FAQs about Marine Snail
Identification 12
Related Articles: Gastropods, Sea Slugs, Mollusks, Abalone,
Related FAQs: Snail ID
1, Snail ID 2, Snail ID 3, Snail
ID 4, Snail ID 5, Snail ID 6, Snail
ID 7, Snail ID 8, Snail ID 9, Snail ID
10, Snail ID 11, Snail ID 13, Snail
ID 14, Snail ID 15, Snail ID 16, Snail ID
17, Snail ID 18, Snail ID 19, Snail ID
20, Snail ID 21, Snail ID 22, Snail
ID 24, Snail ID 25, Snail ID 26, & Marine Snails 1, Marine Snails 2, Marine Snails 3, Invertebrate ID, Snail Behavior, Snail Selection, Snail Compatibility, Snail Systems, Snail Feeding, Snail Disease, Snail Reproduction, Mollusks, Sea
Slugs, Abalone,

IDs please - Parasitic snail and goby -
10/11/07 Hello <Hi John.> I posted the following on
another website and was told to send it to this email address for
identification. Found this little "parasitic snail" on my
Turbo the other day. It appears to have eaten a chunk of the
Turbo's shell to fit. I have never seen it move from this
location. Appears to eat algae off the glass. Hard to get clear
pictures when it's out. Any ideas what it may be? <There are
a number of parasitic and boring snails, that live in mollusks and
echinoderms and sometimes eventually kill them. Family
Pyramidellidae has some of these species. A more definite ID is
likely only possible (if possible at all), when you take the
parasitic snail out of the tank. I'd try to get rid of it
anyway.> Also if you could tell me the type of Goby this is it
would be great to. <Most certainly a Amblyeleotris sp., probably
Amblyeleotris macronema, but there are several similar species. See
Fishbase, e.g.
and http://www.wetwebmedia.com/shrimpgobies.htm. Will need an
Alpheid prawn to be happy and share its home with.> Thank you
for <You are welcome. Marco.> |


Stomatella varia Id - 10/7/07 <Hello
there> I hope today finds you all well and happy <Very much
so, thanks!> and I am so grateful, ahead of time, for your
knowledge. :) <Thanks, a good portion of that knowledge I picked
up right here at WWM! How may I help you today?> This showed up
today in my extra refugium growth tank. It's only got 2 kinds
of algae I hand-picked to grow in there, copepods, all kinds of
living small things, some coral banded shrimp (2) <Will prey on
a lot of those 'small things'.>, some hermits (4)
<Ditto> one Chiton, and now what looks like a sea slug
juvenile. <It does look a lot like one, doesn't it?
Heee'¦ but it's not!> I looked everywhere. The
closest thing I can find is Oxynoe Viridis, however I'd like a
second opinion...here are the images, embedded and attached.
<What you've got there is actually a beautiful little
Stomatella varia snail, a harmless and beneficial little
grazer.> He came in some algae I bought. I have a whole aquarium
of it growing for refugium use. He is about 1/3 inch long, very
hard to see all of him, and he's very small...probably a
juvenile. He just showed up tonight. <Understandable - he would
blend in very well within a clump of green macroalgae! That
camouflage helps protect him from becoming a tasty snack, and
unfortunately, if one of those coral banded shrimp or a hermit get
hold of him, he will be.> Is he poisonous, dangerous, a
trouble-causer, or anything I need to worry about <Absolutely
not.> or is he a safe little guy to keep? <Very much so -
he's one of the good guys! Stomatellids are herbivorous, mostly
nocturnal, vary greatly in color (hence the specie name:
'varia'), and can move quite rapidly for a snail!>
Please help me identify this thing. He's so cute! <He is,
isn't he?> Thank you ahead of time. :) <You're most
welcome! For more information, please see the following links. The
second listed is WWM's search engine. Simply enter the genus:
'Stomatella', and you will be rewarded with a plethora of
links and information!
> Here he is blurred, before taking him out and putting him into
a bowl, next to airline tubing. <Yep, there he is, cruising
along.> Here is a drawing I made of him while he's moving.
He isn't as pudgy as he looks in the first photos. <Well,
you know what they say about the camera adding ten pounds!
<G> In fact, they really are beautifully streamlined little
critters.> Here he is, enhanced, and enlarged in a bowl, but
he's got some beige underneath, and what looks like 2 horns in
front and maybe some horns on the side? <Those are little
sensory antennae in front. By the way, nice photo! Take care and
enjoy your new addition! -Lynn> |

