FAQs on Freshwater Head & Lateral Line
Disease, HLLE, HITH (Hole In The Head)...
Related Articles: Head and Lateral Line Disease (HLLE), Freshwater
Diseases, FW Disease Troubleshooting, Ich/White Spot Disease, Freshwater Medications,
Related FAQs: Freshwater
HLLE 1, FW HLLE 2, & FAQs on
FW HLLE: Causes/Etiology, Non-Cures, FW
Case Histories, SW Case
Histories, & Marine HLLE: HLLE
1, HLLE 2, HLLE 3, Nutritional Disease, Aquarium
Maintenance, Freshwater
Medications, Freshwater
Infectious Disease, Freshwater Fish Parasites, Ich/White Spot Disease, African Cichlid Disease 1, Cichlid Disease,
Oscars and Hexamita 1/31/17
Hello, i have had so much of a problem with Oscars and i hear they are
supposedly hearty fish.
<Sort of. While they're big, they're also notoriously sensitive to water
quality. This is true for most big cichlids. Virtually all problems with
Oscars come down to poor environment or poor diet. Often a combination
of both.>
I used to have 2, 3 inch Oscars one was a black and red tiger Oscar and
the other is an albino.
<Used to have...? What happened to them...?>
I have/had them in a large hexagonal tank, when i got the tank i didn't
know how many gallons it was cause it was donated to me. So, i took
measurements of it and found out its a 20 gallon even though it looks
bigger than just 20 gallons.
<Regardless of appearances, 20 gallons is MUCH TOO SMALL even
for three inch long Oscars. Once they get past the "fry" stage,
Oscars are jumbo fish. I'd be looking at 55 gallons, minimum, for
juvenile Oscars; adults
should be provided with at least twice that.>
Last spring i got the Oscars to fill the tank and i love them very much
except a couple weeks after i got the Oscars the tiger Oscar (his name
was Julius Caesar) developed Hexamita on his left gill that just kept
going and going until it ate down his lateral line and completely
through his tail.
<Absolutely typical reaction to poor environment. Now,
the thing here is that while everyone focuses on ammonia and nitrite
(with an "i"), with cichlids, nitrate (with an "a") is the silent
killer. Cichlids are extremely sensitive to nitrate. Because Oscars are
big, greedy feeders the nitrate level in their tanks can go up very
quickly. Anything above 20 mg/l
is stressful, and anything above 40 mg/l will make them sick. A big tank
dilutes nitrate, while substantial weekly water changes removes
It infested his jaw so bad that when he died he didn't have a lower jaw
left, i felt so bad for that fish. When i went to my very informed fish
store owner who has had and sold fish for more than 20 years he
recommended to me that i use Metronidazole, it was MetroPlex by SeaChem.
a little bit in a bottle for 16 crappy dollars that didn't do anything
to help my poor Julius.
<Metronidazole is the correct medication. However, it will not do
anything if the environment is wrong. It's kind of like trying
to treat someone for burns without pulling him out of the fire.>
I treated that fish just about the entire time i had him. Up until about
two weeks before he died (this went on for 6 months) he had a healthy
appetite, had bright colors, wasn't swimming around erratically and
bumping into the tank out side of the regular symptom of Hexamita where
they will swim backwards or lay on their side and he would only use the
one effected gill sometimes.
Some days id wake up and look at him and he wouldn't use it at all and
then the next day he would be using it again. I did regular water
changes and gravel vacs i tried MelaFix and PimaFix both were completely
<In this situation, yes, useless.>
but i ended up using all of it anyway because it seemed to help with
their gill flapping a little bit , the store owner recommended to me
that i separate the fish because they would contaminate each other, and
i used the MetroPlex and Metronidazole treated food except none of it
made the one Oscar better. I didn't have the space to separate them so i
just kept them together instead of getting rid of the other one because
i figured treating them both would help keep the other from getting
infected also (i am too attached to these fish) but the albino Oscar
never showed any symptoms or
had any problems.
