FAQs on Fairy, Velvet Wrasses, Genus Cirrhilabrus Identification 2
Related Articles:
Fairy Wrasses,
Related FAQs:
Cirrhilabrus ID 1,
Velvet Wrasses 1,
Velvet Wrasses 2,
Velvet Wrasses 3,
Velvet Wrasse Behavior,
Velvet Wrasse Compatibility,
Velvet Wrasse Selection,
Velvet Wrasse Systems, Velvet Wrasse Feeding, Velvet Wrasse Disease, Wrasses, Wrasse Selection, Wrasse Behavior, Wrasse Compatibility, Wrasse Feeding, Wrasse Diseases,

Fish identity 2/14/19
Hey guys seeing if you can help with this one
<Hey Tom>
They are imported from the Philippines as lineatus wrasses but really are not
showing the same colors and patterns.
<It looks like a Female Social - Ruby Longfin fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus
rubriventralis). Image is not too sharp. Cheers. Wil.>
Re: Fish identity 2/15/19
found it threadfin fairy wrasse
<Ahh ... it's very similar to the (C. rubriventralis), glad you cleared the
doubt! Greetings. Wil.>
Please ID this Wrasse 4/23/16
I recently purchased this fish from an online retailer. I believe I received
something different than I ordered. Could you please ID this fish for me?
Thank you for your time and effort in this matter.
<Survey says!
Tapio Haaparanta A nicely Photoshopped C. pylei says me buddy Derek Clay.
Tapio Haaparanta Vanuatu variant possibly.
Janine Nealon C. Pylei
Brandon Knapp Hunter Hammond
Bob Fenner Thank you Tap, Jan, Bran... Will relay
<I agree this is a variant of a not-quite yet male C. pylei... NOT C.
rubrimarginatus. Bob Fenner>
.jpg) .jpg) |
Re: Please ID this Wrasse 4/23/16
Thank you for your replies. I thought it was a Cirrhilabrus pylei, I ordered a
Cirrhilabrus rubrimarginatus. I used my iPad for taking pictures. Other than
zooming in, cropping or reducing size and maybe auto adjust, I did not change
things. He is really very colorful, especially when directly under my LEDs. I
understand he will probably fade that is okay as long as he does not become too
aggressive, that is my only concern, Thank you once again. I appreciate your
identifying the Cirrhilabrus pylei for me.
<Certainly welcome. Bob Fenner>
Mystery wrasse at the lfs
I came across a wrasse that the lfs couldn't find the name.. The pic
isn't the best from my phone but..here you go... It came in with a
Marshall island order and the wholesaler mislabeled the
fish as a cigar wrasse. The colors are more vivid than what my iPhone
took. Thank you
<Looks to be an initial phase (female) Cirrhilabrus katherinae to me.
Bob Fenner>
Re: Mystery wrasse at the lfs
That's it... I guess I couldn't stump you today.. Thank you and happy
<And you, BobF>
Fairy Wrasse ID
<Your pix are too blurry, poorly resolved... Use a better camera, crop and
Hi Guys,
Can you help me ID these fairy wrasses in the attached photos. I have a well
established 180 gal saltwater tank with live rock. I bought a m/f pair of
these from a large LFS here in Orange County CA about a week ago.
They're doing great and now I want to buy 4 more females to start a harem.
The LFS owner says she doesn't know what species they are. All she knows
is that she bought them about 2 weeks ago at a wholesalers in LA. I combed
through your web site and maybe they're a Cirrhilabrus rubripinnis from the
Philippines, but I can't be sure.
If I'm going to find more females its kind of important that I find the
right ones! Oh and sorry for the fuzzy photos I took them with my
cell phone. I really appreciate your help.
Kris Hublitz
Laguna Niguel, CA
Hiro sends a Velvet pic (via FB!)! 9/3/13
Hello, friend. How do you do ? I got a 6 cm long male of
Cirrhilabrus naokoae (in display), from Indonesia and an 8cm
male C. earlei, from the Marshalls. You may use for your
web and I hope so. Good Luck and thanks. Sincerely, Hiroyuki
Bob Fenner
Tanaka-san! How have you been? Thank you for the pic!
Wrasse Identification 6/29/12
Hello Crew,
<... six megs of pix? Should just delete this, but... >
I recently purchased this wrasse from my LFS and was looking to get one or
two more to keep him company, but I don't know what he is.
