FAQs on African Cichlid
Diseases 1
FAQs on African Cichlid Disease:
African Cichlid
Disease 1, African Cichlid Disease 2, African Cichlid Disease 3, African Cichlid Disease 4, African Cichlid Disease 5, African Cichlid Disease 6, African Cichlid Disease 7, African Cichlid Disease 8,
FAQs on African Cichlid Disease by Category:
Infectious (Virus,
Bacterial, Fungal), Parasitic (Ich, Velvet...),
Related Articles: African Cichlids, Malawian
Cichlids: The Mbuna and their Allies By Neale
Monks, The Blue
Followers: the Placidochromis of Lake Malawi by
Daniella Rizzo, Cichlid
Fishes, Freshwater
Fish Diseases, Freshwater
Diseases, Ich/White Spot
Disease, Freshwater
Related FAQs: Cichlid Disease, Cichlid Disease 2, Cichlid Disease 3, African Cichlids in General,
African Cichlid
Identification, African
Cichlid Selection, African
Cichlid Behavior, African
Cichlid Compatibility, African Cichlid Systems, African Cichlid Feeding, African Cichlid Reproduction,
Cichlids of the World,
Cichlid Systems, Cichlid Identification, Cichlid Behavior, Cichlid Compatibility, Cichlid Selection, Cichlid Feeding, Cichlid Disease, Cichlid Reproduction,

Furunculosis on Maylandia estherae?
Hello once again wet friends, No good news this time. One
of my red zebras got sick and could only last one week.
Attached are some photos showing her wound. < This is
actually not a wound but a Pseudomonas bacterial
infection. This is usually caused by the poor water
quality and the fish becoming stressed. The first thing I
would do is clean the filters and do a water change of 30%
with treated tap water. Use a gravel vacuum on the gravel
to remove any detritus build up in the gravel. Check you
ammonia and nitrate levels in your water. The bacteria
actually feed off these while they are eating away at your
fish. Your medication may have killed off the good bacteria
in your filter system so watch out for ammonia , nitrite
and nitrate spikes. Don't feed the tank for a week and
let the fish clean out their guts. If they are hungry they
can graze on the algae off the rocks like they do in
nature.> First I noticed that she wasn't
eating, next day she had a small nasty wound on her side. I
thought it could have been caused by some fighting (four
more females and a male in the same tank plus a little acei
which is doing very well for now). I separated her into a
fry net to prevent any bites on her wound and treated the
whole tank with Sera's Baktapur and Mycopur hoping to
stop any bacterial or fungus infections. In about four days
the wound got incredibly big. On her last day she was at
the bottom of the net, trying to breath. She looked
hopeless and in pain. I had to put her in the cold, dark
freezer. A very lonely death for any creature I believe,
and I don't feel very good about all that
had happened. How could all that happen in just a week?
What did I overlook? Anyway if you can have any
idea by looking at the photos please let me know. It
isn't very noticeable on the photos, the wound is open
all the way to her spine, and one of her ribs were on the
open. Looked incredible. As if she was eaten alive, or
thorn apart. Another bad news is that after about 10 days
of her death I see another one not eating. < You may
also have a case of Malawi Bloat> She actually looked
like she was having difficulty emptying her
bowels. She produced one piece of bubble like faeces. I
have no idea what's going on and this makes me mad.
What is it? What should I do? < Do all of the above. At
the end of the week your fish should be very hungry and
have their faces pressed against the front of the glass. If
not they are probably infected and should be removed to
another tank to be treated with Metronidazole( Hard to get
with poor results). Tropheus from lake Tanganyika also come
down with this problem I would recommend you go to JDTropheus.com and read
his solutions to this problem. I would not recommend
treating the entire tank.> Can I prevent it? < In the
wild your Mbuna come from Lake Malawi. The lake has a pH
close to 8 and is very hard with lots of minerals. The
water temperature is around 77 degrees. These fish usually
eat algae off the rocks and require large amounts of
vegetable matter in their diet. Worms tend to rot in their
gut and give them problems. I would recommend a high
quality vegetable flake and feed them small amounts a
couple times a day. Keep up on your tank maintenance and
your fish should bounce back. Bloat is very difficult to
cure but very easy to prevent.> I also realized I have
some tiny little bugs in the tank. With the naked eye, they
are oval shaped and move around on the surface. I just
happened to notice their existence while I was examining
the dead little one. I don't believe they are connected
with her death. < These are springtails and feed off the
bits of fish food in the water. They are harmless and pose
no threat to your tank or fish. -Chuck> Any help is
highly appreciated. It always feels very good to know
that you people exist, especially on the dark days. Thanks
a lot, Husnu
Re: Furunculosis on Maylandia estherae? Hello once
again wet friends, No good news this time. One of my red zebras
got sick and could only last one week. Attached are some photos
showing her wound. First I noticed that she wasn't eating,
next day she had a small nasty wound on her side. I thought it
could have been caused by some fighting (four more females and a
male in the same tank plus a little acei which is doing very well
for now). I separated her into a fry net to prevent any bites on
her wound and treated the whole tank with Sera's Baktapur and
Mycopur hoping to stop any bacterial or fungus infections. In
about four days the wound got incredibly big. On her last day she
was at the bottom of the net, trying to breath. She looked
hopeless and in pain. I had to put her in the cold, dark freezer.
