ah, no... will be absorbed> But she really seems
bothered by it, she keeps thrashing around. Is this okay?
<Likely so... given that there is not structure that this fish
can injure itself on> I have also heard that normal breathing
for a shark is 30 to 40 gill movements a minute. She's
breathing much faster than that. Will her breathing slow down as
she grows? <Yes> Or is something wrong? I know it seems
like I didn't take the time to research. But I really did,
the problem is there is tons of stuff online about how to care
for a shark, just not much about what is normal and what's
not for newly hatched sharks, I'm not sure what to expect at
this point. <Read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm and the linked files
above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Baby bamboo shark. 6/13/08 I was up all night
reading just about everything you have on here about raising
sharks of any kind. I think I'm going to trying feeding her
today, when I feed my other fish she shows great interest in what
she's smelling. I'm glad her breathing is okay because
when I counted she was breathing about 70 times a minute, but her
breathing has been steady. <Good. BobF>
Banded Shark Egg 6/1/08 How can I tell
if my shark egg is still alive? <Movement> I see movement of
something in there but I cant make it out, it looks really small &
kinda resembles a fish but looks more like a worm & the round yolk
isn't round its more of an long oval shape & laying at the
bottom of the egg is this normal or is it a bad sign? <The
former> my LFS told me it will hatch in 2 months which tells me its
early <Mmm... not early> in its development but was just
wondering if he is supposed to be that small at this stage of the
development? Thanks, Robert <Read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm and the linked file in the
series. Bob Fenner>
Baby bamboo shark "writhing" 5-1-08 Hello all -
I have a question for you guys that has me stumped.
<Michael> I have a female baby bamboo shark (~7" long)
that I've had for a month in a 40 gallon breeder quarantine
tank (bare bottom, some non-live calcareous rock) until I move
her into her 110. It is heavily filtered with an emperor 400
power filter, wet/dry filter, PhosBan reactor full of SeaChem
carbon, remora HOB skimmer (their largest one) and a large UV
sterilizer. She'd been hatched a week when I bought her, and
has been eating Selcon-soaked raw shrimp every 2 or 3 days and
the occasional ghost shrimp until yesterday, when I tried to feed
her and she didn't eat (which I thought was odd). Today she
appeared to get 'stuck' between the rock and glass, and
when I extracted her by moving the rock, she seemed disoriented
and 'off balance' if you will. She is now lying upside
down, seemingly constantly trying to correct herself, but not
very successfully. She doesn't seem to be breathing very
rapidly (compared to when I introduced her, say) but is breathing
more rapidly than normal. I just performed a 50% water change,
and added SeaChem's Stressguard. Parameters are 0/0/not sure
because my test kit sucks but I imagine the nitrates are
low/8.3/82F. <I'd allow the water to be cooler than
this... for a few reasons... reduced MR, increased DO...>
Ideas would be nice - I really like this shark, and had planned
on buying her a large aquarium, as I've run across a really
good deal on a large tank recently. Thanks, Mike <... Many
small sharks don't survive the vagaries of development... Bob
Re: Baby bamboo shark
"writhing" 5-1-08 I'd try cooling things off a bit... 82 seems warm
to me... 75-78 > probably being more comfortable. Power heads
in the tank? They would > need to go outside the tank
somehow... likely confusing for it.> > Those are my quick
thoughts. Hope that helps.> > Cheers,> > J
Shark Egg 4/18/08 First of all thank you for
having such a great website; it has helped me a lot. I recently
purchased a bamboo shark egg from a LFS. I put him on my 55 gallon fish
tank, my question is how long can I keep the shark after hatching in
the 55 gallon before I have to purchase a much bigger tank? Thank you
in advance. Gilbert Gomez <Not long, few months maybe. My suggestion
is to return the egg to the store and set up the big tank, then get a
new shark egg, will be easier and better for all involved.>
Bamboo Banded Shark Umbilical Cord? 4/15/08 Hi, we
recently purchase a shark egg and the shark hatched this past Saturday.
Looks really healthy and swims in the tank a lot, very active and
colorful. The shark has a small string like substance with what looks
like a flesh colored ball on the end of it. The ball is about the half
the size of a pea. Just wondering if this could possibly be the
umbilical cord and if so will it eventually fall off. <Possibly (of
a sort) and yes> We had a shark before but it never had one of these
attached to it. Any help would be appreciated. Thank You, <A pic
would help. Bob Fenner>
Black Banded Shark Egg 2/26/08
Hi Bob! About 6 weeks ago I bought a black banded shark egg. I
have read through your FAQs leading up to this decision.... and
have the required filtration, skimmer, sump, tank size...... My
question that I have not seen on the Shark FAQs <which I have
looked at for days> is that my shark egg was thrashing
about.... preparing to hatch I assumed. Well now a week and a
half after the main movements, it has stopped moving in the past
3 to 4 days. I have tried to do the candle test, but the egg is
pretty thick and can hardly see through it. I was able to see the
shark moving, but now I can not see mush or baby. Should I help
the baby out? <Mmm, I'm inclined to encourage you to do so
here, yes> Will it be dead if it has stopped moving after a
week? Any incite on the matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much Grant <I would cut a slit in both ends of the
egg-casing. Bob Fenner>
Re: Black Banded Shark Egg
2/27/08 Well if your inclined to say yes, any words of
advice? Have you ever done it and how? <I used a single edged
razor blade or sharp scissor, perhaps placing the egg case in a
pan of water, outside the tank, to drain a bit, rinse out...>
Also, I read somewhere in the FAQs last night that the shark
could come into a lull period for up to two weeks prior to
hatch... Was that before the magnificent movement of the egg from
the shark? Thanks again Grant <Perhaps later... There are
instances where I'm pretty sure that w/o intervention, these
"baby" sharks would have been lost. Bob Fenner>
Cat shark Eggs... - 1/24/08 Well I have
searched and couldn't find anything relating to my question. I
recently got 2 banded cat shark eggs. I ordered them online from a
company in FL, That was the only place that had them in stock I could
find. <They come and they go> My question is when I got them I
candled them to check them out but there is no shark in there, only a
round ball am assuming to be the yolk. Does this mean they are fertile
or they have just not developed yet? <Likely the latter> Just
wondering if I got ripped off or have a long wait ahead of me. Thanks!
<Ditto. BobF>
Grey Bamboo Shark Egg, source 12/24/07
Hello, <Hi there> I've been reading through your FAQ's
about sharks and have decided on a Grey Bamboo Shark. Was wondering if
you knew of a good online source for eggs??? Thanks, Tom <The usual
good companies... Dr.s Foster and Smith, the Marine Center... Bob
Black banded cat shark... or such...
reading 9//15/07 Hello crew, My cat shark hatched
today. He is seven inches long. I wanted to know what is the difference
between the black banded cat shark, and the brown banded cat shark. Are
they the same species just different color morphs, or two separate
species? <... the quagmire of common names... I doubt if by the
former you're referring to
http://fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.php?id=4304 but neither of
the stated as "cat" sharks, but Chiloscyllium punctatum
(Muller & Henle 1838), the Brownbanded Bamboo Shark. Mine has black
bands. Also I read on Reef Sanctuary that his diet should consist of
shark formula alone, and that it contains all the nutrients that it
needs. Is this true? <Not... please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/sharkfeedingfaqs.htm and the linked files above.