<Is a female (turning into a male) of some sort of Cirrhilabrus...>
I have been told its a Rhomboid Wrasse, a Pylei Wrasse, and a Red Fin Fairy
Wrasse. I've gone through your site trying to figure out what he is,
but still no luck. I have attached a couple pictures.
Thank you all so much!
<A bit more waiting... a few months, and you should be able to discern
which. Bob Fenner>
Re: Wrasse Identification
So sorry about the pictures. I thought I resized them but I guess something
went wrong.
<Ah ha!>
Next time I will have the kids show me how to do it.
I will just be patient then. Thanks for your help.
<Welcome. BobF> |
Cirrhilabrus ID 8/29/11
Hello Bob and Crew,
This should be a relatively easy one today. I'm trying to ID
the following Cirrhilabrus. It is being offered as C. scottorum,
but the full black dorsal and anal fins are throwing me off.
Could this be a regional variation?
<Could be. See the selection of pix for this sp. on
Many thanks for your time.
<Welcome. Bob Fenner; yes, up ahead of four AM out in Fiji...
for a 3.5 h boat ride, five tank dives...>

Re: Cirrhilabrus ID
Enjoy, Bob, absolutely jealous.
<Oh man, I am fried from the sun and splash from today... afraid
to drink a bier for fear I'll fall dead asleep at the
We just put our Maldives trip off by a year, but it's on the
calendar for Oct'12!
<Oh! Some friends and I are hoping to make it out there in May
Thanks and best,
<Cheers! BobF> |
Cirrhilabrus rhomboidalis
pictures 10/6/10
Hello, I hate to point this out, but I am fairly confident there is a
picture of a Lineatus wrasse incorrectly identified as a Rhomboid
wrasse on the Cirrhilabrus info page 2
(http://www.wetwebmedia.com/cirrhilabruspt2.htm). It is the bottom
I am questioning (4th picture, 2nd row). My apologies if I am
Hunter Hammond
<I do think you're right Hunter. Will move. BobF>
A new Cirrhilabrus 2-12-08
I am sorry for my long silence. I
hope you are fine. <Do'o tashi
mashiite my friend> I got an unusual
Cirrhilabrus species from Indonesian waters. Two
males are here, some 70mm & 75mm long, but the locality in
detail is not known. I hope some ichthyologist to name it soon, and maybe
Allen or Randall would describe it. They informed me that
it should be new.
Now I call it the 'Shark-finned
Fairy Wrasse'. With Best Wishes, Hiroyuki
<Do'omo Tanakasan. Bob
Fenner> |

ID Please: Cirrhilabrus exquisitus and Syconoid
Sponges -- 1/28/08 <Hi there!> Can someone please tell
me what these are in the attached photos from my reef tank? They
look like some sort of egg sacs, and if they are sacs of some
creature that I don't want in my tank, then I would just as
soon remove them now. If they are something I would like, then
obviously I would keep them. <No worries with these, you can
keep them. They're harmless, filter feeding sponges in the
genus Sycon, also called Syconoid sponges. For more
information/photos, please see the FAQ's at this link (and
related links above): http://www.wetwebmedia.com/spgidf7.htm >
For your info, I have: 1 Naso Tang 1 Foxface Tang 4 clownfish 2
black clowns 1 Snowflake eel 1 Fu Manchu lion 1 yellow angel 1
electric flame scallop <Very difficult to keep.> numerous
snails two tiny hermits that stowed away with the snails some
chromis that disappeared (lion food?) 2 Wrasse (type unknown,
will attach pic also). <Looks like the Fairy Wrasse
Cirrhilabrus exquisitus, commonly called the Exquisite Wrasse.
Considering all those colors, I'd say that it's a very
apt name! By the way, color can vary depending on place of
origin, whether it's male or female, etc. Here's a photo
of one for comparison (and lookee there, it's Bob's
More information on this genus:
> Thank you.
<You're very welcome! Take care. -- Lynn>

Australian Scott's Fairy Wrasse 11/27/2007 Hi
Bob, <Hey Peg> I know I told you I'd send a pic of the
fabulous Aussie Scott's Fairy when I could get a good one,
and in the event I've not yet forwarded the pic, I'm
attaching one here. He's comfortable in one of the store
display reefs now (180) and draws a lot of attention! He goes 5
to 6" and has a great appetite. What a wonderful fish. The
H. trispilus/chrysus/cross/hybrid is also doing well and is a
stunning fish whatever he is. :O) Off to do some water changes.
