FAQs on Achilles Tangs
Related Articles: Acanthurus Tangs,
Related FAQs: Acanthurus Tangs 1,
Achilles Tangs 2, & FAQs on:
Achilles Tangs Identification, Achilles Tangs Behavior, Achilles Tangs Compatibility, Achilles Tangs Selection, Achilles Tangs Systems, Achilles Tangs Disease, Achilles Tangs Reproduction, & Acanthurus Tangs 2, Acanthurus Tangs 3, Acanthurus ID, Acanthurus Behavior, Acanthurus Compatibility,
Acanthurus Selection,
Acanthurus Systems,
Acanthurus Feeding,
Acanthurus Disease,
Reproduction, Powder
Blue Tangs, A. sohal,
A. nigricans & A.
japonicus, Surgeons In General, Tang ID, Selection, Tang
Behavior, Compatibility, Systems, Feeding, Disease,
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |
Achilles Help Please... fdg., beh...
<Hi there>
I have a Achilles Tang that is about 4 to 5 inches. I got him in
the middle of May. He has been fine up until about a week
I have noticed the following red flags jumping at me.
1. He was one of my most aggressive eaters. Now food pretty much
bumps off of his nose and he will not go like he use to. He will
nibble at some formula two, mises shrimp, the rock with the Nori
on it (after it is pretty much picked clean). In short his eating
has gone way down. He does not attack the frozen food like the
others when it is introduced into the water.
<I'd move, try a good staple like Spectrum with this
Acanthurus... stat.>
2. I did just re aquascape my tank on Sunday. I am wondering if
maybe he is feeding on some of the new rock in there? Or maybe
ate something that stung him?
3. The other cause for concern is that he is swimming face first
into the Koralia. He has been hanging right in front of it face
first into it. (Not usual behavior)
<Perhaps bored, but more likely debilitated...>
4. Tank mates include ( Koran Angel, Blue Hippo, Naso, Two
Clowns, Six Line, Leopard Wrasse, Purple Fire Fish, Fox Face
<... how large and what dimensions is this system?>
He is the only bristle tooth in there,
<Mmm, not a Bristletooth, as in of the genus
so he is not being bullied around. He is certainly the alpha of
the tank, but not so much over the past week. ( I was
thinking if something was slipping past me with the water
conditions, the leopard wrasse, Naso, and blue hippo would also
be showing signs, but they are healthier than ever.
<The Naso and Koran are or will be more
5. After reading your fishes 3 article, Mr. Fenner really put
emphasis on oxygen. I did hook a powerhead with an airline up to
it tonight to let it run through the night and see how he is
He is still active and swimming. He does still pace the tank, but
does not seem like he normally is. I have noticed that he seemed
to of lost some weight, but not showing signs of HLLE.
Not sure what to do. Any guidance is greatly appreciated. I am
running 23 to 24 on salinity, and the rest of the parameters are
in line.
Thank you so much. I appreciate the information you guys share,
and the guidance you offer to hobbyists like myself.
Brendan O'Donoghue
<Try changing the food here. Spectrum is a good overall food
for what you list. Bob Fenner> Something for Bob F
<Yucky Algae Scenery>(& Achilles Tang Question)
4/19/07 Hey Bob, <Jeremy> Here is something that
I found out in the field a little while back (see attached
photo). I guess the small amount of Cyanobacteria that
used to be in my tank isn't so bad after all. <More
persistent through space and time than civil servants!> The
only thing about it that bothered me is that there wasn't
anything I could do about it because it is referred to as "a
natural occurrence" and not a result of an illicit
discharge. <And so it goes...> That outfall was flowing
directly into the San Jacinto River just north of
Houston. I am involved in a big job where I have to
track all of the outfalls and storm sewer lines and their
collection sources (storm inlets and manholes) for Harris County
(Houston) anywhere it crosses a stream, river and/or bayou and
then go out and take/collect the point with the latest and
greatest GPS software. <Neat...> These new toys are really
something. TxDOT wants to know where their water is
going and where it is coming from so they can track illicit
discharges when and where they happen. I am glad our
team has two years for this job. Also, I saw in the
news that these new twisty-looking light bulbs that are so good
for energy conservation and all that stuff are contributing to a
mercury level spike in the storm drains that outfall into the
major water bodies. <Mmm, the Dura ones are no longer
manufactured... haven't been for years... likely old stock...