Bob Fenner>
Banded cat shark...
cont. 9//15/07 Hello crew, It's me again. My banded
cat shark hatched today. He is 7 inches long. I am currently housing
him in a 300 gallon tank. Live sand substrate, canister filter, queen
turbo skimmer, BakPak 2 skimmer, Skilter 250, 4 powerheads, and a 10
pound chunk of live rock. Is this too much filtration, or not enough.
<Not enough reading. RMF>
Banded Cat Shark Egg...
floating... 8/24/07 Hello. I just got my banded
cat shark egg. I did the acclimation process correctly. When I got the
egg in my tank, it was floating. After reading stuff on your site I
realized floating wasn't a good thing. I can see the shark moving
and breathing in the egg. Later that night I realized the egg sank to
the bottom and again I realized that it sitting on the bottom
wasn't good because it shouldn't be sitting on the sandy
ground. I was wondering if I should make some thing to keep it
suspended in the water or if floating or sinking to the bottom was ok.
What would you do? <I would tether it down... with a bit of sewing
thread or low-weight fishing line... looped over it, rock. Bob
Banded Cat Shark, young, fdg.
-- 08/17/07 I have a banded cat shark still in its egg. I want to
know what to feed it when its born? Any stuff that I can buy at a local
grocery store or does it have to be live white shrimp or brine shrimp
or certain live shrimp that has to be kept alive. Can I just get it
small bites of normal shrimp, clams, squid, and mussels? Please give me
any other information that you would find helpful for a first time
banded cat shark owner. <Please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm and the linked files above.
Shark egg -- 08/17/07 Hello I
have 300 gal tank with a 5" niger trigger a 7" panther
grouper and a banded cat shark egg. My question is will either fish
bother my hatchling <The Trigger, too likely> or should I move
him to my 20g long hospital tank until he/she hatches and gains
strength. Please help I couldn't find my answer on your website.
<I would move this small shark when it hatches out... and screen it
in the meanwhile. Bob Fenner>
Banded cat shark question, juv.
fdg. 7/13/07 Guys, I KNOW I have seen this on one FAQ,
but I have read bunches of them and cannot find it again. Bob answered
some questions before for me, about the baby shark, initially in the 80
gallon with the Passer, dogface & yellow tang. We got our 200 gal
in, got it set up. I used all new substrate, replacing gravel with
mostly fine substrate, and moved my filter (& active media) and all
the live rock at once. (Of course there is a skimmer, too) It's
been two weeks and all has been well. Three nights ago, the shark ate
an entire cube of 'Shark Formula' which I cut into small
pieces. I watched him eat one at a time, consuming them all. The next
night he did not feed, then last night he showed interest, nosed some
pieces, and ate maybe two small ones. The other pieces he hovered
around, and tried to mouth them, but without the typical aggression or
desire. I saw on FAQ somewhere about another shark doing this. Since he
is now approx 6 weeks old, and now 8 inches (I'd say he's added
an inch to two inches in length), I'm wondering what his feeding
routine should be. My opinion is that he isn't too hungry after
eating so much. <Yes> His normal meal had been almost half a cube
prior to that hungry night. Is this what you would think? Also, is this
guy ready to scale back to feeding every other day. I've read all
the feeding FAQ, and it says newborns should be fed every day, whereas
older ones every couple of days, but not really sure when this might
take place. Oh, and water quality is fine, 0 ppm of ammonia &
nitrites, Nitrates less than 5 ppm, salinity is 1.021, PH is 8.2, and
temp can run from 79 at night to 82 during the day. Once again, thank
you. Thomas Roach <I would offer some food every other day. And add
vitamins to such... as proscribed on WWM. BobF>
Floating egg, Hornshark 7/9/07 Hello
Crew! I've had a horn shark egg since February and have been
waiting on the baby to hatch. I placed it in my chilled system of
90 gallons (will go into my 400 gallon once he grows enough to not
be eaten by others). He is in a little boxed netted area sitting in
front of my return hose where he gets proper aeration and can be
undisturbed. Yesterday the egg sort of began floating! <Does
happen at times...> What should i do? <Mmm, either be
satisfied with the current arrangement, leave it alone... Or move
this egg to another setting... perhaps wedged twixt rocks below...
I did notice it had a little crack on it and let some bubbles out
of it. <Not necessarily problematical> Every time i did
though some white stuff came afterward. I thought the egg might
have been trying to patch itself up but have no idea. Its supposed
to hatch in the next two months and now I don't know if it
will. <Only time can/will tell> What should i do? Can't
candle the egg because my lights are not that strong. Will try to
candle under metal halides. The egg is never taken out of the water
so it is always submersed, in the meantime here go some pics. <I
would likely submerge the egg, as stated, place where it won't
easily float free... I am more concerned with the possible lack of
water/circulation should too much of it float above water. Bob
Fenner> |

Cat Shark juv. fdg. questions --
06/08/07 Hey, guys, I browsed through the FAQ on feeding sharks,
saw a lot about sharks not eating & such, but nothing really about
this one... My hatchling is 2 weeks old, has started feeding readily on
cocktail shrimp soaked in Zoe. Question is, how much should I feed him?
Currently, he eats one per day. So is that enough or too much? I've
heard conflicting reports, feed them daily, every three days, etc. Oh,
btw, he's a banded cat shark! :) Thanks again!!! Thomas <Need
more than this nutritionally... and the bio-assay of a non-concave
"tummy" is useful here. BobF>
Re: Juv. shark fdg.
6/9/07 Hey, Bob F! (what's the F for?) <My family name;
Fenner> Thanks for the reply on the feeding of the baby banded cat.
I'm gonna be out of town Mon afternoon thru Saturday morning
(Cozumel, snorkeling, etc.), and the Mom-in-law will be fish &
daughter sitting. That was the reason for asking feeding frequency.
She's gonna do it, I'm thinking if I feed him Monday, she could
do it Wednesday & poss. Friday, but if she needs it every day
I'll walk her through it. I want her in the tank as little as
possible, and thought about not feeding the 4 days, but since it's
still a 'hatchling' I want to make sure he gets what he needs.
<Mmm... I would likely just risk once...> Also, the shrimp with
Zoe was a stark, the little guy is now also eating the "Shark
Formula", not a whole cube, I cut it into 8 pieces and feed him 4,
after a cocktail shrimp he'll usually eat two pieces, then the
puffer cleans up the rest. Now as far as the 'full belly'
observation, my tetra's in the old lady's tank will eat and eat
and eat, but we only feed once a day, not ten times. Don't want to
overfeed, ya know :-) Thanks, Mr. F!!! Thomas <Do read re
Mazuri.com's vitamins for sharks. RMF>
Shark Egg Questions -
05/02/07 Hey there! <What's up?> Its me again! <Should
I be concerned?> Wondering if my shark egg should look fatter as the
baby inside grows? <Well considering the animal inside will go from
barely visible (a few millimeters) to almost 7 to 8 inches in
length...yes the egg will slightly expand and the animal will become
more pressed for space; constricted as time elapses.> I think it
looks thicker. I currently have my horn shark egg in my chilled 55 gal
<Very happy to hear that "chilled" word....very good.>
until it gets to a good size so he or she can go into my 400.