Hope this finds you having a great week! Peggy www.all-reef.com
<Thank you my friend... am out visiting in much warmer
Hawaii... Will post with credit to you. Cheers, BobF>
Re: Australian Scott's Fairy Wrasse
11/27/2007 Hawaii, uh? I'm jealous. We're looking at
3-5" of snow tonight, and the temp when I awoke this morning
was 3 degrees with a -15 windchill. How's that grab you? :O)
<Low, and very hard... I "like" the snow... can
tolerate (short-term) some cold... but very much prefer the
tropics> I've attached some pics of a very nice piece of
Australian coral, a Duncanopsammia axifuga. They ship a bit
poorly but always bounce back with good care and lots of good
food. They're voracious feeders. <Mmmm, thank you for
this... Am thinking of asking how much time you might have to
help us/WWM out... with the more detailed reef questions...
And...> Off to work. Do enjoy the sweet and warm sunshine of
the islands for me! P <I spent many years "on the
floor" in pet-fish retail... and have a high sense of
compassion... Am very pleased to meet up with you, your apparent
"great" attitude toward the work, life. Cheers,
Re: Australian Scott's Fairy Wrasse
11/28/2007 Hi Bob, <Peg> Thanks for the good laugh on
your comment regarding our weather. It was very descript. :O)
Looks like our snow will not be upon us until later today. One
can't rely too heavily on the weathermen or women. I prefer
the look out the window method. It's more accurate. <And
satisfying all the way around> Perhaps in the future I can
make time to assist on WWM as you suggest. I'm presently a
one-woman band in my store, i.e., chief cook and bottle washer,
the sole soul of proprietorship. <Outstanding... I spent some
14 years on the floor in pet-fish retail myself... Not an easy
job.> I'm flattered to think you would consider me though.
I've been considering sponsorsing at WWM because it's
such an incredible site and offers a plethera of quality info.
Because I essentially detest forums (too many "experts"
who actually know less than those asking for help), <We share
this point of view. I wonder if folks would readily
'listen' to such BBs for other important matters like
their health... To me, an unorganized mix of even "Dear
Abby" quality banter is a waste of time> I have the
utmost respect for you, Calfo, Borneman, Delbeek, and certain
others in the industry who do provide quality information. I do
have a boatload of information stored away in the noggin after
almost 18 years of serious reefing. I anticipate sitting in a
retirement home many (hopefully very many) years from now
reciting species names and no one else knowing what the hell
I'm talking about and assuming I've just slipped into
dementia. :O) <Heeee! If I have to go... am going to own the
place. Oh, and we'll have fish tanks aplenty> You are
correct about the positive attitude towards work and life. Always
an optimist. I consider myself extremely fortunate to be pursuing
what I love as a livelihood! I was a paralegal for 22 years in
the court system working with many judges and lawyers. It's
obviously a very political environment and over the past couple
of years had worn me down terribly. I finally pulled the plug to
pursue my store full-time just this past August. <Ah,
congrats!> I had been tinkering with it for over a year. Every
morning when I wake up and don't have to suit up and head to
the government center, I realize just how wealthy I truly am. I
enjoy helping my customers and teaching them how to be
successful. <Ahhhh!> My motto is if you don't learn
something every time you come into my store, then I haven't
done my job. I've developed a pretty good clientele already
and word is getting out, so I trust the store will survive. :O)
Time to get a move on and get down there. Lots of protein
skimmers that need attention and lots of hungry herbivores
awaiting my arrival! I'm still jealous you're in Hawaii,
but I'll be close when I get to my store! :O) <I see>
Thanks again Bob, and make it a great day! Oh, please give my
regards to Charles Delbeek if you happen to visit the Waikiki,
which I can't imagine you wouldn't! He doesn't know I
exist, but you can say hello for me anyway. :O) <Have been
e-chatting w/ Charlie re he swinging over to the Big Island this
go... and us getting in some diving, chatting... We'll see.
