FAQs about Xanthichthys Triggerfishes,
Related FAQs: Xanthichthys
Triggers 1, Xanthichthys Triggers
2, & FAQs on Xanthichthys
Identification, Xanthichthys
Compatibility, Xanthichthys
Selection, Xanthichthys
Systems, Xanthichthys
Feeding, Xanthichthys
Disease, Xanthichthys
Reproduction, & Triggerfishes
in General, Triggerfish: Identification,
Selection, Selection 2,
Behavior, Systems,
Triggerfish Health
2, Reproduction,
Related Articles: Xanthichthys
Triggers, Triggerfish, Red Sea
Triggerfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner
Xanthichthys Blue Throat Color 7/8/16
I have had a juvenile blue throat trigger for about 8 months now in my 180g
mixed reef. I purchased him with a pronounced blue throat and yellow around his
tail. He still has the yellow around his tail but his blue throat is very faint
and hardly visible. Does this species change sex?
<Mmm; no... as far as I'm aware, Balistids are of determinate sex. MUCH more
likely a matter of diet, water quality, a lack of female to show off for>
Could it be possible that he is now a she? Or could it be the absence of a
<Ah yes>
Huge fan of the site! Many thanks,
Spencer Hall
<Cheers, Bob Fenner>
Re: Xanthichthys Blue Throat Color 7/8/16
Thanks Bob
<Thank you Spence>
He's got a good diet, I switch between mysis formula 1 and 2 and large krill for
him to grind that beak down with. He also munches the algae wrapper I put in for
the tangs from time to time.
Thanks again for such a quick response!
<Welcome! BobF>
Spencer Hall
Trigger behavior question
I have a blue-jaw trigger that behaves normally most of the time.
Periodically, he goes to the surface, sticks his head out, and bobs up and down.
He seems fine otherwise. Any ideas why? I have searched everywhere online. Thank
you for your time. I am very curious about his behavior.
Dusty Goucher, DVM
<Hi Dusty. This doesn't sound all that unusual, triggers are full of character
and have pretty distinct personalities and do a lot of this sort of thing. Maybe
a food seeking behavior or interested in something he sees up there. Hard to say
much else without more information. No marks on him?
Is he eating well, and what? What other inhabitants are in the system, what size
is the tank, how long have you had him, how long has he done this/how often?
Re: Trigger behavior question
> I have only had him 3 weeks. There does not seem to be any problems. He
> has behaved this way since I got him and does it 1-2 times a day. He is in
> a 55gal with a porcupine puffer, sail fin tang, and a Foxface - all of whom
> are doing fine too. No one is aggressive (or at least equally so) and there
> are no signs of damage to anyone.
> <I would just keep an eye on him (check him more than once a day). Assuming
the other animals are normal, if you've ruled out any problems with the water
chemistry, I would assume it's just a behavior this particular fish has,
especially since it is after all pretty recently removed from its environment
into a completely foreign environment with a bunch of strangers. If he doesn't
seem to be gasping for air or have any buoyancy/swimming trouble I would just
enjoy it as one of an array of personality quirks these guys often have. My
favorite fishy family, personally.>
> Dusty Goucher, DVM
Blue Jaw Trigger night time freak outs
Hi again! I hope this letter finds you well during this Christmas season!
I'm hoping your infinite wisdom may help me find some relief for my poor blue
jaw. I've had him for about a year now. He's been very healthy and colourful.
But I do believe he's scared of the dark. Is this possible? I have my tank set
up in the den outside my room so at night I can hear all the commotion. Almost
like clock work about an hour after the moon light
has finally dimmed all the way off and everyone else is asleep he just starts
bolting to and fro. Smashing into everything. I'm convinced one morning I'll
find him on the floor and I desperately want to avoid that. I have LEDs on ramp
timers that take about three hours to go from full brightness to completely off.