<Wow...I'm liking you even more...you actually did your
homework.> The egg is gently placed in a safe spot and has current
flowing towards it to provide aeration. It is expected to hatch around
sep. Any other tips? <Sounds like you're on the right track.>
I can't candle it! Its too hard to see! <Flashlight at night!...
Adam J.>
Port Jackson Shark (tropical in this
case... Australia) Reproduction -- 4/29/07 Hello, <Hi there!>
I have 3 Port Jackson sharks in a tank together. <Neat, I'm
guessing/hoping that it's a very large tank!> I would like to
know if they can be sexed.. <If they're mature, no problem. If
they're young, it might be more difficult. Mature males have
obvious 'claspers' located at their pelvic region. See photo at
this link: http://www.marinethemes.com/aasearchfiles/Horn%20Sharks/pages/S04A02%2054639.html
> ...and if they will breed in a tank. <I have heard of these
breeding in captivity, but I'm guessing it involved very, very,
large systems. I'd think that it would be unlikely in a home
aquarium situation. These fish take a long time to reach sexual
maturity, around 8 to 10 yrs for males and 11 to 14 for females. Many,
simply don't live that long. Given the right conditions and care,
though, it's always a possibility!> Regards, Francis
<Take care and good luck! -Lynn>
Bristleworm and Cat Shark Issues --
4/17/07 Hello. <Hi there!> We recently hatched a small banded
cat-shark in our 90gallon tank. (Don't worry, when he grows he will
be destined for a much larger 240gallon) <Mmmm, hopefully that will
be soon as these sharks grow very quickly in their first year. I
wouldn't have recommended anything smaller than a 125g to start -
for the shark alone!> Last night I had the flashlight out watching
him feed on ghost shrimp, as his appetite has been hit or miss in the
first few weeks. <Not unusual in a very young shark. Am concerned
though, about its well being in a crowded community tank. Sharks,
especially just out of the case, are vulnerable and in need of some
quiet and care. A situation such as this could be very
stressful/detrimental. Please watch for aggression (picking/nipping)
from other fish, along with any signs of decline.> While
doing this, I noticed a few large orange puffs appear in the tank. I
watched, and found some large (~3inch) bristle worms would stick one
end in the air and "discharge" a milky orange looking cloud.
I managed to film one of them doing this. <Neat! By the way, thank
you for sharing this experience with us. It helps us all!> Then I
noticed several of the smaller ones doing it on a much smaller scale.
The entire tank became as cloudy for a bit. Now, my
questions are 1) What were they doing? <Likely releasing
gametes/spawning.> 2) Was it harmful to the tank? <No, just added
to the nutrient load.> 3) Our population seems to have really
exploded since our arrow head crab died. <Yes, rapid population
increase likely due to a nutrient problem, combined with the loss of a
predator. Decrease/export nutrients and the bristleworm population will
fall on its own, to more normal levels. Please see this link regarding
nutrient control: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/nutrientcontrol.htm.>
I am hesitant to get another, as we have a fire shrimp and a red
striped shrimp that I am worried would be no match for an arrow head.
<Given the chance, the shark will eat these first, then go after any
slow fish you have (mandarin).> What would you recommend
as a population controller in our tank? <(See above) Unfortunately,
your tank is more than overcrowded, which is putting a strain on your
system's ability to process the bio load (and it's only going
to get worse as the shark grows). It's also not an ideal situation
for the inhabitants. Please read these links for more information on
shark keeping and compatibility: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharkcompfaqs.htm
FYI, in addition to the shrimp and cat-shark we have the following: 2
blue damsels, 2 silver damsels a coral beauty, and angel, a yellow
tang, a large clown fish, and a mandarin goby. Todd Aston <Take care
and good luck! -Lynn>
Sexing Bamboo Cat Shark
3/31/07 Hi, read through the site to try and figure out how to sex
the shark and got some useful info. <...?> Nevertheless im
<im?> about to buy a second juvenile in an effort to breed them
one day down the road and was really hoping that maybe there's a
picture of these claspers which would be very helpful in determining
what it is. <All over the net... see fishbase.org...>
Also my current one is about 10" long and im not sure
if that's big enough to see claspers. <Is...> Also as a side
note this shark lives with two eels and really likes to swim into their
caves and usually gets stuck lucky for him or her i check each morning.
<Need to widen these....> Built him his own swim through cave and
he still burrowed under the heaviest rock in the tank. My
main question is if its capable of getting into a hole is it as a rule
always able to get out and is just chilling when i wake up or should i
continue to dig him out and rearrange until one day he gives up or just
cant get in. Thanks for the past replies and hopefully this
one. <Can't tell from here... but if it were me/mine... See
above. Sharks, cartilaginous fishes have/"do" internal
fertilization... Males' claspers are obvious, extensions on their
pelvic fins... Bob Fenner>
Please help, baby shark sick
3/28/07 Please please help me, my baby black banded shark is
sick. Water quality is normal for his system (a shared
system of approx. 280 gallons) <Shared with?> which is ammonia 0,
nitrites 0, nitrates 12, and ph 8.1. He is only in a thirty
gallon tank right now, <.... way too small...> perhaps it is time
to move him up to a 55 <Also way too small> since he is maybe
three months old (hatched in wholesaler's tanks, a miracle because
the conditions were AWFUL! It was one of those "poor
baby, I will save you" deals, I know, I know, this is totally the
wrong thing to do) I plan to graduate him to a 240 gallon, then
probably close to a thousand gallons, maybe low and long. Anyway, this
will not happen at all if I cannot diagnose his problem! He
would not eat today, although he has been eating very well. <?>
However, the only food I could get him to accept was
silversides, <...> he will only nip at krill but will not
eat. I ordered some shark formula, but when I went to try to
feed him some soaked in a little silverside juice, he was
uninterested. He wouldn't even eat the silversides,
usually he gobbles the little shedded pieces up so fast his belly gets
a little big. (His belly appears wrinkled right now, I'm
assuming this is why) Then I noticed he appeared red and
blotchy, and hurried to your forum right away to read up. I
saw you told someone to not feed silversides, <Not exclusively>
but couldn't find where it said why or what you should feed, whole
food wise. <Please read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/index.htm The tray on
Sharks...> Upon closer inspection, he has a small deep red area
under his chin, a few millimeters, very small. His head
appears pinkish, and he is swimming irregularly. <Very bad signs>
His substrate is CaribSea Special Grade, and he has been on it for a
few months with no problem. Please help me, why is my baby sick? <In
an inappropriate environment, malnourished... Period>
How can I help him? I am a LFS owner, yet I love
my animals very much, <Mmm, no... or not at least by my
definition... IF you did care, you would take the time, invest the
resources to know what the animals in your care required, and provide
them... As a painful example... Our U.S. president claims he is a
Christian... but in actual fact he is a liar, thief and murderer... Any
of which exclude his Christianity> they are not just money to
me.....I am in tears about this, and I really, really, need your
help. I have cared for these sharks before, at other stores,
and have never seen this reddening of the skin get this bad. <Move
this animal to a better world... NOW> The water was changed a few
days ago, the normal amount, maybe 15%. Everything in his
system has been kept quite consistent, although I did add a 80watt UV
Sterilizer about a week ago. <This won't save this animal> He
already has a skimmer, media, liverock in other tanks in his system, I
just don't know what else to do for him. Ground probe?