<Oscars are inbred now, and there is variation among strains, some being
tougher than others. Luck comes into play too, and being territorial,
non-sociable fish, dominant fish will stress other fish kept with them,
weakening their immune systems. So one fish getting sick while another
stays healthy isn't unusual.>
He wasn't getting the hex his fins were nice he is bright and active all
the time never had any Finrot or PopEye or constipation always has a
good appetite. Except now he has been alone in the hexagon tank since
2016 and its now January. I stopped the treatment of Julius two weeks
before he died because he stopped eating completely the medicine wasn't
helping and i didn't have the stomach to euthanize him myself, i cant
handle killing with my own hand.
The week he died i was sick home from school and i remember watching him
lay on the bottom and his gills just stopped flapping so i took him
outside a buried him with a little gravestone and a small tree.
<Oh dear.>
However now the last day of January 2017 i noticed the albino Oscar has
similar Hexamita pits by his but hole on his side and some very small
holes on his head, they look different like somebody took a pencil and
poked holes clean through my Oscars head, they aren't sores they're
holes. He still has a good appetite. And looks/acts well, i removed the
common Pleco and all the tank decor a week ago because i though they
might be the source of my Oscars wounds, but the wounds haven't gotten
better only bigger.
<You should not be keeping Oscars and Plecs together, certainly not in
such a small tank. Plecs add substantially to water quality problems,
and in some cases they will scrape at the mucous from large cichlids,
causing physical damage and stressing the fish.>
Iv been doing small gravel vacs and water changes every couple of days.
Not a 30% change but just a jug that i had it take about 5% of the water
out and i just fill that with whatever i can get from the gravel every
day or two.i feed my Oscars what ever fish food i have, i don't have a
scheduled and marked calendar diet for them but they get a variety of
food that being frozen brine shrimp, baby brine shrimp, live brine
shrimp, krill, very little bloodworms, Hikari cichlid gold pellets,
metro soaked pellets, wax worms, crickets, and sometimes flake food, and
peas once in a while, I gave them
some cooked tilapia once too but it was a long time ago and im going out
today to get him some live black worms and some ghost shrimp. I use test
strips to test the water, ammonia and nitrites are always at 0 ph is 7,
the water that runs from my tap is hard water but it has no chlorine.
<The fundamentals of the way you're keeping this fish are right, but I
fear tank size is the killer here.>
The water is a little more alkaline than it is acidic, its was at 7.6
that last time i tested except i lost my job and have no more test
strips so i have no idea where its as of this very moment The nitrates
fluctuate a lot sometimes i find they are really high(which i then do a
larger water change) and sometimes i find they'll be really low.
<See above why this matters.>
To put it at an average id say about 25-30 ppm. I have a 40 gal filter
on it that has carbon filter pads in it (i would remove the carbon when
treating my Oscars) and a light, i live in a very warm room and between
the light and my room warmth with the sun by my window anytime i put my
fingers in the tank the water is comfortably warm.
<Oscars are tropical fish, and exposure to low temperatures is quickly
lethal. Anything below 22 C/72 F should be treated as dangerously low.>
I have an air stone that i rotate between my 5 gal my 10 gal my 2, 20
gals and a 75 gal that houses two very large jack Dempseys i have had
fish for 4 years now and all of my tanks are established through the
filter cycle.
Please help the fish store owner got stumped and told me i should
euthanize Julius before he died and now my last Oscar is starting to get
sick and i don't know what to do cause iv started using the metro soaked
food and the sores on my albino are only getting bigger with every dose
just like Julius had and i don't want to lose my Oscar. He is the light
of my bedroom i fall asleep every night watching him swim.
<The 75 gallon tank is where the Oscars need to be!>
Could it be something wrong with the tank?
<Yes; it's too small.>
Is it possible Hexamita can be a genetic thing?
<Nope. Nitrate above 20 mg/l is a problem, and unless you're
doing daily water changes, it's unlikely you can keep nitrate that low
with one or two Oscar juveniles in a 20 gallon tank. Cheers,
re: Oscars and Hexamita 2/3/17
Thank you Neale for your advice.
