FAQs on African Cichlid Parasitic Disease
(Ich, Velvet...)
FAQs on African Cichlid Disease:
African Cichlid
Disease 1, African Cichlid Disease 2,
African Cichlid Disease 3,
African Cichlid Disease 4,
African Cichlid Disease 5,
African Cichlid Disease 6,
African Cichlid Disease 7,
African Cichlid Disease 8,
FAQs on African Cichlid Disease by Category:
Social, Infectious (Virus,
Bacterial, Fungal), Genetic,
Related Articles: African Cichlids,
Malawian Cichlids: The Mbuna and their Allies By Neale Monks,
The Blue
Followers: the Placidochromis of Lake Malawi by Daniella
Rizzo, Cichlid Fishes,
Related FAQs: Cichlid Disease,
Cichlid Disease 2,
Cichlid Disease 3,
African Cichlids in General,
African Cichlid Identification,
African Cichlid Selection,
African Cichlid Behavior,
African Cichlid Compatibility,
African Cichlid Systems,
African Cichlid Feeding,
African Cichlid Reproduction,
Cichlids of the World,
Cichlid Systems,
Cichlid Identification,
Cichlid Behavior,
Cichlid Compatibility,
Cichlid Selection,
Cichlid Feeding,
Cichlid Disease,
Cichlid Reproduction,
Protomelas taeniolatus still flashing 7/22/10
As I was working on the 55gal tank I was keeping a eye on my 72 with
the Protomelas taeniolatus female that had been flashing and scratching
her head on the gravel and I saw her doing it again, this time with a
little more vigor. So I checked the water parameters again and found
the following results nitrites and chlorine at zero and the nitrates at
10 ppm. The water for all my fish tanks come from the same source and
none of my other cichlids are showing any signs of stress. Water
conditions were my first thought but everything is within the desirable
parameters for these fish.
My second thought would be ich but I haven't seen any white spots
on her or the other fish. No labored breathing like it's in their
gills. They have been in the tank for 2 months now which should of been
more then enough time for a out break of ich to occur. I'm not
going to start dumping chemicals in there just to see what might happen
without knowing what is the most likely cause. What else could cause
her to do this?
<Hi Paul. It does sound like either Velvet or Ick might be an
explanation, and a low-impact approach might be to use the old
salt/heat method. This shouldn't bother cichlids at all in the
short term -- though I'm sure you know about the possible
connection between sustained use of salt and the appearance of Malawi
Bloat. I do agree, the use of formalin, copper, etc. is generally best
avoided where possible. Do also look to see if the water is silty, and
check the sand you're using is "burrower friendly" --
some aren't, and these will irritate their gills if used in cichlid
tanks. Carib Sea are good about stating which are safe to use in such
tanks, and you can find the info on their web site, but other
manufacturers are not so transparent. One reason I recommend smooth
silica sand is precisely because it's always safe to use. The same
can't be said about Tahitian Moon Sand and the like. Cheers,
Re: Protomelas taeniolatus still flashing
Thanks for the quick response!
<No problems.>
The substrate in this tank is aquarium pebbles so the water is quite
I'm going to try the heat salt method. The correct salt to use
would be sea salt or kosher salt?
<Kosher or non-iodised "cooking" sea salt is fine. What
you don't want is marine sea salt mix as that has added carbonate
that will affect the pH and hardness. Actually, for the fish you're
keeping it probably could matter
less! But I'd still use tonic, kosher, or non-iodised cooking
As I understand it the mixture is 2-3 tablespoons per gallon with
elevated temp to about 84-86, leave heated over a period of three weeks
<Pretty much. I prefer to make up a jug of water with the amount of
salt required added to it, and then dribble this "brine" into
the tank in stages across a couple of hours. Minimises any shock to
your fish. Not that cichlids are much phased by salt, but some fish
are. I'd bump up the aeration if possible, because higher
temperatures means lower oxygen solubility.>
Then a 50% water change weekly, vacuuming the gravel well each time and
adding the salt/water mix with the new water? Is there anything that
I'm forgetting?
<Nope, sounds fine. I tend to do my usual water changes rather than
extra-large ones, especially when salt-tolerant fish like cichlids and
livebearers are concerned. But if you're sure you won't
otherwise change the pH or hardness by doing a 50% water change, sure,
do that instead.>
<Cheers, Neale.>
Pseudotropheus acei - parasite?