<No> Dip of some kind? I am not going to just throw
him in something without knowing it is what he needs, so please please
help me diagnose this problem! Grace <Move it, and READ... Bob
Shark Eggs 3/28/07 Hey guys! I
just received my first horn shark egg and was wondering how I can
candle it? Its hard to see inside because of all the curves. Also Where
should the baby be located inside the egg? Middle, bottom, top? My
system is chilled and the egg is about 2 months old. Im expecting it to
hatch in late or early September. Is this right? <Do read FAQ's
here and linked files above. Should find what you are
looking for here. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm> <<Mmm,
no, not likely... the young should be visible... toward the middle of
the egg... a flashlight held behind should do. RMF>> Thanks so
much. <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Shark Egg 3/19/07 Hey crew! I was wondering what i need to do
in order to tell if a horn shark egg had a baby inside <"Candle
it"... strong source light behind... looking> as well as what
to do to hatch it? <Suitable habitat... chilled, rock et all to hang
in, circulation/aeration> I plan on placing it in my 55 gallon
<Too small for long> until it gets a little bigger and can safely
go into a larger tank. It will eventually go into my chilled 400 gallon
system. <Much better> I know these sharks <Is this
Heterodontus francisci? There are a number of sharks with this common
name, some semi-tropical... but not the one from the Californias>
prefer cooler water so no worries (all my tanks have chillers). I have
been looking for a horn shark but this is my first encounter with
anyone who has an egg and I've hatched a few bamboo eggs but would
like to ask the experts and see what they have to say. I'm getting
it from a local guy and he doesn't know too much! Thanks for all
the help! <You've seen my survey article here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/index.htm Bob
Re: Horn Shark Egg - 03/20/07
Yes it is Heterodontus francisci. It is from California. Now
is there supposed to be movement in the egg at all times? <No, only
intermittently> As I am told it is in the first trimester, there is
not movement yet and it barley developed eyes. Is this correct?
<Yes... barely> I do not want to purchase anything dead! Also how
long until I can place him with other sharks biggest being 18" and
the other being 12"? <Depends on the other species... The
principal predators of cartilaginous fishes... are sharks> Both are
docile but the 12" one is a little mean. The tank it will be in
when it gets big enough is 8ft long, 3 and a half feet wide, and 2 feet
tall. <Mmm, wish this were wider...> As of right now
I will hatch it in my 55 gallon. Should I purchase? <What?> Also
it is said the egg is about 2 months old and still sort of soft. Is it
supposed to be this way? <Mmm, no... all of the "Mermaid's
Purses" of this species I have encountered have been chitonous
tough...> Also would it survive shipping? <They are shipped...
yes> What should it be shipped like so it can make it? what temp
should the egg be keep around? Thanks <Best to read on WWM re
shipping marine livestock... Insulated, light-tight boxes, double
bagged, oxygenated... Much to state. Bob Fenner> Shark egg yolk
shape 3/16/2007 Hi, i have just purchased a shark egg from my
LFS and i candled it and seems to look like a blob of dark stuff
inside, no way resembling a round yolk, is this normal for the stage of
development??? I have read all the faq's available!! The LFS had
this egg for about a day. Is it normal to look like a
nonsymmetrical blob??? Thanks <Not atypical... this food
mass is quite malleable... Bob Fenner>
Re: Shark egg -- 03/17/07 Hi
again, I did take the egg back to my LFS where purchased
and they examined it and it was indeed deceased. I had them
cut it open and it was a rancid smelling yellowish green
goo. I am glad i took it back and didn't waste my
time. thanks for the quick response! <Interesting. Thank
you for this input; will post/share. Bob Fenner>
Newborn Banded Catshark
3/14/07 Hi, my banded catshark hatched last night. I have him in a
nylon mesh basket (for baby fish) sunk in the bottom of the tank. I
have him in the basket because I have a 6 inch Niger Triggerfish, and a
Porcupine Fish. The Porcupine is a big baby, but the Triggerfish will
bother new things in the tank for a week or so. <Mmm... the shark
may damage itself on this basket... and moving about is important for
its respiration and digestion... It needs to be elsewhere or the other
fishes...> The baby is about 7 inches long and the basket is only 6
x 8. The guy I bought the egg from told me to leave him in a container
for a couple of weeks after he hatched, <Poor advice>
and that I could even put him in a hamster ball in the
bottom of my tank. <...> Should I leave him in a container of
some sort to protect him from the Triggerfish, or should I
just release him? <... no> I have caves built and he started
chewing on a piece of Krill today. I just want what's
best for him, and I couldn't find this question in the archives.
Thanks for your time, Chuck........ Chuck McFarland <Please read
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm
and the linked files above... And consider running down a copy of Scott
Michael's (either edition) work on captive Chondrichthyous fishes.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Newborn Banded Catshark )
3/14/07 Hi Bob, <Chuck> Thanks for the email. I didn't
get a response right away, <Real computer/Net troubles today...>
so I went ahead and released him. He lays around in the caves a lot and
ate some krill. I've been keeping the lights off quite a bit, my
triggerfish likes to hide when it's dark. The triggerfish is always
territorial for a few days, then he mellows out. <Do NOT take your
eyes off of these fishes...> I already have Scott Michael's
Sharks and Rays and his book on marine fish. The Sharks and Rays book
doesn't really get into detail about raising the Catshark. I've
been having more luck just researching on the internet. <Thank you
for this input> I'll check on Amazon for his other book on
captive fish. <Mmm, really Scotter has nothing besides the one work
pertinent to sharks> Thanks for your help, I've been reading
your forums a lot, I enjoy it. Talk to you later, Chuck.... <Any way
to put a divider twixt the triggers and this shark? Really.
Re: Newborn Banded Catshark )
3/14/07 Thanks Bob, <Welcome Chuck> So far so good. I kind of
figured the nylon cage was a bad idea. If a shark needs a large
aquarium, a baby needs adequate space. That's why I went ahead and
released him. I'll probably go ahead and make a partition until I
get the other tank I have cycled. <Ah, good> I really appreciate
the email, and reading your advice in the forum has helped me a lot
more than the Sharks and Rays book. It's a great book for general
knowledge, but this forum is way more help on certain types of sharks.