Ill put the Oscar in with the jack Dempseys and see how they get along
<Wouldn't hold out much hope here. Adult JDs can/will pulverise juvenile
Oscars if they feel their territory is being encroached. Oscars are not
really "fighters" outside of breeding, whereas JDs can be extremely
territorial. Not always, but often. I'd be watching these fish very
carefully. I'd remove the JDs first, rearrange the tank so territories
broken up, add the Oscars, turn the lights out, leave it like that for
half an hour at least, then re-introduce the JDs. Standard operating
practise with territorial cichlids, really.>
and if they don't like each other ill get him a bigger tank
<Do suspect this is on the cards; I'd start looking now! Cheers, Neale.>
Hole In the Head in Goldfish. Furan, Metronidazole f's
I thought I'd share this video with you guys:
I've learned so much from your website. Thank you for all that you do.
<Ah, I thank you. Bob Fenner>
Kind regards,
*Cynthia | East Coast Ranchu*
646.657.8577 | www.eastcoastranchu.com
Ranchus for Sale: CLICK HERE <http://tinyurl.com/new-ecr-ranchus>
><{{{*> doing good things for the hobby ><{{{*>
Jellybean Parrot has bumps/white spots,
please help me identify
Jellybean Parrot Cichlid With HITH 11/21/10
I have a jellybean parrot fish that is about 7 years old. It has
recently developed white bumps/spots on its head. My husband thought
the change in her appearance was due to age and so he dismissed it. He
thinks he first noticed them about a week ago. I've attached two
photos. The large bump in the center of her head is actually a cluster
of bumps. It is white on the surface and somewhat fluffy in appearance
with a red coloring underneath. As I'm hoping you can see in the
photo, it is a protruding growth. There is a line of smaller white
spots along the back of her head.
The top of the fin on the left side of the second photo also appears to
be abnormal in shape/color. The pale areas of the body are her normal
coloring. She is eating and behaving normally.
She is in a 55 gal tank with a rainbow, a catfish (I don't remember
what breed) and several tetras. The last water change was 5 days ago
and may have been a little overdue but not much. We do not have a
quality test kit, only the simple strips. The water had not been tested
in a long time and when I tested tonight the levels were not good. The
nitrate level was 80, nitrite 3, pH 7.2, alkalinity 80 and the water
was hard 150. My husband is doing a 25% water change now. The
temperature of the tank is 76 degrees.
I've tried to research the problem online but have only become more
confused. I do not want to treat her for the wrong thing and cause more
problems. I'd greatly appreciate your opinions.
Thank you! Kim
< Your cichlid has Hole-In-The-Head Disease. First get a nitrate
test kit.
Get the nitrates down to under 20 ppm with water changes. The lower the
nitrates the better your fish will be. In a hospital tank treat with a
combination of Metronidazole and Nitrofuranace. If you fish is still
then start feeding medicated foods with these medicines in it. I would
still treat the water too. The key to a full recovery is an early
African Cichlid problem
Malawi Cichlid With Hole In The Head 6/19/09
You have a great site, I have learned a lot browsing through it.
<Thank yo for your kind words>
Please help me asap!
55 gallon tank
Inhabitants: One 6-7" female Fossorochromis Rostratus (6.5 years
1-inch female Aulonocaras
Filtration: Eheim 2213 canister filter
Nitrates: 5 ppm right before water change
Nitrites: 0
Ammonia 0
pH: 7.5
Water Change Frequency: 40-50% twice a week Food: homemade from
internet recipe and Hikari Marine A Temperature: 76 F Symptoms: All
inhabitants healthy with absolutely no prior medical problems.
The Fossorochromis recently began showing minor symptoms of hole in the
head disease, much to my dismay. I went through a round of Metro+ and
added liquid vitamins to her food with no discernible improvement, but
no worsening either. Yesterday noticed a reddened area and
"pimple" near her mouth and her fins were down. Suspected
bacterial infection of some kind.