Parasites On Ps Acei 12/18/09
Hello WWM Crew, I hope you are well this morning (or whatever
time of day it is on your particular slice of earth).
My Pseudotropheus acei cichlids have white "things"
(descriptive, yes?), clinging to their fins. I have researched
various diseases/parasites, but I am completely flummoxed as to
what this could be. They look like white lines, approximately
two-to-three millimetres long, mostly clinging to the Aceis'
pectoral fins, although today I noticed two new ones on the
dorsal and anal fin of a mouthbrooding female (photo attached).
They are much larger than Ich. The one on her dorsal fin looks
like a little oblong egg. Yesterday, this particular female had
one attached to each pectoral fin, but today they have
disappeared, leaving only faint white traces. They seem to hang
on for a couple of weeks, then disappear. None of the other
Cichlids have them, only the Acei females. There has been only a
total of six of these white things over the past three weeks or
so; it is not something that is spreading fast. Do you have any
idea what this is?
Here are my tank specifics:
Ammonia: 0
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 5 - 10
kH: 9
gH: 13
pH: 8.0 - 8.2
50 gallon breeder aquarium
50% weekly water changes
Temperature: 25 C
Food: New Life Spectrum pellets, frozen Mysis, Emerald Entre,
various flake, Sushi Nori, cooked/shelled peas.
Decor: lots of hornwort, Vallisneria, rocky hiding places
Inmates: four Pseudotropheus acei (1M/3F), four Labidochromis
caeruleus, (1M/3F), three Aulonocara stuartgranti (1M/2F).
Thanks so much, as always, for your help! Carla
< A treatment of Fluke-Tabs should remove the parasites from
the fish.-Chuck>
Tropheus kiku has developed a bulge.
Wild Tropheus With Bulge 4/1/2009
The fish is a female wild caught Tropheus sp. Red .
She has been in the US for at least 17 months. Problem occurred around
Oct/Nov 2008. (Arrived from the lake Nov/Dec 2007 I believe)
I bought this colony from friend who is a large collector of Tropheus
here in Houston (where I live) in Jan 09, and he is keeping this female
until we can resolve this. (as he has more of the facilities to do this
for me, but I am doing as much leg work as I can, so I can take home my
last fish)
She has developed a bulge on one side of her body. Pictures included
see below. She is currently in a 20g hospital tank.
She has been medicated with a Melafix, Pimafix, Clout, Epsom salt and a
few other medications. Nothing seems to help. She eats, poops and
everything a fish normally does, including coming to the glass when
someone is near, come to the surface to hit the food like any Tropheus
does. I am most interested in a diagnoses, as this is something I have
been able to determine. Weekly 50% water change.
pH 7.75 electronically measured.
None of the other fish in the tank she was previously was in shows any
signs of this issue. This fish was in a tank with 10 other and 35+
Ikola (all WC). Hopefully the pictures will assist the most.
There is a lot of them so please bear with me.
Thank you J Jesper, Jesper Houken Prairie Fyre Administrator
< Wild fish come in with all kinds of parasites both internal and
Dealers can medicate to get rid of some parasites but sometimes not all
of them. Because you fish is wild there is no way to determine the age
of the fish. Older fish have a much more difficult time with stress
then younger fish. I have had wild A. calvus with the same problem. I
would recommend a treatment of a combin ation of Metronidazole and
Nitrofuranace and raise the water temp to 82 F. This combination should
treat both internal and external infections. While diving in lake
Tanganyika in 2002 I actually found wild fish affected with this
Malawi Cichlid With Ich Hi There, About six months ago we
noticed that our African Cichlids were scratching/flashing on our
aquarium decor (rocks, gravel, plants) after introducing some new
fish. We have *P. saulosi*, *P. acei*, two *C. moori*, a
couple of peacocks and some 'cuckoo' catfish, etc (total 21,
mostly fish<1yr old). All fish are displaying the
problem, but none have any external signs of disease as far as we can
tell. Over the past few months we've treated the tank
with Para-Cide by AquaMaster for control of external parasites
(Trichlorfon) on three separate occasions and also started Fluke &
Tapeworm tablets by AquaMaster (Praziquantel). The problem
seems to get worse when treatment first starts and then seems to
improve for a short time (or I could just be hopeful) but still