I also keep a small LED nightlight on in the den for bathroom runs. There are no
kids or animals or human movement of any kind at this hour to prompt his
outbursts. Do you think perhaps he's sick or just getting spooked by hermits? Do
you have any suggestions to calm him down? This has been going on since he first
joined my home and is not a sudden onset symptom.
Thanks again for being so incredible!!
<Some key questions here... how big's the tank? What sort of tankmates?
Sufficient comfortable hiding places? Triggers are not especially easily
spooked, but they do have quite specific ideas about what makes a good home.
They need space, a fair amount given their territorial psychology, and won't
cohabit well with other triggers. Xanthichthys are at the mellower end
of the Balistid range (it's all relative of course; these aren't mindless,
harmless fish by any means). So anything more territorial can cause problems. In
terms of tank size and hiding places, if these fish feel confined, they're
unlikely to settle, and bear in mind that Triggers "bed down" for the night by
wedging into cracks and using their modified dorsal and anal fins to hold them
in place. If your chap can't find a crevice that feels right to him, he won't
settled down easily at night.
This is doubly true if there's an obvious "night shift" of predators (morays,
but even Ariid catfish in my experience) that the Triggers aren't au fait with.
Assess, and act accordingly. I'm not a fan of night lights (moonlight tubes for
example) but these might be useful. Cheers, Neale.><<Well done! RMF>>
Sargassum trigger, beh., sys.
I have a Redtail triggerfish a 57 gallon tank.
<Mmm, needs more room than this>
I know he's supposed to be in a bigger tank but he is a small fish at 3
inches. I know I can house him in this tank for a year before he gets
big enough to transport into a bigger tank or donate into my lfs.
My question is that he likes to swim in circles around my MP 40 during
random parts of the day. Is this a normal thing for a triggerfish to do
or do you have any knowledge that triggerfish like doing this in
Thank you.
<Is normal to be active... swim in patterns; but this can likewise be
symptomatic of neurotic behavior; being bored...
Bob Fenner>
New Yellow Tang and Rigens Triggerfish. Latter, comp./beh.
Hello! I have a 90 gallon aquarium with some coral and 140lbs of
nice rock. I added a Rigens Triggerfish and a Yellow Tang (at the
request of my daughter) at the same time two days ago.
The tang is doing well. The trigger went in the tank, found a cave
and hid. He came out last night for 20 seconds to gobble some
The tang appears to keep looking in the cave at the trigger. Is
the tang a problem to the trigger's acclimation?
<Not likely, no. Balistids, particularly the genus Xanthichthys often
take a few weeks to become situated...>
Did I make a big mistake introducing them simultaneously?
Or, as I've been told, could the Rigens Trigger hide for days or a
week until he's comfortable?
<Ah, yes>
Thank you for your help!
Dan Callaghan
<Welcome. Bob Fenner>
Re: New Yellow Tang and Rigens Triggerfish. 11/17/12
Thanks Bob...great website...I appreciate your swift reply, as I was
worried about the little guy. Have a great Thanksgiving.
<Glad to assist your efforts Dan. Cheers, BobF>
Re: New Yellow Tang and Rigens Triggerfish. Xanthichthys beh. f'
– 11/19/12
Trigger update...he comes out to eat at night. There was a meet
and greet with his tank mates. He's still very shy, but
investigated half of the tank. Then, eats and back to his cave.
<Further improvement in time. B>
Dan Callaghan
Two questions: Inter Genus wrasse compatibility, Crosshatch
Trigger Behavior -- 06/09/10
Good morning!
<Slipping past quick!>
I am working on stocking a 600g FOWLR system and I have a question that
I have not been able to answer with regards to wrasses.. The tank is 96
long, 36 deep, 30tall, and houses about 300 lbs of live rock.. I have a
gallon refugium beneath filled mostly with live rock rubble, and
growing Chaeto.. Skimming is performed by (2) I-Tech 400 conical
skimmers with dual pumps in a separate sump.. On top of this, I run 2
36" canisters with activated charcoal..