A very lonely death for any creature I believe, and
I don't feel very good about all that had
happened. How could all that happen in just a week? What did I
overlook? Anyway if you can have any idea by looking
at the photos please let me know. It isn't very noticeable on
the photos, the wound is open all the way to her spine, and one
of her ribs were on the open. Looked incredible. As if she was
eaten alive, or thorn apart. <The bacteria that were eating at
your fish were being fed by an excessive nitrate load in your
aquarium. Get a nitrate test kit and check the nitrates. I have a
hunch they will be off the scale. Reduce the nitrate levels by
doing water changes and servicing the filter. The nitrate levels
should be under 25 ppm. When you have the levels down I would
suggest you add some cichlid salt too increase the slime on the
fish. Vacuum the gravel too. This will remove much of the waste
that is adding to your nitrate problem. If your fish don't
improve it may be too late to help them. Sick fish should be
moved to a special tank and treated. Many medications kill the
beneficial bacteria in the filters and the gravel that keep the
nitrogen chain moving along.> Another bad news is that after
about 10 days of her death I see another one not eating. She
actually looked like she was having
difficulty emptying her bowels. She produced one piece
of bubble like faeces. I have no idea what's going on and
this makes me mad. What is it? < Malawi Bloat> What
should I do? < Remove the fish to a special isolated tank and
try to treat it with a medicated food with Metronidazole in it.
If is not eating you could try a furnace type medication and slat
but the chances of recovery are slime> Can I prevent it?
<Absolutely! Check the nitrates in your tank often and try to
keep them under 25 ppm. A test kit will help you determine when
to do your water changes and how much water you need to change.
Mbuna (Malawian Rock Cichlids) eat algae off the rocks in the
wild. I would start feeding a high quality Spirulina flake food.
Their health and color will greatly improve. Stay away from foods
like worms. They are not required by these fish. Some people will
tell you that they feed their fish all kinds of worms and have
had no problems. They may just be lucky. In the long run you are
better off with the flakes.> I also realized I have some tiny
little bugs in the tank. With the naked eye, they are oval shaped
and move around on the surface. I just happened to notice their
existence while I was examining the dead little one. I don't
believe they are connected with her death. < These are little
springtails and are totally harmless to the fish. I think they
come in as contaminants from the fish foods. -Chuck> Any help
is highly appreciated. It always feels very good to know that you
people exist, especially on the dark days. Thanks a lot,
Husnu |
I've lost nearly all my African Cichlids! Help!