As I hadn't had time to research the situation fully (gram positive
or negative or something else entirely) and haven't had to use
antibiotics of any kind in the last 6 years of this hobby, I added the
only thing I had on hand, Pimafix. Yes, I am aware that is like giving
herbal remedies to an MSRA patient, but I had nothing else and live an
hour from the nearest pet store. This morning her fins are back to
normal intermittently but she is breathing very hard. I added an air
stone and am in the process of changing the water yet again to increase
oxygen content. She appears to be breathing easier now, but not back to
normal. I own nine freshwater aquariums and fortunately have never seen
this before so I don't know what is going on.
All the rest of the inhabitants in her tank are just fine. Any ideas
are welcome! Thank you for your time and suggestions. Rebecca
< There are ideas about the causes of hole in the head disease
without any scientific evidence to back them up to my satisfaction, but
you have eliminated some of the theoretical causes. Some people think
it is bad water. This is not the case because you water conditions are
fine and you are up on your water changes so it is not nitrogenous
waste either. This comes down to diet. Usually food with fish meal
contains enough calcium for fish to build their bones as they grow.
Since you make your own fish food it is hard to tell if your food has
enough calcium in it. Larger fish need more calcium to replenish the
calcium needed to build their bones. Try Spectrum New Life pellet food
for awhile and see if this makes any difference. I have never had a
problem with HITH while using this food. If this works then in your
situation we may have found a possible cause and
Update on African Cichlid situation...
Malawi Cichlid With Hole In The Head 6/19/09
Thought I would add an update. After the massive water change, which
rid the tank of Pimafix, the Fossorochromis in question returned to
breathing and acting normally, so maybe her problem was due to
I don't plan to use that product again.
<I would not>
However she still has the small raised red bump by her mouth and the
beginning HITH situation.
<Likely best cured by providing ongoing optimized water quality and
I will refrain from adding any more medication, herbal or otherwise,
without strong recommendation.
for your time.
<Thank you for sharing. Bob Fenner>
Re: African Cichlid problem
Cichlid With HITH 6/21/09
Thank you for your advice. The reddish sore resolved into another small
HITH-like hole, but at least no infection. She is acting normally. I am
purchasing Spectrum New Life pellet food online as I write this and
implementing daily 25% water changes just in case. I will update you on
results as soon as something changes. Thanks again. Rebecca
< Try to increase the calcium content of the water by adding some
crushed coral to the filter. As it dissolves into the water it may be
ingested by the fish.-Chuck>
Re: African Cichlid problem
Hole-In-The-Head Treatment 7/1/09
I purchased the recommended New Life Spectrum food. Until the food
arrived, I added powdered calcium to the water and a little to her food
as well as a big mesh bag of crushed coral. Since following your
advice, one hole has gotten so small I have a hard time finding it, the
other two don't seem to have changed too much yet (although all
redness is gone), and no new holes are forming. She looks and acts
normal and I have high hopes that she is recovering. Thank you for
sharing your theory and giving a friend back to me! I will update again
when something major occurs, such as (hopefully) her complete recovery.
< Thank you so much for writing back. It is times like this that
makes me glad that your question was asked and that all fellow
aquarists and their pet cichlids might benefit from our WWM forum.