<Sounds good>
With that out of the way, I do run a pretty crowded ship.. I'm
currently housing 2 Acanthurus palani tangs, 2 Naso tangs, a blue
hippo, 2 purple Zebrasoma, 1 yellow Zebrasoma, 1 desjardinii Zebrasoma,
2 crosshatch triggers,
1 orange spotted Rabbitfish, 1 coral beauty, 1 Copperband butterfly, 3
female flame wrasses, 2 ocellaris clowns, and a few (not sure on count
anymore) cardinal fish.. Whew! I've never actually listed all of
them before! Now on to question number 1: Can I add a female
*Thalassoma quinquevittatum to his bunch?
<Likely would be fine. Fast, smart species>
*I'm after just that last splash of Thalassoma movement to the
tank.. I wasn't sure how the flame wrasses would react to the
addition, if at all.
<Not likely to react at all... though I would add a male (C.
jordani) here to go w/>
. I would plan on quarantining the new wrasse before insertion, and I
usually add new fish in while in a container with holes to let the new
fish adapt to conditions before letting them loose into the general
population.. Any thoughts?
<Keep beer cool, in a dark setting>
Ok.. Question #2: On a lighter note: My male crosshatch, (the pair was
recently added, but has been in a friends' tank for over 1 year)
seems to like to take position directly in from of one of my powerheads
when I am
near the tank, but not feeding.. He swims directly into the current for
a few moments, then moves out and "yawns" a few times, then
back into the current.. If I break out my feeding cup and load it w/
food, he comes straight to me and starts begging.. He eats well, and
then goes right back to the current..
Any thoughts?
<A nice way to spend one's time in such a captive setting I
I'm kind of baffled by this.. I know when I move away a bit, he
just goes out into the water column with the rest of the fish and
He's always been a bit eccentric.. Just didn't know if this was
him being him.. :) Also, and this is more of a footnote for long, long
term future reference.. Will the crosshatch get along with a
<Generally yes>
Thank you! You guys have a Fantastic website!
<Thank you for being part of it Aaron. Bob Fenner>
02/03/10 stocking list. Triggerfish --
<Hi Connor>
Thanks for the quick response
My tank is 150 gallon and already has a Harlequin Tusk. This is my
planned stocking list:
1 Harlequin Tusk
1 Russell's Lionfish
1 Hippo Tang
1 Bluethroat Trigger(male)
1 Freckled Hawkfish
The last response said that the Foxface Rabbitfish would work instead
of the Trigger, what about with the Trigger?
<Should all go together, but not in this size... I would reduce the
numbers of large fish on this list, you have five that get to a foot or
more.. too many.. reduce this to three at most>
Last question, will this Trigger have personality like the others?
<They are nice fish, but yes many of the others have more
'personality' than this one, but that is also what makes them
sometime troublemakers. For a good balance, I actually like the
Melichthys Triggerfish, my fave?
Melichthys indicus, because it only gets to about 8 inches, is pretty
good natured, and still has that 'beefy' look. Try here:
Blue Jaw Triggerfish/Behavior 12/10/09
<Hello Jenny>
I have a 76 gallon tank. my Blue Jaw Trigger that I've had for
about a week in my reef tank started swimming in circles after doing a
5 gal water change. I have an allardi clown and a Copper Banded
Butterfly Fish in the
tank along with some snails, brittle starfush <starfish> and a
small sea urchin. When doing the water change last night he disappeared
into a rock. After finishing the water change he emerged but was
swimming in circles in a clockwise direction only for about 24 hours
now. Salinity levels are 1.023, alkalinity is 196, calcium is
420, ph is 8.0. I have searched everything online no one has had this
problem. I called my LFS and he said he may have injured his spine
somehow on a rock. Please let me know if there is anything I can do for
him he is so beautiful I don't want to loose him.
<I've heard of similar reactions with triggerfish after water
changes and there are probably a few things to examine here which is
source water? Is the pH of the newly mixed water the same as the tank?