persists after treatment is completed. On two occasions we have removed
fish to put in separate tanks (two at a time using water from the large
tank) and they seem to have stopped scratching completely, without the
above treatment of Para-Cide in one case. The fish are otherwise
healthy (some are even breeding) and the water quality is maintained
for African cichlids (total hardness=18-20 degrees, carbonate
hardness=10 degrees, pH=8-8.2, ammonium=0ppm, nitrites=0ppm,
temperature=26 degrees, have had nitrates tested at
<5ppm). The aquarium is set up with fine marble chip
gravel, lots of rock, Vallisneria and Anubias. It's a 4ft tank with
approx 200L and we have an Eheim 2215 filter. We do a 20%
water change fortnightly and feed the fish daily with pellets and
occasionally frozen brine shrimp. No one seems to be able to tell us
what is wrong with our fish. We've lost one probably due
to an infected injury from scratching and I would hate to lose any
more. Are we on the right track with the treatments or could
it be something completely different? Thanks in advance for your help,
Carl & Monica < You have an Ich type protozoa infection. Do a
50% water change, clean the filter and vacuum the gravel. Treat with
Rid-Ich Plus by Kordon. The catfish are going to be very sensitive to
this medication. This is a newer formula and is supposed to be safer
for scaleless fish. Follow the directions on the bottle carefully. Add
a cup of rock salt per 20 gallons. of water. Do not feed while
medicating. After treatment use good carbon to remove the medication.
The fish are cured but the good bacteria in the system may be gone. Add
Bio-Spira from Marineland to replenish these bacteria. Watch for
ammonia spikes. You may have to recycle the tank all over again. Do not
over feed and use a Spirulina based food.-Chuck>
Malawi cichlids With Ich II 1/16/06 Hi
Chuck, Thanks for your insight and amazingly quick response! We're
in Melbourne, Australia; and I'm not sure we can get
Kordon's' Rid-Ich+ from our fish shop. Do you know
what the active ingredients are in this product, so that we can find a
suitable replacement, or should we contact Kordon ourselves? < It is
a combination of Malachite green and Formalin. I am sure that you have
some Ich medication available, I am just not sure how it will work with
your catfish.> We've printed out the product information sheet
from their website, but it's not straight-forward listing the
ingredients. Thanks (a lot!) and Regards, Carl & Monica < See if
you can find Clout. It may work as well.-Chuck>
My Nubilis is sick! Hi BOB, My
name is Michelle W. <Hi Michelle, Ronni here today answering the
freshwater questions.> and I have some serious problems with my
Haplochromis Nubilis, He was in a 135 tank with my other fish and a
female Nubilis and he was getting real aggressive with the other
fish, it could have been because of the female, she was holding and
I took him out of the 135 gallon tank for reason no. 1,
I didn't want no more fry and no. 2 he was chasing every thing
that went by him, but he was just fine when I took him out. The
photos that I sent are not so great but the first photo where he is
really dark, he looks great, I moved him into a 30 gallon breeder
that was available. About four weeks ago, I just noticed the other
day that he has a lump under his mouth, chin? and his gills are
looking funny, they look like they are folding up on the edges and
in side is really red, I sent some pictures and drew a line around
the areas where the problems are, he is in a 30 gallon tank , I
know these pictures are pretty bad!! <The pictures are fine and
were a great help!> But I hope you can get an idea any way. That
is not a stripe, that is the gap where his gill plate is suppose to
be, please help, I tried to medicate him first for bacterial and
then for parasite, now I am feeding him tetra food for bacteria and
for parasites. He is still eating thank god!! <First off, how is
the water quality in the tank he's in? Are any of the
parameters different than they were in your main tank (or have they
been different since you put him in the new tank?) It really looks
and sounds as if he has some sort of a parasitic infection though.
What parasite medication did you use? Check your LFS for
medications to treat internal parasites. If you can find one that
treats both internal and external parasites I would recommend using
that.> I would really appreciate it if you could get back with
me on this ASAP! Thank you again! Michelle W. <Good luck!