Keep up the good work. Thanks, Chuck... <Will endeavor to do so.
Thank you for your kind, encouraging words. Bob Fenner>
shark food question 3/4/07 Hello, I'm the engineer
on a split hull hopper dredge doing beach replenishment off of Morehead
City, NC. Yesterday we sucked up a sand shark? dogfish? about 30"
long. <Neat!> After passing threw our dredge pumps, she was very
dead. To find what she had been eating, we cut her open and while
inside, noticed that there was an embryo inside with the nutrient sack
attached below its mouth. The embryo was noticeably trying to swim so
we put it into a bucket of salt water and put the bucket in the engine
room with the hopes that the warmer ambient temperature would keep the
little fella warm enough. Today, 24 hours later, after changing his
water out every few hours, he's still swimming around and appears
to be trying to lose the sack. Does it detach naturally? <Yes...
this group/family of sharks has the young feed w/o a
"placental" like attachment... on the "egg yolk" as
you describe, develop internally and pass out of their mothers when
developed sufficiently to feed externally> If this occurs, what
should we try to feed it? <Not likely for a few days... a good idea
to offer meaty food items though... No shells at this point, but fish
flesh, molluscs, shrimps...> We have various types of fish and
shrimp in the galley, but we are also going to the dock tomorrow.
Thanks for your help! Sincerely, Brian LeBlanc <Mmm, had a good
friend in college named Tom LeBlanc... Oh, please read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm and the linked
files above. Bob Fenner>
Found Egg Case - 02/15/07 Hi Bob, We
were walking along to the tide pools in Pt Loma/San Diego a few
weeks ago and found an shark egg case washed up high and dry on the
sand. <Neat> The egg case had 2 leaks in it and was almost
void of water but the baby was still kicking inside. I tried to
secure it in a tide pool but didn't have any confidence it
would stay there when the tide and surf came back in so we brought
it home and set up a 30 gallon tank for it to hatch in. Undoubtedly
it will outgrow this tank pretty fast and I don't plan on
converting my 200 gallon tank back to salt at this time, but we
just wanted to give it a chance to survive and see it born and then
release it back to the sea. It's been very active,
wiggling/swimming in the case for the last 2 weeks. The yolk is
still about 7/8" of an inch in diameter so I doubt it's
close to hatching. When I checked on it this morning I initially
thought it had died as it was curled up and not moving but noticed
it is still moving a little bit. I'm afraid it has twisted
it's yolk cord and is strangling or something. It still appears
to have a lot of room in the case. Do you have any guidance to
helping it survive thru birth in my tank? <What little I know of
such is posted on WWM> Also, I've been trying to find out
what type of shark it would likely be from the San Diego,
California area. It looks very similar to the lower photo shown
below (of a "dogfish") Shark Egg Case with Embryos <
<A possibility, yes> Do you have any ideas what species it
would probably be coming from here? Most of the sharks/rays we have
inshore here are Leopards (live born?) <Yes> , Shovelnose
Guitarfish (live born?), <Mmm, also ovoviviparous, yes>
Smoothhounds (seen plenty in the bay but never in the local ocean
beaches), Horn Sharks (different egg case). I'm stumped...
<There are quite a few other possibilities... See Bulletin 157
Ca. Fish & Game> I also don't see how they get out of
the egg cases as this one is tougher than leather. Perhaps when it
was drying in the sun it became too tough? Is there anything I
should do to assist it when it's time comes? <Mmm, the case
thins with time... the animal needs no help freeing itself> And
how would I know when it would be ready? <No way to tell
really... perhaps another month given the appearance here of the
young> Any assistance would be appreciated. Keep up the good
work. Roger
<Life is indeed adventurous eh? Bob Fenner> |

Live sand and bamboo shark, juv.,
sys. 1/29/07 Hello all, Ya'll have the best site
possible, many thanks. I have a question concerning
my wanting to purchasing of a bamboo shark egg and place it
in my 320 gal that I am currently setting up (custom job turned bad,
but worked out for the better I guess). I have read that
elasmobranchs can play host to larva isopods within their gill slits as
well copepod infestation. <Mmm... not starting as eggs as far as
I'm aware> I have searched your website and really haven't
found any true data. But my question is if they are so prone
to this infection, should I use live sand, because more than likely it
will have such pod life within it? <All substrates become
"live" to a degree... in the presence of live rock... but not
with these parasites> I have not purchased the egg yet ( I
haven't placed the substrate in the aquarium for that matter either
and there is no livestock in it also) I would like to hear what you
have to say first. Thanks, Michael <I would not be concerned with
the potential for isopod infestation here, nor with the LS. Bob
Fenner> Bamboo Shark Egg 1/22/07 Hi <Hello Michelle>
I've had my egg for about 3 weeks now when I handle it I can only
see a yolk. No movement. Is it dead? <Don't know, can't see
it. Read the FAQ's on this subject. You more
than likely will find your answer here. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm> Thanks
<You're welcome. James (Salty Dog)>
Shark egg... health
12/14/06 Good afternoon, crew. I have just the one
relatively simple question. Recently i got a Brownbanded bamboo shark
egg from my dealer and when I put it in my shark tank, I observed
it's breathing was quite noticeable, the gills pulsing regularly.
Yet now, when i "candle" the egg case, I am unable to see
much gill movement, just a little twitch, at regular intervals, but
very slight. <This rate is variable... sometimes related to water
temperature, light/ing... other times seemingly unrelated to anything
external> The day I got the egg, I'd added an extra powerful air
pump on the far corner of the tank (with this plus my skimmer, I feel
good about oxygen levels), and have the egg in a area of high water
flow. Water conditions are near perfect. Is there anything to be
worried about? <Mmm, not much that one can actually do anything
about... other than provide propitious circumstances... good water
quality, a dearth of metabolite concentration... Which it appears you
are doing and are well-aware of> I appreciate your time, and your
website is truly a gem. thanks. 15 year old Dinesh, from Singapore.
<Life to you my friend. Bob Fenner>
Summat about a shark egg
11/24/06 Hey there.... Back again with
another couple of Q's. umm 1st shark egg with like a slit in
the bottom.. good or bad? and schooling Raccoon Butterfly
fish, any info I just got one with a 4in clown tang and
yellow wrasse. any help is great. Thanks Morgan <... the slit may be
of natural progression... You have read the FAQs files on juvenile
sharks on WWM? RMF>
Bamboo shark egg 9/20/06 dear
Bob, <John, beginnings of sentences are capitalized, as is the
personal pronoun "I">
my name is
John Jr and i have a bamboo shark egg that i believe is about ready to
hatch ( yolk gone, fully outlined figure, constant movement) but i read
in one of your FAQ's that a floating egg means the shark is dead?
<Usually, not always> my shark is still moving but there is air
in his egg do to a recent tank transfer. not sure if there is anything
i can do or if he is on a course with death? please help?
thanks John <... with? I'd anchor
this egg/juvenile and allow it to hatch out... if all the yolk is gone
for more than a day or two... consider cutting open the case. Bob
Shark Eggs, Lots of Required Reading
8/23/06 Hi, great web site. <I like it too> I use it often.