Hopefully the recovery will continue and this disease will no longer
become an issue.-Chuck>
Re: African Cichlid problem
Hole-In-The-Head Cured on African Cichlid -- 10/3/09
I apologize for taking so long to get back to you and I want to thank
you again for your advice. My female Fossorochromis has fully recovered
and does not seem to be having any further issues with
hole-in-the-head. I am feeding her (and all my African cichlids) New
Life Spectrum food along with krill and small shrimp. Once a week I
supplement her food with a little calcium and glucosamine (which is
apparently derived from shellfish and shrimp shells). I have also added
crushed coral to her canister filter media. Everything seems to be
going well now and has been for the last few months. Thank you,
< Glad to hear everything worked out OK.-Chuck>
Oscar With HITH 02/06/09 I have seen much
info. on the site about treating HITH by medicating the food. I
purchased General Cure (API) Brand which contains 250mg
Metronidazole & 75mg Praziquantel per packet (box of 10). The
directions say to treat the water, 1pkt/ 10 gal. He is in a 55
gal tank. I know if I put him in a smaller treatment tank he will
be unhappy and fear he will go off food. Since my Oscar is eating
well I would rather treat the food. Can this combination of meds
be used in treating the food? If so, should I use the same dosage
you have recommended for the metronidazole (1/2 t / 4oz.)? <
Treating the food as recommended is a big advantage over treating
the entire tank. I would also recommend a change in diet to a
high quality pellet food and checking the nitrates to keep them
under 20 ppm.> Other info: The Oscar does not have white /
slimy poo. I received him from a petstore when the previous owner
could no longer care for him. At that time he had what appeared
to be fin rot as well as a small pin sized hole in his head. He
was being kept in a 10 gal tank before I received him. He was
lethargic and off food. I treated him w/ Melafix for the sores
which have quickly healed. He began to eat about four days after
I put him in the 55 gal. tank and treated w/ Melafix. The hole
however has grown slightly larger in the last three weeks It
started in one sensory pit and has now eroded an entire cluster
of pits. I have been taking pictures every few days to monitor
its progress. < Treat the food as recommended and keep up with
the maintenance. Generally it is believed to be a symptom of a
dietary deficiency with a combination of a pathogen feeding on a
weakened host.-Chuck>
[1].jpg) |
Hole in the head disease 11/16/08
Only one of my Oscars have hole in the head disease. I have two in the
same tank. Should I treat all the fish or remove the sick one and treat
him in another tank?? Thank You and I love your web site VERY HELPFULL!
;) <All should be treated. Please read here:
http://wetwebmedia.com/HLLESWCauseF.htm and the linked files above. Bob
My Frontosa, HLLE tissue damage -
7/1/08 Hi, I wrote you before about my Front, Georgie and his
hole-in-the-head problem, and that I treated him with Medizole and
Furnace, I then noticed it looked like fungus so I treated him
again with just the Furnace, It looked like it went away but his
holes didn't look any better, so I then treated him with some
medication called Hole-in-the-Head by JUNGLE, and he still looks
like this, is there any hope? <To heal the wounds from the
neuromast destruction? Mmm, yes... with time, good nutrition, water
quality...> ( I sent you a couple pics) I have had him for a
long time( we think he is around thirteen years) and he has always
been healthy but know I am at a loss, usually when I treat my fish
I have good luck if I catch it right away, I am sending you a few
pics and see if you can see what you think, Thank you for your
time, John Cline <Have seen worse cases remit. Do try feeding
Spectrum pellets exclusively, being religious re weekly water
changes... Read here: http://wetwebmedia.com/hllefaqs3.htm and the
linked FAQs files in this series above. Bob Fenner> |

Cichlid With Hole-In-The-Head 4/8/06 I have
a 9' red flame cichlid that has developed raw spots on its head
(above the eyes and below the dorsal fin, and between his eyes) they
developed after his tank mate died about 3 weeks ago. The spots seemed
to have blood circulating to them because I see red within the areas. I
do 25 -30 % water changes about every 10 days (55 gal whisper 3 filter)
I have also been adding aquarium salt (1 tablespoon a day for three
days now). I have had the water tested and is within the norm. He is
the only fish in the tank and has stopped eating for at least 4 days,
spends a lot of time on the bottom. When I turn on the light he comes
to the top to eat, if he even bothers to take any Hikari cichlid gold
pellets, he just seems to swim backwards any spits them out. These
spots are not deep; they seem to be just on the surface. The one above
his eyes is approx ½' across and slowly getting bigger.
