Smoothhound Shark bad nose... Coldwater, mis-placed... system
Hi , I own a Smoothhound shark approximately 18-20 inches on a 480
rectangle tank with two tower live rock decorations on corners.
<... rectangular... the rock... this animal has damaged itself... You
can read re other such incidents on WWM, in a book I've authored on
captive shark husbandry (on>
It looks like he hit his nose and it looks bad although he would eat
everyday if i let him, i have been trying to feed every other day
instead.(skid and or shrimp)
I had a bad spike in nitrates to what seemed over 160ppm
at one time, Salt
gravity is 1.021, Ammonia 0, Nitrites0 and nitrates close to 40, im
dosing on the 7th week @ 7.2ml
Do you think, more water changes would help him recover faster,
<Hard to say... using NO3 concentration as a guide to overall water
quality... I'd keep under 20 ppm. Better by far to utilize RedOx...
ozone... keep this at 350-400 mv/cm>
i was doing
a monthly water change, i currently run a 7' long Sump/Refugium with
rock, DSB, (4) 7" Filter Socks
<Switch these out, wash daily>
2 40w UV Sterilizers with a MRC Orca pro II
skimmer, 2 Carbon Media Chambers Water changes are done with RO/DI
Also thinking about Mazuri Shark Vitamins, to try speed up his recovery.
I have noticed that at night he jumps and trashes over the
bracing of the
tank , he might have hit this with his nose, or maybe tank
overflow it has
some sharp corners.
<Did physically traumatize itself...>
His tankmates are a 3 Feet green Moray eel,
<What species? The congeners on either side of the C. American isthmus
are very piscivorous... will eat all else you list fish-wise>
Show size Yellow tang, Small
Desjardini, Purple tang, 2 red Big Eye Squirrel ,California
<A coldwater organism, along w/ this Squalid>
Show Size blond Naso tang.
Also thinking about adding more live rock on remote bins to lower
as sump is full of Live rock and Chaetomorpha, with some coarse sand, i
just discovered this is not as good as finer grade sand for Deep sand
so this will be changed soon.
<Sounds like worthwhile improvements>
Any help would be appreciated picture will be attached on a separate
<Thank you for these>
<Am named "Dogfish" in the Hash House Harrier run groups around the
planet; so have an additional affinity for these shark species... Yous
is likely doomed due to the physical trauma it has occasioned; along
with this inappropriate setting.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Smoothhound Shark bad nose... explanation of cold vs.
tropical mis-mix organisms
Thanks for your quick response. I quite did not understood what you
meant about the water temp, I'm
currently running 77 degrees
<... Yes; this IS a subtropical/coldwater
species... SEE WWM, it really cannot be placed (nor the
Ca. Ray; look this up as well) in a tropical setting. Part of the
induced problem/s here>
I don't know if I could go colder with the
Tangs, running a 1hp chiller on an APEX CONTROLLER.
<... the livestock you list NEED TWO very different systems. BobF>
Re: Smoothhound Shark bad nose
My ORP is currently 330 and I'm not running OZONE yet.
<Ahh! Glad to find that you are aware. B>
Re: Smoothhound Shark bad nose
What can i use to treat His wounds, im putting a kiddie pool
together to treat him, I will have to go
throughout a lot of water changes on it since
it's not cycled.
<... Nothing to really treat... externally. Best to do what you can to
bolster this fish's health nutritionally.
You mentioned I believe. Have you read where I referred you?>
I just started putting it together it's 48"x48"x12 .
<Needs to be covered; lest this animal (easily) jump out>
Hope that I'm not too late.
<Me too. BobF>
Chrysurus angel sick... Actually
sharks, med.s 8/8/07 Hello Mr. Fenner I have a
very simple question to ask you and could not find a direct answer on
your site. Can Metronidazole be used with leopard sharks? <Yes> I
have a bad case of Ich and Hexamita and am currently using quinine
sulfate which seems to be working well (ant thoughts?) <I would use
the Quinine drug first... the Flagyl later if all did not appear
cleared up> Would you combine these 2 drugs? <Serially, not
simultaneously. BobF> thank you Kelly tank 400 gallon 60 gallon sump
filled with crushed coral g4x skimmer ammonia 0-10 nitrite 0 nitrate
5-10 ph buffered at every water change to 8.3 salinity 1.024 temp 76
Kelly Craven
Re: chrysurus angel sick. Flagyl,
Shark Dis. f's 8/10/07 Hello again Bob, I added the
Metronidazole to the tank as directed by fish farmacy and noticed that
my leopard sharks aren't eating....very unusual, they usually
devour everything.....any thoughts. <The Metronidazole could be
affecting them in/directly... making the fish anosmotic in terms of
their sense of smell...> I just did a 25% water change before I
added meds. Tank is 400 gallons, and tested within parameters. I have
since moved them to quarantine tank in garage 200 gallon and
haven't treated it with anything, still not eating. thank you Kelly
<Shouldn't starve (to death) during the treatment interval... I
would not be overly concerned here. BobF>
Shark Question, beh.... env.
dis. 8/3/07 Hi (yes, again!!!), This is a question on
shark behavior, and I'll give you the quick background, though you
are probably all too familiar with me. The tank is a 200 gallon, with
approximately 100lbs of live rock, sand substrate 2 to 3" deep,
filtered by a Fluval FX5 with bio media only and filter pads (cleaned
at worst every two weeks), a Magnum Canister hang on for water flow and
carbon, a Penn Plax 300 power filter for mechanical, extra carbon and
bio filtration, and a large protein skimmer rated for 200 gallon tanks
(hang on variety). 0 ppm on both ammonia and nitrites, <10 nitrates.
PH is at 8.2. Salinity is at 1.022 right now. <...> The occupants
are a banded cat shark at 8", a passer angel at 5", a yellow
tang at 4" and a dogface puffer at 5" (oh, and the cleaner
wrasse, yes the original cleaner wrasse that I was fussed at for buying
by you guys weeks ago, point well taken and won't occur again). We
have just completed the Ich treatment of quinine sulfate, at which time
I did a 25% water change and began running carbon again to remove it.
The passer developed Lymphocystis (sp), I'm assuming from the
treatment of quinine and the extra duration of no water change during
that period. The shark, prior to treatment, acted wonderfully, eating
well, usually a cube of shark formula soaked in Zoe, cut into pieces.
During the quinine treatment, he did not have much of an appetite,
though this may have been due to water quality during the treatment.
Now, conditions have returned to above stated. The shark, during the
day, spends his time in a cave under the rock, which he has always
done. In the evening, he comes out when I feed the other fish, but his
behavior is odd. He actively swims up and down the tank glass, often
time pushing his head above the water. He eats ok, but not with the
aggression he used to have. He will take a piece of the formula and eat
it, then rest on the tank floor, then resume this frantic swimming. He
will usually eat two pieces or so, then he will mouth the third but not
eat it. After, say, ten minutes, we will go through the process again,
and he will consume two more, mouth the third, etc. I'm more
concerned with this erratic swimming behavior, as it seems frantic at
times. It only occurs in the evenings after I've placed the food
for the other fish in the tank. This has been going on for about a week
now, I suppose. Monday I purchased about two dozen ghost shrimp and put
them in the tank after rinsing them with fresh water. I've been
doing this ever since the shark has hatched. They get consumed by
something over the course of a couple of days, I'm thinking by the
shark at night, as the puffer has a hard time catching them in the
daytime. I only mention this because when I put them in, the shark came
out and was slowly cruising around trying to eat them, and at that time
his behavior seems normal. So, to summarize, he sleeps normal during
the day, swims frantically up and down the tank walls in the evening
when he seems hungry, but seems to eat less shark formula and in
smaller pieces, like it's harder to mouth them. If you can make any
guesses or have any thoughts, I'd love to hear them. Sincerely,
Thomas Roach <Likely the treatment and disease condition, coupled
with the present too-low spg and likely nitrogenous material is
mal-affecting the shark's appetite/behavior... Correct this
animal's world and hopefully its behavior will improve.
Bamboo Shark Not Eating... poor
maint., English 7/8/07 Dear WWM crew, I have e-mailed
you 1 time before about my bamboo shark and found your advise very help
full. I have had my bamboo shark for about a year and it is about 13 or
14 inches. It is in a 125 gallon tank and has nitrate levels of about
80-90 ppm (I know this is way to much and I have planned a 75% water
change in the next couple days). <... not useful in the long or
ongoing term... YOU need to address this issue definitively... NOW>
The nitrate levels in my tank have always been very high and my shark
has only had a problem once before (he had a red rash on his belly
which went away once I moved him into a larger tank, lowered the levels
and started to feed him the shark formula food again -- Thanks for the
help with that). I was out of town for about a week leaving my mom to
watch my shark.?(She?is?very familiar with how to feed it) When? I got
back,? she told me that? she could not get it to eat. I feed my shark the
shark food formula cubes along with a few silver sides?(my local pet
shop stopped carrying silver sides so I've been buying them from a
bait shop, Is this ok?). I have never tried feeding it anything
different, mainly because I don't know what is ok for it to eat.