<<Metronidazole toxicity? RMF>>Hi,
your site looks very informative & it appears that you have
helped a number of people. I'm hoping that you
might be able to help me as well... I have an African cichlid 55
gallon (mostly Mbunas (15) & a few of peacocks (3) from Lake
Malawi). Recently I had an outbreak of what I thought
was 'Malawi Bloat' (I thought this because someone fed my
fish the wrong food, & far too much, while I was on
vacation). A few days after I came home, I lost 2 fish
(ps. socolofi). They showed some tell tale signs by
hiding, not eating, & exhibiting string white/clear
feces. I had this disease in my tank 6 months earlier
so I immediately started to treat with Metronidazole (I treated
& eliminated this disease in 5 days last time). I
did daily water changes & also began soaking their food in
this medication. I decided to treat the whole tank
because the last time I had this disease it hit hard & fast
(I lost 3 fish). Well, to make a long story a little
shorter. I continued to lose fish
(approximately 2 per day) on a daily basis through out
the treatment (250mg of metro per 10 gallon, every other day for
5 days). I used a mix of Epsom salt & aquarium
salt. I bumped up the temp & increased surface
agitation for more oxygen. I was still losing fish
after the first treatment so I did a second treatment & kept
the water clean & food medicated once per
day. Unfortunately, I continued to lose fish through
the 2nd round of medicating (this time I treated w/ metro
daily). It's been 2 weeks & I am out of metro
& nearly out of fish! I've lost 12 fish so
far. My tank is nearly empty & I am devastated. So
much money, time, energy & more money went into this tank. I
am at a total loss about what is going on. I lost 2 fish just
today. My tank parameters are ph 8.0, GH 300, KH 300,
nitrites 0, nitrates 20. the temp is
78. The other thing that could have kicked this
disease off is the fact that I put in 3 new fish about 3 weeks
ago. These were the peacocks. 2 of them
died today. I didn't quarantine them. I
know that I probably should have (hind sight
20/20). The only other symptoms that I can describe
(besides stringy white/clear feces, hiding, not eating &
lying on the bottom) is a rapid breathing & a bizarre
behavior that a few of them exhibited right before they died - a
fast mad, erratic, swirling, darting, freak out swim and then
they just dropped dead (???). I'm hoping that I
can save my last few fish, but I highly doubt it at this
point. I'm about ready to give up on 3 years of
fish keeping because of this catastrophe in my
tank. Can you help? Do you have any
ideas? Thanks, ahead of time! MM. <I
normally only feed them a Spirulina flake, but I had run
out. So my 'nice neighbor' gave them a
tropical flake & too much of it (by the looks of the filters
when I cleaned them). Next time I won't have
anyone feed them. That was a hard lessoned learned!
Right now, I'm feeding them metro soaked Spirulina
pellets. Should I not medicate them? Should
I just stick w/the flakes? I have not had bloat for over
twenty years. It is mainly caused by stress. I have heard that
the fish get stressed and developed ulcers in their
stomach. The bacteria in the stomach run through the fishes
blood stream through the ulcers and are stopped in the liver
where they multiply and grow. The fishes immune system reacts by
diluting the liver with water and thus causing the bloat type
disorder you can plainly see. The bloat may have been caused by
you well meaning friend who overfed the fish while you were
gone.> They may have been stressed, because I added the new
fish about a week before I left. But everything seemed
fine before I left... <I suspect the ammonia levels were
elevated with lots of leftover food and the fish began to get
sick. You probably have lots of rock work in your tank too. There
were probably some dead bodies lodged under rocks and ornaments
that added to the problem.> Actually, the ammonia levels were
fine. I didn't have a single fish die until I got
home. I watched them wane & then I would remove
them immediately from the tank & followed up w/ a water
change & vacuum. <If you have any fish left, I would
stop feeding and continue to do your scheduled maintenance.>
How long should I stop feeding them for? I generally
do a 25% water change once per week. Should I change
filters at this point? I've treated for 2 weeks
& I'm not seeing a huge change in their behavior.
Like I said, I had 2 of them just kill over on me
yesterday. ): <The medicine has a
tendency to kill good bacteria too.> Should I no longer give
them medicated food. I was going to do this for a 7
day total. <Make sure your nitrogen cycle is still good by
checking on the ammonia levels. Any remaining fish should be fed
a good quality fresh Spirulina food. Some aquarists make the
mistake of buying food in bulk and it lasts them all year. If you
do buy food in large quantities, I would freeze most of it and
just keep a little in a can that can be fed in a week. This way
it will not lose the vitamin content or go bad.>
<Good advice on the bulk food! When should I start giving them
the flakes? should I "fast" them for a few
days first? <as you well know Mbuna like to be crowded. If you
add new fish and some of the older ones are still around you need
to add the fish at night before you turn off the lights.
