FAQs about Snowflake Moray Eel
Related FAQs: Snowflake Morays 1, Snowflake Morays 2, Snowflake Eel
Identification, Snowflake Eel
Behavior, Snowflake Eel
Selection, Snowflake Eel
Systems, Snowflake Eel
Feeding, Snowflake Eel
Disease/Health, Snowflake
Eel Reproduction, Moray Eels, Zebra Moray
Eels, Moray Identification,
Moray Compatibility,
Ribbon Moray
Eels, Freshwater Moray
Eel FAQs. Moray Eels in
General, Moray Behavior,
Moray Compatibility,
Moray Selection, Moray Systems, Moray Feeding, Moray Disease, Moray Reproduction,
Related Articles: Snowflake Morays, Zebra Morays, Ribbon Morays,
Echidna eels usually don't eat fishes, unless
very hungry... But small crustaceans... Crabs, shrimp... make up
their diet principally in the wild.
With Tridacnids? With Lions? With crabs, likely other
With small fishes? |
Not predatory, but may knock over... be too messy to keep with
Not a good idea... too likely to get poked. Food if small, eaters
if large...
May catch, consume them. |
Snowflake eel and Nudibranch; comp.
Hello, this is Jinoo Kim. I have a huge Aiptasia problem in my 90
It hitchhiked on some Chaetomorpha and has been spreading. The only fish
in there is a Snowflake eel. However, I was wondering if a Berghia
Nudibranch would work with my eel.
<Should be fine. Echidnas will gladly consume small-enough shrimps and
crabs; but not Nudibranchs>
I don't want a Copperband, filefish, or especially peppermint shrimp
because right now I have a budget for a different project. Would these
two be fine? Will my eel try eating it? Thank you.
Jinoo Kim
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
My New Pufferfish/es; comp. w/ Muraenids
Hi Crew, your advice has been helpful in managing my tanks and your
website is so full of great info! But I haven't seen this question, thus
the question.
I am adopting 2 puffers. One is a porcupine puffer and the other is a
dogface puffer. They will go with my snowflake and zebra eels.
<Mmm; am hoping the Puffers don't go after the Morays.... biting them,
stealing all foods>
They are at least 6-7 years old and the previous owner had them 6 years.
They are both about 5 inches long. Do you thing they will grow much more
at their age?
<Well, they can; given good water quality, food....>
Just planning for future tank size if needed because right now they are
going into a 180 gallon. I also have a 300 gallon so I'm fine upgrading
tanks if I need to, just trying to plan it out a bit. Thanks!
<Do keep your eye on all when you feed, or go by the tank. Bob Fenner>
Snowflake and Puffer Compatibility
Hi Bob and Crew:
We introduced a 14 inch Snowflake Eel into a 100 Gallon tank
with our Dogface Puffer last night.
<Mmm, not really compatible... hard/er to feed the Echidna in the system
w/ the puffer, and the latter could bite the Eel>
This is a FOWLR, 0 Ammo, 0 Nitri, 5 Nitrate. The Puffer has existed
alone for about 2 years. I moved rocks, etc when adding the Snowflake
and the lights are off. These are the only two animals in the tank.
It appears there is some aggression, or struggle for dominance.
Everything I see on your site shows compatibility should be fine.
<I hope/trust not "everything...">
The eel has, on a couple of occasions, approached the puffer with his
mouth open and drawn back at the last second. It appears he goes after
him for food and then realizes that he is too big. The Dogface is about
4-5 inches. In turn, the puffer has snapped at him a few times. Other
times they appear to cross each others paths just fine. Is this likely
an initial acclamation issue; or, do you think we have an individual
showing above average aggression?
<I wouldn't place these species in a system of this size together...>
My hope is that you will tell me they are "learning" to coexist.
<They may learn to get along... just make sure that both are getting
if I need to remove the animal, I certainly will. Thanks, as always, for
your advice!
<Ah, welcome. Bob Fenner>
Snowflake Eel and Purple Lobster....
<Hey there.>
I wish I was writing in on a more pleasant note but it is as it is... I
added a baby Snowflake eel to my 29 gallon Bio Cube (water is all fine)
and acclimated him well.
<A tank of this size won't be sufficient for very long. This eel
will reach at least 30 inches.>
He is a very healthy and energetic 8in guy. As he investigated my large
liverock, he came upon my 1inch long purple lobster's cave... He
fought him on a territorial issue and the lobster ended up with a
missing claw.
<Lobsters are simply considered food by most Echidna
It was a rookie mistake but this IS my first tank and I thought they
would be alright because the place I bought him from had him in a tank
full of cleaner shrimp and lived peacefully with them... He (allegedly)
never even nipped at one and none went missing:( He and my Coral Banded
Shrimp on the other hand have bonded quite well and he eats the
eel's scraps.
<Shrimp species that clean fishes (Common Skunk cleaner shrimps, but
also Coral Banded shrimps are among them) are - aside most hermits -
the only common exception to the rule that crustaceans are eaten by
this genus of eels. They are often recognized as useful by the eel and
not eaten. But sometimes even they can be attacked.>
My question is; what can I do to help them all get along
<Easy. Separate them.>
and I had planned on adding one or two Ocellaris Clownfish (sorry for
spelling <Why?>) in a few days when I see how the bio load is. I
understand that there is risk involved but I will keep the eel well fed
and away from the Clowns (the eel is about 7-9 in long, I haven't
had the chance to measure him though).
<Keep them away from the Clowns? How are you gonna do that, using a
divider? Sit in front of the tank with a net 24/7?>
Does this stock sound acceptable?
<I would not mix Echidna nebulosa with small fishes, especially not
in small quarters. This species undergoes a gender change from female
to male at some point. As this happens many Snowflake eels start eating
small fishes (can happen before that, too, on occasions). Overfeeding
eels to keep them from their natural food is not a good idea. While
they might be too full to hunt you are risking fatty liver disease in
the long run or while the eel is still young unnatural fast growth and
deformations (Phil Purser called this "power
I will put in about 4-6 small cleaner hermit crabs to help clean
<If they are well armored their chances are good. However, I've
seen E. nebulosa pick hermit crabs out of their shell in a case where
the shell was too small to completely hide the hermit.>
I really love the eel and he is well taken care of with a huge amount
of dark liverock to live in.
<Build proper caves, incorporate PVC pipes if you need/wish to.
Loose rocks can and likely will tumble.>
It is just full of tiny caves and interlinking tunnels. How else can I
reduce the bio load?
<Easy. By not adding more livestock. You can also incorporate a
strong skimmer, algae refugium with deep sand bed, etc... Read
I understand the eel excretes a lot of umm fecal-matter...
<I guess we all do that.>
This is quite disgusting
<Poo in general is not very attractive...>
but what animals take care of fecal matter?
<Cleaner shrimps and hermit crabs often do as well as larger brittle
The skimmer also will, with time.>
My LFS can order just about anything and I am sure something would
I can't find help on this anywhere else please any information you
can give to keep my eel healthy and happy along with my desired
stocking of one or two clowns (my LFS recommended a small puffer as he
will be good with all of the open space or a Yellow Tang as I plan to
upgrade to a 55 or 75 in December but I know that is still small for
them what do you recommend?)
<I'd not add more until you actually have the larger tank up and
I want to keep my eel happy but since he hides in rock all day, I would
like a nice fish to look at other than at feeding time. I have done
some research but found little please give me your expert advice it
would be GREATLY appreciated.
<See here for compatibility: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/snowflakemoray.htm
and http://www.wetwebmedia.com/snoflkeelcompfaqs.htm
. Read, read, read...
Cheers, Marco.>
Re: Snowflake Eel and Purple Lobster.....
Wow! Thank you for the fast response that message was quite funny by
the way and helpful. I have a sub question to ask out of pure
amazement. I saw a rare clownfish (can not remember its name!) at my
LFS... He was blue and black and yellow I believe and looked like an
Ocellaris other than that and was about 1.5in long. They claimed he was
incredibly rare and "an honor to have in the store!" ... His
price tag was $300.00. Why was he so expensive?
<Probably for being rare and people paying high prices for rare
fishes. "Free" enterprise economy.>
Ok, so back on track, the reason I asked was because tomorrow, my LFS
makes its monthly fish ordering in which it orders anything you ask for
from places all over the world. That is why I would like to know what
kind of pretty/interesting fish I could put in. I ask because the eel
sits in his cave all day long and makes my tank dull and boring.
<I'm sorry to hear that. However, I personally won't
recommend another fishy tank mate for a tank which will be outgrown by
its current inhabitant. In larger tanks there would be a number of
possibilities for tank mates for such a moray, but simply not in a
small volume.>
I understand the need for patience and all but I really would like
something to look at most
all times not just when feeding. What would you (an expert) recommend
for a small tank with a cleanup crew and 8IN Snowflake eel that can
live in a 29 gallon until December?
<My honest answer has to be: I recommend to wait until you have a
larger tank. I guess this is December.>
Please answer, I am really rushed and any tips or anything but a link
to a website would be GREATLY appreciated. <<!>>
<Deciding about new fishes or buying them in a rush is never a good
idea. Take your time. Please read where I referred you to in my last
email -- a lot of information on compatibility, systems and so on.
Maybe you'll come to the same conclusion that other fishes in a
tank of this size are not a good idea'¦>
I have been doing research for about an hour and a half but found
nothing that answers my questions and I can't stay up all night as
the order goes out at 11am central time. Remember, it doesn't have
to be for sure, just some suggestions would help me out a lot... Thank
you all a lot.
<Patience. This is nothing to rush into.>
I am sure you always hear this but this site really has given me so
much info on saltwater tanks...
<Thanks for your kind words. Marco.>
Snowflake eel and California
stingray 8/11/10
I am a big fan of your site and read it very often. However, I
can't seem to find the information I need. I have a 75 gallon tank
with a 10 gallon refugium (just started). In the I have about 60 lbs of
live rock as well as fine sand as a substrate.
I have a small California stingray and a small snowflake eel.
<Not very compatible. See here for Urobatis halleri if this is your
ray: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/rays.htm
and http://www.wetwebmedia.com/batoidfaqs.htm
. The ray is sub-tropical, the eel tropical. One needs a (very) large
sandy bottom, the other a reef with many holes to hide in. Both in a 75
gallon tank? Won't work.>
Both are doing great. Their appetites have been really good. The issue
I have been having is that when it is feeding time, the snowflake eel
becomes very "energetic". Of course I am afraid he will leap
from the tank at some point. But the issue is that he at times will nip
at the ray and has taken food from the ray's mouth.
<Another reason to not keep them in one setup.>
I have tried using the tong to feed the eel when he is calm in his
rock. But as soon as he sees me, he zips to the surface and frantically
swims around. The ray does the same. I cannot separate the eel and the
ray during feeding time to appropriately feed them. My question is - is
there a proper way to feed an eel as to keep them calm?
<No. Have you ever seen morays hunting in the wild? 'Calm'
is not among the first descriptive adjectives coming into my
I do not want to just drop food in in case it goes uneaten. I also like
to control the portions.
<Very wise.>
The eel would probably eat until he explodes.
<No, but it would develop unhealthy fat content and liver disease
limiting its lifespan.>
The ray would be too busy swimming his laps to even see the food. I
realize the eel should not eat daily, but I understand the ray should
since he is so energetic. So there are times when I have to feed the
ray, but the eel is not due to eat.
<And another reason why they are hardly compatible. Put them into
separate tanks and give both the surroundings and feeding protocols
they need.>
Is it possible I am not feeding the eel enough and that is why he is so
aggressive during feeding time?
<It's his nature. There is no time for manors if you are a
hunting eel and want to kill a wild shrimp, crab or fish in the
Thank you for all the effort you put in your website.
It is comforting to see that other beginners have made the same
mistakes I have.