Re: My Nubilis is sick! Thanks Ronni,
<You're welcome> I had used Paragon II , but I
didn't use it long enough, <When using meds, it's
always best to follow the directions exactly.> since then I
did a water change, I have some clout, but first I will check the
water and use the clout, I hate doing that but, I know
sometimes you have to. I will let you know, he seems strong
enough, I hope. Wish me luck! Thanks!!!! Michelle W. <Good
Re: My nubilis HI Ronni, <Hi Michelle> I told you I
would let you know how my nuby is doing, and it doesn't look good,
when I feed him some of his food is coming out of his
gills! I still have clout in with him and he is eating but I
don't know what to do now, poor thing, I can't figure out what
happened to him! I hate when this happens! I will probably
have to freeze him, I don't know how old he was when I got him, he
was an adult when I purchased him so I don't know if old age is
part of it or what, thanks for listing to my problems. Michelle W.
<I am very sorry to hear this. Age could be a factor but I've
never heard of the food coming out of their gills because of age (or
illness for that matter). Wish I could have helped more. Ronni>
Re: My nubilis Hi Ronni, I didn't mean that the food is
coming out of his gills because he is old, I just meant that he got
sick so fast, and maybe he was more prone to diseases, I keep my water
clean, when I clean my tanks I always gravel clean them, I don't
just do water changes. Have you ever heard of this before?
(The food coming out of the gills?) Michelle Wrathell <My mistake, I
read your last message wrong. But actually, the only fish I've ever
heard of that has food come out of his gills is a friends Puffer and
then only when he eats Mysis shrimp. He doesn't do it with Brine or
other frozen foods; just the Mysis and we've never been able to
figure out why. While we're talking about foods though, have you
recently changed the food this guy has been getting? And has he been
getting a good variety including some blue-green algae (like
Spirulina)? Ronni>
Re: My nubilis Hi again Ronni, I feed my fish a variety of
foods from color bits tropical granules from tetra to tetra crisps and
the flake foods and now and then I get those frozen variety packs, the
one that has blood worms and shrimp. I do have some of that green algae
because I also have Tropheus moorii that likes it, I also have
Spirulina flakes, I will try some of that algae on him, I am not giving
up yet! I did a water change to give him a break for a while
and maybe medicate one more time just to be sure, he does look better
today, his gills are looking smoother and not so curled up and red, (a
great thing) why did you ask about the blue green algae? Are
my fish lacking something maybe? Michelle Wrathell <Hi Michelle.
I'm very glad to hear that he seems to be doing better! The blue -
green algae (Spirulina) is an important part of the diet for any
African Cichlid in captivity. Every breeder I've talked to
recommends that they be offered this several times a week. In the wild,
these fish are omnivorous. While a major potion of their diet consists
of small crustaceans and larval insects, they do graze on the algae
quite a bit and need this for proper health. In captivity, the lack of
this can lead to many different health problems, one of them being
'Malawi Bloat'. Even though it's called Malawi Bloat and
most often happens to fish from Lake Malawi, it can and does happen to
Cichlids from other lakes (like Lake Victoria where yours is most
likely from) and occasionally even the S. American Cichlids. Since your
fish readily takes flake or floating pellet food he should do just fine
with the addition of the Spirulina flakes. Try supplementing him with
them a couple of times a week and see what happens. This may be what
you meant by the green algae that your Moori likes but you can get
dried algae that can be clipped to the side of your tank with a lettuce
clip or that can be attached to a rock, this allows them to graze on it
a bit more than the flakes do since it doesn't foul quite as fast.
Basically, try feeding the Nubilus just like you do the Moori and see
if it helps. Ronni>
Enquiry (Tilapia parasite fauna information request)
Sir/Madam: Greetings!!!!!! I'm a fourth year Bs Biology student and
I'm having a thesis entitled " helminth parasites in the gills
and guts of tilapia". In connection, with this I would like to
acquire a copy of any published article concerning this subject or any
related literature about this topic. hope you could offer a few time to
read and could give a positive response of this request. Through your
positive reply my future will be brighten and it could give assistance
to my study. Until here, and I'm waiting for your reply. God
blesses you ! Respectfully yours, Andre Aggasid C/O College of arts and
sciences Central Mindanao University Musuan 8710 Bukidnon PHILIPPINES
<Hmm, good topic (Tilapia, Oreochromis cichlids are very important
food fishes in many places of the world). I don't have such
pertinent literature, but will post your message on our site
(www.WetWebMedia.com) in hopes that others may be able to help you. Bob
Tumors on my I have a trio of Kribs, 2 males and 1 female.
