FAQs about Worms, Vermiform Animals of all
Kinds, Reproduction
Related FAQs: Flatworm
Reproduction, Polychaete
Reproduction, Tubeworm
Reproduction, & Worms 1,
Worms 2, Worms
3, & FAQs on: Worm
Identification, Worm Behavior,
Worm Compatibility, Worm Selection, Worm
Systems, Worm Feeding, Worm Disease, & Polychaete Identification, Flatworms/Planaria, Fire/Bristle/Errantiate Polychaete
Related Articles: Worms, Featherduster Worms

Worm Spawning 2/9/04 Good
evening Anthony? <and to you Morgan :)> Hope your life is
salty and wet. ;] <Oh, so many wonder responses to
that open door comment.> I wrote about my flame scallop a while
back, I've had it for a year now and its still happy and
growing. <good to hear... any ideas why that you
might share with us?> So I bought a big white one to keep it
company. <Ughhh... you know, they say that lightning
never strikes the same place twice> Hehehee Its a good
thing I'm an experienced reefer eh? lol <Ahhh... or the
other side of that coin is "even a blind squirrel finds a nut
sometimes"> Well this evening I turned the
lights back on after about two hours to finish fragging an Acropora
and clean the glass. After an hour or so I noticed white
cloudy stuff coming from the area of my Anacropora. I
lifted up the colony and found that my rock boring worm? was
spawning. <very cool> Pretty darn sure, it
didn't look like rock dust and the worm went at it for a long
time. I always figured I had some sort of worm in the
rock because it would leave tube-like stuff (like thin feather
duster tubing) around the holes and underneath other
rocks. I tried to id it on the web but I couldn't
find anything close to what it is. So here I am...
;] If you look at the close up picture you can see a
hole with xenia close by, you can see 2 tentacles that are banded
brown and white. Well I hope you can see
them... <not clear in the <1% of the image that
they occupy <G>. A closer/full-frame shot would help if
possible> Anyway, this guy has 5 brown and white banded
tentacles surrounding a mouth?, like a calcareous tube worm
mouth. I figure this is some type of Serpulid? worm, but
I've never seen one with 5 tentacles. Hope you enjoy
the sexy pictures. ;] Sweet dreams! Morgan Mok <the event is
really neat. And much appreciation for sharing the pics and report.
I wish I could be of more help with the ID, but it would be nothing
more than a guess at this point. Do send a better photo is possible
and I'll give it the old college try :) Anthony> |