Salinity identical?
Temperature? Are you letting the freshly mixed saltwater
aerate/circulate for 24 hours before using? Any of these things or a
combination could cause the reaction you describe.
James (Salty Dog)>
Blue Jaw Triggers.... beh., in/comp.
Bob, I got a pair of blue jaw triggers from another reefer over 3
months ago and they have been fine in my tank. I had asked if they ever
mated previously and the answer was no. In trying to do some research
on how this pair may mate,
<Mmm, Balistids don't mate as in pair up permanently>
there really isn't much out there. About a week ago my male started
acting really odd, basically staying in a cave near my huge sebae
<Luckily not eating it>
and not really coming out even to eat. He had moved some sand away so I
thought it could be a form of nesting. From a visual standpoint he
looks perfectly healthy, however, his motor skills are not in line as
he really hasn't shown any signs of swimming normal. I've been
really busy with work so I haven't had much time to really watch
this behavior but yesterday I noticed he had moved to a different cave
and appeared to be stuck between the rock work. When I moved the rocks
he swam backwards to another cave and got harassed a bit by my
Desjardini Tang so I starting thinking that may be the issue as blue
jaws can be fairly timid. It just seems a bit odd since they all have
been living together for quite a while now.
<How large are these?>
So this morning my fiancé came downstairs and heard loud
tapping on the glass and immediately woke me up to check it out as the
female appeared to be attacking the male. I was able to get some video
footage of it, still
not sure what to think about this. You can hear the sound of the fins
hitting the glass.
Thanks in advance for the advice, Marlin (H20poloman2) SDMAS
<Yikes, the male is showing submissive behavior (as in "I give
up") with the apparent female (it may be a late onset male)
attacking it... These need to be separated NOW, as in immediately, or
else the one will be killed. The not-so-alpha male was likely
"hiding in its cave" to avoid the other. Be seeing you (I
think the SDMAS holiday party is at our house) soon. Bob Fenner>
Bluejaw Triggerfish (sex change?) -- 11/25/09
Dear Crew,
<<Greetings Christopher>>
I recently acquired what I thought was a female bluejaw trigger for my
<<Neat fish'¦I had a M-F pair in my 375g reef at one
I have had a large male for a while and added the female to attempt a
I moved the male out of the tank for a few days and introduced both at
the same time. There is no aggression, but I noticed this morning
the "female" is going thru a color change.
It appears her back fin is changing color from burgundy to yellow. Is
it possible they change?
<<Not that I am aware>><Me neither. RMF>
The female is about 4-5 inches long.
<<Maybe just a matter of interpretation or even a geographic
difference, but the females I have seen had a 'brown' margin to
the back of the caudal fin. This size seems a bit large to be a
juvenile changing colors'¦but I don't know how else to
explain it. And though there may not be trouble now, if this is indeed
a second male, as it matures you will likely have to remove one or the
other from this setting>>
Christopher R. Sandoval
<<Cheers my friend'¦ Eric Russell>>
Blue Chin Trigger Behavior 12/17/08 Dear WWM
Crew: <<Hello Chris>> For almost a year now, I've kept
a 125 gallon FOWLR tank that's home to a 4.5" long blue chin
trigger, along with 7 others: purple tang, flame angel, Longnose hawk,
cinnamon clown, neon Dottyback, Foxface, and a coral banded shrimp. All
of the livestock has been established in the tank for a while (the
trigger's been here for 8 months). Initially - for about a week -
the trigger was very shy and would often retreat into his
hole...behavior I've seen described on WWM as pretty common.
<<Yes>> As expected, the trigger became comfortable with
the environment quickly enough, and was soon extremely active and
confident. He was by far the most voracious eater of the bunch, often
seemingly slamming into the side of the tank as soon as he spotted me.