One male and the female have formed a bond and I expect will be making
babies soon. I've had success with breeding Kribs in the past so am
familiar with the behaviors I am observing. My question is about the
unpaired male. He has bumps near his tail that appear to be
tumors. <could be parasites too... added any live plants?>
By this I mean they seem to be under the skin, and pushing it up in
bumps. There are 4 or 5 of them. Some are whitish, others more brown.
They are small, maybe the size of a pinhead except where several sort
of blend together. The fish is under a lot of stress, he is definitely
a target fish for the mated pair. They ignored each other until the
"sick" fish was introduced to the tank. They then almost
immediately pinked up and claimed a territory. They both chase him
unmercifully, my tank is a 40 gallon and is not crowded plus has lots
of hiding caves, tunnels, etc... so he basically hides out a lot with
the Corys. On top of all that my honey Gouramis recently spawned and
the male of that pair also chases him out of "his" corner.
The "sick" fish's appetite is good and I make sure he
gets food while the mated pair is distracted with their own food.
I'm wondering what these bumps are. Do you have any idea?
Also if you do know if you have information on treatment I would
appreciate that too; plus information on contagiousness. Thank you,
Carla D'Anna <alas... too difficult to diagnose via e-mailed
description. Do look into Dieter Untergasser's Handbook of Fish
Diseases for a better ID and treatment. Best regards, Anthony>
Re: Tumors on my Kribensis? Thank you, I have separated that
fish from the tank and am taking him to a local fish store where I hope
I can get some information. I fear it may be parasites because yes, I
did add new live plants (water lettuce) from an outdoor pond and have
had a small snail population building. The fish appear to eat the eggs
and some of the smaller snails. I also have 2 1 inch Ram's Horn
snails from the fish store. So, while none of the other show any signs
of this if it is a parasite carried by the snails I suppose I may need
to treat the entire tank, not just the sick fish. <perhaps
not... begin with the sick fish separated to a QT tank> My problem
is I have so many types of fragile fish. 5 Cory cats, 1 upside down
catfish, 5 neons, 1 killifish, 2 mini dwarf Gouramis, 2 German Rams,
and now just 2 Kribensis (since I took the sick one out). Plus, I have
a floating bowl with about 20 honey Gouramis fry and I throw their old
water out by about 1/3 per day and replace it with tank water. PLUS,
the Kribensis are broody and may have already spawned so there may be
fry in the main tank. I guess depending on the diagnosis I may need to
kill off all the snails. <hmmm... I don't follow or agree. >
If it is a parasite that the snails are a vector for would it be likely
that the Ram's horns have it too? I don't mind getting rid of
the little wild ones but I'm fond of the Ram's horns. <I
don't think you have to rid either. The vector cannot maintain the
pathogen indefinitely. Once the tank is clean and all new entries are
properly QT'ed, all will be fine> If I do make the decision that
the origin of the problem is the snails what treatment do you recommend
to kill off all snails (in view of the fish I have). <good
heavens... don't kill anything! Especially not the innocent. The
plants and water are more likely carriers> Oh, tank is 40 gallons.
Ph is 7.2, ammonia zero. Filter is Magnum canister and an under gravel.
Just remembered, last partial water change I sucked up some one inch
living red skinny, skinny worms from the gravel. I did feed black worms
(live) once months ago, <also a VERY risky food... in fact,
that is the most likely import of the pathogen at this point. There
presence after one month suggests a nutrient problem in the tank
(overfeeding and/or lack of water changes that allowed them to survive
in the gravel> the Rams got ick and I learned my lesson. I treated
the tank and all the fish recovered except I lost several neons (I
understand they are fairly fragile, I tend to lose them a lot. When I
try to build the school up I'll typically lose 50% of the new
introductions. I get similarly sized ones so they can compete for food,
they seem to be accepted into the school and they never look sick. They
just disappear and I never find the bodies so I suppose the other fish
eat them after they die. I don't think they eat them alive because
I get large neons. My killifish MIGHT eat them but I doubt it, he is
about 3 inches and can eat some pretty big bugs but he seems to only
grab things near the surface. None of my other fish are over 2 inches.