<It's best to only read about the mistakes of others and then
avoid repeating them.>
Thanks Greg
<Cheers. Marco.>
Clown bit by Snow Flake Eel
We have a Snow Flake Eel about 18" in length, he came with the
tank we bought from a guy moving. We feed him shrimp and was feeding
him when our large clown fish about 6" got between the eel and the
food, the eel bit the
clown on the under side of his neck and pulled him thru the rock and
scraped him up, he has bite marks on his neck by his gill no swelling
but should I do anything special ? Clown ate after this and seams to be
fine, but what should I keep an eye out for? Thank You for your
<Hello Barbara. As should be obvious, these two fish can't be
kept together. Clownfish are natural prey for Moray Eels. While it is
true Snowflake Eels mostly consume invertebrates, they do consume small
fish as well, and in any case their eyesight is extremely poor. So even
if your Snowflake wasn't deliberately trying to eat the Clownfish,
it's clear that the potential for damage now exists whenever the
Snowflake makes a "mistake". Next time your Clown might not
be so lucky. Cheers, Neale.>
Re: Clown bit by Snow Flake Eel
Thank You for your time.
<Most welcome.>
I was wondering if infection might come from the bite (saliva) what
should I look for?
<Kind of a binary thing here. Moray eel bites certainly promote
infections, but whether they're actually poisonous is up for
In any case, there's not much you can do either way. Either the
Clown lives or he doesn't. Obviously you'll be moving him or
the moray to another aquarium at once, since they can't be kept in
the same tank. Since the Clownfish is relatively small, he's the
obvious choice to move into your quarantine/hospital tank until you
decide what to do.>
We are talking about getting the eel out and selling him any
suggestions on how to catch him?
<Notoriously difficult. Assuming this is a community or FOWLR
system, then removing the rocks will help, and after that it's a
two man operation, each with a net, one person aiming to drive the
moray into the other one's net.
Chasing the moray into a single hollow container, like a large PVC tube
sealed at one end, is another approach. Either way, avoid trying to use
your hands to move the animal directly: they can and do bite. Since you
will have already moved the Clownfish to the hospital tank by now, why
not keep the moray instead?>
Have a good day
<Cheers, Neale>
My snowflake eel is being attacked by my
more eel.
Unknown eel incompatibility -- 03/24/10
My 2 eels have been living together for months in a 46 gallon bow
flex tank. I bought the more eel
<No such eel. Do you mean moray eel? There are 200 species
from a few inches to 4 metres. It'd have been good to know
what species we are discussing. As a side note, the 46 gallon
tank is too small for a Snowflake eel alone in the long
after the snowflake and the more eel took over the snowflake eels
cave. So I added another hiding spot, he always stays underground
so I didn't think anything of it. Now the more eel is
attacking the snow flake, he is biting his tail and body and even
his head, he try's to pull him towards him or bring him in
his cave. I'm so scared for the eel, I broke them up several
times, but the more eel keeps going after him. The snow flake is
oblivious and keeps getting attacked. I don't think he is
going to make it much longer, help me please, what can I do. I
feed them regularly. Please help asap.
<Separate them (don't get bitten) and find a new home for
one or both (in separate tanks) of them. I'd ask the fish
stores around and fellow hobbyists e.g. in forums if someone is
willing to take one of them urgently. Also, try to ID the
'more' eel, start here
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/morays.htm or send pictures for a
proper ID. The possible wounds of the Snowflake eel should be
monitored and the water kept as pristine as possible (nitrates
<<25 ppm; no detectable nitrites or ammonia; pH between 8.0
and 8.4) to prevent infections. In case of a spreading infection,
antibiotic treatment might be necessary. If the Snowflake eel
survives and you decide to keep it, plan for a larger tank.
Cheers, Marco.>
Re: My snowflake eel is being attacked by my more
Unknown eel incompatibility -- 03/25/10
Thanks for getting back to me, I guess I will take a picture of
<I'm looking forward to it.>
He has a white round eye, a skinny long mouth that is always
opened, his body is brown with some spots on it. He is about 12
inches long, his head is a darker brown and sometimes he has
yellow spots. How is there memory, will the eel remember that he
is aggressive towards the Snowflake or will he forget over
<Since they lived together for several months before the
aggression started it is highly unlikely they will ever get along
in anything smaller than a few thousand gallons. Their memory is
quite good. But even if they would forget about the other eel, it
is most probable the same behavior will start again under the
same circumstances such as a relatively small tank for two eels.
I'd keep them separated.>
Will adding more caves help and why does the Snowflake keep
swimming by the other eel?
<No. This world is simply too small for both of them. Possibly
the Snowflake eel is less territorial in this
Is he aggressive by nature or just dumb?
<The first, although it's likely rather territoriality
than pure aggression what your moray eel is
I appreciate your advice.
<They should be separated. Marco.>
Unknown eel incompatibility -- 03/26/10
That's a picture of my moray eel
<Thanks for sending. I fear it is too blurry to give an exact
ID. Any chance for a better picture? There's a number of
similar spotted Gymnothorax species, e.g. Gymnothorax prionodon
from the Western Pacific, Gymnothorax phalarus from the Eastern
Pacific and Gymnothorax johnsoni from the Western Indian Ocean,
just to name a few. One would need a clear picture to be sure.
Anyway, all the ones that might match your picture coming to my
mind at this point get quite large (at least 3 feet, the G.
prionodon and the G. johnsoni around 4 feet and a few inches) and
are likely not compatible with an Echidna sp. such as you
Snowflake eel.>
, the snowflake eel is being attacked by this guy, also can I buy
dead squid from a local fish store and feed that to my fish.
<Sure, as long as it is not seasoned and free of preservatives
aside vitamin C.>
Do I have to purchase fish from the pet store, or can I buy fish
from the local fish store, and save money.
<I do buy almost all my moray eel food on the fish market or
fish store. Just ensure there are no additions as written
Sorry to keep asking for help.
<No problem.>
I'm just a fish lover and don't want to harm them. Thanks
<Take care Craig and for the sake of the eels consider having
them in separate setups. Marco.>
Re Unknown eel incompatibility; now
sys. -- 03/27/10
Hey so I'm looking for a bigger tank know, I'm hoping
that will help my eel problem. I found a 125 gallon tank but the
dimensions are 50 inches long and 60 inches high and 20 wide.
<Won't probably solve the problem of keeping the two
together, but should be sufficient for one of your eels.>
I also found one that is longer and not as high and it is also
125 gallons. I want to add a sting ray and a banded shark. Is
this a big enough tank?
<Certainly not for a ray and a shark. For the latter two
you'd want to consider about 3 times the size or more. Please
see http://www.wetwebmedia.com/sharks.htm and
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/rays.htm . Also, their compatibility
with moray eels is often rather poor in the long run.>
If not what size is the right one, I get confused with the right
dimensions, should it be longer and not so high?
Please help, and also what's a good filter can I use my
filter for my 46 gallon and buy another filter to add to this
<I'd prefer a live rock filtered setup with a large
skimmer and strong water movement. Please see here for marine
filtration and setups: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/setup/marsetupindex1.htm
Snowflake Eel Question
Echidna nebulosa, compatibility -- 02/08/10
Hey guys, thankfully its been a while since the last time I've
needed to call upon your expertise. I really would love to add a
snowflake eel to my 125 gallon aquarium. The aquarium has only a
porcupine puffer (6 in) Foxface (4 in) and a horde of 12 or so mixed
species of damsels from in between 3/4's an inch to 3 inches. While
your page on them does say they are live and let live with other
<It also notes that larger, especially male specimens can and often
will hunt fishes:
I have had one in a 40 gallon before and it managed to snag some
damsels and I was hoping in a bigger aquarium this would be less of a
<It will be a possible problem with a larger Snowflake eel
regardless of tank size.>
Also I was wondering if the puffer might present some problems. It
leaves the Foxface alone but chases new damsels around and is mildly
<They might have some confrontations first, but in general Porcupine
puffers recognize an eel as a predator if the eel is not too small and
leave it alone. A smaller eel might be bitten. Also, the eel needs lots
of caves (e.g. pvc pipes) where it can hide and where the puffer cannot
try nipping at its dorsal fin.>
The specimen I am considering has been at the LFS I work at for around
a month, is around 7 inches, and is eating.
<Sounds a little small for a 6 inch puffer mate, but should be
possible with enough caves and supervised first meetings. However, the
damsels might not be safe long term.>
Thanks guys!- Ray
<Welcome. Marco.>
Snow Flake Eel Life Quality -- 10/25/09, now
Snowflake Moray vs. Teddy bear Crab -- 11/15/09
Thanks for the info, I'm currently looking for a 70 gallon bow
front to move this guy into and now that I'm armed with so much
knowledge I really think that the tank will be bomber.
<Ah'¦ good!>
I have been stocking up on LR slowly in prep for the 70 and I have
unintentionally inherited a 2"+ teddy bear crab. I assume the
snowflake should take care of this fellow?
<Likely yes.>
The jury is out on who got the large red legged hermit (happened night
after the new live rock purchase)
<Not guilty for lack of evidence. Maybe it has just changed houses
and is hiding somewhere and waiting for his new shell to harden? In
case of its death maybe some other, more dangerous hitchhiker
, but the more I read about how tenacious the teddy bear crab is the
more I worry. Should I pull this guy out and send him back to the store
for some credit or is he no threat to the snowflake?
<You have both possibilities in my opinion. A 13 inch crustacean
eating eel should be able to stand its ground against a 2 inch crab. In
fact small crabs are the perfect Snowflake eel diet.>
Thanks again for your time.
<Welcome. Marco.>
Suitable tankmate for a Snowflake Moray -
Hi Crew!
<Hello Wendy.>
I haven't bugged you guys in a while.
I have a 65 gallon fish only marine tank, been up and running for 5
I currently have an eight year old - 20" Snowflake Moray eel (I
know... he's too big for the tank) and an absolute beast of a
4" purple tang (12 years old) I inherited from a friend because he
was killing her fish.
<Older Snowflake eels often become fish killer. In contrast to
juveniles they have longer, serrated teeth ideal for catching
I also have a HUGE hermit crab (in a shell almost the size of a pool
ball) He is the lone survivor of a trio of hermits, he ate the others.
And a 4" banded serpent starfish. They've been sharing the
same digs for 3 years now, and get along famously.
I am setting up a 150 gallon tank, to mainly house the eel, but the
purple tang and hermit will probably end up with him, since I intend to
keep smaller livestock in the 65.
I would like to add something else into the tank, but I'm not sure
what will get along with this odd crew.
Choice #1: I have had in the past a beautiful Pogonoperca punctata
(clown grouper) which I kept successfully for 8 years before someone
who was helping me relocate the tank transported him in too small a
container and he poisoned himself. I have access to a 4-5"
specimen, but I don't know how he will get along. I know they pose
a toxicity problem,
<You are well informed.>
but I have had one before and he was a wonderful specimen.
<I think option one would be a good choice, given the grouper has
about 1/3 of the length of the moray eel.>
Choice #2 : Some other type of grouper..... but I don't want
something that is going to get HUGE, and some color would be nice. I am
partial to groupers, do not like triggers.
<What about a Coral hind/Miniata grouper: Cephalopholis miniata
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/c_miniata.htm? Other grouper choices are
found here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/basses.htm >
Choice #3: another eel.... but I read here that you can't mix
species... So that is probably not an option, but if there is one that
would get along with Gollum (the moray) I wouldn't mind adding
<You can keep eels of various species together, but it strongly
depends on the specific species you are trying. A Zebra moray
Gymnomuraena zebra would be a good choice in your case. A Chainlink
moray Echidna catenata or a Barred moray Echidna polyzona should work,
too. Just ensure there are enough caves for the two eels and watch
their first meetings. It would be good if the new eel had approx. the
same size as the old resident and was in the new 150 gallon tank first
Do you have any other recommendations as for suitable tankmates?