Tonight I tried force feeding it under water. I would be able to get? a
silver side halfway in but it would just spit it back out. I tried this
with the formula cubes also and it did the same thing. He also has
barely been swimming around and just stays under a rock in the corner
of the tank. I know most bamboo sharks are lazy but it is very
concerning to see this because he is usually racing from one end of the
tank to another almost 24/7. His breathing has also been different, he
used to breath very fiercely (like throwing his gills out very fast, he
did it to a point where the edges of every slit of his gill were white
and looser than the skin around it), now his breathing is much softer.
The salt level is perfect.?It is being kept with a Koran? Angle fish and
a? Panther Grouper.?I? also tried to add a new? Bamboo shark to the tank,
sadly it dug itself under one? of my live rock and got crushed.?Since
that happened? I have noticed? The shark is allot less active and?about?3
weeks after the death the shark stopped eating.?What can? I do to help
my shark? Start eating again? Thank you,? ?????????? Brendan ?? <Have
just skipped down. Please... proofread what you send us, eliminate
extraneous ? Question marks... And read here: scroll down to
the yellow line, Nitrogenous wastes... Bob Fenner>
Re: Bamboo shark not eating... Still
not reading -- 07/08/07 Dear WWM crew, I have e-mailed
you 1 time before about my bamboo shark and found your advise very help
full. I have had my bamboo shark for about a year and it is about 13 or
14 inches. It is in a 125 gallon tank and has nitrate levels of about
80-90 ppm (I know this is way to much and I have planned a 75% water
change in the next couple days). <... not useful in the long or
ongoing term... YOU need to address this issue definitively... NOW>
- how?do?I do this? <<What? Please... learn to/use the
search tool, indices... there are tens of thousands of folks using this
site daily... we don't have time to do this for you... Read here: scroll down to
the yellow line, tray...> The nitrate levels in my tank have always
been very high and my shark has only had a problem once before (he had
a red rash on his belly which went away once I moved him into a larger
tank, lowered the levels and started to feed him the shark formula food
again <... you have had, and have "this problem"
continuously... Now evidenced in your shark ceasing feeding...> --
Thanks for the help with that). I was out of town for about a week
leaving my mom to watch my shark. (She is very familiar with how to
feed it) When I got back, she told me that she could not get it to eat.
I usually feed my shark the shark food formula cubes along with a few
silver sides (my local pet shop stopped carrying silver sides so
I've been buying them from a bait shop, Is this ok?). <... and
vitamins... see WWM re> I have never tried feeding it anything
different, mainly because I don't know what is ok for it to eat.
<...?! Then read!> Tonight I tried force feeding it under water.
I would be able to get a silver side halfway in its mouth but it would
just spit it back out. I tried this with the formula cubes also and it
did the same thing. He also has barely been swimming around and just
stays under a rock in the corner of the tank. I know most bamboo sharks
are lazy but it is very concerning to see this because he is usually
racing from one end of the tank to another almost 24/7. His breathing
has also been different, he used to breath very fiercely (like throwing
his gills out very fast, he did it to a point where the edges of every
slit of his gill? turned white and looser than the skin around it), now
his breathing is much softer. The salt level is perfect. It is being
kept with a Koran Angle fish and a Panther Grouper. <...> I also
tried to add a new bamboo shark to the tank, sadly it dug itself under
one of my live rock and got crushed. >...< Since that happened I
have noticed the shark is allot less active and about 3 weeks after the
death the shark stopped eating. What can I do to help my shark start
eating again? Thank you, Brendan <Have just skipped down. Please...
proofread what you send us, eliminate extraneous ? Question marks...
And read here:
scroll down to the yellow line, Nitrogenous wastes... Bob Fenner> --
sorry about the question marks I have no idea how they got there.
<<Please... don't write... Read: RMF,
2nd whale shark dies at Ga. Aquarium
-- 06/13/07 © 2007 The Associated Press TOOLS Email Get
section feed Print Subscribe NOW Comments Recommend ATLANTA -- Another
whale shark died early Wednesday at the Georgia Aquarium, the second
this year at the only facility outside Asia to display the huge, rare
fish. Norton's death came just a few weeks after two new whale
sharks arrived at the aquarium from Taiwan. At that time, Taiwan
fishery officials had said they were satisfied the aquarium provided
the quality care the young whale sharks would need. Aquarium officials
said in a written statement Wednesday that Norton had stopped eating in
recent months and showed erratic swimming behavior. They said the staff
had noticed a decline in Norton's swimming behavior on Tuesday and
blood work confirmed a decline in his health. Early Wednesday, the
whale shark stopped swimming and settled to the bottom of his tank,
aquarium officials said. Divers brought him to a stretcher, and
"after every option had been exhausted to improve Norton's
health, the team made the decision to humanely euthanize him," the
aquarium said. In January, Ralph, another whale shark that was among
the aquarium's first stars after it opened in 2005, also died
there. Ralph had stomach problems that led to an inflammation of a
membrane in his abdomen, according to aquarium officials. The aquarium
has theorized that a chemical it no longer uses in the tank to treat
parasites might have contributed to his loss of appetite and health
problems. The two new whale sharks, Yushan and Taroko, join Alice and
Trixie in the aquarium's 6-million-gallon tank. The sharks can grow
up to 40 feet long. On the Net: Georgia Aquarium: <Mmm, somethings else going
on here. RMF>
Banded bamboo shark 5/25/07 Hi
Bob just wanted to say what a fantastic site you have. I have gained
loads of info from it over the last year or two! My question is
regarding my banded bamboo shark and a risk of white spot. <Can
contract...> The risk is because my sailfin tang has a small number
of white spots on him due to some stress or other (moving from
quarantine?) <Maybe> The fish are in an 800l tank with heavy
filtration and skimming. Do you think I should let things settle down
and hope the spots go away or remove the shark to another tank and do a
hyposalinity treatment on the other fish and hope the shark is clean.
<If "only a few spots" and only expressed on the Tang,
I'd hold off here... too likely to do more damage if you
overreact> The thing is I don't want to overreact <Oh!>
and just cause more stress. Also I see no point in trying to remove the
sailfin as the parasites are already in the display tank now. Thanks
for any help you can give, cheers, Andrew (England) <Let's hope
this/these are not parasites, but simply some other manifestation of
stress. Bob Fenner>
Growth on grey Bamboo shark
5/21/07 I have a grey Bamboo shark that is about 10 inches
long. I've had him about 3 1/2 months and he (actually
she) has been doing great with a great appetite. Recently I
have noticed a growth on the first dorsal fin (on the leading edge)
that looks like a wart. I suspected a parasite but as I got
a closer look it didn't seem to be a parasite but a growth of her
own skin. The area is not red and it doesn't seem to bother
the shark at all, but it is slowly growing by my
observation. What should I do? Couldn't find
anything on this web site or in Michael's book. Thanks for any
help, bill <Mmm... well, I would like to know a good deal more re
your set-up, maintenance, water quality tests, routines,
foods/feeding... Do you supplement this fish's foods? Have you read
on WWM, visited re? I would: the second
tray... Bob Fenner>
Banded Cat Shark Stressed? No useful info.
4/18/07 Hi, I own two banded cat sharks (one male one
female). Both are juveniles under 1 foot. They
both tackle any squid I offer them without hesitation which hints that
their healthy from what I've read. <... Need more than this one
food type...> To help them settle in and keep them from burrowing
under rocks where they can get stuck I've built them a cave (good
size completely covered two large openings and the sand cleared out
down to the glass) (quick note on no sand they pushed it all out to
begin with so I did this to make it the way they tried to make it,
there's still sand everywhere outside of the cave). <What is the
nature of this sand? You have read on WWM re Shark Systems?> The
male is larger then the female but they both seemed to hang out
together and he seemed to slow his breathing a lot sooner then the
female did when she was added to the tank. Recently the male
has left the cave where they both resided for a good portion if not all
of the day. At times he'll swim around the tank and
every now and then he gives himself a quick burst of speed usually into
the sand but at times it's just in the direction he happens to be
swimming. He still eats and his gills aren't flapping
open and closed extremely fast though its noticeably faster then the
females. So my main question is what could be causing
this. Is he just burning his energy and breathing harder as
a result, is he stressed out and if so why is he stressed out but the
female isn't? Trouble at home? <... likely not a
problem> If both sharks were exhibiting the same behavior I'd be
more attentive to the tank situation but he's the only one that
seems to be behaving different. Also there were red markings
on him when he first came to me but they have faded away, he has no
signs of white or black specs on him though the black would be hard to
find I mainly looked for bubbles. Also I only feed them
twice a week is he just hungry and annoyed he can't find
food. I could cut down the amount I feed and increase the
frequency. <... Likely would feed every other day at this size...
with other foods, vitamins...> As for his tank mates at one time or
another they've all lounged on him or burrowed under him without
him running even seen snails crawling up his tail so he's pretty at
home with them. Water parameters are good as well. <...
what is good?> He pumps his gills about 6 or 7 times every 5 seconds
as opposed to the females 3 or 4. Please let me know if
I'm the problem or if there really is something
wrong. Thank you for all past and hopefully future help.