But most all fluorescents have some Hg... http://www.google.com/search?q=do+fluorescent+lamps+have+mercury+in+them%3F&sourceid=ie7&rls=com.microsoft:en-US&ie=utf8&oe=utf8>
People are simply throwing them away instead of following the
protocol for recycling them. <Likely less toxic than the oil
et al. burned, released into the environment... This is not a
"Zero sum" game we're playing... E.g., who pays
your wages? What else might the public do with its money?>
This trash method is in turn releasing mercury into the storm
drains. It is something I will look for when
sampling. Have you heard anything about this? <...
oh yes. Besides being a vociferous reader of "common
science" and citizen of this planet (in good standing) for
five and a half decades, I am qualified to teach H.S. level
chemistry and physics... and "do my best to keep
up"> I saw an Achilles tang at the LFS which happened to
look very healthy and not only ate, but attacked the food that
they used to feed him. (Live Brine Shrimp) Since
getting him home (about a week ago), I have been using Hikari
Spirulina (sp?) Brine Shrimp soaked in Selcon and Vitamin
C. He loves it. Is this good enough for
now? <Mmm, I'd switch to Spectrum pelleted foods... even
more nutritious and palatable> Most Achilles tangs
I see in the LFS usually are malnourished and die because they
won't eat. <Mmm, have gots to (as usual) toss in my dos
centavos here (esp. since "the drop" for this
Acanthurus this year (am out in HI) has been large... am seeing
many juveniles... that will likely translate into more in
hobbyists' grips... This species is just not
"well-suited" for captive use... Too "high
strung"... and soft-bodied (really... give yours a squeeze
when it's netted... Freaks out, damages easily...>
I am trying to wean him off the brine shrimp as his
main source of food, yet I don't want him to stop eating
since they can be so particular. I will put up a sheet
of seaweed for him to see if he goes for that. I tried
Mysis Shrimp and Angel Formula but he turned his nose at it
although the emperor angel was more than happy to get all of it.
Should I just continue this route? I have some frozen
LifeLine Spirulina as well as more kinds of Algae sources to try
as well. Thanks, Jeremy <The Spectrum. No jive or mis-placed
praise... Really is that good and appealing... Have seen
Pablo's (Tepoot's, the maker of the food) Achilles,
reared on this solely... Bob F> Here is the previous message.
<Thank you for this. Cheers>
Feeding A Finicky Tang I just purchased an
Achilles Tang, because I could not resist. <Can't blame you-
they are gorgeous fish and great to have if you can meet their
needs> It is about 4 inches, beautiful color, and in my quarantine
tank for 4 days (will stay there for 4 weeks). <Excellent! A key to
success with this fish!> It gobbles up Nori, but nothing
else. I have tried frozen brine, Mysis, and Cyclop-eeze all
soaked in garlic or Selcon. But he still only eats the Nori,
should I be concerned? Is there anything else I can do?
Thanks for your help! <Well, the fact that he is eating is a great
sign! Nori is marine-based, so it does provide valuable nutrition.
However, you do want to get him eating as many different foods as
possible, of course. I would look for a source of my favorite
macroalgae, Gracilaria, which is an excellent supplemental food. You
can get a starter supply from e-tailers like Indo-Pacific Sea Farms or
Inland Aquatics. You can easily cultivate it yourself with a little
effort. In the meantime, just keep trying a variety of frozen foods.
Hopefully, he'll come around at some point. Keep it up! Regards,
Scott F>
Surgeonfishes: Tangs for Marine
Diversity, Selection & Care
New eBook on Amazon: Available here
New Print Book on Create Space: Available
by Robert (Bob) Fenner |