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Juvenile purple wrasses? Bob, <Lee> I bought 3 juvenile purple wrasses, at my local wholesalers. Thinking they were Hawaiian cleaner wrasses. <?> I am now worried because I have 12 cleaner shrimps in my 240 gallon tank. I pray that these wrasses will not grow up and eat my shrimps. What do you think? Also do you know the scientific names of these wrasses?? Thanks again. Lee <Umm, not familiar with the common name "purple wrasses"... neither is fishbase.org... But, a few things to impart... I would NOT put three Labroides spp. wrasses in this size system... I would definitely research all purchases ahead of acquisition... and I WOULD definitely quarantine all new livestock... You're playing the petfish equivalent of Russian Roulette my friend. Bob Fenner> Wrasse Id Hi, I have a yellow wrasse for 5 months now and all the while I thought that it is a Halichoeres chrysus. however, lately I notice that his head has got some very light green and pink horizontal lines although it's body is still yellow. it has grown to appx 3" now. could it have been a Thalassoma lutescens after all? what are the distinct characteristics of both species? my blue tang (2.5") enjoys following it around. thanks in advance. Ai Kun <Don't think this is a T. lutescens... very unusual for specimens of such small size to be collected... but may well be another Halichoeres species. Please see the few pix I have here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/halichoeres.htm and fishbase.org under the genus. Bob Fenner> Re: Wrasse Id hi Bob, <Ai Kun> thanks for your prompt reply. I think I have found it's id on the website. I started this hobby early this year and your website has been my first reference source for information. I am so glad that you guys are ever ready to help out newbies like me. Keep up the good work !! Ai Kun <Thank you my friend. A pleasure to share. Bob Fenner> Unidentified Cirrhilabrus I don't know what this wrasse is, but I've kept one before. It is one of the larger ones, growing to be roughly 5 inches in length. The base color of this fish is a drab olive green. There is a black bar running horizontally across the length of the body that's on top of an orange horizontal bar. The pelvic fins are elongate and pointed. It's belly is a light powder blue, and has a dull red streak across it's eyes. However, the feature that stands out the most despite it's drab coloration is its remarkable super bright metallic blue caudal fin, with flecks of gold. I have seen it only one other time previous to today. I suspect it may be a male Katherine's Fairy Wrasse, (Cirrhilabrus katherinae), or an Orange Bar Fairy Wrasse, (Cirrhilabrus earlei). So far on the net, I haven't seen a picture of Cirrhilabrus earlei so I wouldn't know for sure. Is this description adequate for identification? Philip S. El Monte <Not for me... please see WWM here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/wrasses/cirrhilabrus/index.htm or Fishbase.org under the genus, or Scott Michael's Reef Fishes, v.1, Or Rudie Kuiter's latest on Velvet, Fairy Wrasses by TMC. It may be that you have an as-yet unidentified Cirrhilabrus (there are several on the market). Bob Fenner>
Wrasse ID, info. Hey Mr. Fenner, I have your book and researched it up and down after reading it several time to look for a specific wrasse species that I have on hold in a pet store nearby. I want to get your opinion on this wrasse and it's labeled "spadetail wrasse" on the tank. <Mmm, don't know this common name... and the family is quite large (more than 300 species)... tried putting a few spellings in fishbase.org and doesn't come up with anything either. Please take a look on WWM starting here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/wrasses/index.htm for the family. There is an example of the major genera, links from there to coverage of species... do you see it?> They are only holding it till tomorrow for me so I would like your opinion on it as soon as you possibly can. The wrasse is a deep almost navy blue front half with the other half being solid white with all of the fins surrounding the fish in blue and in the middle where the blue and white meet being a distinct vertical line straight down, does this sound familiar? <Is it an adult Labroides bicolor? http://www.wetwebmedia.com/labroide.htm ?> Does this particular wrasse fare well in the home aquarium? easy to keep? thanks bob, I will not buy this fish until I get your opinion and feedback on it. <Am drawing a semi-blank... any more clues, like which part of the world the fish was collected from? Any part of the scientific name, another common name, where they got it from, size... Bob Fenner>