<... Please read here: The second tray
down... mainly on Shark Systems, Feeding... Bob Fenner>
(Im The one that just wrote in about the
shark)... Still no useful info... Hi again hope this gets there in
time to get answered in conjunction with the other question I sent
earlier today. I just noticed the shark's dorsal
fin. The back edge of his dorsal fin is a little tattered
not much but I can see a few tiny nicks here and
there. I'm not sure if this is normal or if it could be
fin rot not that I know what that looks like especially in early
stages. Just figured I'd add this bit of info to my last
email thanks for your help. James <Add the Shark Disease
FAQs to your reading list. BobF>
Re: Shark (Follow up
question)... Still and not reading... 4/19/07 Sorry for
all the questions at once it seems my emails at the end of a long line
and I had a little time to think about the sharks condition.
<...> It turns out this is the female shark (the
smaller of the two) and if it is fin rot <?... Environmental> its
in its first stages and only the dorsal fin is affected. If
indeed this is Finrot how should I treat the shark. <... Please...
READ re writing us... there are hundreds of emails per day that pass
through this program... Without folks posting previous correspondence,
there is no way (at least I) can keep tract of who has what... I.e.,
your system make-up, situation...> Thank you for your help sorry for
all the emails this sharks my first one and as far as I'm concerned
the most important fish in there. <BobF>
Re: Sharks dead fairly certain to fin rot...
No... further introspection into the nature of the truth...
4/19/07 ...She's dead was breathing when I ran out to buy
a 20 gallon tank precycled salt water sand the works as well as
medication. <... too small for this specimen... What is it that
prevents you from reading ahead of your actions?> Walk in and
dead... I do read quite regularly. <What? Where?> I
perform multiple searches on different search engines and read anything
I can get my hands on. <How do you discern fact from
opinion? Really, am curious... the Net is indeed a great source of
ready input... but is a HUGE source of mis- and useless information>
Only problem is there are few answers to shark questions.
<Books?> Even on your site half the stuff written in between the
lines of the hundreds or thousands of questions is you need to read or
requesting more information. <... how did you enter the site to ask
us questions? Had you followed the stipulated protocol here:
you would have been called upon to use the search tool... which has
cached versions, highlighting search terms... As a student, I am sure
you are challenged with learning, using such tools...> I'm also
a student and don't have the time to read 6 full web pages in a
hope to find my answer. <Don't have to> In further reading
about the disease called fin rot <... this is NOT a disease, but a
symptom...> I read that it is contagious. <... dismal> I also
noticed that almost all the sites were referring to fresh water
fish. Are all my fish in for this disease or does the rot
stop with that corpse. I still have the penicillin tablets
and Maracyn <... ditto> and really don't want this to be the
death of the rest of them. So I do read alot <No such
word> and right now I really just need an answer or a link to a page
that contains an article that helps not a bundle of questions that may
be related. PS: I did try reading through the shark disease
section but there are far to <too> many different species and no
clear way to navigate to the one you want which may or may not be in
there. Thanks, James <Learn before you
burn... study what you're about before committing funds, lives to
experimentation... Be the master of your destiny... "See your
future... be your future"... Or, somethings like this... Realize
that we/you are not perfect... there are twenty or so of us (WWM Crew)
here, all volunteers... and tens of thousands of you (unique ISP
sessions) per day... You provided NO information on your system,
set-up, water quality tests, history of your husbandry... We, or at
least I, cannot read your mind... My real advice is to give your system
to someone who has the focus, determination to make it work... Wait
till you have more time (perhaps post graduation) to dedicate your
attention, focus to such an enterprise. Bob Fenner>
Shark, not the Underoos... Fritzing, but not
communicating 4/2/07 Hey guys! I just got
back from a business trip and was completely horrified as I
walked in and saw my most prized shark swimming/floating around! He is
a port Jackson and was a present to me. I love this little guy!
<?> What should I do? the temp is currently 67 and he is used to
this! I was told though that the temp was bouncing <?> because
the chiller needs more Freon! What is the best solution? He is fed
<What?> regularly and also takes vitamins? <Sort?> He does
like to swallow air bubbles <Shouldn't be allowed in the
system> and I have tried to stop him <?> but have had no
success! I was just also told he missed his wed <...> feeding? So
he probably has no food in his tummy as I feed wed. and sun.! Pls help?
I was reading and am about to try administering Epsom salt in his
water! Pls help! Thanks! <Your message makes little sense... No
useful data presented... Please read on WWM re Heterodontids,
Cold-water sharks, shark systems, Disease/health in general. Bob
Re: PJ HELP! 4/3/07 Sorry about
the last message! <I was concerned...> I just seemed to panic.
I've had this port Jackson about half a year and when i walked in
yesterday he was floating! He couldn't really stay down! I've
controlled the bubbles and fed him so he is doing better. <Ah,
good> He still has some trouble saying down and looks like he hovers
a little. The temp is 67 degrees in his system and he seems to be good
except for the fact that he has a hard time staying down. Water param.s
are great but i will do a 25% water change just in case. <Good
idea> What could this be? <Perhaps just the ingested bubbles>
He still has a strong appetite and loving personality! I would like to
enjoy it a minimum of 20 more years. What should i do? <Mmm... need
to know more re what you have... a large/r system, more
filtration...> There seems to be little chunks of LR everywhere by a
big piece and am afraid he might have swallowed some. <Mmm> Could
this be the cause? <Yes... though not common> I have other fish
in there and they're fine. He seems to be the only one
floating/hovering? Should i dose Epsom salt and see if it help him pass
it. <I would not> I saw this in anther article you guys answered
to. Sorry if there is any misunderstanding. If you feel the need to ask
please contact me at (XXXX). Thanks so much. <Welcome my friend.
Life to you. Bob Fenner>
Re: PJ HELP! 4/4/07 Hey Bob! I
would like to let you know I have fixed the problem and my PJ is fine.
<Great news Andre> He seemed to have ingested bubbles and has now
expelled them. The problem was his feeding was not given and he
searched for food all over the tank, at which time he must have
ingested bubbles! He is doing fine and I will ensure he does not miss
anymore feedings. He is currently in a 400 gallon chilled system.
(8' L x 3 1/2' W x 2' T) <Ah, very nice. Friend Anthony
Calfo's brother in law has a similarly sized, shaped system (in PA)
with some Heterodontus francisci in it...> He will go into a larger
system when he is older (my 2,000 gallon currently cycling)
<Wowzah!> but at the moment he is only 12". His water is
kept at 67 avg. No higher than 69 at any time and he just loves to eat.
<Good and good> I thank you for your help and expertise. I run 2
500 gallon capacity wet/dry filters on this tank as well as a 900 gal.
capacity fluidized bed filter on it. <I suspect you never have
ammonia, nitrite issues... but would stay guarded, look to biological
means (DSB, live algal, plant filtration) to deal with accumulated
nitrate (keep under 20 ppm...)> There is strong current but no
powerheads and he has his own securely fit together cave. I plan on
getting him 2 female companions but have had no luck finding the darker
PJs. <Darker? Am unfamiliar with this difference... is this the Ca.
Horn Shark?> Any idea where I might be able to find them? Also are
you really speaking at SaltwaterU? <Oh! Yes> If so I look forward
to it. Thanks my friend and all of you at Wet Web Media. <And to you
Andre. Bob Fenner>
Re: PJ HELP! - 04/04/2007 Hey! I was
referring to a port Jackson shark. <Please read here: and the linked files
above> I have seen darker colored ones and mine is pretty but just a
little lighter. What causes the color variation? Also I feed him using
garlic extract once a week <Not a fan> and use vita-chem
<Proper nouns are capitalized> vitamins to enhance his color and
overall health but what should I do to ensure he gets all the iodine he
needs? <... posted> If you could please tell me of any places you
know where I might be able to find the darker colored PJs I would
highly appreciate it. <Hello? Did you read the last message?>
Also what can you tell me about Mexican Bullhead sharks? <What in
particular? BobF>
Re: PJ HELP! Garlic use, Mexican Horn Sharks -
04/04/2007 Hey Bob. Wondering why you where not a fan of garlic
extract? <Posted... doesn't do much good... and can cause real
trouble with coating the surface air/water interface...> Also wanted
to know some care tips for a Mexican bullhead shark. <The
Heterodontid? What re? Have you read on WWM re? B>
Problem... hlth., no useful data 4/4/07 Hi, <Hello
have Bamboo Shark that I hatched 5 months ago. He was doing
great until about 3 weeks ago. He came down with a Bacterial
Infection. <Unusual... the presumed cause/s?> I used a hospital
tank to treat him with an antibiotic. He started doing
better so I put him back into the main tank. He continued to
do well until about a week ago. He became sluggish and the
only way he would eat is if I put it in his face. <... This reads
like a case of avitaminosis...> So I put him back into
the hospital tank yesterday and started treating him
with Instant Oceans Life Guard. <For?> Now he's
sluggish and not eating. Should I stop treatment and place
him back into the main tank? <Yes, I would> I also had a
California Stingray <?! Lives in much colder water...
should be housed in a separate system> that just all of a sudden
died the day after I placed the Shark back into the main
tank. The water is perfect. <Non-informational... this is your
subjective evaluation, not data> The phosphates where high a few
months ago. I added a Refugium and some Phos Ban to the
sump, <Good> it fixed that problem. The only thing I
can think of is, I added a iron supplement made by Kent for
the macro algae. Could this have caused a problem? <Yes,
but not likely solely... Problem is environmental/nutritional>
I'm lost on what to do. Thanks, Mickey <Do you administer
vitamins via this animal's foods? Iodine/ate? Please read here: and the linked
files above... particularly re Bob Fenner> Hi,
I forgot to add, I used
water from my main tank for the hospital tank. <A good
practice if this water "can be trusted". BobF> Thanks,
Re: Shark Problem - 04/04/2007 I soak krill
water with a few drops of Garlic Extreme <Not worthwhile> every
time I <I> feed him. I did use a Iodine supplement a while back
for the few corals I have in the tank. Avitaminosis, what is this?