<Groupers and eels are already good choices'¦ See the moray
eel compatibility page http://www.wetwebmedia.com/moraycompfaqs.htm and
the Snowflake eel FAQ http://www.wetwebmedia.com/snoflkeelfaqs.htm for
more options.>
Also, one more question regarding feeding.... I keep reading that these
moray eels are only supposed to be fed once every week or two.
<It's well known how often and how much eels eat in nature from
examinations of hundreds of stomachs.>
My eel doesn't read, and definitely does not agree..... he is out
every morning hunting for food and if I don't feed him he goes
after everyone else or attempts to leave the tank. How much food should
he be getting? I offer him frozen krill, silversides, Mysid shrimp, and
when I can get them fresh clam, mussel, fish and crab. Should I feed
him until he stops eating or is there a set amount he should be
<Overfeeding eels can result in fatty liver disease and a shorter
lifespan. Twice a week is sufficient, once is well possible, too.
Larger shrimps of any kind, mussel flesh, squid, crabs are good choices
enriched with vitamins. One feeding should be about as large as its
entire head and consist of several pieces small enough to be swallowed.
It's not a good option to overfeed the eel just to keep him from
eating its tankmates, in such cases usually the wrong tankmates have
been chosen.>
Thanks in advance, Wendy
<Welcome. Marco.>
Snowflake Moray Comp.\System\Stocking
Hello to all you wonderful folks at WWM.
<Hello, He or She who shall not be named.>
I hope I can find a solution to my little friends problem as this is
the first time I have had a saltwater tank and a snowflake moray
<I just answered your question about live rock and cycling a day or
so ago as I recall.>
So here we go, I have a 29 gallon tank with about 10 to 12 lbs. of live
rock and about 25 lbs of live sand. My water parameters are ammonia =
0, nitrites = 0, nitrates = .1, ph = 8.2, and salinity = 1.024.
<So you bought a new test kit?>
Today is Saturday, so Thursday I brought home a 7 to 8 inch snowflake
<Tank is way too small for a moray.>
I introduced him to a tank with no inhabitants, and even tried to feed
him within the first few hours. Well he ate a Tetra brand freeze dried
vitamin fortified krill that I tore into two quarter inch or so pieces.
He ate both pieces and proceeded to swim around and check out all the
nooks and crannies of his new home.
<Normal behavior>
Came home from work Friday and all still seemed well and I added a
couple of hermit crabs and four Nasarrius <Nassarius?> snails to
begin eating some algae and such. The snowflake attempted to
"eat" both hermits but was unsuccessful and has since left
them alone so maybe he was just checking them out?
<Snowflake Morays do eat crustaceans.>
I never noticed him pay any attention what so ever to the snails and
the snails have been pretty much buried in the sand bed since I added
them. So late Friday night I went to check everything out and
discovered that the eel had lost all its yellow spots and even his eyes
had turned white.
<In your previous email, you had high nitrites and you suspected
that your test kit was bad. Did you get the new Hagen kit?>
The only part that stayed yellow were his little nostrils. The rest of
the black spots were a dull gray color as well and he had a semi
swollen red area that I assume was something internal right behind his
<As I recall, your nitrites were high according to your LFS.>
Now this morning I awoke to find his yellow color had returned almost
completely and the grey spots were once again black like normal, but
now he has two lumps on his bottom/belly side about half an inch to an
inch behind his head. I attempted to feed him and he grasped the food
momentarily and then let it go and didn't show anymore interest in
it so I left him alone.
He swam around for a few minutes and has gone into his hiding spot and
I have not seen him in a little while. I did check to see if the
hermits and snails were still around and I found both hermits and two
snails and I think the other two are still buried somewhere and I
didn't think the eel would be able to swallow the snails cause of
their shells.
<It is possible, but unlikely that he ate the snails. I suspect that
this is more environmental. Are you sure about your water
Any idea as to what might be wrong here? Are the two lumps the two
pieces of krill I fed him Thursday evening and he is just constipated?
I doubted it because there were no signs of the lumps between his last
meal until now. I also caught a little critter I saw scurrying around
the bottom and took it to my LFS and he said it looked like an isopod.
Are they the culprits and if so how do I fix the eel and rid my tank of
the parasites?
<No, not the culprit. Should not have to do anything, the Moray is
likely to eat them more than anything else.>
Any advice you have will be greatly appreciated by myself and my new
friend. I don't want him to die but I don't really know what to
do and the LFS didn't really give me anything to go on. So please
be our savior.
<Again, make sure that your water quality is truly good. Also,
please, a 29 gallon tank is inappropriate for a moray. A snowflake will
get close to 3 feel long when fully grown.>
Thanks Again!!!
Re: Snowflake Moray Comp.\System\Stocking
Thanks for the quick response Mike and for the
record my name is Frank.
<Hi Frank>
Yeah that was me asking about the live rock the other day. As far as
the tank being to small, my plan is to upgrade tanks as the eel grows (
if I have some success that is ) but I figured the 29 gallon would be
sufficient for a year or so while it is still in the 8 inch range size
<Not really, This is akin to living in your bathroom, you could, but
you would be neither happy nor well adjusted.>
But I want him to have plenty of room too so I promise he wont be in
there for a very long time.
<Sooner is better, do read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/snowflakemoray.htm >
Also I did get the Hagen master test kit and did all my tests and
everything checked out as I mentioned earlier. I also went to another
fish store ( where I actually purchased the snowflake ) and they said
my water was good as well. Now I'm actually going to be away from
home until Monday so hopefully when I return, he will be in better
I am also going to take you guys advice and feed him some squid and
mussel flesh with some vitamins if I don't lose him to whatever
this is. Are Silversides good for him?
<All of the above will be fine.>
As for the isopods, will they not kill him or any other fish i might
add like a goby or a Jawfish since they spend most of their time on the
sand bed?
<Jawfish need at least 3 - 4" of substrate, not appropriate for
this setup.>
Do I not need to get rid of the isopods somehow since they are mainly
parasites that will harm fish?
<Not all are parasitic, so really nothing to be concerned with
unless you actually see one on a fish, or there are swarms of
I want whatever fish I buy to be healthy and happy. I don't plan on
adding but a couple of fish if this goes well but what types might be
compatible with the snowflake? Well I will check back with you on
Monday with a hopefully positive update so until then thanks so much
for your help Mike!
<My Pleasure, please do see about getting larger quarters
Re: Snowflake Moray Comp.\System\Stocking
Well I have a little bit of an update.
<Hi Frank>
Came home Monday to find my snowflake still alive.
<Excellent news>
He has made himself a new burrow under one of the larger live rocks and
just chills with his little head poking out.
<Normal behavior>
From what I can tell, he still has most of his color but his eyes seem
to turn white from time to time. The two lumps are less pronounced but
he still seems bloated and I can kinda see what looks like his insides
his skin and it looks almost like he has a kink in his side(don't
really know how to explain this). He swims around a little but not as
much as he did the first few days.
<They do settle down after a few days and won't swim around much
during the day..>
I re checked my water when I got back and ammonia = 0, nitrites = 0,
nitrates = 0, and ph is about 8.0.
<pH is low - you need to slowly raise this to 8.2 - 8.4, also, what
is your salinity and alkalinity??>
I did find all my snails and hermits so he definitely did not eat one
of them. I also went to LFS and picked up some frozen squid and some
silver sides to start him on a better diet.
They did not carry any vitamins too soak the food in like you guys
suggest so what do you recommend I get and where can I find the
<Drs. Foster and Smith sells Selcon on line.>
I went ahead and fed him about half a piece of the squid and he seemed
to eat it a good portion of what I offered him. But like I said he
still looks a little swollen on his belly/bottom side and I've
noticed him a few times opening his mouth pretty wide and it almost
looks like he is trying to force something out or regurgitate maybe but
nothing is coming up (reminds me of a person dry heaving) and he seems
to be breathing noticeably heavier(his sides puff out wider than I
noticed before all this started).
Any other suggestions?
<Again, make sure all of your water parameters are correct.>
I hate to be bothersome but I really don't want to kill him by
doing something wrong or not doing something to help him. Anyways, let
me know what you think and thanks a lot.
<Again, do read the linked articles I sent you before>
Snowflake and shrimp, incomp.
12/17/08 9 months ago I noticed something moving in my live
rock, I have a 17 gallon Marin tank with one Snowflake eel and some
grass shrimps. <Too small a tank, even for this eel.> Today I
found out what was the little thing moving inside the tiny holes of the
rock, it was a 1 inch long pistol shrimp, he's green and tiny and
didn't mind taking out his head and horrible arm to grab everything
he can find around the rock. Is he dangerous for the grass shrimps???
<Can be, but your eel is too, will eventually eliminate them
anyhow.> or the eel??? <The eel is a threat to the shrimp.> If
so, what can I do to take him out???? <In a system this size I would
simply tear it apart and remove him if you feel you need to. In time
the eel will take care of the shrimp!> Thanks, and sorry for the
English mistakes!!! <No problem, it is obvious to us those who are
not native English speaker vs. those who are just lazy! Welcome, Scott
Re: Snowflake and shrimp 12/19/08 Thanks
for the reply I think I will try to remove the rock first, then I will
see how to take the pistol out, and don't worry about the grass
shrimp, they've been living with the eel for 6 months now, the eel
doesn't hurt them, I was surprised too! <Give it time, if it
fits in the mouth it will end up there!> They are so curious about
the eel when it comes out of the rocks for food, they even try to touch
her with their tiny arms !!! <Curiosity killed the shrimp!>
Anyways, thanks a lot. <Welcome, Scott V.>
Lionfish (and snowflake eel) questions,
comp. -- 10/22/08 Hello crew. <Hi Carl.> I am in
the process (more than a year so far...sigh) of planning my first SW
tank, which will be a 90g FOWLR with a 29g sump/fuge. In the planning
process, I have read Bob's original Conscientious Marine Aquarist
(I gather there is an updated edition that was recently released...
will add it to my "must read" list), a couple other books,
and just about anything I can find on the web. Of course, I've gone
and gotten myself a bit confused and am hoping you can straighten me
out. Although I can't find my copy at the moment, I seem to recall
a sample stocking that I found in "The New Marine Aquarium"
by Paletta for a similar sized tank was a Snowflake and a Lionfish. But
I read on here you don't recommend stocking these in the same tank
due to "stabbing" incidents. Can you straighten me out on
this one? <It has happened that morays have been stung to death by
lionfish, which have hard, venomous fin rays. This may happen during
feeding time when snowflake eels Echidna nebulosa get very exited. In
return lionfish have been eaten by fish eating morays. The
Snowflake/Lionfish combo is often recommended, but does not always work
in the long run.> Safe / not safe? Tank too small? Make any
difference if the lion was a P. volitans versus a P. antennata? <The
P. antennata is less dangerous to a medium sized moray like the E.
nebulosa and a better choice here in terms of tank size (ever seen an
adult P. volitans?). Personally, I do not recommend lionfish as tank
mates for morays at all.> Also, if I went with one of those two (or
both depending on your advice), what would you suggest for a cleaning
crew? <Hermits well protected against the eel with stable shells are
a good choice. Urchins and starfish should also work, as will hard
shelled snails. Snails with small or thin shells (like Stomatella) can
be eaten by the eel. Cleaner shrimps (Lysmata spp.) are a gamble, may
work (especially if in the tank prior to the fish) or be instantly
eaten.> Crustaceans are obviously out -- does that mean all cleaning
crews are out? Other than the usual light and water approach, is there
anything you could suggest for controlling algae? <Yes, adequate
filtration with good nitrate and phosphate reduction and giving those
algae some competition with desirable macroalgae like Chaetomorpha in
the fuge and fast growing easy corals like Capnella in the display.>
Many thanks, Carl. <Welcome. Marco.>
Ready for a bamboo shark.... Mmm, no. Sys.,
comp. 9/6/08 Hello! Ok, I have paid my dues
with my 125 gallon tank for the last 3 years and am ready to graduate
to a 210 gallon (72x24x29) marine drilled tank. I have a 65 gallon tank
to set up as a sump/refugium beneath it. Currently, I have a snowflake
eel, bird wrasse, and Blond Naso Tang all still pretty much juveniles.