He has had these spots before but this big and not for this long. Any
help you can provide would be much appreciated Thank you Dave < Do a
50% water change, vacuum the gravel and clean the filter. Treat with
Metronidazole and Nitrofuranace. When he starts to eat , offer some
live food live washed earthworms, and watch for ammonia spikes because
the medication will affect the biological filtration.-Chuck>
Hole in the Head and Eye Problems ... Oscars - 03/27/06 Hi WWM
Crew, I have had Oscars since 1980 and never had any problems with them
before. I believe that is because I pay such careful attention to water
quality and diet. However, just recently one of my two 12" Oscars
starting laying on the bottom and gasping for air. This has gone on
about a week. The pH, Nitrates and Ammonia are perfect. I feed them
Hikari pellets. The one in question has one boated eye and lays on the
bottom of the 80 gallon tank. If I reach in and touch him he has good
energy and swims strongly across the tank. He can also come up for food
but lately I can tell it is getting harder for him. The only other
symptom is a slight hole in the head which I treat but can never seem
to make go completely away. I have tried Maracyn TC as I thought it was
bacterial. Then MarOxy as the Maracyn TC did nothing so maybe it was
fungal. This also did nothing. I have tried salt and several water
changes but nothing seems to work. Any thoughts? Art <Most eye
problems, as well as Hole in the Head, start when too much organic
matter starts to build up in a tank. Please re-test the water. After a
few rounds of meds you have probably lost your cycle. Also, when doing
a water change always use a gravel vac to remove as much waste as
possible. Hole in the Head is caused by a protozoa. Metronidazole is
the drug of choice. However the wounds caused by the protozoa can
become infected by bacteria or fungus. Keeping your system pristine
will help greatly. This will also help with his breathing and eye
problems. Should the eye begin to swell, add Epsom salt at the rate of
one tbls per 5 gallons. Replace the Epsom salt in the new water when
doing a change until the swelling goes down. Don>
Gouramis With Hole-In-The-Head - 05/23/2006
Hi there. OK. My eyes hurt. Been reading your FAQ's. Can't find
definitive info on what I'm looking for. I seem to have a Hole in
Head "outbreak" in my aquarium. I have a 60gal, heavily
planted, tank; plenty of lava stone and wood for hiding. Penguin 400
filter, CO2 diffuser, 17 Gouramis, a Pleco and a small Cory. Water
changes are every other week, (sometimes weekly if I think it needs it)
Filter cartridges rinsed bi-weekly, changed monthly (per advise of
LFS). Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, Nitrates tend to be in the hi 20's,
touching 30, but I attribute part of that number to plant fertilizers.
Some products tote amazing cures, some say nothing helps Hole in Head.
Any suggestions on how to rid the fish of this? Also.. is this
contagious like Ick? I do see it on 2 or 3 fish, but not the other tank
mates... at least not yet. Thanks. You guys are great John < Usually
this is a problem with some New World cichlids and not associated with
Gouramis. Do a 50% water change, vacuum the gravel and clean the
filter. Treat the tank with Metronidazole and see if that helps. It
could just be a bacterial infection and it may respond to antibiotics
like Kanamycin. If you do decide to use antibiotics then watch for
ammonia spikes because it may affect the biological
Oscar With Hole-In-The-Head
9/12/06 Hi crew. I have an Oscar which appears to have a hole in
the head. I am not sure whether it is HITH disease. It appears to be
very dull. Can you help me out with the cure and other things to cure
it. Thanking you <Do a 50% water change, clean the filter and vacuum
the gravel. Upgrade the diet top include more live and frozen foods.