<... a lack of vitamins... You didn't read where you were
referred to...> I started treating him again because he had a small
white cotton like patch on his back, that is now gone. Thanks so much
for you time and information. Please ask for more information if you
need it to help me solve this problem. Thanks so much, Mickey <...
Here: The second
tray. BobF>
Re: Grey Bamboo shark disorder... make an
effort... to read what is posted - 04/04/2007 Just as a follow up I
wanted to report that the episodes seem to be getting more frequent as
of late, and, as of today, both nostrils are swollen almost seeming
blocked by the swelling. Concerned about my little shark, bill <...?
Please read here: The second
tray. BobF>
Re: Grey Bamboo shark disorder 4/5/07
Could this be a fluke or copepod parasite that is causing this
condition in my shark. <... unlikely> If so, I know
that "Prazi" is very effective but need some help as to where
to find for an oral application. Your thoughts are very appreciated,
bill <B>
Please help, baby shark sick 3/28/07
Please please help me, my baby black banded shark is
sick. Water quality is normal for his system (a shared
system of approx. 280 gallons) <Shared with?> which is ammonia 0,
nitrites 0, nitrates 12, and ph 8.1. He is only in a thirty
gallon tank right now, <.... way too small...> perhaps it is time
to move him up to a 55 <Also way too small> since he is maybe
three months old (hatched in wholesaler's tanks, a miracle because
the conditions were AWFUL! It was one of those "poor
baby, I will save you" deals, I know, I know, this is totally the
wrong thing to do) I plan to graduate him to a 240 gallon, then
probably close to a thousand gallons, maybe low and long. Anyway, this
will not happen at all if I cannot diagnose his problem! He
would not eat today, although he has been eating very well. <?>
However, the only food I could get him to accept was
silversides, <...> he will only nip at krill but will not
eat. I ordered some shark formula, but when I went to try to
feed him some soaked in a little silverside juice, he was
uninterested. He wouldn't even eat the silversides,
usually he gobbles the little shedded pieces up so fast his belly gets
a little big. (His belly appears wrinkled right now, I'm
assuming this is why) Then I noticed he appeared red and
blotchy, and hurried to your forum right away to read up. I
saw you told someone to not feed silversides, <Not exclusively>
but couldn't find where it said why or what you should feed, whole
food wise. <Please read here: The tray on
Sharks...> Upon closer inspection, he has a small deep red area
under his chin, a few millimeters, very small. His head
appears pinkish, and he is swimming irregularly. <Very bad signs>
His substrate is CaribSea Special Grade, and he has been on it for a
few months with no problem. Please help me, why is my baby sick? <In
an inappropriate environment, malnourished... Period>
How can I help him? I am a LFS owner, yet I love
my animals very much, <Mmm, no... or not at least by my
definition... IF you did care, you would take the time, invest the
resources to know what the animals in your care required, and provide
them... As a painful example... Our U.S. president claims he is a
Christian... but in actual fact he is a liar, thief and murderer... Any
of which exclude his Christianity> they are not just money to
me.....I am in tears about this, and I really, really, need your
help. I have cared for these sharks before, at other stores,
and have never seen this reddening of the skin get this bad. <Move
this animal to a better world... NOW> The water was changed a few
days ago, the normal amount, maybe 15%. Everything in his
system has been kept quite consistent, although I did add a 80watt UV
Sterilizer about a week ago. <This won't save this animal> He
already has a skimmer, media, liverock in other tanks in his system, I
just don't know what else to do for him. Ground probe?
<No> Dip of some kind? I am not going to just throw
him in something without knowing it is what he needs, so please please
help me diagnose this problem! Grace <Move it, and READ... Bob
Re: Please help, baby shark sick... a/the human
experience 4/9/07 My goodness, I really didn't
expect to be attacked like this. I hope I can convince you
that I do research as much as possible, and I actually spent a few
hours researching the night I wrote that email. <Please do> I
always have seen tank recommendations of three times the length of the
body for the length of the tank, and two times length of the body for
the width. <Yes... a good minimum... for the MAXIMUM size of the
animal... What is this for this species? You stated you have this fish
in a thirty, was going to move it into a 55 gallon?> Maybe this is
wrong, or maybe you didn't realize how small my shark was, but
please don't accuse me of being uncaring because I hadn't found
the correct sites yet. <? Has naught to do with "finding"
sites... there are print references...> (Actually,
checking your site, I see you recommend less.. "Many people
don't understand that most sharks need the width of the tank to be
at least 75% of their body length if not more." My
shark was barely eight inches long...) <How wide is a thirty?> At
any rate, this harsh attitude may chase away people, <I am hopeful
that it chases such behavior as keeping cartilaginous fishes in
circumstances that bring about their early demise entirely away...>
and not help the animals you are trying to help in the long run.
<...> Bringing politics into it cannot help either. <Let me
check... Yes, still a site of my/our ownership/design/content... Will
use whatever example/s, key what we like, deem illustrative,
accountable...> This is only my opinion, and I would also like to
say that I respect yours, I have been reading more than you might
think... As for the feeding, I had no idea that not having a variety
would affect them that soon, <...> after all, he was a little
more than two months old. I thought that silversides and
Vita-Chem would suffice until I could convince him to eat other things,
but no matter what I tried he wasn't interested. I wish
I had urged different things on him even earlier. <....> Poor
little thing was just too far gone. <.....> Listen, I
see and hear things that horrify me every day. I talked to a
guy just yesterday with a six inch maroon clown in a 12 gallon cube,
been there for a few years. <... a different species... that lives
in a very small volume in the wild... can be made to be confined, with
good care/maintenance in captivity... NOT chondrichthyous fishes...>
I wanted to kick him, but instead I just tried convincing him that his
fish was suffering, even if it didn't look like it. I
tried to show him why, I took even more time with him than with others,
because he needed it. Bad advice and information are out
there, and it may not be this guy's fault he thinks this is
okay. So no attack dogs, guys, please? Not
everyone necessarily deserves it.....I mean, have you never missed
something, believed someone you shouldn't have? <Oh yes... thank
you for this proffered example. Does occur to/with me... a few to
several times daily> I apologize if this was offensive, it was meant
to be constructive. Funny how there is such a fine line
there, isn't it? <Mmm, hopefully less time with experience,
learning/sharing, reflection. Please, I implore you.... learn before
you burn... Investigate the life you intend to keep BEFORE purchasing
it. Bob Fenner>
Injured grey Bamboo shark 3/28/07 I
have a grey bamboo shark (C. griseum) which has been doing well for the
month that I've had him. Water parameters are great with
a 30 nitrate reading my only concern. <Is high... and a parameter
that is hard to "fight" with cartilaginous fishes in
captivity...> This morning when I checked on him he had
a red color on one side of his mouth and on closer look what looks like
a bruise and a slight scratch to his right upper lip/jaw
area. Can't really tell what happened but it seems he
either tried to get at something in the tank or else tried to ingest
something that was hard or sharp and injured himself. <Yes... could
be a "bump" in the night> He otherwise seems fine, but
I'm concerned about this injury. Do I need to do
anything (medication, etc.) and if so what...or do I just need let him
heal on his own? Any help would be great, bill <Mmm... other than
providing optimized, stable, suitable environment? Likely
nutritional/immune system boosting is your best route/advantage here...
You do supplement this animal's foods (e.g. Mazuri (.com) vitamins?
You have read on WWM re shark disease, nutrition, systems....? Bob
Re: Grey Bamboo shark disorder
4/3/07 I wrote about two weeks ago concerning an apparent injury to
my C. griseum, but have now concluded that it is something
else. This morning I checked on him and found him with yet
another injury in the same place as before (left nasal passage and
upper left jaw area) that was swollen and red with what looked like a
bit of raw flesh semi-blocking the nasal passage. Again, to
me it looked like he had tangled with a hermit crab and
lost. He was somewhat listless and red faced and not
responding to food in the water. Ten minutes later, when I
checked on him, he was absolutely fine with zero signs of injury
whatsoever and very hungry/aggressive towards food!!!??? What gives??
bill <Bizarre! Perhaps this injury is more like a loose
"flap" with it up and out of the way when this animal looks
fine... Is this specimen okay behaviorally? Feeding? You've removed
the physical material it might injure itself on/with? Bob Fenner>
Re: Grey Bamboo shark disorder
4/4/07 Thanks so much for your response and your site....very
helpful. This shark is just fine otherwise with a healthy appetite and
I'm feeding him a very varied diet with vitamin
supplements. The "flap" could be a possibility,
but why would it swell the whole side of the upper jaw and redden his
entire head past the gills both dorsally and
ventrally? He's the resurrection king with going from
"injured" an listless to 100% improved and hunting prey
within 10 minutes. Maybe he needs counseling about his
manic/depressive disorder!! Thanks for any help bill <Well Bill...
is all-new to me... Haven't come across a similar "case".