Rearrange the rocks too. Mbuna set up territories and guard them
very well against new fish.> I did just this. I
actually rearranged, fed the original fish, turned out the lights
& slowly added the new ones. I read on several
different sites that you should never add new fish w/o
quarantining them first. I'm a member of the
cichlid forum - they are huge on the quarantine
thing. but it's a lot of work &
money! Do you think that new fish often bring diseases
into your tank? <Bloat is a common problem with Tropheus
from Lake Tanganyika. I would recommend a website called JDTropheus.com for a second
opinion on how he handles his bloat problems with his fish. The
same advice could be applied to Mbuna. <I'll check this
site out. I guess my fear is that they didn't have
'bloat' after all and perhaps I was treating them for the
wrong thing. I mean, I have been tedious about caring
for these fish & I've been losing them for 2
weeks! I just wondered if there was something else
that I can do. Do you know anything about fish that
freak out & dart around just before they die? that was
weird. <As far as replacing your fish, Mbuna are easily bred
and are very common all over the country in pet shops and at
aquarium society meetings. Stay away from the newer more
expensive fish for now until things settle down. You fish are
very active and your filter should turn the water over at least 3
times an hour but 5 times and hour would be much better. I would
recommend a book, Enjoying Cichlids by Ad Konings for a good
reference on keeping all kinds of cichlids. Good luck.____>
Thanks, but I wonder if I'm cut out for this fish keeping
thing. losing 12 fish is kind of a downer... <Dear
McCall, Sorry to hear about your tank. You are correct about the
main causes of bloat. For future reference, when you go on
vacation I would not have anyone come feed my fish unless I would
be gone longer than a week. I would lower the water temp. to 74
degrees and make sure my filters were clean and running well. For
food I would recommend a Spirulina flake only. In the wild
they eat algae off the rocks. A little brine shrimp flake every
once an awhile doesn't hurt either. > <Dear McCall, I
would recommend that you discontinue all medication. They are
dying faster from the medication then they ever would from the
bloat. Wait one week before feeding and let everything settle
down. Do a 25% water change and do your maintenance on your
filter and change the carbon with a good quality brand. Dump the
pellets. Get some OSI Spirulina flake. At the end of the week
check the chemistry of the water. All the nitrogen levels should
be normal and the remaining fish should stabilize. Even if fish
are still dying I would not add any medication at this time. The
medication you are using should have been used once at the first
sign of symptoms and another time one week later. Not
continuously. I suspect they have been poisoned or the medication
has totally wiped out the bacteria in their gut and they can no
longer digest any food. This would cause the frantic dashing
around the tank that you describe. Really Mbuna are some of the
easiest fish to keep. Stick with me and we will get you through
this and make sure this never happens again and we will make you
a successful aquarist. The quarantine thing is good but Mbuna
really don't get sick. The biggest problem with them is
aggression. Let things settle down and email me in a week. Let me
know what you have left and how things are going. We will take it
from there and get you back up and going in no time.
Re: I've lost nearly all my African Cichlids! Help!
I haven't really been medicating them
continuously. This is what I did: I did my first round
of metro when I first suspected bloat. I treated w/250mg of metro
per 10 gallons of water, every other day for 5 days (as the
instructions on the box read). I cont. to lose, approx. 2 fish
per day, during & after this treatment. I then read that I
should/could treat daily instead of bi-daily. so I did my 2nd
round, with probably a 3 day break in between rounds, &
medicated w/ 250mg per 10 gallons for 3 days straight. all the
while doing 20 - 25% water changes daily (as well as keeping the
temp up 82 degrees, adding Epsom salt & surface agitation for
air). it was either during or just after my 2nd treatment that I
started to feed w/ metro soaked flakes & or pellets. I've
done that for approx. 5 days now. I'm out of metro so I
won't be feeding them that anymore anyhow... do you still
think that it was poisoning? < It could be that or a
combination of things. We just may never know because we were not
there when it was going on. One other thing I would do is reduce
the temperature to 77 degrees. Last year when I was diving in
Malawi I measured the water temperature and found it to be no
more than 77 to 78 degrees. Lake Victorian cichlids seam to bloat
up like balloons when the water temp gets above 80 degrees. It is
a real problem in the summer without air conditioning.>
well, I'll follow your advise & try to get back on
track. first, I'll have to win a lottery to
replace all of those fish! ): < Your tank is
already set up. After awhile the fish will either die or get
better. If you want to stick with Mbuna then it would be best to
add the fish all at the same time. It is better to save up your
money and get them all at once rather than spread your purchases
out over a few weeks or even months. Small fish (1")should
cost around $5.00 each. Twenty fish would do well in a 40 to 55
gallon tank depending on your filtration. > thanks for
sticking it out w/ me! P.S. Here is my whole sob story
along w/ the advice & support that I received from the good
members at the cichlid forum: http://www.cichlid-forum.com/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=33777
not to put two pros against each other, because I know everyone
has their own opinion when it comes to dealing w/ fish, but what
do you think? < All so called experts rely on their past
experiences and knowledge to help answer questions. In many cases
there may be many different solutions because not two aquariums
are exactly alike. Look at all the books out there! I would
recommend you get a journal and record everything you do to your
tank. Daily water temp., water changes , type of food, what kind
of fish were added and when. etc... After a while you will see a
pattern developed. When something goes wrong you will probably
see some sort of variation from your normal routine. This
variation may or may not be the cause of the problem but it is a
good place to start looking. You could even set up a spread sheet
on your computer. Next time you have a question you could attach
the file for some one to review and see if they can find any
problems. -Chuck>
African cichlids I have 6 fish in a 30 gallon tank all
Africans all are fine except one. I have one African
bumblebee cichlid who in the last few weeks spends his time head
straight up hiding in a fake plant eyes cloudy and he is yellow
but as he is hiding all day he turns a really dark and black he
won't eat much and does not move his tail fins look a little
ragged but the concern are his cloudy eyes and also his straight
up stance sometimes he is head down but not moving much? I have
treated the tank with antibiotics but everyone else is fine and
swimming around healthy water test indicate no problems any help
is greatly appreciated......<Dear Tyrone, You did not mention
the other fish but I suspect the others are intimidating your
little bumble bee cichlid. I would place him in a little breeder
net that you can buy for a few dollars at the local pet shop.
