FAQs About Turtle Babies,
Young: Compatibility
Related Articles: My Turtle Laid Eggs. What do I do?
by Darrel Barton, Turtles, Shell Rot in Turtles, Amphibians, Red Eared Slider Care,
FAQs on:
Turtle Reproduction &
Young, RES Reproduction &
FAQs on: Young Turtle
Identification, Young Turtle
Behavior, Young Turtle
Stocking/Selection, Young Turtle
Systems, Young Turtle Feeding,
Young Turtle Disease,
Related FAQs: Turtles 1,
Turtles 2, Red Ear Sliders, Turtle Identification, Turtle Behavior, Turtle Compatibility, Turtle Selection, Turtle Systems, Turtle Feeding, Turtle Disease, Shell Rot, & by Species: Cooters/Mud Turtles, Softshells, Snapping Turtles, Mata Matas, Tortoises, & Amphibians, Other Reptiles,

Red Eared Slider problem? Incomp.
/size 7/19/11
<Hiya - Darrel here>
I have a 4 to 6 month old Red Eared Slider. I do not know the sex
as of yet.
<Also unimportant at this time>
What I am concerned about is it is shedding, but there is a soft
area under the pieces that come off. It also has white spots on
it. Not many. I do not know what to do. I think it might be shell
rot, but I am not sure because I am new at this.
<It doesn't look like shell rot - certainly not an
advanced case if it is.
Does it have any kind of odor associated with it?>
I have the baby in a 55 gallon tank with two males. One
is 4.25 inches and the other is 4.75 inches in
<That's a scary thing to do, Adam. While Sliders are not
typically aggressive, they certainly can be nippy toward one
another and a tint little hatchling like that would stand no
chance. I doubt you can provide him optimal care when he is so
out-sized and out classed>
The two males have nothing wrong with them other then bad
<Even more reason to get the little one away from them while
you still can>
I have a filter with a pump that moves 30 gallons of water an
hour. I also have a 75 watt heat lamp covering a surface of just
under 70 square inches.
There water is kept at room temp due to the fact that the males
kept destroying the environment to get to the heater I had in
<That's fine - no heater is needed for turtles unless you
live north of the Arctic Circle>
No matter how good I buried it under heavy rocks they found a
way. I also have two 24 inch 10% uva uvb bulbs. All lighting is
adjusted with the season. I am sending pictures also. Please help
me get my baby healthy again.
<Adam - the first thing to do is get his isolated. Read
An important thing to note here - is that treatment for almost
ALL conditions is essentially the same: Keep him warm & dry,
swap the shell with a disinfectant, get him plenty of UV-B and
allow him to recover>
<In your case, I'm not sure that the white spots
aren't just water spots, but it never hurts to treat anyway.
The antifungal creams don't have a negative impact on healthy
<What IS important is that the little guy have his own home,
away from the two bigger males, until their sizes re roughly the

Hello Darrel:
I have a 1 gal fish bowl I can keep her in to stay dry and
<that's OK>
What do I do about her drinking though?
<If you actually READ the article I went to the
trouble of linking to you - not to mention the trouble
to write as well you'll see that you PLACE her in a shallow
bowl of water for a few minutes every day so that she can poop
and drink. Then add a few sticks of food in case she decides to
eat then back to dry-dock>
<Trust me - it's all in the article>
I also have a 20gal tank I can setup for her alone. That's
where she was the first 6 weeks she was home.
<Even better>
There is no odor that I can smell. And the white spots come off
with the shell piece.
<That's even more evidence that they're just water
spots or other innocuous stuff>
Thank you very much with the help. I am very worried for my baby
right now.
<No problem. Keep her warm & dry for a few weeks, make
sure she eats and drinks and poops and then when you put her in
her new home (the 20 gallon tank) -- as long as she is active -
swims, eats, poops & basks you can relax>
RES hatchlings 11/15/09
<Hello Samantha,>
I've acquired two RES hatchlings. I have an African clawed frog as
well, he's about two years old. My question is, can hatchlings swim
well in deep water period?
<No; risk of drowning.>
Because I was thinking about combining my AFC and RES in the same tank,
with of course a place for basking.
<Bad, bad idea. Terrapins likely to physically damage the frog.
Frogs sensitive to poor water quality (see: Red Leg) while terrapins
are notoriously filthy animals that put a huge stress on filtration
But my AFC needs deeper water to swim around in. Is this a bad
<Yes, very bad. These animals are not compatible.>
Samantha R.
<Cheers, Neale.>