I realize that the 210 is pushing it for a Bamboo shark, but hope it
can work for a good 3 years. <Mmm, not really... even starting with
a small individual, feeding it sparingly... and the Echidna will likely
be killed...> I do have a couple of questions that I haven't
seen answered yet. First, I am more interested in the White Spotted
than the Brown/Black banded. If my information is correct, these will
be about 3" shorter correct? <Mmm, in the wild...> If this
is so, does this amount make much of a difference? <Well-worded.
No> Also, will I have a better chance of raising one successfully if
I purchase an egg, or a small specimen? <The latter> Thanks for
your help!!! <I would still hold off here... this animal won't
be "happy" in this size, shape system... Will kill the Eel...
Bob Fenner>
Snowflake Moray: Cleanup Crew -- 04/21/08 Hello
WWM Crew; <Hi Cody.> I am a beginner saltwater hobbyist. I
started setting up my first tank 5 months ago. It is a 46G + 20G SUMP.
I have a 2-3" (sugar sand) sand bed in the main tank. I have 50lbs
of Tonga/Fiji live rock in the tank/sump, and have a skimmer and
refugium(cheetah/LR) as well. Flow is near 15-20x currently. The LR
just finished its 5 week cycling and was moved into my main tank a week
ago. I decided to finally put something small into my tank. I initially
designed the tank for a Snowflake Moray (hiding places), and to my
surprise my LFS had a very nice Snowflake Moray (about 14" long)
in. I asked my LFS to put it on hold for me for the mean time, but had
a few concerns first. In the mean time my LFS suggested I put something
in the tank just to make sure everything is okay with the newly
established tank. <'¦testing with fish is not my cup of
tea.> So I put 3 Yellowtailed Damsels and some Turbo Snails in right
now. The Damsels seem to be doing very well with each other (each
claimed a hole in the LR and swim around with each other often) with
very little (or no) fighting. <Usually gets worse with time.>
First question would be regarding my tank size. I have read up on the
internet some sites saying as low as 30G is minimum, however I also
read in your FAQs that you'd suggest at least 60G (or even 75G)
minimum for this species. I do believe there is sufficient (stable)
hiding places that the moray will be fine, but I was curious on your
opinion and perhaps some behavioural habits I may look for that might
suggest he is not happy with the tank size so I could return him if
it's the case. <Not happy behaviour: swimming a lot and
searching the upper parts of the tank for an escape. Small to medium
specimens can be kept in this tank size for a few years, but in my
opinion larger quarters around 75 would be the absolute minimum for a
stronger adult... at least you have a sump with a good size.
Personally, I believe while your eel maybe ok for now, you'll
appreciate larger quarters in roughly one or two years. Some other
opinions: Purser (TFH moray author) recommends 55 gallons and Michael
('Reef fishes') recommends 30 gallons. The main problem you
should expect will not be a lack of swimming space, but water
pollution. You'll need a very good skimmer and adequate water
changes to keep the nitrates at smaller levels (at least below 25-30
ppm).> Secondly I have no desire on overloading my tank. Do you
think with the 3 Yellowtailed Damsels plus him should be okay? <For
now, but likely not for ever.> Also will he be okay with these
Damsels? I read Snowflake Morays are often good with other fish, but
might eat what fits in their mouth. <Damsels may mysteriously vanish
as the eel grows. Large Snowflake eels often have a tendency to start
eating smaller tank mates. Large males get serrated long teeth perfect
for fish catching.> Finally the only thing I want in my tank is the
Moray and a cleanup crew. Of course the Moray eats almost any snails
and crabs (and perhaps my Turbo Snails?) that consist of most cleanup
crews. <Not necessarily'¦ Some do, some don't. If the
snails are large and the crabs are well armoured, hermits may work
without problems depending on the character of the individual eel.>
What would you suggest as the ideal cleanup crew to include with a
Snowflake Moray (for algae and keeping my sugar sand bed clean of
detritus)? <I would give well armoured snails and hermits a try, but
don't add them at feeding time. The hermits just need to be careful
while molting, and if large enough and in strong shells, they are
rarely cracked.> I know my tank may not be well established for some
critters (sand sifting star?, etc) but would be handy to know what I
can add now, and what I can add later on. <A sand sifting star
should ideally have a larger and deeper sand bed. With regard to the
other tank mates: It would have been better to add the moray last.>
Also would you consider it practical to include a crab or cleaner
shrimp every now-or-then to help clean the tank (even though he'll
just become a tasty treat for the Moray?) <Impossible to tell how it
will react to a cleaner shrimp'¦ some accept them, some eat
them. If they are eaten I doubt they'll clean very much in the
meantime'¦> Thanks a lot, love the site and it's the
first page I go to for most of my research on SW questions. Cody
<I'm glad you like it. Have fun with your eel. Marco.>
Snowflake eel; comp -- 02/29/08 Hi, my name is
Jiahua <Hi Jiahua.> and I have a few questions concerning
predatory tanks. I am a beginner in marine aquariums, but have done a
great amount of research. <Good to hear.> My 40 gallon tank
consists of 1 18 in. snowflake moray 1 sand sifting sea star <Hope
the system is old enough and has enough sand to support this star.>
I have pvc tubing for my moray and 10 pounds of live rock (that I will
get more). My question is that I saw a small 5 inch snowflake moray and
a dwarf lionfish at my LFS and I was wondering if I can put either in
without my original snowflake eating them. <It may work if you are
very lucky, but I certainly would not place the smaller moray in there.
Small Snowflake eels in fact have been regurgitated by slightly larger
Snowflakes, so they can be cannibalistic towards smaller conspecifics.
The dwarf lion may be safe now, but not so 100% safe when the Snowflake
is grown (have you seen an adult?). I'm not a fan of keeping morays
with lionfish, although this is done often without problems. It's
the exceptions, when morays have been stung to death or morays have
killed the lionfish, that keep me from recommending them as good tank
mates. Also, I don't think your 40 gallon tank can take another
large predator, it will get pretty small for the Snowflake alone.
I'd upgrade first before thinking about fishy tank mates (equally
sized peaceful morays, a smaller grouper species, etc.). Hope this
helps, Marco.>
Crabs w/Snowflake? 12/19/07 I have a snowflake eel
(about 15")and would like to add something to clean the sand. Are
there any crabs that would be OK with the eel? Mitch Wohl <Umm,
no... small ones will be eaten, larger ones will likely eat the
Echidna... Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/snoflkeelfdgfaqs.htm and
the linked files above. Bob Fenner>
Re: Blind Tusk An Accident Waiting To Happen... Now
Snowflake eel as piscivore? -- 10/30/2007 Hi there Bob??
<Yes, Dave> Ok, so I realize I wrote this in a mad panic as
I'm about to head north to visit my ailing relative. I'm back
now. Amazingly, Tuskfish is not 'blind' and apparently has
eyesight. IF... he is going blind, I've already read your
suggestion at frequent uses of Selcon which I was doing about once a
week... I will up this to three times a week? <Okay> So yes,
Tuskfish seems normal again and lo and behold... I am missing my
remaining 6" Bannerfish. If you recall, last week I wrote about my
missing 4" Bannerfish. The 4" fishes bones washed out of the
Snowflake Moray's den three days after he disappeared and I removed
them. I think together, you and I assumed he perished because of his
strange behaviours ~ maybe some ailment~ and the eel simply fed on the
remains. Anyhow, I can still see the 6" Bannerfish body in the
Snowflake's lair. I think my opinion may have changed now... how
about yours? <Might be a fish eater...> Remaining in my tank, the
eel, Longnose Hawkfish, 5.5" Magnificent Foxface, and my Harlequin
Tuskfish. The two bigger fish are $100+ fish. I'm a little
uncertain now, as it doesn't appear the Bannerfish's body has
been consumed... or if it has, only partly. I fed the eel a large tiger
prawn before I left and he ate most of it ~ more than he's eaten in
a few months for sure. He couldn't have been starving or even
hungry. The Snowflake has been with these fish since May and has always
had fish in the tank without an incident. Perhaps both my Bannerfish
perished and he dragged them into his lair? As mentioned in my post
last week... the eel has ALWAYS shied away from these aggressive
eaters. <Perhaps...> Do you think it is time to remove the
Snowflake Eel? Or would you recommend waiting to see what happens?
<This latter> The water parameters seem in check with the
question mark being Nitrates at 20ppm. A few people on message boards
suggested it's difficult to ever get Nitrates below 20ppm with a
larger eel because of the burrowing and stirring up of sand? <With
proper/adequate filtration (denitrification and
absorption/biological...) and circulation, is possible> I realize
you don't have a crystal ball... but, when fish perish in a tank
with an eel... we can't always assume that the eel is guilty, but
from your experience will eels bring bodies back into the lair after a
fish has died? Thanks a million, tell me where to send the Christmas
present! Dave <I do NOT suspect the Echidna as a/the primary cause
of demise of the Heniochus. BobF>
Is a snowflake eel clam safe? -- 05/07/07 Hello
all, it's Rob again! <Hi Rob.> My new tank is/was working out
very well. It is a 5'x24"x16" liner tank, all plywood and
rubber liner. It is connected to (via overflow) a 75 gallon that was to
be for a few small fish. The liner tank was to be for coral, algae, and
critters, essentially a refugium. Until I bought a snowflake eel for
the 75 gallon <Wasn't it intended for small fish?>. All was
well, until the night before last. I was doing my normal routine,
cleaning skimmer, changing water and cleaning the overflow. In doing
so, I removed the plastic screen I cut to fit the overflow, knowing the
eel would love to find its way out, and forgot to replace it after
cleaning! The next day, guess where the snowflake was/is! <Tell
me.> I removed all the Chaeto from the liner tank and placed it into
the 75 gallon. I also placed a few more live rocks in there as well (in
hopes of saving my tiny invert collection!). In each tank there is
about 65 pounds of live rock. There are many snails, four or five
different kinds, from the live rock and sand I suppose. Micro serpent
stars, shrimp, copepods and amphipods. The liner tank has some softies
and a 3" maxima! I know eels are "reef safe", (could
care less about him eating the hermits!!) but what about clam safe?!
The water level is low enough that he cannot escape the tank, so
that's not an issue. <You'll need some kind of lid (or gaze)
in the long run.> He is only about 8". What are the odds of him
being okay with the clam? <He will not eat the clam, but possibly
knock it down while exploring the tank. Please see http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ca/cav1i3/Clam_care/Clam_care.htm
for information/care/placement of your clam.> He eats well, shrimp,
squid and tilapia, sometimes salmon. I hate to say it, but I like the
idea of keeping him in this tank, so neat to peer down on top of its
home. Seems more natural I guess! Thanks for your help!! Rob. <You
are welcome. Take care. Marco.>
Company for a snowflake eel - 04/26/07 Hi, I have
a foot long snowflake. I'm looking into getting another eel. I had
a chainlink that bullied my snowflake but he caught me with my guard
down one day and found a hole I forgot to recover. Unfortunately these
guys seem to be better camouflaged outside of the tank then in it.
<Lesson learned? Sad he died. Did additional caves/pipes work for
the snowflake?> So on to the question. I liked the chainlink, but
I'm wary about my snowflake, thinking the bully came back. So what
species can get along with the snowflake, in a years time all will be
in a 300 gallon tank <ok> if that helps the selection. (I want to
buy now because of all the fish stores near me when I move I have to
pay a lot more for these guys). <Choose peaceful (for a moray),
medium sized species attaining a similar length. The zebra moray
Gymnomuraena zebra gets slightly larger and heavier than the snowflake,
but is quite docile. The barred moray eel Gymnothorax polyzona is
similar to the chainlink, but smaller. The white eye morays G. griseus
and G. thyrsoideus will probably work, too (worked very well for me).