<Me too> I am purchasing a banded cat shark egg in the future and
am wondering about the hatching. Can you tell me the best way to do it.
Should it be placed in strong light or dim? Salinity? Anything in the
water chemistry need to be changed form the norm? Should it be near
high flow or lower ? Any other information would be greatly appreciated
Thanks Joe <Time to hit the book. Please take a look at
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharks.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm and pick up Scott
Michael's 'Sharks and Rays", it's pretty much required
reading for keeping sharks.> <Chris>
Re: shark egg, poor English
8/29/06 me again well I purchased an egg. By the time I picked it
up it hatched. He seems to be doing fine swimming about then resting.
He seems to be doing a little heavy breathing not drastic but looks out
of the ordinary (im no expert) He"s only been out for about 20
hours now and I am wondering if this is normal or should I take
action(if so what) Thanks for your help Joe <See where you were
referred before? Read. Bob Fenner>
Bamboo shark not eating (five weeks
in) 8/18/06 Hi there guys, firstly thanks for all the
help over the past year on the site it has been an invaluable source of
info. However i find myself stuck. As of this Sunday it will be five
weeks since my bamboo shark hatched. As with the info on your site and
scott Michaels book i have systematically gone through a wide variety
of foods with no luck. However i did make the mistake of only dimming
lights for feeding over the first two weeks, but as we know she may not
want to eat during that time. So far the food list is muscles, prawn,
krill, ocean nutrition squid and shark formula, brine shrimp on the off
chance, and a bit of herring. Without the specific numbers water
parameters are all ok. <W/o numbers I can't help you> Ive
<This is your tenth English error thus far...> tested the water
for current but all under 0.1v. I feel it may be time to try the force
feeding? <Not encouraged> Scott Michael does suggest live foods
but im unsure on what to do about this. During the force feeding im
assuming like other larger species she will go into the trance state
when turned upside down. Is this going to be to stressful especially if
she's weak? <Uhh, yes> As for her behaviour its completely
normal, sleep during day relatively active at night. The other morning
I found two hermit crab shells so hoping that maybe she's eaten
them in the meantime. Any other suggestions would be appreciated.
thanks very much Jonathan <Check your system... other tankmate
behavior... not listed, change the water temp. (upward), NSW
concentration? Use your spelling, grammar checkers. BobF>
Shark Questions ... system toxicity 7/26/06 Bob,
<Michael> I have been trying to
keep bottom dwelling sharks for a few years now. I have had a number of
baby banded cat sharks that all seem to die with the same symptoms.
Whether I hatch them from eggs or bought them as small juveniles they
all seem to suddenly start to swim in erratic circles and end up dying.
<Something unsuitable in the environment...> That all have had
reddish/pink bellies once they died. <Chemical, physical...> They
all were eating well and I usually feed Silversides, krill, squid and
clams. I had 1 12" cat shark living in the tank for about 2 years
but he recently jumped out and though I found him on the carpet still
alive, he died about 24 hours later. I got him beyond the baby stage I
have had my others. Is there something specific to the babies I am
missing? <Mmm, no... not likely... perhaps just more toxic to
young/er... Likely a source of metal... could be a shaft on a pump or
powerhead... a heater...> I have them in a 150G tank, with some live
rock <Could be metal contamination, part of the LR> and a
refugium under them tank. A protein skimmer is on the tank but it does
not put out much waste. I am receiving 2 epaulette sharks
today and want to make sure I am caring for them correctly. I have lost
2 or 3 of these in the past too with the same symptoms as the banded
cat sharks. What is the pink bellies an indication of <General
irritation, poisoning, septicemia/petecchia...> and how to I prevent
it so the babies can mature? Thank you, Michael
Koenig <Perhaps a review of what is posted: http://wetwebmedia.com/sharksystems.htm
and the linked files above... Chemical tests... data from same? I'd
run Polyfilter in your filter flow path... have a QA lab do a run on
your water... something toxic, amiss here. Bob Fenner>
Re: Baby Shark Questions - 07/26/06
I use a Kold Ster-il water filter so I am pretty sure my water is not
the issue. I have never used Copper or anything like that in the tank.
I have 2 small maxi-jet powerheads and 1 RIO 1100 powerhead <Likely
culprit...> and a Mag 5 or 7 for a main pump. so I am not sure metal
contamination is this issue. I respect your response and will review
the setup. Tested for Nitrate last night as the new sharks were
acclimating and got no/very low reading on Nitrate.
The live rock has been in the tank for 3+ years. I am not
sure I understand how the rock could be an issue. <I still suspect
some source of ferrous/magnetic contamination. I have necropsied many
sharks that have perished from such in public and other institutional
settings... Not easy for a home hobbyist to check for such stray
electro-magnetic issues... but I'd remove the powerheads... Bob
Re: Baby Shark Questions 8/1/06
Ok I have pulled the 2 powerheads that were in the tank out and did a
30 gallon water change on Friday night. I am now concerned with the
water movement and surface aeration though which is why they were in
there to begin with. There is still the main Mag drive pump and 1
powerhead that pumps water into my TurboTwist UV filter in the
refugium. Can you expand on why/how
this could be the problem? <The Ampullae of Lorenzini... look this
up> How could a little piece of magnetic impellor be poisoning the
sharks? Is it safe to put in brand new powerheads? <Ones with
non-ferrous drive shafts, yes> Maybe the old ones were to
old? 1 cat shark already has a pink belly and I removed him
to a separate tank for now. <Good> I have added a poly filter in
the refugium and added a bag of Seachem Purigen in the overflow box. I
have 5 more Poly filters on the way so I have them in supply. I plan on
added my canister filter with Reef Carbon as soon as it arrives.
-Michael <Good moves. Bob
Re: Baby Shark Questions... system on
the loose - 08/15/06 Bob, Since my last email I
have lost a personifer, an emperor and a banded cat shark
from this tank. The epaulette sharks are showing a
little pink on the bellies and are scratching on the sand on
rocks. i have no idea what to do now. The only powerhead
left is the main pump which is either a Mag 5 or 7. Could
something in the liverock be doing this? <Is possible, but not very
likely> Something in the refugium? <Ditto> I have
a livesand bed of 2-3" <Mmm, see WWM re... in general should be
much thinner... or deeper...> and about 5 lbs of miracle mud in the
refugium which has not been changed for 3+ years. The
vlamingi tang in the tang is also infected with something. <...
there is something "amiss" with the environment here...>
I have resorted to starting a Stop parasites treatment from
Chem-Marin <These folks products are shams...> which required me
to stop the charcoal filter, UV, PolyFilter and remove the
absorption pads. <I would return to gear that is known to
work...> The canary, dwarf moray and miniatus grouper are
not affected. The sharks are still eating well but need to come up
with a way to get this problem under control. <Correction... need to
define, characterize, actually find the problem first...> I tested
for Nitrate and had no reading, no ammonia, ph was about
8.2. a 30 gallon water change was done a week ago. There is
now a grounding probe in the tank as well.