Speaking of bugs, I do feed bugs from the yard to the killifish. Maybe
I should stop that. <terrestrial are OK and most FW aquatics
are cool too... the blackworms simply come from cess pools!> Plus I
maintain 2 containers of green water that attract mosquitoes and flies
and I feed those larvae to the fish. <very fine food> I
also feed the micro dots swimming about to the fry. This water was
originally tap water with lettuce in it that I left in the sun to grow
algae, it did not come from a pond. <also safe/fine> I love to
see spawning behavior, that is why I choose the Kribs, rams and
Gouramis. I've had all of them spawn plus angels, blue Gouramis,
guppies and Bettas in the past but all those sources of live food help
may be a source of illness. The fish love it and some pair is always
spawning but it may be causing more diseases too. I hate to raise brine
shrimp (messy) but maybe I'll get a daphnia culture going and stop
all the wild bugs. <wise, yes> What are your thoughts on any area
you'd care to comment? Thanks in advance for your advice. Fish
store employees seldom have much to say that I don't either already
know or worse, that I know is wrong. I probably should join a local
aquarium club and will look into that. <indeed one of the most
helpful things you could do!> Carla <best regards,
Help Me, Help My Fish Dear WWM, I was referred to you by some
people at Petco. I have an African Cichlid, I cannot say what type it
is. It is kind of brown and has black vertical stripes. Today I noticed
that it has been shaking its head as if something was wrapped around
it. But later today, I noticed that he twitches and shakes his whole
body, but mostly his head. He is about an inch and 1/4 long and only a
couple of months old. The other fish in the tank are fine. The PH
levels are fine and the nitrate level is also fine. My fish seems to be
irritable and in discomfort. He'll chase every other fish away and
doesn't seem to be able to be still, he darts around. I thought it
might be Ich, so I put in some medication. I am thinking about taking
him out of the tank, although the others are not messing with him.
Please help, I am very fond of my fish and hate seeing him in such a
way. The temperature is fine, oh yeah, and he rubs up against smooth
parts of the decor inside. What could he have, and what should I do?
< I think you are on the right track. There is something attacking
the skin of your fish. It may indeed be Ich or some other protozoa.
Rid-Ich from Kordon works really well. It contains Formalin that coats
the fish. Follow the directions on the bottle. Make sure the temp. is
up around 80 degrees. Add a teaspoon of rock salt to each 5 gallons of
water too. This will help create a slim on the fish to fight off the
attack. Keep up on your water changes and check that the rid-Ich has
not affected the biological filtration. If the tank starts to get
cloudy then check for ammonia. be ready for some water changes if the
biological filtration becomes affected by the rid-Ich.-Chuck>
Sincerely, Liza Castillo
Cichlid Troubles Hello, I am new to the freshwater
aquarium world and I'm hoping you would point me in the right
direction on what I should do with my sick (or maybe not)
cichlids...I currently have 5 African cichlids no more than 2
inches, electric yellow, cobalt blue, red zebra, Kenyi and
auratus cichlids (they were 5 for $10, so I got one of
each.) I also HAD 5 blood parrots about 3-4 inches,
all have died recently due to Ich (they had white spots all over
their body.) <I'm sorry to hear that.> They
were all in my 90 gallon tank which was set up about 3 months
ago. I think it could be the water change that caused
them to get sick because white spots appeared on the parrots
immediately after the water change. <Quite
possible, if you didn't match pH and temperature on the water
change. I trust you did use a dechlorinator,
though?> I regret to say that we didn't check for nitrate,
ammonia, etc but only checked the pH. I don't'
think the water temperature was correct either, we had only one
heater that maintained about 75 degrees. My tank is
being cleaned right now and I have moved the African cichlids to
a smaller 5 gallon tank (might be a bit small) <Oh goodness,
yes that is a bit small!!> until the bigger tank is
cleaned. I also went and bought supplies for the
aquarium, such as medications, nitrate and ammonia testers,
aquarium salt and an extra heater. <Make sure you have test
kits for pH and nitrite in addition to ammonia and nitrate.> I
was told by LFS to quarantine the fish and separate the ones that
had white spots from the ones that don't, they had also told
me to treat all of the fish with Ich medicine because more than a
couple of fish had white spots, possibility that they're all
infected but not showing signs yet. <With Ich, I
would quarantine the fish together in the same tank and treat
them all for it - it is quite possible that even fish that
don't look infected really are, and have the parasites in
their gills> They show the early signs like scratching on
objects or rocks, hanging motionless at the top of the
tank. <Very sure symptoms, yes> The electric
yellow is the most active fish but now we don't' see him
as often as before and he's always next to the water flow or
the air pump. My Kenyi is also scratching and
sometimes looks as if he's having a seizure and my red zebra
all of a sudden developed redness along side his
gills. The Cobalt Blue is the most aggressive fish and
he seems fine. Auratus is starting to act like the
electric yellow. Should I be worried that they're
acting this way? I know these are signs but they
don't have any white spots. <They don't
need to have visible spots on them to be infected - again, they
may have parasites in their gills.> I do also have 2 mollies
(They were my first fish) and one of them only has 1 white spot
(definitely looks like Ich.) I read that it can take
only several white spots to do a small fish in.