Treat with Metronidazole and keep the lights off.-Chuck.>
Gold Severum.........is this hole in the head? Asymmetrical? No
8/14/06 hey guys, first off, great site as always. I have had a 150
gallon(6 foot tank)) setup for quite some time. Currently housing 6
inch gold Severum 7 inch Jack Dempsey 3 inch Oscar 4 inch Red jewel 3
1/2" Green terror (2) 5 inch banded Leporinus 4 inch Gibbiceps
Pleco 8 Buenos Aires tetras <Must be fast!> I have 2 Emperor
400's for filtration <And lots of big regular water changes I
hope> Recently I had a aggression problem that caused me to have to
give away my 6 inch Green Severum, as he was attacking the Gold Severum
often, and when he wasn't, he was extremely aggressive going for
food. Since then I noticed that what I originally thought was a bite
wound on the side of the Gold Severums face has not healed. As i look
at it now I am thinking that either the wound is not healing or they
may just have been open sores from the beginning. Both are on the left
side if the head, behind the eyes, and before the gills. There is no
"pitting" as i have seen HITH described, however it does look
like the larger sores I have seen in HITH pictures online.
<Mmm...> Would treatment of non-healing wounds be much different
than a treatment for HITH (if that's what this is?). <Are
identical... improved nutrition, and water quality... sometimes coupled
with the use of a protozoacide> I will add that i had been lax with
maintenance these last 2 months the last 2 months of my wife's
pregnancy), however, It had always been top-notch until now. <Oh>
Hopefully i can solve with increased maintenance, and frequent water
changes for a few weeks. Since i prefer not to have to set up a
hospital tank if I can avoid it. <I would not here> Also, one
last question. Regarding stocking. Will this tank be able to handle
another Oscar without having to displace the current inhabitants?
<Not a good gamble, no> I realize that having two fish that will
be 12 inches long each may tax even this tank. Thanks in advance for
any help you can throw my way! <If the pitting is not
"symmetrical... bilaterally", that is, about the same on both
sides of the fish, this is not likely HLLE, HITH... but
"just" sores or pitting from poor water quality. Bob
Experts Asking Experts, Hole-In-The-Head On A Flowerhorn
12/19/06 Good morning, Crew! I hope this day finds you well.
Inspired by your example, I have been helping people with their fishy
questions by volunteering at AllExperts.com. So far, everything has
been very straightforward, but yesterday a gentleman overseas asked me
about his Flowerhorn. I hope you don't feel that I am asking you to
"do my homework" for me, but before I suggest any other
treatment besides salt, I wondered if you wouldn't mind sharing
your opinions on what appears to be wrong with this cichlid. Before he
sent me the pictures, I told him it was probably Head and Lateral Line
Erosion (HLLE). Although the pattern of erosion is not what I expected
to see based on his descriptions, I still believe that HLLE is the
causative agent here - but I wanted to double check with the real
experts! Thank you so much for your assistance, you have always been so
reassuring and helpful. There are so few free resources like this on
the web at large...what you have here is remarkable. Happy holidays to
all of you! I hope that a fab getaway is in your future! Nicole <
The exact cause is not known. Generally a 50% water change, vacuuming
the gravel and cleaning the filter improves the water quality and slows
the progression of the disease. Treatments of a combination
Metronidazole and Nitrofurazone have had some success. Some aquarists
have also had good luck with Clout. After treatments have arrested the
disease, a more nutritious diet with fresh ingredients and high vitamin
and mineral contents speed the recovery. Vitamin C seems to be a key
vitamin in getting a full recovery. many Flowerhorn breeders are
obsessed with color and developing the fatty hump on the males. These
high fat diets usually develop into diseases like bloat and the hole in
the head that this Flowerhorn seems to have.-Chuck>
Chocolate Cichlid With Hole-In-The-Head Disease 3/27/07
Hello; I thank for the great website. My experiences as an aquarium
keeper have been greatly enhanced by what I have learned on your site.