Anything else you could possibly recommend on why they are
scratching and showing the pink on the bellies?
-Michael K. <... a long list of possibilities... For
what you have invested, I strongly suggest getting hold of Ed
Noga's "Fish Disease, Diagnosis & Treatment" and
reading it front to back... I recently have... This will likely serve
as a/the best general survey, reminder of what might be "going
wrong" here. Bob Fenner>
Re: Epaulette sharks/Pink Bellies/New tank on the
way 8/22/06 Bob, I bought a
larger tank yesterday and am in the process of getting it set
up. It too has a large glass refugium and a larger protein
skimmer. Got this reef tank setup for $500 used. Bargain of the year!
It had a one live rock among the others that weighed 80lbs plus
2, 6" maxima clams, hard corals and tons of star polyps
and serpent stars. Only some of the rock that came with it will got
back in. That large rock will not, just enough to make some hiding
places for the sharks. This tank had 2 pumps running it. One internal
Mag 12 and 1 external pump from Pentair that they don't make
anymore (quiet one). <Keep the cooling port clean on this> I want
to get a new pump on this tank. You told me that metal from the
pumps/powerheads could be causing the pink bellies on the sharks.
<Yes> What would be a good brand of pump to put on the tank that
would not have very much metal internally to the pump but also run
quiet. <Posted on WWM... http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pumpselmar.htm and the linked
files...> I need to get the transfer done fairly quickly as they
still have pink bellies and I can't figure why. <Substrate
type?> The ph was at 8.44 this morning with salinity of about 1.024.
There is not a recommended specific gravity listed in the epaulette
sharks section of the Scott Michaels book. Are those parameters ok for
these Epaulette sharks? <NSW is best... about 1.025> The reef
tank had 4 serpent/brittle stars and an urchin. I assume they would not
be safe with he sharks. <Not indefinitely> I had them isolated
with the fish that came with the new tank last night and the sharks
were trying to bite though the screen mesh separator I
built. Oh, lastly. I was doing some
reading on your site and saw topics about silver sides and sharks. some
of the articles said silversides for sharks was a no, no but did not
say why. Can you explain? <A little fatty> They seem to like
them. Are silversides ok for eels? <Not exclusively>
If the sharks are not supposed to eat them I would at least like to use
them up with my eel and grouper. My epaulette sharks have been eating
small clams and krill as well as some silversides.
- Michael <Bob Fenner>
Shark Egg...One Less Scavenger In The
Sea 6/5/06 Hey crew! Hello Ben> My shark looks like
it's about to hatch very soon. The egg was moving a lot this
morning and the shark looks big inside the egg. I have the shark egg on
an algae clip on the glass. I was wondering if it is necessary to move
the shark egg off the clip and on to the sand? <Yes. Do
read here and related links above for more info. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm>
Thanks, <You're welcome. James (Salty Dog) Ben
Re: Shark Egg...One Less
Scavenger In The Sea 6/5/06 Crew, I know I should keep the
egg off the bottom for good water quality but won't the clip get in
the way when the shark is trying to break loose? Thanks for your time.
<Mmm, wonder why my response didn't show up
here? Yes, place the egg on the bottom. Do read
the FAQ's on shark eggs for more info. James (Salty
Dog)> Ben
Shark Egg Hatched...Pass The Cigars, Antonio For
Me 6/15/06 Hey crew! <Hey Ben> Just
want to thank you for all the help you given me. Today, June 14, 2006,
my little banded cat shark was born. It looks like he or she is about
6in long and looks very healthy! I notice that the shark hatched when I
was feeding my fish and the shark egg still looked like the shark was
in it. Thanks for your help! <You're welcome. James
(Salty Dog)> Ben
ATTITUDE - 04/27/06 HI BOB,
IT? <Adam, there is nothing wrong with Salty
Dog. If you want to learn more about sharks, the library is
full of info. I believe sharks are best left in the ocean.
For every shark or egg taken out, it is one less scavenger, and a very
efficient scavenger helping to remove waste from our oceans and
reefs. Most, if not all aquarists buy the shark/egg strictly
as a novelty, having no idea what they are going to do with it after it
hatches. Most will be in non-supportive systems for keeping
one alive for any length of time. Some say "When it
overgrows my tank I'll give it to the local
aquarium". Aquariums have all the sharks they want and
the odds of the aquarium accepting one are very remote. I
picture most aquarists that buy these eggs/sharks to someone buying a
German Shepherd and keeping it in a closet. There are few, and very few
aquarists that actually plan this venture out with a large enough
system and know-how to keep a shark alive for an extended
period. If you are one of these people, accept my
apology. I have been in this hobby over 35 years and have
seen countless shark eggs that were sold, and soon after
hatching, were discarded, as the novelty was over. James
(Salty Dog)
Strange (Shark) Discharge 4/7/06 Hi,
Bob. I have a 2-year old female Brownbanded bamboo shark I
raised from an egg. She is about 26 inches long which I
understand is close to sexual maturity. <Yes> Her
diet is mostly a mix of shrimp and squid (both injected with liquid
vitamins) which I sometimes supplement with live night
crawlers. It's my impression her health is
excellent. Recently, every couple of weeks in the middle of
the night when she is active, she has been discharging
'packages'. These things are brown and the size and
shape of a peanut. They have a skin like a grape and will
pop when I apply pressure to them after I pick them up out of the
water. They are filled with a brown gunk. Any
idea what these might be? Dean C.
<Likely early attempts at reproduction... "takes two to
tango"... Bob Fenner>
Re: Hello there shark crew! 3/17/06
HI there again! I got the egg. I have a few questions.
Should I lay it on the bottom of the sand or clip it with a algae clip?
<Better clipped> If on the sand, where should the egg be laying,
it's laying on the side with the most algae on it should I flip it
the other way? I have a chocolate starfish, will he eat the egg?
Thanks Ben <Might. Bob Fenner>
Embryo Development/Shark Egg FAQ's 3/15/06 Greetings,
gentleman. I've owned one brown-banded catshark for some time now
(he is kept in a 600 gallon basement tidepool) that I purchased as a
medium-sized juvenile. I recently received a tank-produced egg which I
am attempting to hatch. My question is this: The embryo inside is still
in the early stages; the yolk is about the size of a chicken egg's,
and the baby is very small. For the past few days, he showed a great
deal of tail movement, but as of this morning he is very very still. Is
this normal during the early stages? I can't seem to find any
information about early-stage embryos, only the ones that are ready to
hatch. <Pete, do read our shark egg FAQ's, part 1 and 2.