<<Indeed'¦ These intelligent fishes can even become
quite puppy-like at times>> I typically feed about 2-3 moderate
portions daily of either Formula 1, Formula 2, frozen mysis, or freeze
dried plankton, plus occasional strips of marine algae or romaine
lettuce <<Do note that terrestrial greens are of little real
benefit and possibly even a hazard re introduction of
pesticides>> for the herbivores (which the trigger would shred to
ribbons). When I would target feed the coral banded shrimp, the trigger
was so bold as to often snatch the food from the tongs or even my
fingers (rarely). 5 days ago, however, the trigger became extremely
skittish for no apparent reason and has not been eating.
<<Mmm'¦ Has there been any change to the environment
surrounding this system (e.g. � increased foot
traffic, open window shades, noise/vibration, etc.) that may be
spooking the fish?>> As soon as I approach the tank, he dives
into his hole and won't come out until I'm out of view. The
other fish are still quite active and eating well, so by the time he
reappears, the food's all gone. And when he does come out, he's
not as active as before. From a distance (as close as I can get to the
tank without spooking him), I don't see any lesions, fin damage, or
cloudy eyes. He looks the same as before. I tested the water param.s
today: pH of 8.2; ammonia, nitrite, and phosphate all 0; nitrate a
little high at 20 (but it has always seemed to fluctuate around 10-20).
Do you have any thoughts as to what might have caused this dramatic
change of behavior? What, if anything, can/should I do? Sincerely,
Chris S. <<Well Chris, since bullying doesn't seem to be an
issue and there are no visible external complaints, I suspect the
problem might be internal parasites. Unfortunately this is difficult to
treat, especially considering the fish is not eating (you can find more
info here and among the associated links:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/parasiti.htm ). If this is the case,
it's very likely there's nothing you can do to save the fish.
But it's also possible that something has just spooked this fish
and it will eventually readjust/come around (we'll keep our fingers
crossed for the latter possibility). Isolating the fish to a hospital
tank to see if it will feed without competition is an option, but you
have to weigh the added stress involved. There's no easy solution
in my opinion'¦ If the problem stems from an internal
parasitic complaint, then I don't think anything you do will change
the outcome. If the problem is more an environmental and/or social
issue, then I would strive to ensure optimum water quality in an
environment free of agonistic tankmates and keep trying to get the fish
to feed. Regards, EricR>>
Re: Blue Chin Trigger Behavior - 12/19/08 Eric,
<<Hello Chris>> In addition to about 100 lbs. live rock, a
wet/dry filter and protein skimmer for filtration, I'm using an 18W
Coralife (turbo-twist) UV sterilizer. <<Okay>> Also, I do
monthly 15% water changes with RO water. <<Good>> I was
under the impression that the UV would go a long way in preventing
parasite problems. <<Mmm'¦>> What is your opinion
on the effectiveness of this type/size of UV to control parasites here?
<<I don't see this as much benefit in this instance
(that's not to say these devices are of
�no� benefit), at least not with the
macro-organisms concerned here. And it's almost a certainty the
fish had the organism(s) since before collection (if this is indeed the
problem here). Most any fishes in the wild, as well as those we keep,
harbor parasites (whether external, internal, or both). And like Bob
indicates in his article, most are able to successfully coexist with
these organisms. It's usually when something tips the scale in
favor of the parasite that troubles begin. And oftentimes this is
stress of one form or another>> I'm hopeful it's not
parasites <<Me too>> ...none of the fish (trigger included)
display the symptoms (spots, scratching, rapid/heavy breathing,
lethargy) mentioned in the article you cited. <<Good to know,
though symptoms are not always text-book... Often just a change in
behavior/feeding habits as you have mentioned is an indication of
trouble. But I hope I am wrong here re the internal parasites>>
But if it is a parasite issue, I'm gathering that it would be
difficult to eliminate the problem without drastic measures. <<It
is likely too late'¦ If you could induce the fish to eat, a
treated food like that from New Life Spectrum is worth a try>>
Tear down and reassembly of the entire system is something I really
would like to avoid at all costs. <<Not needed/of benefit here in
my opinion>> I can't use copper medications either, because
of the live rock and inverts. <<Indeed, do not do this'¦
It would probably only hasten the Triggers demise anyway in such an
instance as this. And for certain, such
�shotgun� treatment for
�unknown� maladies do more harm than
good to everything>> Thank you again for your help. Chris S.