If you want a more offensive eel, only consider smaller species (around
2 ft and slightly smaller) such as G. zonipectis, G. polyuranodon, G.
tile, Atlantic Golden moray G. miliaris, Abbott's moray G.
eurostus. Stay away from larger, aggressive moray eels for the sake of
your snowflake. Read http://www.wetwebmedia.com/morays.htm and part II. Be sure
that the new moray has the same size as your snowflake.
Re: Company for a snowflake eel II - 04/26/07 What
stores should I look into for the white mouth eels like the abbot
moray? <Sorry, I have no idea, where you are living, neither do I
know all fish stores/wholesalers or online sources from which you could
order. White mouth moray G. meleagris gets too big for your snowflake.
You probably mean white eye (?). White eye or geometric moray G.
griseus is imported from the Red Sea. White eye or greyface G.
thyrsoideus often comes from Indonesia. Abbott's moray is G.
eurostus, it is one of the most common puhi (Hawaiian morays) as far as
I know. Ask your favourite store to order from a wholesaler, who
imports from the specific area of the species you want. Cheers,
Snowflake bit orange toadfish 4/15/07
Hey there Bob and friends, there doesn't seem to be
much info on toadfish anywhere on the web. <Not much...> Just a
quick question,...I have a 90 gallon with a dogface, a 6 inch orange
toadfish, and a 18 inch snowflake eel. I've noticed the eel
doesn't seem to bother anyone EXCEPT the toadfish. Today I came
home and noticed the toad's gill on one side looked a little
shredded and there seems to be a little piece of cartilage sticking out
from the gill area. He doesn't seem stressed and still eating
whatever comes near him. (i.e. freeze dried krill, live ghost
shrimp)...........and finally the question(s)!!!.....Do you think
he'll heal from this/be okay? And is something I can to do to aid
in the healing?? Are eels and toads mortal enemies?? <Mmm... not
really so much as enemies as the not-well sighted eels desire to keep
the bottom "cleared" for their investigation, use... and
don't have hands, thumbs to sample, manipulate their universe...
only a mouth with sharp teeth... BobF>
..thanks a million, Adam B.
Snowflake eel, chainlink eel -- compatibility and
system. 03/25/07 Hi again, had a question about my snowflake eels
behaviour. When I first got my eels (chainlink and snowflake
(both came from the same tank)) they were buddy buddy hung out same
cave and all and at first the snowflake was the adventurous one going
all around its new tank while the chainlink hid and refused food. Then
I guess they had a fight and he moved on up to the pump in the corner
of the tank. I took your advice and made a second cave and he came back
down, but sure enough the chainlink had to change caves from time to
time which sent my snowflake flying out of its cave and back to its
pump. <Need more caves. Once I had a similar case of a moray hiding
behind and in my skimmer. It ended when I introduced and in part buried
pvc pipes. I made two caves per moray eel and they almost never left
them since.> At first it seemed they were the same size, but now I
can see the snowflake is smaller. Any thoughts you feel like sharing on
this? <Watch their growth carefully, moray eels are known to be
cannibalistic in some cases when their sizes were too different.>
I'd like to get them living in the rocks again, right now he's
using my banded shark as a hiding place. Its kind of funny to watch the
shark burrow itself in the sand only to have the eel ruin its burrow in
its attempt to burrow and back and forth but I wouldn't risk giving
it food while its under him. Also are there any chances a chainlink eel
could ingest a small lionfish safely mines missing. <Oh yes. Morays
(even of the genus Echidna) can kill and eat small lionfish and
lionfish can kill morays.> Thanks in advance. <Cheers,
Emerald Crab Missing legs 3/14/07 I
have had my new 30 gall. tank running for about 2 and a half months
now. <Good for you. I apologize for the lateness of my
reply, my DSL went down for some reason. I was quite pleased
to see that it was up today.> I have a Yellow belly Damsel, Chromis,
14 blue leg hermits, and 2 turbo snails. I also have A Snowflake Eel
(who is a baby, I realize he will have to upgrade in tank size as he
grows) <He needs to come out now. He will eat your
crustaceans.> and a Emerald crab. Today when I came home I was
shocked to see my Emerald crab was missing on entire side of his legs.
My question is could the eel have done this (as he is only the size of
a #2 pencil) <Sounds like he tried for a snack and was only
partially successful.> and if he did should I bring one of the two
back to the store. <I would remove the eel. The guys are
opportunity predators, and they mainly eat crustaceans. This
is not to say that some of the smaller fish that you have might not
look like an opportunity, because they very well could.> My other
question is, will the crab be able to regenerate his legs during a
molting period? <Yes. But he will need protection whilst
he is molting.> He is still walking around using his right claw as a
form of legs for that side of his body, and seems to be eating
normally. <A good sign.> I guess it boils down to me asking will
he survive, and will he grow his legs back. <Without the eel, he has
a very good chance of making it.> Thanks again <No
worries. Brandon> Ryan
Snowflake eel, blue tang, convict tang comp. problem
03/03/07 Hi WWM Crew, hopefully you can help me with this problem.
<Hi Maison. Marco here trying to help.> I have a 150 gallon reef
aquarium which is 6 foot long x 2 feet deep x 2 feet wide. For the last
week my eel has been attacking all my fish, I have had him for 6 months
and he is 24" inches long. Today he tried eating my clownfish and
was swimming around the tank. I fed him two days ago and he comes up
for more two days later like he hasn't eaten for a week. Is there
anything that could have caused this? <It is not uncommon at all
that moray eels start trying to eat other fishes without apparent
reason even after years of peace. You should find another home for it
or the attacked fishes. Carefully feed him a little more until you have
an alternative home.> To my other question, my blue tang keeps
getting stressed, I have had him for 6 months and he is 2-2.5 inches
long. Two weeks ago I added a convict tang and he chased around the
blue tang for two days and then settled it out. Now they eat together
with no hassle. But my blue tang keeps getting ich. He scratches
himself on the rockwork and has scrapes on his body. <Search WWM for
treatment of marine ich, lots of information is already available, and
hope the convict tang and the blue tang stay peaceful. If not, one has
to go, too.> My other fish are 2 ocellaris clowns, 1 longnose
butterflyfish, 1 convict tang, 1 valentini puffer, 1 mandarin dragonet,
1 lawnmower blenny, 3 Chromis, 1 blue tang, 1 snowflake eel. Sorry for
such a long e-mail, its just that this is urgent. Thanks in advance and
please help, Maison in Melbourne, Australia. Re: Snowflake eel, blue
tang, convict tang II, Ich treatment with Tri-Sulfa
03/05/07 I treated the blue tang 2 days ago with Tri-Sulfa Tablets
and it disappeared, but today he is scratching again. I might do
another medication tomorrow and see how he is going. Could it be my UV
Sterilizer? I don't know, if I need a new bulb for it. <Those
tablets are reported to only help for a short time (if they help with
Ich at all). The UV Sterilizer will only affect the free swimming
tomites and works as an additional help. If you know your bulb is old,
change it. If the situation is getting worse for the blue tang,
consider taking him into a hospital tank. Closely watch the other
fishes, too. Avoid treating your entire tank with copper products, they
would possibly be bad for your eel. Search http://www.wetwebmedia.com/ichartmar.htm and the
related FAQs for proper Ich treatment.> In regards to the eel I will
take your advice and see how it goes. If not, I will try to catch him
and return him to the local fish store. Thanks, Maison. <Cheers,
Snowflake Eel question 1/12/06
Would my Snowflake Moray (8-10") be ok in my 10 gallon
"mini-reef" for a short period of time? <Mmm, not very>
I ask because I need to move his (or her, I guess) 55 gallon to another
room in my house, and I don't have anywhere else to put him. In the
10 gallon I have: (1) 2" tank-raised False Percula, (1) 2-3"
Pearly Jawfish, (2) Margarita snails, (5) hermit crabs, (1) Emerald
crab, (1) 2-3" Serpent star, (1) 1" Lettuce Nudibranch,
polyps, frogspawn, mushrooms, 20lbs LS, and 8lbs LR. Any serious
trouble or stress for anyone involved in this mix? <Yes... the Moray
disrupting all by at times rapid swimming... investigating, bumping
into the other life at night...> I know the inverts could possibly
meet their maker, obviously I would be gambling. If you recommend this,
what's the min/max amount of time to keep the eel in the 10 gallon
before re-introducing into the 55? <I would not place this Muraenid
here> If not, what do you recommend I do with him while his home is
moved? <Mmm, have a friend, or fish store hold it> Also, which
medium-sized triggerfish would you suggest keeping with a 8-10"
Snowflake Moray in a 55 gallon FOWLR? <None... too big, likely to
bite the eel> I'm hoping a Rhinecanthus or maybe a Balistapus
Undulatus. The other triggers are either too big or not mean enough!
Thanks for the help. WWM has changed my life. MIKE C <Yikes! Mine
too! Bob Fenner>
Frogfish/Snowflake Eel 1/2/07 Greetings
to the WWM crew! <Hi Gretchen, Pufferpunk here.> I've a small
problem, I think I've fallen in love with a frog fish!
<Certainly can't blame you on that one! I'm crazy
about these weird, wonderfully camouflaged, lumbering, creatures
myself.> I saw 2 at my LFS a few days ago and have been
searching the Wet Web site as well as the web in general, for
information since. (Thanks for all the information on the species on
your site!) What I'm curious about is if I could keep
one in with my snowflake eel, and if so which would be the
"best" suited for such a pairing? The eel (Ichi) currently is
in a 125 gal tank with plenty of rock and tubes for him to hide in.
He's about 18 inches long, shares his tank with a few hermit crabs
and snails and seems to be very docile almost shy. He used to share his
tank with a burrfish and they got along fine! (Burrfish died of
parasites over a year ago. We were heartbroken, and this is the first
thing I've seen that I might like to add into the tank.) <I
think this is the best tank mate for a frogfish. Their teeth
are flat, like a person's (for eating crustaceans), not sharp (for
tearing into flesh), like other morays. Been doing a lot of
research myself, since I bought a Wartfin frogfish last week, with my
X-mas $$$. I really wanted to get a snowflake eel & a Fu
Manchu lionfish but after researching the FAQs at WWM, I saw several Qs
where it ended badly, with the frogfish getting stung by the
lion. I certainly don't want that to happen to my little
guy!> One of the things I keep seeing is that frogfish are difficult
to get adjusted to non-live foods. Ichi gets fed frozen/thawed/soaked
in vitamins krill, squid, shrimp, clams and the occasional live crab or
ghost shrimp. Is a frogfish likely to get picky about the mix of live
and non-live food? (I recall reading something about that happening on
another site.) <Exactly my problem now. I have had the
frogfish for a week. I've been bouncing foods off a
thread & hooked it on the tank, so it moves with the current &
she won't bite. I do see her "fishing" upside
down in the live rock & I know there are live creatures in there to
keep her fed but eventually, that will run out. I am getting
concerned & will probably get some ghost shrimp & gut-load them
with foods & feed them to her for some sustenance. I
hear they are supposed to have voracious appetites & hope she takes
"dead" foods soon.> I'm trying to find out as much as
I can first, and know better than to hurry into any kind of purchase!
<You may want to ask to see it eat at the store, to be sure it eats
dead foods. I took their word for it when I asked, because
she had supposedly been fed that day.> Thanks, in advance for any
information/suggestions you may have! Happy New Year! <Happy New
Year to you too & good luck with your frogfish! ~PP>
Re: The New Tank... Snowflake comp.