Cheers, BobF> Peggy

Blue Spotted Jawfish / Peacock, Make That,
Redspotted Blenny Compatibility 11/16/07 WWM Crew <Hi
Jim, Mich here.> First and foremost, I have just begun to dive
into the huge amount of info on your excellent site, and just want
to say thank you! <On behalf of Bob and the crew you're
welcome!> One year ago I bought a 65gallon bow-front tank (Old
Town Aquarium, Chicago, IL) <Is this the place with the
dedicated reading nook?> and wish I had had this excellent
resource from day one. <I found it a tremendous help when I
started as well.> It has become my preferred casual evening
reading:) <Glad to hear... Is often mine also!> Question:
<Answer?> In my reef tank, I have two percula clowns, 1 fairy
wrasse, and a peacock blenny. <No> Would it be acceptable to
add a Blue spot Jawfish ? I am concerned that the blenny might
cause a problem.... <The blenny and the Jawfish will both spend
most of their time on the bottom part of the tank and may not
exactly welcome each other, but like people, personalities vary.
Ideally the Jawfish should be the first fish introduced. The
Jawfish requires a deep sand bed (should be over 3 inches and
deeper is better) and a completely covered tank because they will
find the tiniest of holes to escape to drier grounds. More info
here: http://www.wetwebmedia.com/jawfishe.htm > I have attached
a picture of the blenny as I am still not 100% on its identity....
<Mmm, the attached picture is of a Redspotted Blenny
(Istiblennius chrysospilos). Not a Peacock Blenny. More info here:
http://www.wetwebmedia.com/blennioids.htm > also is attached a
picture of the fairy wrasse, as I would love to be able to get its
exact identity. <Is a Red Scaled Fairy Wrasse (Cirrhilabrus
rubrisquamis) you can see more here:
> Thanks for the help! <Welcome!> -Jim B.
<Are you part of the three wise men? Heehee! Mich> |

Marjorie's Fairy Wrasse photos
4/25/07 Hello, <Tanaka-san!> How do you do
? I am fine. <Fine my friend> Here are some
photos for your web, and use any of them if you like. A male of
Cirrhilabrus marjorie, 8cm (red & white) and a female, 7cm
(red) from Fiji. They feed on various foods
well. Best Regards, Hiroyuki <Thank you. Will post
with credit to you. Bob Fenner> |
misidentified... no pic, spaces twixt words, sentences...
Arggggh 6/23/06 Hi Guys and Gals, I
love your site! Anytime I have a question I come here. Many thanks for
all you do for the hobby. Now for the question of the day. I was at the
LFS today and bought a beautiful Cirrhilabrus wrasse that I was told
was a female Cirrhilabrus solorensis. I have a male already and
couldn't resist. The problem is I don't think it's a female
Solorensis at all. My male William) looks just like all the pictures
and was very interested in the one I brought home, circling around the
bag, flashing, etc. make it short, they're fighting now, with the
Solorensis chasing the new GUY around. I have found this fish on your
site and would like an ID ,please. The picture of the fish that I got
today is the top photo, next to the selections, on this page:
www.wetwebmedia.com/marine/fishes/wrasses. It's the background
fish, not the yellow one. I hope it's a female Solorensis, Ut the
way they're acting I suspect it's a male of a different
Cirrhilabrus. f I'm right, what do I do now? <Fix your
English... and enjoy them> Should I remove William for a while ,then
try reintroducing him, remodel the tankette. My tank is 105g with
plenty of hiding spots, but William hunts him down relentlessly.
Cohabits are 2 tomato clowns (who so far don't bother anyone),2 PJ
cardinals ,1 bi-color blenny,1 Bluespot jawfish. Please help me with
the ID on this fish so I have an idea if this will work or
not. <Send along pix...>
Thanks so much in advance, Gail <This
species has a relatively narrow range of color variation. Please see
fishbase. Do run your writing through spelling and grammar checkers
before sending. Bob Fenner>
Re: Scott and Solor Fairy wrasse 12/12/05 Marina,
Hi, yes they know I was posting, in fact they were flattered, as
the gentleman in Japan likes your web site and has contributed from
what I understand. If you read the emails, he was
flattered. Just look at the dates of the
emails. I did put it in order, except the one from
Fenton (who is friends with the gentleman from Japan) I put on
later as an additional supplement of information on my
questions. I will double check, but I do not think
Fenton cares either. I was named after Carrie Fisher.....(princess
Leah from star wars) My mom liked the
name. (I think this was before she was in movies
though.....a friend of a friend of a friend knew her
mom. My daughters name is Leah...couldn't help
myself. Here is a little trivia..... On the first mention of
Princess Leah, when they are about to blow up the planet Alderan,
that captain refers to her as Princess LEE-AH not
LAY-AH. That was the ONLY time her name was said that
way, and it was the first time her character was
introduced. So I still call her Princess
Leah............ Take Care, Carrie :) Female gender > <<To
Carrie (Cary is my youngest boy's name), Bob, James Gasta: I
need > help picking these messages apart, as there seem to be
one "question" > email, with Mr. Walsh's response
above the original email, which > appears to be combined with
another person's response. Unfortunately, > I
don't really have the time to try to sort it all
out. I'm going to > move the two messages, along
with the one that has the photos, to my > own folder (this is
for James). > As for the exchanges, do the people you wrote to
and who responded > know that this could be posted
publicly? I cannot, in good > conscience, post
something from someone who may not have known this.