Let's hope this specimen "decides" to halt the Dr.
Jekyll/Mr. Hyde routine on the positive side! BobF>
Goiter on Elasmo. 2/11/07 About
a month ago, our bamboo shark began to have a small lump form under
his mouth. It has continued to grow and is now about the
size of a ping pong ball. About a week ago, he quit
eating (probably due to the size of the lump). At first
we thought it was a tumor, but after reading some of the entries we
are thinking it might be a goiter. <Agreed.> We can't
find many pictures of sharks with goiters to confirm our diagnosis,
so we're sending you some pictures of our shark and maybe you
can confirm if that is a goiter. <Appears to be so.> Thanks
for all of your help and information, <Begin dosing iodine to
the water, and soaking the animals food in such as well. To help
diagnose, what size/age is the animal...what size tank? Water
parameters and diet would be helpful as well, also search WWM re: elasmobranch care.> Katie
<Adam J.> |

Shark help... env. 1/26/07
Hey there! I was away on a business trip and left my good friend in
charge of my shark tank! He was told what to do and still messed up! He
overfed my sharks <Mmm, best to pre-measure, date-label all
feedings...> and then tried to do a 15% water change! well when I
got home today I noticed the sharks breathing heavily and went into a
complete worry stage! I am currently checking my water parameters and
will am very worried! What should I do? <? Move them, more water
changes, use of chemical filtrants...> Water seems normal but sharks
don't seem too happy! there was a change in salinity though! It
seems to have dropped! I kept it higher around strong sea conditions
and the sharks loved it! but now it is about 1.023! Should I slowly get
it back to what it was or let them adjust to what it is? <I'd
not change presently... until the animals are "acting
better"> Guess its always better to be safe than sorry so next
time I will pay a professional to do the job! Also I will be getting a
smaller 400 gallon tank for my baby port jackson(9-10 inches) should he
be fine in there for a couple years or months? <You should read: and the linked files
above. Bob Fenner>
Parasite treatment of sharks ?
11/21/06 Hello I'm a veterinarian who like to help a new
started shark aquarium keeper with his black tipped reef sharks. He got
1 male and 2 females a month ago. The male was eating very well for 2
weeks and did not eat one day and dead next morning. Bleeding in and on
testes no obvious parasites. I'm waiting for pathology,
bacteriology and parasitology . after this one of the females has
started to swim in an different body position and is not resting during
shimming. seems to be in a hurry. The question has come about parasites
and then my question - How to treat parasites flukes, tapeworm and
nematodes in shark I do hope you can help us Tomas Lundgren
Veterinarian Dalagarden veterinary clinic Bastad, Sweden <Mmm...
need to know at least what phylum this source problem may be from...
skin scrapings, microscopic examination. I strongly suggest you
get/read Fish Disease, Diagnosis and Treatment by Edward Noga. You may
well have another non-pathogenic issue here... environmental... The
behavior you list could be due to poor water quality (metabolite
accumulation), or electrical potential... Bob Fenner>
Re: Parasite treatment of black tipped reef
shark 11/21/06 I wrote to yo a while ago about problem with a
new started shark aquarium The sharks are black tipped reef
sharks Carcharhinus melanopterus Can you help us with advise
about parasite treatment, water quality levels - what span of water
quality measures we have to keep. and of course where to find more know
how about keeping those sharks and about diseases and treatment . My
best regards Tomas Lundgren Dalagarden veterinary clinic Bastad, Sweden
<Yes. Please read here: and the linked files
above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Parasite treatment of sharks ?
11/21/06 Hello I wrote to you about a mail BT reef shark that died
and a female that has a behavior that might show that she is in stress.
The aquarium has the following levels of the water. PH:8,2
Densitet (salthalt):1.022 <I would raise, keep the specific gravity
near seawater strength here: 1.025> Nitrat:5-10mg/liter Is there
anything more to check up and what levels are accepted for this kind of
sharks. <Mmm, ammonia and alkalinity> If there is parasites - how
do we medicate them to get rid of the parasites - we can manage to put
them in a separate 1,5 m wide circular plastic container
with a accepted water level as a treatment container. What do you
suggest My best regards Tomas Lundgren veterinarian Dalagarden
veterinary clinic Bastad, Sweden <Again, this depends on the phylum
of the parasite... protozoans, worms of various sorts, crustaceans and
more... I would NOT simply administer a compound w/o microscopic
examination/determination. Bob Fenner>
Re: Parasite treatment of
sharks ? 11/21/06 Thank you for your answer I will follow
your hint and I will write more to you after I have got the post mortem
exams Best regards Tomas Lundgren vet Bastad, Sweden <Very good. Bob
Re: Blacktipped reef shark disease and
treatment 11/29/06 Black tipped reef sharks in
Sweden in a private owned public new started display tank of 75000
liter . The sharks 1 male and 2 females around 1 m each, arrived from
Holland around 4 weeks ago. One female did not eat but the male did eat
very well from start after 2 weeks he stopped eating and the
next day he was found dead. <Coupled with the stress of
moving...> Autopsy did show bleeding in the sperm reservoir.
<Perhaps artifactual> Bacteriology has shown pseudomonas
<Almost always present in culture in these settings> and 2 more
bacteria sensitive to Tetracycline and Gentamycin.
Histopathology has given diagnose Orchit with septicemia . as there
were kidney damage and muscle damage in hart and body muscles.
<Again, very common in moving cartilaginous fishes... Sharks, rays,
skates take a beating in being handled, particularly if/when larger...
Need to be anesthetized, carefully monitored in transit... perhaps
treated (through injection) prophylactically> The female that did
not eat is still not eating after 4 weeks More about those Blacktipped
reef sharks food and environment Life-support system: Display tank 75
000 liter of water * Protein skimmer (70 000 l/h) * 4 biological sand
filters (25 000 l/h each) * 3 UV sterilization units (10 000 l/h each)
* Denitrification filter <... Nitrate concentration?> Above this
* Extra pumps for circulation (100 000 l/h) Food we have tried -- al
fresh food. Herring, mackerel, salmon, anchovies, pike, smelt, squid
Saltwaterfish and fresh fish live ,dead and...stressed Vi
have tried daytime and evenings on daily basis
and 3 times a week Water parameters:2006-11-26 Temp.: 25 C Salinity:
1.022 PH: 8,2 KH: 7,4 Nitrate: 10 mg/l <I see... a bit high>
Nitrite: 0 Ammonia: 0 We are thinking know about starting the treatment
of the female with antibiotics. <If so... oral or
intramuscular...> But as we do not like to catch her more times then
necessary we wonder if We could use Tetracycline twice the
ordinary dose and every other day instead. <You could, but I would
not... especially not Tetracycline Hydrochloride... the HCl radical is
too acidic... If available I would try "the silver bullet"... Chloromycetin/Chloramphenicol succinate... three injections/uses, once
every three days...> Then we can minimize the stress and force feed
her with a stomacktube and give her antibiotics as well in the same
time. Best regards > Sweden <Bob Fenner>
Re: Blacktipped reef shark disease and
treatment 11/29/06 Than you bob for your answer
about the BT reef sharks After I wrote to you the female that have not
been eating for 4 week after arriving to the aquarium she did start
eating yesterday evening. I decided to start her treatment with doxycyklin tablets 100 mg each other day with food her weight is around
7-8 Kg. <This is a good choice and concentration> I
did this choose because I wanted to minimize the stress for her as she
arrived from Holland 1000Km in a tank and one month without food and
the male dieing in a tetracycline sensitive bacterial infection with
sepsis after a longoing infection in the testickel?? ( sperm organ) .
<Yes> 2006/11/29, FAQ Crew If she had
not been eating I think that Gentamycin 5-6 mg/Kg each 5 day IM could
be a good choice in keeping the stress down. <Agreed> If she is
getting worse during the treatment period I will try to get a blood
sample for antibiotic blood levels. If so where
do I take blood from a shark to minimize the stress and maximize the
goal to get the blood. Regards Tomas <The brachial artery if one is
careful... Bob Fenner>
Shark Question/s... sel., health, fdg., sys.
11/14/06 Hey Bob,
I am located in Toronto,
Canada and was browsing your website and was fascinated by all the
useful information I found. For the past 1 and a half months I have
been doing a lot of research on the Brown Banded Bamboo sharks. I have
read and gone threw <through> multiple websites, joined multiple
forums, and bought many books including Scott Michaels " Aquarium
Sharks and Rays" which was very informative. I will be purchasing
a 250-300 gallon aquarium soon which will be the home for 2 Brown
Banded Bamboo sharks. It will be a flat back hexagon shape with the
dimensions 84x24x10x64 with a 30" height. Do these dimensions
sound good for Brown Banded Bamboo sharks? <For a short while, for
small specimens> For feeding would you recommend live food?
<No... fresh/or defrosted meaty foods> Or frozen food. Most
people I have talked to recommended frozen would, on a feeding stick to
ensure I give both an equal share. But some say its easier to get them
acclimated with live food? <Unnecessary> Is this correct or no?
As well when I first introduce them into the aquarium how do I go about
acclimating them? <See WWM re... marine fishes period> When I
purchase them they will either be in eggs still or newly hatched.