Make sure that the top is covered so he does not jump out. Place
a small pvc or plastic tube in the net so he has somewhere to
hide. Make sure the pH of your tank is above 7 and add a
tablespoon of rock salt or sea salt_ for every 5 gallons of water
to the tank. They sell a rift lake salt as well that will work.
Follow the directions on the container. The salt will help
generate a slime on the fish and will get rid of the cloudy eyes.
The other fish are picking on this one and the tail will grow
back quickly. When the bumblebee cichlid has his tail back and
the eyes are no longer cloudy then he can be returned to the main
tank only after you do a few things. Just before you turn off the
lights at night, rearrange the rocks and do a 25% water change.
Put the bumblebee back in the tank and turn off the lights for
the night. The next morning they will be swimming around trying
to establish new territories. Good luck. Chuck>
African Wipe-out Follow-up (and Thanks!) Recently
I have asked you some questions and I've
appreciated your fast reply. My tank of African cichlids
was doing well, but today I noticed my Iodochromis sprengerae
(Rusty) had a single large white spot on its side. Its behavior
is normal, but I am worried for its health. <Mbuna
like yours are fairly aggressive and occasionally get into
fights. Wounds on the flanks may be caused by fighting or by the
fish accidentally rubbing against some sharp object. You fish
have teeth for scraping algae off of rocks and they can do some
damage when used on other fish. I would recommend adding some
African salts to the tank as per the manufacturers
recommendations. This will inhibit secondary fungus and bacterial
infections while increasing the fishes slime on the skin. There
are also water conditioners that will increase the slime on a
fish too. If the fish gets worse then I would put it in a
separate tank and medicate for wounds. No need to treat the
entire tank when just one fish needs the medication. Besides
antibiotics can affect your biological filters and really cause
havoc in your tank. Good luck-Chuck> Thank you, Rachel
Yellow "Lab" Question - Itchy Dogs? No,
Silly.. Labidochromis cichlid! Dear Magnus, my lab seems to
be scratching itself against the gravel. what is this
queer behavior? <When a fish does this it's referred to as
"Flashing". The fish has something that is
either irritating his gills (parasites) or it has agitating his
skin (bacteria, fungus, parasites). The fish is trying
to "rub" the parasite off. Which it
won't be able to. Most likely the fish will hurt
itself in doing so, or scratch itself and then allow the
infection to get into the skin. He is in need of
medication (suggest Maracide, since it is a broader base
medicine) to rid him of the problems. I suggest that
you also pick up a book on the general health care of
fish. This will be handy for you so you can turn to
the book and learn about issues rather than waiting for email
replies. I find that having a nice library of a few
good books on hand is extremely valuable. Good luck.
Frontosa's Mouth Hi, Thank you in advance to
reading my question. <That is what we are here for.> I have
a group of frontosa cichlids that seem to keep their mouths
closed, like they are stretching their upper lip downward. They
are only about 3 inches and too young to be holding. It's
only a few of them, the rest are fine. <Something like that
typically isn't an environmental problem. This might be a
case of physical deformities, and these birth defects are growing
more pronounced as they age. Frontosas breed quite
easily after the 3 year mark, and many people don't take into
account that in order to have good and healthy fish, breeding
needs to have multiple healthy blood lines. Chances
could be that the three fish that you have might be severely
inbred by the breeder. Mouth and eye deformities are common in
inbred cichlids. Many responsible breeders look for issues like
this and cull those fry so to keep lines pure.. If the case is an
issue of birth defects, then there isn't much you can do.>
When I feed them they don't/can't seem to open their
mouths to feed, but they get close to the food and somehow scoop
it. It is really puzzling and I can't figure out what is
causing this. Any help you can lend would be greatly appreciated.