<<Maybe moving the rockwork around a bit to disorient the other
fishes would swing the advantage back to the Trigger re its nervousness
in the tank. Otherwise, without something obvious to treat, I think
your best course of action is to continue to observe and offer foods.
Regards, Eric Russell>>
Funny Trigger Story - 09/23/06 I just moved my three-inch
male Blue Throat Trigger from quarantine to the display tank 24 hours
ago, and he has remained hidden in a nook in the rockwork of my 90
gallon tank ever since. <<Not unusual...can be rather shy/timid
as triggers go>> I'm not worried about him. He
acted the same way in quarantine for the first three or four days only
to come out and be friendly for the following month.
<<Indeed>> I have two RBTA (a recent split), a B/W
Ocellaris Clown pair, a Twin-spot Hogfish and a small Wheeler's
shrimp goby that hasn't found his pistol shrimp yet. I
have probably twenty snails, two large cleaner shrimp, one hermit crab
and one small porcelain crab that came with some live rock, all running
well and getting along for the past seven or eight months.
<<Excellent>> Anyway, the trigger has taken up residence in
the same cave as the porcelain crab. <<The porcelain crab
hasn't taken up residence in one of the anemones?>> Now here
is the odd thing. The crab, which can't even be an inch
long, seems to be trying to bully the trigger out of its hiding spot.
<<Amazing creatures we keep, eh!>> They seem to have come
to an arrangement and aren't bothering each other at the moment.
<<Ah, yes...and will likely cohabitate just fine>> I just
thought y'all would like to hear about a tiny crab picking on a
trigger that is probably twenty times his size. Thanks
y'all for the wonderful work you do. My fish and I owe
you for all of your great advice. Jonathan <<Were pleased to be
of service...and thank you for sharing. EricR>>
Questionable Aquarium Service...Trying To Do What's
Needed - 09/22/06 Dear Wet Web Crew, <<Hello>> My
employer has a beautiful 200-gallon salt-water tank, and has a tank
service that comes in and cares for this tank. <<Ok>> I
have a serious lack of confidence in this company because I did a
little research on your site and they have made many really bad
mistakes. <<Some do yes, but doesn't mean this one is
"bad". Have you been able to talk to
other/previous customers of this company? Have they done
anything to make you feel uncomfortable with their level of
service?>> First, they got the chemicals wrong in the tank,
which killed most of the fish. <<Ahh...I see...sounds like
you may have good reason for your concerns...>> Then, when
they replaced the fish, they brought us 5 crabs, a blue-throat
Triggerfish, 3 assorted angelfish <<Mmm...>> (in
separate bags. NOT introduced at the same time), and a pair of
ocellaris (among others). Of course, the Trigger ate the
crabs immediately. I am an administrative assistant with
little/no knowledge of fish, and have been tasked with taking care
of their diet, and making sure they get what they need.