<Indeed - if you see spots on the fish, you can be relatively
certain that they have Ich in their gills as well, compromising
their ability to take in oxygen.> Sometimes they splash at the
top of the water, as if gasping for air and resume normal
activities. This happens
occasionally. (They've been hanging around at the
top of the aquarium lately as well.) <Definitely signs of Ich
- the splashing can be to try to dislodge parasites, or can also
be in response to poor water quality - be sure to check your
ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, pH levels> Should I separate them
from the cichlids? <No, I would treat all the fish
together.> I have already begun to treat them with Rid-Ich for
the last 2 days. I have been doing a 20% water change
from the small quarantine tank everyday and checked for pH,
nitrate, ammonia, added some aquarium salt and stress coat, and
following with the Ich medication. <Sounds
perfect> Can I feed them during medication and how
often? <Feed as normal, or a little less.>
Should I not treat them now with the Rid-Ich and wait until white
spots appear (if they do) and then treat them?
<Treat all the fish; it sounds to me like all are exhibiting
signs of Ich> If so, how long should I continue treatment for?
<I would continue treatment for two weeks from the time you
started; if you're leaving the main tank fallow (fishless),
turn the temperature in there up to 85 degrees or so while
you're treating the fish; this will help rush the Ich's
life cycle and hopefully eradicate them from the tank when they
go in search of hosts and find none.> And when doing water
changes, is the water that I'm going to add to the tank
supposed to be the same temperature as the water in the tank?
<Yes, absolutely; this will help prevent future
problems. Major temperature swings can bring on
outbreaks like this.> Please help. I've lost
the parrots and it was sad enough and I don't wanna lose my
baby cichlids....I want them to grow BIG!! =o) All the advice
that you can give me is greatly appreciated. Sandy
<For some further reading, please check this out:
. Hope everything goes well for you, and that your
fish recover shortly! -Sabrina>
Cichlid Troubles II, and some praise Hi Sabrina, Thank
you for the advice...I must say, your website does wonders for
clueless aquarists like me! I don't know what I
would've done, probably nothing or something that
shouldn't be done, if I hadn't discovered your
website. <Thank you for the kind
words! It is indeed something that I am honored to be
a part of.> Taking your advice (although I was hesitant to
move all the fish to separate tanks because I really didn't
know what I was doing) I kept them all together and have been
treating the mollies and the cichlids with Rid-Ich. The male
molly who previously had one white spot HAS NO MORE
SPOTS!!! <Yay!> The only thing is that he seems
to be going through some fin and tail rot, (not sure if ICH can
lead to that but I think so or the cichlids may be nipping at
him) His tail is raggedy and so are his
fins. <Might possibly be a result of the
medication, the illness, or yeah, the cichlids. The
mollies probably won't fare very well with the cichlids in
the long run.> I'm a little over a week into treating the
fish with Rid-Ich and 20% water changes everyday (using Amquel to
remove ammonia, chlorine and all that stuff) I am actually seeing
some improvements. <Good to hear! Be
sure to keep up with the Ich treatment until all the Ich is off
the fish, and for the full life cycle of it thereafter.> As
for my molly, I'll be keeping him separated and treat with
Maracyn for the fin and tail rot after treating with
Rid-Ich. <Excellent.> The good news, THEY ALL
SEEM TO BE GETTING BETTER!!! Well I just wanted to
thank you for the advice and your website...there is LOTS of
useful information and needless to say, I've learned a lot
from reading all the articles and will definitely keep your site
as a reference for any future occurrences. <Again, thank you
so much for the kind words, and I'm so glad to hear of the
fishes' improvement! Keep up the good
work. -Sabrina> Sandy