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm Thanks, <You're
welcome. James (Salty Dog)> Pete Sewchok
Shark Egg - 03/05/06 I have a banded cat shark egg and
my local fish store told me I will have to cut the egg open when its
time to let the shark out. Is that true?? Right now the yolk is smaller
than the size of dime, how long will it take from there for it to
hatch?? <Do read our two part shark egg FAQ's. I'm sure you
will find your answer there. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm James
(Salty Dog)>
Hopefully not a repeat dumb shark question! Just
poor English 3/2/06 well here's to mark twain and his no
stupid question philosophy. I read you faq's on sharks and I
understand your moral standpoint against keeping them, but since I
disagree (different strokes for different folks) I must yield to the
experts. <?> Apologies for the babbling, on suspension of cat
shark eggs, I understand the better water quality/circulation but I was
wondering if it was safe to rest (secured) on a large rock standing in
the center of my tank, I rested the egg on a cradle like out shot of
the rock, and wrapped a net around the egg and tied it under the
outshoot. I was simply wondering if it should be remover from the rock,
other than the obvious shortly before it hatches so it isn't
tangled up on a rock, but will resting it damage the shell at all
should I flip it etc. Once again apologies for the babbling on, but I
try to be thorough.
thanks, Joshua <Likely not
a problem here. I would leave it as is, un-tie when near hatching. Bob
Shark size/age and sexabaility - 02/20/06 I am trying
to find out some information regarding the sexing of bamboo and
epaulette sharks. <... easily done... the presence/absence of
claspers...> I would like to know what is the smallest size that
these species are reliably sexable based upon the presence of claspers
in the males? <Sexable at birth...> Are the claspers
something that become visible at sexual maturity, or can they be used
to determine a male as a baby or juvenile? <The latter... Bob
Fenner> Thank you very much. Chris Kirscht
Shark Egg Care 12/28/05 I just bought a
Chiloscyllium Punctatum shark egg from my local fish store, and I
wanted to know if I should take off all the hair algae type stuff on
it. Also I wanted to know if you know how long it will roughly take to
hatch, I can currently see the shark in it and it is breathing.
<Some algae growth on the egg is normal, since you can see the egg
is does not sound excessive so I would just leave it be. I
would rather not risk puncturing or damaging the egg. As for
incubation duration it's hard to say without seeing the actual
animal. Though those offered in the trade are often near the end of the
term though so I would say you anywhere from 4 to 10 weeks left, as a
pure guess. On another note please research the needs of this future
tank buster, if you have already I apologize for assuming.> Thanks
<Welcome, Adam J.>
Re: Shark Egg Care Yes I have a 180 gallon with only a blue
damsel in it so he will be by him self. On the one side of the egg I
can see the shark he already has all his colors and fins etc...
<Sounds good should be fine for at least a large portion of this
animals lifetime, Adam J.>
Shark Egg Care 12/30/2005 Adam J. I can see the shark
inside the egg he has his fins gills etc... and he also has his colors.
so how long should it take. <Depends on the size of the animal but
if it is easily seen I would say 8 weeks or less, Adam J.>
Cat Shark 12/16/05 Greetings crew, <Maria> I own a 220
gallon salt water tank, that contains about 50 lbs of live rocks, all
which are on one side of the tank in order to maintain open space on
the other side. <Good idea with sharks> On September
I purchased a Shark egg, and was born on November
23rd. Since then, I have not witnessed the shark eating
food, but I am guessing he eats what I put out for him, which is shark
formula, ghost shrimp and brine shrimp, since he is still alive.
<Mmm... best to observe first hand... use a "feeding
stick" to place the food right in front... don't leave items
not taken...> Also, we believe that he could be blind because he
tends to run straight into the rocks and when he tries to catch his
food he does not succeed. <... are you supplementing the food?
Vitamins, iodine are important... Covered on WWM> 90 percent of the
time the shark likes to hide inside the rocks even though there is
plenty of room on the other side of the tank. Is his
behavior normal or do I need to take out the rocks? <Not
normal/healthy... rocks present are not the real issue/problem...>
Another concern is when one time the pH in tank was low and I had to
use a pH buffer, and I believe that the shark did not like
this because he got out of the rocks and started swimming
uncontrollably. <A bad reaction> If the pH buffer is bad for the
shark, what are my other options, what can I use instead of the buffer?
<This and all other water quality modifiers should be mixed up in
new water outside the system, introduced slowly, as during
changes...> Thank you, let me know. Sincerely Diego Arboleda <Do
read through here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharkeggfaqs.htm and the linked
files above. Bob Fenner>
Floating shark egg question? Pop Goes the Shark!
11/19/05 I am a huge fan of this site you guys are great. Well all
you guys then there is Paul, 99% of the time I would say great well
this is my 1 % story. So you know the story out with the bull. So I
have a fairly advanced system with a 90g display tank, 30g refugium, a
55g display as well as a 30g display all connected. h2o is great all
ways macro is great coralline also very well. So I read a lot about
fish and what they need and who can go with who etc etc etc. So last
week my girlfriend (the only thing worse than a major aqua addict is
one having an also aqua addict girlfriend) got me a present yeah. Well
to my surprise she pulls out a dark brown object that looked kinda like
a rock perfect for skipping. "A Shark Egg!!" she says
all excited. and after all my reading I had never heard of such a
concept bring it home and do it yourself for 40 bucks cheaper. Well the
LFS told her to half berry <bury it in the sand and leave it alone.
And that it would be fine in the 90g for two years. <... no I myself
wish I was there we never would have gotten the egg. I do plan on
upgrading my system in the near future but not for one fish. After lots
of reading I found great instructions on how to do this and countless
struggles with the girl I attempted to move the egg to the lettuce clip
well the egg was a floater, thinking nothing of it I fixed the egg so
that it was suspended not floating. later that night I was reading WWM
and I read an article about a floating egg and Paul wrote that if the
egg floats than it's a empty egg or a dead shark. <Often the
case, not always Well I grabbed my specimen container and a knife very
sharp <Neat syntax and I began to examine the egg. Well nothing has
happening so I thought he was right it must be dead well being a marine
bio major I decided I was going to dissect this shark, it had other
plans..... <Wow, if this were written "up and down"
I'd swear it was Japanese... for the lack of commas, word
order...> as made one tiny snip and out jumped a perfectly healthy
shark onto the carpet of my room. <Neat The shark is now safe in the
tank seems to be ok I've already begun to find a suitable owner for
the shark my question is do you have any recommendations for that maybe
someone to contact in Boston area? <Mmm, nope... but know how...
I'd post this in the large/r BBs And more so I wanted to tell you
about a floater not a sinker thanks so much. "the greater
good" <Mmm, BobF, the "lesser evil"
Shark Egg... 11/9/05 Please help me: I don't think
you got my message before <Don't recall seeing this> Will any
sea buffers harm my SHARK when it hatches? <Mmm, not likely> I
have a product called Perfect PH 8.2. I realize that it says 8.2 not
8.3 but I use it in my reef tanks and since adding it, none of my
variety of fish or inverts have died. This buffer is not a must but I
think that it would help the health of my SHARK by using it. These are
questions that have truly stumped me and I have looked hard to save you
people the trouble but just couldn't find them. Thank you, your
website is very helpful on SHARKS but I cant seem to send you a normal
message- Mike Bending <I would not be concerned here... but do take
care re familiarizing yourself with the care of juvenile sharks. Bob
Sharks and Rays in Aquariums
Gaining an understanding of how to keep these fishes in captive
saltwater systems
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