<Probably the best thing to do is keep an eye on
them. Make sure that they are given clean water, and
monitor to see if they are eating properly. With a
hindrance to be able to eat they might not be getting all the
food that they should.> Thank You Adrian <Wish I could be
more definitive with an answer to help you and your
fish. But, I think it's best to keep an eye on
them and see what happens. -Magnus>
Sick Cichlid? Hello, I am writing with hopes of a
solution. <And I hope this reaches you well, please forgive
the delay.> I have a Copadichromis trewavasae which is wild
caught. It has developed two wart like growths. One is just below
its mouth and one is right by its eye. They are growing fairly
quickly. I am a long time hobbyist and work in the field but I do
not know what this is or how to treat it. <Although this could
describe very many diseases, the first things that pop into mind
are Lymphocystis, Columnaris, perhaps a fluke or helminth under
the skin, or possibly even an indicator of
mycobacteriosis. It might be a help to know how long
the fish has been in captivity, and how long in your care.> I
tried Rid Ich thinking a parasite but it was ineffective.
<Were there any improvements/changes at all during that
treatment? Did it get worse during that time?> I
say wart like because of the shape, the way it protrudes and it
is the same color as the fish tissue. <If the fish is
pale/scared, do the lumps still remain the same color as the
fish, or do they seem a bit dark or grayish? Have they
developed any "cottony" looking tufts? The
location of them (eye, mouth) seems consistent with the very
beginnings of Columnaris, which can look like a slightly
off-color lump in its early stages, but again, there are so many
things this might be.... At this point, if there's
no hint of the cottony tufts of Columnaris, I'm pretty sure
you can rule that out. Lymphocystis would develop into
whitish cauliflower-looking lumps, so if that hasn't happened
yet, I think you could rule that out, too. If the
lumps have developed into raised lesions, I think it would be an
indicator of mycobacteriosis. There is always the
possibility that these are small tumors, as well, in which case
there really is nothing you can do. If the fish is
only recently in captivity, I think there is a very strong
possibility of this being a fluke or helminth encysted under the
skin; if the fish is not badly infested, you might just wait it
out, or try treating with food containing Levamisole or
Piperazine - really, I think it is likeliest that this is what
you're dealing with. Again, some history on the
fish might help a bit.> Any insight would be appreciated.
Thanks for your time. <Sure thing - and again, sorry for the
delay. I hope all goes well for you and your
fish, -Sabrina> John
Mystery African cichlid deaths - 11/24/03 <Soooooo
sorry for the delay.> I really don't know if you can help
me, I have asked 3 different people their opinions and treated my
water with any number of different medications. <curious as to
what the others said???> I have a 850L tank, about 7 foot
long. In it we had 2 venustus at about 15cm, a blue dolphin about
the same length numerous others including electric yellows,
blues, peacocks (I think that's what they're called),
<yep> jewels and clown loaches and Bristlenose.
In the past, we've had a man come to clean the tank every 4
weeks. Recently, we've taken it upon ourselves to clean the
water (about 2/3) every weekend and cleaning out the filters as
well. <How are you cleaning out your filters??> We had
noticed that the venustus had been scratching but there was no
obvious signs of disease, and they were eating well.
<Interesting> We purchased 2 small yabbies (they were
blue), and a few days later one large electric yellow died with
no obvious marks. It was at this time that the fish went off
their food. Then venustus started to gasp. In the few hours
before they died, they started to jerk and had cloudy eyes. When
this occurred I used a product called Melaflex or Melafix in an
attempt to help the others who had started to gasp <I am not
sure I like this product. I have tried in the past when I had
some various issues with water quality but my fish continued to
have issues whether I used it or not. Save the money> I
changed 2/3 of the water but did not clean the filter (the water
smelt terrible!). <Carbon and a poly filter will help> A
few days later our tank cleaning man came and added an antibiotic
called triple-sulfa. <OK> By this time we had lost 15 fish,
including 2 clown loaches. <Very sorry> We found millions
of small snails floating on the surface, but it appears as though
the bigger ones are still alive. <Probably a result of the
Triple Sulfa> The blue dolphin was the only fish that had what
appeared to be white spot. <parasitic or missing scale?> We
have removed the yabbies, but fish have continued to die and some
are still gasping even though it is not an aeration problem, we
have a large air stone in the water <Doesn't necessarily mean
there is plenty of oxygen?> We have now added cycle in an
attempt to restore the water to a natural state. <More water
changes will help> We are at a loss to know what has gone
wrong, if it was the yabbies we would have thought that the pet
stores' fish would also be dead, but I have seen them alive
and well <Likely not the yabbies?? But always a good lesson
for quarantine> Please tell us if there is anything else we
can do besides removing all our existing fish and starting again
from fresh. <May be a gill issue or possible internal
parasite, but from what you describe with the twitching,
scraping, and the gasping as well as the loss of appetite, I
might be inclined to look into maybe some sort of gill malady.