What Is This...A Worm, Coral, Pest, Any Clue? --
10/06/07 This thing emits strings of mucous, which it
periodically releases into the current. It acts like a tubeworm and
when I touch it, it goes into its shell, and its orange head almost
penetrates the tip of that shell, but never more than about a
quarter-inch. I can see what look like hairs in there, but they
never extend. It sends out mucous when I feed the fish/corals brine
shrimp. Any clue what this is? <<Yes, not a worm, coral, or
pest but rather a type of mollusk 'Is a Vermetid
Snail 'a beneficial detritivore>> It just grew
there. <<Indeed>> I can't find it in any books.
Thanks! <<Try a keyword search of our site/the Net. Regards,
EricR>> |
Oh Mich.... ID Spirorbis spp. and possibly Collonista spp..
Now small snails -- 09/29/07 <Hi Melissa!> I am
still battling the horrific red hair algae <Will take time.
Keep on plugging.> but noticed something else today. I have
baby snails. TONS and TONS of them. At least I think that is what
they are. They appear as tiny white dots and are conspicuously
shaped like @. <The white dots shaped like @ are spiral tube
feather dusters (Spirorbis spp.). They are harmless filter
feeders surviving on dissolved nutrients in the tank. Nothing to
be concerned about.> My 5 snails that I purchased are Astraea
snails. There are literally hundreds of these little things on my
glass. If they all mature god help me. <They may already be
mature.> I will attach some pics. I do have a few that are a
little larger but is there anything I can do about them?
<Likely you won't need to do anything about them.> I
even considered trying to sell them to LFS. Sorry the pics
aren't the best I had to use super macro mode and still place
the lens to the glass. Then once again zoom and crop. <These
are fine. You did a good job.> They are so small look more
like specks of dust. I got to looking and the little buggers are
all OVER the place, LR, glass, sand. Literally all over.
<Reproduction junction? Heehee!> Funny I am so anal about
my water quality and apparently nothing else if it is just fine
<Heehee! We've all be guilty of tunnel vision.> for the
snails that is assuming they are snails. Funny thing the adults I
purchased have only been in there about a month. <Although it
is possible, I don't think these are babies. I am more
inclined to think these are some sort of very tiny snail species,
possibly (hopefully) mini Turbos (Collonista spp.) which would be
a beneficial addition to your tank. Mini Turbos primarily graze
on diatoms and microalgae.> Cheers, Mich> Melissa
Oh Mich.... ID Spirorbis spp. and possibly Collonista spp.
-- 09/29/07 Mich~ <Hi again Melissa!> After doing some
reading I can only come to the same conclusion. I am assuming
they came in with the Aragalive or the LR. <My guess would be
the LR.> Meaning they have been in there for months but I am
just now noticing them. <Good likelihood!> So typical.
<Heehee!> I was worried my temperature spike had prompted
some type of spawning event. <This is not unheard of, but not
likely to be the case here as it would likely take longer for the
snails to develop to this stage.> Good lord I was scared.
Hehehehe <Nothing to fear... Underdog is here... OK Underdog
isn't here, but I don't think you have anything to worry
about here. You definitely have no worries with the Spirorbis.
But there are some small predatory snails, but I don't think
this is what you have.> <Welcome, happy to help!

Help ID This Snail Or Whelk!!!!...Umm, Is A
Conch! -- 09/26/07 Hi guys! <<Hey Amie!>> I
absolutely love your site! <<Thanks! Is quite the collective
effort>> Okay, here's my problem, I don't know what
this creature is. <<I believe I do'¦>> We
found him and many, many others while snorkeling in the Gulf of
Mexico this past week, some quite large. <<Indeed>>
Actually, to give a precise area, on the bay side of Cape San Blas,
Florida. <<Yes, this animal can be found along all of
Florida's coast'¦and beyond>> We brought 5-6 of
them home (each one approx. 2 inches long) b/c we thought that they
were Turbos. <<Not even close I'm afraid>> (I know,
not very smart) So now we are nervous as we don't know if these
guys are a danger to our fish or reef. <<Not so much to
healthy fish 'but are a danger, yes>> Does anyone
know what exactly these guys are? Some sort of whelk, snail, or
conch? <<Is the latter 'more specifically, the Crown
Conch (Melongena corona). These gastropods are
carnivorous 'and while they would do a good job cleaning
up dead/dying animals and leftover meaty foodstuffs, they will also
prey on your other snails, substrate biota, and possibly sessile
invertebrates as they will surely not get enough to eat as they
grow too large for your system>> Thanks so much for ANY help,
it is greatly appreciated. Kindest Regards, Amie
<<Is a pleasure to assist. Eric Russell>> |