- Which Fish is This? - My LFS recently got in a beautiful fish I have never seen before. They have labeled it a "blue barred Pseudochromis", but the only picture I can find that looks anything like it (navy, almost black, with two longitudinal metallic blue lines down each side) is a red sea cleaner wrasse. <Hmm... well, there are a lot of Pseudochromis that aren't even described. Could be you have the genuine article.> What's more, I observed it trying to clean a couple fish in the tank. <Well... there are quite a few non-standard cleaners that clean as juveniles. Could be this is the same behavior.> Is there some other fish, i.e. a "blue barred pseudo" this might be (best guess without a picture, I know), and assuming it is a red sea cleaner Larabicus quadrilineatus, this is a fish you would recommend strongly against (cause it is beautiful!)? <Actually, would recommend against the Larabicus quadrilineatus because the adults are obligate coral polyp eaters.> Jim <Cheers, J -- > Identifying Wrasse I was given a fish 2 years ago when I started my salt water tank. I was told it was a lunare wrasse (come to find out by the pic. it definitely is not one). It eats crustaceans, coral, brittle stars, soft stars , and other critters in the tank and is very territorial. On it's face it has pink and blue swirls, and the body has pink and blue stripes, on the top fin toward the front is one small black spot and there is another in the edge of the tail by the body. I think it is about 2 1/2 years old so it should be an adult. We have been having trouble in our tank and wanted to have a reef tank but I think this one might have to go but I need to identify it first. We also have in the tank a couple of varieties of damsels and one percula clown. Can you please help? <Jump over to this page and use the links from there. Lots of photos of Wrasses and more links. A huge family. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/wrasses/index.htm Craig> Re: green leaf wrasse I am looking for info on a green leaf wrasse. The pet store has one and the owner doesn't know enough about it. How big does it get ? what size tank does it need?, what does it eat? and how aggressive is it? I can't find any info on it on WWM or fish base ( since it has changed it is hard to navigate). Thanks in advance for your help. <Mmm, well, I put the term "green leaf wrasse" in at fishbase.org, and they haven't heard of such an animal either. Do you have another name, common or scientific, perhaps a photo? Bob Fenner> Re: wrasse ID Hey Craig, I bought a 1.5 in. wrasse (in QT for 2 weeks now) that is yellow with 3 spots (black) on its dorsal fin and another spot by the tail. Some book says it is a banana wrasse and it's good for beginner and some says it is a yellow coris wrasse (difficult fish). What do you think it is? Still no luck with cleaner shrimp surviving in my main tank (LOL) just to let you know. Thanks........Jun <Hi Jun, Try these: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/wrasses/index.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/wrasses/coris/index.htm This should help you out. Craig> - Wrasse with no Name - hi guys, <Greetings, JasonC here...> i made an impulse buy last weekend, and bought a pink faced wrasse, about 3 1/2" in size. <I am not at all familiar with this common name...> it's a beautiful and active fish, and seems to be dealing well with life in the QT. I'm looking for info about it, and not finding much in books and on-line. i think it's of the family Labridae, not certain though. <Well... if it's a wrasse, it's a Labridae, that's the family name and also one of the world's largest families of fishes. I would highly suggest that you go through our pages on WetWebMedia and try to locate your wrasse there - start here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/wrasses/index.htm > my tank is a 45 gallon tall FO, with hermits and snails for cleaners. it ate one small hermit crab that was in the QT with it, I'm assuming this means the rest of the crabs are going to be on its menu in the main. <Seems a good assumption.> do the big ones have a chance of surviving, or are they just going to be snacks for the wrasse? <Time will tell.> the only other fish in the main are a juvenile (2 1/2") maroon clown and a neon goby. I'm hoping that the clown being well established and the wrasse being much larger will allow the two of them to get along. the goby has always been pretty much ignored by other fish, so I'm not too worried about it. the wrasse seems healthy, but has shown some scratching behavior with the decorations and substrate. <Doesn't sound like much of a quarantine - this system should not have any substrate and should be decorated with only pieces of PVC - things that won't react with anything you might try to treat the fish with.