Check through this site and see what the great many posters there
might have for you: http://cichlidforums.com/> We have salt
in the water and always add more when we change water I hope you
can help, we are getting rather desperate. <I would try
without salt as well. I know that the rift lakes seem to have
some traces of salts and minerals but try just aerating the water
and heating it before doing a water change in fact, do more
frequent water changes and use carbon. Try an appetite stimulant
like Selcon or Vita-Chem to see if that doesn't induce some
eating. Try some frozen foods as well, I like to use enriched
brine shrimp and other frozen cichlid foods. I think it is
important to get them eating before another treatment. You could
try Metronidazole for internal parasites, but not so sure this is
the issue. Look into the gills as a possible area of infection.
What about necropsy? Maybe a vet could identify the cause of
death and you could work from there. Just some suggestions but
really not identifiable through email unfortunately.
Cichlid Troubles Hello, I am new to the freshwater
aquarium world and I'm hoping you would point me in the right
direction on what I should do with my sick (or maybe not)
cichlids...I currently have 5 African cichlids no more than 2
inches, electric yellow, cobalt blue, red zebra, Kenyi and
auratus cichlids (they were 5 for $10, so I got one of
each.) I also HAD 5 blood parrots about 3-4 inches,
all have died recently due to Ich (they had white spots all over
their body.) <I'm sorry to hear that.> They
were all in my 90 gallon tank which was set up about 3 months
ago. I think it could be the water change that caused
them to get sick because white spots appeared on the parrots
immediately after the water change. <Quite
possible, if you didn't match pH and temperature on the water
change. I trust you did use a dechlorinator,
though?> I regret to say that we didn't check for nitrate,
ammonia, etc but only checked the pH. I don't'
think the water temperature was correct either, we had only one
heater that maintained about 75 degrees. My tank is
being cleaned right now and I have moved the African cichlids to
a smaller 5 gallon tank (might be a bit small) <Oh goodness,
yes that is a bit small!!> until the bigger tank is
cleaned. I also went and bought supplies for the
aquarium, such as medications, nitrate and ammonia testers,
aquarium salt and an extra heater. <Make sure you have test
kits for pH and nitrite in addition to ammonia and nitrate.> I
was told by LFS to quarantine the fish and separate the ones that
had white spots from the ones that don't, they had also told
me to treat all of the fish with Ich medicine because more than a
couple of fish had white spots, possibility that they're all
infected but not showing signs yet. <With Ich, I
would quarantine the fish together in the same tank and treat
them all for it - it is quite possible that even fish that
don't look infected really are, and have the parasites in
their gills> They show the early signs like scratching on
objects or rocks, hanging motionless at the top of the
tank. <Very sure symptoms, yes> The electric
yellow is the most active fish but now we don't' see him
as often as before and he's always next to the water flow or
the air pump. My Kenyi is also scratching and
sometimes looks as if he's having a seizure and my red zebra
all of a sudden developed redness along side his
gills. The Cobalt Blue is the most aggressive fish and
he seems fine. Auratus is starting to act like the
electric yellow. Should I be worried that they're
acting this way? I know these are signs but they
don't have any white spots. <They don't
need to have visible spots on them to be infected - again, they
may have parasites in their gills.> I do also have 2 mollies
(They were my first fish) and one of them only has 1 white spot
(definitely looks like Ich.) I read that it can take
only several white spots to do a small fish in.
<Indeed - if you see spots on the fish, you can be relatively
certain that they have Ich in their gills as well, compromising
their ability to take in oxygen.> Sometimes they splash at the
top of the water, as if gasping for air and resume normal
activities. This happens
occasionally. (They've been hanging around at the
top of the aquarium lately as well.) <Definitely signs of Ich
- the splashing can be to try to dislodge parasites, or can also
be in response to poor water quality - be sure to check your
ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH levels> Should I separate them
from the cichlids? <No, I would treat all the fish
together.> I have already begun to treat them with Rid-Ich for
the last 2 days. I have been doing a 20% water change
from the small quarantine tank everyday and checked for pH,
nitrate, ammonia, added some aquarium salt and stress coat, and
following with the Ich medication. <Sounds
perfect> Can I feed them during medication and how
often? <Feed as normal, or a little less.>
Should I not treat them now with the Rid-Ich and wait until white
spots appear (if they do) and then treat them?