> For this second reason I am waiting to hear back, and/or wait
for > Bob's return before posting. > In the meantime, I
hope you got your wrasses covered! (Sorry, I just >
can't help myself sometimes.) Marina>>
<<Posting should be fine. Will do. BobF>
Re: Scott and Solor Fairy wrasse 12/12/05 Hi Bob,
Another email from an informed gentleman about the
wrasses!!! You will enjoy this! <Carrie, Bob thanks
you for sharing. He is on vacation at present but will
put into his folder. (Marina can you do this after
posting?) James (Salty Dog)> Carrie :)
Scott and Solor Fairy wrasse Hi, > Thanks for your kind
consideration. > >Thank you very much for you response! Yes I
see that the U.S. > >aquatics industry is pretty much
clueless! Sorry about the > >misspelling of Solor, I was
coping how everyone else was spelling > >it. > There are
many cases that one calls a species with an inappropriate >
popular name. Wrasses should not be confused with
parrotfishes, but > some call them parrotfishes. >
>Pictures 1 & 2 make sense as to being a female of a Solor
fairy > >wrasse! The pictures we have here in the United
States, I didn't > >really agree with, because females of
each species, in my opinion, > >GENERALLY have SOME
similarities. I will post these pictures you > >have sent on
all and any web sites of aquarists I can find! > Here are some
additional photos; #7~ C. cyanopleura, juvenile, and #9~ > C.
solorensis, large female, and #10~ a rare hybrid of these two >
species, male from Bali. As you can see juvenile
of C. cyanopleura > has several to more than ten fine spots on
its dark side, and some > part is reddish. But
tiny specimens are almost identical in > appearance.
> I have been contributing to several sites in USA
and Germany, but > where do you intend to post my pics
? It is exciting to hear and see > mine in the
future. > >As for the Scott's fairy. I just
want a female so the male will not > >loose his color as I
have seen and heard of. Many people spend so > >much money on
the Scott's fairy only to see it fade. Maybe you can >
>help me to understand some of his behavior. > I understand
your statement and many persons did as you wont to do but > some
males will lose their vivid coloration with females of the same
> species. I always keep males of different
species together, some > several species, and no need
to keep with females of the same > species. Surely
males may display to mates but it is rather difficult > to see
such display, for most males are ignorant of
females. It is > important that you keep them
as males in the tank. Eighty > percentages of
my males showed their display colorations without any > female
in my tanks until now. Males of many different
species of > Cirrhilabrus will display (not attract) and prepare
to fight. > They always think that they are
males. > He will swim around > >(now in a quarantine tank
before putting him in the large tank) with > >his head
completely out of the water! WHY? (I suspect he is hungry) > It
may be right. My Forcipiger flavissimus (a
long-nosed butterfly) > often showed such behavior while seeking
foods. > >I did finally find some live BRINE shrimp yesterday
and I gut loaded > >them with Kent's ZooPlex and
Cyclop-eeze. He ate like crazy, but he > >is NOT interested
in the frozen brine. Maybe because it is >
>"enriched" with things he doesn't like the smell
of. I think maybe > >if I buy freeze dried brine and soak it
in ZooPlex and something > >else (please make a suggestion) I
can get him off the live stuff > >eventually. I have a friend
in the next town that breeds live salt > >water shrimp, and I
have to get some for my Scotts. > I am sorry; I do not know what
kinds foods are sold in your country. > NOW if I want a >
>female, is one enough or should I get 2 or 3? I have a midas
blenny > >that seems to mimic the Scotts, and the Scotts will
chase him in > >short bursts here and there. So maybe the
midas will do the job of > >"pretend female"? Ha ha
ha! > No need to get more than three females, but you should
obtain another > male of scottorum. > If I do buy another
"young" Scotts > >fairy wrasse, I would like to
tell the place I got him from to see > >if they have any
females. What would I tell them to look for? You >
>didn't mention of the pictures you sent were all male.....I
assume > >they were. Can you please send a female, or is the
only difference > >the pectoral fin? If so, would a young
Scotts change sex to fit the > >need at a young age? Should I
buy another one and put them together > >to force a change on
one of them or are they born male and female? > >I know it is
a lot of questions, but the online store I get my fish >
>from have a great sale! Only 39.99 From 69.99! > Yes, all my
fish are males of C. scottorum. Although some
males have > shorter pelvic fins. > Here are photos of C.