> the limited amount of literature I've found so far suggests this is normal for a wrasse and not necessarily an indication of parasite infection. <I wouldn't be that optimistic.> is this a correct opinion, or should i be thinking about copper? <I think you should find some other literature... start here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/mardisease.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/parasiti.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/QuarMarFishes.htm > the QT params are fine, and it doesn't seem to be having any problems breathing or have any obvious physical signs of ich or velvet. <Keep your eyes open - Oodinium and Ich can both rear their ugly head before you see spots.> its behavior is very different from other fish I've had; it alternates between crawling into corners of the decor and staying in an almost comatose state in strange positions to vigorous swimming and stirring up the substrate. I've heard these fish are jumpers, and am wondering if i should be considering sealing off the gaps in the back of the cover, leaving enough room for the hang on skimmer and overflow. <I would.> if i should be worrying about that (still have time to do that while it's in QT), what would be the best way to close off the gaps in the cover? <Some covers come with a piece of plastic trim which can be cut to shape - I would do this.> any advice you could give me would be appreciated. it was an impulse buy, but seems like a very interesting fish and I'm hoping we can provide a good home for it. <My advise to you is to avoid impulse buys in the future.> thanks, Pete <Cheers, J -- > Wrasse ID Hello. <Hi there! Scott F. with you> A buddy of mine gave me a wrasse last night. he has had it for about 2 months and supposedly the LFS said it was still a juvenile when he bought it (its only about 1 inch in length). They told him it was a neon wrasse and would get to be 3-4 inches. It is black, with purple stripes down the sides, however, when i put him in my Qt tank the stripes looked more blue. I was looking at your site and he looks similar to the neon wrasses, but also looks like the chiseltooth wrasse. I know this is hard to call without having a picture. <I'm thinking about a bunch of species from your descriptions...really, almost impossible to identify without a photo...I hope that it's not a Larabicus quadrilineatus, which is an obligate corallivore...I hope that's not the one! On the other hand, the common name "Neon Wrasse" also applies to a Halichoeres species, most of which are good, hardy fishes...Do try to send a pic if you can> Also when I put him in my qt he laid on the bottom, and didn't move around much. I didn't want to stress him out more by constantly examining him, but I peeped in this morning and couldn't find him. I'm at work now, so I won't be able to check to see if he's still alive until this evening. Is laying at the bottom common during acclimation? <Lots of wrasses and other fishes display this type of behaviour in a quarantine tank. Just make sure that he gets up and swims once in a while...> I did acclimate him for about an hour (using MelaFix just in case) and gave him a fresh water dip. Thanks for your helping ear...Mike <My pleasure! Sorry I couldn't make a positive ID on the wrasse... Take care! Regards, Scott F> - Four-line Wrasse Coloration - <Larabicus, not Pseudocheilinus> Hello there! <Good morning, JasonC here...> I've been reading the FAQs and find them to be extremely informative. <I'm glad you find them useful.> Thank you! I have a question though on the Red Sea 4 Line... I got a specimen about 2 weeks back and he seems to be adjusting very well, and started taking Mysis and Flake about a week ago. Problem is, he / she is losing the original colouration, i.e. darkening from the tail to the front. The last 1/4 of the fish is now uniformly deep blue instead of the deep blue with metallic blue lines... I've tried searching the net but couldn't find any definitive photos on male / female / Juvenile colouration of the wrasse. <I'm not aware of any differences.> Is the fish stressed? <That would be my guess... give it some more time to get used to the new conditions.> Or is it changing from Juvenile to adult or Male to Female or vice versa? PS: I'm guessing its not a juvenile because its never performed any cleaning for the fish in my tank. <And even then, that behavior is more likely to be seen in the wild than in captivity.