<<Sounds like you need to start doing some
reading/researching my friend. Google searches on our
site and the NET re the species names will yield much
information>> So I need a little advice from professionals
that actually care about the fish. After the initial
eating of the crabs, and the disappearance of one of the smaller
Angelfish (which after reading on your site I found out why
<<...?>>), the blue-throat trigger has started
exhibiting odd behavior. He lies down at the bottom of
the tank on his right side, and just lays very still for long
periods on time. <<Maybe not all that "odd" after
all. Is there live rock in this tank? (should be if
there isn't)...Does this tank have any type of decor/rock
work? These triggers will very often "rest" in
a hole or crevice in the reef during the day, and definitely at
night. If the tank is not suitably aquascaped the
trigger may be merely "resting" on the bottom of the
tank>> He is still eating well (They get frozen shrimp, the
cubed kind once a day, and Formula 2 the blue-green algae variety
flakes twice daily). <<Do look in to obtaining some New Life
Spectrum Marine pellets and a frozen "Angel" food
formulated specifically for their care. Feed these AND
the frozen shrimp, with the flakes, twice daily>> His color
has faded a bit, but he doesn't have any spot or slime on him,
and he hasn't rearranged the tank in a while- he used to do
that all the time. I read one of your entries about one
having similar behavior in a 20 gallon tank, and you said the tank
was too small but I don't think that is the case here- the tank
is 200 gallons. <<Agreed...but that doesn't mean there
aren't more/other environmental factors at play here...such as
water chemistry or the "design" of the tank
itself>> Could he be malnourished or ill? <<Maybe...the
trigger needs several small feedings of meaty foods
daily. The Spectrum pelleted food and the frozen shrimp
fed at least twice a day will help. For even better
nourishment of ALL the fish, consider getting/soaking the food in
Selcon and/or Vita-Chem a couple times a week>> And is there
some product or variety of food I should tell my boss to get for
him? <<Ah yes!...as explained>> Cordially, Jane
<<I want to help Jane, do write back if you need further
clarification on anything...and try to give me as much information
about the system as you can (filtration/maintenance/aquascaping (or
lack of), etc.). Regards, Eric Russell>> Re:
Questionable Aquarium Service...Trying To Do What's Needed --
10/11/06 Dear Eric, <<Hello Jane>> I just wanted to
thank you for your excellent advice. <<Was my pleasure to
provide>> It has been about two weeks since you emailed me
with the suggestions. We invested in New Life Spectrum
Marine Pellets, and we also purchased a lot more coral decorations
to go on the live rock. <<This pelleted food is an excellent
staple for your fish>> We hired a company to change out the
coral and clean the tank/maintain the filtration system every two
weeks. <<Excellent...but I do hope you/someone
'monitors' the tank on a daily basis>> They have been
instructed to bring in lots of smaller shells and other such toys
for the occupants. <<Mmm...do be careful not to create
detritus traps>> Our Bluethroat Triggerfish has perked up
considerably; I think he may have been suffering from boredom.
<<Indeed...these are intelligent and personable fish...and
somewhat 'shy' at times. It's never good to
place fish in a 'plain glass box' devoid of proper
structure/hiding places...is very stressful>> All the fish
seem to be a little brighter and a lot more active. <<Good
signs>> Thanks again for your excellent advice and support.
<<I'm glad it proved useful...thank you for the
follow-up>> Peace and Blessings, Jane <<Regards,
EricR>> |
Crosshatch Trigger fading? 9/26/07 What's up guys and
gals? Just wanted to drop a line regarding the crosshatch
trigger. I'm interested in this fish for an upcoming 10 foot
long reef tank I am planning. However, I had planned on keeping a
pair, but I feel that they would be lacking space, so to my
question, does a male crosshatch trigger's color fade if he
is not in the presence of a female? <Not much, but some,
yes> From every personal documentation of crosshatch triggers
in home aquariums I've read that pairs never exhibit any
courting or interactions other than just merely putting up with
each other's presence. If this is the case, I might just get
a male. Thanks for any help you can offer, Nick <Or even a
small school if there's room... Xanthichthys spp. live in
shoals in the wild. Bob Fenner>
Re: Crosshatch Trigger fading? 9/27/07
Thank you for the reply Mr. Fenner! Just a quick follow up, if I
were to do multiple crosshatches, would it need to be set up as a
harem or would multiple males get along together? Not sure if
I'd go this route, but I'm curious. Thanks again! <A
mix of sexes would be fine to excellent here... Just try to
find/start them small-ish... four-five inches if possible. Have
seen X. mento in very large aggregations in the wild...
Triggerfishes for Marine Aquariums
Diversity, Selection & Care
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