Should I leave them in the bags and place those bags in the aquarium
like most fish are acclimated. Or should I place them in bucket with
the same water as in the aquarium and then half of the water from the
bag they came in? <This latter> Please let me know as I want to
offer these sharks the best living conditions I possible can, and want
to make the transition from the store to my aquarium as stress free as
possible. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks,
Hewko <Will need more room in time. Bob Fenner>
Brown banded bamboo shark ...
health/system 11/5/06 Hi I have a Brown Banded Bamboo
shark. I've had it for about 1 year and hatched it my self.
<Ahh, congratulations!> The nitrates in my tank have been about
40 - 80 ppm its whole life and are at 80 ppm now. <Yikes... too
high> My shark has never had <apparent> problems before and
has seemed happy and healthy. I have been trying to get my nitrates to
zero but have never succeeded even after doing a full water change
before the shark was born (that only brought it down to 20 ppm). I have
plenty of live rock in my tank which is 30 gallons. <Way too
small... one, if not the largest issue here> I know that is way to
small for my shark (it is about 11 inches now) and I just purchased a
125 gallon tank and it will be up and running within 2 days. Tuesday I
came home from my dad's house for the first time in 5 days and went
up to check on my fish. My shark looked like it hasn't been fed in
a while because it had red spots on its stomach. <A bad sign...>
I fed it about 2 to 3 silver sides and it ate them right away the red
spots disappeared in no more than 10 minutes. Later I asked my mom if
she fed it while I was gone and she said she fed it the day before
about the same amount I fed it. After reading about the red spots from
questions asked by other people, I have decide to do a 1/2 tank water
change. <Good move> I was wondering if I should do more or less
next time. <Mmm... thought you were setting up a 125...> Also
what should I do if the red spots come back? <Improve the
environment, improve the health... "If you can dodge a
wrench..."> What kind of test kit do you recommend (I'm
starting to think my current test kit isn't accurate)?
<Posted...> And what kind of vitamins would be best to make sure
my shark stays healthy? Thank you Brendan <Also posted... Mazuri...
see WWM re. Bob Fenner>
Sick Shark/Stray Voltage in Tank - 10/17/06
Greetings crew, <<Hello>> I am in dire need right
now. I have a 3-month old banded bamboo shark that I raised
from an egg. She was eating well and acting normally until
2-3 days ago. I hatched her in a fifty-five gallon tank and
planned to move her in December when we move into her new tank, a 225
gallon tank that we have. <<Ah, good>> She started curling
out in the open. I didn't think anything of it because
she does this when she goes under a rock. She is now
flipping over and swimming erratically. <<Not there the
possibility of stray voltage in this tank?>> I checked the
water. The ammonia, pH, nitrite, is OK but the nitrate is a
little high. <<Need to bring this down...add some Poly-Filter to
the filter path...perform a water change...>> Long story short,
after checking this FAQ several times and removing the power-head and
heater I found that the thermometer was giving off some kind of
electric shock. <Yikes!>> I don't know how long it's
been giving off this shock because it just shocked me yesterday and my
wife today. <<Yikes again!>> It was removed as soon as we
realized that it was that. <<Good>> Do you know if the
shark can recover from this and does this sound like the culprit or
should we be looking for something else also? <<This very well
could be the issue...and the shark should recover. In the
meantime, keep reading on our site re this species/general
"shark" care. Regards, EricR>>
Cat Shark - 10/13/06 Hi my name is Jonathan, <<Hello
Jonathan>> I was doing some research about these sharks because
mine has been acting up. I've had it for a couple of
days, I've been keeping up with the feeding etc...I've been
feeding it human consumable shrimps. <<Will need a more varied
diet...squid, marine fish flesh, etc. Along with vitamin
supplementation>> It even ate a couple of our small fishes in my
tank. <<Yes...a very predatory species>> The tank is a 55
gallon tank 4'x2'x2'. <<Much, much too small...a
couple hundred gallons needed the least>> We just got
it but we will upgrade soon. <<Make it quick>> I take it
these are bottom dwellers however this shark has been swimming around a
lot. <<May be an environmental issue>> It is a rectangle
tank and I fear it scratching against the corners when it swims around.
<<A possibility in this "too small" environment>>
This shark looks well about 1' long and the previous owner says he
had it for a couple of years. Any suggestions? <<Get
this animal in to a suitably large and equipped system...and start
reading here ( and
continue reading among the associated links in blue at the top of the
page>> Thanks in advance. <<Regards,
Epaulette sharks Parasites 9/18/06 OK
I have gotten the new tank up and running. It is run by an Eheim
1262, 9 watt UV filter, 1 Berlin Turbo Skimmer, 1 Prism Skimmer,
<Need something much more serious> large refugium under the
tank, Magnum canister filter with Reef Carbon and a PolyFilter pad
in the overflow box. No powerheads in the tank and 1 red sea pump
for the Skimmer with a grounding probe in the same chamber as the
pump. The Epaulette in question
was isolated in a large container for 3 days. 2 days treated with
PraziPro (from Hikari) and formalin. The third day the water was
replaced with new water and treated with Erythromycin. He is still
rolling over and scratching on the substrate. A close examination
of the skin looks like small bumps under the skin. Almost like
<Good pic> Since what is bothering him is internal, how do I
treat him? <... am not so sure there is "something"
internal going on here that is "treatable"...> Tonight
I soaked some krill in vitamins and erythromycin and let it soak
for a while. <Need much more volume than soaking can/will
provide... to "sneak" such materials in capsule form
inside foods... Have you investigated Mazuri's site?> He then ate all 8-10 pieces or krill without
issue. I have Scott Michael's and the Noga disease books but
have found nothing that looks the same so far. How are internal
parasites in sharks treated? Thank you for your
assistance, Mike <I would go the immune system
bolstering route here... No more formalin and vermifuges...
vitamins, HUFAs, Iodine/ide in capsules in the foods. Bob
Fenner> |

Re: Epaulette sharks Parasites
9/19/06 Thanks for the info. I have been to that site and was
afraid of the tablets being to <too> big. These are baby sharks
and it is hard to get a pill inserted into a small piece of krill.
<Like other (human) pills, can be broken, cut up into pieces...>
How big are these shark tabs? Are they small enough that I can feed to
babies in krill? I have no comprehension on how big a .19g or 1.5g tab
is. <Look up metric conversion table on the Net, texts... how many
grams in an ounce? How many ounces in a pound? Bob Fenner>
shark won't eat... Nutritional deficiency most likely
9/18/06 Crew at WWM, <HC> I have a Bamboo shark I hatched
from an egg about 2 years ago. The shark is about 23" in length
which most of the growth occurred over the past year. I do water
changes every week to every other week no less than 10% of the tank
which is a 125 gal. The water is from tap which goes through a R.O.
filtration unit plus a D.I. unit. Where I live the city water is pretty
bad with copper and other minerals. Up to about a week to 10 days ago
my shark had been eating every day (silversides) and some Brine shrimp
which falls to the bottom that is fed to the fellow tank mates. The
tank mates include: 1-Regal tang, 1- Niger Trigger, 4-small yellow tail
blue Damsel, 2-large black Damsel, 2-Pencil Urchins a few small hermit
crabs & sand sifter stars. When I feed and allow the Silversides to
fall to the bottom my shark is not interested nor acknowledges the
food. I have tried Mysid shrimp which was the sharks staple up to about
a length of 12" along with Krill. I had noticed about 4 days ago
the shark had twitched and rubbed on some of the live rocks in the
tank. (no ich is present) when I cleaned a pre-filter to the wet/dry
filter there was a lot of Amphipods and the sump filters
have a lot of very small Feather duster babies, not sure if these
critters larva are causing the eating problem. <Highly unlikely>
The water condition in the tank is as follows: Temp. 78 degrees
Ammonia- 0.1 Nitrate-30 <A bit high... would keep under ten ppm>
Nitrite-0 Calcium-540 <Way too high... would keep under 450 ppm>
Phosphate-4.5 <Again... should be less than 1.0 ppm> Iron-0
Alkalinity-70 P.H.-7.9-8.0 <A bit low...> Salinity-1.023-1.024 I
have attached a couple of photo's of the shark, I have not noticed
any weight loss but the not eating is concerning me. If you have some
advise please help. <I do... you don't mention the use of
vitamins, supplementation including iodine/ide... This is likely the
primary problem here... Deficiency syndrome. Please read here:
and the linked files above... At this point, you may have to force feed
this specimen, or have someone inject it... to have it resume feeding
behavior on its own. Bob Fenner>
Blotchy skin on shark, no useful
info. - 8/9/2006 Hello, I have a 2 foot banded cat shark in a
300 gallon tank for 7 months now. Also in the tank are porc
puffer, panther grouper, annularis angel, lion fish, and a Naso tang
all around 7-8 inches. <... the puffer and/or angel may be working
the shark woe here> The water levels are all stable.