scottorum, young male or large female (#8). >
Its pelvic fins are still short but the coloration on side is
almost > that of males. The length of pelvic
fins is important to tell sex > but as shown in #9, it is a very
large female, not male of C. > solorensis. In
general the fins of females are shorter than those
> in males. Females of the species
are shown here (John Randall > photos (these cannot be posted
without his permission). I have never > seen
juveniles or young females; juveniles are scarcely encountered in
> the wild. > >I really do like the Solor wrasse I have.
He is so friendly and > >eats from my hand! He has NEVER made
an attempt to jump out of the > >tank. I do not intend to
spawn, like I said, just pair both wrasses > >with a female
to make them happy. > Remember, all the Cirrhilabrus and
Paracheilinus species have an > ability to jump out of the tank;
no exception. One of my friends in > Hawaii
will try them to spawn in a large tank. > >Is it at ALL
possible for you to send a worldwide overnight package >
>with females of the Solor or Scotts wrasse? If so, how much? Or
do > >you know a supplier that would in Japan? > There are
some shops in Tokyo and Osaka who will inform me which > species
are imported and then I request them to transport some >
individuals to my home in Miyazaki City, southern
Japan. Scott's > fairy Wrasses are somewhat
expensive fish, around US $ 70-120. I > know
dealers in Osaka who could ship live fish top USA but I will ask
> him soon; it will cost so much by air. > >There are many
debates here in the States as to compatibility with >
>wrasses. I would assume that like Tangs (Naso, hippo/regal,
yellow, > >purple) as long as they are not the SAME genus
they can be together. > > The first Scotts wrasse I received
died in 3 days. He/she was not > >healthy. My Solor fairy
wrasse didn't even seem to care the Scotts > >was in the
tank. It was almost like he was happy to have a buddy. > >Are
the Solor and Scotts wrasses compatible? > Yes, of course. >
>At a LFS they have a Scotts (130.00!) with 2 different species
of > >Halichoerus (I know i am spelling that wrong) and they
seem fine. > >Being that the Scotts is a cirrhilabrus, will
he only get along with > >Halichoerus? > The genus
Halichoeres contains many species and they can be kept with >
Cirrhilabrus in most cases. Halichoeres would be
divided into > several genera from now, so all do not share the
same behavior. > >OR...yes one more variable....If I just
have a male of each (Scotts > >and Solor) will the Scotts
keep his color based on competition as a > >male? > Yes, I
think so. > OR would adding females cause each wrasse to
"act out" and > >attack each other. I know I have
many questions. If you want, > >after each of my questions,
put in parenthesis a response (see what > >I did to your
email to see what I mean) > There may be fight or no trouble; I
have no idea which would be > right. Provide
them with LESS hiding places at first. Introduce
> them at once and before it I recommend you to hold them in a
bucket > for 30 minutes with aeration. > >I really really
appreciate you taking the time to help me out!!!!! > >I am
looking forward to your response! > I do not think that all my
replies are strictly right. I have been > keeping
them for over 15 years and now I am writing a book on the >
genera Cirrhilabrus, Conniella and Paracheilinus. > All The
Best, Hiroyuki |
New Wrasse Species...Or
Typo? Cirrhilabrus bathiphilus vs. Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus
10/17/05 Hello there, <Hi there! Scott F. with you today!>
Hope all is well, I believe I purchased a Cirrhilabrus bathiphilus
today, not to be confused with Cirrhilabrus bathyphilus which I also
purchased today. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much
information regarding this particular fish. I've gone through a
couple search engines and it appears the only info available is a brief
description on your fairy wrasses page, this is also the only
photograph I've been able to find as well. I've also checked
fishbase.org with no luck. Is there any direction you can point me in
to find some more information regarding this wrasse? I can't even
find a common name for it. Thank you, Gabe Hernandez <Well, Gabe-
you've got me kinda stumped on this one, too! I checked a lot of
ichthyological sources on line, and it may be that there is simply no
valid species called "C. bathiphilus". I noticed that the
type specimens for C. bathyphilus were described in 2002 by B.H.