<Treat all the fish; it sounds to me like all are exhibiting
signs of Ich> If so, how long should I continue treatment for?
<I would continue treatment for two weeks from the time you
started; if you're leaving the main tank fallow (fishless),
turn the temperature in there up to 85 degrees or so while
you're treating the fish; this will help rush the Ich's
life cycle and hopefully eradicate them from the tank when they
go in search of hosts and find none.> And when doing water
changes, is the water that I'm going to add to the tank
supposed to be the same temperature as the water in the tank?
<Yes, absolutely; this will help prevent future
problems. Major temperature swings can bring on
outbreaks like this.> Please help. I've lost
the parrots and it was sad enough and I don't wanna lose my
baby cichlids....I want them to grow BIG!! =o) All the advice
that you can give me is greatly appreciated. Sandy
<For some further reading, please check this out:
. Hope everything goes well for you, and that your
fish recover shortly! -Sabrina>
Cichlid Troubles II, and some praise Hi Sabrina, Thank
you for the advice...I must say, your website does wonders for
clueless aquarists like me! I don't know what I
would've done, probably nothing or something that
shouldn't be done, if I hadn't discovered your
website. <Thank you for the kind
words! It is indeed something that I am honored to be
a part of.> Taking your advice (although I was hesitant to
move all the fish to separate tanks because I really didn't
know what I was doing) I kept them all together and have been
treating the mollies and the cichlids with Rid-Ich. The male
molly who previously had one white spot HAS NO MORE
SPOTS!!! <Yay!> The only thing is that he seems
to be going through some fin and tail rot, (not sure if ICH can
lead to that but I think so or the cichlids may be nipping at
him) His tail is raggedy and so are his
fins. <Might possibly be a result of the
medication, the illness, or yeah, the cichlids. The
mollies probably won't fare very well with the cichlids in
the long run.> I'm a little over a week into treating the
fish with Rid-Ich and 20% water changes everyday (using Amquel to
remove ammonia, chlorine and all that stuff) I am actually seeing
some improvements. <Good to hear! Be
sure to keep up with the Ich treatment until all the Ich is off
the fish, and for the full life cycle of it thereafter.> As
for my molly, I'll be keeping him separated and treat with
Maracyn for the fin and tail rot after treating with
Rid-Ich. <Excellent.> The good news, THEY ALL
SEEM TO BE GETTING BETTER!!! Well I just wanted to
thank you for the advice and your website...there is LOTS of
useful information and needless to say, I've learned a lot
from reading all the articles and will definitely keep your site
as a reference for any future occurrences. <Again, thank you
so much for the kind words, and I'm so glad to hear of the
fishes' improvement! Keep up the good
work. -Sabrina> Sandy
Jewel Cichlids >Have a question. I have a 45
gallon tank with 3 pairs of convicts and one pair of jewel
cichlids. It seems that there was a huge festival of mating in
the tank, with everyone spawning at the same time..
>>Oh my, a cichlid orgy as it were? Hee..! >I just
cleaned the tank yesterday! Any way, my jewels just spawned
today, and this morning, everything was fine and dandy between
the two jewels, as it has been always when they have spawned.
Now, the male jewel has taken over the eggs, and the female seems
a little beat up and wont come out from her hiding spot. The male
will not let her back to her brood. When she does come out and
some color returns, and she nears her spawning site, the male
chases her away again, she turns grayish, and goes back to
hiding. Please give me some advice as to what I should do,
because out of all these fish, the pair of jewels are my
favorite, and the female is a part of that prized
possession. >>Of course, as the male wouldn't be
quite so brilliant if she weren't there to show off to.
I'm thinking that, even though the constructs and confines of
the tank with present mates (Convicts) were acceptable
previously, for whatever reason this is no longer the case. If
these were my fish, I would not hesitate to dedicate a tank to
them, providing MANY places for the female to hide. I will also
point you towards some sites I've recently discovered:
(COOL! I just noticed that it's a Linux construct!) Also, be
sure they're both getting top nutrition. >Thanks a
lot! Crystal >>P.S. Please accept my apologies for
the late reply, the person in whose inbox your message was has
had some computer troubles and it got past the rest of us.