> Thanks <Cheers, J -- > - Re: Red Sea 4 Line Wrasse - Hello again, <Hi...> Thanks for the Swift reply! <My pleasure.> I have checked out some images at Fishbase (didn't know it existed until I read the Anthias FAQs) and found that there are differences btw Male, Female and Juvenile 4 Lines. http://fishbase.sinica.edu.tw/Photos/ThumbnailsSummary.cfm?ID=25788 <My bad, I was thinking of the Pseudocheilinus tetrataenia... my apologies.> Unfortunately the male and female don't look anywhere as gorgeous as the juvenile... Now I feel a little cheated for paying so much for that fish! =) <Something else you should know... these become corallivores once they become adults.> Thanks <Cheers, and sorry again for not doing my research. J -- >
Wrasse Hello Bob I wonder about the Wrasse family of fish. Some species don't look alike at all . Their mouth, face shape, or physical features are not the same in anyway. So could you tell me why a certain species belong to this family known as Wrasses: What do they have in common? And what do all Wrasses usually eat? Please tell me more about what they eat. Thank You. <<Big, diverse family (600 plus species)... have a few physical traits in common... long dorsal and anal fins with spines and soft rays... Most with square/truncate caudals (tail fins). Large ctenoid (interdigitating scales), large caudal peduncles (part of the body before the tail).... most are opportunistic omnivores... meat, zooplankton eaters... that their mouths (some folks think name for family, "labros" refers to Greek word for "greedy"...)... Many do undergo bizarre changes in color, body shape with age, changing of sex... (go from undifferentiated or designated juveniles to females to males... to possibly super-males...). Bob Fenner, whose wrasse family pieces you can peruse at www.wetwebmedia.com>> Re: An unusual wrasse, Pteragogus flagellifer (not) Bob: Just back from a week of diving at Kiritimati (Christmas Island) in the Line Islands. Your Pteragogus is cryptus (one I described); Aloha, Jack <Yikes. Thank you Dr. Randall... will change in the system, WWM, original... Bob F con tail twixt legs> Goin' Bananas! (Or- The Danger of Common Names!) Halichoeres chrysus.... That's what a banana wrasse was I thought... I've seen some fish that looked almost exactly the same as the picture of the Halichoeres chrysus... but it was listed as a Banana Wrasse... can you give me some links to the different fish... and a little bit of identification info between the two... <Try these two links: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/halichoeres.htm http://www.wetwebmedia.com/thalassoma.htm > Because (just between you and me) due to the fact that I don't trust the LFS dealers as far as I can throw them. <Unfortunate...> I just don't want to end up with a Banana Wrasse in my tank thinking it is something else, as I have been told they are not compatible (Banana Wrasse) with clowns and purple headed dart fish. Thanx dude...totally... grab shell... Damn I just seen "that movie" thanks so much mate... <Not a problem! After scanning the links, I think that you'll have a better understanding about the differences of these two fishes...And you can refer to them by their scientific names to help avoid confusion! Plus, it will make you sound cool at the next party you're invited to..."Dude, I was checking out this insane Halichoeres melanurus, and..." Well, on second thought, just stick to talking about football and other stuff...Us fish nerds need to keep our techno babble to ourselves, huh? LOL. Take care! Regards, Scott F> always fun and educational you are! cheers Garth "Purple" Wrasse Hi, guys. Hope you have a good Easter weekend. I'm trying to id a wrasse my LFS has. It is listed simply as a purple wrasse. To me, it looks a lot like a Halichoeres marginatus except that it is a dark purple, rather than the H. marginatus coloring so I was thinking it might be a Halichoeres genus. The store isn't sure but thinks it probably isn't a Halichoeres. I've looked through Burgess, your site and other books for the fish without luck. Any idea on what it might be or where I could find it described? It's a real beauty and only $18 but I'd like some idea of what it might be. The store says they get them from time to time so it isn't some oddball rare fish. Thanks! Marc <couldn't say with confidence on the general description... please send a pic if you like.