Nagareda and John Randall, per the Bishop Museum (HI) website and
fishbase.org. Curiously, our description and photo of what we are
calling "C. bathiphilus" look just like the specimen of C.
bathyphilus on fishbase.org, and also indicates that the species was
described by Nagareda and Randall in 2002. Coincidence? I suspect not.
I'm gonna take a hunch and think that we may have a typo on our
site...Could be one in the same...Bob, what say you...? Regards, Scott
Cirrhilabrus lubbocki/Lubbock's Wrasse -
10/12/05 Wanted you to see this wrasse that I have in QT. I am
not sure what type of fairy wrasse this species might be. I am
interested in learning about the species before entering into my
established reef tank. Some interesting about the fish is when
excited it get blue spots on its face and distinct blue banding on
its body. Normally this fish expresses yellow dorsal, anal and
pectoral fins tail fin is tapered , body is reddish with purple
blotches. Any idea? Regards, Bob Dreggy, Kingwood, WV. <<Hi
Bob... What you have there is Cirrhilabrus lubbocki, or the
Lubbock's wrasse. It's a beautiful and delightful little
"Fairy" wrasse who's coloring can be quite dramatic
as you've witnessed, and will vary slightly between specimens.
They feed primarily on zooplankton and will do quite well on mysis
shrimp, chopped krill, frozen plankton, etc...mine will even eat
flake and pelleted food. They are fairly hardy and peaceful, can be
kept with other peaceful wrasses/fishes, and will attain a maximum
size of about 3". Regards, EricR>> |

New photos will be sent 9/4/05 Hi Bob,
<Greetings Hiroyuki!> I am sorry for my long silence. <Doh
itashi mashiite> Hers is a new comer to my home, Cirrhilabrus
adornatus , male, 55mm from Sumatra. I call it the
Adorned Fairy Wrasse. <Very nice> Now I have a new CD to you
of marine fishes in JPEG, and another on Fairy and Flasher Wrasse,
latest version with 1000 photos. I will send them
tomorrow. All The Best, Hiroyuki Hiroyuki Tanaka, MD
www.myclinic.ne.jp/jinguh <Thank you my friend. Bob
Fenner> |

Wrasse i.d from your site 7/14/05 Hi Bob -
<Rebecca> I¹m hoping you can clear up for me the
identification of the fish in the very top photo on this
page. I¹m confused about Whether it is
supposed to be attached to the post just above it... By
Hiroyuki. I think he¹s talking about a
different fish. http://www.wetwebmedia.com/velvetwridfaqs.htm I have a
fish identical to this one, and believe it to be C. bathyphilus; a
different color morph of which is shown at the bottom of the same
page. Are they both C. bathyphilus? Thanks for any help
you can provide. best, Rebecca <Mmm, methinks this is a
Cirrhilabrus rubrisquamis pic my Tanaka-san. BobF> |
Re: Wrasse i.d from your site 7/14/05 Hi Bob -
<Rebecca> Thanks for your quick response. Sorry... I was
mistaken I'm not asking about the photo at the very
top of that page (which is C. rubrisquamis
indeed). I'm curious about the photo just below
Hiroyuki's post entitled "C. Adornatus." Sorry for
the error. Thanks again, R <Uhh, sorry re the mix-up... from
what I see on fishbase.org this is definitely not C. adornatus...
but Google Images does show a male to be what you surmise: C.
bathyphilus... Unfortunately... I know naught otherwise. Bob
Fenner> |
Re: Wrasse i.d from your site 7/14/05 O.K... Good
enough. I did the same search and got the same
results. That C. adornatus post on that page really
confused me though! Best, r <Thank you for helping clear this
up... to at least this point! "May Dr. Randall name a
Velvet/Fairy Wrasse in your honour!". BobF> |
Re: Wrasse i.d from your site 7/14/05 From your mouth to
Dr. Randall's ears! Attached a shot of my fish, FYI. Thanks so
much once again. r
<Ah ha! A beauty. Thank you, Bob Fenner> |