<Non-informational> I have a pro clear 400 wet dry
<Nitrates?> and a nautilus EX skimmer. I have someone
come and change the water twice a month, changing 60 gallons each
time. Recently I saw that the shark had blotchy skin
coloration, and a little reddish mark by his tail. <Likely
environmental> I read that blotchy skin could be a sign of bacteria
or parasites or sign of bad health. <Is definitely the
latter...> The shark about three weeks ago had a cut above his eye,
but it healed up with MelaFix. <Worthless> He's acting fine,
breathing normal, and eating as usual. If you could give any
advice it would be grateful. Thank you --omar26 <Read
here: and the linked
files above. You likely have a "water quality" problem at
root here... along with incompatibility, perhaps nutrition... Can't
tell from the paucity of information provided. Bob
Heterodontid on the skids, no useful
data 7/29/06 Hi Bob Fenner I have a juv port Jackson
shark with the same problem like Victoria brims of Sydney NSW Australia
posted on the 7/27/05. Am wondering if the Epson <Epsom, not the
printer company> salts help or not. <Please read here:
and the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: PJ Shark like Victoria brims
Sydney NSW ... Much more useful info. 7/31/06 Hi I have
the heterodontid on the skids, no useful data My name's Nev I'm
from highlands pets & produce Emerald QLD Australia. I'm sorry
for the lack of information. I've had the shark two weeks tomorrow,
sent to my shop by mistake with my last order. He is 22cm in length so
I've put him in to a 6x2x2 tank, red sea coral sand, two Eheim
power heads, no rock, four Fluval 405 canisters and a red sea Prizm
skimmer xl. I now know I know very little about sharks after reading on
this site. His problem is raped in a circle to the left now
on the floor, <?... this is the position, posture this animal has
taken I take it> still eats well but when he tries to swim he rolls
on to his back. <Not good... but may be "just young"...
This is a Heterodontus zebra? Is it in a chilled system?> I'm
using the Epsom salts & I've removed all the sand & the two
power heads from the tank in case it is one of them. I've all so
change all of his water today. He's been like this from Friday. He
looks to be a little better now, my supplier thinks he may have had a
stroke would this be true. <Mmm, stress likely, but a stroke?
Not> Sorry his water is good at 8.3ph, amm 0,nitrite 0, nitrate
0,temp 19/20 deg/chiller will be here today. <Good... this will
likely put this fish aright> Food is krill & squid once a day.
If you can shine some light on my problem would be great, will keep
reading more on your site. thanks Nev <This little shark's
troubles are likely stress and cumulative effects from a too-warm
environment. Chilling the water will likely cure all here in time. I
would provide an adequate size "plastic pipe" or such for it
to get out of view, the light... Bob Fenner>
Re: PJ Shark like Victoria brims Sydney NSW
7/31/06 Hi bob <Nev> Just writing to say thanks for the
advise. He is a port Jackson so I'm told (but they said he'd
had a stroke to). I have kept him cold should I keep him colder. <Do
see for species identification and natural temperature
range for this individual... You can view the nominal species by
looking up the whole family: Heterodontidae Here's the Port
Anyway will write soon to tell how he is thanks. Nev Highlands Pets
& Produce Emerald QLD Australia <Wishing you and this shark the
best, Bob Fenner>
Baby Shark Questions ... system toxicity
7/26/06 Bob, <Michael> I have
been trying to keep bottom dwelling sharks for a few years now. I have
had a number of baby banded cat sharks that all seem to die with the
same symptoms. Whether I hatch them from eggs or bought them as small
juveniles they all seem to suddenly start to swim in erratic circles
and end up dying. <Something unsuitable in the environment...>
That all have had reddish/pink bellies once they died. <Chemical,
physical...> They all were eating well and I usually feed
Silversides, krill, squid and clams.
<... poor. Thiaminase>
I had 1 12" cat shark living
in the tank for about 2 years but he recently jumped out and though I
found him on the carpet still alive, he died about 24 hours later. I
got him beyond the baby stage I have had my others. Is there something
specific to the babies I am missing? <Mmm, no... not likely...
perhaps just more toxic to young/er... Likely a source of metal...
could be a shaft on a pump or powerhead... a heater...> I have them
in a 150G tank, with some live rock <Could be metal contamination,
part of the LR> and a refugium under them tank. A protein skimmer is
on the tank but it does not put out much waste. I am
receiving 2 epaulette sharks today and want to make sure I am caring
for them correctly. I have lost 2 or 3 of these in the past too with
the same symptoms as the banded cat sharks. What is the pink bellies an
indication of <General irritation, poisoning,
septicemia/petecchia...> and how to I prevent it so the babies can
mature? Thank you, Michael Koenig <Perhaps a
review of what is posted:
and the linked files above... Chemical tests... data from same? I'd
run Polyfilter in your filter flow path... have a QA lab do a run on
your water... something toxic, amiss here. Bob Fenner>
Re: Baby Shark Questions - 07/26/06 I use a
Kold Ster-il water filter so I am pretty sure my water is not the
issue. I have never used Copper or anything like that in the tank. I
have 2 small maxi-jet powerheads and 1 RIO 1100 powerhead <Likely
culprit...> and a Mag 5 or 7 for a main pump. so I am not sure metal
contamination is this issue. I respect your response and will review
the setup. Tested for Nitrate last night as the new sharks were
acclimating and got no/very low reading on Nitrate.
The live rock has been in the tank for 3+ years. I am not
sure I understand how the rock could be an issue. <I still suspect
some source of ferrous/magnetic contamination. I have necropsied many
sharks that have perished from such in public and other institutional
settings... Not easy for a home hobbyist to check for such stray
electro-magnetic issues... but I'd remove the powerheads... Bob
Re: Baby Shark Questions 8/1/06 Ok I
have pulled the 2 powerheads that were in the tank out and did a 30
gallon water change on Friday night. I am now concerned with the water
movement and surface aeration though which is why they were in there to
begin with. There is still the main Mag drive pump and 1 powerhead that
pumps water into my TurboTwist UV filter in the
refugium. Can you expand on why/how
this could be the problem? <The Ampullae of Lorenzini... look this
up> How could a little piece of magnetic impellor be poisoning the
sharks? Is it safe to put in brand new powerheads? <Ones with
non-ferrous drive shafts, yes> Maybe the old ones were to
old? 1 cat shark already has a pink belly and I removed him
to a separate tank for now. <Good> I have added a poly filter in
the refugium and added a bag of Seachem Purigen in the overflow box. I
have 5 more Poly filters on the way so I have them in supply. I plan on
added my canister filter with Reef Carbon as soon as it arrives.
-Michael <Good moves. Bob
Re: Baby Shark Questions... system on the loose -
08/15/06 Bob, Since my last email I have lost a
personifer, an emperor and a banded cat shark from this
tank. The epaulette sharks are showing a little pink on the
bellies and are scratching on the sand on rocks. i have
no idea what to do now. The only powerhead left is the main
pump which is either a Mag 5 or 7. Could something in the
liverock be doing this? <Is possible, but not very likely>
Something in the refugium? <Ditto> I have a livesand
bed of 2-3" <Mmm, see WWM re... in general should be much
thinner... or deeper...> and about 5 lbs of miracle mud in the
refugium which has not been changed for 3+ years. The
vlamingi tang in the tang is also infected with something. <...
there is something "amiss" with the environment here...>
I have resorted to starting a Stop parasites treatment from
Chem-Marin <These folks products are shams...> which required me
to stop the charcoal filter, UV, PolyFilter and remove the
absorption pads. <I would return to gear that is known to
work...> The canary, dwarf moray and miniatus grouper are
not affected. The sharks are still eating well but need to come up
with a way to get this problem under control. <Correction... need to
define, characterize, actually find the problem first...> I tested
for Nitrate and had no reading, no ammonia, ph was about
8.2. a 30 gallon water change was done a week ago. There is
now a grounding probe in the tank as well.
Anything else you could possibly recommend on why they are
scratching and showing the pink on the bellies?
-Michael K. <... a long list of possibilities... For
what you have invested, I strongly suggest getting hold of Ed
Noga's "Fish Disease, Diagnosis & Treatment" and
reading it front to back... I recently have... This will likely serve
as a/the best general survey, reminder of what might be "going
wrong" here. Bob Fenner>
Re: Epaulette sharks/Pink Bellies/New tank on the
way 8/22/06 Bob, I bought a
larger tank yesterday and am in the process of getting it set
up. It too has a large glass refugium and a larger protein
skimmer. Got this reef tank setup for $500 used. Bargain of the year!
It had a one live rock among the others that weighed 80lbs plus
2, 6" maxima clams, hard corals and tons of star polyps
and serpent stars. Only some of the rock that came with it will got
back in. That large rock will not, just enough to make some hiding
places for the sharks. This tank had 2 pumps running it. One internal
Mag 12 and 1 external pump from Pentair that they don't make
anymore (quiet one). <Keep the cooling port clean on this> I want
to get a new pump on this tank. You told me that metal from the
pumps/powerheads could be causing the pink bellies on the sharks.
<Yes> What would be a good brand of pump to put on the tank that
would not have very much metal internally to the pump but also run
quiet. <Posted on WWM... and the linked
files...> I need to get the transfer done fairly quickly as they
still have pink bellies and I can't figure why. <Substrate
type?> The ph was at 8.44 this morning with salinity of about 1.024.
There is not a recommended specific gravity listed in the epaulette
sharks section of the Scott Michaels book. Are those parameters ok for
these Epaulette sharks? <NSW is best... about 1.025> The reef
tank had 4 serpent/brittle stars and an urchin. I assume they would not
be safe with he sharks. <Not indefinitely> I had them isolated
with the fish that came with the new tank last night and the sharks
were trying to bite though the screen mesh separator I
built. Oh, lastly. I was doing some
reading on your site and saw topics about silver sides and sharks. some
of the articles said silversides for sharks was a no, no but did not
say why. Can you explain? <A little fatty> They seem to like
them. Are silversides ok for eels? <Not exclusively>
If the sharks are not supposed to eat them I would at least like to use
them up with my eel and grouper. My epaulette sharks have been eating
small clams and krill as well as some silversides.