What Is This!?! Nerite Snail Egg Capsules
9/10/07 Ok.. I have a 90g tank.. and just moved across town..
and set up all my rock/sand/water in new 90g tank with built in
overflow...well... needless to say the move made my tank angry.
<I'm sorry your tank is upset.> and I am now getting over
the wave of algae that happened.. but I am finding a large amount
of rust colored flat worms <So long as they are not too big,
they are generally beneficial detritivores.> (which I am taking
care of) <???> and alot <This is not a word. Should be
'a lot'. I mention just for Bob, as it is one of his pet
peeves'¦ Right RMF? ;) > of these white hard disks I
don't know where they came from if they are related to the rust
flatworms, or if they are a parasite or not.. take a look and let
me know please. As I said they are hard, white and cannot be
siphoned off of the rock. <These are completely harmless Nerite
Snail egg capsules, nothing to worry about. You can read more about
them here:
http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/sept2003/invert.htm Hope
your tank gets happier! Mich> |

Scutus pics 9/5/07 Hi, <Make me smile>
If there are any Scutus fans out there, here are some fun pics I
took of one of mine. :) Best, Sara
<What did the Incredible Mr. Limpet say? Thrum!!! BobF> |

New little snail's ID needed... Possibly
Heliacus snails -- 08/31/07 <Greetings, Mich here.> I
have see a bunch of what I thought were baby snails. After 3 days
of reading your site and doing Google searches I'm beginning to
worry that they may be Heliacus areola. <Sure do look like it
I'm afraid, could be something else. Heliacus snails have a
small pagoda shaped operculum (trap door). You will need to check
for this as there is not this much detail in the photos.> I
would be internally <Externally too? Heehee!> grateful if you
could give me a positive ID. The first picture is from top it is
about 1/4" in size. The second picture is from under side. I
will include links to 2 short video's 50sec each. In hopes that
you can get a better view. If you think they are Heliacus areola
would you please tell me how to rid my little 10 gal tank of them.
<In my world there are picker and non-pickers... hopefully you
are a picker if Heliacus is indeed what you have. Manual removal is
about the only option in this size tank... But at least it's
only a ten gallon tank!> My Zoo's seem fine. And these
snail's stay out all day and seem to be feeding on algae on the
tank glass and rocks. <Mmm, may not be Heliacus sp., as these
are typically nocturnal.> I know there are 8 but with the
magnifying glass it looks like I have 100+ or these things.
<Yikes!> If they are good snails I should be able to get some
of my money back from my LFS. <Yeaah... Good luck with that!
http://s200.photobucket.com/albums/aa92/emccullough1/?action=view¤t=6ccd02a0.flv |