12/15/06 Just a short note... (I wonder if you recognize my
email address by now... I write you so much)... <The name David,
yes> Due to all the advice over the years, Mr. Fenner's
wonderful book, and my 4 yrs of experience... I am realizing my
dream in the hobby. I wanted a larger tank for bigger
critters, including a Moray Eel. The tank is now up and
running thanks to all your help. Have posted some
pictures for your viewing pleasure, I hope they turn out. <Ah,
yes. I see them> Feel free to use any of them... I think I have
some really good ones of the Snowflake Eel. I have about a
4-5" Foxface in my 20gallon quarantine tank... but was reading
through your FAQ's today. Sounds like your opinion
would be that no quarantine would be necessary??? <Mmm, worth
doing IMO> I just want to ensure he is feeding
alright before I turn him loose in my bigger
tank. He's been in my quarantine tank for about
24hrs now by himself with the lights off. I've also read
through your FAQ's and it seems like a Foxface is a great
tankmate for my 16" snowflake eel. The tank is a
new startup... liverock was 'cured' (apparently) when I got
it... but I still cured for an additional 4 weeks... <Good>
The tank has been up and running for two weeks with
liverock. I have no signs of ammonia or nitrite and I
have a hint of nitrate (damn I forget the specific reading, but it
barely showed up on a Salifert test). I will be doing
water changes... about 8 gallons every 4 days for several weeks to
help. In any event, the tank is new. If my Foxface
is feeding in my QT, should I add him to the 200gallon setup with
the moray eel? <I would wait at least another week...> Or in
this case because of a new tank, should I keep him in QT for the
full 3 or 4 weeks. Just a comment... the snowflake eel slithers in
and around all my liverock at night (I can still see him with my
moonlighting). <Yes... the species is naturally nocturnal>
My small 2" yellow-tail blue damsels sleep in the
rockwork at night. If the snowflake eel discovers them
in the rocks sleeping... wouldn't he sample them?
<Not really... unless very hungry... Echidna aren't very
piscivorous> I know they aren't suppose to be fish eaters,
but anything can happen. It just seems too easy for the
eel to hunt down and pick off these damsels or even a resting
Foxface at night. Would the species GENERALLY just pass
by the resting fish leaving them alone? <Yes> I
guess I am just paranoid after reading the numerous fish-eating
snowflake scenarios on your FAQ's. Merry Christmas!
<And to you and yours. Bob Fenner> |

Eels ... mixing Snowflake, Zebra... 11/16/06
Can I put a zebra eel in with a snowflake eel? <Hi,
Michelle here. They can be compatible. There is
much to glean about these fascinating creatures. Please take
a little time and read over some of the information found on the WWM
site to learn how to provide appropriate care for these
Snowflake eel and what? 5/8/06 Hey
crew! <Chris> I'm getting ready to move my 30 gal tank to a
120 gal tank and am planning which fish to add. A friend of
mine has offered me a healthy snowflake eel which sounds
great. I am considering doing the bubble tip/clownfish thing
as well which raises the question. Do snowflake's tend to eat
bubble tip anemones? I read that they do enjoy invertebrates
but have found many aquariums on the internet that have
both. Any help is greatly appreciated. Chris <Mmm, well,
more of an issue with the two running into each other. Echidnas and
most other Morays have poor vision... and some, at times brisk
behavioral activity. I would not mix these two species together. Bob
Snowflake Moray Eels... beh., comp. 2/14/06
Howdy, <Hi there> I have two juvenile snowflake eels. They are
about six to eight inches long and about as big around as a pencil. I
purchased them at the same time. All of the eels were kept in separate
hamster balls at the fish store with their own bits of stuff to hide in
or under. I have lots and lots of hiding places ranging from PVC. to
dead coral to live rock to some macro algae. One of them
has two dark spots on its nose, these spots appear two be part of the
nasal cavity. I have seen similar spots on other snowflake noses, but
none this dark. Mine are almost purple-ish black. Why are they much
darker than any other eel's? <Individual color variation
likely... not to be concerned> This eel also has a head twitch. i
have seen the head twitch on other snow flakes that did not have these
dark spots on the nose. The eel looks neurotic. What causes this head
twitch? <Perhaps neurological damage, maybe a genetic anomaly>
The one with out the nose spots changes color or tint some times. Most
of the time its back ground color is a creamy white like its tank mate,
but some times it turns to a pinkish color. It was this pinkish color
for the first week i had it and now will randomly change for just a
half a day. I know that an eel can change color if water conditions are
poor, but mine are fine; 1.024 salinity, 8.3 ph, no ammonia, no
nitrites or nitrates, steady 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Plus, the other eel
never changes color. Why is this one randomly turning pinkish?
<Other factors... perhaps psycho-social> Also, the one with the
nose spots and head twitch hides a lot, will eat from my hand, and even
slithered into my palm and around my fingers a few times, but avoids
the other one. The one with out the nose spots is scared of my hand but
out and active a lot, it has claimed ninety percent of the tank and
will attack and chase the one with the nose spots. This is so bad that
the one with nose spots is only allowed in one corner of the tank with
out being harassed. I have been told and read that these snowflake eels
should get along fine. I have even seen snowflake eels laying together
sharing a piece of PVC. piping many times in many different fish
stores. Why do mine not get along? I really want at least
two. Which one should i replace if they don't work things out?
Thank you for your time Joe <I would leave together, not be
overwrought re these differences. Bob Fenner>
G. miliaris vs. E.
nebulosa 1/21/06 Hello all at wetwebmedia, hope all is
well? <Seems to be, thanks> Firstly, thank you for the
continuation of your outstanding website and for all the conscientious
advice you give. I wonder if you could spare me some of your expertise?
<We'll see> I have a Goldentail Moray Eel (Gymnothorax
miliaris) that is currently 12 - 14 Inches long and as thick as your
first finger. She is in a large aquarium all by her self (has been
since September 2005). The little beastie is feeding very well on
chopped sprats, squid, mussels etc. Her aquarium contains a plethora of
ocean rock formations and large barnacle shells (which she slinkily
glides through - great fun to observe the exploration of her world!). I
have been thinking about adding a Snowflake Moray Eel (Echidna
nebulosa) in with my existing Goldentail. The thing is, my LFS has
several in stock, that are all feeding well on squid, mussels, cockles
etc... but they only measure 9 - 12 Inches and are about as thick as
your little finger. Are the two species compatible? I am concerned that
the Goldentail will try to eat the Snowflake like a piece of aquatic
spaghetti!?!? <Should get along for a good long while if not
indefinitely... best to introduce muraenids (if at all) when small.
Miliaris is not "very" piscivorous and the Snowflake almost
not at all... Bob Fenner> Any advice will be greatly appreciated.
Regards Chris Naylor
Snowflake eel habitat and tankmates - 1/6/06 Hey guys,
doing a little research here planning my tank that goes up this
week. I have a 75 gal Reef Ready tank with plans of housing
1 single Volitans or Russell's Lion and a Snowflake eel. Since the
Snowflake can have a tendency to eat fish (FAQ has several cases), I
thought I'd add the Lionfish first and let him put on some size
first. So at what size should the Lion be before I add the
eel and do I need to worry about the Lion trying to eat the Eel AND/OR
the Eel trying to eat the lion? <You can start doing your
researching here. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/snowflakemoray.htm and
here, http://www.wetwebmedia.com/lions&rels.htm Joe,
there is a wealth of information on the Wet Web
Media. Please look and get information there before sending
queries.> Second question, I've read about the PVC tubing for an
Eel home/hiding place. I was thinking about placing a 3'
section of pipe along the entire back of the tank behind the rockwork
with 45 degree ends that come out in Live rock caves. Is
3" pipe necessary (as recommended) for a Snowflake...or would
2" suffice? <I'd go with what is
recommended.> Lastly, What is the max girth of a Snowflake Eel?
<In captivity they will seldom exceed 24" in length so I'm
guessing maximum girth at this size about 1 1/2-2.0
inches. Keep in mind these guys are escape artists and a
tight fitting cover is a must.> Thanks for having a great Website
with a wealth of knowledge. <You're welcome. James
(Salty Dog)> Joe
My puffer bit my eel 12/13/05
Hello wetweb. <Holy hello it's Michael Maddox with you today -
have had zero time for 'ol WWM as of late :(> I'm hoping you
can suggest some remedies to help my poor snowflake eel. He was
burrowing under the rocks in the tank and scraped himself
up pretty good. Most of these wounds were healing, but the other
day my stars and stripes puffer decided to bite him. Now
the poor eel has a couple of puffer mouth sized wounds on his back
and they're not looking so great. Do you have any
suggestions for treating these wounds. I'm moving him
to an isolation tank, but i think his wounds could use some more
active treatment as opposed to hoping they heal. <I
would treat him with a broad spectrum antibiotic (make sure to dose
appropriately and do not cease treatment early per mfg instructions)
and keep him well fed. Provide him places to hide (PVC tubes
work perfectly) and monitor the water quality carefully. He
should heal fine. Might I recommend putting him in a
separate aquarium, and\or finding one of them a new home in the
future? I can guarantee you this will happen again>
thanks <Anytime> Dan <M. Maddox>
What do Echidna eels
eat? 11/24/05 I was told that Banded Coral Shrimp and
Snowflake Eels can live harmoniously together almost like Shrimp Gobies
and Pistol Shrimp. Is this true or have you heard anything to confirm
this because I'd always assume they would end up as food for the
eel. Thanks <Mmm, no to mixing these. This genera of eels consumes
crustaceans (crabs, shrimp) for food. Bob Fenner>
Snowflake eel
tank 11/15/05 Hi In my last email you said I might be able to
keep a snowflake eel with my two aggressive fish. But now I am
wondering if there is room in my tank for the eel. I have the Niger
trigger, 7 inch. A Klunzinger's wrasse, 6 inch. A mated pair of
maroon clowns, female 4 inch. and male 2 inch. A Naso tang, 5 inch. A
pearlscale butterfly, 3 inch. And a Talbot's and blue damsel. All
these fish are in a 125 gallon tank, is there room in this tank for a
small snowflake eel? Thanks for your time. Patrick Nikiel <I would
not place this or any other Moray species in this setting... too much
food competition... mostly. Bob Fenner>
Eel compatibility 11/9/05 Hi, I have a 125 gallon
saltwater aquarium. I have been wanting to add an eel to this tank. I
am worried that either my 7 inch Niger Trigger or my 6 inch
Klunzinger's wrasse would harass it. <Might> Neither of them
show much aggression to my other fish. The trigger is shy and docile
and the wrasse swims about constantly. I read that both large triggers
and wrasses could harass eels. I am thinking a snowflake eel is what i
would add, but I think they are docile eels. There are lots of hiding
places in the live rock and i will add PVC pipe for the eel to hide in
also. Would you recommend a more aggressive eel for this tank than the
snowflake, or should I just not add an eel at all? Thank you for your
time. Patrick Nikiel. <The Snowflake is a good choice, one of my
faves... It might prove hard to feed it amongst these other fishes...
so I would plan on getting, using a "feeding stick" to
provide food right down in front of its face... and of course keep an
eye on the Trigger and Wrasse re possible negative interactions...
possible but not likely percentage-wise. Bob Fenner>
Moray compatibility 09/13/2005 Hello again I was
wondering if I could keep a snowflake eel with any species of sand
sifting goby. I know snowflakes rarely eat fish but I read you should
not mix bottom dwelling fish with morays. Your website's very
helpful and thanks again <I'll rephrase a statement
you made: "you should not mix any fish that a snowflake
moray can swallow." In that case, knowing that snowflakes can
attain a length of two feet, I'm thinking the goby may become
dinner someday. James (Salty Dog)> Patrick Nikiel
Q: << Hey bob, Will a snowflake moray attack a yellow
tang and how and what would I go about feeding it. Also is a Banded
Cat shark a good idea with tangs or are they more of a single species
animal? >> A: The odds are good that a Snowflake Moray (Echidna
nebulosa) and a Yellow Tang (Zebrasoma flavescens) would get along
fine. They actually can both be collected in similar habitats in
Hawai'i. The Morays can't see very well (but are great
jumpers!), so you'll need to develop a regular feeding regimen of
placing something meaty (fresh or frozen shrimp, clam, fish) attached
to a "feeding stick" that you can buy or make from a dowel of
plastic or wood... right near the eels nose (best around night time).