- Michael <Bob Fenner>
Re: Epaulette sharks moving to new
tank 8/30/06 - "I'd use this opportunity to
made a wet-slide mount (skin mucus) ?????(huh?) and look for trematodes
and other worms" Best way to gather?
shark out of the water? what should I collect it with? what do
Trematodes look like and how do I treat if they do exist?
<Please see Ed Noga, "Fish Disease, Diagnosis
& Treatment"... a very large, involved topic. Too much for
here> Is freshwater dip bad for sharks? <Generally
not. Bob Fenner>
Re: Epaulette sharks has died 9/1/06 Bob,
sorry to say that shortly after the last email I sent to
you one of the Epaulette sharks died after the freshwater
dip. <Sorry for this loss> He was already looking bad
and it was a last chance effort to save him. Maybe the stress
of being caught and put in freshwater put him over the edge.
I have kept the body in a bag with salt water in case you
can instruct me to look for anything further. I really
don't want to loose the other one I have. They were
happy together and one was laying on top of the dead one
when I noticed it. :( I
have taken a few more scrapes of the dead one and I see a bunch
of round objects but again none of them are moving.
<Mmm... might not appear so... were these stained... to
show/contrast?> I see another one the is oval and appears
to have a tail. I think it is safe to assume they have some
kind of parasite but now that we know that, how do I get
rid of them?? <... w/o knowing what they/these are...
Again, the investment of your time, focus/attention (narrowed
perception)... the Noga book... Bob Fenner>
Re: Epaulette sharks Parasites 9/2/06 They are
only mentioned once in that book on page 43 in a
single paragraph. <... other books> I am
not a marine biologist and don't understand half the
things in that book. That is why I am asking for help. <It might
server y/our interests to have you review our ongoing correspondence;
mostly here: and here: What do you see as
a consistent theme? On my part that you're not ready to keep these
animals... your system is too small, obviously has defects... and you
lack requisite knowledge> The sharks are getting worse
and I need an action plan to save them. <...> They
are swimming erratically and flipping over to scratch their
top side on the sand. I did a very short freshwater dip on
them but it seemed to stress them out to much so I put them
back after a few minutes. No method of treatment of trematodes in the book that I have seen. I took a
scrape with a spatula and am looking at it under the
microscope but I honestly have not idea what I'm seeing.
I see lots of things but none that are moving. Are they
supposed to be moving? I see a lot of small round
objects and some other weird shaped items too. Not sure
if they came off the damp towel the shark was put on or not.
<What reference have I made?>
From searching the internet <...> I understand they
are small fluke like parasites but most sites say freshwater
dips with formalin or copper and I know sharks can not be
exposed to copper. Any time I have used Formalin in a dip in
the past the fish always died so I am not real keen on that
product. I see some masses that look similar to
some of the images on the internet but I can not be sure. I
have very limited knowledge of microscopes and what I'm
looking for. This is just a cheep National geographic
microscope from Target that goes up to 1200x. <Mine only goes to 400
X> Lets assume I do have external parasites on the
Epaulette sharks. what do I do to get rid of them? Please,
please advise for the sake of the sharks. Time is of essence
at this point. Thank you, Mike <Read...
don't write. Bob Fenner><RMF! Praziquantel!!!>
Problem with nurse sharks Cyprus 7/19/06 Mr. Fenner
<Nikos> I am a very huts fun of you and your side. <Ah,
good> Daily I am visiting the wetwebmedia but this is the first time
that I am contact with You. I have a problem and I think you cine help
me. I have two Nurse sharks and I think they have thyroids, both of
them have golf ball under their mouth. <Yes... likely an
iodine/iodide deficiency> The first shark is 60 cm total length and
the second is 30 cm total length. I feed them daily fresh fish or crabs
because I am a fisherman. I hope you can help me. Nikos Koutsoloukas
Cyprus <I have visited your island (in 1996 with the Hash House
Harriers). Please look into supplementing these sharks diets with
Iodine (the best, most likely available to you is Lugol's
Solution). Please read here re:
Bob Fenner>
Coral Catshark red spots -
06/07/06 It's me again. <?... Where is previous corr.?>
My male shark is eating great, but now he has a few red spots on his
belly. He was real red, by his mouth and most of his underside, and I
became very nervous. I re-read Scott Michael's book and did a 20%
water change, and cleaned and changed the filter cartridges and media.
He looked a whole lot better the next day. I also left one of the three
lids open to get more oxygen in the water, <Mmm, might
"jump" out> and removed one of his tank mates for the same
reason. He is breathing better, the redness has gone down
significantly, but he still has some red spots. I think it started from
a scrape he had from the rocks in the tank, which are gone now. I have
only had him for about two months and he didn't eat for the first
three weeks, I emailed you regularly, but since then eats like a champ.
I feed him pieces of a whole squid, which I purchase from Tropicorium,
and put Mazuri vitamins in the squid. Both male and female accept it
readily. Should I treat him for a bacterial disease or a parasite?
<... I wouldn't add "chemicals" here unless you knew
what you were doing. You don't> I feel the scrape has proven to
be an opening for bacteria to attack, but I'm not sure. It
doesn't appear to be getting worse, but it's not getting better
either. I was thinking about putting some "Fish Cillin" in
the water, as in Michael's book it calls for Ampicillin for
bacterial infections. What should I do? Thanks again. <... keep
reading. Bob Fenner>
Shark and Hot tank 5/28/06 My
Chiloscyllium punctatum has recently started to swim upside down. I
noticed that my tanks temperature jumped from 79 to 86 degrees because
of the hot weather we've been having. I took him out and put him in
a sick tank with a airstone and heater. My LFS said he might of got
deprived of oxygen. WHAT SHOULD I DO?????? <Does sound like oxygen
deprivation along with temperature shock. All that can be
done is to slowly lower the temp along with good circulation to
increase the oxygen in the water. Also be especially
observant of water quality.> <Chris>
Hot Tank Part II 5/29/06 It is too late,
he died last night. My water quality was good just the temperature
raised. <Sorry to hear that. The shock was probably too
much for it.>
Open Sore on Horn Shark 3/4/06
Hello I have a 1 yr old Horn Shark and just last week i noticed an
sore on his front right fin. I figured one of the other
sharks might have bit him, but then today i saw an it was bleeding a
little bit, he's breathing normally and swimming only when some
walks by to feed him. Could you please tell me what it is
and how could i treat this. Thank You
<... Mmm, depends on the cause... if "just a bite", it
will likely heal... Given the system is fine (large enough, filtered,
chilled...). If it has progressed to an infection... See WWM re: The
sections on Shark Disease, Port Jackson and Coldwater Sharks. Bob
Re: Open Sore on Horn Shark... Non-native speaker? -
03/05/06 thank you, the tank i have is a 300 gallon, and i have a
wet dry and a UV and a protein skimmer rated for 600 gallons, i
don't have a chiller but my water is at 69 degrees, i believe
that's ok right cause in scott Michaels book it says horn shark can
stay in temperatures from 65 to 70 degrees. <Should be fine>
i contacted the natl aquarium in Baltimore and one person
said to put iodine on the fin, idont know if i should or not. <I
would not... unless you have cause to otherwise restrict, handle this
animal. The further stress, possible physical trauma is not worth it.
Please fix your English before sending correspondence... Bob Fenner>
Vacation Question ... feeding a shark in a too-small system-
2/28/2006 Hi Bob, <Amanda & Chris> My husband and I have
a 125 gallon salt water tank, and in it is a Bamboo Shark
worry we are getting a 300+ gal within the next few months for him) He
is 10 months old and doing great. We are leaving Friday for a trip and
will not be returning until Wednesday. We want him to be fed while we
are gone and I am not sure if we will have someone to come here this
time. Do you have any suggestions? We normally feed him Raw Shrimp,
Scallops, or Live Ghost Shrimp. He refuses any of the Frozen Shark
Cubes that you get from a pet store. <Mmmm. I would elect to not
feed this animal myself... but if you're adamant AND have someone
who knows what to do, will do it, I would pre-make the food allotment,
hide all other foods... leave explicit instructions...> I was also
wondering, Bandit (the shark) has a white eye, and I am thinking that
he bumped into a piece of rock. <Very common with sharks, small
systems> It kind of looks like a cataract. It doesn't seem like
he bothered at all by it. Do you know if it could be something serious
or if it is not really anything to worry about? <I am concerned,
would move to the larger, new system ASAPractical> Sorry but one
last thing, my husband wants to know if you have ever heard of and know
where we can get Garden Eels (type of Goby)? <Perhaps Pholodichthys?
Look on the Net re... are available. Actual Garden Eels (Ophichthyids)
are very difficult to keep in home settings> Thank you for your
time!! Amanda & Chris <Welcome. Bob
Sharks and Rays in Aquariums
Gaining an understanding of how to keep these fishes in captive
saltwater systems
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by Robert (Bob) Fenner |