Snail ID -- Possible Collonista Snail -- 8/24/07
Good Morning WWM Crew! <Good Morning Rusty, Brenda here> Thank
you for the tremendous resource that you provide to the community. I
can't count the number of hours I've spent reading your marine
pages. Often just for pleasure. <Thank you! Glad you find it helpful
and enjoyable!> My tank is a 55g (w/20g sump/refugium) that hosts
soft corals, two Ocellaris, a Royal Gramma, some crabs, and soon a
Coral Beauty after she finishes her five weeks in fish-jail
(quarantine). <Keep an eye on the Coral Beauty. This fish has been
known to nip on coral.> My problem started a couple of months ago
after I brought home some live rock from a local aquarium being
dismantled. The other tank was 4 years old and the rock fully cured. I
should have quarantined the rock, but I didn't think about it. I
think the rock hosted a few of these snails. <This is not uncommon,
and not necessarily a problem. Quarantine however, is always
recommended.> The snails are small, the largest of the group less
than a quarter inch in diameter. They are brown and white, with the
pattern often appearing like stripe radiating from the
"point" in the shell. They only seem to come out at night. At
first, there were only a few. I picked them off when I saw them. Now,
there is an explosion of the critters. The smallest are white and the
size of a pin-head. My pictures have been blurry at best. With this
description, can you guess what they might be? <I can guess.> Are
they merely a pest or something dangerous? <Possibly neither.> Is
there a way to trap them or perhaps something that might like them for
lunch? <Let us first try to figure out what you have. These may
actually be a benefit to your tank. The first thing that comes to my
mind is a Collonista snail. These are the good guys and are known to
reproduce rapidly. More information here:
http://www.projectdibs.com/forums/showthread.php?t=219. It may also be
a Sundial Snail, these are the bad guys:
http://www.thesea.org/reef_aquarium/pests/pests_snails.php. I'm
guessing that you have Collonista snails and you will want to keep
them.> Kind regards, Rusty <Hope this helps! Brenda>
Re: Snail Identification
7/25/07 Good morning from Alabama, Brenda. <Hello Rusty!>
Thank you for the very quick reply! <You're very welcome!>
From the pictures, it looks very much like the link you gave me from
Project Dibs. It appears that they could be beneficial. <That is
great news!> I really don't have any algae problem, but I do
have a bit of green bubble macro that I enjoy seeing in the tank. I
hate to bring up anything negative, but you might want to be careful
with that second link. It triggered my antivirus with the VBS.gaggle.d
scripting virus/worm. Someone may have placed something ugly on that
page. Digital Aiptasia, maybe? :) <Yikes!!!! Thank you for pointing
that out! Digital Aiptasia? LOL Great Description!> Thank you again
for your selfless service! :) <You're welcome! Good luck with
your tank! Brenda> Kind regards, Rusty
Invasion of the isopods? -- 8/19/07 A
couple of questions tonight... 1. Saw these over the past couple
days after the full lighting switches off. Just ID'd a
Bristleworm from WWM, but its a fairly small one, so he's
(she's?) safe for now. But these little guys have me a little
more worried, just because of the sheer number of them! Trap like a
1920's era pelter, or not quite yet? <From the picture in
the other email its a Stomatella snail. Love those things,
completely safe and wonderful to watch. You'll enjoy them. You
have a bunch because you have a bunch of algae, if you want to get
rid of them send them to me. Mine are all gone.> 2. My tank is
going through some troubles right now (46G FOWLR) due to the water
temperature being out of control, and I've been trying to get
that back in order. Our house doesn't have AC (it will next
year!), and we've just gone through 4 weeks of 30C weather
which has raised the average temperature to around 84F. I have a
fan blowing across the surface of the water, and I've dialed
back the 10000k light a couple hours a day. Any other suggestions?
<I've been known to take fresh water that has had prime
added to it and put it in the ice cube maker and after it freezes
add it to the tank. I've also known people to put the ice cubes
in baggies so the water can't get out but I prefer to put the
prime in it because I figure I'm dealing with a lot of
evaporation anyway. Good luck, MacL> Thanks!
Sean |

Critter ID -- Gastropod Egg Mass -- 08/07/07
Hi WWM Crew -- <<Hiya Bob>> Long time visitor and
fan!! <<Excellent>> After searching the photos and
snail/critter forum I didn't find anything describing the
"thing" that appeared on the front glass of my 220gl
reef tank overnight. <<Oh? Looks to be snail eggs to
me>> I have not added any new livestock in two years with
the exception of a clean-up crew restock about 4 weeks ago (50
Nerites, 50 Nassarius, 50 Cerith snails, 50 Blue Leg Crab, 4
Serpent Stars). This morning when I went to do my normal tank
check, this worm looking thing was stuck to the front glass.
I'm assuming worm or snail eggs? <<Is the
latter...looks to me to be an egg mass from a Cerith
Snail>> The lights (1100wts total) have been on full for 3
hours and this thing hasn't moved. <<And it
won't...on its own>> I couldn't get a clean picture
even with macro zoom. <<The picture was 'good
enough' in this instance>> It is approx 2" X
2" in overall area on glass but this thing is curled up in a
bunch of "s" shapes so it would be much longer
straightened out. Tank population is: 1 Hippo Tang 1 Foxface 1
Koran Angel Pair of Maroon Clowns (which have displayed mating
behaviors in the past) 1 Blue Devil 1 Yellowtail Damsel 1
Strawberry Dottyback Thanks for any assistance! Bob
<<Happy to help. EricR>>