The Yellow Tang will probably not compete with the eel at all. Banded
Cat Sharks are amongst the few (Epaulette and Bamboo shark families)
that do at all well in hobby set-ups, but I'd hold off on outright
promoting their keeping. They are best kept in specialty or species
set-ups as you hint. These two families of sharks will eat tangs as
they sleep, laying on the bottom at night... otherwise they spend most
of the day just sitting on the bottom. Bob Fenner who says you can read
more about Tangs, Moray Eels and Sharks in captivity at
Snow Flake Moray Bob, I have a few quick questions for you.
First: I have read that Zebra Moray's are compatible with community
tanks, because their diet doesn't mainly consist of fish,
i.e......Damsels etc. So with that, does the Snow Flake Moray fall
within that same description and will my smaller inhabitant survive?
<Yes, to the largest extent, these morays/muraenids prey on
crustaceans... Will generally only eat the smallest of fishes, only if
very hungry> note...I have not inverts. Second: What would be the
smallest, in length, specimen I should purchase from my LFS? <Ten
inches or so... these fish do very well captured, shipped when small...
Their only shortcoming as very small specimens is their ability to
squeeze out of the smallest openings in aquarium tops...> Third: If
you recommend a small specimen, how and what would you feed it?
<Frozen/defrosted crustaceans of a few sorts... krill, mysids,
caprellids, amphipods...> Thanks for your help, Doug <You're
welcome. Please read over the Moray (family Muraenidae) section and
associated FAQs files archived on the site: www.wetwebmedia.com for
more. Bob Fenner>
Snowflake Eel Hi Bob, I have a snowflake eel that just
attacked my medium sized Lionfish and ate his tail and torso
area. <Wowzah, unusual> He attacked during a feeding of
frozen silversides. He has also killed and tore apart a red starfish
and chases my yellow tang around the tank during feeding time. Is this
normal and what do you suggest? <Identification to assure this
is Echidna nebulosa... RMF>
Re: Snowflake eel He didn't make it. The LPS has one the
size and thickness of a pencil, seems healthy and is eating, Do you
think he is too small? <Please read here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/snowflakemoray.htm Bob Fenner>
Brittle stars hello , I have a green brittle star, in my
tank, and I am wanting to buy a small snowflake eel, do you think they
will get along ok <Yes, these two should. This species of Moray
doesn't eat starfishes, and the Green Brittle Star should leave the
Eel alone. Some info. on the Snowflake can be found on our site here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/snowflakemoray.htm and the Star here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/brittlestars.htm Be chatting. Bob
Re: brittle stars >thanks for the links, I just had a pet
store to tell me I couldn't have an eel with my brittlestar cause
the eel would eat it <Mmm, no... this species mainly eats
crustaceans in the wild. Take a look under the species name, Echidna
nebulosa, in the scientific literature, e.g. fishbase.org. Bob
Snowflake Moray, Nitrates, Clown Trigger Hi Bob, I
have a 28" Snowflake Moray in a 180 gallon tank. I have had him
for six years, during which time he has grown from 16". His
appetite is great, eagerly eating silversides and supermarket-bought
squid, scallops and shrimp. He is also pretty active for a moray,
swimming about in the full light of the tank during the day. He gets
along well with his tankmates, which consist of an 18" Jewel
Moray, 4" Bursa Trigger, and 7" Clown Trigger. About four
weeks ago, I noticed a white spot on the outside of his eyeball. I
assumed it was the result of a scratch from the usual tussle at feeding
time, or perhaps from accidentally scraping up against a rock. However,
the spot has not gone away. It is covering 25% of his eye, and is the
color of "whiteout" you use on typewriter paper (not really
grey or cloudy). The shape is irregular. His behavior is still very
good. He never scratches and isn't breathing heavily, nor has his
appetite diminished. But, I'm puzzled as to how to rid him of this.
The only step I have taken is to lower the SG to 1.017, hoping to
discourage/ kill possible parasites. I'd rather not medicate if it
is not necessary, and I don't have a quarantine tank large enough
to house this bruiser should I decide to pull him out & medicate.
Suggestions/ ideas on what this is? <Probably a bacterial infection
from some sort of physical damage. Try using one tablespoon of Epson
salt per 5 gallons of water. It will help to remove fluid from behind
the eye and allow the eel's immune system to rid itself of the
infection.> Also, considering the hardy yet heavy feeders I am
keeping (with the probable addition of a fifth fish, likely a grouper
or large angel), <The grouper would be a better choice.> what
should my nitrate ceiling be? I'm consistently struggling to get it
to 40ppm. Is that unrealistic? Is 60-100ppm acceptable long-term with
these fish? <I do not think anything over 40 to be acceptable. Try
increasing the frequency and/or amounts of your water changes,
aggressive protein skimming (with these guys you should have a full
collection cup of skimmate the color of hot tea to coffee daily, and
possibly the use of purified water.> Also, how large and aggressive
do you think the clown trigger will get in this tank? <Fairly large
and fairly aggressive. I am frankly surprised you have had not trouble
with him and the other trigger, yet.> He has a moderately bad
trigger "attitude", ok with his present company, but with
some temper tantrums (biting the glass when unfed, tossing shells
around, etc.), and has killed a 7" Harlequin Tusk added to the
tank. Thank you for your advice! You are a great resource! Steve
<Thank you for the compliment. I will be sure to pass it along.
-Steven Pro>
Snowflake Eel Question I have a 70 Gal Saltwater tank with
the following; Lunar Wrasse Trigger Porcupine Puffer and another puffer
Sand Sifting Goby a couple of Damsels, We feed every other day. We used
to feed every day but we cut back to extend water life and not spoil
them. We notice the eel comes out more than when we fed every day
(looking for food ??) <yes, likely> This AM we found the Sand
Sifting Goby dead (white about 3.5" long - orange spotted) ,
reddish color on top and bite also on top of his body. Questions; Do
you think the eel bit the goby ? <not necessarily... just as easily
bit/scavenged as dead/dying from unrelated cause> Was it nibbled on
by the Lunar Wrasse (we saw him nibbling on it this am also) after he
died ? <yes...most tankmates would scavenge this morsel> Would
the eel start attacking my other fish if we keep feeding every other
day ? <no guarantees... but unlikely. Every other day is reasonable.
Some eels don't want to even eat that often. Try judicious
experimentation to see if behavior changes much between schedules>
Should we feed the eel only every day again ? <unlikely that any eel
would feed daily indefinitely... kindly Anthony>
My Snowflake eel is really starting to tick me off!
<Bryan...chill dude. Take another hit off of that water pipe that
you keep telling everybody is a protein skimmer and lets take care of
this, bud. Anthony> during feedings he becomes very aggressive.
sometimes nipping at my porcupine. tonight he grabbed him by his tell
and jerked him around pretty good. it didn't appear that the
porcupine has any injury other than to his heart. he seems a bit
shaking up and is hiding out for now. <alas...some have a
personality more enthusiastic than the books describe for this
generally agreeable species. Perhaps your eel hasn't read the same
books that we have?> I've read in the past of many attacks by
eels on puffers but I can't seem to find them when I need
them. ..is this relationship just not going to get along? thanks!
<tough to say... although increased feedings almost certainly
won't help any but the truly starved. Nonetheless...lets try to
apply some behavioral enrichment with the hopes of tempering your eels
wild ways. Try feeding some appropriately sized crayfish (or ghost
shrimp if your eel is still small). You'll need to do this already
for the puffers teeth in the long run. Some think that a heavy shell-on
diet will settle such predators to chill after a good meal because of
the tough, but necessary, digestibility of the matter. Indeed, you may
simply have an aggressive eel. Sorry my friend, Anthony>
Snowflake Eel Tankmates <<Greetings, Steve, my
apologies for not replying sooner...>> I have a 28"
Snowflake Eel in a 180 (soon to be FOWLR). He had been in this tank
with a second eel before. I am considering keeping the Snowflake with
one of the following: G. tesselata, E. pardalis, or G. meleagris. G.
tesselata is the same animal as G. favagineus, correct? <<in an
attempt to sound smart, I looked these up on fishbase, but was unable
to find G. tesselata.>> I assume the Tesselata will simply get
too big eventually to humanely keep it in a 180? <<Well, fishbase
has the G. meleagris can reach up to 120cm... that's a big
eel.>> Or too hungry, maybe eating my Snowflake or others?
<<perhaps.>> I have never seen a live G. meleagris, only
pics, and web info differs wildly on it. On your site it says G.
meleagris reaches 40 inches --too big for this tank too as an adult?
<<Too big for a 180, yes...>> Temperament is...???
<<Unknown, but it part of the group known for ciguatera
poisoning, so caution is advised.>> E. pardalis is the best
choice size wise, right? <<Yes... also quite the looker.>>
I have a 6" Clown Trigger w/ 2 years of history in there that is
very well-behaved 50% of the time with new arrivals and tortures the
other 50% of them. My gut tells me he will be ok with a good-sized new
eel (he has been a model citizen with the Snowflake), but long-term as
the trigger grows might he look at those Dragon nostrils as tasty
"fish sticks" when he is bored? <<There is always the
possibility. Friendly clown triggers are the exception, and not the
norm... at least not for the ones with a couple of years in
them.>> are I've heard enough stories about Clowns nibbling
on Lionfish fins to worry... I know you are tempted to simply say
"Clowns are unpredictable" but I trust your gut instinct too.
<<My gut says, "who knows." Is very hard to
predict.>> Thanks for the usual great input. By the way I
appreciate this wonderful site being free--I make sure to click-through
to your sponsors to help pay those bills for you. <<Ahh good,
that's the way it is supposed to work.>> Steve
<<Cheers, J -- >>
Why are our fish slapping the new eel? We just put a
Snowflake Eel in a tank with a few damsel fish and every
time Eel tries to come out from his rock, the other fish
back into his face and slap him. Why are they doing this??? <Is your
tank realistically large enough for the eel? If yes, the fish are
probably trying to get comfortable with the critter that will likely
eat them in the near future> Thanks, Tanja <You're welcome!
David Dowless>
Can a snowflake moray eel co-habitate with a red
lobster? <Likely to eat the lobster eventually. -Steven
What's The Deal With This Eel? Hi, <Hello! Scott
F. here today> I just wondered if you could answer me a question
please, I have a 117 UK gallon tank with a 2.5ft Zebra moray, 6 inch
French angel and a Sailfin tang. I would like to put a 12inch snowflake
moray in the tank as well would he be compatible with my current fish.
I have 2 70 gallon external filters with good aeration and circulation.
Your comments would be much appreciated. Kind Regards, Darren Adams
<Well, Darren-from a "space" and compatibility
aspect, I suppose that it is possible to include this fish, as these
eels generally will stay in their chosen cave, and not display
excessive territoriality. However, I am more concerned about the
long-term husbandry issues caused by this bioload in the tank. Both the
French Angel and the tang eat a lot of food, give off a respectable
quantity of metabolic waste, and just get plain large! The moray will
also give off lots of waste products, as you are no doubt aware. I
think that adding another larger fish with somewhat "messy"
eating habits can be problematic in the long run. I'd hold off,
unless a larger tank is in the future. As it is, you need to really be
on top of the maintenance in this tank, with regular, frequent water
changes being one of the main tasks, not to mention the need for
efficient filter media cleaning and replacement. I say enjoy the
wonderful selection of fish that you already have! The Sailfin Tang is
an absolutely gorgeous fish, and you'll really enjoy watching him
grow! Regards, Scott F.