I purchased a 4 inch black ghost knife, and a 3 inch chocolate cichlid
two days ago. They are both in quarantine in a 30 gallon tank; 79F, 0
ammonia & nitrites, nitrates 10-15. The tank has been running with
a Pleco and Synodontis (and a few other temporary 'guests') for
about a year an half. The BGK and chocolate cichlid are to eventually
move into a 100 gallon Amazon tank. The problem and question: After
looking at the chocolate cichlid closely, he appears to have HLLE small
lesions behind the eyes on both sides of his head. Three or four holes
on each side. If I do a treatment with Metronidazole on this tank will
I be endangering the black ghost knife? < The BGK should be
unaffected by the treatment.> I've read about their sensitivity
to medications. < They are mainly sensitive to dyes.> I plan to
treat the tank every two days, after 30% water changes, as the package
instructions state, for ten days. Then, follow up with a good diet and
added vitamins. Any other suggestions or information greatly
appreciated. Thank you very much in advance, Anna < Should like a
solid game plan.-Chuck>
Repeated hole in the head disease, Metronidazole
Treatment For HITH - 6/1/07 > My T bar Cichlid is suffering from
his 3rd bout of hex this time he has a small visible pin sized hole
above his eye and the usual white strongly pooh. Last time in September
2006 I treated the tank with Metronidazole 5mg/L and he recovered well.
I have done a water exchange today and added metro at 5mg/L. Is this
repeated dosage likely to harm my other fish? 2 cat fish 3 rainbows, 2
giant Danios and 1 rosy barb? < If treated as recommended this
medication should have no effect on the other fish.> > Also do I
need to do 50% water changes in between adding the dosages on the 2nd
4th and 6 days? < Metronidazole is affected by organics in the
water. The cleaner the water the better the medication will work. Water
changes also reduce organic waste. The tank is getting cleaner. The
water is getting better and the medication is getting more effective.
Sound pretty good to me.-Chuck> > Many thanks for your help
Treating An Oscar with Hole-In-The-Head --
1/04/08 I have an Oscar that has hole in the Head Disease. I
have treated him on two different occasions over a three month
period with Fish-Zole. The places on his head just don't seem
to want to heal. He is in a 75 gallon aquarium with a canister
filter which gets cleaned once a week. He gets a 25% water change
once a week. His water quality is in the good range on
everything. He gets a variety of foods (no feeder gold fish). He
gets pellets, sticks, krill and a mixture of beef hearts, garlic,
spinach, vitamins and other ingredients twice a week. He also
gets Vita-Chem added to his pellets 5 times a week. He has a very
good appetite and seems to be growing. Should I treat him with
the Fish-Zole again or is there something else That I can use to
heal the places on his head. I don't want to loose him. Your
help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Nancy <
This disease takes its own sweet time to heal. If the lesions are
not getting any bigger then you fish is probably cured. The
wounds left behind are typically very slow to heal. They first
turn black and then slowly start to close up. Check the nitrates.
Try and keep them under 20 ppm. Your treatment methods are very
sound and hopefully caught in time.-Chuck>
Treat Oscar With Hole-In-The-Head Part II
1/5/08 I checked the nitrates they are 10 ppm. Some of the
places seem to be turning black but he has a few places that seem
to be getting deeper. The largest one is about 1/8 across and the
others are smaller. They are white in color. I have enclosed a
couple of pictures. Maybe you can get a better idea of my
problem. Thanks again. Nancy < This infection is pretty
severe. Never seen it this wide spread before. Look for a
medicated food with Metronidazole in it. Add it to your fishes
regular diet. Keep the water clean and the diet nutritious like
you have been. Drs FosterSmith.com sell a medicated food called
Anti- Parasite. It has Metronidazole in it. Add this to the diet.
Keep tract of the disease by taking pictures of your fish once a
week. Date them and compare them over time to see if he is
getting better.-Chuck>
Oscar With Hole-In-The-Head Gets Treatment
1/7/08 Thank you for your quick response. If you look at the
picture that I have attached. The places midway up toward his
dorsal fin and midway down his side are not the holes that I am
talking about. He did those places on the gravel in the bottom of
his tank. The holes are located beneath his gills and to the
right of his eye which seem to be healing and the small ones on
top of his nose. I have started him on the medicated food and
also added some MelaFix to his water. Will see how this does. He
really doesn't know what to do with those little pellets of
food but I am sure he will find out. Thanks again for your help.
Nancy <Don't feed him for a few days and he will be hungry
enough to eat the new medicated food. It looks like you are doing
everything you can possibly do.-Chuck>