> Wrasse ID Checked out the Mexican/Cortez Wrasse......it's definitely not that. It's not as colorful. I really love that whole genus but as you stated they would make quick work of my cleaner shrimp. I will continue my search. It's patter somewhat resembled the female Cortez, but the colors were quite different. Thanks for your help Anthony. PS.....I've also daydreamed about filling the basement...........? (hehe) <you are quite welcome, my friend. Send along a picture and I'm sure one of us can ID the fish. Kindly, Anthony> Re: A fish at PetCo Hi Bob. I was down at a PetCo last evening (a big pet chain who also tries to sell a few saltwater fish) <Yes... very familiar... I largely built their "set", drygoods, livestock over three years before they initially went public in 1994...> and I saw a 3-4" wrasse in a small tank which looked fairly happy. The tank was unmarked, and the gals working there didn't know what type of wrasse he was, and eventually they found someone on staff who said confidently that he was a lunare wrasse. <Oh> My question to you: his coloring is nothing like a full-grown lunar wrasse. His body was goldish, he had a dark spot on his upper fin (in the same place as maybe a Christmas or pudding wife wrasse), but he did have some squiggly variation on his face. His shape looked more like a Halichoeres than a Thalassoma, to me. <A lot of Thalassoma wrasses look something of this as juveniles... and a few Halichoeres> Anyway, the young guy said he was sure he was a lunare, and his price was only $10.99. He looks like a very healthy fish, and I wondered what your thoughts were about putting something "unknown" into my reef tank (after proper dipping and a multi-week visit to quarantine, of course). <Life is full of calculated risks, and surprises. Bob Fenner> Thanks for your advice, as always. Jim Raub
Please help me ID this wrasse After having all the fish die in our tank except the unidentified wrasse (came free with the tank and ecosystem purchase). I am ready to slowly begin adding fishes again. I bought "The New Marine Aquarium" book per your advice. <Really? I have never advised the use of this book as far as I'm aware... have never read it myself> It has been 5 weeks or more since the die off, 2 water changes, added more live rock and all levels are perfect again. Now I just need to identify this wrasse. I have spent hours online trying to find this same species in a picture. The store originally told me it was an 8 line wrasse then another person said it was a banana wrasse. <Both are described, photos offered on our site, www.WetWebMedia.com the first here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/pseudocheilinus.htm the second: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/halichoeres.htm> Based on this information I began looking for the answer. What I have found is that the fish does look similar to the banana wrasse except that it has 2 black spots. One at the tail and one at the fin on his back (I wanted to sound like I was knowledgeable and say dorsal fin, but what if I was wrong....I'd prove myself an idiot). He is extremely active and swims around doing spins and attempts to knock the snails (15 of them) off the glass continually. I believe he has them trained to only come out at night when he sleeps deep in a crevice and it is dark. Every morning when the light comes on they have been noticeably hard at work and the tank is clean. My goal is to begin adding fish and other items of interest so that my children can begin enjoying the tank more. My oldest daughter is autistic, she loves science and is fascinated with the tank and its mysterious happenings already. She was completely devastated when all of the fish died. The local store that we have is really very limited as far as their experience, we are the blind leading the blind. So I turn to you. Please help me with this wrasse. I may end up taking it back to the store if it isn't going to be compatible with our desired species. My daughter would like clowns, blennies, grammas, gobies, Anthias, black-axle Chromis, Firefish, and the purple tang. <All compatible with the first species, the second species of wrasse I would trade in at this point. There is variation in the Halichoeres hortulanus... take a look at the images on fishbase.org here by entering the species name... clicking on the image that comes up> My husband loves the soft corals. Our tank is 65 gallons. The other current inhabitants are an emerald crab, some red tipped hermit crabs, a spiny urchin, and a few brown crabs that were in the rock when purchased and we rarely see. Thank you so much, Trisha Montez <Be chatting. Bob Fenner> Re: please help me ID I typed in black-axil Chromis and my daughter wanted me to send you the correction. She wants the Chromis viridis <viridis> not the black-axil. In fact she wants several. ;) Trisha <No worries. Even more mix-able. Bob Fenner> |
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