- Moray Compatibility - hello bob,
<Actually, it's JasonC today...> I have been thinking about
buying a snowflake moray for a while now but can't decide if my
other fish are going to be compatible and I wondered if you could
advise me. <Actually, I'd be more worried about the eel being
compatible with the fish.> My tank is a 6 ft by 2 ft by 2 ft reef
tank and is stocked with an emperor tang, flame angel, Lemonpeel angel,
a pair of common clowns in an anemone, mandarin, glass goby?, purple
Firefish. <Those smaller fish would be in serious jeopardy of
becoming dinner for a snowflake eel.> I wondered if I could get a
really small one and bring it up on dead food e.g. gamma fish. <You
could, but you couldn't stop it from growing, or remaining an
eel... it would one day be large enough to consume a number of those
fish.> Also my tank is open on the top to allow for my metal halide
lighting will this be a problem? <A huge problem - eels are
consummate escape artists... you need a top with no gaps or holes as
the eel will find them.> Hope you can help Ian <I'm afraid to
say it doesn't look like an eel is for you. Consider a dedicated
system for the eel. Cheers, J -- >
Learning From Tragedy Today is a sad day. Neb, our
snowflake eel turned stark white, and it looked as though the other
fish were starting to bite him. <Sorry to hear that!> We've
had Neb for about 8 months, he was a juvenile that doubled in size
during the time we had him in our 90-gallon tank. Our other fish (1
clown, 1 niger trigger, 1 dog-faced puffer) seem fine. We noticed that
the niger trigger was starting to go into Neb's plastic tube
that's buried in the sand. Could the trigger have stressed Neb out?
<Quite possible. Despite the predatory reputation of Snowflake Eels,
they are generally somewhat shy and reclusive in their habits, and will
simply not compete with more aggressive fishes like triggers and
puffers> We are also wondering if the diet was okay, we were feeding
Neb shrimp soaked in vitamins on a skewer. <Well, that's not a
bad component of his diet. However, all animals should receive a varied
diet, consisting of other foods, like krill, chopped squid, clams,
etc...Variety is important. Good though on the vitamin supplementation,
though> Really sad to lose that beautiful creature. Any insight you
might have would be appreciated. Thank you, Connie <Hang in there,
Connie. I'm sorry to hear about your loss, but I know that
you've learned something, so that's why this tragedy will not
have been in vain. Don't let it dissuade you from growing and
learning in the hobby. Good luck! Regards, Scott F>
Aggressive Moray Eel >Hi, >>Hello, Mike. >I
think my snowflake moray is eating all of its smaller tank
mates. I have a 85 Gal Acrylic aquarium with a
lot of rock for hiding. The fish inhabitants are a 4"
yellow tang, 6" red emperor snapper and a 20" snowflake moray
eel. The fish that have disappeared in the last two weeks
are a 3 lined damsel, 2 tomato clowns and just recently a 3 1/2 "
Niger trigger. I suspect the moray for several reasons, one
the fish are accounted for the previous day then gone the
next morning. Also I saw the moray foraging through the
crevices in the rocks finding the trigger sleeping and harassing
him. A couple of days later the trigger had a bite mark on
the top of him. Now he is just gone, no trace of the trigger
at all. By the way these fish (excluding the clowns) have
all been coexisting somewhat peacefully for about the last 4 months.
About three weeks ago I moved the two tomato clowns from my other tank
into this one, they disappeared in about two days then the damsel
disappeared then the trigger. I don't think it is the snapper, as
long as he is fed he pretty much leaves everyone alone. I have been
feeding them more goldfish lately, that is the only change in the last
6 mo. Any info would be greatly appreciated. Mike
>>Yes, Mike, it's definitely the moray. He should
be removed ASAP, they are known for this kind of behavior, and are
tricky to have co-habiting with other fish (*especially* fishes of the
tasty sizes you've described). Also, please, do NOT feed
any marine fishes goldfish. Generally, goldfish are just
terrible as feeders for any fish, but it's especially true of
marines--this has to do in large part with the fats found within a
Goldie's tissues. You would do much better (as would the
fish) if you trained them to take marine foods such as squid, krill,
clam, octopus, and shrimp from a feeding stick (unless they'll take
it floating). Good luck catching the Snowflake, and I'll
advise you to be very careful when netting and placing into bag or
bucket, they can move VERY quickly, and I've been doinked twice by
them. If you are bitten, do NOT pull away, as this will just
make the wound worse, he *will* let go, pretty much
immediately. Marina
Snowflake moray Bob, Hi my name is Tyler. I
am very new to this hobby. I have my first tank in it's
cycle right now, which is a 75g AGA with LR and some soft
corals. Anyways I would really love to have a snowflake in
my tank eventually, and my LFS always has them in. The one
thing I haven't been able to find out has to do with the
shrimp-goby pair and keeping a snowflake. On your site
under the general section about morays, you state that they generally
leave symbiotic shrimp alone, under the snowflake section you state
that they are crustacean feeders and will certainly eat them
(crustaceans) in an aquarium environment. So I was wondering
if the Snowflake pretty much left the shrimp-goby pairs alone, or if
the shrimp was going to be it's next meal. Thanks a
bunch for your help. Amazing site too! Awesome for a newbie.
-Tyler <Unfortunately the Snowflake is very likely to eat the
shrimp. I would not place these animals together. Bob
Snowflake eels I am interested in buying a Snowflake eel
for my saltwater tank but I just want to know if I stick my hand in the
tank will it attack or bite?<no he won't, or shouldn't
anyway> Also I saw that you recommend at least a 60 gallon I just
bought a 55 gallon does 5 gallons make that big of a difference? Thanks
<The 5 gallons really does not make much of a difference. I would
say you are ok, if you keep the snowflake by himself and perform
regular water changes. good luck with this fish>
Snowflake addition - 9/9/03 I am interested in buying a
Snowflake eel for my saltwater tank but I just want to know if I stick
my hand in the tank will it attack or bite? <Not likely, BUT it is
possible. Be very aware of him at all times. Feed with some feeding
tongs (find them on various marine retailers) and use a spotter for
cleanings. Keep those water parameters crystal clear, mate> Also I
saw that you recommend at least a 60 gallon. I just bought a 55 gallon
does 5 gallons make that big of a difference? <Actually, that is
likely the bare minimum. So in you case I would say the five gallons
makes difference. I would like to say that the middle ground tank would
be more like a seventy-five gallon tank. Not to say it can't be
done, but be sure that the eel is you main display piece and build
around him. -Paul> Thanks
Eel Hitchhiker Ought to Go (3/7/04) Hi WWM, <Steve
Allen this AM> I would like to seek your advise about keeping the
snowflake moray eel. <OK> I bought a batch
of 12Kg live rock this afternoon and now I found there is a 8" to
10" eel that came along with the rock. After searching in the
internet, I found its an snowflake moray eel. <Lucky you. I paid $30
for mine. Eels do occasionally show up as LR hitchhikers.> Well here
is the problem, I have 4 x 1.5" common clowns, one 2.5"
African clown, 4 more about 3/4" fishes, one doctor prawn &
a lot of coral. Should I keep the eel or remove it? How to
remove it (easy to catch?). Thanks. regards, ws teoh <Well, you do
have a problem. The shrimp is a goner for sure. The eel may not quite
be big enough to get the clowns yet, but it will be. The 3/4" fish
are already in mortal danger. I'd get him out now. The only way to
do this is to remove all of the rock and net him. Be careful: they bite
hard, the wriggle like mad, and they can escape through the smallest
opening. Good luck. You ought to be able to sell him to a fish
Snowflake Eel LR Hitchhiker (3/8/04) HI Steve,
<Evenin'> Thanks for the advise & VERY prompt
response. <My pleasure.> It helps a
lot. I'm awake last night around 4am, just
to ensure "no one hurt". Well, I'm lucky. USD$30 for the
eel, I'm really lucky. I think I might want to setup my spare tank
(30"x 18"x20") for him. <Would be OK for now. Needs
48 inches long later.> However, I have no more chiller to cool the
water (I get around 31degC in afternoon in Malaysia), I hope he will
survive in there. Will he? <Well, that's pretty warm
alright. No air-conditioning? A fan blowing over the surface might cool
it down enough.> Thanks again for the advise. Rgds, ws teoh <and
to you in return>
Snowflake Eel Question Hi. I recently added a 10"
snowflake eel to my tank (120 gallons) and I am really enjoying him,
however, my fish are disappearing. First, it was my Picasso Trigger,
then my clown fish, then my Chromis. I have been feeding him other
things like shrimp and squid but I later find that he has taken them
off his feeding stick and hidden them in his cave. Is he going to have
to be kept by himself? <I would say so lol> He has started to
lunge at my yellow tang (which is one of 2 fish I have left besides the
eel). Any suggestions would be helpful.<get rid of that eel!!!.,
IanB><<A piscivorous Echidna nebulosa? I don't think so.
RMF>> Thanks Ashley
Crab/Eel Compatibility Hello! <Hello April>
My husband recently introduced a sally lightfoot crab to our 50 gallon
breeder reef tank. We noticed the other day he was missing a leg. Today
we noticed he is missing two more legs. We also have a juvenile
snowflake eel, 3 different types of damsels and a turbo snail...as I
have said this is a reef tank. We did have 2 turbo snails but one has
seemed to disappear. Is the eel trying to feed in the crab? Could that
be why the missing legs? The boy at the pet store told my husband that
eels and the crab would be fine together. <I think the boy at
the pet store needs further training. Crabs are a delicacy for
eels.> Also, I thought I read somewhere that this crab needs
to get out of the water once in awhile...is that true?
<No> What could explain the missing snail.. <Maybe died?
Is the shell in the tank?> This eel is very small. He leaves
the damsels alone. If we can't have the crab in the tank with the
eel then what can we get to eat the algae that wont be the eel's
dinner? There is starting to be a lot of algae growing on the sides of
the tank. We have never done a reef tank before. Just eels. Thanks for
any help you can give. <On the Wet Web Media Google search,
type in the keyword "algae control". You will find plenty of
info there to help you out. James (Salty Dog)>
Snowflake moray and cleaner shrimp. hey, I
was wondering if a snowflake moray would eat my cleaner
shrimp. Or if he would leave it alone because it is a
cleaner. best regards Miles >>>Hey Miles, Based on
experience, I'm betting he'll eat it. :) In captivity, you
really can never tell with these things. Cheers Jim<<<
Snowflake moray and a green wolf 2/11/05 Just a quick one, since
I can't seem to find anything on this anywhere, maybe you guys can
answer it for me. Would a Snow flake moray and a green wolf ell be able
to coexist in a 46gallon bow front tank? Thanks in advance Nick <its
rather poor mix... the green wolf "eel" is a fast and furious
eater (keep sighted) while the moray is not. Without target feeding the
latter, it may suffer over time. Do reconsider. Anthony>
Snowflake eel question? I have a question about the
snowflake eel if you were to place them in a tank of fish it is
possible they could outgrow and eat the other fish in the tank? And on
one more note which kinds of marine fish may they get along with?
(Darell) <This species almost never eats fishes... this question,
your other... are answered on WWM... read there. Bob Fenner>
Cycling an eel tank, ignorance re nutrition of Echidna, cycling,
using WWM 9/5/05 Hello again When I get my 75 gallon tank how
would I cycle it if I plan to put a snowflake eel in it. When I first
get the eel he will be way too small to eat the fish but eventually he
will. <No...> Is there any kind of fish that could cycle the tank
that would not be eventually eaten? <All sorts> And if I did put
some Chromis or damsels and they were eaten I would not mind, its just
nature. But if you know another way that could save some fish from
being eaten I am all ears. Sorry to bother you again, but thanks for
all your help Patrick Nikiel <Please... use the search tool, indices
on WWM... Read here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/snowflakemoray.htm re this species
care, feeding... and elsewhere on WWM re cycling. Bob