What are the criteria for being considered a
"brackish water" organism. Some only travel temporarily twixt
the sea and/or freshwater for feeding or breeding purposes. Others are
more full-time residents of partly salty in-between
Should we include the Bull Shark, Carcharhinus leucas... that
swims up the Amazon, Mississippi more than a thousand miles as
brackish? The same species is landlocked in Lake Nicaragua... yes, a
freshwater shark!
Glassfish, Family Ambassidae
Parambassis randa Aquarium pic.

So ugly they're beautiful, the Toadfishes, Family Batrachoididae. |

Spadefishes, Family Ephippidae, often called
Batfishes in the pet-fish interests. The genus Platax,
other than the notorious P. pinnatus have been kept in
brackish settings. They do get quite large, quickly.
"Mud Pond" Killifish, Cyprinodontiforms of Assorted
Families, Jordanella floridae |

Snappers that go both
ways, Family Lutjanidae |

Some of the Silversides, Order Atheriniformes,
mainly known as Rainbowfishes, Family
Melanotaeniidae and other families. |

Loaches, family
Cobitidae, particularly the Clown Loach is known to cruise coastal
areas of its native Indonesia, venturing in and out of
seawater. |

Freshwater to Brackish Pipefishes, Family Syngnathidae |
Scats, Family
Scatophagidae |

Bibliography/Further Reading:
Anon. 1981. Where watery worlds mingle... Aquariums Australia 2:1,
Anon. 1975. Tanks with brackish or mixed water. Aquarium Digest
International 3:4, 75.
Burgstaller, B.J. 1978. The brackish system. FAMA 8/78.
Castro, Alfred D. 1996. Fishes for the brackish aquarium. Pt.s I,
II. 5,6/96.
Dawes, John. 1989. Bolstering sales of brackish water fish. Pets
Supplies Marketing Magazine. 7/89.
Gibbs, Max. 1995. The brackish aquarium. For the adventurous
fishkeeper looking for something different from the conventional
tropical freshwater or marine aquarium, the brackish tank offers a
challenge. FAMA 4/95.
Gos, Michael. 1980. The brackish system, pt.s 1,2. FAMA 11,12/80
Gos, Michael W. 1977. The brackish aquarium. TFH 10/77.
Monks, Neale. 2001. Giving into temptation. A personal top ten of
brackish-water fish. TFH 9/01.
Taylor, Edward C. 1996. Creating a brackish-water biotope. Pet
Business Magazine. 11/96.
Taylor, Edward C. 1982. Keeping a brackish aquarium, pt.s 1,2. TFH
Volkart, Bill. 1989. The brackish aquarium: Pt. 1, setting up, Pt.
2, plants, Pt. 3 the fishes. TFH 6,7,8/89
Wolf, Jim. 1998. Fish on the brink (brackish). Odyssea. J. of the
Mar. Aq. Soc. of L.A. 4/98.